February 2005 Archives

February 28, 2005

Just in from Reuters, with thanks to Rebecca Bynum:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has fairly recently asked his chief ally in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, to consider the territory of United States as a target for terrorist attacks, a U.S. counterterrorism official said on Monday.

"There has been communication between bin Laden and Zarqawi with bin Laden suggesting to Zarqawi the U.S. homeland as a target," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The official said the communication was "a fairly recent development" and contained no specific threat to the United States. But the official declined to provide details for fear of compromising U.S. anti-terrorism efforts.

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Jihad Watch Advisory Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald with a modest proposal:

Wealth is a weapon of Jihad. And of course, damaging the economies of the Infidels, or causing them to spend money unnecessarily (how much is the Western world now spending to monitor the very Muslim populations that were heedlessly permitted to enter the countries of non-Muslim peoples and polities, without the necessary pondering of the implications of such a move.

For Muslim immigrants carry with them in their mental baggage certain immutable items that are completely different from what all non-Muslim immigrants bring with them. When Castro deliberately let loose many criminals (the Mariel Boat people), thereby inflicting them on the United States, that was of course bad enough. But a completely different level of menace and threat is involved with Muslim immigrants throughout the Western world, including those who, when they first arrive, seem entirely inoffensive and unthreatening. But they carry with them a mental meme, a dormant virus, that any number of events or personal setbacks or deliberate inculcation of a more fervent faith can trigger into something more virulent. And dangerous not to the health of the carrier, but to the circumambient Infidels.

The "wealth" weapon can be used to spread mosques and madrasas worldwide -- which is why everything must be done to diminish Saudi and other Arab Muslim revenues. Besides, the more Muslims have to work, and work hard, and the more they have to worry about markets, and pleasing customers, and so on, the less time for using all that free time to become resentful of Islam's place in the world, and its right to dominate, and the perfidy of all non-Muslims, beginning with Israel, which is near at hand, and with the United States, the most powerful and redoubtable of Infidel states, the one least likely to share the appeasement now on view in the bureaucracy of the E.U., and among the assorted hirelings -- such as Chirac -- in European countries.

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Longtime Jihad Watch reader DC Watson's latest:

The CAIR Mission Statement declares that "CAIR's mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding."

Fair enough. But let's revisit some statements made by members of this group -- in public and on the record -- about their vision of America, and how they’ve put in practice their mission of "encouraging dialogue, and building coalitions that promote justice and understanding."

Omar M. Ahmad, CAIR's Board Chairman: "Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran . . . should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth." (Ahmad began to deny having said this, over five years after it was first reported, but the original reporter sticks by her story.)

Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR spokesman: "I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future."

Nihad Awad, CAIR Executive Director: "I am in support of the Hamas movement."

How's that for American patriotism, respect for our Constitution, and tolerance of all religions? Oh, but there's more.

1) Muslim cleric Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman was convicted and is now in prison for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

CAIR’s response: Despite the vast evidence of Sheikh Omar's guilt presented in the case, CAIR called the conviction a "hate crime" against Muslims.

2) 2001: President Bush orders the closing of a Muslim charity, the Holy Land Foundation, after it was found to be raising money to support Hamas terror attacks.

CAIR’s response: It called Bush's move "unjust" and "disturbing," and circulated a petition exhorting the government to unfreeze HLF assets, claiming "there has been a shift from a war on terrorism to an attack on Islam."

3) Tuesday, February 15th, 2005: Fox’s "Hannity & Colmes" featured Ahmed Bedier, Communications Director for the Florida chapter of CAIR. From the program:

Hannity: "Did you not have a spokesman for your group at one time, a guy by the name of Royer that was on your staff that was convicted?"

Bedier: "I think several years ago we had that individual in our group. And if you're inciting that somehow we're responsible for the actions or behavior of the individuals after they left our organization, that would be similar to somebody that worked for FOX five years ago and then commits a crime and FOX would be responsible for it."

The "guy by the name of Royer" that Hannity asked Bedier about is Randall Todd "Ismail" Royer, former CAIR Communications Specialist. He is now serving a 20-year prison term for terrorist plotting.

But did Royer really, as Bedier claimed, commit his terror-related crimes after he left CAIR? Timelines listed in Royer’s indictment, specifically for September 2001, and a news article that demonstrates Royer speaking as a representative of CAIR on September 18, 2001 are on record. His crimes took place at around the same time. (See pages 15-20 of the pdf.)

If Royer’s conviction were an isolated incident, Bedier’s response to Hannity’s question might have had some legitimacy. However, it is by no means isolated:

In September 2003, Bassem K. Khafagi pleaded guilty to charges of visa and bank fraud in federal court in Detroit. At the time of his arrest, Khafagi was Community Affairs director with CAIR.

12/17/2002: Ghassan Elashi, the founder of CAIR's Texas chapter, according to his indictment, was involved in selling technology, goods and commodities to designated terror-sponsoring states.

In July 2004, the Holy Land Foundation, an Islamic charity organization, was shut down by our Government and indicted on charges of providing material support to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization. Lo and behold, the name of the Holy Land Foundation’s Chairman of the Board was ... Ghassan Elashi.

Details of all this can be found here. See pages 6-12.

And again, who petitioned the U.S. Government to unfreeze HLF’s assets? Wasn't it CAIR?

(On page 8 of the indictment, incidentally, the name Sheik Ahmed Yassin appears. This is the same individual whom CAIR is on record as labeling an "Islamic religious leader." This is the same "religious leader" who was instrumental in founding the jihad terrorist group Hamas.)

Ghassan Elashi also has an interesting family member. He is the cousin of Nadia Elashi, aka Nadia Marzook, who happens to be the wife of Mousa Abu Marzook, aka Abu Omar, Deputy Chief of the Hamas terrorist organization’s Political Bureau. For details, see:

http://news.findlaw.com/cnn/docs/infocom/uselashi121702sind.pdf (Pp. 6-9)

No matter what side of the political arena we are on, it is of the utmost importance that we always recognize when and from where an enemy is coming at us, retain the ability to turn in their direction -- and relegate the enemy to history.

We would be dishonored if we ever allowed the United States to be brought down from within. Unless, of course, all of the information about CAIR in this column is purely coincidental.

Please keep this information in mind. Be aware: there are foxes in our henhouse, and their removal has become necessary for the good of the country.

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No democracy for dhimmis. From AINA, with thanks to Nicolei:

Mubarak Sliva (58) sits in front of "Muntaka" coffe shop by an old table and drinks tea out of a little glass with his friends Michael and Jacob, He watches Shiites and the Kurds celebrating their election victory which will allow them to rule the country. Again and again Mubarak looks at this but seem like every time he feels like being stabbed in the heart. His friends feel sad also. The "Muntaka" is social center of the city of Qaraqosh located 15 kilometers distance from Mosul. All 30,000 inhabitants are Christian Assyrian who were prevented fom voting during the Iraqi elections."No one heard our voices, we were deprived of our constitutional right as in the Saddam Husseins time, nothing has changed", shouts Mubarak Sliva.

East of Mosul, there are many places where only Christians live but because they wear the typical Arab clothing they are not noticed. Out of the 200,000 Assyrians in the region 90 percent were not allowed to vote. "The large iraqi parties celebrate, and the USA wants to establish democracy in Iraq but the minorites will not be part of it", complained Mubarak Sliva: " not even once any body cared to mention in Baghdad that we were deceived. It was alleged that they did not know what happened. That is a lie. Three weeks ago the American consul from Mosul visited us."

Louis Markus Ayoob (45), the deputy mayor and representative of the electoral committee for Qaraqosh, has testified that it was Kurd's intention to keep Christians from voting.

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In response to EU requests that Turkey treat its religious minorities more fairly. From the Turkish Daily News, with thanks to Nicolei:

The Religious Affairs Directorate, as a reaction to missionary activities in Turkey and European Union demands for religious expression, has prepared a sermon that will be read on March 11 describing missionaries as the current embodiment of the Crusaders.

The sermon says: “Some powers, afraid of the incredible expansion of Islam, had formed crusading armies to wipe out Muslims. They failed because the Crusaders were fighting a self-confident society whose members believed in justice. The same powers are trying to sever our people's links to Islam because they see it as the biggest obstacle to their domination.....”

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From Norwegian Kafir's superb new weblog, Fjordman. Links throughout at the Fjordman site:

Member of Parliament for the rightwing Progress Party, Ulf Erik Knudsen, was accompanied by a bodyguard during a debate arranged by the Immigration Council in the town of Drammen outside Oslo this week. The debate was about whether or not Islam could function as a bridge with Christianity:
He is an internationally certified bodyguard, hired by the party, Knudsen confirms. According to him, both the police and the security services at Parliament have been informed, since MPs for the Progress Party have received a marked increase in the number of death threats recently. Knudsen claims the threats are aggressive, but not specific in nature, saying that ”the next time somebody from the Progress Party takes part in a debate about immigration, the person will be taken care of forever”. – I don’t know for how long I will employ a bodyguard, but it is clear that the security precautions during this fall’s parliamentary elections will be extensive. Usually, it is primarily party leader Carl I. Hagen who gets special protection, but this may now change. Knudsen in particular is exposed to these kinds of threats for other reasons: - I have on many different occasions voiced my support for Israel in the conflict with the Palestinians. Last year this lead to a number of serious threats against my person.

Drammen has one of the highest percentages of Muslim immigrants of any Norwegian city, but being harassed for suspected pro-Israeli opinions isn’t a problem unique to Drammen. A municipally employed teacher in Kristiansand was prevented from wearing a Star of David around his neck. Kristiansand Adult Education Center, where the man works, ruled that the Jewish symbol could be deemed a provocation towards the many Muslim students at the school.

Read it all.

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Over the headline of this story CNN has a banner that reads: "IRAQ: Transition of Power." Yes, but to whom is power in transition?

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A suicide car bomber Monday morning drove into a crowd of Iraqis outside a government medical office in Hilla, killing at least 125 and wounding up to 200 others, Iraqi government and health officials said.

Iraqi police recruits were lining up outside the building to be given physicals, officials said.

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Looks as if they'll be a natural for the EU. Note the straightforward Islamic references from the "secular" Turkish media, sounding as strong as anything we have seen from any forthright jihadist. From MEMRI, with thanks to all who sent this in:

"Bush is America's Hitler. Like Hitler, he too has become a curse for the world. If the world's sensible leaders don't unite against Bush to stop him, a great number of people will die because of his ambitions.

"Hitler was very racist. Bush, who is an ally of the Zionists, belongs to the racist philosophy too. The beliefs of Bush's evangelical church coupled with Jewish racism, which exceeds Hitler's, are sufficient proof that the 'Sharon and Bush duo' are militants of the same fanatical philosophy.

"Hitler said that he would establish a new world order if Germany won. Bush is after similar invasions. First he targeted Afghanistan and Iraq. Later he expanded his invasion map to include 22 more Islamic countries where he wants to change the order and the borders. He says that he wants to bring the likes of Karzai and Allawi [to these countries] to power, and in doing so establish his colonial empire....

"Conclusion: It is clear that these developments will finally come to the end that our beloved Prophet [Mohammed] promised us. Our Prophet Lord said: Around the time of 'judgment day' there will be a war between my peoples [Muslim believers] and the Jews. And the Jews will be vanquished.During that war the rocks will speak and say, 'O Muslim, there is a zionist hiding behind me, come and kill him…'" [3]

'The Pervert Enemies of Islam'

In the Islamic daily Milli Gazette, columnist Burhan Bozgeyik wrote: "At the present, the American administration is in the hands of the worst enemies of Islam. Their hate is so deep that no amount of Muslim blood [spilled by them] satisfies them. Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of (Muslim) dead, seem little for them....

In the Turkish business daily Dunya, columnist Dr. Burhan Ozfatura, who is a former mayor of Izmir, wrote: "It is my sincere belief that the USA is the biggest danger for Turkey, today and in the future. At the present the U.S.A. is run by an incompetent, very aggressive, true enemy of Islam, brainwashed with evangelical nonsense, a blood-thirsty team that is a loyal link in Israel's command and control chain."

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A provocative and important story from the Times Online, with thanks to Twostellas:

Not long ago, Holland prided itself as being the most tolerant and welcoming country in Europe for immigrants and asylum seekers. It had the credentials to prove it. So many have settled there, ethnic "minorities" are often in a majority. In the great Dutch cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague, the newcomers already outnumber the native Dutch among under-20-year-olds. They will soon be an absolute majority. Although the slump that followed the 1973 oil shock removed the urgent need to recruit labour, the Dutch accepted that the "guest workers" in the country could remain. The policy was to create a multicultural society in which cultural and ethnic differences were accepted and appreciated....

No longer. A sea change has taken place. It was evident after the death last month of a young Dutch Moroccan, identified only as Ali El B. Several hundred Moroccans congregated on the street where a driver had run him over, reversing into him after he had stolen her bag. They had made a shrine on the pavement, with flowers and candles, and there was talk of racism and murder. The crowd set off on a march to pay their respects at a mosque not far away. The boys were in a long gaggle at the front. The girls, neater, were in disciplined ranks at the rear. Some had Moroccan flags draped over their shoulders. They chanted in Arabic for a while, and passers-by looked and scurried on.

The mosque was on the ground floor in a row of old gabled houses, some converted into offices, that looked out over a broad waterway. A racing skiff, a pair, was splashing through the wavelets thrown up by a blustery gale. Television cameramen darted round the crowd as it milled outside the mosque. An elderly Dutchman looked down from his flat at the sea of hoods and scarves and red-and-green flags, with an utterly forlorn expression.

Nobody doubts that Ali El B would once have become a martyred innocent. Now, attempts to portray him like that were sat on fast and hard. The fiercest comment came from Geert Wilders. The hard line this right-wing MP takes on immigrants and terrorists has made him the fastest-rising star in the political firmament.

It has also brought threats of beheading from radical Islamists, so he is now shackled to six bodyguards and has secure lodgings on army bases. "All Moroccan troublemakers should be expelled," Wilders says. "The government wants to expel terrorists. The same process should be used for street terrorists like Ali El B. Detain them, de-naturalise them and deport them." Wilders is a firebrand. Rita Verdonk is the minister for immigration and integration, and a mainstream Conservative. She, too, is implacable. "If the boy hadn't stolen the bag," she says, "he'd be riding around on his scooter today."

Read it all.

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Evidence of a robbery, despite the spin in this story, does not at all mean that there was no religious motive. DeFazio himself, you'll notice, acknowledges that. This should be obvious to everyone in light of the recent revelation that the Saudi government’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs has distributed a tract in American mosques stipulating in regard to a Muslim sexual offender that "it would be lawful for Muslims to spill his blood and to take his money." This would also apply to non-Muslims who committed another capital offense: proselytizing among Muslims.

Meanwhile, there are numerous questions in this case that remain unanswered. I hope more details will be revealed soon, or that I myself will be in a position to reveal them.

From The Newark Star-Ledger, with thanks to Miira, who also comments: "Those accounts should have been frozen within hours of the first claim the police had of robbery as a motive! And why aren't the banks providing the ATM surveillance photos to America's Most Wanted, as well as to other media outlets, to help law enforcement and concerned citizens identify the criminals? Something stinks to the high heaven on this!"

Indeed it does.

For nearly a week after he, his wife and two daughters were killed in their Jersey City home last month, someone withdrew "thousands" of dollars from Hossam Armanious' bank account using his ATM card and secret password, Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said yesterday.

The ATM card was used on "a number of different occasions" at banks in the Heights section of Jersey City, where the family lived, and in Midtown Manhattan, DeFazio said. The withdrawals continued for several days after news of the slayings was broadcast and splashed across front pages throughout the region, he said.

The ATM withdrawals further corroborate the likelihood of robbery as the motive in a crime many in Jersey City's tight-knit Egyptian Coptic community believe may have been religiously motivated. The Armaniouses were devout Coptic Christians.

"When we take this, in conjunction with the fact that no money whatsoever was found in the home, it's corroborative of the robbery, greed motive," DeFazio said. "We're still not discounting other aspects, but it is corroborative."...

"Thousands" of dollars were withdrawn from his account, though DeFazio would not disclose the exact total, the number of transactions, nor the banks involved. He also would not comment on whether investigators believe the person using the card was the same person, or people, who killed the family.

The last withdrawal was made "a shade less than a week" after the killings took place, he said.

Many ATMs are equipped with video cameras, but DeFazio declined to say whether investigators had obtained photos or video of the person, or people, who used Armanious' card....

At a press conference in Washington, D.C., two weeks ago, relatives of the victims said they are convinced robbery was not the motive because the family's modest means would make them unlikely targets.

Church leaders and others in the Coptic community have speculated about a religious motive, saying they believe Armanious was targeted by Muslim extremists for criticizing Islam in Internet chat rooms.

"We have not been able to corroborate this Internet ... speculation," DeFazio said. "So I'm not going to say for sure that that is not involved, but I am going to say that we haven't been able to corroborate it and we have corroborated this monetary motive."

Asked specifically about possible religious motive, DeFazio said, "It could still be. It could be a hybrid."

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From ANI, with thanks to Nicolei:

The former premiere of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan has said that jihad has greatly helped the Kashmir cause as it has forced India to come to the negotiating table for finding a solution to the Kashmir issue.

Khan in an interview to The News said, that jihad had inflicted huge financial losses on India as New Delhi had the onerous task of maintaining an enormous military establishment in Kashmir to thwart the danger posed by jihadis.

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Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer discusses the deleterious effects of the astoundingly poor media coverage of Islam and jihad, led by the New Duranty Times, in FrontPage this morning:

Needed more than ever after 9/11 is solid, probing, intelligent, honest reporting about Muslims and Islam. But not only has this not materialized; if anything, reporting has gotten worse. From the New York Times to the smallest local papers, with remarkably few exceptions, the mainstream media continues to publish misleading, incomplete, distorted material that leaves Americans ignorant of the true nature and dimensions of the terrorist threat. If the stakes weren’t so high, this would be just another instance of the media bias that has been exhaustively documented for decades; but in light of the continuing activity of the global jihadist movement, it becomes something much more urgent.

The Times, in an unconscionable breach of journalistic ethics, revealed the real name of Bat Ye’or in a recent article. But perhaps even worse from the standpoint of their abysmally inadequate reporting on Islam was that they labeled her one “of the most extreme voices on the new Jewish right,” which is not only arrant nonsense, since Bat Ye’or is in no sense a figure of “the right,” but also Times-speak for “pay no attention to this person.” She “argues in her latest book, ‘Eurabia: the Euro-Arab Axis,’ that Europe has consciously allied itself with the Arab world at the expense of Jews and the trans-Atlantic alliance.” But she is of “the right,” you see, so the Times feels no need to examine the evidence for this that she marshals so relentlessly in Eurabia.

Incidentally, no sooner had the Times sniffed at Bat Ye’or that the Asia Times reported on a jihadist cell in France that with connections “throughout Western Europe in Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom.” Could this be a function of Europe’s longstanding policy of allying itself with the Arab world? No, you can’t say that — that would be “right wing.”

Like a great garbage scow pulling in its wake the trash in the water, the Times carries along lesser papers. These two examples from this week are not significant for the influence of the papers themselves, but because they reflect the mainstream approach of reporters today: credulous and uninformed to an extent that they are not even able, much less willing, to challenge the disinformation that is coming in a steady stream from all too many Muslim spokesmen.

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Shoe bomber Richard Reid's accomplice. More evidence that the hatred and jihad preached at the Finsbury Park Mosque bore bitter fruit, and more may be yet to come. Note also (thanks to Carol) that in its lead paragraph the BBC still refers to Badat as a "suspect," despite his guilty plea. From the BBC, with thanks to Nicolei:

British terror suspect Saajid Badat plotted to blow up an aeroplane on its way to the US using a "shoe bomb".

Badat, 25, of St James Street, Gloucester, conspired with fellow Briton Richard Reid and a Belgian terrorist to make the bomb.

He trained as a suicide bomber but later backed out of the plot. Badat will be sentenced on 18 March.

On Monday at the Old Bailey, he pleaded guilty to conspiring to place a device on an aircraft in service.

More than 100 homes in the city were evacuated during a police search of Badat's house in November 2003, the court was told.

The court heard he had agreed to be a suicide bomber with the intention of destroying a passenger aircraft while it was in the air en route from Europe to the United States.

Plastic explosive

He received training both in Afghanistan and Pakistan and had been given an explosive device designed to evade airport security and destroy an aircraft in flight, said Richard Horwell, prosecuting.

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February 27, 2005

A press release from the Christian Copts of California:

Christian Copts of California: Even If It Leads to Cells of Radical Islamists in America, Justice Demands That Jersey City Police Search Every Clue to Find Murderers of Armanious Family

The Armanious family fled Luxor, Egypt to escape Islamist extremists and came to America where they could express their freedom of speech. It wasn't far enough. They have been murdered. Is it religious motivated?

To the Copts, Egyptian Christians - an American community of several hundred thousand, this is old stuff ... it's why they fled Egypt. But here? In America? Are quiet and hidden Islamist extremist cells coming to life in America? These cells, comprised of U.S. citizens - nice guys next door - don't share our love of the First Amendment: freedom of speech, freedom of religion.

Christian Copts of California will hold a candle light vigil on February 27, 5 to 7 PM at the Santa Monica, California pier (Ocean and Colorado) to rouse the Jersey City police to investigate fully every clue of the Armanious murder.

A large turnout of Coptic Christians from all of Southern California is expected.

Contact: Mounir Bishay of the Christian Copts of California, 310-641-3387 or Calcopts@aol.com

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Honor killing in Germany. Note the attitudes of the students. Hatin Sürücü update. From The Telegraph, with thanks to EPG:

Shortly before nine o'clock one Monday evening earlier this month, Hatin Sürücü left her five-year-old son asleep in their small apartment in the Tempelhof district of Berlin and made her way to a bus stop in the main Oberlandgarten Strasse. Minutes later, a volley of pistol shots rang out but no one came to help Mrs Sürücü, 23, who was of Turkish origin. A bus driver discovered her body, with multiple wounds to the head and chest, about 40 minutes later and called the police.

Last week, Mrs Sürücü's three brothers, aged 18 to 25, who were arrested six days after the attack, were formally charged with the murder. They have pleaded not guilty and were remanded in custody.

Police are investigating whether Mrs Sürücü was the victim of a so-called "honour killing" after she made the decision to leave the cousin with whom she had been forced into an arranged marriage eight years earlier.

The police said that Mrs Sürücü had frequently complained of being threatened by her brothers.

If they are found guilty, Mrs Sürücü's murder will be the sixth "honour killing" within Berlin's 200,000-strong Muslim community in four months. Shocking as that is, the reactions of some Turkish immigrant children at a school whose main gates are yards from the scene of the shooting has caused even graver concern.

Asked by teachers what they thought of the murder, several 13-year-old pupils are said to have implied that they thought Mrs Sürücü had "earned" her death. "Well, she lived like a German, didn't she?" remarked one. Mrs Sürücü got married in Turkey at the age of 15 but returned with her son to her birthplace, Berlin, more than five years ago.

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Why is it an un-Islamic sentence? Because al-Badawi (who is not the Islamic apologist who owes me a million bucks) no doubt thinks that a Muslim court should support his jihad activity, and not hinder it. From "Yemen upholds 1 death verdict in USS Cole blast," MSNBC, with thanks to TS:

SAN’A, Yemen - A Yemeni appeals court on Saturday upheld the death sentence against a militant convicted in the 2000 al-Qaida bombing of the USS Cole and reduced a death sentence to 15 years in prison against another defendant.

The death sentence was upheld against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a Saudi suspected of being an associate of Osama bin Laden.

The court overturned a death sentence against Yemeni militant Jamal al-Badawi, sentencing him instead to 15 years in jail.

“This is an un-Islamic and illegal sentence,” al-Badawi shouted from inside the defendant’s cage.

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Another story showing that the threat of death for those who leave Islam is not a relic of history, but is very real today. And it's a positive development that the appeals court is actually taking this seriously. "Christian Afghan fears for life if deported," from Knight Ridder, with thanks to Twostellas:

Years after his conversion to Christianity, Ahmad Ahmadshah, 43, a Minneapolis cabdriver, explained that moment to a U.S. immigration judge. Ahmadshah described how he had received a Bible from friends in Pakistan and read it in secret at his home near Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1988.

"I read a book, and my heart accepted," Ahmadshah said. "I believe that this is the book that says the truth."

Today, Ahmadshah is convinced that his faith could cost him his life.

He has lived in the United States since 1996, but U.S. immigration authorities are trying to deport him for visa violations - despite evidence that his sister was killed for her Christian faith in 1993 by religious soldiers answering to a warlord still active in Afghanistan.

This month, the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals made Ahmadshah's deportation less certain. A three-judge panel threw out an order from the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals, which had rejected his application for asylum.

The judges ordered immigration judges to reconsider his case, taking into account how apostates - Muslims who reject Islam - are treated in Afghanistan.

"The murder of Ahmadshah's sister points to a pattern of violence perpetrated against Christian converts and was coupled with a threat directed at Ahmadshah himself," the appeals court wrote.

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Another case showing how how jihadists obtain important documents, with willing help from short-sighted Americans out to make a buck. "2 La. men first to face terrorism charges in Mississippi," from AP, :

Two Louisiana men have appeared in U.S. District Court on the first terrorist charges filed in Mississippi.

Lamont Ranson and Cedric Carpenter, both of New Orleans, were arrested Feb. 18 and charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to defraud the United States and an attempt to provide material support to terrorists....

A Jackson television station reported that the two men bragged they had contacts at the Mississippi Highway Patrol and could obtain material to produce false driver's licenses and other forms of identification.

Court records indicate they agreed to do so in exchange for cash and heroin from Abu Sayyaf, a radical Islamic separatist group based in the Philippines, WLBT-TV reported.

"The information alleges they could obtain Mississippi drivers licenses, false documents that could be used by terrorists to enter the country, remain in the country, travel in the country," U.S. Attorney Dunn Lampton said.

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The Bangladesh Journal (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist) gives us one for the "Comrades! Production is up!" Department:

Dhaka, Feb 26: Bangladesh Foreign Minister M Morshed Khan dismissed the notion of presence of international terrorists in Bangladesh, saying that there may be some “local goons” working in the name of religion, who are being arrested.

“There is a difference between international terrors and local goons,” he said, asserting that there are no international terrorists in this country.

He said the government would not spare any person or group who engages in any anti-state activities by capitalizing on Islam. Many Islamic thinkers hailed the government decision.

Here is a more likely piece on the jihad in Bangladesh.

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Sharia alert. From "Integration Tops European Fatwa Council Meeting" in Islam Online, with thanks to Nicolei:

DUBLIN, February 24, 2005 (IslamOnline.net) – Eminent scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi has inaugurated the 14th session of the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR) with a call for the sizable Muslim minority in Europe to integrate into and contribute to the advancement of society.

“A Muslim should stick to the balanced and moderate Islam. He should be integrated into the society where he lives without violating the rules of Shari`ah,” Sheikh Qaradawi, the head of ECFR, told the opening session on Wednesday, February 23.

Of course, Qaradawi is the famous moderate who recently declared his hope that he would die in jihad warfare.

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Anti-dhimmitude at Brandeis. "My problem is not the anti-Zionism or even that many of them are anti-American, but that they are third-rate." Such that they hide behind their degrees in order to avoid unpleasant debate on the facts, eh, Omid?

"A lesson in academic politics," from the Jerusalem Post, with thanks to JS:

When the controversy at Columbia University erupted last fall over charges of anti-Israel bias in courses on the Middle East, many American Jews saw the brouhaha as another alarming sign that pro-Arab academics had gained the upper hand in university Middle East studies departments.

Mideast studies had become polemicized, and American Jews sought to ameliorate matters by pushing for the creation of Israel studies chairs and ensuring that courses on the Arab-Israeli conflict were taught by professors sympathetic to Israel.

But where many American Jews saw political bias, Brandeis University president Jehuda Reinharz saw something else: academic mediocrity.

The controversy underscored for Reinharz what had become an endemic problem in the field: Politics had superseded scholarship as a test of who was fit to teach the Middle East, with the result that political indoctrination had replaced research-driven academic inquiry.

"My problem is not the anti-Zionism or even that many of them are anti-American, but that they are third-rate," Reinharz said in a recent interview with the Jerusalem Post at his Brandeis office, referring to university Middle East studies departments. "The quality of the people [in Mideast studies] is unlike any of the qualities we expect in any other field."

Reinharz has set out to change that by creating a new center for Middle East studies at Brandeis, which he hopes will set a much-needed example of academic rigor in the field.

"We need a first-rate center for Middle East studies that is not pro or con anything," Reinharz said.

Amen! And if it were really politically neutral and academically honest, it would have room for an Institute of Dhimmitude Studies and a Center for the Study of Jihad. And more.

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What natural right does a man with this kind of record have to enter Canada? "Terrorist returns: Peter MacKay urges Ottawa to consider revoking citizenship," from the National Post, with thanks to Martin:

TORONTO - One of Canada's most notorious terrorist leaders has returned home to Montreal after serving four years in a French prison for his role in an international jihadist network.

Fateh Kamel, a 44-year-old Algerian-Canadian who headed a Montreal-based extremist cell, arrived in Montreal on Jan. 29 aboard an Air France flight, sources told the National Post.

A charismatic shopkeeper who led a double life as the international terrorist operative "Moustapha," Kamel was dubbed the "Islamist Carlos" because of his remarkable exploits around the world.

"I am GIA," he once said in a conversation intercepted by Italian counter-terrorism investigators. GIA is the French acronym for the Algerian Armed Islamic Group. "Killing is easy for me."...

Captured in Jordan in 1999, Kamel was tried in Paris in 2001 and convicted for his involvement with terrorist groups. Although sentenced to eight years' imprisonment, he was released early for good behaviour. He has a Canadian wife and son.

Peter MacKay, the Conservative Party's deputy leader and public safety critic, urged the government to consider revoking Kamel's Canadian citizenship. Canada has used such tactics against Nazi war criminals.

"By all means we should be examining revocation, and certainly there is cause for the Canadian government, for our officials, to examine whether he was truthful at the time of his entry into this country," Mr. MacKay said.

"I have a real problem with us just saying we'll let bygones be bygones. I don't think most Canadians have much comfort level knowing that this convicted terrorist is now back in our country."

Peter MacKay for PM!

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More British madness: how is it racial discrimination to require a man not to walk off his job at odd hours? From the BBC, with thanks to Twostellas:

An appeals body has allowed a challenge by Mohamed Loke, from Aston in Birmingham, to an earlier employment tribunal's rejection of his claim.

He claimed he was not allowed to pray at his local mosque while he worked at Calthorpe Special School in 2003....

Mr Loke told the earlier hearing he believed he was racially discriminated against because it was every male Muslim's duty to attend Friday prayers.

Calthorpe School caters for children with severe and profound learning difficulties.

The school claimed that on 9 June, 2003, Mr Loke was responsible for one-on-one care for a pupil and was told he could not attend prayers, but did anyway.

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Sharia alert: this is what results from Qur'an 4:34, which sanctions wife-beating, and Islam's easy divorce. From IRIN, with thanks to Twostellas:

NURISTAN, 24 February (IRIN) - The wooden hut of Zulaikha, a 45-year-old midwife, remains the only ray of hope for destitute women in the Nuristan valley, in northeastern Nuristan province. Dozens of women gather around Zulaikha, many of them after travelling from snow-capped mountains after a day's journey by foot.

While some come for treatment, others have been severely beaten by their husbands or forced to leave their homes and children. Many women claim that their husbands have sent them back to their parents after coming down with tuberculosis (TB), the province's chief health concern, or that they had become weak as a result of poor nourishment.

"My husband beat me and kicked me out after my sickness [TB] became serious," Bibi Hawa, a 30-year-old housewife, told IRIN, after speaking with Zulaikha, the only literate woman and health worker in Kamdish and Bargmatal districts, with a population of over 100,000.

"He threw me out to take revenge on my father who had received 30 cows as a dowry for my wedding," she exclaimed.

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For a long time in Israel it has looked as if one side was determined to make concessions in exchange for peace, despite the other side's manifest inability and likely unwillingness to secure peace in exchange for those concessions or any other. But here at last Sharon strikes a different, non-dhimmi pose. From Reuters, with thanks to JS:

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, responding to a Palestinian suicide bombing that killed four Israelis, said on Sunday new Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas must "wipe out" militant groups before peacemaking can resume.

"There will not be any diplomatic progress, I repeat, no diplomatic progress, until the Palestinians take vigorous action to wipe out the terror groups and their infrastructure in the Palestinian Authority's territory," Sharon told his cabinet.

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Will they lead to the lair of the mastermind? From the World Tribune, with thanks to Nicolei:

"Abu Qutaybah was responsible for determining who, when and how terrorist network leaders would meet with Al Zarqawi," the government said in a statement on Feb. 25.

Al Duleimi was a "key lieutenant for the Zarqawi network, arranging safe houses and transportation as well as passing packages and funds to Zarqawi," the government said. "His extensive contacts and operational ability throughout western Iraq made him a critical figure in the Zarqawi network."

