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    Good Choice, Florida

    September 30th, 2009

    Alan Grayson, we already know, is fit for nothing that involves any kind of power, responsibility, intelligence, objectivity, creativity or integrity.


    Which, by my reckoning, means that he should be employed in Washington state to count the number of raindrops that fall each year.  Although even that might have too much potential, as the Left would undoubtedly then proclaim Grayson as the next world-renowned enviro-hoax “authority”, in the vein of Al Gore.

    As if politics isn’t farcical enough already, without Grayson indulging in idiotic theatrics of this kind.

    The Left, as always, denies what it’s doing and forgets what it’s done.  The Left arbitrarily decides that words mean only what they themselves say they mean and attributes imaginary policies to their opponents.  Grayson’s stupidity, specifically, has been facilitated by his cohorts detestable attempts to equate opposition to Barry with racism.

    If that level of stupidity is tolerable -- if not actively encouraged -- then why not this, as well?

    Grayson has been given a stupid unlimited license and boy is he gonna use it.

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    Intentions Over Results

    September 30th, 2009

    bipartisan animal

    With the fusing of political parties everywhere into one hideous amorphous mass (a process that’s reaching its apogee in Europe, where party names have long since ceased to provide anything but the merest hint as to that party’s alleged values), the choice facing the electorate increasingly appears to be that between big and bigger government, high and higher taxes, and little or no accountability. The traditional dividing lines have softened and blurred, leading to the rise of the independents and their king-making capacity. The decisions of voters are less than ever based on how much they agree with a given party’s platform, but rather on how little they disagree with it.

    With one exception, that is. Read the rest of this entry »

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    King Douchebag The Eternal

    September 29th, 2009

    Oh.  My.  God.

    Despite my contempt, and sometimes outright detestation, for those who feature in these pages, I wish no physical harm upon any of them at all (not even a small, Harry Reid-type stroke).

    Mental anguish, fine; physical damage, no.

    But Rep. Baron Hill (D-IN) is making me start to re-think my non-violent stance.

    In itself, what he says in the vid above (which, yes, I’m very late in posting about) is nothing extraordinarily bad for our degenerate politicians.

    But it’s the way he says it.

    I have never heard one person express so much conceit, arrogance and disregard in so few words.

    He had one moment of clarity, stating that:

    The reason I don’t allow filming is because usually the films that are done end up on YouTube in a compromising position.”

    A disclaimer that he had disregarded mere moments beforehand, however, when announcing to the commoners in attendance that:

    This is my townhall meeting for you and you’re not going to tell me how to run my congressional office.”

    Nice self-fulfilling prophecy there, dumba*s.

    See, Baron, if you didn’t say such incredibly stupid things, then they couldn’t be used to make you look stupid on YouTube, as you rightly feared.

    See how that works?  Cause and effect?

    I’m now considering snapping my own pinky just to take my mind away from doing very bad things to this window-licker.

    UPDATE:  While trying to find an email address for Hill, I stumbled across this gem on his website’s contact info page:

    Letters are a great way to explain concerns you have about legislation, or to discuss a problem you are having with the federal government or a federal agency. Please send letters to the District office closest to you.

    No sh*t!  Letters are “a great way to explain concerns you have about legislation”, really?  He thinks us so stupid that he feels the need to explain what the point of writing a letter is.  O please divulge some more of your priceless wisdom to us, Sage of Indiana!

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    Past Is Prologue

    September 29th, 2009


    There are some things that I would do (almost) anything to witness.

    Behind-the-scenes conversations that take place in the innermost sanctums of the Democratic Party are high on the list, but being a part of Barry’s moonlight tour of the D.C. monuments yesterday evening would be numero uno.

    Because it is there that the real Barry would have been exposed, as opposed to the artificial construct that we see before us every hour of every day.

    Barry likes to make a show of his commitment to history (normally by letting a photographer snap him holding a book about Lincoln), but not his knowledge of it.  He realizes the power of this small gesture to ingratiate him among those Americans (also known as Republicans) who are proud of their country’s past, viewing it as something to be celebrated rather than cursed.

