Non-deep thought

March 13th, 2010  |  Razib Categories: Rational Misanthropy

We’ll never have utopia. A world in which in many nations it is normal for the poor to be fat is, is a utopia by any measure from the perspective of someone who lived in 1900. Prompted to think about this after listening to part of this diavlog between a transhumanist and Massimo Pigluicci. Sometimes I think the ideal futurist wold be someone with a background in evolutionary biology, economics/economic history and engineering.

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5 Responses to “Non-deep thought”

  1. March 14th, 2010 at 00:33
  2. Chris B
    March 14th, 2010 at 00:43

    Utopia by any measure? Surely a 1900-er would view 2010 with a mixture of wonder and horror. What of religion? What of chastity?

  3. Razib
    March 14th, 2010 at 00:59

    good points. though re: chastity, i would like to look at the numbers, not ideals, too.

  4. bruce
    March 14th, 2010 at 20:39

    1900 Utopia: fat poor people, women can be doctors and even doctors of philosophy, there’s a bicycle in every apartment and something’s finally been done about those giant mounds of horse manure at every intersection.

    2000 Utopia: poor (=dumb) people all have enough personal information technology to jack us up like normals, men have sexbots, there’s a flying car in every garage and something’s finally been done about having to trust mass media.

  5. dave chamberlin
    March 16th, 2010 at 16:18

    What! We don’t need philosophers added to the mix of ideal futurists. That is the first blogging heads science Saturday I had to cut short. Good God they can be tiresome.
    “You’re a dirty dualist.”
    “Fuck you you’re a vitalist.”
    Now wasn’t that more entertaining.

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