Think Progress

ThinkFast: March 18, 2010

In a Washington Post op-ed today, former Democratic congresswoman Marjorie Margolies urges “wavering House Democrats” to vote for health care reform, saying that she doesn’t regret losing her seat after voting for President Clinton’s plan. “I am your worst-case scenario,” she writes. “And I’d do it all again.”

House Democrats acknowledged yesterday that the much-awaited Congressional Budget Office scoring of their reconciliation bill will not come out until sometime today, perhaps sinking chances of a vote on Saturday. The vote on the bill will now most likely occur on Sunday.

Yesterday, Idaho “became the first state to pass a law saying no thanks to part of President Obama’s health care proposal.” Gov. C.L. Otter said the law, which says that Idahoans are “free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services,” ensures that people are “treated as an individual, rather than as an amorphous mass whose only purpose in this world is to obey federal mandates.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that, for the first time ever, the United States will submit itself to the “universal periodic review” process of the U.N. Human Rights Council. “We are committed to holding everyone to the same standard, including ourselves,” Clinton said.

The Senate passed its $17.6 billion jobs bill yesterday along a 68-29 vote. The bill includes “a payroll tax break for small businesses and highway funding designed to spur job growth.”

“Labor unions are flexing their muscle this month in scores of protests against the country’s largest banks, which are lobbying heavily to influence financial overhaul legislation.” By March 26, unions will have held about 200 protests aimed at firms like Bank of America, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs.

CIA Director Leon Panetta said yesterday that “aggressive attacks against al-Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal region” have disrupted the terror organization’s “ability to plan sophisticated operations.” “It’s pretty clear from all the intelligence we are getting that they are having a very difficult time putting together any kind of command and control, that they are scrambling,” said Panetta. “We really do have them on the run.”

While large banks have been quick to pay back federal bailout funds, “hundreds of community banks” have yet to return their bailouts. “Many of the community banks still holding aid from the Troubled Assets Relief Program are struggling with losses on real estate development loans.”

And finally: Vice President Biden was a hit at yesterday’s Radio and Television Correspondents’ Dinner, lampooning Liz Cheney, Dick Morris, Fox News, and Eric Massa. Watch highlights here.

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93 Responses to “ThinkFast: March 18, 2010”

  1. Zimzone says:

    Bart Stupak believes he can legislate how women choose to use their reproductive organs. He admits he only talks to males in the church, along with the Focus on the Family radicals.

    Why is it that some men think they should have the right to tell women what to do with reproduction?

    I think it’s time Barbara Boxer initiates a law prohibiting men from being covered or having access to Viagra or Cialis.

    Erectile Dysfunction is far less important than Electile Dysfunction.

  2. P.D. says:

    Stupak is fast losing friends. He is alienating women, progressives, and now NUNS? I hope his allegence to his C-Street buddies is worth it. But I have a feeling they will throw him under the bus too.

  3. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I think it’s time Barbara Boxer initiates a law prohibiting men from being covered or having access to Viagra or Cialis.

    Oh sweet Jeebus, that’ll really exite the republican voters!..

  4. Marie says:

    Bart Stupak and his demonstrated contempt for women, his disrespect for the nuns of his church, his stubborn adherence to a false representation of the health care bill, (not to mention his too-cozy relationship with C-Street) will come together and cause his defeat in the next election.
    Stupak too oblivious to the errors of his ways – he will have to be shown.

  5. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    All those horny old men who “depend” on Viagra and Cialis like Flush Rimballs won’t like the idea of their “freedom” to take these drugs go away..

  6. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    Yesterday, Idaho “became the first state to pass a law saying no thanks to part of President Obama’s health care proposal.” Gov. C.L. Otter said the law, which says that Idahoans are “free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services,” ensures that people are “treated as an individual, rather than as an amorphous mass whose only purpose in this world is to obey federal mandates.”

    It should be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming days and weeks. Several states’ AGs are threatening to sue as soon as the bill passes.
    Remember: today is a new day and a new chance to ignore the trolls. Flag ‘em and forget ‘em.

  7. P.D. says:

    Ironic, ain’t it? The ‘wavering’ Dems who are crucial to the Bill’s passing will get free Health Care whether or not lose their election. It’s a great job, if you can get it.

