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    No Caption Necessary

    February 28th, 2009

    OK, OK, this is slightly underhand of me.  We don’t know for certain how he votes, nor if he’s a registered Democrat.  But he certainly isn’t a conservative, so welcome to Track-A-’Crat, Jeremiah Wright!

    Let’s let bygones be bygones.  Particularly when we have this to look forward to.

    Boy oh boy oh boy, Holder and Wright in the same place at the same time!  Do space-time laws even allow for this to happen?  Might not the universe implode?

    This is going to be good.

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    Destroy The Jedi!

    February 28th, 2009

    Emperor Palpatine – sorry, my mistake – Senator Robert Byrd is the renowned “King of Pork.”

    Having funneled well over $3 billion in earmarks to West Virginia since 1991, he is the undisputed, title-unifying, world heavyweight champion of pork.

    Does he believe that this could, perhaps, make amends for something in his past?

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    With Leaders Like These

    February 28th, 2009

    Maybe this a good thing.  Maybe the Democratic Party is simply trying to revive the simplicity of the Cold War, where we could easily identity our enemies.  Ah, those were the days.

    Senator Schumer is certainly doing his own personal best to draw a line in the sand.  How much of a brainiac do you have to be to say this?

    I’m sure his electorate is thrilled to know just how highly he prizes their views.

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    A Lonely Voice Of Reason

    February 28th, 2009

    Entrants into this new category will be rare.

    But Anita MonCrief deserves recognition for her integrity in speaking up against ACORN, for whom she previously worked, and maintaining an open mind towards conservatism.

    In a way, she’s a more intelligent voter than many of us (not that I can vote yet over here, anyway), weighing up the strengths of both sides.

    Because I will not vote for any party of the Left until they acknowledge the importance of small government, low taxes and personal responsibility.

    Which is to say never.

    Anita (photo unfortunately unavailable), I look forward to hearing more.

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    Why Engage My Brain

    February 28th, 2009

    When I, Rep. James Clyburn, can far more easily just accuse my opponent of racism.

    It must be great to have possession of this trump card.  No need to devote any time to constructive thinking about how to best understand or approach complex problems.  No need to improve one’s own knowledge to keep up with a rapidly changing world.  No need, in fact, to know how to do anything except for denouncing everything that doesn’t please you as racist.  Not when you can simply fall back on this old chestnut (slipping into English vernacular here).

    It can be applied to anything and it’s the last word in any discussion.  There exists no faster way to shut down open debate, Nancy Pelosi aside.

    Being a Catholic, I think that it may be time to start moaning incessantly about the prejudice and discrimination that I have to endure.  There’s not been a (nominal) Catholic president since JFK, so that has to be redressed for starters.

    Then I want special employment rights, a dedicated category of criminal law for anti-Papist fiends and the protection of the state against any and all who oppose anything that I think, do or say.

    Now if I just repeat this loudly and often enough…

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    The Exception To The Rule

    February 28th, 2009

    Remember what Clarence said about Elvis in True Romance (great flick)?  You remember that?  Do you? Aaaanyway

    When has Clint ever not been awesome?  Not often, let me tell you.

    Latest example here.  What he said is nothing more than common sense, but even that makes it a remarkable occurrence for a denizen of Hollywood, best known for far less intelligent statements like this.

    Clint, time to take some names and kick some a*s.

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    Chicago Is… How To Put It… Unique

    February 28th, 2009

    I know, I know.  When you’re in the upper ranks of politics, as these three men certainly are (were, in Blago’s case), your photo is taken a kajillion times every day and you can’t always help who’s in the frame with you.

    But this shot is still a doozy.

    Blago – enough said.  The President – we’re going to quickly find out more than many of us would ever want to about him.  And Mayor Daley.  Well, things have a been a little quieter of late.  It could be because he’s changed his ways, or it could be that the media has simply tired of reporting all his schemes.  I mean, where’s the challenge?  He barely bothers to conceal them anyway, and is even less likely to now given his new BFF.

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    Winner Of The Award For Incoherence

    February 28th, 2009

    Is Congressman Alcee Hastings, who used to be a federal judge.

    Until he was impeached and removed from office for corruption and perjury, that is.

    I’m pretty sure it used to be more common to go to jail after convictions, as opposed to Congress, but it would seem that I’m mistaken.

    Certainly, the Democratic Party is all about giving people a second chance.  And a third.  And a fourth.  Etc.

    Criticizing Sarah Palin for being married, successful, female and having children is nothing new.  The bizarre twist with Hastings’ charge against Sarah Palin was this:

    Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through.”


    Hate to tell you this, Alcee, but I have thought it through and your statement makes no sense.  Whatsoever.  In fact, it hurts my brain just thinking about this stream of non-sequitur words.

    Even Rep. Corrine Brown would be embarrassed by this level of gibberish.


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    Let Me Think For You

    February 28th, 2009

    Bill, you must have some lingering anger issues.  Not hard to understand why.  Only the second president to be impeached (in 1998, with the first being Andrew Jackson in 1868).  Suspended from the Arkansas bar for lying.  Lurid public testimony about his private life.  Not quite the glorious exit you had in mind, right?

    But is that reason enough to attack free speech?

    I empathize with Democrats.  It must be terribly distressing to learn that Fox News is not supportive.

    Particularly when they can only count on ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, Air America, nearly all print newspapers (for as long as they have left) and magazines, daytime TV, celebrities and, last but not least, Hollywood.

    No doubt about it: that rogue outlet, Fox, demands regulation.

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    Mental Dysmorphic Disorder

    February 28th, 2009

    RINOs Collins, Specter and Snowe should be made to wallpaper their entire homes with pages from biographies of Ronald Reagen and Margaret Thatcher.  Inside and out.  I’m not even going to provide a link to what they gone and done did.

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