The statement said another Al Zarqawi aide was captured in the operation. He was identified as Ahmad Al Rawi, or Abu Othman, who also helped arrange meetings for Al Zarqawi.

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It had a circulation of 10,000 from among that distressingly large tiny minority of extremists. "Germany shuts down Islamist newspaper," from DPA, with thanks to Jeff Lastname:

BERLIN - Germany closed down on Friday a Turkish-language Islamist daily newspaper that has denied the Holocaust.

Interior Minister Otto Schily put a banning order on the Yeni Akit publishing house, which brings out the European edition of Anadoluda Vakit. The title means "the times in Anatolia". Prosecutors have been collecting evidence against the newspaper for months.

The Interior Ministry in Berlin said the closure was ordered because Vakit had incited to ethnic hate. The newspaper had attacked Israel, Jews in general and the fundamentals of western society....

Despite warnings, the newspaper recently ran a letter headed "Hitler was right". In December last year, a member of parliament held up an issue that claimed "There Was No Holocaust" and appealed to the government to ban the paper.

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A day off on a dhimmi holiday? No way! And don't miss the part about the hand grenade: they don't even do that at Evander Childs, a famously lethal school located in my old haunts in the Bronx.

"Iraqi students protest day off on Jewish Sabbath," from AP, with thanks to Charles Martel:

It's not that the Iraqis do not want time off - they just want the extra day moved to Thursday.

"We don't want Saturday! It's a Jewish holiday!" students chanted as they marched in protest last week to the governor's office in Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of Baghdad.

A high-school student pulled out a hand grenade and started waving it, and police fired into the air to disperse the crowd. At least three students reportedly were injured in the ensuing scuffle.

At Baghdad's University of Mustansariyah, a statement issued by a student union believed to be allied with the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr described Saturday as "the Zionist holiday" and said the government order should not be followed.

"We declare a general strike in the University of Mustansariyah to reject this decision and any decision aimed at depriving Iraqis of their identity," the statement said.

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Louis-Noel Harfouche Bar-Levannon is a member of the Knights Templar and an astute, witty, and absolutely fearless Lebanese non-Arab. He has started a new blog, Ecce Libano. Don't miss his incisive and illuminating explanation of Lebanese identity, "Why I Am Not Arab" -- particularly relevant after the Hariri murder.

Bravo, Louis! Let us hear more from you.

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From a press release by the Anti-Terrorism Coalition:

The ATC is now back after having been down since January 11, 2005, when terrorists struck their hosting companies Super Verticals, Yahoo and the ATC websites. "After the 1-11 Attacks the ATC Leadership decided not to return until high security could be assured and today we have that security." stated ATC President Stalfos. The ATC is now up at http://www.atcoalition.net.

On January 13, 2005, ATC Vice President Benyamin B stated, "We shall return." "And today, we have indeed returned," stated Vice President Benyamin B earlier today. "On behalf of the Leadership of The Anti-Terrorism Coalition (ATC), I would like to make the following message heard load and clear: We will not be stopped by terrorists. We will not let the terrorists prevail over the anti-terrorism community. We are united, we are determined, and we are here to stay. We shall prevail!" said Benyamin B.

At the same time, ATC Intelligence Spokesman Robert Johnson charactorized ATCI's ongoing investigation as a success. During the ATCI Investigation of the 1/11 Terrorist Attacks, the perpetrators attempted to track down ATC Vice President Benyamin B. "It is true that they attempted to track him down." stated the ATCI Spokesman.

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Could reality be creeping up even on the media elite? This New York Times story (thanks to Nicolei) about Dutch emigration mentions social tensions, "Islamic militants," and rising crime, but not racism or intolerance.

AMSTERDAM - Paul Hiltemann had already noticed a darkening mood in the Netherlands. He runs an agency for people wanting to emigrate and his client list had surged.

But he was still taken aback in November when a Dutch filmmaker was shot and his throat was slit, execution style, on an Amsterdam street.

In the weeks that followed, Mr. Hiltemann was inundated by e-mail messages and telephone calls. "There was a big panic," he said, "a flood of people saying they wanted to leave the country."

Leave this stable and prosperous corner of Europe? Leave this land with its generous social benefits and ample salaries, a place of fine schools, museums, sports grounds and bicycle paths, all set in a lively democracy?

The answer, increasingly, is yes. This small nation is a magnet for immigrants, but statistics suggest there is a quickening flight of the white middle class. Dutch people pulling up roots said they felt a general pessimism about their small and crowded country and about the social tensions that had grown along with the waves of newcomers, most of them Muslims."The Dutch are living in a kind of pressure cooker atmosphere," Mr. Hiltemann said.

There is more than the concern about the rising complications of absorbing newcomers, now one-tenth of the population, many of them from largely Muslim countries. Many Dutch also seem bewildered that their country, run for decades on a cozy, political consensus, now seems so tense and prickly and bent on confrontation. Those leaving have been mostly lured by large English-speaking nations like Australia, New Zealand and Canada, where they say they hope to feel less constricted.

In interviews, emigrants rarely cited a fear of militant Islam as their main reason for packing their bags. But the killing of the filmmaker Theo van Gogh, a fierce critic of fundamentalist Muslims, seems to have been a catalyst.

"Our Web site got 13,000 hits in the weeks after the van Gogh killing," said Frans Buysse, who runs an agency that handles paperwork for departing Dutch. "That's four times the normal rate."

Mr. van Gogh's killing is the only one the police have attributed to an Islamic militant, but since then they have reported finding death lists by local Islamic militants with the names of six prominent politicians. The effects still reverberate. In a recent opinion poll, 35 percent of the native Dutch questioned had negative views about Islam.

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February 26, 2005

Tiny minority of extremists update. Dr. Bernard Haykel is a professor of Islamic Studies at New York University. In a mostly pointless New York Times story (thanks to rgans) about discussions over the meaning of jihad at the Al-Moayad trial, "Defense in Terror Trial Paints a Rosier Picture of 'Jihad,'" he says this:

"There are a billion plus Muslims in the Arab world, 90 percent of whom support Hamas," he testified. "If they were all terrorists, we would be in dire trouble."

No, Dr. Haykel, they are not all terrorists. But if they support Hamas, they are terrorist sympathizers, and in many cases, terrorism enablers. This underscores the fact that I have long stressed: that the jihad ideology as espoused by Hamas is not a "hijacking" or "twisting" of Islam, but is rooted in its core teachings and central texts. Or I suppose the whitewashers would have us believe that 90% of Muslims worldwide have gotten their religion wrong.

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He was a devout Muslim with no history of militancy? Didn't he learn in his devout Qur'an reading to treat the unbelievers with tolerance and respect? Or did he learn to make war against them, as is commanded by Sura 9:29 and other passages of the Qur'an? "Palestinians Arrest 2 for Israel Bombing," from AP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

RAMALLAH, West Bank - Palestinian security forces on Saturday arrested two suspected militants in connection with a suicide bombing that killed four Israelis at a Tel Aviv nightclub, acting on orders from Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to track down and punish those responsible.

Palestinian security officials pointed to the Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah, which has been trying to disrupt an informal Mideast truce, as the apparent mastermind of the attack. Abbas hinted at Hezbollah involvement, holding a "third party" responsible for the bombing.

Hezbollah, which is funded by Iran, has hundreds of West Bank gunmen from various Palestinian militant groups on its payroll....

The bomber was identified as Abdullah Badran, 21, a university student from the village of Deir al-Ghusun near the West Bank town of Tulkarem. His parents said he was a devout Muslim but had no history of militant activity.

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Honor killing in Germany. "I'm not saying you should murder, but Hatin's lifestyle just didn't fit the way traditional Muslims live." From Deutsche Welle, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

On a cold afternoon this week, Hatin Sürücü gazed gravely from a large poster behind a bus stop lined with flowers, cards and candles.

To the people who came to this bleak part of Berlin's Tempelhof district for Tuesday's solemn vigil -- called not by the city's Muslim community but a gay and lesbian organization -- the image of the young woman in a headscarf, a baby in her arms, was familiar from newspapers and television. A few notes at the memorial read, "Hope you get a better deal in your next life," and "Live a life on your own terms."

"It's a scandal," said Ali K, 33. "All Muslims in Berlin should take to the streets to protest." Yasemin, 22, said, "It's horrific. All Hatin was doing was leading her life the way she wanted."

But it was a choice she paid for with her life. On Feb. 7, 23-year-old Hatin Sürücü was gunned down at the aforementioned bus stop. She died on the spot. Shortly afterwards, three of her brothers -- who reportedly had long been threatening her -- were arrested. Investigators suspect it was a so-called "honor killing," given the fact that Sürücü's ultra-conservative Turkish-Kurdish family strongly disapproved of her modern and "un-Islamic" life....

At Berlin's Turkish-dominated neighborhood near Kottbusser Tor in the Kreuzberg district, 17-year-old Erkan, a high school student of Turkish origin, was divided about the issue. "I'm not saying you should murder, but Hatin's lifestyle just didn't fit the way traditional Muslims live," he said.

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From C-Span:

On Sunday, February 27 at 7:30 am

Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis
Bat Ye'or

Description: Bat Ye'or talks about her new book, "Eurabia," at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC. She looks at the relationship between European and Arab countries since the mid-20th century and argues that Muslims living in Western Europe have significantly influenced their governments' attitudes toward Israel and other countries in the Middle East. During the talk, she also discusses why Turkey should not be allowed into the European Union and addresses the question of European anti-Semitism. Bat Ye'or answers questions from the audience following her remarks.

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I told you so update. Note that Sharia is being presented as an improvement for women upon their situation in Saddam's relatively secular Iraq. From the Christian Science Monitor, with thanks to all who sent this in:

BAGHDAD – Covered in layers of flowing black fabric that extend to the tips of her gloved hands, Jenan al-Ubaedy knows her first priority as one of some 90 women who will sit in the national assembly: implementing Islamic law.

She is quick to tick off what sharia will mean for married women. "[The husband] can beat his wife but not in a forceful way, leaving no mark. If he should leave a mark, he will pay," she says of a system she supports. "He can beat her when she is not obeying him in his rights. We want her to be educated enough that she will not force him to beat her, and if he beats her with no right, we want her to be strong enough to go to the police."

Broadening support for sharia may not have been the anticipated outcome of the US mandate that women make up one third of the national assembly. But Dr. Ubaedy's vision is shared by many members of the United Iraqi Alliance, a list of religious Shiite candidates that won a majority of seats. She says the women on the UIA list are meeting now to coordinate their agendas and reach out to women from other parties.

How their presence translates into action not only will shape women's rights in Iraq but goes to the heart of how much religion will dictate law.

"When you have a fairly large number of women [in a legislature], it brings women's issues to the forefront," says Marina Ottaway, an expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington. "On the other hand, [in Iraq] you have a majority of women elected from religious political parties, and this process will take place in the midst of discussions of the constitution and role of Islam in the constitution."

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February 25, 2005

Stop the presses! Religious intolerance in (gasp) secular Turkey, heir of the illustrious Ottoman Empire! "Santa Claus statue row in Turkey," from the BBC, with thanks to Susan:

Residents of the Turkish province of Antalya have held a rally to denounce the removal of a statue of St Nicholas, commonly known as Santa Claus.

Local authorities replaced the statue of the saint holding a Bible with a plastic Santa-Claus.

The statue was a donation from Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who has sent a complaint to the Turkish president....

Despite being a predominantly Muslim country, Turkey is proud of its St Nicholas connection.

Is that so? Then what explains this incident?

The Russian artist who sculpted the statue, Gregory Pototsky, reacted angrily to its removal.

"It is not decent to do such things with gifts. There is nothing about religious tolerance here," he told the Newsru.com web site.

Demre has become a major tourist attraction, with Russians comprising a large part of international holiday-makers in Antalya.

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Syrian intelligence behind the Iraqi jihad? But wait: the Syrians are secular Arab nationalist Baathists. Surely they wouldn't have anything to do with the mujahedin, would they? Remember the words of Michel Aflaq, founder of the Baath Party: "Islam is Arab nationalism" (see Sylvia Haim, Arab Nationalism, 1962, p. 64).

From AP, with thanks to Mohamed Ibn Guadi:

The bearded man in a gray jacket and shirt who appeared on the U.S.-funded Iraqi state television station Wednesday had a stark message about the insurgency -- he was a Syrian intelligence officer who helped train people to behead others and build car bombs to attack American and Iraqi troops.

"My name is Anas Ahmed al-Essa. I live in Halab. I am from Syria," he said by way of introduction -- naming what he said was his home in Syria.

"What's you're job?" he was asked by someone off-camera. "I am a lieutenant in intelligence."

Then a second question. "Which intelligence?" The reply: "Syrian intelligence."

And so began a detailed 15-minute confession broadcast by al-Iraqiya TV, in which the man, identified as 30-year-old Lt. Anas Ahmed al-Essa, said his group was recruited to "cause chaos in Iraq ... to bar America from reaching Syria."

"We received all the instructions from Syrian intelligence," said the man, who appeared in the propaganda video along with 10 Iraqis who said they had also been recruited by Syrian intelligence officers.

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The jihad cannot end, and cannot be subject to negotiations. The Western nations continue to imagine that they can negotiate with the adherents of a totalitarian, intransigent, violent ideology. This is how such negotiations will always end. From Reuters, :

"Islamic Jihad claims responsibility (for the bombing) in Tel Aviv," a spokesman told Reuters. "This is a martydom operation that shows we are not committed to the cease-fire because Israel is continuing to kill and arrest Palestinians."

In other words, Israel can only hope for peace if it stops defending itself.

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It was certain to happen; the only question was when. From the New York Times, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

TEL AVIV, Israel, Feb. 26 - A Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up tonight among a crowd of young Israelis waiting to enter a nightclub near Tel Aviv's beachfront late, shattering a truce that had largely been holding.

Several people were killed and about 50 were injured at the Stage nightclub, according to initial reports by the Israeli police and rescue workers.

The crowd was waiting on the sidewalk outside the club, just a few yards from the beach, when the bombing took place at around 11:30 p.m., witnesses and officials said. Much of Israel shuts down for the Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, but in secular Tel Aviv, the clubs were just beginning to open at the time of the blast.

"A single terrorist exploded in a line of people waiting to get into the club," the police chief of Tel Aviv, David Tzur, told Army Radio in a broadcast monitored by Reuters.

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No satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon has yet been found. "On November 22, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security sent an intelligence bulletin to police agencies to alert them that terrorist groups have shown an interest in using laser beams to try to bring down airliners."

From AP, with thanks to Bruce:

ROMULUS, Mich. -- Two Northwest Airlines pilots said laser lights were shone into their cockpits as they were about to land their planes at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, authorities said....

"They were making their approaches, and the pilots reported seeing a green laser-like light shining towards their aircraft,'' Booth said....

Over the past four months, the FAA has received dozens of reports of lasers being pointed at airplanes in several states. Laser illuminations can briefly disorient a pilot during the critical flight stages of ascending and descending.

Six airline pilots told authorities they saw a laser while approaching Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport on Sunday evening. No lasers were aimed at the airplanes' cockpits, the FBI's Dallas office said.

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It is unfortunate that the only people saying things like this are Jean-Marie Le Pen, whose name is already so closely associated with racism and anti-Semitism. It further obfuscates the fact that Europe is facing an ideological threat, and that the only reason to object to Muslim population growth in Europe is not because Muslims are of a different race from Frenchmen. The court condemns Le Pen simply for noting this population growth; its decision shows that it is the official French view that such growth is benign, and no dissent is tolerated. But the court seems to have said nothing about the Sharia or the possibility of its coming to France with this growing population, and leading to the overhaul of French society and the denial of French history and culture. "Far-right leader’s conviction upheld," from AP, with thanks to Ian:

Le Pen, leader of the National Front party, was ordered to pay a £6900 fine for inciting racial hatred in comments in Le Monde newspaper two years ago.

Le Pen has been convicted of racism or anti-Semitism at least six times.

He blames immigrants, especially those from North Africa, for high unemployment and wants to deport all illegal immigrants.

He wants to deport illegal immigrants? Horror of horrors!

In the interview, Le Pen urged the French to beware of "the day in France when we have 25 million Muslims, not five million" — the estimated population of Muslims in France.

The appeals court in Paris said such comments could incite hatred. "In denouncing such a threat, Jean-Marie Le Pen tends to stir in the reader a feeling of hostility and rejection toward Muslims depicted as dominators," the written ruling stated.

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Here is another case of dhimmitude coming to the UK. Islamic law stipulates that a dhimmi who does not behave respectfully toward a Muslim voids his contract of "protection." Riaz Burahee probably thought that 92 threatening phone calls was a perfectly reasonable response to an insult from a Jew. It reminds me of a recent incident in which a Christian church in the U.S. was sending out flyers inviting people to attend. A Muslim called the pastor in hot anger, telling him never to send him such material again -- and repeating again and again that he had "no right" to send him such a thing in the first place. And the church indeed had no right to do so, from the standpoint of the laws of the dhimma, which have become ingrained into Middle Eastern culture and so still frame interaction between Muslims and non-Muslims in many areas.

From SkyNews, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

A Muslim man bombarded synagogues with telephone calls for three days threatening to kill, rape and blow up Jews.

Riaz Burahee, 25, of Edmonton, north London, who has photographs of Osama bin Laden at his home, admitted 10 offences.

Wood Green Crown Court heard Burahee told police he made the calls because he had been insulted by a Jew.

The court heard he had made as many as 92 calls, telling people to leave the building or be bombed.

Burahee, who described himself as a Muslim with strong religious beliefs, said he had no links to terrorism.

Photographs of Bin Laden and militant US civil rights activist Malcolm X were found in his room.

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ABC News, home of America Held Hostage Day XXX, and Iran get together at Starbucks and talk about how great things are going since they broke up. From ABC News:

Although it was turned into a museum long ago, TV cameras have rarely been allowed in. But it recently was renovated, which may explain why Iranians proudly showed ABC News what they now call the "den of spies."

Souvenirs seized by the hostage-takers are antiques now -- including old computers and circuitry, a device to destroy documents, and a massive code machine from the National Security Agency.

One of the central exhibits here is what they call the "glassy room" for top-secret meetings. Majid said it is set up more or less how they found it when the American spies operated here -- though he said they removed the green velvet drapes and added mannequins to depict one of the alleged secret meetings.

I wonder if the mannequins are discussing withdrawing support from the Shah? "Aw, c'mon. What's the worst that could happen?"

"We have no relationship with America now, so it's better," one visitor said.
"Kindly remove us from your list. DOWN WITH AMERICA! Yours sincerely..."
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Well, I hate terrorism and like alliances against terrorism, especially with Muslim nations who are trying to keep their own jihad terrorists in check. So why is it that when Musharraf says this, a little voice in my head echoes, "Good new, comrades! Steel production is up, and has exceeded quota according to the five year plan!"

Am I just cynical? From Reuters, with thanks to Jeff Imm:

Pakistan has broken the back of terrorism in the country, killing and arresting hundreds of militants and destroying the structure of their organizations, the president of the Islamic nation said Thursday.

Pervez Musharraf, who survived two assassination attempts by militants linked to al Qaeda just over a year ago, said an army offensive in semi-autonomous tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan had led to the capture of guerrilla bases and forced the leaders into the mountains.

Are there Potemkin guerilla bases?

"We have had tremendous success over terrorism. Their back has been broken and they are on the run," the president told an audience of government ministers, military and media at his official residence in Islamabad.

And then, no doubt, the audience stood for sustained spontaneous applause.

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Anti-dhimmitude in Holland. Why aren't other countries doing more of this? From Expatica, with thanks to Nicolei:

AMSTERDAM — A cleric from a Rotterdam mosque has become the fourth imam to be ordered out of the Netherlands, it has been reported.

The fourth man was brought to an airport on Thursday, the biggest selling daily newspaper in the Netherlands, De Telegraaf, reported.

Although he was not named, the newspaper cited "well-informed sources" identifying him as an imam at Iskender Pasa Camii mosque on the Insulindestraat in the Rotterdam district of Bergpolder.

He was being expelled after being found to have provoked hatred and inciting people to jihad or holy war.

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Three capitalists sell the rope by which they will be hanged. "Three admit trying to sell documents to Iranians," from the Brownsville Herald, with thanks to Kemaste:

February 24, 2005 — Three members of an alleged ring accused of attempting to sell fake immigration documents to Iranian nationals pleaded guilty in federal court to various counts of fraud and identity theft.

Port Isabel residents Roberto Aburto, his wife Azalia Gaona, Miriam Palestina and Rutilio Marquez are accused taking $1,050 to make fake Social Security cards and green cards in August for three Iranian men.

Aburto, 31, Gaona, 27, and Palestina, 26, were arrested during two Sept. 9 raids in Port Isabel, but Marquez remains at large and is presumed to have fled to Mexico.

According to federal court records, the ring’s activities had been monitored by the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement and the Social Security Administration as part of an ongoing investigation.

Between Aug. 2 and Sept. 9, the group allegedly agreed to make nine sets of fake Social Security cards and green cards for undercover agents for $2,770.

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Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi continues to prove his reputation as a "reformist." A new MEMRI report (thanks to Nicolei) on this aging child prodigy, this darling of the Islamic Society of Boston:

"When I was only nine, the people of my village gave me the title 'sheikh [who teaches] the Koran and religious science.' I have devoted myself to religious propagation [ da'wa ] for the sake of Allah, and I have not relinquished the mission that Allah entrusted to me. I see myself as appointed by Allah. I will never withdraw from this mission. I hope my life will end with a virtuous death, like [the death] sought by warriors fighting Jihad for the sake of Allah. I do not defend falsehood or the tyrants … but I defend and am beneficial to the affairs of my nation. I will not relinquish my mission whatever accusations are leveled at me regarding terrorism or other matters." [1]

The London Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat reported that Al-Qaradhawi said: "I am not afraid of the Mossad or the Americans." He also said: "The Mossad has threatened to eliminate me, and I hope that Allah will grant me martyrdom [ shahada ] for His sake and that my life will end by my dying at the hands of the enemies of Islam." According to the daily, Al-Qaradhawi hoped to die "a virtuous death" and that this meant "that the head would be severed from the body." [2]

Meanwhile, on the dhimmi front:

London Mayor Livingstone: 'Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi's Ideology is Utterly Remote from Extremism'

During the solidarity conference, a film about Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi was aired, in which London Mayor Ken Livingstone appeared. According to a report on Al-Jazeera TV 's Internet site, Livingstone said: "We were surprised by the onslaught of unbridled distortion of facts in the papers, which described this man as a wild animal and presented him as the jurisprudent of Satan... We were therefore of the opinion that it is important to conduct a comprehensive inquiry, in which we will consult with the world's ' ulema and study Dr. Al-Qaradhawi's 140 books.

"The results of the report were astounding. It transpired that most of the fabrications that distorted Dr. Al-Qaradhawi's words come from the institute called 'The Middle East Media Research Institute,' which purports to be an objective institute interpreting the words of the Muslim ' ulema from around the world. However, we have discovered that an ex-officer in the Israeli intelligence, the Mossad, is running this institute and that the institute systematically distorts not only Al-Qaradhawi's words, but the words of many [other] Muslim ' ulema as well. In most cases, this distortion is comprehensive, and therefore we printed this document." [3]

According to the Qatar daily Al-Sharq, Livingstone noted that after special committees had studied Al-Qaradhawi's ideology by reviewing over 140 books, as well as sermons and lectures by Al-Qaradhawi, it was found that "Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi's ideology is utterly remote from extremism." [4]

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How did they establish that she consented? This article doesn't say, but it was probably from the testimony of the men involved. Traditional Islamic law disallows a woman's testimony in such a case. From the BBC, with thanks to Kemaste:

A teenage girl and two young men in Iran have been sentenced to lashes for having sex.

The court dismissed the girl's claim that [she] was raped. It said she had sex of her own free will, the official Iran Daily newspaper reported.

The girl was sentenced to 100 lashes because her accusations of rape and kidnap could have landed her partners a death penalty, the Tehran judge said....

The young men in the case were sentenced to 30 and 40 lashes each. ...

Under Iranian law, girls over the age of nine and boys over 16 face the death penalty for crimes such as rape and murder, while capital punishment can be imposed in certain cases of illegal sexual relationships.

Nine year old girls facing the death penalty for rape: do you think they are the perpetrators?

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February 24, 2005

Rusty Shackleford over at the Jawa Report (thanks to Nicolei) has some very interesting additional information about the Bush assassination plot: "Did Omar and Faten Ali and know of their sons jihadism?"

The jihadi connection only gets deeper. From this NY Times article (ht: Katherine) we learn that Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, the man indicted on charges of working with al Qaeda to plot the assassination of the President of the US, taught Islamic studies to children at the Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center while still in high school. According to the Washington Post, the Center has been a gathering place for Islamist and jihadi activity in the US.

Two of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers worshiped at the mosque and several of the group's founders were active in the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. It is no surprise that the Muslim American Society pushed for Ahmed Abu Ali's release and its members showed up in force to laugh at the judge during Ali's indictment. The Muslim American Society is also associated withe the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the original al Qaeda. Al-Ikhwan, as it is known in Arabic was started in 1928 as an Islamist organization with the goal of seeting up the world-wide Islamic state. The radical goals of the Muslim Brotherhood and the political teachings of its founder were the inspiration behind Ossama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization.

Are we to believe that Mr. Omar Abu Ali was not aware of the Salafiyya dogma being taught at the Mosque he attended? A dogma which calls for the introduction of sharia law into the Muslim world? A dogma which calls for violent jihad against regimes in the Middle East?

Additional links about the Brotherhood and the Center over at Rusty's place.

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The Sharia is not in force anywhere except Saudi Arabia and Iran, you'll hear. Christians enjoy rights equal to those of Muslims in other Muslim countries, you'll hear. Then why are there so many stories like this one?

From IOL.ie, with thanks to Nicolei:

A Pakistani court has convicted and sentenced a Christian man to seven years in prison for insulting Islam’s holy book, the Koran, as he practiced magic, police said today.

A court delivered the ruling on Monday against Bashir Masih, 35, in the town of Chistian, about 90 miles northeast of Multan, a major city in eastern Punjab province, said Haji Nazir Ahmed, a local police official.

Masih was arrested in August last year in the cotton-growing village of Chak 109 Fateh after a Muslim man complained to police that Masih was insulting the Koran by putting his legs on the holy book while he lay in bed at home, Ahmed said.

Ahmed said that after his arrest Masih told police he would place the Koran on his feet and tear out pages from the holy book on which he would write magic spells to put inside amulets that he’d give to fellow Christians.

This doesn't sound to me like anything anyone with the brains God gave a hamster would admit to doing in Pakistan, no matter what the actual facts of the case. This sounds to me more likely to be just another example of the way Christians are victimized by the blasphemy laws, which are so easy for Muslims to use against Christians they for some reason don't like or want around.

Masih was sentenced under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws and moved to a jail in the nearby town of Bhawalnagar. He can appeal the sentence....

Under the blasphemy laws, anyone who insults the Koran, Islam or its prophet Muhammad can be punished by death. Throwing the holy book on the ground, touching it with feet or saying derogatory things about it are deemed insulting.

Human rights groups have demanded that the blasphemy laws be abolished. Christian groups allege persecution under the legislation.

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Jihad in the Philippines update. The Philippines, you may recall, is one of those places that was left off a list of countries with "serious extremist movements," recently drawn up by a putative Islamic expert. From AP, with thanks to Nicolei:

MANILA -- Officers have arrested four suspected members of al-Qaida-linked terror groups who were planning to bomb an airport, malls and a church in the Philippines, police officials said Thursday.

Two Indonesians and a Malaysian, all suspected members of the regional Muslim terror group Jemaah Islamiyah, and a Filipino allegedly from the Abu Sayyaf extremist group, were arrested in southern Zamboanga city in December, but their detentions were not announced immediately to allow officials to track their companions, police officials said.

The arrests were to be officially announced later Thursday.

Police intelligence officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the men's targets included a Roman Catholic church and the airport in the bustling port city of Davao and unspecified malls in Manila.

There were other possible targets in the southern cities of General Santos and Cagayan de Oro, they said. Some of the four were arrested at a wharf in Zamboanga after they came off a local ferry, the officials said.

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Last night I spoke in Beverly Hills, California as part of a panel with Bat Ye'or, the pioneering scholar of dhimmitude, and Rafael Israeli, author of the magnificent Islamikaze, a study of the ethos of suicide bombing.

It was a great evening. Bat Ye'or spoke with her usual fire and precision about the Islamization of Europe; Israeli, who is a comic talent worthy of late night television, added important information about the jihad ideology in general. I added some details about jihadist activity in the United States.

I noticed this morning that some people were asking about tapes of the event. I don't know details yet, but I did see last night that we were being filmed. I will find out how and when the video will be available -- if it will -- and keep you posted here at Jihad Watch.

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Let them into the EU! Note that Kart has drawn Erdogan's ire (that's right: he has irked the Turk) by noting the encroachment of Islam into public life in this secular state. From the LA Times, with thanks to Nicolei:

ANKARA, Turkey — This nation's best-known political cartoonists gathered in Istanbul on Wednesday to protest legal action taken by the prime minister against artists who criticized him through their work.

Members of the Turkish Cartoonists Assn. accuse Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of trying to stifle free expression even as Turkey is preparing to launch talks to win membership in the European Union.

"We cartoonists have long faced pressure from politicians," Metin Peker, the association's president, said at a news conference.

"Just as we thought those dark days were over, we have been confronted with this."

Peker was referring to a defamation suit filed recently by Erdogan against Musa Kart, a cartoonist for the secular daily newspaper Cumhuriyet. Kart was fined $3,500 by an Ankara court last week on charges of assailing Erdogan's honor in a cartoon that depicted him as a cat enmeshed in a ball of wool.

The work was published by Cumhuriyet in May, when the Turkish leader proposed a legislation that would allow graduates of Islamic clerical training schools to enter secular universities. In the cartoon, Erdogan, who is entangled in yarn labeled for the Islamic religious schools, says: "Do not create tensions. We shall resolve this matter."

Turkish secularists accused the former Islamist leader of doing just what the cartoon figure warned against by trying to increase the role of Islam in public life. The bill was rejected by the country's secularist president, Ahmet Necdet Sezer.

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February 23, 2005

Jihadwatch Director Robert Spencer will take part in a panel discussion; thanks to Drudge's weather report, he knew to leave his umbrella in Secure Undisclosed Locationville.

Radical Islam’s Penetration of Western Civilization

7:00 pm Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Nessah Educational and Cultural Center
142 So. Rexford Dr. Beverly Hills, California

The panel will consist of three authors of world renown

Bat Ye’or, author of Eurabia: the Euro-Arab Axis (2005) and Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide (2003)

Robert Spencer, author of Onward Muslim Soldiers (2004) and Islam Unveiled (2002)

Raphael Israeli, author Islamikaze: Manifestations of Islamic Martyrology (2004) and War, Peace and Terror in the Middle East (2003)

The panel with be moderated by Los Angeles journalist Avi Davis.

Attendance: $10.00

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Thanks to Jimmy the lgfer who first alerted me to this salient detail about the valedictorian accused of plotting to kill President Bush. The school has been in the news before.

From AP

He attended the Islamic Saudi Academy and graduated as valedictorian.
The private school's teachings have come under scrutiny since the Sept. 11 attacks. Federal court documents in a case against another academy graduate suspected of terrorism indicate that student discussions following Sept. 11 took an anti-American bent and that some students considered the attacks legitimate "payback" for American mistreatment of the Muslim world.

Last year, the school also faced criticism for using textbooks that taught first-graders that Judaism and Christianity are false religions.

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"Give peace a chance," by James Carroll in the Boston Globe, recounts a Jewish/Christian/Muslim meeting in Jerusalem to stand "against a global holy war."

In Jerusalem this week, Jews, Christians, and Muslims have gathered to examine the ways their own respective theologies -- "I'm saved, and you're not!" -- have sacralized this habit of negation, making it a source of political denigration, even violence. More accurately, we Jews, Christians, and Muslims are searching our traditions for countering sources of affirmation of the "other," precisely as a way of standing against a global holy war.

This is the 18th International Theological Conference at the Shalom Hartman Institute, a long-established gathering of distinguished Jewish and Christian theologians (founded by Rabbi David Hartman and Harvard Divinity School Dean Emeritus Krister Stendahl), which, some years ago expanded to include Islamic religious thinkers.

This year several dozen men and women are arrayed around one large block of tables, about evenly divided among the three traditions, and among Europeans, Americans, Israelis, Palestinians, and others from the Middle East. Notre Dame, Duke, and the University of Arkansas are here; so are Lund, Haifa, Al Quds, and Bethlehem universities. A leading Catholic authority on Thomas Aquinas is here, together with a Protestant expert on Roger Williams, and a major scholar of Jewish political thought. A foremost Muslim-American scholar is here.

When this three-way seminar began a few years ago, the discussions were braced by the local war between Israel and Palestine. That remains, but now the new threat of a "civilizational" war between Islam and "the West" underscores the relevance of otherwise abstract discussions. But even before the "dialogue" begins, the presence at the table of Muslims from Europe and the United States requires an opening up of stereotypes: Are there no Muslims in "the West"? And what about the Palestinians who are Christian? As each group reexamines its attitude toward "the other," the titles of the formal presentations indicate the range of the week's moral and political reckoning:

"Catholic Struggles Toward Full Religious Liberty; Appreciating Vatican II."