  8. Marie says:

    The staff of the CBO is overwhelmed with the assignments.

  9. USNclerk says:

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that, for the first time ever, the United States will submit itself to the “universal periodic review” process of the U.N. Human Rights Council. “We are committed to holding everyone to the same standard, including ourselves,” Clinton said.
    We’ve been screaming for the heads of Bush and Co. Looks we might get our wish.

  10. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    It should be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming days and weeks. Several states’ AGs are threatening to sue as soon as the bill passes.
    Remember: today is a new day and a new chance to ignore the trolls. Flag ‘em and forget ‘em.

    Oh yeah it’ll be interesting..Cucinelli is threatening to do that here but it’s obvious to anyone here in VA with a brain that he’s just pandering to his base like he was with the whole deal about not gettting his son an SS number (you are required to have one to open up a bank account and get a drivers liscense, let alone get a legitimate job), because we with brains here in VA know that federal law trumps state law…

  11. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky (still one of the more colourful politician’s names in this country’s history) is a shining example of politcal courage…and how that courage has consequences, intended and otherwise. She knew that voting for Clinton’s budget would be the death of her political career (she lost to Jon Fox in the midterms), but the budget passed. And had the Dems not imploded over healthcare, the budget would’ve brought an incredible amount of lasting prosperity to the country. Jon Fox wound up serving only two terms, losing to Joe Hoeffel. And the seat’s been relatively safe for the Dems since.

    I can’t imagine that the CBO score for the expected package of Senate Bill+reconciliation would be radically different than what we’ve seen. It’s a good idea to err on the side of caution by waiting for the final score, but more likely than not, the conservative Dems who insist on waiting are just biding their time. If the bill passes, whether through a standard vote or the self-executing rule, it will have done so by only 2-3 votes. And the Dems will be hammered badly in the midterms. They’ll be hammered worse if the bill fails. If you’re going to go down in flames and lose your Congressional seat or Congressional majority…at least have a valuable piece of legislation to show for it. If the Dems lose one or both houses of Congress, it will have enormous consequences for the GOP in 2014 and onward. By then, the exchanges and subsidies will be in place. And people will remember that the Republicans campaigned against it every step of the way. Or, more than likely, they won’t remember. Because the Republicans will be taking credit for passing the legislation.

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise than Idaho is pulling this shit. Andrew Jackson resolved this in 1832: NULLIFICATION IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Federal law is supreme in the land. And the idea that a state’s attorney general must sue the federal government is grounds for impeachment of the state’s executives (they presumeably take an oath of office to the constitution. By willfully disregarding the constitution, they’ve broken that oath)

    Figures. Republicans by and large oppose bringing a jobs bill to a vote and by and large vote against it. That doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is that Lamar Alexander, Thad Cochran, Lisa Murkowski, and George LeMieux tried to block the bill…then voted for it. Shamless obstructionist thugs. All of them.

  12. Briseadh na Faire says:

    Yesterday, Idaho “became the first state to pass a law saying no thanks to part of President Obama’s health care proposal.” Gov. C.L. Otter said the law, which says that Idahoans are “free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services,” ensures that people are “treated as an individual, rather than as an amorphous mass whose only purpose in this world is to obey federal mandates.”

    Sounds like Idaho just seceeded from the Union, as their Governor is saying they get to pick and choose whether or not to follow federal laws.

    Paying into Social Security is a federal mandate. So is the minimum wage, child labor laws, anti-discrimination laws, etc. Declare yourself independent of those mandates, as well, Idaho. I’m sure you’ll do just fine when the federal government stops sending you federal funds.

  13. Marie says:

    While most people favor health care reform when victims of our current system speak about their circumstances and rouse sympathy and compassion, the tea-party activists are of a different breed of audience. Their callous mockery of those who are in need of health care defies basic human decency.
    So caught up are they in the fever pitch (fomented by Fox and rightwing radio poison) they embarrass themselves by their treatment of fellow Americans.

