March 16, 2010

IDF Chief of the General Staff to Return Shortly from Official Work Visit in Turkey, 16

The IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi is to return within the hour from a short and official work visit in Turkey, as the guest of his colleague, the Commander of The Turkish Armed Forces, General Ilker Basbug.

During the visit, the Chief of the General Staff met with the Turkish Minister of Defense, Mr. Vecdi Gonul and with his host, the Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces.

Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi placed a flower bouquet in the mausoleum honoring Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, known as the “Father of the Turkish Nation” and founder of the Republic of Turkey. The IDF Chief of the General Staff was welcomed by a Turkish military honor guard upon arrival.

In the beginning of the visit, Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi participated in an international conference organized by the Turkish military and NATO about terrorism and international cooperation. He also listened to a speech delivered by the Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces about various issues in combating terror.

Many Chiefs of Staff from around the region and the globe were present at the conference along with senior NATO commanders, ambassadors, attaches, media personnel and academics.

During their talks, the IDF Chief of the General Staff and his host discussed strengthening security cooperation between Israel and Turkey. Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi also updated his counterpart on lessons learnt within the IDF during Operation Cast Lead and during the Second Lebanon War.

At a reception earlier this evening, the IDF Chief of the General Staff met with various Chiefs of Staff and senior commanders from the Turkish Armed Forces including the Deputy Chief of the Turkish Armed Forces, the Turkish Chief of Intelligence, the Turkish Air Force Commander and others.

Towards the end of his visit, the Chief of the General Staff said: “This was an important meeting and there is no need to emphasize Turkey’s strategic significance and centrality, for many and diverse reasons. We have an interest to strengthen the ties with Turkey and I have noticed a similar Turkish desire. The cooperation between us will continue.”

The IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi is seen meeting with his counterpart, the Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces, General Ilker Basbug, before there one-on-one meeting.

Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi lays a wreath on the mausoleum of Kemal Ataturk known as the "Father of the Turkish Nation" and founder of the Republic of Turkey.

Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi meets with the Turkish Minister of Defense, Mr. Vecdi Gonul.

March 15, 2010

Pictures: Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, Visits Turkey, 15 Mar 2010

March 15th, 2010

The Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Gabi Ashkenazi, landed half an hour ago in Ankara, Turkey and was received by GOC Ankara Command, General Mehmet Emin Elfman. The Chief of the General Staff is currently in transit to a NATO conference on terror, headed by the Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces. Over the course of the day, Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi will meet with his Turkish counterpart and the Turkish Defense Minister and will place a wreath on the mausoleum of Kemal Ataturk.

Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi arrives at the Turkish Air Force base.

GOC Ankara Command, Gen. Mehmet Emin Elfman, and Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi in Turkey.

March 14, 2010

Senior Hamas Terrorist, Responsible for the Murder of Over 70 Israelis, Arrested Last Night in Ramallah, 14 Mar 2010

Maher U’dda, a Hamas military wing operative wanted since the end of the last decade for his involvement in terrorism against Israeli civilians, was arrested last night in a joint IDF, ISA and Israeli Police operation in Ramallah.

U’dda is one of Hamas’ founders in Ramallah. Born in 1963, U’dda is a father of four and a resident of the village of Ein-Yabrud, northeast of Ramallah. In his earliest terrorist activity in the beginning of the 90’s, he formed a Hamas cell in his village, that abducted and interrogated Palestinians suspected of cooperating with Israel. In addition, the cell demanded weapons in return to releasing those abducted, which in turn were used execute terrorist attacks.

In 1998, U’dda was investigated by Palestinian security forces, and held in a Palestinian prison for a number of months. By the time he was released, he was already considered a senior suspect wanted by Israel.

According to information acquired regarding U’dda’s terrorist activity during the second Intifadah, he held a managerial role in organizing and funding of a Hamas military cell that was responsible for the murder of 10 Israeli civilians.

U’ddas arrest is the final stage of thwarting Hamas’ military headquarters in Ramallah, which executed various terror attacks and is responsible for the murder of more than 70 Israelis.

