Living With War

Neil Young is streaming his new album, “Living with War”, in it’s entirety, for free.

Listen here.

Via Anthony Gregory and Daniel McAdams on the Blog.

A Trillion Here a Trillion There

This may be old news, but I had not seen it, and it is something we need to be reminded of everyday: According to an article by Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz in the LA Times, the final bill for the war in Iraq “will be much higher than previously reckoned—between $1 trillion and $2 [...]

Ask a Stupid Question…

In a result I did not anticipate, I have been receiving answers all day to the question posed below. No pics of sexy, politically active Nepalis, however.

Nepal: Whom Should I Hate?

King Gyanendra? The rebels? I’m totally adrift on this whole Nepal thing. Guidance, please! Where are the neocons, the neolibertarians, and the liberal internationalists on this one? How am I supposed to tell the good guys from the bad guys if I don’t know which side has the hottest “protest babes“? It’s all so confusing.
Fortunately, [...]

Peak Oil?

There has been some discussion over the past few years on the matter of the future of oil production and whether we’re already past the peak.
It always sounded like a bunch of propaganda to me, and by my reading of the new article “Peak Oil Panic” by Ronald Bailey in Reason my guess was about [...]

Comical Scotty

“The Al-Qaeda leadership is on the run and under a lot of pressure. We are continuing to take the fight to the enemy abroad, and making it difficult for them to plan and plot against America,” White House spokesman Scott McClellan said in Twentynine Palms, California.
Was this before or after the Jews were driven into [...]

Physicists: Take the Nuclear Option Off the Table!

Jorge Hirsch writes:
“Together with 12 of the nation’s most eminent physicists, I recently wrote to President Bush to tell him that to plan for the use of nuclear weapons against Iran is gravely irresponsible. We asked him to publicly take the nuclear option off the table.
“President Bush has not responded. Perhaps he did not [...]

Belated Earth Day Post

This absurdity (and here’s why it’s absurd) brings to mind an old nugget from P.J. O’Rourke:
Everybody wants to save the earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.
It’s a pity O’Rourke hasn’t applied that insight to the global democracy crusade…

Attention: F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.

Since you’re the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, I figure you must be the appropriate person to address this to.
I have another piece of evidence to go into your articles of impeachment against George Bush and Dick Cheney:
“Drumheller, who retired [from the CIA] last year, says the White House ignored crucial information from a [...]


According to the great libertarian journalist James Bovard, Americans have attention deficit disorder. Among his most disturbing conclusions is that most of us have absolutely no idea what the Bill of Rights says or means.
Here’s what little I can do about that:
The Conventions of a number of the States having, at the time of adopting [...]

What a Bunch of Sissies

“Mindless snark.” A “cheap shot.” That’s how Glenn Reynolds and his sorority sisters have characterized the following blog post by Jesse Walker of Reason:
The Past Is Another Planet
Glenn Reynolds, writing in Reason in 1999:
[O]ur current situation–with so many foreign troop deployments that even military buffs can’t keep track of them all and with wars initiated [...]

Tonight We’re Going to Argue Like It’s 1999

Jesse Walker finds a Glenn Reynolds statement from 1999 that could easily appear on
[O]ur current situation – with so many foreign troop deployments that even military buffs can’t keep track of them all and with wars initiated essentially on presidential whim – would have horrified the Framers.
Reynolds huffs and puffs, but Walker could have [...]