Who Runs Gov

The Plum LineGreg Sargent's blog

Open For Business

Hey, all. I’m happy to announce that my new blog is open to the public, which is to say, you. The new homepage is here.

It’s called The Plum Line, and it’s intended as a conversation about the New Order in Washington that officially kicked off two days ago – a conversation that will be heavily driven by you, as readers, if things go according to plan.

Some of you know me from my last position over at Talking Points Memo, where I ran Josh Marshall’s politics and elections site. You can now reach me by emailing me at sargentg@washpost.com.

The goal of The Plum Line blog (a Washington Post Company production) is straightforward. It’s to chronicle the new D.C order – as perceived and experienced by the people building it, as well as by the people who are resisting or at least coming to terms with it.

The blog will of course be about political power in D.C., as seen through the eyes of those who are tentatively picking up the reins and beginning to wield it in this new political era. But this blog emphatically won’t be just about who’s up and who’s down, who’s in and who’s out.

You read endlessly that Washington is a town that’s obsessed with power politics – no kidding – but presumably many of those who come here to work as political and policy professionals are interested in, you know, getting stuff done, in making policy and governing.

So this blog will also be about policy, as seen through the eyes of those who are making it, and governance, as seen through the eyes of those who are trying to do it right. The aim is to report to you how the players themselves perceive what it is they’re trying to do, and why they’re doing it. And of course to bring you plenty of news breaks and useful analysis.

That’s where you all come in.

Please inundate us with your insights. We want to hear from political pros and government insiders as well as regular readers – anonymity is guaranteed if you prefer it! Tell us what we’re missing, why we’re being dimwitted, and what we should be saying and reporting on. And of course, please send tips!

Again, you can now reach me at sargentg@washpost.com.

We kick off tomorrow morning. Hope to see you then — the homepage is here.

Posted by Greg Sargent | 01/21/2009, 11:30 PM EST | Categories: Uncategorized

34 Responses

  1. Paul D., Washington, D.C. | January 22nd, 2009 at 08:18 am

    First off, what’s with the name? My first reaction was that “The Plum Line” was a reference to the Plum Book which, if I understand it correctly, is a list of the 6,000+ positions in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government that are appointed. I thought this would be a great premise for a blog. Shining a light on those people who operate in the bowels of government and are often very influential with regard to Federal policy would be great. I am reminded of a former landlord of mine who was in such a position at Labor. This individual was a hardcore partisan but also willing to take the DC homestead tax on the property I rented. I would have loved to have seen that brought to light.

    Then, I thought maybe you were referring to a “plumb line” which is a weighted string used to construct buildings straight or measure water depth. Either of these could be appropriate analogies for the role of the blog too.

  2. Greg | January 22nd, 2009 at 08:31 am

    hey Paul, welcome. You actually nailed both of the name’s allusions. I hope you stick around and comment as much as possible — I’m hoping to turn this page into the pre-eminent discussion site about the new order in DC here.


  3. Crust | January 22nd, 2009 at 10:03 am

    Hey, Greg. Good luck with your new home!

    I think it makes sense to interpret “who runs government” expansively to include lobbyists (or “experts at … interests groups” as your “About us” tab delicately puts it). After all, lobbyists often write legislation. Some more disinfecting sunlight would definitely be helpful in that corner too…

    Since you’re including think tanks, does it make sense to include the media too? As you well know from your Horses’ Mouth days at The American Prospect and then TPM, often an influential op-ed or an agreed upon narrative in news coverage can end up driving public policy and/or political messaging. I’m thinking e.g. of whether single payer health care or a carbon tax is on the agenda depends in large part on whether the media consider those as realistic options to be seriously discussed or whether they ignore them or dismiss them as unserious. Media coverage is in large measure driven by what politicians talk about and advocate. But the causality goes in the other direction too.

    All stuff you well know of course, just saying. Forgive me if I’m advocating too much “mission creep”. ;)

  4. Greg Sargent | January 22nd, 2009 at 10:10 am

    hey Crust, glad you’re here … totally agree. we’ll be def expanding to those areas…

  5. Crust | January 22nd, 2009 at 10:14 am

    Glad to hear it. I see you’ve already expanded to the media angle in your second post (which I hadn’t seen when I submitted my first comment). Great stuff.

  6. Smoking Loon | January 22nd, 2009 at 10:43 am

    any masonic connotation with the plum(b) line reference?

  7. keywest784 | January 22nd, 2009 at 10:53 am

    I might not have as much education here on this blog as some do. My main concern is just have much more of the great country is going to be given away with this adminitration. And for the record, I consider myself to be a Conservative Democrat. If such that type of Democrat does excist. I spend two hours every day watching the news and scouring the net for information so when I speak, I pretty I have my facts.

