Think Progress

Boehner Tells Bankers To Fight Financial Reform: ‘Don’t Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You’

This week, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT) released the latest version of his financial regulatory reform bill, which aims to correct the deficiencies in the financial system that led to 2008’s economic crisis. The House of Representatives has already passed a comprehensive regulatory reform bill, and now that Dodd has given up on negotiating with recalcitrant Republicans, he is moving on an expedited timeline, with a markup scheduled for Monday.

It’s taken the Senate a year and a half after the financial crisis to even get to this point, but House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) told “an enthusiastic crowd of bankers” today that, even if the Senate passes a bill, reconciling it with the House version will take another year. “If the Senate is able to produce a bill, I think it’s just as likely that we’ll be talking about the same issue a year from now as we are right now,” Boehner said at the American Bankers Association government relations summit.

Boehner then added that the bankers should be standing up for themselves against “those little punk staffers” trying to write new regulations:

“Don’t let those little punk staffers take advantage of you and stand up for yourselves,” Boehner said. “All of us are hearing from our friends and constituents on lack of credit, you can’t get a loan, the more your government takes and taxes, the more regulations you have to comply with the more cost you have there and less amount you are going to have available to loan to customers.”

The fact that he’s willing to let another year lapse without putting in place new rules for Wall Street shows exactly where Boehner’s priorities lie. But it should come as no surprise, considering what Republicans have been up to this year.

In February, Boehner met “over drinks” with JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, where he “made a pitch” for Wall Street support by explaining that “Republicans had stood up to Mr. Obama’s efforts to curb pay and impose new regulations.” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, “said he visited New York about twice a month to try to tap into Wall Street’s ‘buyers remorse’” with Democrats. These pitches had some effect too; last year, “major Wall Street players began sending an increasing share of their donations to Republicans.”

Prior to Boehner’s speech, American Bankers Association President Edward Yingling urged delay in the financial reform effort, because “every day that passes gives more leverage to [Banking Committee Ranking Member Richard Shelby (R-AL)].” In his career, Boehner has received $3.4 million from the financial services industry, which is $1.2 million more than he’s received from any other industry.

129 Responses to “Boehner Tells Bankers To Fight Financial Reform: ‘Don’t Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You’”

  1. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    LOL>>> call you own staff members punks is not going to get you any where.

    so where are they the banks going to let you golf at?

  2. Badmoodman says:

    - – Re: The photo.

    Ok TP, did you guys photoshop Boehner extra orange or did he fall asleep in the tanning bed again?

  3. P.D. says:

    Boner will now tell the unwashed masses he is for them! He is another Scott Brown, he will scream ‘power to the people’ then kowtow to his Wall Street buddies. I don’t know how to blame more. The Repugs who are lying or their constituents who are so ignorant in the first place.

  4. Shayne says:

    Boehner is a drunk. He probably paints himself orange to cover his red blotchy nose.

  5. jjm says:

    Says it all, doesn’t it?

    “We, the Republicans, are on the side of any entity that holds a reservoir of wealth, ill gotten or not, and painfully extracted from each and every one of all the others who are not wealthy because they have been victims of extraction.”

    Why do big pools of money attract Republicans like flies, or locusts?

  6. Shayne says:

    Boehner is so brave standing by those poor little bankers while the average American is picking on them. /snark

  7. P.D. says:

    Off Topic… Tweety is showing the video of the cretins who were jeering and throwing monay at him. Now Pence is spinning the best he could. ‘Oh, it’s awful. BUT People are angry and upset.’ What a dirt-bag.

  8. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Boehner Tells Bankers To Fight Financial Reform: ‘Don’t Let Those Little Punk Staffers American Citizens Take Advantage Of You’

    Fixed that for you, TP.

  9. P.D. says:

    WTF? Pence is comparing what those as*wipes did to that disabled man to the Iraq War protests! I don’t remember Iraq War protesters screaming at disabled people! And Tweety let him get away with it! This is why MSM sucks!

