The Logical Next Step

There’s one liberventionist argument that practically every Iraq war supporter uses– that by establishing a democratic, pluralistic society in Iraq, we plant the germ for the entire Arab/Muslim/oppressed/backwards world. With the current mayhem in Iraq and its disintegration into a pluralistic hell of warring ethnic, religious, and political factions, even some of the most cement-skulled [...]

American Mercenaries killed in Fallujah

Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt said at a briefing in Baghdad that it was not known what the coalition contractors were doing in Fallujah — apparently without a military escort — when the attack occurred.
U.S. officials, who spoke with NBC News on condition of anonymity, said that all four contractors were Americans who worked for Blackwater [...]

NYC’s 50 Most Loathsome

Courtesy of NY Press. The list is screechy and absurd, as all such things are, but several of the honorees truly deserve unceasing contempt and ridicule. I second the following choices with every cell in my body:
37. ADL director Abe Foxman (I’d go a little higher)
34. Senator Chuck Schumer (and they even picked him for [...]

Worse than Mogadishu

Iraqis Drag Four Corpses Through Streets

Picture – WARNING: Graphic

8 days in Fallujah

Marines Take Over Fallujah
Eyes on Iraqis
Marines seek to pacify Fallujah with show of force
Bomb Kills Five U.S. Soldiers in Iraq

Iraqi rebels mutilate five foreigners in horror attack
Jubilant Iraqis Drag Burned Body Through Streets
Although the Marines have instituted a policy of not providing information on killed US Marines, by my count this makes 12 US [...]

UN transfers spokesman for telling the truth

I almost did not notice this bit of news, but it seems that Derek Chappell, the UN police spokesman in occupied Kosovo, has been removed from his post for interfering with the spin the media and the occupiers tried to put on the Albanian pogrom of March 17-20.
Chappell, who had previously dutifully represented the occupying [...]

9/11 Cover-Up Confirmed

Function: noun
1 : a device or stratagem for masking or concealing ; also : a usually concerted effort to keep an illegal or unethical act or situation from being made public
“Four 9/11 Moms Watch Rumsfeld And Grumble” by Gail Sheehy, March 30, 2004, New York Observer:
The Moms had tried to get their most pressing questions [...]

Mad Madeleine: Hypocrite

If hypocrisy were poisonous, Madeleine “Dead Kids Are Worth It” Albright’s statement today would be as lethal as the vicious Iraqi sanctions she supported that killed over half a million Iraqi kids.
You have starved the Muslims of Iraq, where children die every day. It is a wonder that more than 1.5 million Iraqi [...]

UN: Heads roll

How come heads roll over a bombing in Baghdad that claimed 22 lives, but when 3,000 people die in the worst terrorist attack in the history of the US, not one person is fired or held accountable in any way?
What’s the difference?

What’s Up In Uzbekistan?

Sean-Paul at the Agonist and Nathan at Argus are having an interesting exchange of speculation on the situation in Uzbekistan. Both Sean-Paul and Nathan’s posts are crammed full of links, excerpts and knowledgeable commentary.
Sean-Paul discusses the possibility of an al Qaida connection to the bombings here- L’Affaire d’Ouzbeq and here – L’affaire d’Ouzbeq, Part [...]

Presstitutes’ Darling

It is for some time now that the International Crisis Group has featured prominently in agency reports and newspaper articles, especially when dealing with the Balkans. If just one “expert” is quoted in any report, odds are it will be someone from the ICG. With more than one, it is guaranteed. But why?
Chris Deliso has [...]

Abuse of Govt Power

Bravo, Senator Daschle! I’m also tired of the the Bush Administration’s attacks on those who criticize them!
Read today’s Floor Statement by Senator Daschle, on the Abuse of Government Power.