Archive for March, 2010

Reports of confession wrong: Jihad Jane pleads not guilty

She has been in custody since October, this says. Why are we only hearing about all this now? An update on this story. “U.S. ‘Jihad Jane’ Pleads Not Guilty to Terrorism,” from Reuters, March 18: PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) – A Pennsylvania woman who called herself “Jihad Jane” pleaded not guilty on…

March 18th, 2010
Topic: Jihad Watch Tags: None

Remember when civil disobedience was cool?

Media Matters is now pretending to be outraged about Rush Limbaugh talking up “noncompliance with the health care reform legislation once it’s signed into law” for “the third time.”
Here’s Rush yesterday:
But I just can’t — I can’t — just don’t believe that here we are in 2010, and in three days the United States of [...]

March 18th, 2010
Topic: NewsReal Blog, Uncategorized Tags: None

Clueless LA sheriff defends Hamas-linked CAIR

CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. It says nothing about how CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Also mentioned is the fact that several former CAIR officials have been convicted of…

March 18th, 2010
Topic: Jihad Watch Tags: None

Ridiculously Exaggerated Political Rhetoric is Fun, Kids!

Does anyone ever feel like the opposition, no matter what party it is, tends to go a little in the nutty direction? I understand the frustration of seeing decisions made that you feel are dead wrong for the country being made and you can’t stop them, but sometimes the opposition goes a bit far in [...]

March 18th, 2010
Topic: NewsReal Blog Tags: None

Much Less Access To Decent Health Care Under Obamacare

Left-wing supporters of Obamacare like Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times wants us to believe that Obamacare will improve “Americans’ access to decent medical care.”
That is another in a long line of lies, manipulation and deceit being used to push Obamacare over the finish line. 
While cheap insurance will be made available to some thirty million more Americans, [...]

March 18th, 2010
Topic: NewsReal Blog Tags: None

“Jihad Jane” confesses to role in plot to murder Swedish Motoonist

Her jihad against free speech got nowhere, but other Muslims continue to pursue it in other ways. “‘JihadJane’ said to have confessed” by Derrick Nunnally, John Shiffman, and Kathleen Brady Shea for the Philadelphia Inquirer, March 18 (thanks to all who sent this in): The Montgomery County woman who calls…

March 18th, 2010
Topic: Jihad Watch Tags: None

Take a trip down memory lane with Spencer on C-Span

"…while the whole wide world is fast asleeeeeep…" Yikes! C-Span has put its archive online, including all eight of my appearances going back to 2002. You can watch any or all of them here. The two highlights, if you ask me (and I know you didn’t), are my two-against-one…

March 18th, 2010
Topic: Jihad Watch Tags: None

Muslims outraged by “Allah’s” Facebook page, and lo and behold, it disappears

The dhimmitude and self-censorship on Facebook’s part, however, may not be a given in this case. The creator of the site says he is redesigning it and that it will be back. We’ll see. Free Speech Death Watch Update: “‘Allah is’… angering Muslims?,” by Rachelle Kliger for The Media Line…

March 18th, 2010
Topic: Jihad Watch Tags: None

“Moderate” Fatah: Virgin Mary was “of the nation of Palestine”

“Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim Hanifa, and he was not of the polytheists” — Qur’an 3:67 While ignorant non-Muslim Westerners burble about the “three great Abrahamic faiths,” in the Islamic tradition the other two “great Abrahamic faiths” have no legitimacy whatsoever:…

March 18th, 2010
Topic: Jihad Watch Tags: None

Spencer: Desperate (Muslim) Housewives

In Human Events I discuss the arrests of Jihad Jane and Jihad Jamie, and the implications of those arrests that the mainstream media is, true to form, ignoring: Last week two American Muslim women were arrested for their involvement in a plot to murder the Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks. One…

March 18th, 2010
Topic: Jihad Watch Tags: None