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    US Embassy Iraq Gay Pride

    May 31st, 2009



    We can’t foster democracy in the Middle East but we can force respect for homosexuality onto them?

    Something tells me that the second is going to be even less popular than the first.

    Last Friday, 29 May, the US Embassy in Iraq held its first-ever gay pride party in Baghdad.  The initiation to the event implored those attending to “dress in drag or as a gay icon.”

    As always with the Left, results do not matter; only intentions do.  President Intern will raise the tax burden on America, knowing full well that it will yield less tax revenue, because it is his intention to punish the successful and bolster his far-left credentials.  Likewise here – results are secondary to his ability to say that he is promoting multiculturalism.

    As if Arabs didn’t dislike us enough already.  Is this the type of cultural sensitivity that Left-wingers always whine we lack?  I don’t want to excuse the pervasive Middle Eastern prejudice against gay people, but doing something like this shows zero situational awareness.

    It’d be like the Obama administration nominating someone who supports abortion as US ambassador to the Holy See.

    [The pic has nothing to with the Baghdad party, as far as I know.  But wouldn't you use it?]

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    A Sure-Fire Hit

    May 31st, 2009


    Apologies all for the massive pic.

    But this one needs to be legible, so a smaller pic wouldn’t cut it.

    The above is one of Americans for Tax Reform’s posters.  And it’s clearly awesome.

    Marvel, one and all, at how we are taxed to the hilt for doing just about anything that might give us some enjoyment!

    And don’t think that these indirect taxes can’t go any higher – they’re nearly all taxed at an even more elevated rate in Europe.

    This poster should be made into a nationwide campaign, stat.

    I’m thinking that it should grace, ohhh, every single billboard in the country?

    Yep.  That oughta do it.

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    Happiness Can Be Bought

    May 31st, 2009

    Obviously.  So please save your the-best-things-in-life-are-free spiel.  Some indeed are, but lots of wicked awesome things are not.

    Louis Susman was first rumored to be the next US ambassador to the UK three months ago.

    He deserves this honor because he raised oodles of cash for Obama: between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama’s presidential campaign and another $300,000 for his inauguration.

    This, combined with Obama’s choice of squillions of tax cheats, his overt social-engineering and his promotion of those without sufficient qualifications, all adds up to shooting our meritocracy in the face with a bazooka.

    Along with Susman, Charles Rivkin has been nominated as ambassador to France (he also collected more than $500,000 for Obama’s campaign and $300,000 for his inauguration) and John Roos as ambassador to Japan (he raised more than $500,000).

    By my calculations, therefore, the next potential ambassador to Eritrea probably raised about $300 for The One’s ascension.

    That’ll teach anyone else to be so lackadaisical.

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    Then God Created The Weekend

    May 29th, 2009

    If the creation of the weekend isn’t final proof of God’s existence, then I don’t know what is.

    And don’t try telling me that the Romans, or whoever, invented the way we measure time, etc, ‘cos I have my belief and, by gosh, nothing you can say will change that.

    To honor the weekend, here are some humorous clips for your viewing pleasure.

    Two political, three not (including the above by British comedienne Catherine Tate -- if English is your mother tongue, then this is your video), all very entertaining.  In no particular order, here we go:

    The world’s luckiest stuntman.

    Jumping lizard scares the bejeezus out of TV presenter.

    Former Deputy British Prime Minister punches man-on-the-street.

    Current British Prime Minister breathes through his mouth.  Lots.

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    It’s Official: Hispanic > White

    May 29th, 2009

    Good poster, no?

    Because these days, it seems like just about anyone can be openly racist and get away with it.  Anyone who happens to not be white, that is.

    Such as NY governor David Paterson and Rep. James Clyburn, to name but two.

    And add new SCOTUS Sonia Sotomayor to the list.

    How could she consider this case to be anything other than motivated by racism, pure and simple?

    And where was her brain when she stated, in 2001, that “a wise Latina woman… would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male.”

    Boy, am I glad that she’s the latest intellectual heavyweight to join the Supreme Court.

    I guess that’s just our burden for being colonialist oppressors, or whatever the fashionably derogatory Lefty term currently is…

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    Tales From The Obamaverse

    May 29th, 2009


    I am The One, for I am here, there and everywhere.  Thanks be upon ye, wall-to-wall media coverage of the sycophantic kind.

    And gratitude o’er all others to TIME Magazine, on whom I have bestowed life after death.

    I deign to speak to you this time, o multitudinous plebian plebes, about the economy.  Do not question The Sheriff’s completely unverifiable claim to have saved/created, through My Hand, 150,000 jobs.

    Some are saying that My country is shedding 16,000 jobs everyday.  To which I reply: listen not to any voice other than Mine; look not upon any other leader, save He who has sacrificed His valuable free time for you; and turn not to anything of the Right, which is racistfascistpollutionistsectarianist, verily.