  10. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    jjm says:

    Why do big pools of money attract Republicans like flies, or locusts?

    Because republiscum are sh!tty filth.

  11. Buckie Boy says:

    Shorter Boner – Keep stealing from the American Public so you can give me more money.

  12. tombaker says:

    boehner is a mafia stooge.

  13. fergus says:

    OOmpa Loompa is perfectly qualified to recognize a punk when he sees one. Which he does, every time he shaves that radioactive looking face of his.

  14. Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:

    “Punk staffers”….?

    Yeah, Blubberin’ Johnny, way to show your outright contempt for your constituents and your fellow Americans!

  15. dbadass says:

    Sheena is a punk staffer, Sheena is…

  16. SWBob says:

    “Don’t let those little punk staffers take advantage of you and stand up for yourselves,” Boehner said. “All of us are hearing from our friends and constituents on lack of credit, you can’t get a loan, the more your government takes and taxes, the more regulations you have to comply with the more cost you have there and less amount you are going to have available to loan to customers.”

    Hey, bone head, ever ask the bankers how much money they made over the past nine years including OUR tax money to save their asses when their greed got the best of them?

    They aren’t loaning money now because they make more investing it in industrial markets and not in consumer loans. What a block head!

  17. Roket says:

    Republican, thy name is obstructionist.

  18. barfly says:

    “Don’t let those little punk staffers take advantage of you and stand up for yourselves,” Boehner said.

    Translation: You’re on your own, unless you substantially increase your political donations to us.

    All of us are hearing from our friends and constituents on lack of credit, you can’t get a loan, the more your government takes and taxes, the more regulations you have to comply with the more cost you have there and less amount you are going to have available to loan to customers.”

    Translation: We’re looking pretty silly, flogging these irrelevancies, while our poll numbers will soon only be visible with a electron microscope. But we’re risking it all for you, so you’d better find that wallet!

    This smells like the last ditch effort, before total defeat.

  19. zxbe says:

    “If the Senate is able to produce a bill, I think it’s just as likely that we’ll be talking about the same issue a year from now as we are right now,” Boehner said at the American Bankers Association government relations summit.

    Gee. I wonder why it’s taken so long for anything to pass right now. Couldn’t be all the obstructionism on the right could it?

  20. Chicano2nd says:

    The pot calls the kettle black!

  21. jbrantow says:

    boehner….the human(?) cheeto.

  22. Lefty Liberal says:

    OT: (And of the utmost importance)

    President Obama today announced his picks for the Final Four:

    University of Kentucky

    Villanova University (I think, I’m going from memory before my meeting starts)

    University of Kansas

    And most important Kansas State University :D

    He then picks University of Kansas and the University of Kentucky to meet in the championship game.

    And then University of Kansas to win the tournament.

    (I do disagree with his pick of Kansas over K-State, but then I’m a little biased)

  23. Little Freep Goofballs says:

    Has Mr. Tangerine Man ever looked out for anyone other than himself and his rich buddies?

  24. gayinmt says:

    Wow. Is his face that color from trying to hold in his contempt for the average American?

  25. P.D. says:

    ‘Punk staffers’? Who does he think he is? Clint Eastwood?

  26. Mathazar says:

    I’d say these bankers are demonstrating the same shrewdness that screwed things up in the first place.

    Remind me again how much power and influence Boehner has.

    Do they really think the GOP will gain 75 seats in November ?

    Seriously ?

  27. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Tangerine Man should take a little peek at history, specifically at how really angry the public can be at banks. The public actually liked and helped depression era bank robbers avoid capture.

  28. fergus says:

    #23, he looks out for his tanning spray pusher. The stuff he uses has got to be toxic. Look what it’s done to his thought processes.

  29. Lefty Liberal says:

    gayinmt says:

    Wow. Is his face that color from trying to hold in his contempt for the average American?

    I didn’t know that mr. tangerine man ever tried to hold in his contempt for the average american.

  30. Lefty Liberal says:

    gayinmt says:

    Wow. Is his face that color from trying to hold in his contempt for the average American?