  8. keywest784 | January 22nd, 2009 at 10:56 am

    Please excuse the spelling mistakes on my first post, Trying to type and watch “Joe in The Morning” with only one cup of coffee.

  9. DWIGHT BAKER | January 22nd, 2009 at 10:58 am

    I think of JOHN OFT TIMES he never backed down gave or up to the BUSH BUNCH and we need to form our own LOBBY in DC to help JOHN and the few others help BARACK along the right paths. READ ON and get involved.

    By Dwight Baker dbaker007@stx.rr.com

    We need your help. And so does Barack. Our nation is on the edge of collapse and we all must care. Without us your work is nil. You need us to keep your advertisers paying in. The more post the better the revenue stream. I think you will agree that about 3 to 5 million of us worked hard and paid in bucks to get Obama elected. And that was good for you as well.

    The only way for us as inclusive and communed in work to saving our nation is for us to form our own WE THE PEOPLES LOBBY IN WASHINGTON DC. Now what can THE HUFFINGTON POST do about that? You and the staff can digest the concept of WE THE PEOPLES LOBBY. It is a political doable deal. No one can get in the way. It is strictly Patriotic Advocacy with NO political or FAT CAT TIES. You could take it on and do it.

    But I am just one plain ordinary good and godly guy and I need help to get this pushed through. You have lots of connections to get opinions from many others that I just don’t have. You could get interviews with AARP and others like them to get their appraisal of how the WTPL would benefit them.

    You taking the lead and SPEAR HEADING THE CONCEPT would do nothing at all to hurt what you have going on but help in every possible way —– that I can see.

    No country in the history of mankind has been so close to doing the things HE said do. But seems the fight uphill back from the gloom of our waywardness that we allowed could be helped greatly if HE was to bless our work.

    I am a BONDSERVANT TO AND FOR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST he pays me and takes care of my every need. So I need nothing at all from any one. No golden parachutes or rides in a big fancy cars, no notoriety or honoree doctor’s degree, or noble prizes or back rubs from the hubbubs not even thanks.

    I worked on this because of my dedication and love for this country and to BRING TO THE BAR OF JUSTICE all those unsavory folks who have lied too cheated and robbed out of our RIGHTS TO LIFE in our great and abundant AMERICA. And of course for my posterity and all my family, friends and kin.

    I am a 1944 high mileage human and I don’t have the stamina to do this thing. It is a NOBEL cause and many of your folks could pony right on in to finish this grand task and be richly blessed in doing.

    I would kindly like to have a private response as soon as possible.

    Dwight Baker


    To Whom It May Concern:

    We need your help. We want to replicate what the Grange did way back when—- that has been so successful in many ways for our Democracy.

    We need to be associated with others that have plowed that ground before and none is better at that than the Grange. We are in the first birth pangs of getting this huge job under way and we will get there and soon. Most that we know at this time have their own agendas and so on and have their boat loaded with books, TV appearances talking engagements etc. We are still looking for one or a group to spear head the effort till all is set and we are on our way.


    We are about 3 to 5 million strong —- those of us that help elect Barack Obama—- many of us were not red or blue but intelligent folks that knew we needed to get saving our Nation.

    We have no other agenda than as advocates for the vast majority of Americans. And we know that we must have an impact in Washington DC or not much at all with happen towards our work to bring equity and normalcy back into our sane and sanguine American Culture.

    We are not out to publish any kind of religious agenda or any kind of radical change to our Democracy. What we are out to do is form a public funded ADVOCATE LOBBY with long and strong tentacles to help us sway many in CONGRESS to work the work that is most needed in America today. And above all obey the wishes of the people and enforce the laws in our Constitution.

    We believe we can form our own NEWS NET WORK called the WTPL WE THE PEOPLES LOBBY and air that on CSPAN with real news instead of views.

    We believe that we can propel along the need to expand the Justice Department five fold and begin cleaning up the mess the BUSH BUNCH and their pundits of about 5,000 have done for the last 40 years. For without our LAWS in our CONSTITUTION being enforced we, as a people will fall then fail as all other vile and evil at the core tyrannical empires have.

    We believe that we can have a good impact on how the local banks respond to smaller lending needs for those who have smaller request again as once was in days past —- but not now. We believe we can have an impact on how our inventors are helped along with cost of patents and then the capital needed to fund the small startups that follow, along with close intervention and consultation to take those really good ideas to the stock market to offer IPO’s.

    We believe that we can have a strong needed impact on the health care of our VETS. Along with pushing for more psychiatric centers helping those many returning from our current wars.

    We believe that we can garner much support from colleges and universities that have needs to air the work of their students and faculties about their ideas about change needed now in America.

