Friday, March 19, 2010

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Ethan Bronner

Recent and archived news articles by Ethan Bronner of The New York Times.


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Israel Objects to U.S. Construction Demands

Israel said it would reject U.S. demands and expressed anger over the public upbraiding of the prime minister.

March 16, 2010
Israel Feeling Rising Anger From the U.S.

An ill-timed housing announcement has left the Israeli government scrambling to respond to a tough list of demands by the Obama administration.

March 15, 2010
Biden to Leave the Middle East Amid Uncertainty and Unease

TEL AVIV -- Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. came to Israel early this week to promote new Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and tighten the bonds between Israel and the United States. He left Thursday amid increased uncertainty over the nature and timing of those talks and with a sense of unease hanging over the American-Israeli relationship. The cause of both was the unexpected announcement during his visit that Israel would build 1,600 housing units for Jews in East Jerusalem, where Palestin...

March 12, 2010
Palestinians Hold to Plan for New Talks

Palestinian leaders meeting with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. condemned a decision by Israel on new housing, but still spoke of participating in peace talks.

March 11, 2010
Rewrite of Physics by Einstein on Display

For the first time, the complete, original manuscript of the theory of relativity, profoundly human and surprisingly moving to examine, has been put on display in Jerusalem.

March 11, 2010
As Biden Visits,Israel Unveils Plan for New Settlements

The plan to build 1,600 new homes in Jerusalem is likely to complicate relations with the U.S. as Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. tours the region.

March 10, 2010
Biden Visits Mideast to Push Peace Talks

JERUSALEM -- Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. began a five-day visit to the Middle East on Monday, part of a concerted American effort to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and keep Israel focused on relying on sanctions against Iran's nuclear program rather than on unilateral military action. Mr. Biden is expected to meet Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian leaders and give a speech at Tel Aviv University expressing American solidarity with Israel.

March 9, 2010
Palestinian Sees Lesson Translating an Israeli’s Work

In memory of a son killed in a terrorist attack, a Palestinian lawyer paid for an Arabic translation of the autobiography of Israel’s most prominent author and dove, Amos Oz.

March 7, 2010
Israel: Police and Palestinians Clash at Holy Site

The Israeli police and Palestinian youths clashed at a Jerusalem holy site on Friday after the youths threw stones at Jewish worshipers, according to the police.

March 6, 2010
Hoping Sanctions Work but Readying Gas Masks

Amid complex questions about how effective a strike against Iran would be, Israel and the U.S. share an interest in pushing for tough sanctions.

March 5, 2010

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