    I didn’t know that mr. tangerine man ever tried to hold in his contempt for the average american.

  31. Lefty Liberal says:

    Sorry for the double post, TP must have had a hiccup.

  32. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Boehner to banks: “Go ahead, make my pay!”

    H/T P.D.

  33. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    More money is probably the only thing that gives repiggies a chubby now that they lost the torture toy.

  34. P.D. says:

    I think we are infected with a VDT.

  35. Bob says:

    Was that an Eagles song: ‘Who owns this place’?

    How’d he escape from Willie’s chocolate factory to become a rep?

  36. Insidious Prophet says:

    John Boehner is defending the greedy bankers who phucked up our financial sector along with Wall Street!?! Brilliant!

    Watch the ignorant trolls defend this in 5,4,3,2,1…..

  37. Insidious Prophet says:

    What grown man paints his face orange?

    Hmmmm….It seems Johnny Boner is insecure and doesn’t like having white skin. Must be a terrorist?

  38. SoapBox says:

    The only thing I wish is that I had ONE big INVESTMENT in the fake tan that Mr. Boner uses!

    It must be by the cargo ship load FULL!

    Now…Mr. Boner…STFU!

    P.S…not only am I tired of your fake tan…but those yellow teeth creep me out too.

  39. dbadass says:

    What grown man paints his face orange?

    An oompa loompa.
    What gives they only had one last time

  40. Insidious Prophet says:

    jbrantow says:

    boehner….the human(?) cheeto.

  41. tombaker says:

    “thanks so much for the cocktail, mr. dimon – may i toss your salad now, or should i fluff you with lip-service re: resistance to banking reform first?”

  42. gayinmt says:


    You are completely right. I apologize. However, I now must come up with another theory as to how human flesh can take that tone. He should really see a doctor, on the average American’s dime, and get that looked at.

  43. Insidious Prophet says:

    Wheres aaronk? He will defend Boner and say it is progressive democrats who are defending the banks.

  44. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I seriously wonder if anyone’s ever gone as John Boehner for Halloween.

  45. HomerSexual says:

    Oh, those poor, helpless financial executives. Thank G someone is willing to stand up for them.

  46. Fuzzy Slippers™ A Solid B+ says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  47. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Come on progressives, lighten up on Boehner’s looks. I, for one, think his burnt sienna skin goes perfectly with his plasticine Ken-doll haircut.

  48. Insidious Prophet says:

    Boner is what you would call a functional drunk.

    He washes his lunch down daily with cocktails but is able to slur his way through speeches on the floor of congress later.

  49. Marie says:

    How do the repugs think that defending the financial industry is going to play out favorably with the populace?
    Examples like this should tell voters just where are the priorities of their repiggy leaders.

  50. tom says:

    BoneHead met with bank execs “over drinks”?

    Tell me something I don’t know . . . BoneHead over-drinks on a daily basis.

    Like GDumbya, BoneHead has only two states-of-being: (1) drunk and (2) hung over. Either way, they are both useless tools.

  51. Marie says:

    With the latest SCOTUS decision regarding corporations, the repigs must be thinking that the voters don’t matter, they can’t pay off like the corporations can, so voters be damned – let the bankers, the financiers and the corporations run the show, and repugniscum will be happy to stall legislation and regulations on their behalf.

  52. dbadass says:

    Wheres aaronk?
    – Chess Tournie…

  53. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:

    John Boner after having a few too many shots of Jagermeister

    Jagermeister. Gives me a hangover just thinking about it.

  54. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    What grown man paints his face orange?

    In Republican legend, there was once a great warrior who could drink a quart of vodka, play 18 holes of golf and still be able to deny humanity while receiving much manna from the Wall Street demons. He is a hero to the rich.

    His name was ‘Paints-His-Face-Orange’

    (His mom wanted to name him Two Dogs)

  55. dbadass says:

    Wheres aaronk?

    Crisis at the small business?