    We believe that we can have the guardians at the gates on the walls and halls of CONGRESS to make sure that—— NO—— laws are pushed through without the public knowing who, what, when and how much.

    We believe that health care and the survival of social security can be accomplished while on our watch.

    We believe that we can get more equity in our Democratic system in everyway,

    We believe that we can bring an end to unjust usury being charged and waged against our populace by the credit card industry.

    We believe we can offer better controls on our energy policies and the needs present to protect our air water and land.


    Please let us know what you can offer with the ideas submitted

    Dwight Baker Chairman of the Grass Roots Coalition
    Po box 7065
    Eagle Pass TX 78853
    Tel/fax 830-773-1077

  10. HumanityCritic | January 22nd, 2009 at 11:13 am

    Hey Greg, glad the new site is up and running – I followed you from TPM, so I’m rooting for you.

  11. earl moreo | January 22nd, 2009 at 12:01 pm

    You might rethink the name on your blog, as I came here expecting some sort of blog dealing with Federal appointments and perhaps tracking of Federal contracts.

    If it is rectitude in government you are going to track, perhaps it ought to be Plumb line.

  12. bellesouth | January 22nd, 2009 at 01:11 pm

    Congratulations on your new site, Greg. It looks very promising! This is my first visit and there is a default on the name (keywest…) and mail (keywest…@ yahoo). These are not mine but must be somebody’s. Might want to fix that. Can wait to come back.

  13. bellesouth | January 22nd, 2009 at 01:11 pm

    Can’t Wait!

  14. jzap | January 22nd, 2009 at 01:17 pm

    Hi, Greg! Happy to see you’ve surfaced in your new plum gig!
    GREG SAYS: ***I’m hoping to turn this page into the pre-eminent discussion site about the new order in DC here.***
    I believe you. But getting there will be impeded by the lack of a mechanism for readers to reply specifically to other readers’ comments. A Reply-To feature on comments will make your blog a much more attractive site for spirited discussion.
    You should have a serious talk with the Top Geeks there. But one thing at a time; don’t push for avatars ’til you’ve gotten your Reply-To button!
    If anyone can drag the MSM into the Brave New Cyberworld by its fledgling offshoots, it’s you. Or someone like you :-)
    Sincere best wishes and good luck! –jzap

  15. WARREN PIECE | January 22nd, 2009 at 01:22 pm

    Great name. Perfect really.

  16. Redshift | January 22nd, 2009 at 02:51 pm

    Hi, Greg,

    I like the new digs! This is gonna be fun!

  17. Greg Sargent | January 22nd, 2009 at 03:05 pm

    man, the whole crew is coming back. I’m moved.

  18. Linda | January 23rd, 2009 at 03:11 pm

    Do you review messages before their posted? I made a comment on my concern for taking away some of the CIA’s ways of investigating and protection this country. The rest of my message was about John Conyers wanting to investigate Bush and Chenany. I believe this is a mistake, because we have not had any more 911 attacks since Bush was President. I know a lot of you don’t care for Bush. I was extremely disappointed that more wasn’t done on immigration issues. This is the real real problem. That is why our healthcare system is broken. and so many on welfare. Obama said in his Inagural address that he wanted everyone to work that could and I was very impressed with his speech.
    I used to work a little bit in housing and lenders and have a few things to offer. I don’t want to sound anti-Obama. I am 65 years old, a retired government worker and if anyone cares to post my messages, I would be happy to give you what input that I can and have over the years and tried to improve some things in government, but the problem is there are entirely too many political appointees and too many layers of higher paying officials that don’t really know anything about how to implement policy and regulations. From I have read, this is an interesting start for a grass roots program.

  19. Rosie Waugh | January 24th, 2009 at 07:10 am

    Good luck with the new blog Greg, look forward to you keeping us up to date with the new DC order over here in London!

  20. Juanita | January 25th, 2009 at 01:49 pm

    There has been mention on papers that Bush appointee Howard Radzley is “running” Labor. What in heavans name is Obama going to do about labor. Its not just about legislation, its about enforcement, which Obama has complained about. If he cant get his nominee in quickly (which it looks like the Senate Republicans are holding up — and what is doing about), what is he doing? Will he do ahead and name his own appointees to key posititions that do not require Senate approval to get his agenda, which was voted yes on by a majority of votes, moving? What is going on?

  21. DWIGHTBAKER | March 26th, 2009 at 05:51 am


    We must look at family and social impoverishment of our many from ages 13 to 28 that have profound negatives impounded on them while young. Scarring of ones goodness found in their innate conscience is a problem that we have as a nation that must be solved. Long arduous tear filled years living with lies upon lies being told to Americans to disguise the robbery from all of US in our people, jobs, benefits and the rapping of our communed treasury has left those mentioned in a state of debate —- not knowing the good for that was robbed from them when young in many ways.