    And he also does it to try to dispel the well-deserved image of a man interested only in the present.  The concept of history to Barry up until now has only been significant in its relation to Marxist doctrine and his pursuit of “oppression studies.”

    As a former professor of history, I would genuinely and honestly love to know what they spoke about as they walked through the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials.  I would love to hear what they knew and what they thought they knew, and I would be intrigued to see how often they reduced historical themes to race/racism.  I hope, but don’t expect, that they didn’t fall victim to this anti-intellectualism too often during their tour.

    One definition of intelligence (probably my favorite one) is the ability to recognize patterns.  Without a knowledge of history, this is impossible.

    In Barry’s mind, his policies are new and fresh – to anyone with a sense of the past, however, they are old and staid.

    So while he may be surprised by the failure of his intricate machinations over the coming years, we will not be.

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    Olympic-Sized Corruption

    September 29th, 2009

    The theme of the day, ladies and gentlemen, is using political office not to improve the lives of ordinary (and legal) citizens, but instead to dole out taxpayer monies to all your buds.

    Well, that’s the theme of the entire site, but it’s been thrown into stark relief today via Al Gore’s cronyism (below) and Barry’s attempts to “win” the Olympic Games for Chicago in 2016 (which increasingly looks like a done deal).

    Barry is doing this, of course, to divert oodles of cash into the pockets of his friends and supporters, among them slum-landlords, terrorists, racists and criminals.

    The Beijing Olympics were a wonderful spectacle – but, then again, when are the Games not? – although I could never shake one train of thought while watching it: that the Chinese were manipulating the world, that they barely allowed their own people access, that they cheated in every possible way to try to win more medals than the US (as nothing is more important to communists than successful propaganda) and that this smiley-face did not in any way correspond to the reality of a country that imprisons opponents, forcibly removes organs from dissenters and murders pro-democracy activists.

    I don’t even think that developed countries should bid for the Games.  London’s budget version of the Olympics next year is going to be an embarrassment.  London barely functions as it is, so the counter-intuitive argument that construction for the Olympics will somehow improve the situation is about as mindless as you’d expect.  Let developing countries who have to modernize/build their cities anyway have the Games.

    As with the ChiComs, Barry sees this extravaganza as a PR victory.  By the time 2016 comes around, Barry will have been discredited as an even more useless leader/person than Jimmy Carter. Without any tangible (positive) legacy after all those wasted years in office, Barry will point pathetically to the Chicago Olympics and proclaim, I did that.

    And we will then point out everything else that he’s done, too.

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    Money Does Grow On Trees

    September 29th, 2009

    I’m going to start writing posts about Al Gore more frequently, simply because there are so many photographs of him doing/looking/being ridiculous.  Screw the material, a montage of wacky Al antics is more than enough by itself.

    But let’s not lose sight of the fact that Al Gore is the singular genius of our time.  The man who created the internet and “discovered” climate change, Al is a demi-god in the Left’s pantheon of secular deities, second only to the boy-king himself.

    His unveiling of the climate change hoax, by the way, allows Al to circumvent the normal laws of gross hypocrisy and live in a house that consumes more than 20 times the national average power consumption, while simultaneously berating the rest of America for single-handedly bringing about the supposedly-imminent environmental apocalypse.

    This totalitarianism-as-environmentalism theme is one that Barry’s constantly leg-humping, too, appealing as it does to his desire to control and redistribute everything.  Remember when the Commie-in-Chief said this:

    We can’t drive our SUVs and you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes on you know, 72 degrees at all times, and whether we’re living in the desert or we’re living in the tundra, and then just expect that every other country’s going say OK.

    Yeah, I thought you would.  How he remained electable after stating something like that, in addition to the hundreds of other moments of intense self-flagellation, remains beyond me.