  56. Max Anax junius-1 (sponsored by DOW Chemical) says:


    Shorter House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH):

    If you turn Americans upside down, more change will fall out of their pockets.


  57. Insidious Prophet says:

    Isn’t it time to repeal Bush’s Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 and his Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (Enron loop hole) and reinstate the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933?
    Fuzzynutz conveniently forgets that it was republican senator Phil Gramm who wrote those two bills along with bank and Wall Street lobbyists and pushed hard to get them passed.

    So come on Fuzzynutz, Clinton may have signed off on the bill (black mail for Monicagate?) but give credit where it is due.

    Phil Gramm is the man behind both the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Of 1999 and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act Of 2000.

    Than he went to work for UBS after leaving the senate…I wonder why?

  58. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Hoodathunk says:
    (His mom wanted to name him Two Dogs)

    Two Dogs what? ;)

  59. Insidious Prophet says:

    Notice Fuzzynutz failed to call the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Of 1999.

    I believe all three were republican senators!

    Houston we have a problem!

  60. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    It is sort of fitting that Boner is color coordinated with TP’s Public Corruption theme.

  61. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    dbadass says:
    Wheres aaronk?
    – Chess Tournie…

    He took up hand ball.

    No not the sport.

  62. Insidious Prophet says:

    aaronks here, it just changed it’s name to Fuzzynutz.

  63. glamourdammerung says:

    This is the same Boner that bravely stood up for former Representative Mark Foley against some “punk staffer” underage pages Foley raped.

  64. dbadass says:

    That look freaks me out. I am afraid it is the look I get when I think it is just gas but it ends up a little wetter…

  65. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    (His mom wanted to name him Two Dogs)

    “Two Dogs Fu cking”

  66. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    dbadass says:
    That look freaks me out. I am afraid it is the look I get when I think it is just gas but it ends up a little wetter…


    Speaking of looks…what color would Boehner turn if he blushed?

  67. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    dbadass says:
    That look freaks me out. I am afraid it is the look I get when I think it is just gas but it ends up a little wetter…

    Just before the cold sweat and sheer panic sets in?

  68. tom says:

    Two Dogs what? ;)

    Two Dogs Jagermeistering

  69. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    conservative guy, you coward, if you dare show yourself on here, why do you think that killing TEH GAYS is being pro-life?

  70. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Speaking of looks…what color would Boehner turn if he blushed?

    They have no shame, so I don’t think he CAN blush.

  71. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    Speaking of looks…what color would Boehner turn if he blushed?

    I think you must have meant flushed. Repiggies never blush.

  72. tombaker says:

    65 – shartmazement? asstonishment?

  73. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Speaking of looks…what color would Boehner turn if he blushed?

    They have no shame, so I don’t think he CAN blush.


    Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:
    Speaking of looks…what color would Boehner turn if he blushed?

    I think you must have meant flushed. Repiggies never blush.

    I wish he would flush…in some pictures Boehner almost takes on an orange-ish shit brown color.

  74. Insidious Prophet says:

    I wonder if Fuzzynutz knows that out of the 38 senate Nay votes for NAFTA, only 9 were from republican senators, while out of the 61 senate Yea votes, 34 were from republican senators.

  75. Mathazar says:

    Does Fuzzy EVER address the thread topic ?

    Repeal of Glass Steagle was a veto-proof repub legacy, (although Clinton should have gone through the motions)


    Swing and a miss, Slippers.

  76. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Wasn’t Fuzzy or one of the other trolls saying good shit about NAFTA a few days ago and now they’re condemning it? WTF?

  77. Insidious Prophet says:

    The U.S. Senate voted 90-8 today to approve S. 900, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which will repeal the Depression-era barriers that separate banking, insurance and securities.

    Sen. Phil Gramm, chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, issued the following statement:

    “I believe we have passed what will prove to be the most important banking bill in 60 years. It overturns the key provision of the Glass-Steagall act that divided the American financial system.”