    So what should we do —- those of us 5 million strong and not inane to the political games should JOIN IN and form our own advocate group to lobby for us in Washington DC. To bring a real and long lasting change that will give all HOPE again to right the many wrongs that have laid in wait to destroy our young.

    So what are we to do? A good idea is for us to form our own lobbying efforts. The concept is not new the Grange did a similar thing and changed the way our federal Government worked —http://www.nationalgrange.org/

    In some foreign countries advocates for the people are doing likewise, in America today many advocates to help those with disabilities are do the same.

    Now FOLKS we are 5 million strong, simply saying that we must mount a front to confront the ones who use money thrown at lobbyist to get what they want that most times is against the populous NEEDS, WANTS OR WISHES.
    We the People in Unity

    We believe that our United States of America has grown in population such that our voices in representation in our federal government has diminished to a degree that we must in solidarity form our own We the People Advocacy to lobby in Washington DC. To make our voices heard once again.

    When we were a young nation of less that five million the size of our Congress and Senate had an ear to the grass roots needs of our people. Our population now is over three hundred million and the size of our Congress and Senate has not keep up with our growth. Therefore We the People in Unity declare that our city, counties states and Federal Governments have grown too centralized, too intrusive, too exclusive and too expensive.

    We believe in Constitutional oversight by the people, smaller governments, Rights to Life for everyone in civil liberties, federalism, and taxes that span the great gulf of all our contributing members and resources and be assessed with equity for all.

    We the People in Unity want to make a stern call to all elected and charged to govern us to end laws and programs that don’t work, eradicate the laws, programs and agencies that cause harm, and cause a call from our Department of Justice to summons those that have clearly violated the basic tenets of our Laws in our Constitution to be held to account.

    We the People in Unity want the power to restore the full force of ALL the amendments, in our Constitution which will bring back the power to us to govern ourselves in all needed sane sanguine and society social functions and end NOW our needless and warrant less wars —- and in the future —-deny the use of all preemptive aggressive wars that have robbed from us our people and our communed treasury.

    TO JOIN IN TODAY to have your VOICE heard once again We the People Advocacy WTPA
    Contact dbaker007@stx.rr.com

  22. DWIGHTBAKER | March 26th, 2009 at 07:14 am


    In the Biblical Text Nehemiah hit a grand slam home run out of the park years ago. We think we have problems today in America we simply don’t have a clue what Nehemiah went through. So when you get a chance pick up your Bible and read that account of how and what Nehemiah did and then never forget —– he did it in just fifty [50] days.

    Now, some of us are Nehemiah’s of new. Through providence GOD has raised up many that like Nehemiah that can get it on for us in America today. Now are you one of those —- called, as Nehemiah was to organizing and orchestrating the people to work for the common good ?
    If so what should you do? —- A good idea is for us to form our own lobbying efforts. The concept is not new —- the Grange did a similar thing and changed the way our federal Government worked —years ago and they remain today in Washington DC. http://www.nationalgrange.org/
    In some foreign countries advocates for the people are doing likewise, in America today many advocates to help those with disabilities are do the same.
    Now FOLKS we are 5 million strong, simply saying that we must mount a front to confront the ones who use money thrown at lobbyist to get what they want that most times is against the populous NEEDS, WANTS and WISHES.

    We the People in Unity

    We believe that our United States of America has grown in population such that our voices in representation in our federal government has diminished to a degree that we must in solidarity form our own We the People Advocacy to lobby in Washington DC. To make our voices heard once again.
    When we were a young nation of less that five million the size of our Congress and Senate had an ear to the grass roots needs of our people. Our population now is over three hundred million and the size of our Congress and Senate has not keep up with our growth. Therefore We the People in Unity declare that our city, counties states and Federal Governments have grown too centralized, too intrusive, too exclusive and too expensive.
    We believe in Constitutional oversight by the people, smaller governments, Rights to Life for everyone in civil liberties, federalism, and taxes that span the great gulf of all our contributing members and resources and be assessed with equity for all.
    We the People in Unity want to make a stern call to all elected and charged to govern us to end laws and programs that don’t work, eradicate the laws, programs and agencies that cause harm, and cause a call from our Department of Justice to summons those that have clearly violated the basic tenets of our Laws in our Constitution to be held to account.
    We the People in Unity want the power to restore the full force of ALL the amendments, in our Constitution which will bring back the power to us to govern ourselves in all needed sane sanguine and society social functions and end NOW our needless and warrant less wars —- and in the future —-deny the use of all preemptive aggressive wars that have robbed from us our people and our communed treasury.