"The Earliest Concept of an Islamic State with Non-Muslim Citizens."

"Beyond Bi-Polarity: Shared Civic Discourse of Jews and Non-Jews."

"Roger Williams on Civil Rule and the Religiously Other."

"Building an Islamic Theology of Pluralism: Pre-modern Sources."

"Ways of Peace in Rabbinic Literature."

Such topics might once have seemed impossibly arcane, but not here; not now. Justice for Palestinians, authentic security for Israel -- the very peace of the world are all at stake in such questions. For every person at the table, any temptation to devotional piety is preempted by the acknowledged fact of history, put succinctly by a rabbi; "Religion has never been a source of tolerance. Again and again we must ask, 'Why has there been all this killing in the name of God?' " Instead of glibly honoring the Christian tradition as a source of peace, a Jesuit salutes the civic tolerance made possible by the French Revolution. A Muslim declares simply that the self-aggrandizing of much contemporary Islamic thought represents "a new idolatry." Speakers from all three traditions admit the gap between the shared ideals of compassionate love and the failures of the past and present.

There is more than a whiff of what in Islam Unveiled I term "theological equivalence" in all this. "Shared ideals of compassionate love"? I wonder if James Carroll would be so kind as to show where the ideal of compassionate love for non-Muslims can be found in Islam.

Also, Nicolei observes: "Today, Jews and Christian do not kill their apostates or infidels. Neither do their synagogues or churches teach such doctrines. Nor are there secular laws in nations of Judeo-Christian heritage that punish apostates or laws based on a dhimmi system. Jews and Christians can separate religion from the state; Muslims tenets simply do not allow for such separation. The fact is that Muslims are free to practice Islam, proselyte and build their mosques in the West, while such liberties are restricted or non-existent for non-Muslim religions in Muslim nations -- particularly in the Arabian peninsula." Let's see a seminar deal with all that.

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I have often noted in speeches and writings that the Islamic jihad ideology mandates that Muslims must wage war against non-Muslims after first inviting them to become Muslim. If they refuse, they must be fought until they convert or submit to second-class dhimmi status, paying the special tax for non-Muslims -- jizya -- and submitting to various institutionalized forms of discrimination and harassment.

When I explained all this recently in a talk in Boston, a prominent U.S. Muslim told me and the audience during the Q & A that it was unlike any Islam that he knew. I have many reasons to doubt that that is entirely the case, and here is another: an essay in the Arab News (thanks to Romy) calling on Muslim forces to follow exactly these procedures, in imitation of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad's example.

Note also that Osama bin Laden has invited the American people to accept Islam on several occasions, including this one.

The Prophet was keen to instruct any troops commander dispatched on any mission that he must first explain to the people the message of Islam and call on them to accept it. Only if they reject it and choose to fight that Muslims could fight them. Never did the Prophet or his commanders launch a surprise attack on people, killing them before offering them a chance to understand Islam, reflect on its message and either accept it or make peaceful arrangements with the Muslim state. Even when God instructed His Messenger to terminate treaties with Arabian tribes, He ordered him to give them a four-month notice during which they could determine the attitude they wanted to take. Islam never goes into war for an easy gain, or for land annexation, or to establish its authority over others. It goes into war to protect its people and to ensure that others have a free choice.

Should it ever happen that a Muslim army does not observe Islamic rules requiring that the other side are given sufficient notice of the choices available to them, the matter is soon rectified. In the early Islamic period, the people of Bukhara sent a small delegation to Damascus, the capital of the Muslim state, complaining to the Caliph that the Muslim army took over their city without giving them notice and offering them the three standard alternatives of 1) accepting Islam; 2) paying jizyah, which is a tribute confirming loyalty in return for protection against any outside attack; or 3) war. The Caliph, Umar ibn Abd Al-Aziz, appointed a soldier of that same army to look into the complaint. The delegation went back, dejected, feeling that a soldier could never rule in their favor against his own commander. However, when they reported the results of their mission to their people, some of them suggested that they would lose nothing if they pursued the matter with the occupying Muslim army. They did so, and the one-soldier tribunal sat to look into their complaint. They were amazed when they heard that soldier make his ruling and telling his commander: “God has sent Muhammad to mankind with His guidance. He did not send him to be a military conqueror. You and your army should leave the city immediately, and after a while you can approach it with the normal warning giving it the normal choices.” Having already experienced life under the Muslim army over the few months it took their delegation to go to Damascus to see the Caliph, the people of Bukhara requested the Muslim army to stay and in time the majority of them became Muslims....

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February 22, 2005

A possible lead in this story. From the Mail & Guardian Online, :

Kenyan authorities believe three terrorism suspects detained at the weekend are potential suicide bombers who may be linked to this month's murder of a British Broadcasting Corporation journalist in Somalia, a senior police official said on Monday.

The trio had documents detailing the fatal shooting on February 9 in Mogadishu of BBC producer Kate Peyton as well as other documents indicating that they had been trained to carry out suicide attacks, the official said.

In addition, the official, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity, said the three were believed to have ties to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.

"They had documents detailing the killing of the BBC and documents that indicated they were trained suicide bombers," the official said.

"The documents don't say whether these men were actually involved in the murder but they give precise details of the killing," the official said.

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This is what has come from Musharraf's repeated assurances that he is fighting against "extremism" in Pakistan. From the Indo-Asian News Service, with thanks to Fanabba:

Islamabad, Feb 22 (IANS) In what is seen as the first signal of Pakistan's assertion against US policies in its area, Islamabad has ordered the army to shoot at US troops if they intrude into the country from Afghanistan without authorisation.

"Pakistan has issued new rules of engagement permitting its army to fire at US forces that cross the border from Afghanistan without coordinating first," the Daily Times newspaper said Tuesday in a report from Washington.

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Ranking House Dhimmicrat Charlie Rangel repeats what by now are well-worn pieties re Islam. From NewsMax, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Top House Democrat Charlie Rangel said Tuesday that it was an act of discrimination to label groups like Hezbollah "Islamic terrorists."

Asked about the refusal by some European governments to declare Hezbollah an Islamic terror group, Rangel told WWRL's Steve Malzberg and Karen Hunter, "To call it Islamic terror is discriminating, it's bigoted, it is not the right thing to say."

Rangel even questioned whether, in fact, a worldwide Islamic terrorist movement even existed, saying, "We just take for granted that there is an Islamic terror movement because we do have some fanatic people who come from Islamic countries."

The Harlem Democrat complained: "When we had the Ku Klux Klan we didn't call them Baptist terrorists. When Hitler was killing Jews, we didn't call it Christian terrorists."

Now pay attention, Charlie: I'm only going to say this around 10,000 times. The KKK and Hitler could not and did not invoke Christian theology to justify their actions. Islamic jihadists, in contrast, routinely invoke Islamic theology and tradition to justify what they do and recruit new members from the larger Muslim community. Until you and other pols from the President on down understand and acknowledge this, you will simply not be addressing the problem of Islamic terrorism at its roots. But unfortunately, all your denials that it exists are not going to make Islamic terrorism go away.

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More on this case, just in from AP, with thanks to JJP Mackie:

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A former Virginia high school valedictorian who had been detained in Saudi Arabia as a suspected terrorist was charged Tuesday with conspiring to assassinate President Bush and with supporting the Al Qaeda terrorist network.

Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, 23, a U.S. citizen, made an initial appearance Tuesday in U.S. District Court but did not enter a plea. He claimed that he was tortured while detained in Saudi Arabia since June of 2003 and offered through his lawyer to show the judge his scars.

The federal indictment said that in 2002 and 2003 Abu Ali and an unidentified co-conspirator discussed plans for Abu Ali to assassinate Bush. They discussed two scenarios, the indictment said, one in which Abu Ali "would get close enough to the president to shoot him on the street" and, alternatively, "an operation in which Abu Ali would detonate a car bomb."

According to the indictment, Abu Ali obtained a religious blessing from another unidentified co-conspirator to assassinate the president.

A religious blessing, eh? No doubt those Methodists again.

More than 100 supporters of Abu Ali crowded the courtroom and laughed when the charge was read aloud alleging that he conspired to assassinate Bush.

When Abu Ali asked to speak, U.S. Magistrate Liam O'Grady suggested he consult with his attorney, Ashraf Nubani.

"He was tortured," Nubani told the court. "He has the evidence on his back. He was whipped. He was handcuffed for days at a time."

Has there ever been a Muslim detained by the United States on terror-related charges who wasn't tortured? These kinds of claims would have a great deal more credibility if they weren't made in every case.

UPDATE: Here is a pdf of the indictment (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist).

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He may have been part of the Virginia jihad network. From CNN, :

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- An American detained in Saudi Arabia for 20 months without being charged is being sent back to the United States where he is expected to be charged Tuesday, his father and a family friend told CNN....

Abu Ali's family said it has been told he will face unspecified charges in federal court. He is expected to make an appearance in U.S. District Court sometime Tuesday....

The father said his son is not guilty of any crimes. Regarding the unspecified charge expected to be filed in the United States, the father said, "They are lying. He is innocent."

Abu Ali was arrested after the May 2003 bombings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which killed 23 people, including nine Americans.

Sources familiar with the case have said Abu Ali is suspected of having connections to individuals involved in that bombing. A federal grand jury has been hearing evidence regarding the case.

Federal prosecutors have previously alleged Abu Ali had a relationship with some members of what has been called the "Virginia jihad network," whose members were charged with providing material support to a terrorist organization.

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Bat Ye'or will be appearing on the Dennis Prager radio show on KRLA today. The show begins at 2PM Eastern Time, 11AM Pacific Time. Further details at www.dennisprager.com.

Callers welcome: 1-877-243-7776. Tell Prager you saw it on Jihad Watch!

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Europe is becoming a major recruiting center for the global jihad. From Asia Times, with thanks to Chris:

RABAT - When he was arrested in Dubai in July 2001, Djamel Beghal, a French Algerian already known to French services, confessed he had been ordered by Osama bin Laden's top lieutenant, Abu Zubeida to set up a terrorist cell to strike US interests in France. He admitted he had attended meetings in Afghanistan's training camps in preparation to blow up the US Embassy in Paris.

But when he was later extradited to France, Beghal denied any involvement in terrorist activities. During his trial in Paris, Beghal delivered a detailed testimony accusing Emirates interrogators of having psychologically and physically tortured him to accept an already established scenario. "This attack never existed, neither in my imagination, nor in reality," said Beghal.

Beghal, who is being judged with five co-defendants, is accused of recruiting terrorists and leading a terrorist cell in France with ramifications throughout Western Europe in Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom.

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And now they're freeing more. From the Jerusalem Post, with thanks to Kemaste:

A former security prisoner released in January 2004 in the deal struck with Hizbullah to secure the return of the bodies of three soldiers and businessman Elhanan Tannenbaum was one of two gunmen shot and killed by soldiers last Tuesday night while attempting an attack at Har Bracha, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

Atsem Mansour, 29, a Fatah Tanzim member from the Balata refugee camp was imprisoned in Israel between October 2001 and January 2004 for his involvement in terrorism. He was one of 462 security prisoners released in exchange for Tannenbaum and the bodies of Staff-Sgts. Benny Avraham, Adi Avitan and Omar Sawayid.

Details were revealed as preparations got under way for the release of 500 security prisoners who will be freed Monday morning at five West Bank checkpoints and at the Erez crossing in the Gaza Strip as a gesture to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

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Why, of course! Who else would have done it? From Big News Network, with thanks to Kemaste:

The Syrian Minister of Expatriates has hit back at claims her country was behind the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri.

When the blast hit, locals looked up into the sky for Israeli warplanes, Bouthaina Shaaban was quoted as saying by UPI.

Shaaben said Israeli planes violate Lebanese airspace almost daily.

She said Arabs were horrified watching the scenes of smoke and fire, burnt bodies, and damaged buildings in what she described as the most beautiful of Arab capitals. 'We have become quite accustomed to watching such scenes every day in Iraqi cities under American occupation, in the Palestinian territories over a century now, and in Beirut itself during the civil war that the Syrian cooperation with the Lebanese national forces put an end to,' she said.

'For Arabs, this atrocious murder looked like a shift planned and executed by the enemies of the nation, with utmost precision in identifying the target, the time and type of killing,' Shaaban told UPI.

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I give the history of Muhammad's massacre of the Qurayzah Jews in Onward Muslim Soldiers. But American schoolchildren are learning a somewhat different version. "Module for Teaching Islamic History in Public Schools Unfairly Maligns the Qurayzah Jews," by Andre Rublev at the 6th Column Against Jihad blog:

Due to the exponential growth in demand for information about Islamic history, we cannot ignore the intense competition over what version of events our children will learn. After all, the impact of first impressions on impressionable young minds cannot be underestimated. Well ahead of the game, the Council on Islamic Education has prepared a teaching module for use in public high and middle schools whose sole purpose is to pre-empt all negative impressions relating to Muhammad’s harsh treatment of the Bani Qurayzah following the Battle of the Trench.

The CIE is not a stranger to controversy. William Bennetta of the California-based Textbook League first pointed out the CIE’s pernicious influence over history textbooks used in American schools in both the March-April and July-August 2000 issues of The Textbook Letter [1, 2]. More recently, Gilbert T. Sewall of the American Textbook Council in New York City made similar observations. In his 2003 publication “Islam and the Textbooks” Sewall described the CIE as “a content gatekeeper with virtually unchecked power over publishers” [3]. The CIE is also involved with teacher training and the preparation of supplemental teaching modules. The module in question incorporates the controversial Public Television special “Legacy of a Prophet” and adds insult to injury by going so far as to vilify the hapless Qurayzah.

No account of Muhammad’s time in Medina can inconspicuously gloss over this incident because it is linked to Muhammad’s most important victory over Mecca. The historical setting is referred to as the “Hiraj.” This began when Muhammad and his followers relocated from Mecca to Yathrib in 622 after two rival tribes had asked him to mediate an exhausting civil war. During the following six years, Muhammad sealed important alliances by way of diplomacy and marriage. He also built up the wealth and military prestige of the Muslim community by raiding caravans organized by the Quraysh and by appropriating the property of banished tribes. Yathrib was later re-named “Medina” in Muhammad’s honor.

Consequently, the Quraysh sent forces from Mecca to put an end to Muhammad’s disruption of their trade, culminating in the “Battle of the Trench” in 627. Muhammad’s success in outlasting the siege was a turning point in his rivalry with the leadership of Mecca. By the time of his death in 632 most of the Arab peninsula was consolidated under Islam.

In 622, Medina was also inhabited by three large tribes of Jews; the Bani Nadir, the Bani Qaynuqah, and the Bani Qurayzah. By 627, both the Bani Nadir and the Banu Qaynuqa had been expelled to Khaybar, a region north of Medina. During their final attempt to subdue Medina, the Meccans sent envoys to the Bani Qurayzah hoping to win their support. The Meccans had already obtained the support of the two exiled Jewish tribes now living in Khaybar. Although hesitant at first, the Qurayzah finally sided with the Meccans as the siege dragged on. However, before the Qurayzah could effectively act on their decision the Meccans broke the siege due to foul weather. Well aware of the Qurayzah’s dealings with the Meccans, the Muslims now laid siege to the Qurayzah fortress until they surrendered. Mortally wounded Arab chief Sa'd ibn Muadh was chosen by Muhammad to decide their fate. He ruled that all the men should be killed, and all the women and children be sold into slavery. The next day, between 700 and 900 men of the Bani Qurayzah were beheaded [4, 5].

To present this massacre to American high school students in a more positive light, the CIE module emphasizes the alleged “treachery” of the Qurayzah [6]. Below are no less than seven sentences or phrases from the lesson plan that use the t-word:

1) Title: The Concept of Treason in Comparative Law
2) Overview: This lesson explores the theme of treason.
3) Students should be able to…analyze the issue of treason in the United States Constitution and during the Battle of the Trench.
4) Have students organize into groups and read Student Handout: The Battle of the Trench, which contains background information on the Battle of the Trench, the comments of Professor Firestone on the Bani Qurayzah, and the clause on treason in the third article of the United States Constitution.
5) Why would the siding of the Bani Qurayzah with the Quraysh be seen as treason?
6) Could the definition of treason given in Section 3, Article 3 of the Constitution apply to the actions of the Bani Qurayzah? If so, why?
7) Why do you think treason is punished so severely in U.S. law? Give several reasons.

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"America needs Islam"? And how did he expect America to get Islam? Does he want to see a Sharia state here?

From the Houston Chronicle, with thanks to all who sent this in:

WASHINGTON - Hakeem Olajuwon told an audience at a 1995 conference in Houston sponsored by a group later linked to a terrorist organization that America was near morally bankrupt and Islam was the only solution.

Those remarks came five years before his mosque made unwitting donations to other suspected terrorist groups.

The 1995 gathering was hosted by the Muslim Arab Youth Association, now defunct, a group that had been involved in fund-raising efforts by the terrorist organization Hamas, according to FBI documents and former federal law enforcement officials.

The former Houston Rockets basketball star told a crowd of mostly young people, "America needs Islam, Islam is the only solution and the only way of life." He added, "The morality of America is almost bankrupt. There is no morals."...

There is no evidence Olajuwon knew of MAYA's links to terrorist groups when he spoke in 1995. But experts said as an admired Muslim, his remarks could have been used as a recruiting tool without his knowledge.

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Yes, Aisha was betrothed to Muhammad when she was six years old, but two years old? Isn't that a bit much even for Pakistani law? Well, no. Note what Rashid Rahman says below. It's not that she's a minor, it's that it's against her will. So if someone slips a piece of candy to the little one and thereby obtains her consent to the marriage, I guess it's ok, once the fine is paid. "Pakistanis Order Betrothal of 2-Year-Old," from AP, with thanks to all who sent this in:

MULTAN, Pakistan - A tribal council in Pakistan has ordered the betrothal of a 2-year-old girl to a man 40 years older to punish her uncle for an alleged affair with the man's wife, police said Monday.

The council decreed the girl must marry 42-year-old Mohammed Altaf, her uncle's cousin, when she turns 18, police said.

Altaf, a farmer, divorced his 32-year-old wife over her alleged love affair with his 20-year-old cousin, Mohammed Akmal. Akmal, a bachelor and also a farmer, has no children.

Altaf asked tribal elders in the village of Kacha Chohan, about 215 miles west of the city of Multan in Punjab province, to convene a panchayat, or council, on Feb. 15 to arbitrate and propose a punishment. As punishment, the elders ordered the girl's betrothal and ruled Akmal should also pay a $3,800 fine to the husband....

Police chief Maqsoodul Hassan said an investigation has been started into the case involving the 2-year-old girl, but they have made no arrests as no one had filed a complaint....

Rashid Rahman, a lawyer and Multan-based coordinator with the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, condemned the village council's decision.

"These types of panchayats are illegal and nobody has the right to take a decision about a child's life," he said. "This country has its legal system and all decisions should be taken under it."

He said that the betrothal of a minor did not itself break the law, but forcing a woman to marry against her will carried a maximum 14-year jail sentence. Underage marriage is also illegal but is only punishable by a fine.

What's that? You don't believe me about Muhammad and Aisha? Here it is straight from the hadith collection accepted by Muslims as most reliable:

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234:

Narrated Aisha:
The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:

Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

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That should be "Qur'an," and that small mistake is a reflection of the general ignorance about Islam that pervades this story from the Montgomery Advertiser, "Entertainment media's Muslims bear little resemblance to reality" (thanks to EPG). Reporter Darryn Simmons seems to have gone to the Masjid Qasim B El-Amin in Montgomery to ask about Fox's "24," and has credulously reported as fact all the half-truths and distortions the people there fed him.

It starts with a red herring:

If they just watch TV and movies, Americans may think that many of those who believe in Islam are Arab terrorists, but local Muslim Ahmad Hasan said most Muslims aren't even of Arab descent.

"That's the most ironic thing," Hasan said. "They portray Arabs as representing the religion, when, in truth, the number of Arabs that are Muslims is a minute percentage."

I guess this is supposed to illustrate the ignorance of the masses, but in this context it isn't even relevant. I myself have pointed out many times that most Muslims worldwide aren't Arabs and most Arabic speakers in the U.S. aren't Muslim, but what of it? How does it show that Fox is way off base? After all, there are Arab Muslims, and Arab Muslim jihadists. It isn't as if the producers of "24" invented the concept. It looks as if the people in the Montgomery mosque want us to regard Arab Muslim jihadists the way we would regard Pennsylvania Amish car bombers.

And from the Ironic Juxtaposition Department:

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) took Fox to task about the "24" episode in the publication Broadcasting and Cable.

Rabiah Ahmed, spokeswoman for CAIR, said that the show is "taking everyday American Muslim families and making them suspects ... it's very dangerous and very disturbing."...

Abdullah said he didn't complain to the station, and he isn't surprised to know that other Muslims did not.

"When you complain, it makes you look small," he said. "It naturally bothers us of course, but we don't complain to people about it -- we complain to God."

The reporter doesn't seem to have asked Abdullah whether he thinks CAIR looks small for complaining about "24."

"It doesn't make sense," he said. "Muslims are not like this, and Islam is an excellent religion -- but if a lie is told often enough people begin to think it's the truth."

Ain't it the truth! In fact, here comes a whopper now:

Muslims do not believe in converting people to their religion by force. In fact, the Qu'ran (or Koran) accepts religious pluralism and sees strength in diversity.

Note the language: the "Qu'ran" (sic) accepts "pluralism" and "diversity." Whoever it was at the mosque who told this to Simmons has mastered the art of pushing today's most effective cultural hot buttons. Muslims believe in diversity, you see. Not like those nasty Christians.

But of course, Simmons asked nothing about the humiliations and second-class status mandated for non-Muslims by Islamic law, and rooted in the Qur'an (9:29). "Pluralism"? "Diversity"? "The subject peoples," according to a manual of Islamic law, must "pay the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya)" and "are distinguished from Muslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt (zunnar); are not greeted with 'as-Salamu 'alaykum' [the traditional Muslim greeting, "Peace be with you"]; must keep to the side of the street; may not build higher than or as high as the Muslims' buildings, though if they acquire a tall house, it is not razed; are forbidden to openly display wine or pork . . . recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals or feastdays; and are forbidden to build new churches." If they violate these terms, the law further stipulates that they can be killed or sold into slavery at the discretion of the Muslim leader. (‘Umdat al-Salik, o11.3, 5.)

Yeah. That's pluralism and diversity, all right. But like virtually every other reporter, he accepted what Muslims told him at face value, without probably even being aware that he might need to employ a bit of critical thinking in this regard.

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The propaganda jihad is nowhere more sophisticated or virulent than in Israel. Not only does the Palestinian media fabricate Israeli atrocities; the Israeli media does too. From "Citizens should insist on a fair press" in the Jerusalem Post, with thanks to JS:

A particularly flagrant Israeli example was Ilana Dayan's report on the October 5 shooting of a 13-year-old girl in Gaza by IDF soldiers. Initially, the soldiers claimed to have no idea that Iman al-Hams was a schoolgirl; they merely saw an unidentified Palestinian carrying a backpack near their outpost, where no innocent Palestinian had reason to be, and concluded that it was a bomber coming to attack them.

Later, however, several soldiers accused their company commander of "confirming the kill" – i.e. shooting al-Hams repeatedly at close range, where he could not have avoided seeing that she was a schoolgirl. (The star prosecution witness in the commander's trial has since admitted in court that his "eyewitness" account of this "confirmed kill" was a lie.)

After the "confirmed kill" story broke, Dayan broadcast an investigative report into it on Fact, the acclaimed television news magazine she anchors. The IDF subsequently accused her of having distorted, or even fabricated, parts of the report in a libelous fashion. Most egregiously, the IDF said, she tacked footage of the soldiers celebrating onto the footage of them shooting, so that anyone watching would assume they were celebrating al-Hams' death.

In reality, the celebration footage came from a Rosh Hashana party several weeks earlier – a fact Dayan admitted when confronted.

Tacking unrelated celebration scenes onto the ostensible footage of al-Hams's killing (in reality, the shooting scenes also turned out to be from a different incident) is indeed slanderous fabrication; it implies that the soldiers rejoiced over having killed a schoolgirl.

Yet not only did Dayan pay no price; her media colleagues vigorously defended her right to indulge in such fabrications.

Her boss, program editor Doron Glazer, for instance, dismissed the incident by declaring: "The chief of staff has more important work to do than attacking Fact." And Haaretz columnist Ehud Asheri went even further, writing that Dayan was not guilty of "tendentious and intentional fabrication," because "the celebration scene was shown in the context of the general atmosphere in the company."

In other words, since Dayan believed – rightly or wrongly – that those particular soldiers were capable of celebrating a schoolgirl's death, it was legitimate for her to fabricate footage that showed them doing so when they did not.

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Despite mounting evidence that it was all a fraud, French journalists are sticking by their Mohammed al-Durra farrago. "French TV Sticks by Story That Fueled Palestinian Intifada," from CNSNews.com, with thanks to JS:

Paris (CNSNews.com) - A French journalist and an independent film producer who saw raw, unedited video of the shooting of a Palestinian boy in 2000 said it's not possible for the boy to have been shot by Israeli soldiers, as a French TV report claimed.

French state television is standing by its claim that the broadcast is authentic. The broadcast purportedly showed 12-year-old Mohammed al-Durra being shot by Israeli soldiers, an event that led to the current Palestinian intifada.

But Denis Jeambar, editor-in-chief of the French news weekly l'Express, and filmmaker Daniel Leconte, a producer and owner of the film company Doc en Stock, say the videocassette is full of staged scenes of faked injuries.

Jeambar and Leconte were allowed by the France 2 network to view an unedited master video cassette of the incident, which took place in September 2000 at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip. Leconte said he is satisfied that the shooting really happened, but he does not believe the bullets that struck the child could have been fired by Israeli troops.

"The only ones who could hit the child were the Palestinians from their position," Leconte told Cybercast News Service. "If they had been Israeli bullets, they would be very strange bullets because they would have needed to go around the corner."

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"Towering symbol," from the Pasadena Star News, with thanks to EPG:

Sunday, February 20, 2005 - SAN GABRIEL -- Masjid Gabriel is undergoing a transformation that will add a minaret and domed roof traditional elements of Islamic architecture to the mosque.

But the changes are more than cosmetic.

The renovation also illustrates the changing nature of the American-Muslim identity, mosque leaders say. It reflects the pride Muslims share in their religion, a commitment to rediscover their historic roots and teachings and a desire to ensure Islam is passed to the next generation.

"We are doing this for the children who come here so they can identify themselves with their faith and their symbols,' said Imam Nissar Hai. "We may be immigrants, but they were born here and they have to feel that they belong here and to their faith and this is a symbol of our faith.'...

Even before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks or the war in Iraq, local Muslims said they felt occasional unease during difficult times such as the Islamic Revolution in Iran or the Gulf War.

But Hai said Americans have deepened their understanding of Islam in recent years and understand that most Muslims are not radicals, he said.

Great. Now why didn't the reporter, Marshall Allen, ask a few questions about this mosque's funding, and pick up some of its literature? There's no indication from this article that he looked at what was being taught there -- and plenty of indication that he should have, based on what is being taught in other American mosques.

The demand for new space is driven in part by the mosque's burgeoning children's after- school program. Children study Arabic and the Quran for several hours every Monday through Thursday. The number of students, toddlers to teens, has more than doubled to about 50 in the past two years, Hai said. The increased demand for children's education is partly a result of the Sept. 11 attacks, Hai said. Initially, the mosque's membership declined after the attacks, but then the Muslim community seemed to take them as a wake-up call, he said. The American-Muslim community was feeling comfortable before Sept. 11, and then faced criticism of Islam, Hai said.

"So when you feel under attack you want to go back to your roots,' he said. "It made us stronger.'

"You want to go back to your roots." They study Qur'an for several hours for four days a week. Why don't reporters ask them at such points what they think about the roots of Islam that involve working to impose Sharia rule? Why don't they ask them what they do about the Qur'an's harshness toward non-Muslims and commands to make war against them?

The time is long past for more intelligent reporting on Islamic issues, but we aren't even close to getting it.

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February 21, 2005

Full explications of each of these points can be found in Islam Unveiled. From Jewish World Review:

I was shocked after September 11th when I heard government officials say Islam is a "religion of peace". Nothing could be farther from the truth! Our President was even considering not conducting any military activities out of respect for Ramadan! I spoke with my congressman, Nick Lampson of Texas, and strenuously objected, sharing my experience and what I had learned about Islam. I explained how Islam is the greatest threat the Democracies of our world face in the 21st Century, and demonstrated how the international polity of Islam is the equivalent of the German Nazis in the 20th century. I further pointed out that Osama Ben laden is the equal to Adolph Hitler in our generation.

As result, Congressman Lampson asked me to submit to him a factual report that he could present to the Foreign Relations Committee, Congress, and the President. Some of this article is based on that report.

It must be understood that we define Moslem, as one who follows the Quran, the life of Mohammed, and the traditions of the community. There are sects called Moslems that do not necessarily abide by these rules. They can be called "cultural Moslems," some of these are Ismailis, Druze, and Sufis. Secular Moslems like many Turks have a Moslem culture but because of Turkey's history and geography have been secularized. Fundamentalists, those that accept the Quran literally, and pattern their lives after Mohammed, as well as follow the traditions of those who have historically lived this way, are a growing threat to all mankind and all democracies of the world.

Now here are some very critical misconceptions regarding Islam:

1. Islam is a religion of peace, and is not anti-Jewish.
Islam has been a violent and military movement from its beginning. The current attitude of Arab and Islamic countries towards Jews dates back to the life of Mohammed, who conducted 74 military campaigns, 24 of them personally. He unified the Arab tribes with war and assassinated or exiled Jews, therefore setting precedent for the militant and anti-Jewish practices of Islam.

The reason Mohammed was so violently anti-Jewish was because he originally saw himself as a prophet to the Jews, Christians, and pagans of Arabia. In his early reign he instructed his followers to bow down and pray to Jerusalem! The Jews of Arabia rejected him as a Hebrew prophet and he was almost killed in battle with them. He then changed the direction of prayer to Mecca.

I journeyed across Syria from Damascus to Aleppo to the Euphrates River and back to Damascus in 1999. I learned that it was a practice in Syria for Moslem fathers to make their son's swear, "I will kill a Jew before I die." In 1947 Arab mobs in Aleppo devastated the 2,500-year-old Jewish community. Many Jews were killed and thousands of Jews illegally fled Syria to go to Israel. Today there are less than 150 Jews in the entire nation.

2. Islam is just a religion.
Islam has never been just a religion in the traditional sense, in as much as the members of Democracies understand; it has always been a polity; a political organization.

Mohammed's intention was the unification of the Arab tribes and their international expansion. The state and religion are not seen as separate nor can an individual dissent from the Quran. The very word Islam means submission.

Islam is seen as a political organization, which has no boundaries. This was the intent of Mohammed in the establishment of the Umma, the community or brotherhood. Western culture perceives this to be their statement of equality for mankind, but it must be remembered; if you are not Moslem you are not equal.

In Islamic societies where Jews and Christians are allowed to exist they do not have the same rights as a Moslem, and they are required to pay a special tax.

Read it all.

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From UPI, with thanks to Kemaste:

Iran has begun preparing for a possible U.S. attack, or at least trying to dissuade Washington from such an attack by appearing to prepare for war.

Tehran has recently disclosed efforts to bolster and mobilize recruits in citizens' militias and making plans to engage in the type of asymmetrical warfare used against U.S. troops in Iraq, the Washington Times reported Saturday.

"Iran would respond within 15 minutes to any attack by the United States or any other country," said an Iranian official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

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"Learning About Islam," from the Bogalusa Daily News, with thanks to EPG:

FRANKLINTON - "Many of us fear what we don't know," Imam Jehad Mahmoud said yesterday to members and guests of the Franklinton Rotary Club.

Mahmoud, who serves as president of the Islamic Center of Baton Rouge, spoke to the Rotarians yesterday to provide a brief lesson on the foundations of the Islamic faith n and in hopes of putting common myths and misconceptions of the faith to rest.

"If I talk about Islam, I'll be talking about Christianity, I'll be talking about Judaism…" Mahmoud said. "We are all the same."

"The Religion before Allah is Islam: Nor did the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account." (Qur'an 3:19)

Mahmoud also addressed a misconception sparked from radical Muslims that eternal salvation is guaranteed by killing an infidel. "No one can be assured he is going to Heaven," and it is considered a blasphemy to state that belief. "The only way for any person to get to Heaven is through God himself."

In addition, Muslims are taught that anyone who commits suicide "will stay in Hellfire for eternity, committing suicide."

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth..." (Qur'an 9:111)

"We pray in congregation, with the men in front, and the women in back," Mahmoud explained.

However, it is not because women are seen as inferior to men, he said, but instead it is "out of respect and protection." Because Muslims kneel to the ground during prayer, and "men have weak hearts," the men must always pray in front of the women.

