Patrick Cockburn

The Iraqi Disaster They Call Success

Gareth Porter

Iran: Imperialist/Israeli War, Reasons: Lies

Juan Cole

Bush Emulates Napoleon’s Failure

Dahr Jamail

America Destroys Iraq

Ray McGovern

Hope the Generals Refuse Their Orders

Michael Isikoff

Government Intelligence?

David Horowitz ‘Declares’ Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week for October 22-26

Visit for the latest news analysis and commentary from Inter Press News Service’s Washington bureau chief Jim Lobe.
“This October 22-26, I am declaring Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,” declared David Horowitz Tuesday in a friendly interview on, one of Horowitz’s many front groups. “I will hold demonstrations and protests, teach-ins and sit-ins on more than [...] Movin’ On Up

A few weeks ago we announced that Hitwise, the premier ranking company, had ranked as the #10 political site on the Web.
This week, moved up to #6!

Live-Blogging From Karbala

I am not familiar with and, but they are live-blogging the clashes in Karbala, including some short video clips. They say 90 have been killed.

Scott Horton

Law Broken – No Comment

Will the Governator Let Californians Vote on Iraq Pullout?

Yesterday, the California State Assembly approved a proposal to allow voters to express their opinion on the “immediate, complete, safe and orderly withdrawal of United States forces” from Iraq. The bill goes back to the State Senate, which had approved a slightly different version of the bill in June.
The bill will go to [...]

Torture Gonzales Out


Later: Here’s your one-stop shop for real time coverage of Abu’s departure. Skeletor? A recess appointment? Ugh….
Even later: Bush: “…the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act bear his imprint…..” Like that’s a good thing.
Later still: The buzzards smelll roadkill. You knew that would happen.