    TO JOIN IN TODAY to have your VOICE heard once again We the People Advocacy WTPA
    Contact dbaker007@stx.rr.com

  23. DWIGHTBAKER | March 27th, 2009 at 08:54 am


    Nimrod was the first great hunter of men. And from him came a myriad of matters things and plans of control that he used to manipulate the masses for his self-interest.

    What has changed from that time till now?

    Some in power today that have given us a reason to be skeptical —- of their continued performance —- they have a record of searching for and using controls like those of old —- to manipulate people for their self-interest. So then what are we to do?

    What are the messages from the past held in history —– that we seem to be missing —– in not being able to escape from those that repeat the past grossness committed against mankind intentionally?

    Thus, has the creation of mankind and his steps forward unto now —– not laid our a perfect scenario for us to follow —— to NOT follow the tenets of the Nimrod types and allow the repeat of history to bring our Great and Abundant America Down like has been the course in human kind history?

    Or has in the scope of normal folks day to day existence that have NOT the plans to control the worlds masses as their slaves —— caused a opaqueness to shroud from their minds the terrible things that are known to have existed in history?

    And could that horror of our soon demise be the source that has caused us as American people to be held in dilemma’s in an inordinate manner that has not sanity nor history at its core for reason?


    All to often some people want someone to shame then blame when things go wrong not right. Thus is the case for most civilized so-called life today. But could that kind of mindset be civilized. I think not.

    Name just one of the many civilizations that have come about—- where a high potentate, king or president — the biggest—big shot— in charge led the people to a civil existence? Still waiting!

    And we in America today are still trying to emulate the old forlorn and mostly forsaken Roman Empire. They had a Senate composed of the Big Barons that had the great wealth of the nation bestowed on them [spoils of war] — to watch over the Big Shots political and military men, how can that be done? And likewise we still have the same twisted, convoluted ideas of political rule today. Are —- We Just Dumb or Would We Rather have —- [a someone else]— to shame and blame?

    If that is so are we really civil? Civil means communal and that for sure we are not. Are we a tribe that is banded together by the Rule Of Law? I Think Not. Our rule of law in America since our birth has been the crooked and perverse lawyering of the SEE SAW YAW of the LAW.

    Bottom line: When a people forsakes the principles in words and deeds done to rule themselves—–the tyrannical will take over and promise they will do that job for them. Then just one more repeat of History comes upon them. That is a pretty dim view [but historically correct] of how civilizations come and go and all are made to suffer in the end by their inactions to rule themselves and thus all turn loose then lose their Rights to Life by their own cowardly inactions.

    What can change the format for our time in history in our Democracy?

    JOIN IN the Grass Roots Efforts to form WE THE PEOPLES ADVOCACY

    For more info contact

  24. DWIGHTBAKER | March 31st, 2009 at 10:54 am

    March 31, 2009


    The waves of tyranny have subsided for a while in our favor now we have a sane sound true to the core good man in charge for the first time in over 30 years in our history. And to use the word blame originates from the word guilt and that evolves from the word transgression or offense. Our President is not about any of those words—his words and deeds up to this time has been the best that he could do— but he like many others that are in the lime light in leadership know that all work is in a state of progress, and when that is being done —flexibility is the core of reason. And who rises to the occasion to give sound advice but then fails to deliver will be excluded and their words deeds will be revoked by lawful means immediately that is MY TAKE. Is not that the reason for having so many folks hired by us to take care of all the ins and outs of running the biggest, best and greatest government in the world to date? Then whom do any of us know with a job on that grand scale can Micro Manage successfully? Try to name just one.

    Yet the call from our President when running for election was “All would be needed to get to fixing our nation” the job by him up to this time has been as good as any could do given all the huge problems. But have we done our parts? Not that I am aware —- many commenting, posting or blogging remain in the same state of mind when the BUSH BUNCH was in power just griping and complaining not giving ideas how to help.

    Has our humanity become less —- that some seem to have abandoned the belief in our new President that he could lead us out of our pitiful situations and mess’s that we have found ourselves in? And for some has hope become dim and — many now spend most of their time digressing toward the give up, give in to anarchy mentality, then revolt when in grief, and no relief is in reach — taking their anger to the streets? History proves that attitude has destroyed many people and property in civil societies in the past?

    But a new dawn of Democracy is here for all to have a Vested, Voice and Vote in all matters of importance in our Federal Government. Read on.

    There is only one way to get rid of the many dilemmas doubts hopelessness that abounds and that is in our message of hope as —- read below.

    If you are one that loves this land and our rich diverse people and you want your VOICE heard and a VOTE then read our preamble and take the rights steps to become a contributing Vested life time member/partner.