    Al has not only enriched himself massively through this whole racket, but also his friends.  Take California start-up Fisker Automotive Inc., for example.  Despite being entirely unknown, this company has just received a $529 million US government loan to help build a hybrid sports car in Finland that will sell for about $89,000.

    You read that right.  The company will be (1) given a half-billion dollars of our money, in order to (2) make a car outside of the USA that will be (3) far too expensive for most American consumers to purchase.

    When we all lose our real jobs due to the Democrats’ master-plan to make us all state vassals in meaningless bureaucracies, I am going to make it my life’s mission to hound Al Gore into never leaving his house again.

    PS – Thank you to reader RB for sending me the tip.

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    Non-Corrupt Politician Alert

    September 28th, 2009

    Nah, I’m totally kidding.

    This guy’s as bad as the rest of ‘em.

    Doing his small part to ensure that no-one in the entire country harbors any positive feelings whatsoever towards politics/politicians, Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez turned himself over to State Police earlier this month, on charges that he and some crony tried to extort $100,000 from a developer.

    Perez is familiar with the routine, having also been arrested in January on charges of bribery, fabricating evidence and conspiracy to fabricate evidence.

    Despite having been arrested an infinite number of times more than most of us, Perez has (predictably) denied being a stupid criminal and (even more predictably) bravely promised to remain in office.

    Because that, no doubt, is exactly what Hartford residents want to see – yet another politician using his office to cover his a*s.

    There should be some kind of special forfeit for politicians who are convicted of corruption after brazenly positioning themselves as more morally upright than Mother Teresa.  It might not make more of them just admit to their crimes in the first place, but at least it would punish them more heavily afterwards.

    And there should also be a supplementary punishment for any grown man who spells his name E-d-d-i-e.  He might as well spell it D-o-u-c-h-e.

    Fun fact: in addition to being a thoroughly corrupt Democrat, Perez was also a member of the Ghetto Brothers gang during his misspent youth.  Which is almost certainly the least threateningly named gang to have ever existed.  Did they have any members over the age of thirteen?

    The trial for his first arrest had been set for November this year, though I’ve no idea what effect his subsequent arrest will have on that.

    But never mind: let’s take November as a given and, with that in mind, please be sure to contact Eddie to let him know of our eternal support:

    Mayor’s Office
    550 Main St.
    2nd Floor, Room 200
    Hartford, CT 06103
    (860) 757-9500


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    A Teachable Moment

    September 28th, 2009

    Barry Obama, the least experienced and most naive man ever elected to run a functioning nation-state by people who weren’t told how to vote, loves nothing more than to talk big.

    Mostly about himself, but occasionally, when he absolutely cannot avoid it, concerning the multitudinous problems facing the US.

    Barry does not like to do this, and with good reason.  To talk about these problems is to admit their existence, which carries with it the fatal possibility of acknowledging that they’re severe enough to not only shatter his presidency but also – if we continue present policies, which all amount to doing sweet FA – the country.

    As I’ve said before, superpowers do not die – they commit suicide.

    This realization, should Barry experience it too often, threatens to break his fragile self-confidence, the root of his magical abilities.

    Which explains why Barry busies himself chasing after useless pieces of paper, instead of focusing his energies on what matters: the global war on terror and Afghanistan (leaving aside Iraq for this post).

    Barry’s prime duty is to act as Commander-in-Chief of the nation’s military forces.  This would be true even if the US were not engaged in two wars.  And it is a responsibility he takes so seriously that he has spoken with the US Commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, a whole one time.


    And Barry has never met him in person.

    This is the reality of the man.  This is how he sees fit to run the “right war.”  Incompetent domestically and clueless abroad, Barry has the reverse-Midas touch.  As his acolytes scream ever more hysterically about white racism, so does what they are trying to hide only become more apparent: that Barry is dangerously out of his depth.

    And he knows it.  No-one can truly be prepared to enter the Oval Office, but Barry has never held a position, or even done anything, that demanded deep mental fortitude before.  He has always had a figure to guide him towards the next landmark, and has become adept at evading decisions and commitments.

