Empress Laura

A bizarre headline:
Laura Bush pledges more U.S. aid for Afghanistan
Since when does the First Lady have the prerogative of dispensing U.S. tax dollars to anyone? Well, she seems to think that her royalist gesture is just routine:
“After flying from Washington to the other side of the world, First Lady Laura Bush spent six hours in [...]

“To Put Him Out of His Misery”

It’s a good thing the natural right to live doesn’t apply to people who live across water from here, or the Schaivo Right might have to start opposing war.
According to MSNBC:
“WIESBADEN, Germany – A U.S. Army tank company commander told a military court Wednesday that he shot a gravely wounded, unarmed Iraqi man ‘to put [...]

Let’s Export ‘Democracy’ — to Denver

Forget Kyrgyzstan — what about Colorado?

I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

Omigod! Are you ready for this shocking announcement from Steven Plaut trumpeted in his latest screed on David Horowitz’s Frontpage? Okay, here goes:
“We counted 14,400 web pages in which the names Juan Cole and Justin Raimondo appear together.” [emphasis in original]
Oh, the horror! The horror! And I have even worse news for Plaut: both my [...]

An Apology to My Readers

In the process of writing the blog entry below — mocking the stupidly false stories about me and others spouted by the denizens of David Horowitz’s Frontpage — I realized something that is really beginning to bother me: I’m guilty of exactly the same thing.
My Monday column featured a memo allegedly penned by U.S. [...]

Hands Off Jeff Gannon (and don’t take it the wrong way)

A group of liberal bloggers has issued an “Open Letter” protesting the inclusion of the infamous Jeff Gannon on a panel at the National Press Club. Now, don’t take it on my word that this crowd is a bunch of clueless whiners. Let them demonstrate it to you in their own inimitably whiny words:
“We, [...]

A Revolution Undone

Remember how the elections in Kyrgyzstan were supposed to have been “rigged”? That was the reason for the “Tulip Revolution,” or the “Pink Revolution,” or whatever is going on in one of the poorest and most isolated countries in the former Soviet Union. The “revolution” appears to have gone full circle, however, with the newly-installed [...]

Put a sock in it, Plaut

I’m having such fun with those wacky craaaaazy zonked-out jokesters over at Frontpage — the neoconservative equivalent of Ken Kesey’s Prankster Bus — that I can hardly stand it. First it’s the screaming headline on Horowitz’s blog this morning — “Saddam Hussein website comes to the defense of Juan Cole and Justin Raimondo and attacks [...]

New Pledge Option

I added a monthly donate option via Paypal to our donate page. As with our credit card option, you can choose any (positive) level of monthly pledge. Check it out.

Bravo, Lew!

Lew Rockwell has written the most thoughtful analysis of what is happening to America, and how libertarians should respond, that I have read since the days when Murray Rothbard was eviscerating statists on the right as well as the left. Here’s a taste:

Oh, those Eye-talians!

This morning I went to my favorite website — I need humor in the early hours, and David Horowitz’s Frontpage never fails to deliver, albeit unintentionally — and was definitely not disappointed by the screaming headline above David Horowitz’s “blog”:
“Saddam Hussein website comes to the defense of Juan Cole and Justin Raimondo and attacks us“!
Hey, [...]


The idea that the U.S. would ever engage in covert activities to bring down a government is so inconceivable to Nathan Hamm, of “registan.net,” that he’s shocked — shocked! — that anybody would take the memo purportedly by U.S. ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Stephen Young seriously. It’s an “obvious” forgery, he crows, with the Leisurely Professor [...]