In addition, men cannot "expose anything between the belly button and knees, and women can only expose their hands and face. However, the Muslim dress code is a choice, he said, adding that he's even heard of Muslims who have attended nudist camps.

I believe nudist camps might be out of the question for believing Muslims as well: "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss." (Qur'an 24:31)

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On the BBC's Thought for the Day, the egregious John Bell joined the propaganda jihad and repeated tendentious and unsupportable charges froma dubious source. Note also that Bell doesn't apologize for the key point -- alleging that Israel jails soldiers for refusing to shoot children -- but for minor details of his farrago. The BBC seems to pick up the slack, but is itself vague. From the BBC:

In the programme, on 10 February, the Reverend John Bell of the Iona Community spoke of meeting an Arab man conscripted into the Israeli Army.

Dr Bell told listeners the 19-year-old corporal had been jailed for refusing to shoot Palestinian schoolchildren.

However, the remarks angered many members of Britain's Jewish community, who said the account could not be true.

'Factual errors'

Several people told the BBC that Israeli Arabs are exempt from conscription into the army. Moreover, it would be impossible for a 19-year-old to rise to the rank of corporal.

Dr Bell has since admitted, in a letter to the BBC, that his account contained "two factual errors".

"One was that the soldier was 21 and not 19, thus he would have been of the age to be a corporal.

"The second is that he did not say he was conscripted. My presumption regarding conscription is wrong as regards Arab Israelis....

The BBC added their own apology, on the Thought For The Day website, acknowledging that the facts should have been checked prior to broadcast.

"We have talked to the Israeli authorities and we are unable to find any evidence to support the story told to Dr Bell and recounted by him on Thought for the Day.

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More jihad in Kuwait news: 200 members of the tiny minority of extremists have been arrested. From the World Tribune, with thanks to Nicolei:

ABU DHABI – A major crackdown on the Al Qaida network in Kuwait has foiled several attempts to attack Western military personnel in Kuwait, Western diplomatic sources said.

The sources cited the arrest of nearly 200 suspected insurgents and raids against four strongholds in the sheikdom during January.

"Kuwait has responded very well to warnings of Al Qaida attacks," a diplomat said. "Security forces have been acting on information and intelligence has been collecting new leads."

But the U.S. embassy has warned of additional Al Qaida attacks on Western interests in Kuwait, Middle East Newsline reported. The embassy said Al Qaida and related operatives could "seek softer targets such as public transportation, and public areas where people congregate."

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"Al-Qaida member killed in Russia," from Xinhuanet, and Nicolei:

MOSCOW, Feb. 21 (Xinhuanet) -- Russian forces have killed a key al-Qaida member in charge of funding terrorist actions in southern Russia, the Federal Security Service (FSB) said on Monday.

Abu Dzeit, who held a prominent position among militant leaders, was killed in an operation launched by Russian security forces in the republic of Ingushetia on Wednesday, FSB spokesman Sergei Ignatchenko was cited by the Interfax news agency as saying.

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Joel Mowbray at TownHall (thanks to Nicolei) on Fox's dhimmitude and CAIR's inconsistency:

What has Fox’s hit TV show “24” done to prompt TV Guide to report “24 in Hot Water” and Entertainment Weekly to ask, “Has ‘24’ Gone Too Far?”?

Its bad guys are terrorists who are… Muslims. That’s it.

Few of us need reminding that we are not simply waging a war against terror, but against the radical Islam that animates the enemy. The enemy is not coincidentally Muslim, but they are the enemy because their radicalized version of Islam tells them to be. “24,” so far at least, understands that.

An aside: Neither Mowbray nor anyone else has yet produced a non-radicalized version of Islam that is convincing enough on Islamic grounds to neutralize the growth of terrorist movements.

Instead of kudos, though, “24” has courted considerable controversy. Making the most hay has been CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which bills itself as “America's largest Muslim civil liberties group.” A CAIR spokesman complained to Entertainment Weekly, “They are creating a new stereotype.”

What “new” stereotype? Muslims as terrorists? Blame the news for that one. Wait, no, blame the Jihadists the world over who still wish “death to America.” No one, including “24,” is claiming that all Muslims are terrorists, but as “24” Executive Producer Joel Surnow told Entertainment Weekly, “Muslims are the terrorists right now.”

Facts be damned, Fox bowed to CAIR’s scare tactics and agreed to air a public service announcement, with “24” star Kiefer Sutherland directly addressing the camera. Unfortunately, the spot included a line that may not be entirely true: “the American Muslim community stands firmly beside their fellow Americans in denouncing and resisting all forms of terrorism.”

It’s not considered polite to suggest that some American Muslims might not be with us, but there is too much evidence to ignore in the name of political correctness. The radical Islam we are fighting is not found only in places like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, but right here inside our borders.

Virtually ignored by the entire mainstream media last week was a groundbreaking 67-page report issued by human rights group Freedom House, which detailed the poisonous contents of Saudi-funded and sponsored materials found in prominent American mosques.

On mosque library shelves were vitriolic Saudi screeds urging Muslims to, among other things, completely dissociate themselves from the “infidel” society, including refusing military service and citizenship. Other materials encourage Muslims to “curse” Jews and Christians, and still others encourage outright violence.

Many, or even most, mosque-goers may not be brainwashed by such bloodthirsty teachings, but is it even possible that such materials could be found in prominent American mosques if the entire Muslim community truly “stood firmly beside their fellow Americans”?

One group of Muslims that has not denounced “all forms of terrorism” is the one that pushed Fox to air the tolerance-touting ad: CAIR.

When four Americans were murdered (and burned, hanged, and mutilated) in Fallujah last year, CAIR pointedly refused to condemn the murders, only saying that mutilations were contrary to Islam—a position almost identical to infamous Fallujah cleric Sheikh Khalid Ahmed.

The Washington Post in November 2001 asked a CAIR spokesman to condemn Hamas or Islamic Jihad. He refused, explaining, “It’s not our job to go around denouncing.” Asked a similar question about Hamas and Hezbollah by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in February 2002, CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper called such queries a “game” and added, “We’re not in the business of condemning.”

Worse still, for several months after 9/11, CAIR even refused to condemn Osama bin Laden for the murder of 3,000 Americans.

Veteran fans of “24” know from the three previous seasons that the ultimate enemy might still be off-camera. But all of us know that an organization that refuses to condemn the enemy is the enemy.

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I have just started work on a new book for Regnery Publishing entitled The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades, which is slated to come out this Fall as part of their new Politically Incorrect Guide series. Ali Dashti has just kindly sent me an example of the kinds of misapprehensions that I intend to clear up: this questioner at Understanding Islam has gotten the idea -- from a Catholic apologetics book -- that the concept of "holy war" was invented by the Pope at the time of the Crusades. His Muslim respondent is honest enough to explain to him that the idea of warfare for Allah is embedded in the Qur'an, and that that warfare is not defensive:

I have read in Catholic apologetic books that jihad literally means self-defense instead of holy war that the pope coined at the time of the crusades, is this true?


The Crusades took place between 1095 AD and 1291 AD. The Qur'an, on the other hand, used the word 'Jihad' in the early parts of the 7th century. It, therefore, seems quite difficult to agree with the stated opinion.

As far as the meaning of the term is concerned, one may, indeed, ascribe to the opinion that the Qur'an has used the word 'Jihad' or its derivatives to imply 'self-defense'. However, the Qur'an does not support this opinion.

The Qur'an has used the word 'Jihad' to imply 'striving hard'. The phrase 'Jihad fi Sabeel Allah' thus means 'striving hard in God's cause'. One of the practical applications of such 'Jihad fi Sabeel Allah', according to the Qur'an, is 'Qitaal fi Sabeel Allah' (i.e. fighting for God's cause).

Jihad fi sabeel Allah is, in Islamic theology, specifically jihad warfare. Qitaal is warfare.

Keeping the above explanation of the words 'Jihad fi Sabeel Allah' and 'Qitaal fi Sabeel Allah' in perspective, it should be clear that it is not the nature of fighting - i.e. whether the war is being fought for defense or for aggression - which, according to the usage of these words in the Qur'an, qualifies the action to be termed as such. On the contrary, a war - whether aggressive or defensive - when fought for the sole cause of the Almighty and according to the directives given by the Almighty, qualifies to be termed as 'Jihad' or 'Qitaal fi Sabeel Allah'.

It might be interesting to note here that at most of the instances in which the Qur'an has prompted the Muslims to fight for God's cause refer to aggressive rather than defensive war.

Dr. Badawi, call your office.

In view of the foregoing explanation, I do not consider the referred opinion to be accurate. It not only gives an incorrect implication of the word 'Jihad', but even the literal meaning ascribed to the word 'Jihad' (i.e. self-defense) is absolutely baseless and not supported by any authentic source of the Arabic language.
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A new piece by Wolfgang Bruno:

Works such as ”The Coming of the Book” or "The Printing Press as an Agent of Change" have documented the monumental changes to Europe and Western civilization triggered by the introduction of printed books. Printing, already used in China for centuries, was reinvented in Europe by people like Johann Gutenberg. Its effects were immediate and profound. Perhaps 15 to 20 million copies of different books were printed even before the year 1500. Conservative estimates indicate that at least 150 to­ 200 million books were made in Europe during the 16th century. When Martin Luther put up his Theses in Wittenberg in Germany on 31st October, 1517, within 15 days they had been translated into German and summarised, printed as flysheets and distributed throughout every part of the country. Orders by Rome to burn books made by Luther and other Protestant heretics only served to trigger the curiosity of the masses. Attempts to silence the critics and re-impose strict censorship were futile. Banned books circulated in France in ever greater numbers despite all the regulations forbidding them. The tide of the first mass media revolution could not be held back.

To claim that the invention of the printing press alone created the Christian Reformation would be too simplistic. The Renaissance and a slowly expanding educated audience had created new forces and needs. Political backers such as Frederick the Wise of Saxony saved Luther’s life long enough for him to finish his work. Still, it is hard to see how the Reformation could have taken place in this manner without the printing press. The fates of other critics such as Jan Hus or Giordano Bruno might have been very different had they had Gutenberg’s invention at their disposal. At the very least, the printing press served as an important catalyst for and facilitated changes already underway.

Many have made comparisons between the Islamic world today and Christian Europe in the 16th century. As some like Robert Spencer have suggested, there may be closer analogies to the Wahhabi movement. However, it is possible that in hindsight, modern communication technology such as the Internet may prove a turning point no less crucial to Islam today than the printing press was to Christianity. The global number of Internet users is approaching one billion and growing fast. Now, the Internet may not be the magic vessel for unrestricted freedom of speech as was once hoped for, but it can still retain just enough flexibility to represent a potent challenge to authoritarian regimes and ideologies.

Mass communication and education will lead to contradictory results, and could even be imagined to strengthen Islam. The Islamic Umma, or community, can be viewed as an old-fashioned Arab tribe in its aggressive dealings with outsiders, and the demand of absolute loyalty within the community. With the introduction of Islam, a new “super-tribe” was born, directing Arab tribal aggression outwards instead of inwards, and what ex-Muslim Anwar Shaikh has called the Arab National Movement was created. Later, the Umma was taken to include all Muslims. Although this concept of a global community of Muslims supporting each other against the infidels has always been a central part of the Muslim world view, it has for the most part remained a theoretical construct. With globalization and even the spread of the infidel English language as the world’s lingua franca, Islamic communities across the planet can keep in closer contact than they have ever done before. Islamists immigrants in the West can take advantage of Western freedoms to mount an effective propaganda machine. Individual PC users now have more capacity at their fingertips than NASA had during its first moon launches, and setting up your own website is cheap and easy.

The new technology will give Islam a chance to realize its original aim of global universalism, and thus increase the clashes with the non-Muslim world. The revival of Muslim identity is spreading outside the Middle East, including Southeast Asia, Central Asia and Europe, where religious identity has traditionally not been as strong. This revival has been accompanied by a deepening solidarity among Muslims caught up in separatist struggles in Chechnya, Iraq, Kashmir and southern Thailand. Jihadist groups on the Internet are multiplying, as can be testified by the Internet Haganah. One can argue effectively that the current Islamic tensions have much more to do with long-term communications changes, combined with high birth rates and Saudi petrodollars, than with the policies of any specific countries like the USA or Israel.

Even if new media may in the short run actually assist Islamic extremism, it is conceivable that in the longer run, new media will challenge the very existence of Islam as we know it. The Internet and Muslim exposure to Western society has also created the first organized networks of ex-Muslims in history, the counterpart to the Jihadist websites. These ex-Muslim sites may still be of marginal importance, but it is hard to overestimate the monumental threat they pose to Islamic orthodoxy. Infidels should make use of this combination of ex-Muslims, the Internet and greater Western freedom of speech in a deliberate effort to copy the example of 16th century Europe. We should make a selection of, say, 20 or 30 of the best critical books written about Islam by ex-Muslims and non-Muslims. Pay the authors a substantial amount of money for the manuscripts, or buy the copyrights from whomever owns it. Make sure they understand that they receive a one-time sum in return for sharing their work with humanity. After this, the books in their full length should be made available in English on the Internet, perhaps later in translations into other major languages. From then on, anybody who wants to can freely download, copy, republish and reprint the books. This would trigger a chain reaction, as the printing press did with Luther’s pamphlets. The information would spread around the planet faster than CAIR can say “Islamophobia”. The genie would be out of the bottle, and no amount of intimidation, hacker attacks or “hate speech” lawsuits could return it to the bottle. In combination with funding and support to websites by ex-Muslims and some others like Jihad Watch, we would basically present Islam with a “sink or swim”-ultimatum: Islam will have to reform if it can, or Islam will die. The entire operation would cost some hundreds of millions of dollars, not more than what can be done quietly and unofficially. We can spend this small amount of money on a “Gutenberg Fund”, or we can use hundreds of billions of dollars on defensive measures that will do little to change Islam.

Since Islamists with the murder of Theo van Gogh demonstrated their fear of Western free speech and their desire to curb it, giving them such a hefty dose of it seems like a sweet and fitting reply. This initiative would not mark the end of the struggle, of course, but we would already have won a crucial, if not decisive victory. Christianity was up to the challenge presented by modern education and mass media. It’s time to find out whether Islam is similarly up to the challenge.

Wolfgang Bruno is a European author. He is writing a book about the Internet movement of ex-Muslims. All of Bruno's essays can be republished and reproduced for free by anybody who wants to.

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"SUNY Oswego tries to ban Muslim speaker for" (yes, that's really the headline), from SUNY's Daily Orange, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Controversy surrounding a Muslim man's suspected connection to terrorists almost prevented funding for the keynote speaker's upcoming lecture on racism.

Abu Yousuf will speak Saturday at the State University of New York at Oswego, but the university's Muslim Student Association, which is sponsoring the event, did not obtain the funding easily.

Some members of SUNY Oswego's Student Association were concerned about claims in an Internet article claiming Yousuf has ties to Al-Muhajiroun, an extremist Islam group that has been linked to terrorist activity in other countries.

Fahad Samad, president of SUNY Oswego's Muslim Student Association, said the claims are false.

"Those are straight-forward lies," Samad said. "Those are accusations."

The Muslim Student Association defended Yousuf at the SUNY Oswego Student Association meeting Tuesday, and after some debate, the SA eventually gave the organization $800 to bring Yousuf to campus, said Alan Hershkowitz, a SUNY Oswego junior and SA senator.

Hershkowitz acknowledged there was initial confusion surrounding the speaker's identity.

"There was some stuff on the Internet about him, but we weren't sure if it was the same person. Abu Yousuf is a common name," he said.

SA passed the funding request because the allegation could not be verified, Hershkowitz said.

OK, which is it? Is the allegation that Abu Yousuf is connected to Al-Muhajiroun a "lie," as Samad says, or is this a case of possible mistaken identity, as Hershkowitz says? It is worth nothing that the original WND article that linked Abu Yousuf with Al-Muhajiroun portrays him as volunteering information about the connection, and also saying that he spoke regularly for the MSA: "Yousuf explained that he speaks at many colleges throughout the New York area, and that most of his speeches are arranged by the MSA." What steps did SUNY really take, if any, to find out whether or not they were dealing with the same person?

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How will helping Muslims adhere to their identity help them integrate into society? Does the Swiss Academy for Development have the first foggiest idea what Islam actually teaches about Muslim interaction with infidel societies? From IslamOnline, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

GENEVA, February 19, 2005 (IslamOnline.net) – A Swiss think-tank has recommended teaching Islam in schools as it helps the second and third generation of the Muslim community integrate into society.

The Swiss Academy for Development (SAD) cited in a recent study the success story of teaching Islam in schools in the two cities of Kriens and Ebikon, central Switzerland, in the 2002/03 school year.

“The results of the experience exceeded all expectations and showed a positive feedback,” said the study, released on February 15.

“It can serve as a model for all cities across the country. Such schools encourage Muslim students adhere to their identity as they learn their religion in the languages used in the country,” it added, referring to the four official languages German, French, Italian and Romansch.

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February 20, 2005

Funny thing: the jihadists commonly call American forces "Crusaders," and some American analysts are happy to accept the locution. But those same American analysts, as willing as they are to charge Bush with leading a Crusade, are generally reluctant to accept that the other side is waging a jihad. From AFP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

DUBAI (AFP) - Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri warned the West it faced defeat in what he termed its "new crusade" against the Islamic world, as well as thousands of dead and economic collapse, in a videotape aired by Al-Jazeera television.

"Your new crusade will end, God willing, with the same defeat as its predecessors, but only after you have suffered tens of thousands of dead and the destruction of your economy," Zawahiri said in his message to "the peoples of the West" broadcast by the Qatar-based satellite channel....

Zawahiri, hunted by the US and believed to be hiding on the Pakistani-Afghan border, warned the West: "Your real safety lies in treating the Muslim nation on the basis of respect and ceasing aggression (against it)."

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I don't know Shafik Saleh Shafik, but I do know that there are many instances of Coptic Christian girls being kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam -- so many that even Pope Shenouda spoke out against this, despite his keen awareness of the risks involved in doing so. From Compass Direct, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

February 16 (Compass) -- The criminal trial of Egyptian Christian Shafik Saleh Shafik, begun in mid January, has been ordered postponed until February 20 by the presiding judge, who accepted defense petitions to summon key witnesses and police reports related to the case.

As the director of a home for troubled Coptic girls, Shafik faces criminal charges of holding Magda Refaat Gayed, 16, against her will and without her parents’ permission, beating her and attempting to rape her.

The defendant dismisses all the charges as “contrived” attempts to halt his recovery ministry among young Coptic girls, who he says are being enticed to leave their families and convert to Islam.

Magda had escaped from Shafik’s “safe-house” residence for girls in Cairo last September 6, the day after she arrived. Her parents had placed her there under Shafik’s guardianship when the girl was returned home by police, who located her living with an Islamist group two weeks after she had disappeared from home....

Shafik told Compass that he got an anonymous call from someone two weeks ago, asking him to accept into his care a Muslim girl who wanted to convert to Christianity. “This was clearly a set-up,” he said. “The fanatic groups have my phone number, and I sense they are trying to find out where my new safe-house is located.”

Read it all.

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It isn't just Iran. From the World Tribune, with thanks to Nicolei:

LONDON – The International Atomic Energy Agency will report that Egypt failed to report nuclear tests required under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The IAEA has drafted a report that determined that Egypt repeatedly failed to report nuclear materials and activities over the last 15 years, agency sources said. The sources said that the agency said in the report that this was a "matter of concern," but did not recommend sanctions.

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This is doubtless proving so difficult because of the deep roots of the "Al Qaida ideology" in the Qur'an and Sunnah. From the World Tribune, with thanks to Nicolei:

ABU DHABI – Gulf Arab states have agreed to reform Islamic education.

But the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council has not agreed on a uniform curriculum that would discourage Al Qaida ideology.

GCC officials said GCC education ministers discussed plans to reform Islamic education as part of a drive to stop the Islamic insurgency campaign in the region. The officials said the GCC ministers agreed to conduct a review of religious education and introduce changes.

"It's time to develop the syllabus of Islamic education," GCC secretary-general Abdul Rahman Al Attiyah said during the GCC meeting in Kuwait on Feb. 9. "This must be carried out by specialists among clerics, scholars and experts. I insist they must be moderates."

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"Palestinian security officers schooled by U.S. later used tactics against Israel." From the San Francisco Chronicle, with thanks to Teri:

Bethlehem, West Bank -- In June 1998, somewhere near CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., two rows of men in military fatigues posed for their graduation photo.

All of them were officers in Palestinian General Intelligence Service, charged with hunting down terrorists and preventing attacks on Israel. They had just completed a training course, paid for by the U.S. government, in which they learned firearms and counterterrorist tactics.

But the graduation photo holds a stark warning for the Bush administration as it gets more involved in Middle East peacemaking. Some of the men in the picture later swapped sides and began using the skills they learned in Virginia against the Israelis.

Such training courses, which were suspended with the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising in September 2000, will be an integral part of Washington's aid package for the new government of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas....

As Israeli commentators had been warning for years, the CIA inadvertently helped train future adversaries -- as it has done in other countries, including the anti-Soviet forces in Afghanistan who ended up as Taliban and al Qaeda militants....

A U.S. official, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said that if previous U.S. aid went to train would-be militants, "obviously steps will be taken so that any future training does not lead to a similar outcome."

What steps? How can they possibly do this?

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A prominent Muslim writer has criticized non-Muslim critics of Sharia and dhimmitude for claiming that "apostasy from Islam was universally punished by death." And of course, he's right. No law in the history of the world has ever been universally enforced. But what's really disturbing about Islamic apostasy law is that some would like to see it enforced today: including the famous Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who has been hailed as a "reformist" by no less a luminosity than John Esposito.

From "Accusing Muslim Intellectuals of Apostasy," in MEMRI, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi Advocates Implementing the Ridda Death Penalty

In an interview with the Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram Al-Arabi, Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, one of the most prominent clerics in Sunni Islam and among Islamist circles and a spiritual leader for the Muslim Brotherhood movement, discussed the view of modern religious law on carrying out the punishment for ridda, and permitted the murder of free Muslim intellectuals whose views differ from those of Islamist clerics.

Asked, "In Muslim society, has an individual the right to change his religion as he wishes?" Al-Qaradhawi drew a distinction between two types of ridda: "One of the freedoms that Islam does not accept is the freedom of ridda that expands [from the realm of the individual to that of the group] and threatens the social fabric and its foundations. [On the one hand,] there is limited ridda, and [on the other,] there is ridda that expands [from the individual to the group].

"Limited ridda is the ridda of the individual who switches religion and is not interested in others. According to Islam, the punishment for this individual is [Hell] in the world to come…

"But [the other] ridda, which expands [from the individual to the group], is a ridda in which the individual who abandons Islam calls [upon others] to do likewise, [thus creating] a group whose path is not the path of society and whose goal is not the goal of the [Muslim] nation, and whose allegiance is not to the Islamic nation. Such [individuals] endanger the social fabric, and they are like the murtaddoon [apostates], who were fought by [the first Caliph] Abu Bakr together with the Companions of the Prophet [the Sahaba]. Those murtaddoon falsely claimed that they were prophets with the same inspiration as was given to the Prophet Muhammad…"

Asked what the view of the modern Muslim sage should be about the danger of ridda, Al-Qaradhawi replied: "The gravest danger facing the Muslim is the one that threatens his spiritual existence – i.e., that threatens his belief. Therefore, apostasy, or unbelief after having been Muslim, is the gravest danger to society…

"In our generation, Muslim society has been subject to violent invasions and severe attacks aimed at uprooting it, and these were manifested by the invasion of Christian missionaries that began with Western colonialism and is continuing in the Islamic world and among the Islamic communities and minorities [outside the Muslim world] … [and by] the Communist invasion that destroyed entire Muslim countries in Asia and Europe and made every effort to eliminate Islam and remove it ultimately from people's lives … and by the third and worst invasion, the secular invasion that is continuing to this day in the heart of the Islamic world, sometimes openly and sometimes covertly, and which persecutes the true Islam…

"For Muslim society to preserve its existence, it must struggle against ridda from every source and in all forms, and it must not let it spread like wildfire in a field of thorns. This is what Abu Bakr and the companions did when they fought the people of ridda who followed the false prophets… There is no escape from struggling against and restricting the individual ridda so that it will not worsen and its sparks scatter, becoming group ridda… Thus, the Muslim sages agreed that the punishment for the murtadd [who commits ridda ] … is execution…"(3)

In his book 'Islam and Secularism,' Al-Qaradhawi explains: "The Muslim sages agreed unanimously that anyone who denies something that is known in the religion … is an apostate who abandons his religion. The Imam must demand of him to repent, and recant his deviation from the righteous path, or the laws regarding the murtadd will apply to him."

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Jihad fi sabil Allah, jihad for the sake of Allah, is the common Islamic term for violent jihad -- most decidedly not "spiritual struggle." A prominent Muslim writer recently decried non-Muslim analysts for supposedly claiming that Islam is "inseparable from, exclusively defined by, and universally characterized by violence against non-Muslims." I trust he will soon be firing off a sharp letter to Khaled Al-Dosari, the most wanted jihadist in Kuwait, for doing just that. "Top Wanted Kuwaiti Islamist: Islam is Only Consummated through Jihad; We Don't Have Any Ties to Al-Qa'ida; Al-'Anzi Was Executed upon American Orders," from MEMRI, with thanks to Nicolei:

Question: "Would you turn yourself in to the authorities? Has anyone requested you to turn yourself in?"

Al-Dosari: "I love death more than [prison]... To whom should I turn myself in? To the oppressor so that he can oppress and torture me? I should turn myself in knowing that my fate would be like the fate of Sheikh 'Amer [Al-'Anzi]? If I knew that there was justice and respect for human rights, I would go of my own accord, but I am convinced that they want to kill me…"

Question: "What is your message to your people, your brethren, your friends, and the people at large?"

Al-Dosari: "I tell them that I stand firm in my principles. Their [the authorities'] threats to kill me will not turn me away from my religion. I don't mind dying a Muslim, even if I don't know where I am going [to Paradise or Hell]. Religion is only consummated in the Muslims' souls and among the people through Jihad for the sake of Allah, in all its forms. Religion can subjugate the evil of those who corrupt the land only through force, which will scare them, and only through Jihad, which will break their power. Without Jihad there would be perversion in the land and the mosques would be ruined. The struggle between truth and falsehood is a valid sunna [way of life]. The party of falsehood is always larger than the party of truth. They will be defeated, and their evil will be stopped only through Jihad. Many people only listen to the truth when the use of force pushes them to do so."

I think he may be right about that last bit.

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Among the clearest evidence of the incompatibility of the Sharia with norms of human rights is its denial of freedom of conscience, and death penalty for those who leave Islam. Here is another story showing that that penalty is by no means a thing of the past. It will be interesting to see what happens to Abd al-Salam in a country where there are many who want to see Sharia rule implemented. From AsiaNews, with thanks to Emergency Room:

Zakho (AsiaNews/MEC) – A Christian convert from Islam was killed for his faith. Ziwar Muhammad Isma’il, who worked as a taxi driver in Zakho in the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, was shot dead by Abd al-Karim Abd al-Salam at a taxi station early on the morning of February 17.

Abd al-Salam approached Ziwar and told him to return to Islam. When Ziwar refused he opened fire with an automatic rifle.

Abd al-Salam fled but was chased by other taxi drivers who, after apprehending him, turned him over to the police.

Abd al-Salam claims that the prophet Muhammad appeared to him in a dream and told him to kill the Christian.

Ziwar, who converted to Christianity seven years ago, leaves a widow and five children. He had been quite open about his faith even though he had been threatened by his relatives and other Muslims. He had been arrested twice but never charged.

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How Sharia intransigence causes a brain drain. "Govt looking into Taslima Nasreen's plea," from Rediff.com, with thanks to Fanabba:

Nasreen, who is facing death threat from radical Islamic groups in Bangladesh, has sought Indian citizenship saying her country of origin has 'slammed the doors' on her. Fundamentalist outfits in Bangladesh issued death threat against her in 1994 for her 'blasphemous' writings.
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February 19, 2005

At the highest levels. It would be interesting to know how this report relates to this one. From the Jerusalem Post, with thanks to Doc Washburn:

Officials at the highest levels in Syria and Lebanon organized the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper a-Siasa.

The report revealed that two high-ranking Syrian generals – including Syrian president Bashar Assad's brother-in-law, Brig. Gen. Asef Shawkat, whom he appointed Friday to head military intelligence – and a Lebanese general.

The newspaper did not reveal the sources of the report.

The Lebanese and Syrian governments have denied any role in the death of Hariri, who was killed by a massive bomb as he was driven in his motorcade through central Beirut. The blast killed 16 other people and wounded more than 100.

The murder of Hariri, a politician who was seen as a key figure in applying international pressures to effect Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon, was evidently intended as a bloody warning to the Lebanese to think twice before demanding that Syrian troops pull out, the report commented.

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"Abbas Rejects Use of Force to Disarm Palestinian Groups," from Arab News, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

RAMALLAH, 20 February 2005 — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said he opposes any use of force to disarm Palestinian groups.

“We don’t want conflict with the armed organizations, but agreement,” he said in an interview with the German weekly Der Spiegel to appear in tomorrow’s edition. The president said fighters from Hamas, Fatah and Islamic Jihad must be integrated into the Palestinian security forces.

“After that, there will be no illegal arms, because the fighters must first hand them over,” he told Der Spiegel.

Abbas also pledged that the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza would be free of violence. “People will throw flowers at the Israelis, and not stones,” he said. Hamas and Islamic Jihad agreed on Feb. 12 to maintain an informal truce following talks with Abbas.

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Cyber attacks on anti-jihad websites are growing increasingly common. Here is news of one from a press release from the Anti-Terrorism Coalition:

On January 11, 2005, the Anti-Terrorism Coalition (ATC) was attacked by unknown hackers. Around 6 pm Eastern Standard time, January 11, 2005, the ATC-owned Facts About Islam website was attacked. All of the accounts on which it was hosted on were completely destroyed within an hour. Shortly after the attacks, a message was posted by one of the suspected attackers:


The ATC immediately increased its security. Early on January 12, ATC's host and Super Verticals (the company that provided the urls for the ATC) got attacked as well, this made all remaining ATC sites unreachable, including the famous database of terrorists websites from the ATC. But as Super Verticals also provided urls to other websites, hundreds of websites that used a Super Vertical url got unreachable as well.

By January 13, the host was completely offline, making all ATC websites, including the main ATC website, the ATC's famous Database of Terrorist Websites and eGroups, the ATC Intelligence website, the ATC & FAI Guestbook, and other websites unreachable. All other websites hosted by Freeurl were also destroyed.

This attack was not the first Mega-Cyber Terrorist Attack on the ATC. On June 27, 2003, 8-27 anti-terrorist websites, including the ATC, FAI (then called AMS), Anti-Jihad International, and others were attacked, including the Hindu Unity website and the now extinct Our Enemies website were targeted by the attackers. These attacks were executed in a somewhat similar style, according to the ATC. "Except this time, we were a greater threat to them, and they took out a whole company just to get to us," added Vice President B.

Vowing to return, ATC President Stalfos stated: "The ATC will remain shut down this time until we have a better security."

"We will find the attackers. We will not be influenced by terrorist thugs. We shall return," added Benyamin B.

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Why? Because he was in the army, and he didn't tell them he had converted to Christianity. Dhimmis can't serve in the army. But of course, he had told them, years ago. "Iran: Government Jails Christian Pastor for Three Years," from Compass Direct, with thanks to LA Hutton:

February 17 (Compass) -- Yesterday a Tehran military court sentenced Iranian Christian pastor Hamid Pourmand to jail for three years, ordering his immediate transfer to a group prison cell in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison.

The former army colonel was found guilty of deceiving the Iranian armed forces by not declaring when he acquired officer rank that he was a convert from Islam to Christianity. Under the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is illegal for a non-Muslim to serve as a military officer.

During yesterday’s hearing, Pourmand’s lawyer produced several documents in which his client’s military superiors had acknowledged years ago that the colonel was a Christian. He had even been excused by his commander from observing the Muslim month of fasting, an exemption granted only to non-Muslims.

Nevertheless, the court ruled that Pourmand was guilty of giving false testimony and producing falsified documents. Yesterday’s verdict came during the second and final session of his military trial begun in late January.

UPDATE: A commenter was puzzled as to why apostasy doesn't seem to enter into this story. But LA Hutton just sent this story, which makes clear that Pourmand will also face trial for apostasy:

During last week’s trial, the Christian prisoner was informed that he would be transferred back to Bandar-i Bushehr, where he will face trial on two separate charges of apostasy and proselytizing.

During the hearing, court officials declared that for many years Pourmand had belonged to an “underground” church through which “many Muslims” had deserted Islam and become Christians.

“Either he will be forced to return to Islam,” one Iranian Christian source noted, “or he will face a very big problem now.”...

Since 1990, several ex-Muslims who converted to Christianity have been either assassinated or executed by court order, under the guise of accusations of spying for foreign countries.

Under Iranian law, apostasy is listed along with murder, armed robbery, rape and serious drug trafficking as a capital offense.