  14. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise than Idaho is pulling this shit. Andrew Jackson resolved this in 1832: NULLIFICATION IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Federal law is supreme in the land. And the idea that a state’s attorney general must sue the federal government is grounds for impeachment of the state’s executives (they presumeably take an oath of office to the constitution. By willfully disregarding the constitution, they’ve broken that oath)

    Can he come back and pound this into the head of my state AG Cucinelli (God help us non brain-dead Virginians!) and most of the red sate AG’s as well?

  15. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    I wouldn’t hold my breath on that. It would be fantastic to see our resident war criminals be held accountable for their actions, but I don’t honestly think anything will ever be done. A crying shame. Nixon was disgraced by his actions, and yet Bush & Co., whose actions were far more egregious, are not only still around, but trumpeted on the right as bastions of freedom and goodness and all that BS. Pathetic.

  16. F**k the Army (brought to you by the US Army) says:

    USNclerk says:
    We’ve been screaming for the heads of Bush & Co. Looks we might get our wish.

    don’t hold your breath, after all, Obama is looking FORWARD, not backward(Which BTW-makes him an accessory after the fact for war crimes)

  17. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that, for the first time ever, the United States will submit itself to the “universal periodic review” process of the U.N. Human Rights Council. “We are committed to holding everyone to the same standard, including ourselves,” Clinton said.

    Wondering how dick and dicklizz is going to take this.

    both they may not want to take on Hilliary, as they know she might just rip their balls off.

    well i am sure she would not do that she has more class.

  18. tarazan says:

    Is Hillary Clinton also ready to put Israel on Human Rights list watch ,and accept UN conclusions about Israel’s actions without any future Vetos by US government to shield Israel of any future condemnations by the world body for it’s human rights violations ?

  19. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    RIP: Alex Chilton, age 59, of a heart attack.

    If you don’t know who Alex Chilton was, it’s time for some research–one of the more influential rock musicians of an era.

  20. P.D. says:

    Bri@12, LOL! Let Idaho spend their money on something so groundless. Then, they have to explain to the people of Idaho why they wasted all that money on something so ridiculous.

  21. texasrick says:

    Both of my State Senators here in Texas voted “NO” on the jobs bill…

    WE have the worst ratio of uninsured people in the nation, an idiot for a Governor. and two Senators that do NOTHING to help.

    Yet they sweep every election…tells you how scary it is down here.

  22. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    This is a prime example of an impeachable offense for an AG..Can the state AG’s get impeached? Mine’s got a whole laundry list of impeachable offenses…

  23. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    texasrick says:


    Both of my State Senators here in Texas voted “NO” on the jobs bill…

    WE have the worst ratio of uninsured people in the nation, an idiot for a Governor. and two Senators that do NOTHING to help.

    Yet they sweep every election…tells you how scary it is down here.

    Yeah redneck neanderthals tend to vote against their best interests..WE have plenty of that here in my state as well.

  24. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    Yes. Any elected official may be impeached.

  25. P.D. says:

    texas@21, I feel for you. But people are intellectually lazy. They could find out what is going on very easily. But they listen to Right-wing talking points, hate radio and Faux News. You can’t help people who won’t help themselves. These are the people who will one day wake up after they lost everything and say, “What happened?”, when the reason for it is staring them in the face.

  26. texasrick says:

    #17 Pilot,,,are you sure? Bill’s voice does seem a litle higher!

  27. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @22 Cool thanks..Now I’m gonna see how I can start the impeachment process for mine..I’m sure that I’m not the only one who want this for Kooky Nellie..He’s not reallypopular amongst those of us here in VA with functioning brain stems!

  28. P.D. says:

    Off Topic… But not suprising. The Jerusalem Post: Netanyahu’s Brother-In-Law – Obama is an antisemite.

  29. Zimzone says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    ‘Cucinelli is threatening to do that here but it’s obvious to anyone here in VA with a brain that he’s just pandering to his base…’

    Isn’t this the dude who suspects our President isn’t a US citizen?
    Cucinelli has some serious issues, not the least of which is he opens his mouth before he engages his brain.

  30. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    P.D. says:


    Off Topic… But not suprising. The Jerusalem Post: Netanyahu’s Brother-In-Law – Obama is an antisemite.

    *yawn* what else is new?

