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    The Envirocaust Still Cometh

    November 30th, 2009


    Note to this guy: failing the Cynthia McKinney test will result in the rapid loss of all credibility.

    And this isn’t just any old, disheveled-looking vagrant – he’s one Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of one of the organizations chiefly responsible for perpetrating the largest con in human history (yes, perhaps even greater than handing the Oval Office to a gawky, insecure and rabidly socialist intern), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    Not that he sees it that way.  Despite the revelations of ClimateGate that everything offering any proof at all of so-called climate change is based on data that was, essentially, made up, Pachauri has defended the IPCC’s honor, incredulously stating that,

    The processes in the IPCC are so robust, so inclusive, that even if an author or two has a particular bias it is completely unlikely that bias will find its way into the IPCC report.

    Shyeah, right.  No bias with which they disagree has made it way into their reports, he meant to say.

    We should all recycle, etc, etc, but the world will not microwave itself to death if we don’t impose measures on ourselves that will devastate our economy and destroy our standard of living.

    Not that this matters to the Left’s assorted con-artists and crooks.  Where overt socialism has failed, environmentalism will succeed.  Opportunities to bamboozle people into voting for their own shackles appear only rarely, and ain’t nuthin’ gonna prevent Barry from exploiting this one to the fullest.

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    One For All & All For One

    November 30th, 2009

    Because some things can never be watched/heard/said too many times.

    Peggy Joseph, you distilled support for Maobama with unrivaled clarity and precision, not to mention eloquence and altruism.

    Thank you.

    Now how’s it working out for ya?

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    The Genius Of Michael Moore

    November 30th, 2009

    It’s too early for this.

    After a wonderful Thanksgiving, an unadulterated serving of Michael Moore is perhaps the biggest system shock possible.  He is the antithesis of everything represented by Thanksgiving, manifested in human form.

    We’re all aware of his incessant verbal diarrhea.  The guy can’t help it.  Get him started on anything related to politics, no matter how tenuous the link, and be prepared for an avalanche of anti-logic that even Rep. Alcee Hastings would struggle to match.

    Moore’s latest political revolution is to have published an open letter to The One on his website, aiming to use his considerable sway with those millions of people who mistake his fictional movies for fact, and base their vote on that most firm of foundations. Read the rest of this entry »

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    Thanks Given

    November 27th, 2009


    Quick post, guys.

    Thank you for your kind wishes, hope you all had a great day.  Wife and I got down to North Carolina Wednesday night, and drove to the Outer Banks yesterday.

    That’s me sitting in the rocking chair, above, with bluromatic face again.  The pooch is Bailey, my father-in-law’s adorable doggie.

    For a pic of my beloved wife, follow the jump… Read the rest of this entry »

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    Happy Thanksgiving!

    November 25th, 2009


    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

    I’m fortunate enough that there is nothing for which I shouldn’t be thankful.  Amongst all of that, I’ll narrow it down simply to being thankful for my family, friends, health and my wife, in particular.

    Without, of course, neglecting to mention all of you.  Thank you for your visits,  comments, compliments, tips and everything else.  That even goes for JJB, whose epic meltdown provided some much-needed humor on an otherwise life-draining day at the office.

    Have a great day, overindulge in every way possible and remember all that has made America great, from then until now and far into the future.

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    Healthcare, Defined

    November 25th, 2009

    Picture 2

    I didn’t photoshop the pic, swear to God.

    Barry’s proposed healthcare diktat has made it into the dictionary.

    But not quite how he’d have wanted it to do so.

    Incredibly, it’s featured not under “awesome”, “brilliant” or “taxtastic”, having been instead chosen to demonstrate the proper usage of “much-vaunted.”

    Whomsoever is responsible for this entry, I love you.

    I’m not sure how long it’s been like this, nor how much longer it’ll last before being “corrected”, but I stumbled upon this through my post about Togo West (which really does sound like it should be a place in Africa.  Perhaps next to the least imaginatively named country evah, the Central African Republic. Guys, that’s a description, not a name).

    You know that you’ve got a problem, though, when even the dictionary starts mocking you.

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    Fort Hood + Togo West = Not Good

    November 24th, 2009

    The prospects of an unadulterated investigation into the Ft. Hood massacre have not been good from the get-go.

    Cast-iron assurances of a comprehensive inquiry have the same ring to my ears as did Pelosi’s promise to create the “most ethical Congress in history” and Barry’s pledge to honor his own much-vaunted* “sunshine clause.”

    With the MSM creating an entirely new psychiatric condition to explain away Nidal Malik Hasan’s murderous “aberration”, with Janet Napolitano automatically warning against any anti-Muslim backlash (fun fact for Janet: there were, according to the FBI, 1,477 crimes motivated by religious bias in 2007.  Of that figure, 133 were anti-Islamic, whereas 1,010 were anti-Jewish.  Still, who are the Democrats to let reality rain on their parade?) and with President Obama urging there to be no rush to judgment – unlike his ability to divine exactly what took place in the Henry Louis Gates affair after a nanosecond’s worth of analysis – the likelihood of a white-washed report disinfecting the atrocity of one of its most disturbing traits has always been pretty high.

