Doug Bandow

They Hate Us Because We Occupy Their Land: How would you like it?

Ray McGovern

George Tenet’s Legacy: He “slam-dunked” us into war

Prisoner of Zion

Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli scientist who exposed the secret of Israel’s nukes, was recently convicted, according to this Reuters report, of “giving a slew of interviews to international media outlets over the past three years, defying a government order on him to limit contacts with foreigners.”
It’s worth remembering the mantra we always hear from American [...]

Getting Real About NATO

Nikolas K. Gvosdek, editor of The National Interest and a senior fellow at the Nixon Center, points out in the Washington Realist that Georgia, Ukraine, Albania, Croatia and Macedonia are the recent recipients of billions in largesse from the U.S. Congress, with the funds slated for upgrading their militaries and putting them on a fast [...]

Giraldi on Olbermann columnist Philip Giraldi will appear on tonight’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann. The show airs at 8 p.m. Eastern.

Gareth Porter

Bush, Democrats and al Qaeda Agree: The U.S. should stay in Iraq indefinitely.

Scott McConnell

The American Conservative:Wants out of Iraq, points to French Algeria model

Gravel Won’t Be Buried

Update: Video compilation of Gravel clips from debate at the bottom of this post.
I got a pleasant surprise watching last night’s Presidential debate.
The usual (and often scary) drivel spewed forth from the likes of Hillary and Barack, both trying to outdo each other in a show of superiority and arrogance. Most of the candidates [...]

Re: Sniveling Media Exposed

“Buying the War” by Bill Moyers is now online in its entirety here.
Thanks Lew.

George McGovern

Out of Iraq: “Iraq is as big a disaster as Vietnam.”

Sara Olson

Dissent in the Ranks: Many soldiers oppose and resist participation in Iraq war

Peter Shumlin

Remove George Bush: Vermont Senate first state legislative body to demand it.