  31. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    texasrick says:

    well this could be true. LOL

  32. Briseadh na Faire says:

    P.D. says:
    Let Idaho spend their money on something so groundless. Then, they have to explain to the people of Idaho why they wasted all that money on something so ridiculous.

    They will just say, “We fought for your free-dumbs.”

  33. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Isn’t this the dude who suspects our President isn’t a US citizen?
    Cucinelli has some serious issues, not the least of which is he opens his mouth before he engages his brain.

    Yeah he seems to have a classic case of foot-in-mouth disease, which only republicans seem to get these days..Just look at Bachmann in Minnesota, she’s a prime example of this!

  34. USNclerk says:

    And finally: Vice President Biden was a hit at yesterday’s Radio and Television Correspondents’ Dinner, lampooning Liz Cheney, Dick Morris, Fox News, and Eric Massa. Watch highlights here.

    For anyone who hasn’t seen this yet, watch it. He’s killing them. This is hilarious

  35. leftzone says:

    texas@21: You have Hot tub Tom to thank for that. He gerrymandered the crap outta the Lone Star State. Wingnuttia for years to come.

  36. texasrick says:

    #25 P.D….good morning.

    Last year on this website, I remember seeing a “link” that had results of a university study that depicted the “difference” between true liberals and conservatives. As I recall, when presented with various scenarios the conservative deemed the situation as a THREAT, the Liberal viewed the same situation as an OPPORTUNITY.

    The GOP lives in a scary world. EVERYTHING the Obama says is a threat to them. Ask them to name one thing that the President is on record for doing that is a threat and they go blank.

    A so called friend of mine, who I thought I knew pretty well,
    simply responds with “I despise that man” any time he talks about the president. When I ask him why, he sound like a sound-bite from Faux news. This is how they get their news…plus Limpball or course.

  37. bothWrong says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  38. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @34 Also Obama totally p**wned the freaks at FauxSnooze last night with his interview there…The poor anchor must’ve looked speechless when obama started asking him some “gotcha” questions…

  39. Marie says:

    Passage of the jobs bill (although weakened from its original proposal) received next to nothing in media coverage from what I could see.
    When critics say nothing has been done under the Obama administration, I shouldn’t be surprised that they don’t know of any accomplishments — the media doesn’t report them.

  40. Zimzone says:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:

    RIP: Alex Chilton, age 59, of a heart attack.

    Hear, hear, gummitch! I’ve been collecting Chilton’s body of work for the past few years. ‘Oogum Boogum’ has to be one of the best pop songs ever. Most people remember The Boxtops or even Big Star, but some of his lesser known works that approach a jazz / pop format are remarkable.

    Good to know I’m not alone in my appreciation of Alex Chilton.

  41. USNclerk says:

    At 15 and 16. I know, that’s I put the might in there. :)

  42. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I can just see Sarracuda on Hannity now…
    Hannity: “Sarah, what do you think of our president’s healthcare reform bill?”
    Palin:”Well Sean, it’s going to have death panels, which um, ration the care that real Americans (not the big city liberal types) are going to get.”
    *winks at camera*

  43. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I can’t believe I voted for her!!
    *smacks herself on the forehead*

  44. Rab says:

    Repugs can’t deal with the truth so when a Fox toady gets schooled like yesterday by the President they just dig deeper.
    I wish we could pack them up and ship them somewhere, they don’t belong in this country and they are not the loyal opposition.

  45. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

  46. texasrick says:

    #35 Leftzone…you’re right. Now we have the Texas school board trying to tell our kids that the world is flat and Bush #43 was a great President.

  47. Marie says:

    I was glad to see Obama on Fox yesterday – he showed himself in full grasp of the issues, while the Fox guy looked like a pesky fool more intent on putting the repugniscum talking points into gotcha questions than he was in listening to the answers.
    The interviewee appeared far more informed than the interviewer.

  48. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Can’t we just pack up the whole repub party and ship them off to costa rica along with ElFlushballs?

  49. Rab says:

    @48 Sounds like a plan

  50. P.D. says:

    linz@38, I couldn’t believe the lack of respect. Faux News would NEVER treat a Repug that way. The anchor looked like a dufus. Yet again, the Right wing noise machine underestimated Obama. Just like when they underestimated Bill Clinton. Remember when he slapped down that gnome, Wallace?