    The appointments of former Army Secretary Togo West (above) and former Navy Chief of Operations Admiral Vernon Clark to lead the investigation mean that that possibility is now all but a certainty, according to James Corum.  Writing in the Daily Telegraph (London), Corum states that,

    At the core of the mass murder at Fort Hood Texas is the question of how the decades-old policies of the US Defence Department that have lowered standards in the name of “affirmative action” and “diversity” may have contributed to the retention of a clearly unfit officer and put him in the position to kill 13 American soldiers and wound another 28. For Togo West or Vernon Clark to question such policies (which were largely of their own making) would indicate a degree of intellectual openness and apolitical judgment that they have never exhibited before. So my bet is a complete gloss over the real questions at stake.

    There’s a higher probability of wisdom flowing forth from the lips of Joe Biden than there is of this happening, but the Left would do well not to immediately dismiss Dr. Corum as a conservative wing-nut.  One look at his credentials should leave no disinterested party with any doubts as to his standing.

    Rhetorical question alert: why, in that case, has the MSM gone nowhere near this?

    [* Fun fact number two: check out the Longman dictionary's example of the proper usage of "much-vaunted." They clearly didn't get Axelrod's memo...]

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    Nancy Pelosi, Queen Of Stupid

    November 24th, 2009

    Aside from a severe intelligence deficit and a natural instinct for the most lunatic option available, what else is there that could prevent Bella Pelosi from stating that Bin Laden (should he (a) be presently alive, (b) be captured by the US and (c) still be alive when/if that happens) would not be accorded the rights of American citizens when tried?

    Is her sense of political correctness really that mammoth?  Is the mere thought of losing the votes of the extreme fringe eco-commie-fascists that disturbing?

    Or is that there is nothing that the Democrats will not do in order to bolster their (temporary) popularity, no matter what the cost?

    Even if that means trying foreign terrorists as common domestic criminals.  Even if that means starving the intelligence services of the life-blood of their work, provided through interrogating scum like KSM caught in the future.  Even if that means endangering the rest of us through their frenzied attempts to discredit a man no longer in office.  And even if that means tolerating the possibility that KSM could be set free.

    The Courts should be able to hand down a new punishment, specifically for terrorists.

    And it should be this one.

    PS – And, seeing as we’re talking about Pelosi, I’m going to link back to this photo of Her Highness.  Yes, again.  The existence of that pic proves to me that anything is possible.

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    Melvin “Kip” Holden – Criminal?

    November 24th, 2009

    Or just criminally stupid/oblivious to what goes on around him?

    Otherwise known as the Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, Holden was inaugurated in January 2005.

    First of all: what?  What on God’s green earth is a Mayor-President when it’s at home?  How is one title or the other not enough?  I know that we’re talking about Louisiana here (it does admittedly take an awfully long time to shake off the lingering effects of being under French dominion), but still – the title’s a little too close to Eternal Sun God-King for my liking.

    Does Barry know that someone else has a double-barreled title and he doesn’t?

    “Kip” is in the news (well, LA local news, at least) because his sister, Evelyn J. Holden, has pleaded guilty to the charge of conspiracy in aid of racketeering, in an ongoing federal probe of bribery in the local criminal justice system.  She faces up to five years in prison, which is lacking by a factor of ten, in my estimation.

    What most interests me, however, is what the linked-to article above studiously (and very boringly) ignores.  Possibly out of fear of a lawsuit, a concern that I’ve circumvented by putting a question mark in the title.

    See, Kip, I’m not calling you a criminal?  I’m just pondering the likelihood of you not knowing that your sister, who also works in the public sector, was committing felonies.  Were there no hints?  No warning signs of any kind?

    Nonetheless, I bet that she’s a really good, kind person, as always seems to be the case with these poor, misunderstood kleptocrats.

    In which case, I’m sure that she’ll have no problem making lots of new friends in the slammer.

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    A CREW Full Of Idiots

    November 24th, 2009

    Michelle Bachmann kicks all kinds of a*s in that way that only hot, intelligent women can.

    With that being so, she is, of course, one of the Left’s favorite hate-figures.  Right after Bush, Cheney and Palin, I’d imagine.

    The problem we conservatives face, and exemplified again here, is that the Left’s attacks are never isolated events.  They call their henchmen in the media/think tanks/NGOs/mafia/schools and everywhere else, to ensure that as many people pile on as possible.

    Bachmann is now in the sights of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), which is yet another Left-wing organization posing entirely falsely as a non-partisan group.  Were you to head on over to their website, you would find it plastered with accusations against Republicans, with scant mentions of Democrats, aside from outright criminals such as Charlie Rangel.

    I’ve posted about them once before, regarding their complaint to the Federal Election Commission (which later dismissed their pathetic whining) about clothes purchased by the Republican Party to outfit Sarah Palin.

    But, strangely enough, Crew didn’t seem to think that paying your mistress hush money from donations to your presidential campaign was anything too wayward.

    And neither did they have a problem with the millions of $ that then-Senator Obama received in illegal foreign donations to his presidential campaign.

    Their tut-tutting at Bachmann is based on the too-ridiculous-to-be-true charge that she used her official Web site to promote a Washington rally against the Democrats’ takeover of health care.  What the f*ck else is she going to do with her website?  Use it to support her opponents?

    Needless to say that while Bachmann apparently cannot use her own website for her own purposes, it’s perfectly acceptable for the US Department of Health and Human Services to have an official website urging people to support Barry.

    Nope, that’s no double-standard at all.

    (H/t to Voyska PVO for the straight dope.)

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