Militarization of space

From orbiting lasers to metal rods that strike from the heavens, the potential to wage war from space raises startling possibilities—and serious problems
SHOULD THE UNITED STATES, or any nation for that matter, weaponize space? The answer depends not simply on the capabilities and limitations of proposed space weapons but also on the military objectives. [...]

War is Peace, Democracy is Freedom

The democratic peace theory, which claims that democracies don’t wage war on each other, championed by pro-censorship “freedomist” R.J. Rummel, is littered with problems, perhaps most notably its shifting of definitions to the point that “democracy” seems mainly to mean “the United States government and its allies.” Since, categorically, the U.S. does not wage war [...]

Counter-recruitment in schools

A Turning Point for the Anti-War Movement?
One of the barriers to counter-recruitment activism in colleges and universities has been a set of laws known as the Solomon Amendments, which since 1997 has threatened campuses with the loss of federal funds if they ban recruiters and ROTC. A parallel law was implemented in 2002 to [...]

Basic Training: Basic Cruelty, Basic Misogyny

An interview with Tyler Gilbert, who recently went through basic training in the US military;
“They Called Iraqis ‘Ragheads’”
The guy who carried my tray was the nicest guy I met there. He was Islamic. His name was Thomas. He decided that he couldn’t kill people. He stopped eating because he had a dream one night [...]

Two New Additions

I want to welcome two new additions to the Blog:
Scott Horton has already started blogging. Scott is the host of Weekend Interview Show, which has frequently been featured on, and a new author here as well.
Anthony Gregory is also joining the blog. Anthony is a research assistant at the Independent Institute and a [...]

Two Tales of a Capture

CNN reports:
Saddam Hussein’s half-brother, who was a personal adviser during his presidency, was captured in a joint Iraqi and coalition forces operation, Iraqi government officials said Sunday.
Associated Press explains:
Iraqi security forces captured Saddam Hussein’s half brother and former adviser, government officials said Sunday, dealing a blow to an insurgency that some Iraqi officials claim the [...]

Dangerous doctrine

A U.S. policy of preemption and a push for new nuclear weapon designs could be a recipe for disaster that makes proliferation more likely, not less.
No More Nuclear Hypocrisy: Defending the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
While the alarm is repeatedly sounded about Iran and North Korea, few news outlets told us when the head of the International [...]

Still Trying to Silence Sibel

Sibel Edmonds, the heroic FBI contract translator – turned – whistle blower, despite the Department of Justice dropping their attempted application of the “state secrets privilege” to silence her last week, is now up against the same tactic with a different name.
According to John Files at the New York Times:
“The government has told a federal [...]

Talking Up Both Sides of Centralization

I’m watching a C-SPAN 2 panel on the European Union sponsored by the Hudson Institute and featuring contributors to the book, The Neocon Reader, including the perpetually smug Bill Kristol.
Obviously, the neocons are struggling to formulate a response to the European Union, insofar as they are always fearful of anything that might serve as a [...]

Helen Thomas, Terror Threat

From Ann Coulter’s latest:
Press passes can’t be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president.
Via James Wolcott.

Imprisoning Lawyers and Middle East Wars

Today on the Weekend Interview Show (4-6pm Eastern Time), I’ll be talking with civil rights attorney and author Elaine Cassel about the case of Lynn Stewart. The lawyer for the bomber of the World Trade Center in 1993, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, Stewart was convicted on February 10th of “providing material support” to terrorism.
In the [...]

Recruitment Goals

For the past couple of years, we have repeatedly heard spokesmen from the National Guard and the reserve aver that they were continuing to meet their basic recruitment goals within a few percentage points. It never ceased to amaze me that there were so many who would sign up even as the debacle in [...]