    We the People in Unity

    We believe that our United States of America has grown in population such that our voices in representation in our federal government has diminished to a degree that we must in solidarity form our own We the People Advocacy to lobby in Washington DC. To make our voices heard once again.

    When we were a young nation of less that five million the size of our Congress and Senate had an ear to the grass roots needs of our people. Our population now is over three hundred million and the size of our Congress and Senate has not keep up with our growth. Therefore We the People in Unity declare that our city, counties states and Federal Governments have grown too centralized, too intrusive, too exclusive and too expensive.

    We believe in Constitutional oversight by the people, smaller governments, Rights to Life for everyone in civil liberties, federalism, and taxes that span the great gulf of all our contributing members and resources and be assessed with equity for all.

    We the People in Unity want to make a stern call to all elected and charged to govern us to end laws and programs that don’t work, eradicate the laws, programs and agencies that cause harm, and cause a call from Justice to come to all that have violated the basic tenets of our Constitution.

    We the People in Unity seize the power to restore the full force of ALL the amendments, which will bring back the power to us to govern ourselves in all needed sane sanguine and society social functions and end the use again and end now all preemptive aggressive wars that have robbed from us our people and our communed treasury.

    TO JOIN IN TODAY to have your VOICE and VOTE heard in We the People Advocacy WTPA
    Contact DWIGHT BAKER dbaker007@stx.rr.com

  25. DWIGHTBAKER | April 4th, 2009 at 01:20 pm

    April 4, 2009
    To the Honorable President Barack Obama
    Of the Untied States of America
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    OPEN LETTER — To whom it MUST concern

    Mr. President,

    First and foremost our strong voices are raised for your truly good efforts taken for us in the G-20 SUMMIT. All have spoken up for the way you stood out and up for the good and told all that the bad would be held to account.

    I am but one voice in America today that has your interest at heart. My words are fashioned best as I can. So what I propose or say is never meant to bring any one or any thing into being called intent to deride or chide.

    Thanks for all the good work you are doing, and in keeping with your status as our President. We have prayed that you would not back down or cower to anyone.

    Many of WE THE PEOPLE are proud to be Americans and we are NOT inane of political science and the actions needed to protect and insure our equity in justice. And because of that we respect your work and for those high and lofty goals to be the centerpiece of your Administration. With you as our solicitous vanguard we do have HOPE once more. In you taking the lead with your strong and strident voice and will in words and deeds to overcome all the many things, people and matters facing our solvency and sovereignty in our rich and abundant America.

    In keeping with our Pledge to work the work of helping you CHANGE THINGS we offer this next bill for your assessment.

    HR 875 Is Not About Food safety, It’s About Genocide of Agricultural Biodiversity

    One of the most potentially dangerous bills we’ve ever heard of is trying to sneak its way through Congress right now, in the sheep’s clothing of so-called “modernization” of food safety. HR 875 (text of bill) is a bill put up by Monsanto and other monolithic corporations
    trying to seize totalitarian control over all agriculture. It was introduced by Rosa DeLauro, whose husband WORKS for Monsanto, and is ultimately about one thing, defining ONLY their own GMO products as” safe”.

    What makes the bill so dangerous is that it is heavy on penalties including prison time, while at the same time being incredibly vague about what would actually trigger those sanctions. HR 875 is nothing but a Trojan horse, with an invading army to be designated later, in the form of an bureaucratic administrator (most likely a corporate lobbyist shill) with draconian LAW MAKING POWER to make up their own definitions so that all competitors are either driven into bankruptcy or locked up. There are problems with food safety we can talk about, but HR 875 is not going to make us safer, any more than invading Iraq made us safer. It MUST be stopped.

    Stop HR 875 Action Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/action/pnum959.php So in the midst of this attempted Panzer action by Monsanto, are we hearing about any of this in our propaganda based mainstream media? No, they distract our attention talking about Michelle Obama’s adorable organic garden at the White House, as if she is making agricultural policy.

    But will that little White House garden end up as something like a diorama, a quaint reenactment of what farming used too be like when it was healthy, they way they would reenact Betsy Ross sewing the first American flag? Will they lull us into complacency while down
    the street Congress at the same time paves the way for breaking the back of every small farmer in the country, turning our entire agricultural system into a chemically over-treated, Genetically Mutated Organism (GMO) nightmare?

    One thing for sure all of us agree you have guts to want the job of being our President to lead us out of the espionage and sabotage done by some corrupting our Nation that has been going on for a long time. And one thing you can count on us for doing —-is watching your back day and night, best as we can.