    First president to have a mental breakdown while in office, anyone?

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    The Best of Frenemies

    September 28th, 2009

    Their craziness notwithstanding, even lunatics can stumble upon moments of lucidity when something of great import happens.

    But not Mahmoud and the mullocracy.  In their apocalyptic fervor to acquire nuclear weapons and rain down death upon everyone that doesn’t submit to their insanity, the theocracy has succeeded in forcing together Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    That that hasn’t set the alarm bells ringing in Tehran is final proof of their detachment from reality.  The only thing that keeps North Korea in check is the desire of its leadership to survive.  This is the most fundamental aim of nation-states, and none operate on a basis other than this.

    Except, perhaps, for Iran.  Because it is increasingly evident that the normal rules do not apply.  Assuming Iran to be a rational actor is the first mistake that Barry’s made, compounded by the second: mistaking Ahmadinejad for a politician, instead of what he really is – a madman.

    Ahmadinejad is not interested in re-election; he doesn’t care about improving the lives of those under his rule; and the thought of strengthening his nation-state is anathema to him.  As he’s stated numerous times, he sees himself as a prophet, the man who will bring about the reappearance of the Twelfth (or Hidden) Imam, which – you guessed it – will also herald a planetary-level bloodshed of non-believers, sinners, Jews, etc.

    Mahmoud, though, is so excitable that he seems to be mixing up the order – he can’t decide whether the appearance of the imam will lead to death and destruction, or the reverse, that death and destruction will lead to the appearance of the imam.  So he’s diligently preparing for both eventualities.

    It is undoubtedly good that two countries of the enmity of Israel and Saudi Arabia have found common cause against a threat to them both.  With Barry refusing to do anything meaningful, the responsibility to take action will fall to others.

    On a surface level, this can be interpreted as a positive development for the US.  America cannot be expected to solve all of the world’s problems, nor should it be expected to do so.

    The possibility that Barry’s inaction could lead to a solution being formulated elsewhere, however, is a lucky break that Barry will shamelessly claim he instigated, ironically, through his own failure to act.

    There is another, worse consequence, though.  Should this Israeli/Saudi tag-team materialize, it will be for the best, this time.

    But we will not be so fortunate the next time.  Because the example will then have been set of by-passing the US on an issue of critical global importance.

    After which could follow a barrage of nightmarish scenarios.

    Venezuela and Cuba deciding to “liberate” the people of Colombia?

    China and Russia jointly destroying Taiwanese independence?

    You name it, someone, somewhere is thinking about it.

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    Time To STFU

    September 28th, 2009


    It’s an inevitable consequence of becoming the leader of any country that matters, but the accelerated aging process is clearly taking its toll upon Slick Willy, who’s looking more like the peanut farmer with every passing day.

    Not that it’s had much affect on his mental faculties, which remain as deformed as ever.  Bubba has once again spoken of the “vast right-wing conspiracy” that attacked him and has, apparently, now resumed operations against Barry.

    I do love how he can deflect all criticism of his presidency away from it’s true source: his inability to tell the truth, his infinite capacity for deviousness and his complete absence of personal morals.

    Plus, Bill, a “conspiracy” cannot by definition be “vast.”  When people conspire to one end or another, such as Barry and his proto-communists, it is done in secret.  To maintain said secrecy, the numbers of those in the know are limited.  Were it to become “vast”, the conspiracy would cease to be so, having turned into a plan, instead.  Which, coincidentally, is the stage that Barry’s cabal is now approaching.

    In other news, thank the Lord that yesterday’s over.

    I’ve still not entirely recovered, but at least I no longer want to hide in a hole in the ground.  Man, do I hate hangovers.  I did make it to the pig roast, but it took three hours to get there, leaving Smitty and I barely over an hour to stay once we had arrived.  Stacy McCain has some photos of the party.

    Finally, thank you all for your hangover-avoidance advice.

    Except, that is, for those of you whom recommended hair of the dog.

    I thought we were friends.

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