It isn’t that we think there some kind of organized racist cabal to destroy black and brown families, where evil bureaucrats heartily laugh as their grand designs unfold to fruition. But if the bloody front line of this statist war on drugs was carving its way through the rich white neighborhoods of this country, we [...]

Do these things come in threes?
1) The oil for terrorists deal to release Pan Am 103 terrorist
2) The release of AQ Khan from custody in Pakistan
3) ???
In the case of the Pan Am jihadi, Why are people surprised that the UK would do this without telling the Obama administration? This is what it looks like [...]

“Drifting” accidents in Saudi Arabia.
We have no idea what the Arabic says so if anyone wants to translate in the comments section, please feel free.

And in their country, they can’t blame women drivers for their wrecks. Women are not allowed to drive!
UPDATE: The Other McCain links! Thanks!

Don’t you hate it when someone schedules a funeral smack dab in the middle of nap time?

Seriously though, it’s hard to tell if she fell asleep. But could you blame her? Funerals are depressing and some people respond to depression by sleeping. She is just honestly expressing her grief. She is a hero.

Does President Barack Obama mind that his website is a sewer? If you search for Chicago events, you come across the following entry for a phone call protest on 9/11:

2 PHONE CALLS ON 9/11 – Illinois! (Health Care Organizing Event)
Stay HOME:
—* The Event consists of ALL OF [...]

[via Freedom's Lighthouse]
WFXT in Boston reports the woman appears to be the daughter of Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg – meaning President John F. Kennedy’s granddaughter.

Good grief!

If you only watch one video today, make it this one!

[via MofoPolitics]
The video below reportedly shows a pro-Obama goon elbowing a protester in the face at a Tuscon town hall event. The victim showed remarkable restraint by not hitting back.
There is a lesson to be learned here.

Change you can believe in….or else!

Operation Erase 9/11

August 29, 2009 | 2 Comments

[via No Sheeples]
The progressive left is embarking on one of its new pet projects….Operation erase 9/11.
It seems that they feel threatened by the way 9/11 is remembered today, because they see it as an advantage for Republicans, so for total political expediency, they want to repackage it and spin it in such a way as [...]

An allegedly pro-Obama cop, Wesley Cheeks, threatened to arrest a protester outside a Virginia town hall meeting because the protester was carrying a sign containing the Obama-Joker image on it!
At one point in the clip, the protester says “This used to be America” to which the should be mall cop replies “It ain’t no more, [...]

[via Grand Rants]
This is a belated thank you post to Bill Whittle. We did not realize it at the time, but back during the whole CNN Susan Roesgen affair, Bill produced the following segment which included our footage of Roesgen being read the riot act by a justifiably angry Tea Party protester.
It is a fantastic [...]

America’s betrayal of the South Vietnamese was a national disgrace, a permanent black mark on our honor. Not very good for our image, or our ability to earn and sustain lasting friendships in this world.
If we learn from history, certainly one lesson is that abandoning allies for political expediency is a disaster that can lead [...]

keep looking »

  • Fleeing Statism