    What ever you need us to do just tell us. Give us BIG JOBS to do —-there is a lot of folks that will work for free to help us get back on our feet—-WHY — They like me love this our home America —– think about holding a SUMMIT with the many others that have a good heartbeat from the grass roots of the American folks right now.

    As in all good things —- change comes little by little and we should not rush any longer to put out fires that might be needed to burn down the old failed ways of doing business as usual —– that has us in the fix we are in.

    Best regards

    Dwight Baker
    Co –Founder of the Bondservants of Christ Jesus Ministries
    Chairman of the Voices of We the Peoples Lobby now [Advocacy or WTPA] grass roots actions

  26. DWIGHTBAKER | April 17th, 2009 at 09:08 am


    The Robber Barons planed their moves to cheat lie steal and kill the American People decades ago. As seen today—many sit back and say foolishly gosh what went wrong?

    Then many others in the MEDIA VIEWS begin to mumble some untenable bunch of hogwash and at the end of the day WE THE PEOPLE are more confused than before they began to speak.

    However many in America in the white collar working class joined ranks with the Robber Barons when they began to play poker with them on Wall Street. But to most dismal surprise the little bottom feeders have no way of getting much other than 2-3-4-9-8 in their hands. While the Robber Barons keep turning over Aces, Kings, Straight Flushes etc. WHY they have the cards marked.

    So to the point at hand boldly as I can tell — these terrors in horrors from the BUSH BUNCH MORONS were planned decades ago and their moves to mark the cards where all would loose but them has been planned out to the ‘T’. It all began when the CIA was created and Yale University was used to train the train robbers for the OLD LINE OF ROBBER BARONS. And since the creation of the SKULL and BONES secret society all has been going according to plans.
    John Simkin (BA, MA, MPhil) Author and creator of SPARTACUS

    CIA OPERATIVE David Sanchez Morales was born on 26th August 1925






    Some will say “conspiracy theory “ others will say “Baker give us a break who in the hell has got time to study these days,” if so then you have shown your ignorance. For if not History be our guide what then?

    Dwight Baker We The Peoples Advocacy WTPA leading the way out of mediocrity to a new day with Rights of Life for everyone with Justice in Equity.
    For info contact Dbaker007@stx.rr.com

  27. DWIGHTBAKER | April 25th, 2009 at 06:28 am


    Those that espouse to the tenets of the secret group of BILDERBERG are those in Obama cabinet and the BILDERBERG have published intentions of running the world. Sound like NAZI Germany not far from wrong. And while those in that mindset are running rampant —— we the people in the US today are treated as dunces standing in the corner with our nose in a hole. On President OBAMA staff are those that are ripping our nation apart and giving all the cream to their buddies in the BILDERBERG group.

    Case in point Chrysler is forced into bankruptcy —– FIAT is going to take over, who looses is the investors to the tune of $6.9 billion chump change when you are a Bilderberger.

    NOW THIS GUY Giovanni_Agnelli started FIAT long ago and ponyed up to Nazi Germany and made a fortune while doing —- along with many other seemed big GOOD CORPORATE NAMES that run ads on our TV VIEW STATIONS laying claim to be the worlds salvation in all ways. CAUTION LOOK FOR THE CON.

    Short list of BILDERBERGS
    · George W. Ball[6] (1954-1992), former U.S. diplomat
    · John Edwards[7][8]
    · Gerald Ford[9]
    · Bill Clinton[10] (1991), former US President, 1993 – 2001
    · Jon Corzine (1995 – 1997[4], 1999, 2003, 2004), former US Senator, current Governor of New Jersey
    · Richard N. Haass (1991, 2003, 2004[11]), president, Council on Foreign Relations
    · Lee H. Hamilton (1997[4]), former US Congressman
    · Christian Herter[12] (1961, 1963, 1964, 1966), former Secretary of State
    · Richard Holbrooke (2006), former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
    · Joseph E. Johnson[13] (1954), former President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
    · Henry Kissinger[11] (1957, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977-2008), Secretary of State, 1973 – 1977
    · Sam Nunn (1996, 1997[4]), former US Senator
    · Rick Perry[14] (2007), Current Governor of Texas
    · Kathleen Sebelius[15], Kansas governor and nominee for the the Health and Human Services secretary post
    · Timothy Geithner[16], Treasury Secretary
    · Lawrence Summers[17], Director of the National Economic Council
    · Paul Volcker[18], Chair of the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board

    Giovanni Agnelli creator of the FIAT car line that led too much more. Read




    So now once again President Obamas star powers the BILDERBERGS has come into action ******** us once more in the first few days of his administration and how could he not know? GO FIGURE.

