Nobody’s Ever Gone Wrong Invading Somalia

It’s easy to miss the fact that Bill Kristol has, somewhat at random, targeted Somalia for an invigorating little naval bombardment and perhaps invasion in a column mostly centered on a proposal to award torturers the Order of Lenin Medal of Freedom on the explicit basis of their job well done torturing, the better to [...]

Secular Right

John Derbyshire, Heather Mac Donald, Razib Khan, and friends have launched a new blog for the non-religious Right. There’s an old and deep tradition of skepticism on the Right, dating back at least to Robert Ingersoll and William Graham Sumner in America and to David Hume across the Atlantic. But believers no less than skeptics [...]

Socialism, American-Style

Barack Obama and George W. Bush seem to have come away from their study of the Great Depression with similar conclusions:
To wit: After the Crash of 1929, the Federal Reserve did not move fast enough to save the banks and inject cash into the economy. Second, the New Deal, far from being wastrel deficit spending, [...]

waiting by the phone

We just got a much anticipated phone call from our daughter, who is on a junior year abroad program in a city near Mumbai. She’s fine. But, she told us, she had been at one of those bars hit by the terrorists a few weeks ago. Deeprak Chopra is on the TV. Among [...]

Bye-Bye PC?

One benefit from a generally terrifying economic crisis may be the demise of political correctness. Notice the lack of serious complaint over the appointment of Larry Summers to one of Obama’s top economic advisory positions. Three years ago, Summers was forced out of the presidency of Harvard because he noted that biological difference [...]


Robert Parry of Consortium News is reporting that in 1992 the Russians turned over to the White House a secret report confirming that senior US officials and Reagan campaign staff met with Iranian officials in Europe during the summer of 1980.  The meetings, since known as the October Surprise, were designed to delay the release of [...]

Is there something wrong with a meeting of the minds?

Patrick Ruffini is one of the most prominent of the few Republicans of the Millennial Generation. But in being so it’s meant a pretty good gig as a point person for articles explaining why the GOP is so far behind the times when it comes to Internet activism as opposed to mere blogging for example. He brought more [...]

A Beloved Thanksgiving Tradition

President Bush pardons a turkey:
In Thanksgiving Tradition, Bush Pardons Scooter Libby In Giant Turkey Costume
Scooter should thank heaven that Sarah Palin wasn’t the one doing the pardoning…

Meet Medvedev Halfway

The morning after Barack Obama’s election, the congratulatory message from Moscow was in the chilliest tradition of the Cold War.
“I hope for constructive dialogue with you,” said Russia’s president, “based on trust and considering each other’s interests.”
Dmitry Medvedev went on that day, in his first State of the Union, to charge America with fomenting the [...]

The Obama Glass Totally Empty?

I’m aware that some of my colleagues have been depressed about the notion that the Clintonites are taking over the Obama Administration. I’m certainly disappointed by the expected nomination of Hillary Clinton to be the next secretary of state. But I was encouraged after reading Scowcroft Protégés on Obama’s Radar in the WSJ today, and [...]