    These are My words.  Heed them well, else you may suffer, as I once did, from not knowing thy true self.

    Until the next time, yay.

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    Chicago Crook Of The Day

    May 29th, 2009

    And today, it’s the turn of Isaac Carothers.  Come on down, Isaac!

    Alderman Carothers (29th) is a staunch ally of Mayor Richard Daley and he’s been indicted on charges that he accepted around $40,000 in improvements, as well as meals and tickets to sporting events in exchange for backing a major project by a developer.

    Carothers, 54, has been charged with four counts of wire and mail fraud and one count each of accepting a bribe and filing a false federal income tax return.

    It’s not hard to find out what it takes to bribe people.  Some want women/men.  Some want money.  Bet it was pretty clear what the price of Isaac’s integrity was.

    Food.  If he spends more money on anything else in life, then spank my a*s and call me Judy.  Big chunker gotta eat, om nom nom nom!

    How is Chicago still standing? Is Illinois being used as a statewide stress-test for corruption before the same model is fully rolled out on the national stage?

    How else can the proliferation and prosperity of idiots and crooks like Jesse Jackson, Jesse & Sandra Jackson Jr., Todd Stroger, Maggie & John Anderson, Jeremiah Wright, Jan Schakowsky, Ricardo Munoz, the awesome Roland Burris, Kwame Kilpatrick, Richard Daley, Rod Blagojevich and, last but not least, Barack Obama be explained?

    Here’s Isaac’s contact info:

    • Ward Phone: 773-261-4646

    • E-Mail: icarothers@cityofchicago.org

    • City Hall Phone: 312-744-3070

    Please get in touch and give him sh*t.

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    A Hero Many Times Over

    May 29th, 2009

    This is too good to be true.

    Gateway Pundit, quick on the draw as ever, links to this interview in Spiegel Magazine with Charles Payne, the great-uncle of Barack Obama.

    Turns out he has a few choice words to say about President Intern’s forthcoming trip to Europe:

    SPIEGEL: Mr. Payne, early in June your great-nephew, President Barack Obama, will visit the former concentration camp Buchenwald, which you helped liberate at the end of the war. Will he be travelling in your footsteps?

    Charles Payne: I don’t buy that. I was quite surprised when the whole thing came up and Barack talked about my war experiences in Nazi Germany. We had never talked about that before. This is a trip that he chose, not because of me I’m sure, but for political reasons.

    So then Senator Obama had no qualms in making as much political capital as possible out of his great-uncle’s wartime experience, despite having never actually spoken to him about it.

    Realizing that his immature, militantly pacifist, war-is-always-wrong attitude would harm his presidential ambitions, Obama lived vicariously through incessant repetition of the endeavors of his great-uncle.  This allowed him to appear to claim a knowledge of and respect for the military that he in no way holds.

    As has been stated so often, BO is the ultimate politician – he is completely without conscience.

    And maybe he didn’t speak to his great-uncle much because he’s just another “typical white person.”

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    Saudi Arabia Is Fun!

    May 28th, 2009

    Now, I realize that (male) kids in Saudi Arabia must be bored.

    God knows, I would be.  In fact, in all I could learn about was the Koran, if I was taught to despise women and if I couldn’t eat bacon, then I’d probably be a terrorist, too.  What pleasures are there in life better than the ones proscribed by Islamic nations?

    But this is still pretty crazy.

    For something a bit less death-defying, they could always emulate that grand old Afghani past-time (no, not throwing acid at women), buzkashi.

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    Love Your Enemies

    May 28th, 2009


    Got a little headache this morning.  My body, apparently, ain’t so friendly with beer anymore.  Could be because my wife and I drank champagne like water during the two weeks around our wedding.  Could be because I’m nearly 30.  Could just be that I’m a bit lame.

    Enough about me.  Turns out North Korea, according to Retired Marine Corps Gen. James Jones, is not so much of a threat, after all.

    Except, that is, for being led by a complete loony-bin, possessing nuclear wepaons, having a gigantic military, adhering to strict Marxist ideology and, most dangerously of all, a propensity for passing on its nuclear know-how to places such as Iran.

    All in all, then, the DPRK is a wonderfully friendly and open place, but just has a slight image problem.

    Gen. Jones is so sanguine about the threat posed by North Korea because, if you’re optimistic, (a) he has better info than we do about the imminent collapse of the regime there, or, if you’re pessimistic, (b) he knows that the US is soon to face a far more significant military challenge from, say, North Korea’s large northern neighbor.

    [PS - I wanted another DPRK story to surface as, since my post yesterday, I've been checking out DPRK propaganda posters online.  They're awesome!  Ignore the abundant destruction of US symbols, and just admire the artistry and insanity.]

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