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I might as well make a template with that headline, I have to use it so often in regard to the wonderful charitable works of our friends and allies the Saudis. "Saudi Charity Suspected of Aiding Terror," from AP, with thanks to Teri:

PORTLAND, Ore. - A U.S. arm of a large Saudi charity suspected by the government of supporting terrorism was indicted on fraud and tax charges, federal prosecutors said Thursday.

The three-count indictment charges Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation and its two officers, Pirouz Sedaghaty - also known as Pete Seda - and Soliman Al-Buthe with illegally sending $150,000 to Muslim fighters in Chechnya.

The Bush administration last September designated the charity as a group suspected of supporting terrorism through its main location in Ashland and a mosque in Springfield, Mo. Assets at both sites have been frozen since last February.

Sedaghaty had been living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, but the whereabouts of Al-Buthe were unknown. There was no word on any arrests.

A federal grand jury indictment Wednesday alleges an Egyptian citizen contacted the foundation in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, seeking to donate money to Muslims in Chechnya. The indictment said $150,000 was transferred by wire to a foundation bank account in Ashland.

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From the superb Diana West in the Washington Times:

It was just a coincidence that "Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis" appeared in the mail the same day a New York Times article on the subject of Eurabia landed on the doorstep. "Eurabia," the long-awaited book by Bat Ye'or, is a comprehensive, even overwhelming and absolutely shocking explication of how and why it is that Europe is transforming itself into what the Egyptian-born historian calls "a new geopolitical entity " Eurabia." The New York Times article, on the other hand, a muddled analysis by Craig S. Smith about the "fear of Islamists" and the "far right" in Belgium, is one more illustration of how desperately Bat Ye'or's trail-blazing work is needed.

Few of us have the long-view vision to make sense of the sweep of history as it smokes past our eyes; Bat Ye'or, as a historian of Islam, and, in particular, the dhimmi (the non-Muslim peoples who live as second-class citizens under Islamic rule), has precisely the laser-lens required. She also has the fortitude of the historian/gumshoe to wade through the stacks of articles, memoranda and conference declarations generated by something called the Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD).

Created 30-odd years ago at the instigation of France and the Arab League, the practically unknown EAD has provided structural and theoretical underpinnings to a Euro-Arab axis " Eurabia. These have fostered the political, economic and cultural bonds between Europe and the Arab world that Bat Ye'or maintains were designed to create "a global alternative to American power."

How? Read it all.

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From Die Jüdische, with thanks to Teri:

Hany Abu - Assad`s movie „Paradise Now” is portraying two Palestinian suicide bombers.

At the end the screen goes blank. You do not see rubble nor dead people. The last thing you see is a pair of determined staring eyes. The camera moves closer to the face of the young Palestinian and separates him from the world surrounding him: his victims.

The eyes in the face belong to a man called Said. For 90 minutes the audience accompanied him through the movie “Paradise Now”. Said is a suicide bomber and his victims are Israeli Jews.

“Paradise Now” is not one of those movies, shot by well educated moviemakers, producers and technicians in the Palestinian territories, that celebrates “martyrs”: those men and women who are sacrificing themselves in order to kill as many Jews as they can.

“Paradise Now “ is in competition at the 55th International Film festival Berlinale which opened last Thursday in Berlin. The director Hany Abu-Assad is asked in the press conference for “Paradise Now”: “why are there almost only Israeli soldiers sitting in the bus, which Said is going to blow up? Assad answers evasively; he wanted to let the character decide for himself.

Kais Nashef, who plays Said in the movie, continues to answer: “ the soldiers in the bus made the decision, to blow himself up, easier [if]Israelis stay invisible throughout the movie; you can only see them from afar, only as figures and not as human beings. You are not allowed to get to know any of the other characters, neither the people at the bus station nor the little girl standing by the bus driver, otherwise the audience could emphasize with them."

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How could this be? Isn't Musharraf warring against the "extremists"? Hmmm. Could it be that these "extremists" are actually so mainstream that he can't possibly even get them out of his government, much less influence public opinion? "Pak 'most anti-US country': CRS," from Rediff.com, with thanks to Fanabba:

Notwithstanding its cooperation with the US in the war against terrorism, Pakistan is probably the "most anti-American country" in the world right now, according to the Congressional Research Service.

The assessment of the depth of Pakistan's anti-Americanism is attributed by K Alan Kronstadt, who is in charge of analysing Asian affairs for the CRS, to a "senior expert."

Adding to US concerns about Pakistan's domestic political developments, Kronstadt says, are increasing signs of Islamisation and anti-American sentiments.

While Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf vowed in August 2003 to "finish off extremism," Kronstadt notes, Pakistan's Islamists routinely denounce Pakistani military operations in western tribal areas, resist government attempts to reform religious schools that teach militancy, and harshly criticise Islamabad's cooperation with the US government.

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Christopher Caldwell in The Weekly Standard (thanks to Nicolei) continues his useful explorations of the Islamization of Europe with a piece about the dilemmas posed for the Swedish welfare state by Muslim immigration and reluctance to assimilate.

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The Hariri murder has pushed tensions in Lebanon over the Syrian occupation higher than they have been for years -- but the occupation is just fine with the jihadists of Hizballah, the "party of Allah." Hizballah's leader Hassan Nasrallah knows that his power in Lebanon depends largely on Syria's presence there.

"Hizbollah Tells Lebanese to Cool Anti-Syria Line," from Reuters, , who comments: "They should ask some of the PC(USA) missionaries to come back over and tell the Lebanese people how 'great' Hezbollah and Syria are."

Opposition leaders are urging Lebanese to join a peaceful "independence uprising" to free their country from Syria's military and political dominance, intensifying a war of words after Hariri's assassination in a huge bomb blast Monday.

"God forbid, if the roof collapses, it collapses on all of us," Nasrallah told tens of thousands of Shi'ite Muslims gathered for Ashura, the most solemn event in their calendar.

"Today we are responsible for a nation that came out of the civil war ... but we face acute problems, especially this year and in the past few months," the black-turbaned cleric declared. "As Lebanese, we have no choice for remedying our crises and problems except to discuss and meet, even if we are angry and tense," he said. "We must not repeat the mistakes of the past."

Hizbollah, backed by Syria and Iran, is now a formidable Lebanese political party as well as an anti-Israel guerrilla force that still controls much of south Lebanon since helping end a 22-year Israeli occupation in May 2000....

The anti-Syrian sentiments now uniting many of Lebanon's Christians, Druze and Sunnis have not been voiced by Shi'ite leaders counted among the most loyal allies of Damascus. Shi'ites form the country's biggest religious community.

Hizbollah, the only militia to retain its guns openly since the civil war ended, could come under intense pressure to disarm, in line with United Nations demands, if Syria left.

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An update from the Winning Hearts and Minds Department. But of course, everybody knows that there is no "serious extremist movement" in Indonesia. "Australia warns of Aceh attacks," from AP, :

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -- Australia's foreign minister said Saturday that terrorists could be planning to attack foreign aid workers in Indonesia's tsunami-ravaged Aceh province.

"New information (has been) received by the government concerning possible terrorist planning for attacks against foreigners involved in relief efforts in Aceh or other areas of northern Sumatra," Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said in a statement.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Saturday revised its travel advice for Indonesia, warning that Australians could endanger themselves by traveling to northern Sumatra island, where Aceh is located.

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Funeral jihad. Nothing, indeed, is sacred -- except, apparently, jihad. This was another in a string of attacks on Shi'ites. From CNN, :

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A suicide bomber on a bicycle has blown himself up inside a funeral tent at a Baghdad mosque, killing at least three people and wounding 38 others, Iraqi police said.

The Saturday morning attack happened the al-Baya'a district of southwestern Baghdad, police said.

Across the capital, three mortar rounds landed on a procession of Shiite worshippers marching toward a mosque in northern Baghdad, wounding 17 civilians and two Iraqi soldiers, Iraqi police said.

The worshippers were on their way to the al-Kadthimiya mosque in the al-Adthamiya district of Baghdad in a commemoration of Ashura when the mortar attack happened, police said.

Ashura is the commemoration of the death of Prophet Mohammad's grandson, Hussein, who was killed and entombed more than 1,300 years ago in Karbala.

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Guess which cleric might have spoken this way -- that's right, it's Sheikh Omar Bakri again. "Muslim cleric talks of No 10 suicide attacks," from ITV News, with thanks to Nicolei:

It is a statement that will horrify and disgust people across Britain, but he made these statements without any fear of prosecution.

On the tape he was heard to say: "You want to call us extremist, yes I am extreme.

"Somebody he fly aeroplane and he decide to fly the aeroplane over 10 Downing Street.... It's another self-sacrifice operation...

"What people call suicide operations they mean somebody he wear explosives or he carries explosives and he go and he blow it in the building with the people...

"Martyrdom is what you want.

"Make sure you have nothing left behind you to think about or cry for and fight in the name of Allah."

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More evidence that Europe has become an active recruiting ground for jihad terrorists. This, of course, is all the more reason for Europeans to be concerned about the huge influx of Muslim immigrants, even while politicians and the media continue to consider this a "racial" question. "Kurds Recruiting Radical Islamic Fighters," from the Washington Post via AINA, with thanks to Nicolei:

Ansar al-Islam, a radical Islamic group founded by Kurds in northern Iraq in 2001, has rapidly built an extensive recruiting network in Europe. Over the past two years, European counterterrorism officials have arrested Ansar operatives and uncovered cells in six countries. The network is suspected of funneling hundreds of recruits to Iraq to fight occupation forces there.

There's a map and additional information at the AINA link.

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It seems as if there are elements in Iraq that don't want a party of Christians operating there. From Reuters, with thanks to Nicolei:

"I appeal to Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, His Holiness the Pope, world Christian parties and the Association of Iraqi Muslim Clerics ... to work towards freeing me," Minas al-Yusifi, said in a video aired on Thursday.

The leader of Iraq's Christian Democrats was snatched three weeks ago by the Martyr al-Isawy Brigades whose name was on a black banner behind him during the video released by fighters.

He returned to Iraq two years ago to re-establish the party after seeking asylum in Sweden 20 years ago.

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Shahid Alam compared the 9/11 hijackers to the Founding Fathers, sent a fiendishly anti-Semitic reply to an emailer who complained, and for good measure, falsely accused Jihad Watch and LGF of subjecting him to "orchestrated attacks--many of them death threats." Then he had the temerity to complain about his academic freedom being threatened, even though MESA Nostra has made sure that people with his views dominate Middle East Studies departments all over the country.

What does he get for all this? An award. From WND, with thanks to all who sent in reports of this:

A university professor who wrote an article equating the 9-11 suicide-hijackers with American colonists who fought the British has been given an award for speaking out on controversial issues.

M. Shahid Alam, professor of economics at Northeastern University, was honored by the National Lawyers Guild with their Free Speech Award on Thursday.

In his article, Alam wrote: "On September 11, 2001, nineteen Arab hijackers too demonstrated their willingness to die - and to kill - for their dream. They died so that their people might live, free and in dignity."...

Announcing the award, the leftist National Lawyers Guild noted Alam has been heavily criticized by commentors such as Bill O'Reilly of Fox News and scholar Daniel Pipes, director of the think tank Middle East Forum and a presidential appointee to the board of the United States Institute of Peace.

Guild member Bin Ahmad, a third-year law student at Northeastern, said Pipes "goes on national television and calls Dr. Alam a 'radical Muslim' and a 'bomb thrower' with 'venom towards America."

"These are outrageous allegations based on a selective and distorted reading of Dr. Alam's writings," she said. "Additionally, Dr. Alam has been the target of physical threats and harassment after excerpts from one of his recent essays were posted on websites of known, extreme right-wing organizations."...

Jonathon Foglia, another Northeastern student-member of the Guild said Alam deserves the Free Speech Award because his work epitomizes the type of thought and expression the First Amendment protects.

"Dr. Alam is a man of profound scholarship and enviable bravery," Foglia said. "His work is clearly core political speech. Anytime self-professed 'patriots' threaten and intimidate individuals on the basis of published words, we must all rally to the defense of the First Amendment and people such as Dr. Alam."

The National Lawyers Guild recently defended New York lawyer Lynne Stewart, a member, on charges she helped a radical Egyptian sheik Omar Abdel Rahman pass secret messages to his followers urging terrorist attacks.

Stewart, 65, was convicted Feb. 10.

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February 18, 2005

I will not shirk to do this work, for those who post and those who lurk: the Turks are irked. The Turks are irked. What kind of jerk would irk the Turks? One who smirks, "No Muslim perks."

"The Europeans want to strip off our Islamic identity. We don't want to join the EU if the price will be deserting Islam."

But Islam, as I have noted many times, is not just a system of individual piety; it is a political and social system. This political and social system is not in power in Turkey; but the Turkish government is under constant pressure from its adherents, many of whom, indeed, hold positions of power in that government. How then can they join the EU if they don't desert Islam, or at least parts of it? How can they enter into an alliance of equals with non-Muslim countries? What will be their future intentions toward Europe -- particularly if political Islam returns to power in Turkey?

The Turks are irked, eh? So am I. Why would they balk about ID cards and religious courses, unless it were because they balk at granting full equality to their non-Muslim citizens?

From IslamOnline, with thanks to Nicolei:

ANKARA, February 18, 2005 (IslamOnline.net) – European recommendations for Turkey to free citizens' ID cards from religious reference and to stop compulsory religious courses at schools, raised suspicions and drew criticism in the dominantly Muslim country, with some saying the EU recommendations aim at "neutralizing, then swallowing" the Turkish people, and others believing they hurt the country's unity.

"The recommendations of the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) demonstrate an interference in Turkish affairs and aim at harming the unity of the Turkish people," Ali Ozdmer, a retired officer, told IslamOnline.net.

"We are proud that our ID cards highlight our Islamic identity," he said.

The ECRI has urged the Turkish government to drop any reference to religion on the ID cards and to stop the compulsory religious courses in the Turkish schools, alleging such measures would "bring the country's standards into line with the European standards"....

"Rights of minorities in Turkey are protected. The non-Muslim minorities live with complete freedom in Turkey .

Is that so?

Ordinary citizens also reacted in anger to the European recommendations.

"I don't know what the European Union has to do the religion of the Turkish citizens. What is Europe 's problem with Islam in order to try to impose such demands," said Mohamed Dogan, an employee.

He further stressed that such demands were put forward for political reasons and aimed at blocking Turkey 's membership in the European Union.

Mostafa Gul Safan, a driver, agreed.

"The Europeans want to strip off our Islamic identity. We don't want to join the EU if the price will be deserting Islam."

Funny thing: Muslims in Europe don't seem to have any problem demanding that Europeans strip off their own cultural identity.

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The Dutch Report (thanks to all who sent this in) discusses a report on the murder of Theo van Gogh from the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, "The Slaying of the Dutch Filmmaker":

The analysis (.....) indicates that the slaying of Theo Van Gogh should be considered a terrorist attack, not by a lone fanatic, but by a member of an al-Qaida inspired Sunni Islamist ad-hoc terrorist network. For example, the modus operandi of the attack was typical of al-Qaida and its associated groups waging global jihad against the US and its allies around the world. The radical Islamist milieu the killer belonged to, the Hofstad Network, was involved in the same type of activities and "organized" itself in the same way as other al-Qaida associated or inspired terrorist networks that have been detected in Western Europe recent years. In addition, the social profiles of Bouyeri, and other members of the Hofstad Network, resemble those of incarcerated militant Islamists who have been planning attacks in European countries.

Contextual analysis of the operation in Amsterdam indicates potential motivations related to multiple contexts that could be considered relevant for Muslim immigrants to Holland, such as Dutch immigration policy and counter-terrorism efforts, the "global war on terrorism" and the invasion of Iraq, as well as increased conflict-levels in areas of political grievance and symbolic value to Islamists and Muslims in general, such as in Palestine, Chechnya and Kashmir. In addition the Van Gogh case suggests that statements by high-profile persons that are exposed in the media might be interpreted as "insults against Islam", and thus serve as partial motivation for terrorism, or at least affect the target selection of the Islamist militants, who have chosen terrorism as a strategy in the battle against the US and its allies. The murder of the filmmaker also showed the effectiveness of an assassination of a public figure in spreading fear and escalating the levels of conflict between the Dutch and immigrants to Holland, adding to a growing xenophobia, which in turn might lead to increased problems of integration, and make alienated young Muslim immigrants receptive of al-Qaida's vision of global jihad.

From a counter terrorism perspective, the concept of complex motivations, or multiple social, political and religious motivations (related to different contexts), implies that the police and intelligence services working to prevent terrorist attacks should pay careful attention to political developments beyond the geographical area they police, and be aware that Islamist terrorism might occur as a response by developments in other countries, or faraway areas of the world.

The full report is available as a pdf here.

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The jihad continues in Iraq -- this time apparently targeting the election victors. From AP, with thanks to JE:

Twin explosions during Friday prayers outside Shi'ite mosques in Baghdad have killed about 30 people and injured dozens, officials said.

The first blast occurred in Baghdad's southern Dora neighbourhood near the al-Khadimain mosque and reportedly killed 30, Iraqi National Guard 1st Lieutenant Ahmad Ali said.

The mosque's imam, he said, was making appeals for blood donations.

A second blast, apparently caused by a mortar attack, occurred outside the Al Qura mosque in a predominantly Shi'ite neighbourhood of western Baghdad, Lieutenant Colonel Jalal Sabry of the local police station said.

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A press release from the Boston Israel Action Committee:

The Presbyterian Church, USA, has joined End the Occupation, a coalition that includes several organizations that endorse terrorism.

Within the last twelve months, PCUSA delegations have twice met with Hezbollah, a listed terrorist organization.

Although leaders of the PCUSA have issued formal statements repudiating terrorism, they have sometimes admitted to having difficult recognizing it. In his 2004 Christmas message, PCUSA Moderator Rev. Rick Ufford-Chase wrote: "It's increasingly difficult to distinguish between… the victims of terrorist attacks or well-executed military campaigns… the United States or Osama Bin Laden...."

By joining End the Occupation, the Presbyterian Church places itself in close alliance with several organizations that endorse terrorism. Among these are the International Solidarity Movement, which views the murder of Israelis by suicide bombers as a "form of 'jihad'"; Al Awda – The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, a group dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish State "by any means necessary"; and the Palestine Solidarity Movement, which, at its National Convention at Duke University in October, 2004, voted to defeat a floor motion to condemn terrorism -- a vote greeted with thunderous applause. Rev. Mark Davidson, pastor of the PCUSA Church of Reconciliation in Chapel Hill, NC, was a featured speaker at the PSM conference. This marks the third year in a row that the PSM National Conference has voted overwhelmingly in favor of maintaining its endorsement of terrorism as one of the "strategies and tactics," appropriate in the elimination of the State of Israel.

End the Occupation is a large coalition. Some member organizations are legitimate religious groups, such as the American Friends Service Committee. Some are political associations with questionable attitudes toward terrorism, such as the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. Many member organizations are radical left groups such as the International Socialist Organization and the National Lawyers Guild. This week the National Lawyers Guild held a dinner to honor Northeastern University Professor Shahid Alam, notorious for comparing the 9/11 hijackers to the Founding Fathers – favorably. Most groups on the list are single-city committees, often affiliated with one of the national anti-Israel groups: the ISM, PSM, and Al Awda.

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February 17, 2005

A note about the murder of a Coptic Christian family last month in a possible revenge killing for their proselytizing activity among Muslims:

After the Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio stated that "the FBI does not think that, based on the information gleaned from the scene, it's based on religious extremism," the situation looked exceedingly bleak: there were numerous reasons to suspect that important leads were not being investigated, and that the Prosecutors Office was bowing to pressure from jittery officials, American Muslim advocacy groups, and possibly even the Egyptian Consulate to soft-pedal the case.

But then the relatives of the slain family held a press conference. The Rev. Dr. Keith Roderick of the Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights declared: "The central issue here should not be about communal disputes, but the fact that the perpetrators of this vicious crime are still at large. To avoid pursuit of what may be the most obvious motive of the murder for fear of maligning one part of the Jersey City community or creating a backlash against that community is irresponsible."

And lo and behold, things started moving. Almost a month after I filed a report, I was contacted today by an investigator with the Prosecutors Office, asking about what I had learned from my conversations with a close friend of the Armanious family and others. I am glad to know that this information has not fallen through the cracks, and is in fact being investigated; soon, I believe, it will begin to come to light. And I have heard from others that there has finally been movement on other leads we feared had been lost or ignored.

The lesson here is that public pressure works. Maybe it's just coincidence that I got a call after the press conference, and not before. Maybe it isn't. But America is still a relatively open system, and the more we can draw public attention to injustice, the better chance there is that justice will come. And that, indeed -- drawing attention to the depredations of jihad violence and Sharia, in the name of universal human rights -- is the purpose of Jihad Watch.

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Stephen Schwartz has published a piece entitled "Reductio ad Jihadam" in Tech Central Station today. Although Schwartz does not name me in the piece, he calls into question some of the core premises of my work, so I feel compelled to reply -- although I am somewhat reluctant to do so. Stephen Schwartz has interpreted my earlier attempts to engage him in dialogue as personal attacks, which was unfortunate for several reasons: they were not personal attacks by any stretch of the imagination, but sincere questions about assertions he has made publicly; for Schwartz to have characterized them as attacks and refused to answer them only further poisoned an already poisonous public discourse about Islam, and left the questions, which I still consider important, unanswered. It was also disheartening to see a prominent and influential moderate Muslim like Schwartz engage in the same reply-by-smear tactics that groups like CAIR, which he has fought indefatigably, employ with such skill.

Some people also have asked me why I should spend any time at all taking issue with Schwartz, since he does such good work opposing the jihadist depredations of the Saudis, and is after all "on our side." I am not in the least interested in denying or diminishing his excellent work in exposing the Saudis for what they are, and I have great respect for his courage and persistence in doing so, and high regard for him personally. But because his writings in other areas are just as influential as is his work on the Saudis, it is important to set the record straight on matters where his contribution is, in my view, less accurate and less beneficial overall to the anti-jihad resistance. The anti-jihad resistance is in no way aided by ignoring the uncomfortable aspects of Islamic history and law.

If this response were to initiate a mutually respectful dialogue and exchange with Stephen Schwartz, that would be all to the good, and would no doubt serve to illuminate many matters of pressing moment in today's political debate. But at this point I have no hope of that.

Schwartz begins by decrying "a certain style of popular argument" that "seeks to win debating points by associating any adversary, especially if the latter is a conservative, with Nazism or fascism." He then goes on to assert that

A new and comparable trope has emerged from the discussion of Islam, which could be called the "reductio ad Jihadam." This is an argument that forces every debate over any aspect of the 1,400 year history of the religion of Muhammad into a framework in which Islam is said to be inseparable from, exclusively defined by, and universally characterized by violence against non-Muslims.

All right. No one I know who is doing any serious work about Islam and jihad actually does this, so this has a whiff of the straw man to me, but let's move on:

There are variations on this metonymy, which might be called the "reductio ad shariam" and the "reductio ad dhimmam." In these instances, Islam exists only to support the exclusive application of Islamic law, or shariah, to all residents of a Muslim-majority society, and/or to impose the dhimma, a contract for the rule of non-Muslims under Muslim authority.

Once again, Schwartz is setting up a straw man. "Islam exists only to support the exclusive application of Islamic law?" This seems to be a bit of a reductio of his own; no scholar of Sharia or dhimmitude that is worth his or her salt is really saying it.

But in characterizing expositions of the dhimma in this way, he casts aspersions upon the legitimate work of people like Bat Ye'or and A. S. Tritton, for he seems to allow for no genuine research in this area -- it is all exaggerated:

In reality, jihadism and devotion to shariah as an exclusive legal system are rare doctrines among today's Muslims. Were they not, the present conflict between radical Islam and the world would be conducted, from the extremist side, by armies and nations, rather than by small conspiracies. Serious extremist movements are visible only in Saudi Arabia, Iraq (where they are imported, mainly from the south), Iran, Pakistan, regions of Nigeria and Malaysia, and a tiny number of war zones like Chechnya and southern Thailand.

Really? Not Indonesia, where jihadists used the tsunami to agitate for Sharia rule, and threatened non-Muslim aid workers? Not the Philippines, where the struggle between the government and the jihadists is edging toward all-out war? Not Egypt, in which even Egyptian writers complain that the venerable Al-Azhar University "encourages extremism and terror"? Not Uzbekistan, where jihadists bombed the American and Israeli embassies? Not Bangladesh, where jihadists threaten to bring about the "Talibanization" of the country? Not even Afghanistan, where the Taliban itself still roams all too freely? I would respectfully suggest that "jihadism and devotion to shariah" is a bit more extensive that Schwartz claims.

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Uh oh. Mueller says there are Al-Qaeda cells in the U.S.? He better get ready for a phone call from the ACLU.

From Bill Gertz in the Washington Times, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Senior U.S. intelligence leaders told Congress yesterday that "it may only be a matter of time" before terrorists try to use weapons of mass destruction against the United States.

In his first public appearance since becoming CIA director in September, Porter J. Goss used the annual worldwide threat hearing to issue the prediction, while another federal official said the FBI knows little about al Qaeda sleeper cells such as the September 11 terrorists.

"It may be only a matter of time before al Qaeda or another group attempts to use chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons," Mr. Goss told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III testified that he is "very concerned" about the lack of data on a network of al Qaeda "sleeper" cells in the United States.

"Finding them is a top priority for the FBI, but it is also one of the most difficult challenges," he said.

"Because of al Qaeda's directed efforts this year to infiltrate covert operatives into the U.S., I am also very concerned with the growing body of sensitive reporting that continues to show al Qaeda's clear intention to obtain and ultimately use some form of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear or high-energy explosives material in its attacks against America," Mr. Mueller added.

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More charity jihad, from the Daily Southtown, :

Prosecutors told a federal appeals court Tuesday that Enaam Arnaout, the imprisoned leader of a now-defunct Palos Hills-based Muslim charity, should have been dealt with as a terrorist and sentenced to much more time behind bars.

Arnaout, 42, is serving an 11-year prison sentence for defrauding donors of Benevolence International Foundation. The Syrian-born Justice resident pleaded guilty two years ago to charges he used some charitable donations to help armed rebels in Bosnia and Chechnya.

Arnaout's attorneys insist he deserves a new sentencing hearing under a recent ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that tossed out the mandatory system used to determine how much prison time Arnaout was eligible for.

But in their own appeal of the sentence, prosecutors claim the judge who handled the case should have ruled that Arnaout promoted terrorism — a finding that would have mandated he spend at least 20 years behind bars. During brief oral arguments before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Assistant U.S. Attorney John C. Kocoras said Arnaout's sentence was "unreasonably low."

The U.S. attorney's office has long insisted Arnaout was linked to al-Qaida and at one point was a close associate of Osama bin Laden. The legal case tying Arnaout to al-Qaida fizzled after a series of adverse court rulings, and a judge ultimately concluded the government had "failed to connect the dots" between Arnaout and terrorism.

And even though prosecutors eventually agreed to drop the terrorism charges against Arnaout in exchange for his guilty plea to fraud, they still maintain the case is much more serious than a simple money-swiping scheme.

"He wasn't defrauding donors to line his pockets with money," Kocoras said. "He was defrauding donors to arm fighters overseas."

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It appears that this attempt to cow and intimidate Jordan has failed: he gave no details, and he doesn't seem to have retracted his statement either. (Or if he did, this article certainly isn't clear about it.) Now why the ACLU -- and Muslim groups, for that matter -- would consider it offensive for a law enforcement official to say that Al-Qaeda is present in a particular place is beyond me. If they succeed in gaining Jordan's scalp, anti-terror efforts will suffer an immense setback: it will become a punishable offense merely to suggest that jihadist activity is going on, let alone to do anything about it. Be assured: the Muslim groups and ACLU will keep trying.

From AP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — In a meeting with local Muslims, Robert Jordan, the top FBI agent in Oregon, refused to elaborate on his recent comments that jihad-trained fighters are living in the state, according to an ACLU representative who attended the gathering. Jordan, the special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon, addressed the ACLU representative, several dozen Muslims and other religious leaders on Tuesday at the Bilal Mosque Association in Beaverton....

In an interview with The Associated Press last month, Jordan said: "We have people here in Oregon that have trained in jihadist camps in bad areas. In the bad neighborhoods of the world." He added that the FBI knows "they've trained overseas, taken oaths to kill Americans and engage in jihad," but the challenge is "to prove those things."

Ahmed said those comments stunned him, and he wanted Jordan to speak about the remarks to a gathering at the mosque.

Peg Pfab, pastor of Southminster Presbyterian Church in Beaverton, said the meeting was helpful.

"I think Mr. Jordan and the Bilal community are all trying very hard to move ahead and to use this experience as a learning experience, so that they can be better supportive of each other," Pfab said.

Andrea Meyer, legislative director for the ACLU of Oregon, told The Oregonian that the meeting featured a presentation by the secretary of the mosque who talked about how Jordan's "jihad" comments have appeared in inflammatory Internet chats targeting Muslims and Arab Americans.

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An impressive list of accomplishments. However, "in spite of these accomplishments, al-Qaeda continues to adapt and move forward with its desire to attack the US, using any means at its disposal."

"FBI foiled plot to kill Pak diplomat in New York," from the Times of India, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

"In New York, Yassin Muhiddin Aref was arrested on money laundering charges connected to a possible terrorist plot to kill a Pakistani diplomat," Robert S Mueller, Director of the FBI, told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Wednesday.

In 2004, the FBI learned that al-Qaeda and related terrorist groups had conducted detailed surveillance of financial targets in New York, Washington DC and New Jersey....

In Virginia, Mohammed Ali al-Timimi, the spiritual leader of the Virginia Jihad training group, disrupted last year, was indicted for his involvement in the recruitment of US citizens for extremist training and jihad preparation.

Al-Timimi, the primary lecturer at a Northern Virginia Islamic centre, preached jihad to a small group of followers, provided them paramilitary training and facilitated their travel to Pakistan in the days after September 11 to attend a Lashkar-e-Taiba training camp in preparation to fight the United States in Afghanistan.

In Minneapolis, the FBI arrested Mohamad Kamal El-Zahabi, a Lebanese citizen, who admitted to serving in Afghanistan and Chechnya as a sniper and to providing sniper training at Khalden camp in Afghanistan and in Lebanon in the 1990s....

Unfortunately, said Mueller, "In spite of these accomplishments, al-Qaeda continues to adapt and move forward with its desire to attack the US, using any means at its disposal. Their intent to attack us at home remains and their resolve to destroy America has never faltered."

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Dhimmitude enforced in Jerusalem. From WND, with thanks to EPG:

Judaism considers it the holiest place on earth. Muslims say it's the third holiest. Christianity reveres the spot as being of great historic importance. But if someone prays there, if he or she is not Muslim, the worshiper will be immediately arrested. Welcome to the Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount is the large area directly behind the Western Wall in Jerusalem. It is the site of Judaism's first and second Temples, the primary area of worship for the Jewish faith and the location in which God's "shekhina," or presence, is thought by Jews to reside. The area is about the size of 15 football stadiums....

Although is not mentioned by name in the Quran, the Temple Mount is also commonly identified by Muslims as the "furthermost sanctuary," the site from which the Prophet Muhammad, accompanied by the Angel Gabriel, made the Night Journey to the Throne of God.

In addition, Christianity considers the area historically important. The book of Luke records that Jesus, raised a devout Jew, was dedicated in the Second Temple in accordance with the Laws of Moses, and describes Jesus' boyhood visit to the Temple, which, it is written in John, he cleansed at Passover and during the last week of his life. Jesus once referred to the Temple as His "Father's house."

The Temple Mount was opened to the general public until September 2000, when the Palestinians started their intifada by throwing stones at Jewish worshipers after then-candidate for prime minister Ariel Sharon visited the area.

Following the onset of violence, the new Sharon government closed the Mount to non-Muslims, using checkpoints to control all pedestrian traffic for fear of further clashes with the Palestinians.

The Temple Mount was reopened to non-Muslims in August 2003. It is still open but only Sundays through Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., and not on any Christian Jewish or Muslim holidays or other days considered "sensitive" by the Wafq, the Muslim custodians of the Temple Mount.

During "open" days, Jews and Christian are allowed to ascend the Temple Mount, usually through organized tours and only if they conform first to a strict set of guidelines, which includes demands that they not pray or bring any "holy objects" to the site. Visitors are banned from entering any of the mosques without direct Wafq permission.

Rules are enforced by Wafq agents, who watch tours closely and alert nearby Israeli police to any breaking of their guidelines.

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U.S. vs. Eurabia. "U.S. presses Europe to shun Hezbollah," from the New York Times via the International Herald Tribune, :

WASHINGTON Opening up a new divide in trans-Atlantic relations, the Bush administration is increasing the pressure on Europe to list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and impose economic sanctions.

But it has been rebuffed by France and other countries concerned that such an action will anger Iran and backfire.

A European diplomat said that Israel, with U.S. backing, made the case for listing Hezbollah at a meeting Wednesday in Brussels of the so-called Clearing House, a unit of the European Union.

The Clearing House decided against acting because of a lack of consensus on the issue, the diplomat said.

