WHICH ’safe haven,’ Mr. Obama?

If things run on schedule, Mr. Obama will announce tomorrow that he and his organization will be sending approximately 34,000 more U.S. troops to harass and sometimes kill men, women and children (as “collateral damage”) in Afghanistan.  And then he has to sell his unpopular decision. If previous statements are any guide, his main excuse [...]

Minarets: Ban Them, or Bomb Them?

Well, the Swiss – or, more accurately, a majority of voters in democratic Switzerland – have gone and done something wrong and dumb, approving a referendum that bans the construction of minarets. Libertarian demerits are certainly in order. But one very wrong, very dumb thing the Swiss have not done is launch any wars of [...]

Support Antiwar.com With Your Black Friday Shopping

Thanks to everyone for helping us reach our quarterly fund goal.
You can continue to help Antiwar.com as you do your holiday shopping. Instead of battling the crowds during and after Black Friday, you can shop online at Amazon.com. You may not know this, but Amazon sells much more than books. You can buy almost everything, [...]

Raimondo on the Stimulus

Go on over to The Hill, Capitol Hill’s newspaper of record, and check out my latest commentary, this time on the impact of the “stimulus” and the prospect of yet another boondoggle to cover up the failure of the first one.

Somali-American ‘Terrorists’ Victims of Unfortunate Labeling

I wish it weren’t always necessary to lay out the recent history of Somalia every time it comes up. But it seems with every current event — like US bombings and piracy — Americans are starting with a fresh mental slate. And so it is with the recent cases of Minnesota-raised Somali youths taking up [...]

Clarion’s Clothiers

Insights into who funded the mysterious Clarion Fund remain few and far between, but new information about two funders surfaced this week giving a better outline of the network of donors who supported Clarion’s activities.
The obituary for ‘’retail magnate’’ Sy Syms’ ran in The Forward on Tuesday and mentioned, ‘’Through the Sy Syms Foundation, Syms [...]

Torture Still Prime-Entertainment

Three Cheers for Doonesbury today!

Unfortunately, prominent half-wits take their own values from this TV show. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told an assembly of judges in the summer of 2007: ““Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles . . . . He saved hundreds of thousands of lives… Are you going to convict Jack Bauer?” [...]

David Swanson Book Event

David Swanson, co-founder of AfterDowningStreet.org, author of Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union and recent guest on Antiwar Radio, will be giving a talk and signing some books at St. Bede’s Church in Mar Vista, California (near Venice) Monday, November 23, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.
3590 Grand View Blvd., 90066 in [...]

Lou Dobbs: ‘US Troops Out Now!’

I don’t know how I missed it, but Lou Dobbs has called for immediate withdrawal of US troops.
From Afghanistan? YES!
From Iraq? YES!
From Germany, Japan, South Korea, and everywhere else around the world? YES!
He even has a petition on his Website!
Here’s Lou Dobbs, in his own words:

County GOP Goes Non-Interventionist? Not Yet…

Last week the executive committee of the Alameda County (Calif) Republican Central Committee approved a resolution to be voted on by the full committee calling for a non-interventionist foreign policy. Alameda County covers the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area, with about 1.5 million people.
Tuesday night the full committee met. [...]

Dying for Crooks: US Troops in Afghanistan

Transparency International reported yesterday that Afghanistan is the most corrupt nation in the world – except for Somalia.
Heckua achievement, if the only nation on earth that is more shady is one that is full of pirates… Karzai is making Marion Barry look like Mother Teresa.
The Washington Post reported today that one of Afghanistan’s top ministers [...]

Antiwar Radio’s Pacifica Debut

Antiwar Radio took to the California airwaves last night on Pacifica Network’s KPFK — 90.7 FM in Los Angeles and 98.7 FM in Santa Barbara. Former Iraq arms inspector Scott Ritter, Salon’s Glenn Greenwald and author James Bamford joined host Scott Horton for an hour of incisive perspective from the most important minds in foreign [...]