  78. Fuzzy Slippers™ A Solid B+ says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  79. Insidious Prophet says:

    I see Fuzzynutz realized he made a fool of himself and scurried away to the safety of momma’s apron strings. HA-HA-HA-HA!

  80. tombaker says:

    fuzz can’t pick up hooters waitresses, so he takes out his frustrations here.

  81. tombaker says:

    fuzz prefers the no-apologies-no-regrets brand of fascism.

    (he thinks younger chicks dig that in old dudes, and some of the really damaged ones in fact do)

  82. Insidious Prophet says:

    Nope it’s back!

    Funny how the Fuzzy like most republican’t trolls will blame the president for signing bad bills when the president is a democrat AND blame the senate for voting Yea for bad bills when they are democrats BUT totally ignore the same when the president is a republican or the senate majority is republican.

    Sorry Princess you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

    Commodity Futures Modernization Act
    The Patriot Acts I & II
    The Military Commissions Act
    The John Warner Defense Authorization Act Of 2007


  83. A Patriot Acting says:

    Punkin’Head is quite the submissive little whore is’t he? The banking execs should realize that Healthcare Reform will pass despite the hundreds of millions of dollars thrown at Republicans. They managed to delay quite capably but the Dems are showing that if they need to resort to every parliamentary trick at their disposal to get around the deadwood then so be it. So be it and Godspeed. The Reps managed to muddy the waters because many who are on either a Govt program allready or have insurance and never had a major illness…and the FOX lemmings of course. What I am getting at is that the average American citizen has grown to hate the bankers. There isn’t enough polish in the world to shine up that turd. They can throw all the money they want at Orangeglo, this (reform) too shall pass. Any trolls care to settle a bet for me? Are Boehner’s balls as freakishly orange as his face? Oh…and if there are any banking execs out there could you help me settle another bet? When you guys stand around PunkinHead in one of your vaults and you give him the old money shot…does that orange color run? Thanks guys

  84. Insidious Prophet says:

    Come on Fuzzy, you are an angry American just like me, how do you feel about John Boehner defending the bankers against regulation?

  85. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Fuzzy was told by the doc to take it easy on the “fapping” because of his arthritis.

  86. falco says:

    And what, pray tell, are the bankers to do with the “little punk” House minority leader?

  87. Insidious Prophet says:

    I’m waiting Fuzzy. You brought up the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act so how do you feel about republican John Boehner telling the banks to stand up against regulation of them and Wall Street.

  88. Fuzzy Slippers™ A Solid B+ says:

    Insidious Prophet says:
    Nope it’s back!

    Funny how the Fuzzy like most republican’t trolls will blame the president for signing bad bills when the president is a democrat AND blame the senate for voting Yea for bad bills when they are democrats BUT totally ignore the same when the president is a republican or the senate majority is republican.

    Funny how when a democrat screws up he was fooled and lied to but when a Republican does something it was because he out smarted the democrat. I detect a pattern here, do you?

  89. Insidious Prophet says:

    I’m waiting Fuzzy. You brought up the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act so how do you feel about republican John Boehner telling the banks to stand up against regulation of them and Wall Street.

  90. labman57 says:

    The current overall philosophy of the GOP is little more than political contrarianism.
    If Obama and the Democrats in Congress are for “it, then the Republicans are against “it”, no matter what “it” is, even if this obstructionist position is to the detriment of the nation as a whole.

  91. Insidious Prophet says:

    Who here has mentioned anything about a democrat claiming he/she was fooled or lied to about any bill?

    Nice straw man to keep you from answering my question.

  92. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Caption: sung to Jingle Bells. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nooo.”

  93. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    Po,widdle slurper. Repiggie types rammed something through with enough votes to over ride a veto. There is an obvious pattern. Republicans have no problem ramming their agenda through and whine like little puppies when they can’t.

  94. Insidious Prophet says:

    So Fuzzy, we both agree that Gramm-Leach-Bliley, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act and NAFTA were HUGE mistakes but how do you feel about Boehner saying the banks should fight back against regulation.

    Come on Princess, put your money where your big mouth is. Either you support or are against Boehners statement and are for the banks or against them. Which is it?