    So as most of us tried to stay up with Dick Cheney and Karl Rove as they drove US into the ditch many times —— NOW who has enough of a criminal mind to look into the future and see how Chrysler will rival again as a big winner once FIAT takes the reigns. And who in the bunch of President Obamas staff will see a big thought to be golden parachute for cutting and slicing up our manufacturing base and selling it off for pennies on a dollar to war time criminals in WWII the BILDERBERGS.

    A Great man said long ago—-SEEK TO KNOW THE TRUTH —–AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE. Blind assumptions led by our depraved media moguls today do not lead any to know the TRUTH. Knowing that —– go study.

    We The Peoples Advocates WTPA are providing the only HOPE in saving our great nation. So JOIN IN and ENLIST to serve with your VOICES being heard and your VOTES being counted and moved along to our lobby group in Washington DC to power push the peoples needs, wants and wishes in our cities, states and Federal Governments.
    Info contact Dwight Baker Dbaker007@stx.rr.com

  28. DWIGHTBAKER | April 26th, 2009 at 11:55 pm


    Those that espouse to the tenets of the secret group of BILDERBERG are those in Obama cabinet and the BILDERBERG have published intentions of running the world. Sound like NAZI Germany not far from wrong. And while those in that mindset are running rampant —— we the people in the US today are treated as dunces standing in the corner with our nose in a hole. On President OBAMA staff are those that are ripping our nation apart and giving all the cream to their buddies in the BILDERBERG group.

    Case in point Chrysler is forced into bankruptcy —– FIAT is going to take over, who looses is the investors to the tune of $6.9 billion chump change when you are a Bilderberger.

    NOW THIS GUY Giovanni_Agnelli started FIAT long ago and ponyed up to Nazi Germany and made a fortune while doing —- along with many other seemed big GOOD CORPORATE NAMES that run ads on our TV VIEW STATIONS laying claim to be the worlds salvation in all ways. CAUTION LOOK FOR THE CON.

    Short list of BILDERBERGS
    · George W. Ball[6] (1954-1992), former U.S. diplomat
    · John Edwards[7][8]
    · Gerald Ford[9]
    · Bill Clinton[10] (1991), former US President, 1993 – 2001
    · Jon Corzine (1995 – 1997[4], 1999, 2003, 2004), former US Senator, current Governor of New Jersey
    · Richard N. Haass (1991, 2003, 2004[11]), president, Council on Foreign Relations
    · Lee H. Hamilton (1997[4]), former US Congressman
    · Christian Herter[12] (1961, 1963, 1964, 1966), former Secretary of State
    · Richard Holbrooke (2006), former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
    · Joseph E. Johnson[13] (1954), former President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
    · Henry Kissinger[11] (1957, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977-2008), Secretary of State, 1973 – 1977
    · Sam Nunn (1996, 1997[4]), former US Senator
    · Rick Perry[14] (2007), Current Governor of Texas
    · Kathleen Sebelius[15], Kansas governor and nominee for the the Health and Human Services secretary post
    · Timothy Geithner[16], Treasury Secretary
    · Lawrence Summers[17], Director of the National Economic Council
    · Paul Volcker[18], Chair of the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board

    Giovanni Agnelli creator of the FIAT car line that led too much more. Read




    So now once again President Obamas star powers the BILDERBERGS has come into action ******** us once more in the first few days of his administration and how could he not know? GO FIGURE.

    So as most of us tried to stay up with Dick Cheney and Karl Rove as they drove US into the ditch many times —— NOW who has enough of a criminal mind to look into the future and see how Chrysler will rival again as a big winner once FIAT takes the reigns. And who in the bunch of President Obamas staff will see a big thought to be golden parachute for cutting and slicing up our manufacturing base and selling it off for pennies on a dollar to war time criminals in WWII the BILDERBERGS.

    A Great man said long ago—-SEEK TO KNOW THE TRUTH —–AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE. Blind assumptions led by our depraved media moguls today do not lead any to know the TRUTH. Knowing that —– go study.

    We The Peoples Advocates WTPA are providing the only HOPE in saving our great nation. So JOIN IN and ENLIST to serve with your VOICES being heard and your VOTES being counted and moved along to our lobby group in Washington DC to power push the peoples needs, wants and wishes in our cities, states and Federal Governments.
    Info contact Dwight Baker Dbaker007@stx.rr.com

  29. Josh | June 11th, 2009 at 07:23 pm

    The fact that Gates is pushing for this says something about the Republicans. Gates was Deputy Director of the CIA under Reagan, and Bush I promoted him to Director. It was Bush II who replaced Rumsfeld with Gates, a man with much more experience and much less arrogance. Gates is obviously a rational individual. When Republicans say that it’s Democrats who don’t care about national security, it’s gonna take some pretty fancy footwork to explain this one.

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