The United States got the European Union to list Hamas as a terrorist organization in the autumn of 2003, but in a measure of continuing disagreement about how to handle the Middle East, some European countries are questioning whether Hamas should remain listed now that some of its members have won elections in Gaza.

Oh, they've won elections? Well, then that makes all those murders of civilians on buses and in restaurants all right.

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I expand on this response to Jamal Badawi's offer of a million dollars to anyone who can find that the Qur'an condones religious warfare, and explore the implications of the offer, in FrontPage today.

(By the way, I heard from Dr. Badawi last night, but alas, he didn't ask me where he should send the million-dollar check. He just asked for more Qur'an verses, since I had said there were "many others," and I supplied some more (there are still more). So I expect he may be drafting a reply.)

A prominent Islamic apologist named Jamal Badawi, renowned as a “moderate Muslim,” has offered one million dollars to anyone who can find references in the Qur’an that condone “religious war, or jihad.”

The Bergen Record reported this at face value, so even though it noted that Badawi made the challenge “jokingly,” Badawi’s point was made: the Qur’an does not teach religious warfare, and it’s only media distortion that gives any other impression.

Badawi almost certainly knows better. But his “joking” offer only obfuscates the truth about how jihadists use the Qur’an to recruit and motivate terrorists — thereby blindsiding gullible Americans into thinking that mosques do not need to be monitored, and Muslims are unfairly “profiled” by law enforcement agencies. As such, Badawi’s offer is not a joke. It is a political statement, and one that harms our ability to guard against terrorist attacks on American soil.

Dr. Badawi, I want to be a millionaire. Here are a few quotes from the Qur’an:

Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (2:190-191)

Slay the disbelievers. Sounds like a religious war to me. So does this:

Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not. They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: "Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein. (2:216-217)

And this, which identifies the enemies of the Muslims as disbelievers and friends of Satan:

Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whether he is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value). And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!" Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan. (4:74-76)

Here the religious warriors, or the angels who protect them, are to behead those who do not believe:

Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them." (8:12)

Cf. this verse, which also makes clear the religious character of the fight:

Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah,- He will never let their deeds be lost. (47:4)

This one states the goal of the fighting in terms that also make clear that the war is religious:

And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. (8:39)

This one, like many others, makes it clear that the fighting that believers must do is not spiritual, but physical -- otherwise the promise that the believers will overcome long odds would make little or no sense:

O Prophet! rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding. (8:65)

This is the celebrated "Verse of the Sword":

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (9:5)

Again, hard to see that as spiritual or metaphorical fighting. And this one establishes that the warfare is against the People of the Book, that is, Jews and Christians:

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (9:29)

There are many other such verses, but I don’t have to speak with Dr. Badawi to know what he will say about this list: I am taking the verses out of context. I can only understand them properly in the original Arabic. I need to be well-versed in the science of Qur’anic interpretation, tafsir, to be able to understand them. Only an “Islamophobe” would take such verses at face value.

Very well. But what is he going to do about Muslims who read such verses and take them at face value? For instance, the Ingushetian Shura Council in Chechyna has explained in a recent communiqué that “Allah created people so that He could be worshipped alone, so no companions are ascribed to Him, and He permitted Jihad on His Straight Way, so that the Religion of Allah could be above all, so that all areas of life could be guided by Islam, and so that the Earth could be cleansed of unbelief.” In support of this idea, the Council quoted Sura 8:39, as it appears above. Likewise, in a treatise entitled “The true meaning of Jihad” that was posted last year on several jihadists websites, one Sidik Aucbur charged that “the West” was trying to distort the meaning of jihad by teaching that “Jihad is only about struggling against our desires.” He quotes the Qur’an copiously to establish that jihad means warfare against unbelievers, and declares: “there are over 120 verses of the Qur’an that use the Shari’ [Islamic legal] meaning of Jihad to mean fighting and killing.” Aucbur adds that all four major schools of Sunni Muslim jurisprudence agree on this point: “It has been agreed upon by the classical scholars that the Shari'ah meaning of Jihad is to fight and kill the kuffar [unbelievers]: Hanafi school in the book ‘Badiia as Saniia;’ Maliki school in the book ‘Manhal Jaleel,’ Shaffi school in the book ‘al Iqnaa,’ Hanbali school in the book ‘al Mughni.’”

Aucbur is hardly eccentric in pointing out this sort of thing; such arguments are echoed by jihadists worldwide, who use passages of the Qur’an and Islamic law to recruit new jihad warriors and convince Muslims that theirs is the “true Islam.” Is Badawi unaware of all this? Rather than throw his millions around with claims that the Qur’an contains nothing in the way of exhortations to religious warfare, wouldn’t it be more honest of him to acknowledge that such passages exist and are used by jihadists, and to offer some cogent explanation of how their force can be blunted within the Islamic community — if indeed it can?

This is one of the fundamental defects of the post-9/11 discourse in America: Muslim spokesmen again and again have insisted that Americans accept that Islam is a religion of peace, without offering a shred of evidence to this effect. Meanwhile, Muslims worldwide continue to commit violence in the name of Islam, and bland denials like Badawi’s not only do nothing to stop them, but perpetuate political myths that continue to mislead Americans about the sources of terror. As long as this goes on, nothing effective can or will be done to stop the ideology of jihad terrorism from proliferating in mosques and Islamic schools in the United States and around the world.

Dr. Badawi, I hope to hear from you soon. I’m so excited about your million-dollar offer, I have already started spending the money. After you pay me, I’ll treat you to lunch in Gstaad; we’ll get there on the new Jihad Watch Learjet.

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February 16, 2005

Not that civilization itself is under attack or anything. "Officials: Militants Targeted Eiffel Tower," from AP, :

PARIS - Islamic militants under investigation for allegedly planning an attack on the Russian Embassy in Paris had other targets on their list, including the Eiffel Tower, police and judicial officials said Wednesday.

Three men, all Algerians, were detained Jan. 11 in connection with an investigation into a network of Islamic radicals supporting Chechen rebels, the officials said on condition of anonymity.

More than 20 people have been jailed in a series of arrests since December 2002 as part of an investigation into the network. The investigation revealed an alleged plot against the Russian Embassy and a planned chemical attack.

On Wednesday, judicial officials confirmed the three arrests, which were first reported by the daily Le Parisien. The newspaper said attacks in Britain were also allegedly planned and that those arrested in France had links to a group of Islamic radicals in Spain.

According to judicial officials, the three men said among the targets was the veritable symbol of France, the Eiffel Tower. Also targeted were a clothing store in the central Paris district of Les Halles, which is a commuter link packed with people, Israeli interests and police stations, officials said.

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What was that again about a peaceful negotiated settlement? "Fugitives to join PA security forces," from the Jerusalem Post, with thanks to Teri:

About 350 Palestinian gunmen will be incorporated into the Palestinian Authority security forces soon as part of a deal reached between PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and leaders of all the Palestinian factions, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

The militiamen, who are on Israel's list of wanted terrorists, belong to various factions, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

This is the first time that members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad would serve in the PA security forces....

"The fugitives who will join the security forces belong to all the Palestinian groups and factions," Naja said. "The move is designed to protect them against Israeli assassination attempts."

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The jihad has indeed returned to Lebanon. Hariri murder update from UPI, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

BEIRUT, Lebanon -- The suicide bomber who killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is a Palestinian member of an Islamic group linked to al-Qaida. A security source, on condition of anonymity, identified the bomber as Ahmed Abu Adas, a Palestinian refugee who lived in the low-income Beirut neighborhood of Tarik Jadida. The source said the bomber's neighbors saw him leave his home a few hours before the attack that killed Hariri and eight other people.
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"The Muslim community is one of the fastest growing in the UK and is very much part of the fabric of British life." OK, but how far will British authorities and businesses go to accomodate Sharia for this growing community?

For similar US developments, see here.

From The Guardian, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Lloyds TSB today announced the launch of a current account that adheres to Islamic rules on finance. The account has been designed to comply fully with Islamic law, or sharia, which forbids the payment and receipt of interest, or riba. As such, the account will not pay interest on credit balances or have an overdraft facility.

The funds held by the bank on all shariah-compliant accounts will also be held according to Islamic law. Under shariah, Muslims are not allowed to invest in companies related to certain types of industry, such as alcohol, tobacco, pornography, armaments and gambling....

Gordon Rankin, current accounts director at Lloyds TSB, said: "The Muslim community is one of the fastest growing in the UK and is very much part of the fabric of British life. However, until now their banking needs have been largely uncatered for and many British Muslims have often had to bank in a way that is against their principles."

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I'm not so sure the two things are not connected. Why did they make the false statements? From the Tampa Tribune, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Sameeh Hammoudeh faces trial in April with Al-Arian and two others on charges they helped organize and finance the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, an organization that has claimed responsibility for numerous suicide bombings in Israel.

In a move that does not appear to directly affect the Al-Arian case, Hammoudeh and his wife, Nadia, entered into agreements Monday to plead guilty to three charges alleging they made false statements on immigration and mortgage documents. The couple had been scheduled for trial March 7 on those charges.

The Hammoudehs were indicted in August on 15 counts, including charges of wire fraud, conspiracy, false statements to the Internal Revenue Service and submitting a false claim to a federal agency.

In the plea agreements, the couple admit that between September 1994 and April 2000, they violated their visas by working at the Islamic Academy of Florida without authorization from federal immigration authorities. The school was co-founded by Al-Arian for students from prekindergarten through 12th grade.

According to court papers, Hammoudeh, who was born in the West Bank in Israel, entered this country in December 1992 on a tourist visa and later obtained a student visa. Prosecutors describe him as Al-Arian's closest confidant in the United States, but his attorney has asserted that the two men differed in numerous areas.

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"There is no place in our country for people like this, and they must leave Germany as quickly as possible." Now that's a positive development. From AP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

STUTTGART, Germany -- An Egyptian imam accused of preaching violent Islamic extremism has been deported to his homeland, authorities said Tuesday.

The 37-year-old imam, identified only as El Beih, had preached sermons in which he called the United States the "true terrorists" and a "Satan" that threatened the Islamic world, state Interior Minister Heribert Rech said.

The imam also called for people to be willing to fight and die for Islam, Rech said.

"There is no place in our country for people like this, and they must leave Germany as quickly as possible," Rech said.

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"Suffolk resident released on bail after black market formula inquiry," from the Virginian-Pilot, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Abdelaziz Agoujdad, 42, posted $25,000 bail Monday and was freed pending an appearance in U.S. District Court on Thursday. He was arrested last week following an investigation that began in the summer.

Agoujdad’s case is tied to a multi million dollar black market baby formula ring that was broken up near Raleigh, according to court records.

Eight illegal immigrants were charged and convicted in that case.

The Wake County, N.C., Sheriff’s Department and the Wilson, N.C., Police Department began the investigation after noticing a surge in shoplifted infant formula, such as Enfamil and Simulac.

That led to undercover deals involving Agoujdad, according to court records.

The records say that an undercover officer sold Agoujdad more than 1,000 cases of formula on four occasions between July and August. Agoujdad believed the cans and boxes were stolen, the records say. The formula was worth more than $50,000.

After making the purchases in North Carolina, Agoujdad drove back to Virginia and stored the formula at his home in the 300 block of Morning Tide Lane in Suffolk, the court records say.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III reported in November that there is a growing problem of purloined infant formula. In a number of cases, he said, the proceeds of those sales were used to support terrorist activities.

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Missouri jihad. But of course, it wasn't really about suicide bombing. From Knight Ridder, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - (KRT) - A religious charity based in Columbia, Mo., once supported the children of Islamic "martyrs" in Afghanistan, according to declassified documents released Tuesday.

A spokesman for the charity, the Islamic American Relief Agency-USA, cautioned, however, that "martyr" can have a much more benign interpretation than "suicide bomber."

"It's an all-encompassing concept," lawyer Shereef Akeel said. "It could mean struggling and dying while you're being faithful to your religion, such as someone who drowned while being a believer."

Then he should give evidence that they supported the families of drowning victims. The classification of suicide bombers as "martyrs" has become so ubiquitous in the Islamic world that Akeel's argument will only fool the credulous -- who, unfortunately, are not in short supply in this area.

In October, the charity, also known as IARA-USA, was designated by the U.S. Treasury Department as a supporter of international terrorists, including Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida. The documents released Tuesday were filed by government lawyers in Washington as part of a lawsuit in which IARA-USA is seeking to have its assets unfrozen.
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Jihad Watch Advisory Board Vice President asks some pointed questions about the Armanious case:

1) Did any Muslims mysteriously disappear from Jersey City in the period immediately following the murders?

2) If so, was there anything in the personal or family history of those who may have disappeared that might indicate a special animus toward the Armanious family (i.e., the father, or the outspoken Sylvia)?

3) Was there any communication between officials of the Egyptian embassy, consulate, delegation at the U.N., or any other Egyptian official in Egypt or the United States, who tried to silence relatives or friends of the victims, or other Copts in Jersey City, or elsewhere?

4) Was there any attempt by any Egyptian officials to intimidate Copts now in Egypt, so that they, in turn, would plead with Copts in the United States to keep quiet?

5) Was there any communication by anyone in the American government to the Hudson County Prosecutors Office, or within the FBI, suggesting that the investigation should not "make things worse" in the larger context of the "war on terrorism" by "needlessly" offending local Muslims "whose support was needed" in "that war" -- or words to that effect?

6) In learning about Muslim attitudes toward Copts and other non-Muslims, to whom did the Hudson County Prosecutors Office turn? And the FBI? What "experts" did they consult? What articles did they read? One would like to know about the extent of knowledge possessed by American police and other security forces of the attitude, enshrined in the Shari'a, and reflected everywhere in the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sira, that is encouraged toward non-Muslims. One would like to know if, for example, any of the studies of dhimmitude have been assigned to be read by agents of the FBI? If not, why not? What about having a translation commissioned of the most thorough study of the legal status of dhimmis -- that of Antoine Fattal. Surely the American government can pay for a translation of this book, given its relevance.

7) Who in Congress, or in the State of New Jersey, is taking careful note of how this investigation is proceeding, and of the curious reluctance to suggest that something other than robbery might be the motive?

8) Why is this case not worthy of the attention of the Scott Petersen case, much less that of O. J. Simpson?

9) Have any of the often vocal associations, such as the National Council of Churches, seen fit to urge that the case be given full attention, and to make sure that its members keep up the pressure on the Hudson County Prosecutors Office not to bury or archive this matter, and to hope that it goes away?

For it cannot now be buried, and what is at stake are the reputations of the investigators, and of the faith, repeatedly shaken (not least by the mysterious disappearance of Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun) of American citizens in their own government's ability, or willingness, to take a tack quite different from that which can be observed in Europe.

Meanwhile, John Walsh on "America's Most Wanted" and a good many others on-line, are unlikely to lose interest -- or allow others to do so.

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Here we go again. Once again, key elements of the Qur'an and Islamic teaching are not addressed, leaving the impression that Mr. Irfan Mehr is practicing taqiyya. From the Corning Leader, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Mehr, a native of Pakistan, met with more than 160 county workers during two sessions, to broaden their understanding of a faith held by 1.7 billion people worldwide.

The workshop was set up by Legislator Kenneth Isaman, R-Hornellsville, as a way to raise awareness and respect for Muslims in the area.

Isaman said he plans on arranging more workshops for county employees in the future, and wants to develop similar presentations for municipal boards and local schools....

Mehr said the Koran calls Christians and Jews "Children of the Book" and tells Muslims to treat them as cousins in faith.

"It tells us you are all children of Abraham, leave your differences up to the Almighty," Mehr said.

The Qur'an also says that Muslims should make war on these "Children of the Book" -- actually "People of the Book" -- and that they are under the curse of Allah:

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. The Jews call 'Uzair [Ezra] a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! (9:29-30)

The Koran also dedicates separate chapters to Mary, and Jesus. Muslims believe all the New Testament accounts of Jesus, but believe he was a prophet and not the Messiah, Mehr said.

This is simply false. In the first place, there is a chapter of the Qur'an entitled "Mary" (Sura 19), but there is no chapter "dedicated" to Jesus. Nor do Muslims believe all the New Testament accounts of Jesus: Mehr contradicts himself by saying that and following it up by saying Jesus was not the Messiah, since the New Testament of course proclaims him to be the Messiah. Now in this instance I suspect the reporter has gotten mixed up, for the Qur'an does refer to Jesus as the Messiah, but strenuously and repeatedly denies that he is the Son of God. I suspect that that is what Mehr said, unless he himself is ignorant of the Qur'an. But in any case, in no sense do Muslims accept what the New Testament teaches about Jesus, for the latter affirms him to be the Son of God. The Qur'an also denies the crucifixion, as well as other elements of the New Testament account of Jesus.

That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah"; but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not... (Qur'an 4:157)

The story about Mehr continues:

The Islamic notion of justice is strict, with the Koran demanding someone who has done wrong to testify against himself, Mehr said. If a soldier believes his side is wrong he must immediately join the other side and fight his comrades and family.

Is Mehr thereby endorsing the actions of Hasan Akbar?

While individual Muslims may judge an act as wrong or evil, they are forbidden to react until their leaders unanimously agree on a course of action, Mehr said. In extreme cases, after efforts at reconciliation have failed, the leadership may call a holy war, or jihad.

Likewise, only religious leaders may judge wrongdoing.

"It has been said that (Sept. 11 mastermind Osama) bin Laden will never even catch whiff of the fragrance of heaven," Mehr said. "That is strong condemnation."

Mehr said reports of Muslims hating the West, and specifically Americans, are exaggerated.

"There is no hate," Mehr said. "Yes, there are certain things in the American culture they don't want any part of, we don't want in our houses. There are certain things in our cultures you don't want in your houses. Things that are despicable, like wife beating."

Which also comes, of course, from the Qur'an (Sura 4:34). But "there is no hate"? Really? Sure. Just a few wall posters proclaiming, "Killing of Christians and Jews is required as soon as possible." But no hate.

And Mehr is trying to take this kind of thing into schools. But of course, it is already there.

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"Iranian Celebration Canceled," from the Washington Post, with thanks to EPG:

A celebration scheduled for this weekend at Montgomery County's new hotel and conference center, marking the 26th anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran, was canceled after the hotel's operator learned that it would violate federal law.

The Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, which opened in December, was to play host to 1,000 guests at a reception thrown by Ali Jazini, director of the Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

John Wolf, a Marriott spokesman, said yesterday that the hotel canceled the event after realizing it is illegal to do business with Iran. He said Marriott officials will "be taking steps" to prevent similar bookings in the future.

Announcement of the event raised an outcry from Iranian opponents of the country's regime who live in the United States. They organized a campaign calling on Marriott to cancel.

"For them to come celebrate the anniversary of their glorious revolution in the United States is just wrong," said Iman Foroutan, director of the Iran of Tomorrow Movement, an American-based organization working to oust Iran's fundamentalist regime. "If they allowed this, I would not be surprised if al Qaeda celebrated their next anniversary in the heart of New York."

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Christians as monkeys (cf. Qur'an 5:59-60, 7:166)

Not long ago I told you about barsomyat.com, where Muslims posted personal information about Christians along with inscriptions such as "Oh Allah, grant me the privilege of slitting his throat." On that site also, Muslims cheered the murders of the Armanious family.

That site was quickly taken down after a New York Sun article by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, along with a report here and at Internet Haganah. But that has not stopped those with murderous intent; they continue to stalk Coptic Christians at another website, barsoom.coolfreepage.com (thanks to Salah and Internet Haganah).

On it, Copts are denoted by monkey cartoons, in line with the traditional application by Muslims of Qur'anic verses such as 7:166 to Christians: "When in their insolence they transgressed (all) prohibitions, We said to them: "Be ye apes, despised and rejected!" This is common usage among jihadists today.

The site lists personal information about the targeted Christians. Internet Haganah gives a few examples:

- one is a Taxi driver who used to live in Egypt but he left the country

- another is believed to be a dentist, likes to argue with Hamas sympathizers

- one lives in America and he is "worse than the Americans themselves..."

- two others are "Christians from Syria"

It is exceedingly ironic that while the Hudson County Prosecutor says flatly that "the FBI does not think that, based on the information gleaned from the scene," the murder of the Armanious family was "based on religious extremism," that this stalking of Christians who -- like Hossam Armanious -- argue with Muslims on discussion sites still goes on.

I hope to have more information on this site soon. Stay tuned also at Internet Haganah and the Counterterrorism blog.

UPDATE: Daveed Gartenstein-Ross at the Counterterrorism blog has more, including this:

Another page on Barsoom features rulings on those who curse God's prophet. Although many of these religious rulings are directed at Muslims rather than non-Muslims (e.g. stating that joking about God and religion is considered disbelief for the Muslim), it appears that the clear intention behind the page -- since it comes in the context of a broader discussion excoriating the Copts -- is to demonstrate that the Christian debaters on PalTalk are worthy of punishment. For example, the page of religious rulings states that "the one who curses God deserves death." Another ruling states, "The one who curses God, his Prophet and [the Prophet's] companions or successors has denied the Qur'an and should be killed. Also anyone who defames Aisha, the Mother of the Believers. And they should have their heads cut off."

Watch for more updates here this afternoon.

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Another report on the Armanious family press conference, from WND:

WASHINGTON – Relatives of a brutally slain New Jersey Christian family spoke out yesterday for the first time, saying the killings were consistent with Quranic methods of slaying infidels....

Held at the National Press Club, yesterday's press conference included a statement by U.S. Copts Association President Michael Meunier.

"We feel it is extremely important that the public hear the Armanious family members' side of the story and we are pleased to help them express their point of view on this disturbing crime," Meunier said.

Cautious in their speech, and unwilling to ascribe outright motive for the slaying, the family, when questioned by the press did say the manner of slaying was consistent with passages in the Quran that describe how to kill an infidel. The family stressed it is waiting for the investigation to play out. Regarding the possibility the slaying was a jihadist act, family uncle Emile Garas told WND afterward, "We're not ruling anything out."

The Rev. Dr. Keith Roderick, Washington representative of Christian Solidarity International and secretary general of the Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights, offered a statement relating to concerns over the manner in which the crime is being investigated.

"The investigation is not complete; no suspects have been identified," said Roderick, "and the district attorney's office of Hudson County is pursuing a number of theories related to the motive and nature of the crime. Public statements by that office indicate that theories related to robbery have been given precedence over a possible hate crime as a motive. By stressing that there are no facts substantiating a religious motivation to this crime, the confidence of the family has been eroded that the local investigation will lead to a resolution."

Roderick said that a "great deal in the media" has been made of the potential conflict within the Christian and Muslim communities if the investigation leads to a religious motive. Indeed, an Associated Press story, "Slaying spurs new wave of anti-Muslim bias" detailed community tensions and quoted Ahmed Shedeed, director of the Islamic Center of Jersey City as saying, "We Muslims living in America are getting sick of this crap. Why should we have to apologize for or make a defense of something we had nothing to do with? There is no proof at all that Muslims had anything to do with this, yet we are taking the blame again. Is Islam on trial, or is a killer on trial?"

"The central issue here," Roderick said in his statement, "should not be about communal disputes, but the fact that the perpetrators of this vicious crime are still at large. To avoid pursuit of what may be the most obvious motive of the murder for fear of maligning one part of the Jersey City community or creating a backlash against that community is irresponsible." The reverend indicated he hopes the investigation will confront the case "honestly without the fear of sectarian concerns." Leaders of the communities and social workers are the people most qualified to address those concerns, not law enforcement, he said.

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Nidra Poller gives some important information in the New York Sun about the Armanious family press conference yesterday:

WASHINGTON - Relatives of Hossam Armanious - who along with his wife and two daughters was savagely murdered last month at Jersey City, N.J. - said at a press conference here yesterday that the family was probably killed because of their religious beliefs....

The Armanious relatives yesterday spent the day in meetings with members of Congress, and FBI and Justice Department officials.

In a prepared statement read by Michael Meunier, a representative of the U.S. Copts Association, the relatives of the Armanious family rejected several theories about the motive for the grisly murders.

It was not an old country vendetta, they said. Also, there was no mysterious trip to Egypt last year made by Hossam. As for robbery, the relatives said the family had no hidden wealth, just a mortgage and credit line, and that they kept their cash in the bank....

The most probable method and motive for the slayings, the relatives said, is a ritual murder for religious reasons.

Though the Coptic tattoo on 16-year-old Sylvia Armanious's wrist was not slashed as had been initially reported, other details of the execution-style killings do follow a Koranic prescription, Mr. Meunier said.

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Naif is unhappy about stories like this one, which called the winners "Islamists." And well he should be: in Onward Muslim Soldiers I explain why the term is essentially useless: it posits a distinction between Muslims who pursue a political and violent agenda and their coreligionists that does not exist in fact. You will not find mosques or Muslims classifying themselves as "Islamist" or "non-Islamist."

The people whom non-Muslim analysts tend to call "Islamists" are those who believe that Sharia should be the law of the land -- every land -- and are willing to do violence to bring that about. But these people are merely traditional Muslims, acting on the example of the prophet Muhammad and core teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith. They move about freely among Muslims and are found in every Muslim community. Most often, Western analysts use the term "Islamists" to suggest a vast majority of Muslims who do not accept "Islamist" premises or principles. Unfortunately, however, such people do not in fact generally exist. There are Muslims, often known as moderate Muslims, who are unaware of or indifferent to the premises of political Islam, and a much smaller number who are honestly trying to reject or reform those principles; but a genuinely moderate Islam -- a Muslim system that accepts the principles of Western pluralism and is ready to teach Muslims to live in harmony with non-Muslims as equals, not as current or eventual superiors and masters -- does not exist.

From Arab News, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

RIYADH, 14 February 2005 — Interior Minister Prince Naif has rejected moves to classify Saudis into Islamists and non-Islamists. He was referring to media reports that Islamists had won Riyadh Municipal Council elections.

“I strongly object to the media for focusing on this issue. We don’t accept such classifications, because we are all Muslims and citizens. The elections were held in the right manner. It has been proved that they (the winners) followed the law and did not create any problem,” he told reporters....

The candidates also said that the winners unfairly claimed they had the backing of Islamic clerics.

“The winners used religion,” said Hezam Al-Otaibi, a loser. “Of course messages were going around on cell phones, violating the election rules,” he added.

UPDATE: Martin Kramer has brought my attention to his most interesting article about the history of the term "Islamist," and resistance to it among those it was intended to classify.

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February 15, 2005

The Rev. Dr. Keith Roderick is the Washington Representative of Christian Solidarity International and the Secretary General of the Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights. Here is his statement at this afternoon's press conference:

I am here to support the relatives who grieve the loss of the Armanious family and also are burdened by intense public pressure to provide some insight into this terrible tragedy. The fact that this press conference is taking place in Washington, D.C. rather than in Jersey City points to the broader impact of this case.

The investigation is not complete; no suspects have been identified; and, the District Attorney’s office of Hudson County is pursuing a number of theories related to the motive and nature of the crime. Public statements by that office indicate that theories related to robbery have been given precedence over a possible hate crime as a motive. By stressing that there are no facts substantiating a religious motivation to this crime, the confidence of the family has been eroded that the local investigation will lead to a resolution.

A great deal in the media has been made of the potential conflict within the Christian and Muslim communities if the investigation leads to a religious motive. The central issue here should not be about communal disputes, but the fact that the perpetrators of this vicious crime are still at large. To avoid pursuit of what may be the most obvious motive of the murder for fear of maligning one part of the Jersey City community or creating a backlash against that community is irresponsible. We hope that the investigation will confront the case honestly without the fear of sectarian concerns. Those are issues best addressed by the leaders of the communities and social workers, not law enforcement. Justice is having done the right thing for the right reason; injustice for having done nothing for the wrong reason. The delay in pursuing leads indicating a hate crime risks a terrible miscarriage of justice.

We join with our colleagues in urging the Justice Department to take a greater lead in the investigation and to give special attention to the civil rights dimension of the case. From the perspective of ethnic and religious minorities who have fled religious persecution and violence by Jihadists in their native countries, this case is unnerving. Many non-Muslim immigrants have told me that they believed that when they fled to the United States from these pressures, they would be safe. This case has made them feel vulnerable. More than any other group, the Coptic community hopes that their fears are proven wrong, and that this was not religiously motivated or an act of micro-terrorism by extremists. However, they are also looking for assurance that their civil liberties will be protected and that they will enjoy equal protection of the law.

I hope to be bringing you more details of those leads that have not yet been pursued -- and news that they are now being pursued -- soon.

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The National Coalition on Religious Freedom and Human Rights has sent this letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez:

February 15, 2005

Alberto Gonzalez, Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Mr. Gonzalez:

We congratulate you on your confirmation as Attorney General of the United States, and wish you well as you begin this new role. You will undoubtedly face many challenges; we trust that you will meet them with grace and integrity.

One of the challenges you will encounter as Attorney General will be how to guide our nation along the fine line between, on the one hand, preserving the peace between persons and groups holding different religious or ideological views and, on the other, protecting the rights of all persons to express themselves freely in the public square. The tragic case of the Armaniouses, a Coptic Christian family in Jersey City, New Jersey, sets both of these concerns in bold relief. This family of four was brutally murdered last month in what may have been a hate crime stemming from a religious dispute.

This case holds special relevance to the work of our coalition. As a national coalition on religious freedom and human rights, we have been troubled by allegations that Mr. Armanious’s expression of his religious views in an Internet chat room may have contributed to his death and the deaths of his wife and daughters. The media have reported that Mr. Armanious received death threats from Muslim chat room participants as a result of some of his comments. We do not know the content of Mr. Armanious’s remarks, and we hasten to note that the investigating authorities have as yet drawn no conclusions about whether or not the murders were religiously motivated, but if these allegations do prove to be true, our concerns are obvious.

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees every citizen freedom of speech. Regardless of how one interprets that phrase, we believe it is safe to assume that it means one should be free to express his or her opinions and views without being killed for them. For a family to flee religious tensions in Egypt only to meet death for expressing their religious views in the United States, the “land of the free,” is worse than a bitter irony. It is a tragedy and an offense to the ideals we Americans hold most dear.

This tragedy comes at a delicate time in the history of our nation and the world. Inter-religious strife is rampant in places as far-flung as Turkmenistan, Iraq, Indonesia, Nigeria and Sri Lanka. These conflicts have in some cases led to profound suffering, loss of life and destruction of communities. We must do everything possible to address the misunderstandings and conflicts among adherents of different faiths in our own nation, to prevent them from leading to similar results.

As we do this, however, we must not succumb to the temptation to abridge the freedoms the Bill of Rights grants to all citizens. Our fear is that the murders of Mr. Armanious and his family, if they prove to have been religiously motivated, will lead to a curtailment of religious speech. As a free society, we must not allow this to happen. In other, more repressive societies, victims—usually religious minorities—are often blamed for bringing upon themselves hate speech, violence or persecution, but this is not the case in the United States. Here every person should enjoy the right to speak his or her mind without fear of violent retaliation. And when such retaliation takes place, as it has in the Jersey City case, if the allegations are true, each person should expect the legal system to hold the perpetrators of violence accountable.

We therefore urge you, Mr. Gonzalez, as Attorney General, to take a strong leadership role by insisting that the federal investigation into the Armanious murders be carried out professionally and thoroughly and by ensuring that the particulars of this case do not lead to policies or decisions on the part of the Justice Department that will have a chilling effect on religious expression in our country. We prevail upon you to uphold the rights of every citizen to express his or her religious, political or moral views both privately and publicly without fear of violent reprisals or official apathy to such violence that would serve to stifle free speech.


Members of the National Coalition on Religious Freedom and Human Rights

Robert S. Turner
Jubilee Campaign USA

et cetera

cc: Senator Jon Corzine
Senator Frank Lautenberg
Representative Robert Menendez
Peter C. Harvey, Attorney General of New Jersey

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Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer is on the Paul McGuire Show right now -- 7PM EST. Station locator here.

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Armanious killings update: first post-press conference report. Nothing much to it. More when available. From CBS:

With the suspect or suspects still on the loose, family members came to ask federal authorities to play a major role in this investigation.

"Up to this moment, we still suffer and we're going to suffer, especially on occasions when we get together," says Ayman Garas, the victim's brother.

Their desperate search for justice brought them together on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. where family members of the victims met with NJ law makers like Senator Frank Lautenberg. ...

And that is why family members also met with FBI officials to make sure every possible motive is looked at including suspicions the killings may have been an act of revenge over anti-Islamic comments Hossam may have made in a Internet chat room.

Jewelry wasn't taken from the home but investigators say they're still looking at a financial motive. At a press conference, a human rights group called for the justice department to take a greater role in the investigation.

The Hudson County Prosecutors Office is leading this investigation. Family members say they are happy with what that office is doing. However, they disagree with a number of theories prosecutors are pursuing including robbery.

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Just as new questions surface, Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam wins big in reference to some old ones. From AFP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Pop singer turned Muslim activist Yusuf Islam, formerly Cat Stevens, said he had obtained "substantial" damages against two British newspapers which alleged he had been involved in terrorism....

The dispute was sparked by reports in the Sunday Times and Sun newspapers following the decision by US authorities in September 2004 to refuse Islam entry to the United States, on what was termed "security grounds"....