  51. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Or would that cost too much in shipping? ElFlushballs can probably take up a whole cargo ship all by himself..

  52. Levi the Oracle says:

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will submit the United States to the “universal periodic review” process of the U.N. Human Rights Council.

    This is brilliant. Obama and the Democrats can prosecute the human rights abuses of the Bush administration without having to use the American judiciary, corrupted with fascist Republicans.

    The international community is immune to the propaganda of the fascist Republicans and so cannot be spun. Bush43, Cheney and the entire Republican crime syndicate must be terrified. They won’t even be able to blame it on Obama or the Democrats because Hillary is just following an agreement made by the international community.

    This should make for nearly perfect timing. By the time the U.N. Human Rights Council gets around to charging Bush43 and Cheney, we should be warming up for the November mid-term elections. By the time the sentences are being handed down, we should be ready the for 2012 presidential election.

    A no lose situation for Obama and the Democrats. Checkmate.

  53. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:


    RIP: Alex Chilton, age 59, of a heart attack.

    If you don’t know who Alex Chilton was, it’s time for some research–one of the more influential rock musicians of an era.

    I’m putting on Third/Sister Lovers when I get home. R.I.P.

    To TVB at 6: seconded. Flag and forget. Life’s too short to spend engaging trolls.

    To PD at 28: And Netanyahu’s brother in law is a vile bigot.

  54. Zimzone says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Yeah he seems to have a classic case of foot-in-mouth disease, which only republicans seem to get these days..Just look at Bachmann in Minnesota, she’s a prime example of this!

    I have to correct you on Bachmann…she suffers from hoof-in-mouth disease!

  55. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @54 Yeah I guess it’s worse than what Cucinelli and other Repubs have..She’s in a class of her own!

  56. Rab says:

    Fox fails at interviews because they rely on talking points for questions. You can’t play devil’s advocate with talking points.

  57. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Well, she and her many imaginary friends are…

  58. P.D. says:

    It’s amazing, isn’t it? MSM is constantly focusing on the Repugs and the ‘Baggers’ thoughout this whole HCR debate. The people for reform are basically ignored. This reminds of the run up to the Iraq War. MSM is rooting for the HCR demise. Unreal.

  59. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    @37 F&F for being a typical cult troll.

    I know its early but @37 needs this.

    Cult Help & Deprogramming Information at Freedom Of Mind
    Steven Alan Hassan, cult counselor and mind control expert is a Nationally Certified Counselor and licensed Mental Health Counselor and has developed a breakthrough approach to help loved ones rescue cult mind control victims. He is a former member of the Moon cult. Ex-cult members and others seek him out for specialized counseling to help them recover from symptoms other mental health professionals are not trained to address.

    Only you can prevent stupid. So be that man/woman you always wanted to be.

  60. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    P.D. the MSM is corporate owned, so I’m not too suprised…

  61. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    Yesterday, Idaho “became the first state to pass a law saying no thanks to part of President Obama’s health care proposal.” Gov. C.L. Otter said the law, which says that Idahoans are “free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services,” ensures that people are “treated as a buch of ignorant hicks, , as an amorphous mass whose only purpose in this world is to disregard those things that are in their own self interest. You know, teabaggers.”

  62. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    Re:#61 ` No offense Z..!

  63. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:


    TPM reports the CBO score is in.

    The bill costs $940b, reduces the deficit by $130b in the first decade and up to $1.2t in the second, insures 32m Americans, and makes Medicare solvent for another 9 years.

    Not a bad deal.

  64. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Five out of five Special Report analysts agree: Obama was “marginal at best” in Fox News interview

    LOL>>> this is (not) shocking.

    Once again class over trash and our President schooled them.

  65. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    The mormons in idaho really need to stop breeding..

  66. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    CIA Director Leon Panetta said yesterday that “aggressive attacks against al-Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal region” have disrupted the terror organization’s “ability to plan sophisticated operations.” “It’s pretty clear from all the intelligence we are getting that they are having a very difficult time putting together any kind of command and control, that they are scrambling,” said Panetta. “We really do have them on the run.”