  95. tarazan says:

    Boehner words tells the whole story about whom he works for.
    And when he told bankers even if the Senate passes the bill,it will take a year of reconiliation in the House,meaning he and his GOP buddies in the House will use all means to obstruct and delay any substantive or useful legistlation to public.
    Now we know who the punk is. !

  96. A Patriot Acting says:

    Where’s aaronk?

    Maybe he’s doing some “research” to help me win one of my bets. Hey aaronk, I wouldn’t put that orange thing in my mouth if I were you! Aside from being as pickled as a tequila worm it’s likely infected with various std’s by now after bedding down with those industrialist traitors for all these years.

  97. Insidious Prophet says:

    har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Caption: sung to Jingle Bells. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nooo.”
    Song for Caption: Oompa-Loompa-Doom-Pa-Dee-Doo

  98. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:
    Po,widdle slurper. Repiggie types rammed something through with enough votes to over ride a veto. There is an obvious pattern. Republicans have no problem ramming their agenda through and whine like little puppies when they can’t.

    I’m just amazed that labeling everything that doesn’t benefit them financially as communism/socialism was so damn effective. I thought we were adults and were beyond the red-scare. I was wrong.

  99. tarazan says:

    Looking at this guy’s eyes, would you buy a used car from him…?!!

  100. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    A Patriot Acting says:
    Where’s aaronk?

    Maybe he’s doing some “research” to help me win one of my bets. Hey aaronk, I wouldn’t put that orange thing in my mouth if I were you! Aside from being as pickled as a tequila worm it’s likely infected with various std’s by now after bedding down with those industrialist traitors for all these years.

    I don’t know…since UV light kills bacteria I think Boehner is the second most sterile serfice on the planet only second to a bottle of Purell hand sanitizer. Most aaronk is gonna get is a bad taste in his mouth…though I’m sure he doesn’t mind.

  101. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    tarazan says:
    Looking at this guy’s eyes, would you buy a used car from him…?!!

    I’d probably try to run him over with one. Seriously you’d freak too if you saw Boehner crossing in front of your car at night too.

  102. Insidious Prophet says:

    It appears little fuzzy wuzzy has had his fat ass handed to him once again!

  103. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:
    It appears little fuzzy wuzzy has had his fat ass handed to him once again!


  104. pags2 says:

    Let’s see if the Dems can capitalize on this obstruction to the banking legislation. Polls show that people really hate the banks and the bailout. I doubt whether the Republicans would want to be portrayed as siding with the banks. Dems should force votes even if there is a filibuster. The Republicans will have a difficult time selling their BS to the people.

  105. dasm says:

    Boehner: “punk staffers”
    Bachmann: only tea-baggers are “real Americans”

    Repubs are so incredibly insulting & condescending to their fellow citizens. I just do not understand how anyone can support such elitists as these two, & others like them. The fact they, with their high incomes, excellent health care, and all the other perks, try to ally themselves with people who have few or none of those perks, is tasteless and disgusting.

  106. fergus says:

    Patriot @85, the guys on Mythbusters proved that it actually is possible to polish a turd. It was disgusting, but, kinda funny. As far as the bankers monershots, I don’t think that they were aiming at his face, but, at his ass, though it’s almost impossible to tell the difference. The breath is the same in either case.

  107. fergus says:

    Damn fat fingers. Make that “moneYshots in 108.

  108. McDonald1984 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  109. zeeroods says:

    LOL, who is that pompous windbag calling a punk? Has he looked in the mirror lately?


  110. A Patriot Acting says:

    Yeah, I saw that Mythbusters episode fergus. Pretty funny one! I’m still convinced it was Boehner’s face though. He looks like he probably begs those guys to mess him up good. Then they throw crumpled fifties at him and he scurries around on all fours scooping them up. After one of their liquid lunch/Bukaki fests the bankers should force Boehner to go back to congress with his face dripping…crumpled fifty dollar bills dropping from his orange paws…you know, just for kicks. Or they could get him drunk (if they don’t allready find him that way) and get him a little tatoo. Something like, “This b1tch is owned and operated by AIG” across his forehead. Maybe in a fancy swirly script font. Boehner is a dirty, dirty man.