Islam's settlement with the two papers saw them also agree to pay his legal costs and pledge not to repeat the allegations, his statement said.

"It seems to be the easiest thing in the world these days to make scurrilous accusations against Muslims, and in my case it directly impacts on my relief work and damages my reputation as an artist," he said.

"The harm done is often difficult to repair. However, I am delighted by the settlement, which helps vindicate my character and good name."

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Re the post here yesterday, David Holford clarifies (thanks to LGF):

"OCR will always put 'peace be upon him' after Muhammad in the form of an Arabic colophon as a mark of respect. However we do not expect candidates to do this.

A reference to this can be found on page 13 of the OCR GCSE Religious Studies Notes for Guidance."

Cid Martel of Dutchdisease.com has kindly sent over this translation of a Dutch-language article. Why is it permissible in the Dutch press to say "Hindu" but not "Muslim," so that we get a story about a "Hindu" temple attacked by "Moroccan" youth? Are we supposed to believe that Moroccans as such have some animus toward Hindus? Are we to assume that this is fallout from some border dispute between Morocco and India? (You didn't know they shared a border? Of course they do. It runs just southwest of Poland China, the famous hog-breeding nation.)

A Hindu temple in The Hague, the Ram Mandir, is frequently being attacked by a group of Moroccan youth. Young Hindus are so fed up with the situation they want to take matters into their own hands.

Morrocans shove dog faeces through the mailbox and have broken into the temple twice, stolen a statue, urinated inside and stolen money from the moneybox. Mister S. Ramdhani, a Hindu priest, says: “They spit, don’t let visitors pass through, robbed two elderly ladies and then threatened them not to press charges. Our secretary was attacked with a stick.”

Ramdhani doesn’t want young Hindus and Moroccans to clash. “If groups start fighting each other we get a very bad situation. We can’t have that here in Holland.” Ramdhani is very embittered about the case. Last year he was given a ribbon by the queen for his contribution to the integration of foreigners in the neighbourhood. Every year thousands of students from The Hague come to the temple to learn more about the Hindu faith; it’s also a haven for troubled teens. Since 9/11 Ramdhani has been trying to reach out to Christians and Muslims.

The trouble caused by Moroccan youth has made a dent in Ramdhani’s idealism. He’s thinking about no longer attending the 9/11 meetings. “I feel discriminated against. Why they have to choose our temple? There is a mosque nearby. Why don’t they go over there to cause trouble? They must hate the Hindu faith. Otherwise I don’t know.”

Rabin Baldewsingh, a member of the city council for the social-democrats, asked mayor Deetman for help. The police says it’s ‘on the agenda’.

Sure it is.

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Jihadists claim killing of Hariri. From the jihadist site Jihad Unspun, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Lebanon's government has mobilized its army on "high alert" to safeguard the stability of the country after a car bomb attack yesterday in Beirut killed Rafik Hariri, a former prime minister, the country's state-run National News Agency said....

A previously unknown group calling itself Victory and Jihad in Bilad As-Sham claimed responsibility for killing Hariri, in a videotape aired yesterday by al-Jazeera television. Bilad As-Sham could be translated as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine....

Supporters of Hariri, who resigned as prime minister in October over Syrian interference in Lebanon's affairs, blamed Syria.

"The responsibility for the assassination is known; it begins in Damascus and passes through the Lebanese presidential palace," Marwan Hamadeh, a former Lebanese economy minister who survived a car bombing in October, told Lebanese television Monday.

Others resort to the all-purpose bogeyman:

Others where quick to blame the assassination of Hariri on Israel. One official, speaking on the condition of anonymity said "who wants to create further tension with Lebanon? The Zionists in Israel of course!".
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From "Profile of Terror" by Evan D. McCormick in FrontPage, with thanks to EPG:

It seems that being formally exposed as a terrorist support group by U.S. senators hasn’t fazed the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). In the first weeks of 2005, the same organization excoriated by Senator Charles Schumer for having “intimate links with Hamas” was once again rallying support in the press for American Muslims whose civil rights allegedly were violated by U.S. counterterrorism officials.

The victims: a group of 40 Muslims – some of them American citizens – crossing the Canadian border on their way back from a weekend in Toronto, where they attended a conference titled “Reviving the Islamic Spirit” (RIS). Their grievance: being held at the border for six hours and singled out for questioning and fingerprinting by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents solely (they allege) on the basis of their religion. Homeland Security officials claim they acted on specific information regarding terrorist involvement at conferences like RIS, but CAIR shrugged off the explanation as a cover story for racial and religious profiling, and called for a “formal investigation.”...

As federal officials firmly stood their ground following the incident, articles in the press decrying the controversy and publicizing CAIR’s demands for an investigation continued throughout January. In early February, DOJ officials promised to meet, within the next two months, with members of the Western New York Chapter of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) to hear their concerns over the incident.

This sequence of events gives an all-too-familiar insight into the political strategy of radical Islamist groups. First, CAIR or another of its Islamist kin complains loudly to the media regarding an alleged violation of civil rights. Sympathetic media outlets then report the claims, with little scrutiny of who is making them and why. Federal agencies, anxious to avoid embarrassment over the contentious issue of civil liberties, then agree to meet with the leaders of these groups, who air concerns and offer policy advice that would supposedly make the War on Terror more amenable to the American Muslims they claim to represent....

Since September 11, 2001, for example, no fewer than three CAIR officials – Randall Todd Royer, Ghassan Elashi and Bassem Khafagi – have been found guilty on charges related to major counterterrorism investigations. Royer, a former communications specialist with CAIR, was charged with providing material support to al-Qaeda. Nihad Awad has stated, “I am in support of the Hamas movement.” Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper has defended Saudi financial aid given to families of suicide bombers. At a congressional hearing marking the second anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Senator Richard Durbin stated that CAIR is “unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect.”

MPAC, whose officials will soon be meeting with DHS agents in New York, has defended Hezbollah and lobbied against the designation of the group, along with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, as terrorists. MPAC, which also collects reports of hate crimes via its Web site, actively discourages Muslims from cooperating with anti-terrorism investigations. It is also interesting to note that MPAC’s Western New York Chapter was until 2004 a regional affiliate of the American Muslim Council, whose leader, Abdurahman Alamoudi, is now serving a 23-year prison sentence for conducting financial dealings with Libya aimed at assassinating the Saudi crown prince.

When groups that voice support for Hamas and Hezbollah and have employed alleged associates of al-Qaeda are meeting with Homeland Security officials in charge of protecting our borders, it can no longer be considered community outreach; it is subversion.

What Must Be Done

The solution is simple. Federal agencies must cease to meet with officials from Islamist organizations known to be affiliated financially, materially or ideologically with identified terrorist groups.

One would think that this sort of point would be obvious to everyone. Unfortunately, it seems to elude almost everyone in Washington.

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"A Tale of Two Media," by Joel Mowbray in FrontPage (thanks to EPG):

To see a classic example of the divergence between “mainstream” and “alternative” media coverage, consider the portrayal of the Saudis this past week.

The “respectable” daily newspapers and news wires have reported that the Saudis, though still subject to some criticism, are finally getting serious about fighting terrorism. The blogosphere—the universe of “blogs,” short for web logs—and talk radio, however, have been buzzing over the murder of a family of Egyptian Christian immigrants in Jersey City and the report on Saudi-funded jihadist propaganda found in American mosques that might help provide some context for that horrible crime.

What most Americans will never know is that last week human rights group Freedom House put out a first-of-its-kind report documenting, in excruciating detail, the poisonous venom found in Saudi-created and funded “religious” materials available at prominent mosques across the United States.

A Lexis-Nexis uncovered just five—count ‘em, five—news stories in “mainstream” outlets on the Freedom House report. But the number is actually worse than it looks.

Four of the five are not traditionally part of the “mainstream” mafia: the Washington Times, the NY Sun (a new conservative paper), the Dallas Morning News (also right-of-center), and the Wall Street Journal (in its “B” section). Somewhat surprisingly, the fifth outlet covering the Freedom House report was the Washington Post....

The former imam at the El-Tawheed Islamic Center in Jersey City, Alaa Al-Sadawi, was convicted in 2003 of attempting to smuggle more than $650,000 to the terrorist organization Global Relief Fund in Egypt.

One of Al-Sadawi’s former spiritual followers murdered in the name of Allah. Alim Hassan, then 31, killed his pregnant wife, her mother, and her sister on July 30, 2002. He reportedly stabbed the women more than 20 times each because they refused to convert to Islam. According to reports, Hassan prayed regularly at El-Tawheed.

Radical Islamists may or may not be behind the recent murder of the Armanious family—though the mainstream media’s impulse is to favor the latter scenario—but what is clear is that it would not be surprising, both in light of what’s happened in Jersey City and nationally, as shown by Freedom House.

Just don’t expect the mainstream media to make that connection.

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Fox-Guarding-the-Henhouse Department, from the New York Sun, :

A Columbia University professor who has called Israel a "racist" state with an "apartheid system," and who has supported attacks by Palestinian-Arabs on Israelis, is scheduled to lecture a group of New York City public school teachers on how to teach Mideast politics to schoolchildren.

The professor, Rashid Khalidi, is director of the Middle East Institute at Columbia University. His professorship is named in memory of Edward Said, a divisive scholar, and is paid for in part with a donation from the United Arab Emirates.

Mr. Khalidi is one of more than a dozen Columbia professors expected to give city public-school teachers an overview of the history and culture of the Middle East, as part of a professional-development course offered by the city's Department of Education.

UPDATE: Good news! Education Dept. Drops Columbia Prof. From Teaching Program for Teachers

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More questions than answers remain, but officials in New Jersey sound as if they're ready to wrap up this case. "Officials zero in on answers in family's killing," from NorthJersey.com, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

"We're getting somewhere that hopefully is going to give us a clear indication as to what the motive is," said Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio. "And once you have motive, that helps lead you to the people involved."

DeFazio still won't discuss the intricate details of the case or explain why investigators are leaning toward a financial motive for the killings. But he did provide a glimpse into the probe, which has included assistance from an FBI profiler.

"The FBI does not think that, based on the information gleaned from the scene, it's based on religious extremism," the prosecutor said, without elaborating.

Yet have all significant leads been given adequate consideration? Can the Hudson County Prosecutors Office really maintain this?

The reasoning of the prosecutors' office itself raises obvious questions:

One is that the killers didn't bring the murder weapons to the house, killing the family instead with knives they found there, DeFazio said. That doesn't indicate a planned assassination, the prosecutor said.

The family was bound and silenced with duct tape that may or may not have been inside the house, he said.

They were killed with knives from the house, so it wasn't a planned assassination? It doesn't seem hard to imagine a killer who planned to use knives he found in the house -- particularly if he had been there before.

Other questions are in this article itself:

One theory holds that the victims were significantly wealthier than their modest home indicated and the killers were trying to gain access to the hidden money. Although there was evidence of robbery, a large amount of jewelry remained untouched, authorities said. Several religious symbols - including cross tattoos on each family member's wrist - weren't damaged.

"Do you think if it was financial they would not take the gold and a ring from my sister's finger?" said Ayman Garas, the dead woman's brother. "Do you think if Hossam had a lot of money he would have complained about his job not giving him enough hours?

"I mean, he never complained about money, but he wasn't rich."

'Savage attack'

One investigator familiar with the case said it is likely that the killers spent a "considerable amount of time" inside the house.

The extent of Hossam Armanious' injuries also suggests a substantial effort was expended, possibly to get financial information from him, the source said.

Armanious clearly suffered the worst of the injuries, including numerous stab wounds, said an official with knowledge of the investigation.

All of the victims appeared to suffer "ritualistic" injuries, including holes bored under each family member's neck, said the source, who saw photos taken of the bodies after they were released to a funeral home. The face of each victim was obscured with a bag, he said.

Iscandar said he was told about such injuries by a Garas family member shortly after the murders.

DeFazio conceded: "This was a savage, savage attack. Whoever did this are not humans."

However, he insisted the injuries aren't consistent with those in ritualistic homicide.

Others have come to just the opposite conclusion. Note also that this bears out what I first reported here about the holes in the victims' necks.

Iscandar's own theory - which has no supportive evidence - is that a "sleeper cell from overseas" used a middleman in the United States to commit the crime. The killings, he said, are similar to those carried out by terrorists throughout the world, something he said Americans aren't used to seeing.

"Americans are stupid and naïve," Iscandar said. "They don't understand the Middle East."

The Armaniouses were like any other middle-class American family, Iscandar said.

"I'm trying to think why they picked this guy," he said.

Longtime friends

Iscandar and "Sam" Armanious became friends in Egypt in 1982. Born in the historic city of Luxor, Armanious owned a small tourist motel before coming to the United States in February 1996. Iscandar gave him a job in his Summit Avenue bodega, where Armanious worked for about eight months before landing a job catering for hotels.

Armanious was laid off from the catering job about six months ago, Iscandar said. Amal Garas had recently gotten a job with the U.S. Postal Service, he said.

Iscandar said he fears complicity by the Coptic community in the murders and points fingers at leaders of the church, who say he is trying to push a political agenda and escalating the tension between Muslims and Christians in Jersey City.

Iscandar claims a "collaboration" between the Coptic Church and the Egyptian government is stifling public discussion about the killings.

"The church and government interfered and people have stopped talking [publicly]," Iscandar said. "They want us to shut up."

But the family is not shutting up; their press conference is scheduled for 3PM today.

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February 14, 2005

Dear Dr. Badawi:

Below you will find Qur'anic references condoning a religious war, or jihad. Please send me one million dollars as per this statement from "Muslims seek tolerance" in NorthJersey.com (thanks to Susan):

Jamal Badawi, an economics professor and Muslim scholar, said the community has suffered from the media's portrayal of the Muslim holy book, the Quran, and in particular the suggestion that it condones a religious war, or jihad. He dismissed the idea, and jokingly offered $1 million to anyone who could find it in the Quran.

Here are the Qur'an quotes:

Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (2:190-191)

Slay the disbelievers. Sounds like a religious war to me. So does this:

Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not. They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: "Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein. (2:216-217)

And this, which identifies the enemies of the Muslims as disbelievers and friends of Satan:

Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whether he is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value). And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!" Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan. (4:74-76)

Here the religious warriors, or the angels who protect them, are to behead those who do not believe:

Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them." (8:12)

Cf. this verse, which also makes clear the religious character of the fight:

Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah,- He will never let their deeds be lost. (47:4)

This one states the goal of the fighting in terms that also make clear that the war is religious:

And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. (8:39)

This one, like many others, makes it clear that the fighting that believers must do is not spiritual, but physical -- otherwise the promise that the believers will overcome long odds would make little or no sense:

O Prophet! rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding. (8:65)

This is the celebrated "Verse of the Sword":

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (9:5)

Again, hard to see that as spiritual or metaphorical fighting. And this one establishes that the warfare is against the People of the Book, that is, Jews and Christians:

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (9:29)

There are many other such passages in the Qur'an, but I think that should suffice, Dr. Badawi, for you to send me the million bucks. However, if you would like to see more, please let me know.

Please contact me at director@jihadwatch.org to arrange payment. I look forward to hearing from you.

Robert Spencer

UPDATE: I haven't heard from Jamal yet, but I know he'll come through -- and in anticipation, I've made a few purchases. I'll be jetting off to Gstaad now in the new Jihad Watch learjet. More later!

UPDATE 2: Back from Gstaad. The learjet is great. Now the staff and I plan to spend a quiet evening sipping a very nice Ch. Mouton Rothschild 2000 Pauillac and relaxing in the new Jihad Watch heated indoor swimming pool. Thanks, Jamal!

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Unbelievable story at LGF: British teacher David Holford says that the Muslim blessing "peace be upon him" (often abbreviated "pbuh"), customarily written by believing Muslims after the name of a prophet, must now be written by all British students after they write the name of Muhammad:

The potential problem has arisen in teaching about Muhammad. The exam board requires that every time Muhammad is written, the letters "pbuh" in parentheses be placed after it. This is shorthand for "peace be upon him". The writer therefore prays a blessing upon him everytime his name is written, as is the custom of Muslims. So I have to tell my students (over and over if there is any hope of them remembering) that they must bless Muhammad every time they mention his name.

Might as well turn out the lights. It's over in Britain.

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From the South Asia Tribune, with thanks to Nicolei:

WASHINGTON, February 14: Use of stolen or purchased nuclear weapons from Pakistan or Russia by terrorists cannot be ruled out within the next 15 years, the latest CIA report prepared by the prestigious nerve center of strategic thinking in the US intelligence community, the National Intelligence Council (NIC), reveals.

The 119-Page Report is issued every 5 years and was declassified by the CIA in December 2004.

“Terrorists will continue to seek to acquire fissile material in order to construct a nuclear weapon. Concurrently, they can be expected to continue attempting to purchase or steal a weapon, particularly in Russia or Pakistan. Given the possibility that terrorists could acquire nuclear weapons, the use of such weapons by extremists before 2020 cannot be ruled out,” the report titled "Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project," says. It is available on the CIA's Web site. The two previous reports were issued in 1995 and 2000.

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Here is the second and final section of the much-anticipated concluding segment of Jihad Watch Advisory Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald's opus. Find Part One here and Part Two here, and the first segment of Part Three here.

In dealing with the phrases of Muslim “reformers” one has to realize what they realized. They had always to be speaking a language that, while appealing to the powerful non-Muslims, and even winning their approval, could also be used to win over Muslims – but at the same time, there would always be a verbal escape hatch. In this case, it is the phrase “without provocation.” Surely, some Muslim interlocutor would reply, Chirargh Ali could not have been suggested that Muhammad, that best of men, al-insan al-kamil, and a role model for all Believers for all time, uswa hasana, could not possibly have done something wrong or doubtful in his life. If he attacked those Jewish farmers of Khyabar, they must somehow have had it coming; provocation would somehow be found, even if it consisted only in their being related to others who had resisted Muhammad and Islam. It is simply too easy to interpret away as justifiable any action taken by Muslims. Are women and children killed by suicide-bombers? Well, the women give birth to children, and the children themselves grow up to be adults, and those adults become soldiers and resist the forces of Jihad, so cutting down those soldiers when they are still babies, and killing those who can produce other babies, can be justified. Chirargh Ali and other “reformers” had their brief moment; many of them became discouraged; none of them found a way to convince more than a handful that Islam needed to be reformed, and certainly none of them suggested a realistic method both of changing the canonical texts, or of persuading the Muslm masses that such changes should be accepted.

Much attention is paid today to would-be “reformers” of Islam. Irshad Manji, for example, a flamboyant figure who lives in Toronto and has never lived in a Muslim country, claims to represent a new kind of Muslim. She suggests that the “gates of ijtihad” (interpretation) which were famously closed a thousand years ago, can be swung open again, by --- Irshad Manji. A Turkish Muslim apologist, Muhammad Akyol, has written for conservative on-line magazines in the United States, and engaged in debates with those who are keen students and critics of Islam, and claims that Islam can be reformed through tossing out parts of the Sira, or perhaps retouching certain details, and further suggests, without explaining how this is to be accomplished, that some of the contents in the accepted (Sahih) collections of Hadith, that is Hadith deemed “strong” (or authentic), could be downgraded to “weak,” and “weak” hadith upgraded to “strong.” But what muhaddithin could do this today? Employing what methods? And on the authority of what institution, claiming to speak for most Muslims? And when they were finished, how would they command belief from the hundreds of millions of Believers, told by clerics not to believe this nonsense, all done, it would be claimed, “in order to curry favor with the Infidels”? The idea is as fantastic as that of Irshad Manji straining to open those enormous gates of ijtihad that have been closed for a thousand years. Those “reforming” Muslims who, such as Akyol, insist that, even if Hadith and Sira could be subject to re-examination, the Qur’an must remain completely untouched, fail to realize that as the Ur-source of Jihad, and of inculcated hostility, even hatred, of Infidels, is the Qur’an itself. Before the Sira had been fixed, before the Hadith had been written down, and collected, and winnowed, there were centuries of conquest – a conquest based only on what is contained in the Qur’an.

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Here is the first section of the much-anticipated concluding segment of Jihad Watch Advisory Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald's opus. Find Part One here and Part Two here.


Early in the 20th century, the Islamic world was not only weak, and in disarray, but its weakness and disarray could not be hidden from the view of the most educated and thoughtful Muslims. They had contact with Europeans; some of them had traveled, and could compare for themselves the political, economic, intellectual and social progress in Europe, with what they saw in the Ottoman Empire, or other lands where Muslims lived. Some of these people concluded that Islam needed to be “reformed.” Indeed, the highwater mark of Islamic “reformation” – such as it was – was that period 1900-1930, when Islamic societies did not possess the accident of oil wealth to hide their own failures, and to buy the services of Western diplomats, government officials, business men, journalists, and academics to churn out a steady stream of apologetics that confused the vast non-Muslim public, and managed to play to the mingled resentments, sense of victimization (a victimization that was keenly felt by Muslims for, in their mental makeup, they had been taught that it was proper and necessary for Islam, and for Muslims, to dominate and to rule, and so any deviation from that well-merited position seemed not merely wrong, but against the right ordering of the universe).

A handful of soi-disant Muslim “reformers” arose, and they sensed, as do some of those who claim nowadays to be on the cusp of reform, that the word “Jihad” was a problem. When those “reformers” were addressing powerful non-Muslims, whose goodwill they needed, they denied that “Jihad” meant anything like aggressive warfare. And when they were attempting to persuade other Muslims that “something” had to be done, they also denied that the word “Jihad” meant what Muslims had always taken the word to mean. Despite more than 1200 years of textual evidence, and Muslim behavior prompted by, based on, that textual evidence, these “reformers” offered the argument that the primary meaning of “Jihad” was a “spiritual struggle.” Indeed, Sheikh Muhammad Rida maintained that it was non-Muslims who were responsible for the aggressive, militant definition of the word. Self-assuredly defining “Jihad” as a “spiritual struggle,” Rida argued, that others, the Infidels, had given Muslims a mistaken understanding of their own word. Exactly how it could have happened, that in all the centuries of Jihad-conquest, and calls for Jihad, and discussions of Jihad, it had somehow all been a colossal misunderstanding based on things presumably bruited about by those non-Muslims living in Mesopotamia and Syria and Judea, and then the same crazy definition of “Jihad” was whispered in innocent Muslim ears, leading those warriors astray, by those whom they had come to conquer in Christianized North Africa, and then in Spain, or in the other direction, the false definition of “Jihad” was whispered by Zoroastrians in Persia, and the falsity repeated to the Muslim conquerors of Afghanistan and then of Hindustan, and then of course of Byzantium, and then again, the Seljuk and after them the Ottoman Turks were subject to the same false definition of “Jihad.” In other words, the Jihad-conquest of Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Buddhist and Hindu lands and peoples was all based on a misunderstanding of what “Jihad” was all about – a misunderstanding caused, unbelievably, by the victims of that “Jihad” themselves. If only they had told the truth to Muslims about what “Jihad” meant, everyone could have saved themselves a great deal of trouble. Rida knew that “Jihad” meant “spiritual struggle,” but many other poor Muslims had been led astray into a mistaken understanding by non-Muslims. Exactly why non-Muslims would have wished to have done this remained, in the writings of Rida and other “reformers,” a mystery.

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He has split his time between Pakistan and the United States for thirty years. From Knight Ridder, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

WASHINGTON - A wealthy Pakistani businessman who's being held at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, prison camp for suspected terrorist ties urged al-Qaida operatives to acquire nuclear weapons for use against U.S. troops and said he knew where to get them, according to American investigators.

The allegation, contained in documents filed recently in U.S. District Court in Washington, also identifies Saifullah Paracha, 57, who has an import business in New York, as a participant in a plot to smuggle explosives into the United States and to help al-Qaida hide "large amounts of money."

There are few details about the smuggling plot and little additional information about what the businessman, a permanent U.S. resident who's been held 19 months without charges, may have known about how to obtain nuclear weapons.

Paracha, during a review tribunal of his case in November at the U.S. naval base in Cuba, vigorously denied any ties to al-Qaida and scoffed at the nuclear allegation.

"Is a nuclear weapon something I could buy off the shelf? Can you buy it from Tony Blair?" he told a panel of military officers, referring to the British prime minister.

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"War is deceit," said the Prophet Muhammad. From WND, with thanks to EPG:

WASHINGTON – In international relations, things are not always what they seem to be.

For instance, back in 2003, Syrian President Bashar Assad came up with what he thought was a great idea to curry favor with the U.S. and stave off threats of sanctions and even invasion for its support of international terrorism, including in neighboring Iraq.

Syrian intelligence chief Ghazi Kanaan came to the dictator with a plan to run an operation against U.S. intelligence, according a to a report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence newsletter published by WND's founder.

The plan called for Syria to recruit and train some mujhadeen to work on behalf of Osama bin Laden in an attack on the U.S. The Syrian intelligence officials easily found two willing participants, who never understood they were actually being used as pawns by Damascus.

The pair was trained for three months in weapons, explosives, engineering (for bringing down bridges, buildings, etc.) and other espionage activities, in addition to setting up a number of accounts, credit cards, and how to use discard cell phones so they could not be traced.

The Syrians launched the players into action, ordering them to go to the U.S. through Athens.

Then Syria double-crossed their dupes, tipping off the Greeks and the Israelis, informing them two al-Qaida operatives were on their way to the U.S. Syria also tipped off the chief of mission in Damascus.

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From Alan Caruba in the Canada Free Press (thanks to Nicolei):

Europeans do not see what is coming and like the Jews who in the 1930’s refused to see what their fellow countrymen throughout Europe had in mind for them, they face a fate that Bat Ye’or, the author of Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis ($49.50/$23.95, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, hard/softcover), calls "a civilization of dhimmitude."

It comes from the Arab word, "dhimmi." As Bat Ye’or explains it, "It refers to subjugated, non-Muslim individuals or people that accept the restrictive and humiliating subordination to an ascendant Islamic power to avoid enslavement or death." And then she adds, "The entire Muslim world as we know it today is a product of this 1,300 year-old jihad dynamic, whereby once thriving non-Muslim majority civilizations have been reduced to a state of dysfunctional dhimmitude."

Two nations stand against the worldwide Jihad being waged by Islamists in the name of all Muslims and they are the United States of America and Great Britain. And even today there are Americans who, like the European Jews barely a lifetime ago, do not fully comprehend how utterly determined Islamists are in their desire to destroy or enslave us.

In early February, Daniel Pipes, the director of the Middle East Forum, was continuing to warn Americans about the internal threat revealed in a recently published study, "Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Fill American Mosques." The study was undertaken by Freedom House, a New York-based organization, founded in 1941 and dedicated to the spread of democracy and freedom around the world. This is the same freedom to which President Bush devoted his inaugural speech.

What Freedom House discovered was that American mosques are filled with writings, more than two hundred books and other publications disseminated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, that espoused "an anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, misogynist, Jihadist, and (a) supremacist outlook." Somewhere among those categories is YOU.

If you’re an American Christian, the Jihadists hate you. If you’re an American Jew, the Jihadists want you dead. If you’re an American woman, the Jihadists want you covered from head to foot in a burka. In brief, if you are not a Muslim, you have no rights except those permitted to a dhimmi, an unbeliever under the control of Islam.

Aiding them in every way is France and the European Union whose hatred for Israel is as strong as its Muslim allies. So, while the air is filled with talk of "peace" or a "truce" between the so-called Palestinians and the Israelis, do not be deceived.

The Muslims divide the world between dar al-Islam, the world of Islam, and dar al-harb, the world of war, a region that must be conquered until the entire planet bows down to Allah and declares Mohammed his prophet. There are more than a billion Muslims worldwide. They are not all Jihadists, but they are all devoted to Islam.

As for any truce with the Israelis or with any non-Muslim nation, Islam limits such treaties to a period of 10 years, after which Jihad must resume. The wall Israel built between itself and the Palestinian Arabs remains its best defense. Ceding any land to them is a mistake.

Welcome home, Madame Secretary. France will betray you. Germany will do little to support the war on terrorism. Just as they did with the millions the European Union sent them each month, the Palestinians will take the forty million U.S. dollars we have given them and buy more weapons for the day when they can drive the Jews into the sea. The Iranians will continue to build their nuclear bombs. The Saudis will conspire against us. No diplomacy on earth will diminish the Jihad. Only our will to defeat it will save us from dhimmitude.

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More on the Freedom House report, from Haaretz, with thanks to Faith Freedom International:

WASHINGTON - When a believing Muslim is summoned to the United States due to life's circumstances, Saudi Arabian authorities disseminate through a network of major American mosques, like other religious directives, clear ways as to how one should act in his new surroundings. Take, for example, a document signed by the cultural attache at the Saudi embassy in Washington that instructs Muslims arriving in the United States not to initiate a greeting when meeting Christians or Jews, and never to convey good wishes marking a Christian or Jewish holiday. In general, the attache recommends that the Muslim believer avoid friendships with the infidels, be careful not to imitate their customs (e.g. not to wear a cap and gown at a graduation ceremony), and try not to remain in the country any longer than required. The Saudis feel that a good Muslim can stay in America only for two reasons: acquiring knowledge and capital to promote the objectives of jihad, and lobbying the infidels to accept Islam.

The aforementioned document and dozens of other papers and books are distributed for free at major mosques throughout the U.S. This is revealed in a recent study published by the Center for Religious Freedom, which is affiliated with Freedom House, an unaffiliated organization promoting political and economic freedom around the world, partly through research studies and information dissemination.

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A call for that most scarce of items, sanity in Canada. From the International Herald Tribune, with thanks to Ricky Poole:

TORONTO Jurisprudence in Canada, a country that prides itself for its progressive human rights positions, took a hit in December when former Attorney General Marion Boyd released her long-awaited report on the permissibility of Sharia law under the Arbitration Act of the Province of Ontario. To the astonishment of almost everyone involved in the debate, Boyd ruled in favor of the patriarchal religious code that governs the lives of Muslims.

It's hard to fathom what Boyd was thinking when she opened this Pandora's box. In spite of evidence that Sharia law isn't working as it is supposed to in a single country around the world today, she makes 45 recommendations that further complicate the already flawed Arbitration Act she was asked to examine.

The report drew opposition from women's groups and many others across the country. The Canadian Council of Muslim Women said, "Sanctioning the use of religious laws under the Arbitration Act will provide legitimacy to practices that are abhorred by fair-minded Canadians, including Muslim women."....

Boyd's report is now in the hands of the premier of the province, Dalton McGuinty. Throw it out, Mr. Premier, throw it out.

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Eurabia update. From TerraNet, :

France has rebuffed Israeli calls for the European Union to blacklist Lebanese resistance group Hizbullah, claiming it would be "impossible to enforce."

The French government, which last year banned Hizbullah related Al-Manar television station from airing in France, insisted Hizbullah's dual political and military structure "complicated" any moves to proscribe it.

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From the Telegraph, with thanks to Sebastien and Twostellas:

A BBC producer has died after being shot in the Somalia capital Mogadishu yesterday just weeks after an Islamic cleric reportedly issued a fatwa against westerners entering one of the world's most lawless cities.

Kate Peyton, 39, a producer in the BBC's Johannesburg bureau, had just arrived in Somalia to make a series of reports about the country when she was hit at least once in the back by a shot from a pistol as she left her hotel.

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Salahuddin Amin update. From Reuters, with thanks to Nicolei:

Salahuddin Amin, who was arrested at Heathrow last week as he stepped off a flight from Pakistan, was charged with "maliciously conspiring with others to cause by explosive substances ... an explosion likely to endanger life".

He is accused along with six Britons and a Canadian, who were arrested last year following Britain's biggest anti-terrorism operation since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

Police said then that they had seized more than half a tonne of ammonium nitrate fertiliser, which can be used to make bombs, in a west London warehouse....

Amin, 29, who appeared at Bow Street magistrates court on Monday, issued a statement after the hearing denying the charges and alleging he had been tortured in Pakistan.

"On April 2, 2004, I surrendered myself to authorities in Pakistan and was detained in the most despicable conditions for 10 months," he said in the statement read by his lawyer Fariquain Shah outside court.

"Throughout my detention I was tortured mentally and physically and subjected to interrogation by British, American and Pakistani intelligence authorities."...

"My only crime was I took it upon myself to provide water, food and shelter to the widows and orphans of the Afghan war," his statement said.

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Thaksin failed to pacify the jihadists with origami. What will he try next? From Reuters, with thanks to Twostellas:

JOH AIRONG, Thailand (Reuters) - Two bombs have exploded in Thailand's restive south, wounding eight people, officials say. The blasts occurred hours before Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra meets top aides on Monday to revise security tactics in the region ahead of a visit there later this week.

Thaksin, who won a second term in a landslide last week but not one seat in the largely Muslim south, said he would improve coordination of efforts to restore peace in the region, where more than 500 people have been killed since January last year.

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Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's dhimmitude fails to appease the jihadists. From AP, :

MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- A trio of bombs jolted the Philippines on Monday, killing at least three people and injuring at least 16 others, police said.

The Muslim separatist group Abu Sayyaf claimed responsibility in a call between the explosions....

"You can attribute this to us," an Abu Sayyaf leader, Abu Solaiman, said in a call to local radio 20 minutes after the blasts. "There is one more to come."