The arrest was made possible by pinpoint intelligence information provided by the ISA.

March 14, 2010

General Closure of the Judea and Samaria Region Extended Until Tuesday, 14 Mar 2010

In accordance with the directives of the Minister of Defense, Mr. Ehud Barak, and following additional situation assessments adopted by the defense establishment, the general closure implemented in the Judea and Samaria region as of Thursday, March 11th, 2010 at 23:59 will be extended. It is now expected to be lifted on the night of Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 at 23:59, in accordance with security assessments.

For the duration of the closure, persons who will need to pass for humanitarian reasons, including medical patients on way to care, 1500 medical workers, 1100 religious workers, 550 teachers and other professional groups will be permitted to cross subject to the authorization of the Civil Administration. The transfer of merchandise will operate regularly.

The passage of journalists will also be permitted. As always, the IDF Spokesperson Unit strongly suggests that passage into the Judea and Samaria region be coordinated in advance.

The IDF will continue to operate in order to protect the citizens of Israel while maintaining the quality of life of the Palestinian population in the area.

March 12, 2010

General Closure of the Judea and Samaria Region during the Weekend, 12 Mar 2010

In accordance with the directives of the Minister of Defense, Mr. Ehud Barak, and following situation assessments adopted by the defense establishment, a general closure has been implemented in the Judea and Samaria region as of Thursday, March 11th, 2010 at 23:59. The closure will be lifted on the night of Saturday, March 13th, 2010 at 23:59, in accordance with security assessments.

For the duration of the closure, persons who will need to pass for humanitarian reasons, including medical patients on way to care, 1500 medical workers, 1100 religious workers, 550 teachers and other professional groups will be permitted to cross subject to the authorization of the Civil Administration. The transfer of Merchandise will operate regularly.

The passage of journalists will also be permitted. As always, the IDF Spokesperson Unit strongly suggests that passage into the Judea and Samaria region be coordinated in advance.

The IDF will continue to operate in order to protect the citizens of Israel while maintaining the quality of life of the Palestinian population in the area.

March 12, 2010

IAF Targets Terrorist Sites in Southern Gaza Strip in Response to Rocket Fire, 12 Mar 2010

The Israel Air Force successfully targeted a weapon manufacturing facility in the southern Gaza Strip and an arms smuggling tunnel on the Rafah border in a joint IDF-ISA operation tonight.

The attack is in response to the firing of a rocket that hit the Israeli village of Nirim on Thursday, causing damage.

More than 25 rockets and mortars were fired at Israel since the beginning of the year.

The IDF will not tolerate the firing of rockets by terrorist organizations at Israel and will continue to respond harshly against any attempt to disrupt the calm in Israel’s southern communities.

March 11, 2010

IDF Military Prosecution Indicts Two IDF Soldiers for Misconduct During Operation Cast Lead

March 11th, 2010

Military Prosecution Indicts Two IDF Staff Sergeants For Engaging in Unauthorized Conduct During Operation Cast Lead

Today, March 11th, 2010, the Military Prosecution, in accordance with military jurisdiction, indicted two IDF Staff Sergeants for engaging in unauthorized conduct. The indictment charges that during Operation Cast Lead, the two soldiers instructed a boy to open several bags suspected to be booby-trapped while searching a building in the Tel al –Hawa neighborhood in the Gaza Strip.

It should be noted that, in accordance with instructions from the Military Advocate General, the Military Police initiated an investigation in June 2009 as soon as the incident became known. Also, it must be emphasized that prior to and throughout Operation Cast Lead, IDF soldiers were strictly forbidden from making use of civilians for or during operational activity and specifically when it endangered the lives of the civilians.

The IDF is carrying out detailed investigations of various events from Operation Cast Lead and is doing so through operational investigations, professional investigations at the General Staff level, and through detailed complaints filed by civilians and organizations. The IDF is morally obligated to prevent harming uninvolved civilians and takes numerous measures in order to maintain the values of conduct in warfare and the law by taking legal action against those who breach these moral values.