    What? No chocolates and flowers?

    The CIA wouldn’t know Pakistani AlQaeda from the village beard barber.

  67. P.D. says:

    Enn@63, Don’t worry, by the time the Repugs are done spinning it, MSM will report it is a boondoogle.

  68. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    We have an intelligent, educated, articulate, well-informed person in the WH. The only thing that Fox News can do is try and marginalize him.

  69. Zimzone says:

    Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    @37 F&F for being a typical cult troll.

    Thanks for your support, pilotshark & other TPers who voted this clown down.

    Men have ruled the world & women for centuries. Countless wars, raging religions and untold greed have us where we are today. That’s DISTURBING.

    I think it’s way past time to give women the opportunity to show what they can do.

  70. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    Thumbs up. Absolutely.

  71. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Just think of all the good that would happen if us ladies were in charge..
    No wars( diplomacy first!!), no poverty, etc…
    If you neede an example of a good female leader, just look at Clinton or Pelosi..

  72. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    They both have plenty of poise and class, which is quite a contrast from the buffon known as Bush43..

  73. USNclerk says:

    @71. I’m all for it. I’ll stay home and watch the kids. :)

  74. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Pelosi could wipe the floor with bush many times, but yet she had enough class to refrain from doing so..

  75. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Bush ONTOH, couldn’t walk and eat a pretzel at the same time and he butchered the english language everytime he opened his mouth to speak.

  76. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    My mother, who claims to love “strong women,” despises both Pelosi and Clinton, yet loves Sarah Palin. /facepalm

  77. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I can see why the right considers him to be a good example of an “intelligent” leader though..Compared to the rest of them, hes a friggin genius!!

  78. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    You have my sympathies..My mom’s the same way.

  79. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    You have my sympathies as well.

  80. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    She actually thinks that Palin is a “strong, intelligent” woman and that she would make ” a viable candidate for 2012″.
    I love my mom to death because she’s my mom and all but it’s stuff like this that makes me wonder if I was hatched from an egg or something.

  81. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I’ve learned to not debate politics with her or my dad, as we would all probably kill each other…

  82. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    It’s bad enough riding in the car with her or my dad and having hate radio on in the background..

  83. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Thank you Rep. Marjorie Margolies for urging others to vote with a conscience.

    Move America forward, pass health-care reform legislation NOW! The status quo is unacceptable and irresponsible, it is helping to further bankrupt America and her citizens!

  84. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    Same here. I just walk out of the room when they begin to discuss politics. There have been some less than friendly moments, which used to end in me getting thrown out of my house for weeks at a time. I am so far from the rest of my family that I really wonder a similar thing.

  85. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @85 Well it hasn’t gotten to that point yet for me…My mom and dad aren’t mean..They’re just misguided, thats all.

  86. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    We all agree on most other things, just not politics…

  87. MapleStreet says:

    RE: Idaho,

    If the state can refuse the fed, wouldn’t that also mean that the county can refuse the state ? And if the county can refuse the State, couldn’t the individual refuse the county ? Wouldn’t that be the end result of the tea bagger grass roots ?

    With April 15 coming up and property taxes, could anyone find out for me if the IRS would accept this ?

  88. zeeroods says:

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  89. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Yesterday, Idaho “became the first state to pass a law saying no thanks to part of President Obama’s health care proposal.” Gov. C.L. Otter said the law, which says that Idahoans are “free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services,” ensures that people are “treated as an individual, rather than as an amorphous mass whose only purpose in this world is to obey federal mandates.”

    F uck you, Plastic Man 2.

    People talk a good game when they’re in a big group of like-minded people, but when they get home and get a good look at the state of their family’s health and their finances — they’ll be all over any and all opportunities to ease their burdens.

  90. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    BTW, Gov Plastic Man. Regarding this: “free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services”

    Does that include “at gunpoint?” Just askin’…

  91. Winski says:

    Good for Idaho…NOW, we can just wall the whole state off, send in limberger, beck, billo-the-clown and all the rest of the spew machine, and seal it shut. We’re done with the spew machine and all the neo-nuts in Sand Point…

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