  111. Alecto (sponsored by the Treasonous Supreme Court) says:

    Roket says:
    Republican, thy name is obstructionist.

    Republican, thy name is TRAITOR.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  112. christopher wiwi says:

    “the more regulations you have to comply with the more cost you have there and less amount you are going to have available to loan to customers”.How is it that rules,laws and regulations cost anything at all? I do understand that the lack of rules,laws and regulations caused Americans to lose everything.The Human Cheetis a moron and I feel for all of Ohio and what they have to put up with this fool and his antics.

  113. SP Biloxi says:

    “Boehner Tells Bankers To Fight Financial Reform: ‘Don’t Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You’”

    Oh, Boner is such a drama queen.

    P.S. Love that pic of Boner’s tanning glow. He must have dozed off too long in the tanning bed. He looks like the brother from another planet.

  114. Tijlon says:

    And Democrats like cretins will not take advantage of his shenanigan. You ask around and the majority of the independents and many Republicans are furious about the banking industry and their take of share from TARP. If Democrats are smart, which I doubt it, they would hammer Boehner’s remarks until the guy bleeds from his eyes.

  115. 4httr says:

    Boehner is indentured to big money. He and many of the other Republican leaders chose corporate America as their constituency. Screw everyone else.

  116. tarazan says:


    Right on the penny…

    Democrats have a lot to say about the mess that Republicans left after Bush presidency ended.
    They have a lot of ammo to use..but surprisngly they don’t know how to play offense..they always play defence.
    While Republicans going around attacking Democrats health plan in every occasion they have, putting Democrats in a defensive postion,by ridiculing Democrats plans.
    Democrats should attack Republicans daily for having nothing to offer for Americans health problems,and have no plans at all.
    Yes, Democrats should hammer Republicans as the party with “No Plan” at all, instead of just waiting to defend themselves against daily Republicans attacks on Dems. own health plans.

  117. smarish says:

    The biggest lie the Repugs keep telling is that if you let the wealthy keep more of their taxes, they will create jobs. Well, during the Bush Regime they did exactly that. They gave tax cuts to the richest slobs. So what happened with all the job creation? If their logic is right, then we should have created many millions of jobs during the past decade, but that was NOT the case. All they did was keep their money and buy big homes and yachts and then put the rest in off-shore bank accounts to hide it. As socialist as it may sound, I say spread the wealth around. If the majority of people have the money, they spend it immediately. THAT’s what makes the economy stonger!

  118. nellieh says:

    Aside from Cantor, King, and Shadegg who is more of a “punk” in the House, including staffers, than Boehner?

  119. vooter says:

    Boehner should be raped.

  120. Brian Eagen says:

    Boehner has shown his true face. His true, creepy face with those piercing blue eyes and thousand-yard stare

  121. Hoc Equidem says:

    “Don’t let those little punk staffers take advantage of you and stand up for yourselves,”

    Stand up for yourselves? This is a joke right? Multi-national multi-billion dollar institutions that manipulate world economies need defending? Jeez Boehner, I want some of whatever you’re taking.

  122. Troicho says:

    This is utterly devastating. No-one should rest until everyone in Ohio knows this story by rote.

  123. chitowner says:

    Golf course Johnny’s one tough-talking guy – after he gets out of his tanning bed and gets his facial.

  124. ashabot says:

    Boehner has managed to deepen and darken the horrid stain politicians have already left on the psyche of the country. Enough with these petty crooks governing us.

  125. JimMichie says:

    What else would expect from the mouth of a galactic jerk who promotes the US as a country of the banks, by the banks and for the banks. What really amazes me is that this waco get reelected every two years. But then, of course, he has access to all the money he needs (from his banks) to flat-out buy his reelection. Welcome to Amerika!

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