As previously mentioned the Military Police investigation was opened in June 2009, completely unrelated to the Goldstone Report. The investigation was opened following the directive of the Military Advocate General after it was brought to his attention by the UN Secretary-General special representative’s report on matters involving children and armed conflict and following a complaint filed by the Israeli branch of Defense for Children International.

March 10, 2010

Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi’s Speech at FIDF Dinner in New York, 9 March 2010

IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi’s Speech at the Friends of the IDF Dinner in New York on 9 March 2010

Distinguished guests, Friends of the IDF, Good evening,

You have no idea how happy I am to be here tonight, surrounded by so many familiar faces. While most of the time I’m occupied with all kinds of challenges, tonight, I know that I am only with friends.

I would like to open my remarks by thanking my friend – Benny Shabtai, the chair of tonight’s event. Benny, you are a great believer and a true friend with a wonderful heart.

I also wish to thank my friend Arthur Stark – National Chairman of the FIDF, Nily Falic – National President and my colleague Major General Yitzhak (Gerry) Gershon – National Director.

Unlike the last three years, when I had to address this audience via satellite due to the circumstances, this year I have the privilege to actually be here and personally shake your hands. These hands are a reminder time and again, that the IDF and its soldiers do not stand alone as we face increasingly complex challenges. All of you here tonight, have embraced us, throughout the difficult journey of building and sustaining the Jewish State. For that, you have our profound gratitude.

I stand before you today, not only as the Chief of the IDF’s General Staff, but as a warrior who has lost many friends in the battlefield, and who has personally felt the agony of war.

I stand before you today as an Israeli citizen, determined in the belief that my country, the nation-state of the Jewish people, has a right to freedom and security.

But also, I stand before you as the commander of our nation’s guarding force. I’m full of pride in our army, and the remarkable way in which our soldiers fulfill their missions.

Throughout the past year, our soldiers have demonstrated their devotion and courage in varied circumstances; courageously, our navy soldiers took over the Francop, an arms smuggling ship, which was making its way from the heart of the radical axis in Tehran, to terrorist organizations in Syria and Lebanon.

But at the same time, we react to other challenges. The very same soldiers that act against terror are those who established the first field hospital in Haiti. Proudly, we witnessed the men and women of the IDF, saving the lives of so many who wouldn’t have survived otherwise. These soldiers and their courageous actions, reflect the very definition of heroism.

But our soldiers do much more; men and women from throughout the military, who come from so many religions and different backgrounds, embody the ethical code of the IDF, on a daily basis. They demonstrate respect for human dignity and value human life, regardless of the enemy’s cruelty.

Our soldiers join ranks in the pursuit of the national objectives of Israeli society – developing the Negev, contributing to the community, expanding the Jewish and Zionist heritage and shaping the national identity.

As the commander of our soldiers, I tell you upon this stage: We will win over those who seek our destruction. We will win thanks to our soldiers’ courage and because of their moral compass.

Tonight I am honored to present to you “the dream team of the IDF”: 30 officers and soldiers representing the air, the ground and the navy. They came especially to tell you about their experience in the IDF, and to personally thank you for your support.

Today, we mark two years since Staff Sergeant Liran Banai, may his memory be blessed, a fighter in the Givati brigade’s, was killed after stepping on an explosive device in the Gaza Strip. Liran’s parents were born mute, and he was their voice and connection to the outside world. Liran’s parents are with us tonight. Please stand up.

I also wish to tell you about Staff Sergeant Tal Shabbat, from the Navy seal unite, who was severely injured three and a half years ago in an operation in Beit Hanoun. Tal – please stand up.

I met Tal two years ago in an IDF delegation to Poland, where IDF soldiers and commanders visit the ghettos, concentration and death camps. For them, this visit is a reminder of the fact that even though we often pay a heavy price, evil can be beaten.

Together with Tal and his friends, I stood at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. I there swore “never again”, knowing full well, that still today, there are people who wish to wipe the Jewish State off the map. It is the IDF’s job, to make sure that our vicious enemies will not succeed in doing so.

And they will never succeed. Never.

Despite the relative calm of the past year, which rises from the deterrence attained during operation Cast Lead and the Second Lebanon War, we face highly complex security threats.

The main threat on world’s peace remains Iran, which is gradually achieving nuclear capabilities, while funding and equipping terrorist organizations in the Middle East and throughout the world. These reflect the Iranian attempts to harvest regional instability through its proxies: Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

Therefore, the international community must stop the Iranian nuclear program for its own sake, while all options should remain on the table.

In the face of all these threats, stands the Israeli Defense Force; in order to further strengthen the IDF, we have created the multi-year “Tefen” plan. In addition, we keep developing advanced weapons and technologies, and increasing the number of exercises and trainings; we continue to raise the combat-readiness of IDF reservists. We are doing so in order to ensure that we are ready for any threat, from near or far.

But it is our soldiers, Israel’s finest, who guarantee that we will stand strong and united for the next 62 years, and long after that. Along our journey to peace and security, we gain strength by knowing that you and the American people are by our side. The special relationship we share is based first and foremost on an intimate and powerful ideological bond.

Our friendship with the United States is demonstrated in so many ways. Just this morning, I met with the Chairman of the Joint Chief Admiral Mike Mullen to discuss our cooperation. Another example was Juniper Cobra 10, an exercise which tested elements of the joint active missile defense system. These steps represent significant progress in expanding the dialogue, collaboration and readiness of the two armies.

As Pesach – the holiday of freedom is approaching, let us all remember that not everyone will be free to celebrate the Seder with their loving families.

Gilad Shalit was abducted by Hamas terrorists more than 3 years ago. Let’s hope that by Passover, Gilad and all other abducted and missing soldiers will be celebrating the Seder at home with us.

And finally, as we salute IDF soldiers and their efforts, allow me to salute you on their behalf; for your cooperation, your support, your friendship; for opening your doors and hearts.

It is critical that you know that it is the love you shower upon us, which assists our soldiers to complete their missions, helping to pave the way to peace.

In order to show our appreciation, I have chosen to bring you a prayer for peace for the State of Israel, who had written by the Nobel prize winner the author Shay Agnon,  with my signature.

Together with you, and on behalf of the Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers, I carry this prayer:

“Our Father in Heaven … Bless the State of Israel, with its promise of redemption. Strengthen the hands of those who defend our Holy Land. Deliver them; crown their efforts with triumph. Bless the land with peace, and its inhabitants with lasting joy.”

“אָבִינוּ שֶׁבַּשָּׁמַיִם, צור ישראל וגואלו בָּרֵךְ אֶת מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל, רֵאשִׁית צְמִיחַת גְּאֻלָּתֵנוּ. חַזֵּק אֶת יְדֵי מְגִנֵּי אֶרֶץ קָדְשֵׁנוּ, וְהַנְחִילֵם אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְשׁוּעָה וַעֲטֶרֶת נִצָּחוֹן תְּעַטְּרֵם, וְנָתַתָּ שָׁלוֹם בָּאָרֶץ וְשִׂמְחַת עוֹלָם לְיוֹשְׁבֶיהָ .”אמן.

Thank you and enjoy the evening.

March 10, 2010

UN Sapper Unit to Enter Gaza Tomorrow Under IDF Coordination, 9 Mar 2010

The IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, has authorized a United Nations sapper unit to enter the Gaza Strip tomorrow, March 10th, 2010, in order to neutralize unexploded ordinance that remained following Operation Cast Lead.

The team will enter the Gaza Strip through the Erez crossing under the Coordination and authorization of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Maj. Gen. Eitan Dangot.

The activity’s main goal is to prevent harm to Gaza’s residents. It is scheduled to last a few months, during which explosions may be heard in the area of the Gaza Strip.

March 9, 2010

Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi Meets with Sen. Joe Lieberman and Sen. John McCain


The IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, visited the US Congress yesterday (Monday), and met with Senator John McCain and Senator Joe Lieberman.  During the meeting, the three discussed various current issues, including Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, as well as the strategic relations between the United States and Israel.