The third bombing was reported soon afterward on a bus along Manila's busy EDSA highway just below a station for an elevated train....

A bombing killed at least 14 people and wounded 70 others December 12 in General Santos, a bustling, predominantly Christian city of 500,000 people about 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) south of Manila.

It was the first terror attack there since a shopping mall blast killed 14 people in 2002. Several Muslim militants were charged with multiple murder over the attack.

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Jihad returns to Lebanon? From Reuters, with thanks to Shiva:

Feb 14, 2005 — BEIRUT (Reuters) - A massive car bomb killed Lebanon's former prime minister Rafik al-Hariri on Beirut's waterfront Tuesday, witnesses and security sources said. At least eight others, some of them his bodyguards, also died.

Hariri's motorcade was blown up as it passed along an exclusive section of the city's waterfront Corniche.

The explosion close to the St George Hotel gouged a deep crater out of the road, ripped facades from luxury buildings and left half a dozen cars ablaze on streets carpeted with rubble.

It appeared to be the biggest bomb in the city since the Lebanese civil war ended in 1990. The blast could be heard even outside Beirut's city limits and shattered windows in buildings hundreds of meters away.

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From Daniel Pipes' weblog (thanks to EPG):

The Bureau of Prisons Explains Islam Many branches of government need to understand Islam, but probably none deal with Muslims and their religious practices in so practical and detailed a way as do the wardens of prisons. It is therefore particularly dismaying to see that the highest prison authority in the United States, the Bureau of Prisons (which oversees all federal correctional facilities), has bought the Islamist line....

The lesson plan's Introduction (p. 3) asserts: "Since September 11, events have aroused significant media and public attention on our neighbors who represent Islam in America. The concept of ‘Jihad' has been exploited causing fear, anxiety, and confusion about the tenants [sic] of a religion centered in peace and obedience to God. Many have come to understand the concept of ‘Jihad' as a Holy War, but in reality, ‘Jihad' depicts the struggle one endures to be submissive to God."

Which is just misleading, of course, since armed Muslim groups are waging what they, not these unnamed exploiters, call jihad all around the world today. Pipes adds:

Comment: Not only has some of the highest ranking staff in the BOP Central Office acquiesced to CAIR, but it proffers a la-la-land description of jihad that is unhistorical, inaccurate, and (given the prison environment) downright dangerous. (February 10, 2005)
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"By following Shariah, Muslims can present the world the highest cultural values..." Stonings? Amputations? Oppression and inequality for non-Muslims and women? Forgive me if I prefer lower cultural values. "MWL Chief Urges Moderation," from Arab News, with thanks to Jay Stevens:

JEDDAH, 14 February 2005 — The secretary-general of the Muslim World League has called on Muslims to present Islamic solutions to the pressing problems of humanity.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Turki also called for intensive efforts to inculcate Islam’s moderate teachings and values in the minds of Muslim youth.

“It’s the duty of Muslims to explain to the world the Islamic solutions to human problems,” Al-Turki said in a message on the occasion of the new Hijrah year, which began on Thursday.

He said Islam, which is a universal religion, can solve the intricate problems of the modern world including drugs, poverty, insecurity and moral degradation....

Muslims of today must learn lessons from the life and teachings of the Prophet in order to confront modern challenges, he said. “They can restore their lost glory only by returning to God and following the Shariah,” he said.

“By following Shariah, Muslims can present the world the highest cultural values and save themselves from falling into false ideologies and deviant thoughts,” he explained.

“This will also help solve problems related to world peace and security, environment and poverty.

“The belief of Muslims in the universality of their religion and their application of its teachings in their life and international relations will protect them from the negative effect of globalization,” he pointed out.

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Does Fidelma O'Leary not know what is in the Qur'an, or does she hope her hearers don't? From the Cornell Daily Sun, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

"As adults we must each own our own beliefs," said Prof. Fidelma O'Leary, biology, St. Edward's University, to a packed auditorium in Goldwin Smith on Friday night. Her lecture, "An American Woman's Jihad," detailed her spiritual journey as an Irish-American Muslim.

"Islam [is] a development of the faith that I already had... Islam worked for me and I was completely at peace with my religion. [But it was] a long journey filled with jihad [and] a struggle to surrender my will to the will of God," said O'Leary, who was raised as a strict Catholic in Ireland before converting to Islam and moving to the United States.

"I was raised in a culture where thinking about religion was taboo. I was a teenager, so naturally I rebelled: I started thinking," she added. She started to have questions about the religious beliefs and practices she was raised on and she began to study religion.

O'Leary became a "person of faith, searching" for an answer. When she came across the Qur'an, she "fully related to it."

The transition to Islam was one filled with obstacles for O'Leary. She refers to the rift between herself and her family caused by her religious beliefs as her "first jihad and first painful struggle as a Muslim."

O'Leary was also featured in the 2003 National Geographic documentary film Inside Mecca, which followed three Muslims from three different continents on their Hajj, their pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. A screening of the film preceded the lecture.

When describing the thought process behind making the documentary, O'Leary said, "at first I didn't want to do it because I thought it would take from my Hajj. Then I realized that they wanted to gently demolish that stereotype of what a Muslim woman is. I was also really tired of [watching] people who weren't Muslim get on TV and tell me what it meant to be Muslim and I thought, we need to represent ourselves."

In terms of her views on other religions, O'Leary said, "there's beauty in all religions. Islam is a very inclusive path. It never claims exclusive access to God or to paradise."

All right. I don't want to spoil the lovefest, but maybe Fidelma O'Leary could explain a few verses of the Qur'an to me? Here they are:

The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account. (3:19)

Doesn't that rule out the possibility that the People of the Book — i.e., Jews and Christians — have access to God or Paradise comparable to that of Muslims? Because they "dissent" from "the Religion before Allah." Also:

If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good). (3:85)

Doesn't sound very inclusive to me. Can you clear this up, Ms. O'Leary? These are honest questions. However, I didn't start doing this yesterday, and I have an idea what your response will be, if you happen to see this. You will either make no response at all, either by ignoring the questions totally or by saying, as other Islamic apologists have, that you don't answer questions from non-Muslims or from people whose credentials you don't like. If you do answer, you will accuse me of bigotry or "Islamophobia."

Feel free to prove me wrong, Ms. O'Leary. I am still looking for the Muslim who will engage in honest dialogue without name-calling.

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February 13, 2005

Taqiyya alert: Cid Martel of Dutchdisease.com has kindly sent over a translation of this Dutch-language interview with the female head of a Dutch mosque, Leyla Cakir: "Islamic terror and other misunderstandings."

The female head of the Ilhas mosque in Geleen, Leyla Cakir, will be part of a discussion about integration this Sunday. We asked her eight daring questions about Islam.

1. Integration of Muslims has taken a very bad turn, the murder of Theo van Gogh tells us that part of the Muslims in Holland do not wish to integrate.

Leyla Cakir: "The killer was integrated, wasn’t he? He was born here, he spoke the Dutch language and he studied here. What he did has nothing to do with him being a Muslim, it was just a murder. It’s a pity he did it in the name of Islam. It set us back ten steps."

Her point about the killer's being integrated is well taken, and good to bear in mind. But her deceptiveness is amazingly brazen in saying that a murder in which the killer pinned Qur'anic verses to the victim's body and threatened other "blasphemers" has "nothing to do with him being a Muslim." By that standard, no killing could ever possibly have anything to do with one's being a Muslim -- but those who hold such a view are either lying or willfully blinding themselves to the facts.

2. Muslims have a different kind of humour and don’t accept jokes about Mohammed, Islam or their spiritual leaders. They don’t take criticism very well. This is not compatible with democracy.

Leyla Cakir: "I have a good sense of humour. If a stand-up comic or columnist makes jokes about Islam I can understand that, it has a function. But it’s different when politicians say things about religion. They have to stay out of it. We have separation of church and state, don’t we?"

Sure. I guess that means you are renouncing any intention, now or in the future, to bring a Sharia government to Holland?

3. Remarks made by outspoken politicians like Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders lead to an honest debate about Islam and integration.

Leyla Cakir: "I don’t know a lot about Islam, neither does Hirsi Ali. But she’s portrayed like she studied the Quran. With her remarks she paints a picture of Muslim women as being suppressed and abused. I agree with her struggle but only if it’s against the oppression of all women. It has nothing to do with religion, on the contrary. I know a lot of women that grew stronger because of their religion, Islam helped emancipate them. What Hirsi Ali and Wilders talk about has nothing to do with politics but with provocation."

Does Qur'an 4:34 have nothing to do with Islam either?

4. Islam is antagonistic and a hotbed for terrorists.

"There is no such thing as Islamic terror. Islam means peace. Young Muslims become radical out of desperation. For instance, because they are not accepted, can’t find a job and constantly have to defend their faith and people address them for what terrorists do. Plus they’re often still searching, they don’t know exactly what the meaning of Islam is and through the internet they can come into contact with the wrong ideas. The mosque can help them with this, but the government also has to cooperate."

Even some Saudis have acknowledged that poverty doesn't breed terrorism. And to dismiss the Islamic arguments used by jihadists, samples of which I have posted on this site innumerable times, as if they don't exist is simply to play on non-Muslim ignorance.

5. In the war against terror some liberties will have to buckle.

“I think a lot is possible with existing rules. It looks like politicians don’t know what rules are already in place. They don’t know how to fight terrorism and want to make it look like they’re doing something about it. We put all freedoms aside to fight Muslims. But you have to address the root causes by making foreigners feel accepted and welcome.”

Self-contradiction alert for Leyla Cakir: "The killer [of van Gogh] was integrated, wasn’t he? He was born here, he spoke the Dutch language and he studied here." But now integration -- a word which Cakir repudiates later but which clearly will make "foreigners feel welcome" -- will fight terrorism?

6. Extremist sites on the internet should be closed down as soon as possible. Foreigners that preach hatred should be sent out of the country.

“If it helps you have to close down those sites. I wonder if it will help. Besides, there are also nazi websites. You have to take care of them also. It’s true that young foreigners are searching for information on Islam and come into contact with the wrong ideas on the internet. If you can prevent that by closing sites you have to do that. And throwing people out of the country? Then you have to throw everyone out who preaches hatred, not just Muslims." [It’s impossible to throw out people who have only one passport, the point is that we can kick out people with two passports like most Moroccans and Turks –Cid Martel.]

7. People who don’t speak the language and don’t celebrate carnival aren’t naturalised.

This is the level on which the debate is being conducted, even though Europe's very life depends on it.

“I used to celebrate carnival in school but not exuberantly. Not anymore, I don’t like it. That’s not a criterion. Speaking the language is a criterion. But my mother doesn’t speak Dutch very well. She came here thirty years ago, the Dutch deliberately brought in uneducated people. You can’t expect them to learn Dutch, in that time they were never asked. Besides, communication is for the most part body language. When my mother goes to the butcher or the baker she talks to everyone.

8. Integration can prevent terrorism and extremism but the concept of integration is too vague and requires rules that are clear.

“Maybe we should stop talking about integration altogether, and talk about living together. Because integration is definitely too vague a term, nobody knows exactly what it means. But we all know what it means to live together. It’s mutual, you have to accept each other.”

Indeed. As van Gogh's murder indicates, it's the acceptance from the adherents of Sharia that has not been forthcoming.

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For those just tuning in, I am using the phrase "tiny minority of extremists" ironically, in view of the many times we heard it after 9/11 to refer to the Islamic jihadists. Here is fresh evidence that they are anything but a tiny minority: "'Islamist win' in key Saudi poll," from the BBC, :

Islamist-backed candidates have taken a commanding lead in Saudi Arabia's first municipal election, in Riyadh, according to preliminary results.

The poll is part of an official plan to bring elements of democracy to the Gulf kingdom, with 1,800 candidates vying for 592 seats in 178 councils.

Later rounds will be staged in other parts of the kingdom over a period of two months.

In Riyadh, 650 candidates have been fighting for just seven seats.

Women are excluded from the polls and only some 148,000 of 400,000 eligible men have registered to vote in Riyadh.

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Because Valentine's Day is not an Islamic observance. From Reuters, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's morality police are on the scent of illicit red roses as part of a clampdown on would-be St Valentine's lovers in the strict Muslim kingdom.

The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Saudi Arabia's powerful religious vigilantes, have banned shops from selling any red flowers in the run-up to February 14.

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Note why they can't stop discrimination against women. From AsiaNews, with thanks to Nicolei:

Islamabad (AsiaNews) – In its ‘State of Human Rights Report’ for 2004, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) said that the situation of human rights in the country is abysmal.

The Report’s six chapters trace an upward trend in violence against religious minorities as well as women, noting the lack of appropriate laws to protect such groups.

The data shows that overall human rights violations rose in 2004 compared to previous years; especially troubling were crimes against women and children.

Not only is economic hardship the main threat to the wellbeing of children but so are physical and sexual abuse.

Given the absence of any government strategy to address the problem, the situation is deteriorating. Many children who suffer from malnutrition are also denied an adequate education and have little or no access to drinking water and medical care. In Karachi alone 10,000 children survive in the streets.

According to the Report, education standards are constantly dropping and schools are increasingly inaccessible to the poorest classes of society.

This explains why Pakistan is at the bottom of the world ranking in terms of education. Some experts noted that about 5.8 million children did not attend any school or educational programme.

The health situation is also critical with polio still a problem, a situation complicated by the fact that much of the population is still unable to adequately feed itself: more than one third lives below the poverty line.

With poverty and unemployment at high levels more than a thousand Pakistanis committed suicide with another 4.5 million people addicted to illicit drugs.

Of all the groups, women are especially vulnerable. The HRCP Report cites official government statistics according to which about 1,000 women were murdered last year in honour killings, another 10,000 were raped, and thousands more were victims of domestic violence, including 42 women who were attacked with acid and 19 flogged.

Even when the government has laws that are supposed to stop discrimination against women, the Commission points out, they have had little impact because the Hudood (which outlaws extra-marital sex and rape outside of a valid marriage), Qisas (which calls for equal punishment for the crime committed) and Diyat (compensation payable to a victim’s legal heirs) Ordinances have not been repealed or amended.

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Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens has donated to this group. "US accuses British charity of 'financing terrorism,'" from The Telegraph, with thanks to Jeff Lastname:

A British charity has been accused by the American government of financing Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. The Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA), which is based in Birmingham and provides aid for orphanages and water wells in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, has been designated by the United States treasury as being part of a network of "terrorist" charities that have allegedly "provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to Osama bin Laden".

The Telegraph has also discovered that Yusuf Islam, the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens who was refused entry to America last September because his name was on a security watch list, has previously donated thousands of pounds to the Birmingham charity.

The reason for his exclusion has never been publicly revealed, but last night American officials indicated that the entertainer's funding of the ISRA was one of the reasons for him being banned. Mr Islam has always denied financing terrorism.

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In response to the question "where would you honeymoon and perhaps why did you chose this place?," one romantic on the Islamic Forum bulletin board (thanks to Jeff Lastname) dreams of a honeymoon in glamorous ... Chechnya, "where me and my wife would hate the occupiers/oppressors of the Muslims together as we watch the sun set":

Prolly never gonna see that day. InshAllah if I do, it will be in Sheeshan [Chechnya] on the mountains...where me and my wife would hate the occupiers/oppressors of the Muslims together as we watch the sun set. Then next day, I go to work (fighting off the Terrorist Russian Forces).

I would pick this place because I believe that this is what I was made for (Jihad). To serve Allah's Religion by joining the Jundul Muslimeen (Army of Muslims). As a child I've always been obsessed with violence, guns, war, armies etc. I wanted to join the USA army. When I got guided, I knew JundulMuslimeen is my goal and Sheeshan (Chechnya) is my destination.

This is my vision. This is my search for peace and reward from Allah (SWT). Make dua for me.

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Longtime Jihad Watch reader DC Watson writes this letter to the Council on American Islamic Relations:

Dear Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR): Asalaamu-Alaikum. You know, for a decade now, it seems you've worked hard to gain respect for Muslims in America. Yet many unflattering articles have been published about your organization. These have provided facts about your activities and statements you've made, including your criticism not only of Americans exercising their right to free speech, but also of American governmental policies. They've also pointed out some questionable ties some people in your organization seem to have with terrorist groups. All this has brought scrutiny to your doorstep.


This column isn't about the Muslims in America who are decent and peaceful Muslims; it's about your approach to American society.

Although you have harshly criticized the American government, you still call meetings with its officials -- not to address strategies to improve your relations with the American people, but to express your concern that so many Americans have negative views of Islam. Instead of working to help Muslims integrate and coexist with non-Muslims in America, it appears that you've taken the back door approach with the State Department. Are you hoping to stifle the right to free speech in America, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment?

While your organization's name includes the word "relations", one would be hard pressed to identify your efforts to improve relations with the American public. Since the Cornell University poll was recently conducted and published, which announced that 44% of Americans would limit Muslim civil rights, you have done nothing to earn the trust of the American people. Instead, you've once again called on the American government to resolve the "nagging issue" of "Islamophobia."



Why the government entertains your organization is anyone's guess. Perhaps they're simply keeping their friends close, and their enemies closer. But whatever the reason, government officials must be aware that at least part of the friction between Muslims and the American public can be blamed on your name-calling, insults, and intimidation tactics.

Sure, America has its share of easy-going, kindhearted people. That's a wonderful part of our culture. America also has its fair share of "smash mouth" heavy hitters, who are not intimidated and will not play the Dhimmi under any circumstances.

Will you also dismiss my words here as "hate speech," or "Islamophobia"?

But what about the hate speech coming from Muslim "guest speakers" on
college campuses, Imams in American mosques, and Islamic educators in
madrassas, funded from abroad, who preach hatred for Americans, Jews,
Christians and Western culture while standing on American soil?

Some of our campuses have opened their arms to Muslim speakers who have attempted to spark a revolution against the United States, assisted by radical college professors who seem to believe everything is America's fault. This is sedition, and it should be closely monitored and dealt with appropriately.



Although members of your organization have made very clear their defense for arrested and convicted terror suspects, as well as their intention of establishing an Islamic United States in public and on the record, you call on the government and media to refrain from publishing or airing statements or programs that are negative of Islam, or call for the firing of employees that make such statements.






What about the ruckus your organization created over the Fox series "24," and the fact that a Muslim family in America was depicted as a terrorist cell? Why should the star of the series, Kiefer Sutherland, have to ask Fox viewers to keep in mind that the American Muslim community stands with America in its war on terrorism?



Three questions:

1) Do you at CAIR honestly think that Americans aren't intelligent enough to understand that not all Muslims are terrorists?

2) Are you at CAIR telling the American people that even with the raids on mosques and Muslim charities, and terror-related convictions inside American borders, that Islamic terror cells simply do not exist here, and never did?

3) If this is the case, should we visit you at CAIR every time another terror arrest is made in the U.S., holding you responsible? Is that what you're telling us?

Rather than focusing your energy on a television show, shouldn't the behavior of prominent Muslims be more of a concern to you, since you focus so diligently on how American Muslims are perceived?

Just days ago, a Muslim speaker named Amir-Abdel Malik-Ali, announced as "a specialist in international politics," gave a speech at the University of California at Irvine. He offered the following commentary while standing on American soil:

"And we have to sacrifice too, while we live here, in Am-ri-ka. The belly of the beast. The number one imperialist in the world. But, let's call it a state, ok? And then you go get some Uncle Tom Palestinian leaders to fall for this okey-doke. Two state solution is off the table. No. One state. And check this out! One state majority rules. Us, the Muslims."


Hatem Bazian, University of California at Berkeley Lecturer in Islamic studies, delivered a call for an uprising against the United States in April 2004, again on American soil:


The CAIR website lists an abundance of articles, but no condemnation from you of the statements made by Ward Churchill, Bazian, or Malik-Ali. Perhaps you just didn't have enough information to comment on these matters, as with the genocide in Sudan?

Yet you certainly had the time to research the comments made by one of our decorated American war heroes, did you not? You even made time to speak to the press about him, correct? United States Marine Corps Lt. General James Mattis, who led troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, made statements that apparently offended those bothersome fragile feelings:


Of course, this officer, who was obviously defeating Muslim terrorists near the threshold of hell, is a true American patriot. He has fought to preserve our right to free speech. Yet in textbook fashion, you condemn him, and even called on the Pentagon to discipline him. Never mind that this man has won the Bronze Star! He has offended a Muslim group, and now you seek to damage his career. Said CAIR's Nihad Awad: "We do not need generals who treat the grim business of war as a sporting event. These disturbing remarks are indicative of an apparent indifference to the value of human life."




Actually, what we don't need, Mr. Awad, is you and your organization
telling us what we need or don't need. The Taliban in Afghanistan committed atrocities for years until the U.S. removed them from power. They hanged people from light posts and cranes, slashed throats, beat and shot women, burned entire families alive, and perpetrated many other horrific acts:



If you have issues with the Taliban's demise and how the General spoke of them, what does this say about you? Instead of criticizing an American who has risked his life so that you can live here in freedom and make your remarks, why don't you and your friends put on the uniform and head to the Middle East to fight Muslim terrorists and terror-sponsoring states?

Intentionally or unintentionally, your comments have provided some insight as to where your allegiances lie. This is disgraceful, since you reside here. Thank God there are no plans to discipline Lt. General Mattis.

It seems that your group also has issues regarding the Guantanamo
inmates. Remember them? They were picked up on the battlefield fighting for the Taliban and al Qaeda against American forces. Why are you so concerned with their detention?

Although your group didn't write these columns, you certainly haven't
backed away from posting them on your website. One column was entitled "I entered the hellish world of Gitmo." Apparently the writer didn't realize that Camp X-ray is a prison, not a resort. Assuming the story is even true, the article mentions a "hot" interrogation room. Tell me, could that room have possibly been near the temperature that two airliners loaded with jet fuel created when they were flown into the WTC towers?


Since you, Mr. Awad, your organization, Hatem Bazian, and Mr. "Am-ri-ka" Amir-Abdel Malik-Ali seem so comfortable with microphone in hand, please consider this invitation. Instead of criticizing America, insulting my fellow American citizens, and questioning our culture while disrespecting American troops, hasn't the time come for a face-off in a public forum, so that your tactics can be addressed properly?

Should we now agree to go head to head in a debate, once and for all, in front of the nation?

Forget about the frivolous lawsuits, or running to the State Department. The Islamophobia play selection doesn't apply here either. I have friends who are Muslim. I've dined on Halal foods, and I keep a statue that my friend Shiehab's family made by hand in Africa.

You've treaded on beloved ground, without kindness. However, I'm afraid the attack dog routine hasn't worked on everyone. I'm not a Middle East scholar, or an expert on Islam, so scoring a decisive victory should be quite easy for you, shouldn't it? The question is, are you game? Let's just settle this. Simply send an E-mail to the following website directors so that we can iron out the scheduling and availability details.



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"Religion Briefs: Students attend conference on Islam," from MySA.com, with thanks to Richard:

More than 260 students attended a conference on Islam sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations at Providence High School on Wednesday.

The all-day event started with a local Islamic religious leader reciting from the Koran and a CAIR representative reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Students attended lectures on Islam and participated in discussions on a variety of topics.

"It was a beautiful day," said Sarwat Hussain, executive director of CAIR-San Antonio. "Many teachers and interfaith leaders also participated in the event and deemed it a great success."

I wonder if Providence school officials know about CAIR's record:

CAIR is a spin-off of the Islamic Association For Palestine, a group identified by two former FBI counter-terrorism chiefs as a U.S. front group for the terrorist group Hamas.

Since 9-11, CAIR has seen three of its former employees indicted on federal terrorism charges.

Randall Todd "Ismail" Royer was sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges he trained in Virginia for holy war against the United States and sent several members to Pakistan to join Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Kashmiri terrorist group with reported ties to al-Qaida.

In a plea bargain, Royer claimed he never intended to hurt anyone but admitted he organized the holy warriors after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the U.S.

After his arrest, Royer sought legal counsel from Hamas lawyer Stanley Cohen, who said after 9-11 he would consider serving as a defense lawyer for Osama bin Laden if the al-Qaida leader were captured.

Another CAIR figure, Bassem Khafagi, was arrested in January 2003 while serving as the group's director of community relations. The previous December, Ghassan Elashi, the founder of CAIR's Texas chapter, was indicted for financial ties to Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzook.

Current CAIR leaders also have made statements in support of Hamas and the domination of the U.S. by Islam.

As WorldNetDaily reported, CAIR's chairman of the board, Omar Ahmad, was cited by a California newspaper in 1998 declaring the Quran should be America's highest authority.

He also was reported to have said Islam is not in America to be equal to any other religion but to be dominant.

I also wonder when the priests and rabbis are scheduled to speak at the local Islamic school.

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Meet the new boss, same as the old boss? From the BBC, with thanks to Shiva:

In foot-high letters and in black and red, the words "a new beginning for the mosque" were printed on a banner draped from the second-floor window. The incoming trustees of Finsbury Park mosque could not have made their intentions more clear.

There was a heavy police presence as over 200 Muslim men, many of them dressed in suits, attended Friday prayers - the first under the new regime at the mosque.

The khutbah, or sermon, took as its theme how Muslims need to connect better with the rest of humanity.

The new trustees, co-ordinated by the Muslim Association of Britain, had seized the mosque last Saturday, reclaiming it for the mainstream Muslim community in north London.

The Board of Trustees has always been the legal owner of the Central North London Mosque, informally known as Finsbury Park Mosque.

But their power was eroded by the controversial cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri. One senior member of the Muslim Association of Britain said it had been "hijacked by Hamza's mob".

Mr Abu Hamza turned the mosque into the public face of the extremist jihadi movement in Britain.

The former Guantanamo detainee Feroz Abassi has written about his time there. He describes how he was encouraged to go to Afghanistan to attend a training camp.

Richard Reid, the failed shoebomber, also passed through the mosque, as did Djamel Beghal, who is currently on trial in France for plotting to bomb the US embassy in Paris.

Now the extremists have been cleared out of the offices and the rooms where they slept.

Dr Azzam Tamimi, of the Muslim Association of Britain, says the plan is to outnumber the extremists to persuade them to stay away.

"For the first few Fridays we will be organising for our members from across London to come and pray here so that we have a strong majority. We will not tolerate anyone who will seek to abuse the mosque," he said.

Azzam Tamimi is, of course, the great moderate who has announced that he would blow himself up (presumably along with a roomful of civilian non-combatants) in Israel if he, uh, finds the time.

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This dhimmi BBC report gives no hint of why slavery still exists in Niger, which is 80% Muslim: because the Qur'an sanctions it. (Thanks to Simon for the link.)

Slavery continues to blight the lives of many millions around the world. Although officially abolished in some countries two centuries ago, people trafficking, bonded labour and child labour still exist. There are some places on earth that few outsiders visit or know about, vast empty sections of the earth where time has stood still for centuries.

Niger is one of those places. It is a country that you can drive through for hours without seeing a soul.

A nation of vast, barren and windswept landscapes, a country of people who live almost entirely off cattle, and off the labour of human slaves.

Slavery in Niger is not an obscure thing, nor a curious relic of the past, it is an intrinsic part of society today.

A Nigerian study has found that almost 8% of the population are slaves.

You wonder how this can be in the 21st Century and why people do not know about it?

Yes, and the BBC ain't telling, even though it can't conceal that the slave interviewed in this story is named "Fatima," after Muhammad's daughter.

Also note this:

When we spoke to her masters they denied owning slaves. The practice of slavery was outlawed in Niger last year.

Last year. Imagine the outcry if a Western country hadn't outlawed slavery until 2004. Yet moralists continue to speak of slavery in the United States as if it was something sui generis and uniquely horrible in the history of mankind, while ignoring massive evidence of continuing slavery in the Islamic world -- or glossing over its Islamic character, as does this report.

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Jihad in Kuwait, where Americans have been welcomed and no doubt the State Department assumes that "moderate" Islam prevails. How is it that Al-Qaeda, or jihadists in general, seem to have little trouble penetrating any Muslim population? "Unrest spills into quiet Kuwait," from the Christian Science Monitor, with thanks to Eschwapp:

KUWAIT CITY - A series of gunbattles here over the past month between Islamic militants and security forces have left many Kuwaitis wondering whether the violence plaguing neighboring Iraq and Saudi Arabia is about to spill over into their oil-rich Gulf state.

The Kuwaiti police have conducted several raids to round up Islamic militants who were allegedly planning to carry out attacks against Western targets, including American troops based in the country. Eight militants and four policemen have died in the clashes and 18 militants remain in custody. Large amounts of weapons and bombmaking materials have been seized.

With the authorities here admitting that the militants pose a serious threat, Kuwaitis fear they could pay a price for being America's staunchest ally in the Arab world. Kuwait gave full support to the US-led invasion of Iraq, and the country remains an important logistics hub for the US.

"These clashes are a small drop in the ocean to what is coming. Kuwait is becoming a top priority for Al Qaeda," says Mohammed Mulaifi, a writer and member of the strict Salafi branch of Sunni Islam who has close contacts with Kuwaiti militants.

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February 12, 2005

The notorious death fatwa that began to awaken the world to the nature of Islamic Sharia — although most still slumber — is still in effect. Even less well known is the fact that all "apostates" from Islam labor under the same death sentence, and that Islamic law mandates second-class status for non-Muslims and women. "Iran adamant over Rushdie fatwa," from the BBC, with thanks to Twostellas:

Iran's hard-line Revolutionary Guards have declared the death sentence on British author Salman Rushdie is still valid - 16 years after it was issued.

The military organisation, loyal to Iran's supreme leader - said the order was "irrevocable" on the eve of the anniversary of the 1989 fatwa.

The order was issued after publication of Mr Rushdie's novel "The Satanic Verses", condemned as blasphemous.

Iran's reformist government has in the past distanced itself from the fatwa.

The Revolutionary Guards, who answer directly to Iran's current Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said: "This statement, while stressing the irrevocability of the death verdict against Salman Rushdie, says history shows that the Muslims have in no era accepted their sanctities being defiled."

"The day will come when they will punish the apostate Rushdie for his scandalous acts and insults against the Koran and the Prophet (Mohammed)," they said, two days before the anniversary of the order.

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Of course, we denounce...Of course, this has nothing to do with...Of course, this is a tiny minority...Of course, everyone abhors...Of course, Islam forbids...

American and British Muslim advocacy groups will no doubt spread more of this, and continue to refuse to do anything serious about the proliferation of such incidents.

From Reuters, with thanks to Twostellas:

LONDON (Reuters) - A 29-year-old man arrested as he arrived at Heathrow Airport from Pakistan has been charged with conspiring to cause an explosion, police say.

Salahuddin Amin was arrested by the anti-terror branch of London's Metropolitan Police as he arrived on a flight from Pakistan on February 8, a police spokeswoman said on Saturday.

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The New York Times today carries a story entitled "Fear of Islamists Drives Growth of Far Right in Belgium," which details how the scary "far right" is using fear of the poor old Muslims to gain political power and influence. Without a trace of irony or introspection, it quotes a Belgian convert to Islam praising Osama bin Laden and 9/11, but still stoops to suggest that opposition to Islamic influence and immigration in Europe is equivalent to Nazi genocide: "Though he is the son of concentration camp survivors and his grandparents died in camps, he campaigned on behalf of Vlaams Belang, then named Vlaams Blok, in regional elections last year."

No one is advocating death camps for Muslims in Europe. Opposition to Islamic immigration to Europe is not racism or Nazism. It is a sober recognition that Islam is a political and social system as well as a set of tenets for individual behavior, and that many Muslims in Europe believe that present European societies have no legitimacy and should be replaced by Sharia.

But as long as the Times continues to write articles as full of sly insinuations as this one is, all too many people of good will will not realize that Sharia is an institutionalized denial of the rights of women and non-Muslims, and that it could come to Europe. The equality of rights of all people is at stake, and Europe is on the brink of a Dark Ages that could erase all the achievements of Western civilization in establishing a legal structure guaranteeing the dignity of all people. But the Times has appointed Walter Duranty its Guiding Inspiration for the 21st Century.

ANTWERP, Belgium - Filip Dewinter, a boyish man in a dark blue suit, bounds up two flights of steep stairs in his political party's 19th-century headquarters building where posters show a Muslim minaret rising menacingly above the Gothic steeple of the city's cathedral.

"The radical Muslims are organizing themselves in Europe," he declared. "Other political parties, they are very worried about the Muslim votes and say let's be tolerant, while we are saying - the new political forces in Europe are saying - no, we should defend our identity."

From the Freedom Party in Austria to the National Front in France to the Republicans in Germany, Europe's far right has made a comeback in recent years, largely on the strength of anti-immigration feelings sharpened to a fear of Islam. That fear is fed by threats of terrorism, rising crime rates among Muslim youth and mounting cultural clashes with the Continent's growing Islamic communities.

But nowhere has the right's revival been as swift or as strong as in Belgium's Dutch-speaking region of Flanders, where support for Mr. Dewinter's Vlaams Belang, or Flemish Interest, has surged from 10 percent of the electorate in 1999 to nearly a quarter today.

Vlaams Belang is now the strongest party in Flanders, with support from a third of the voters in Antwerp, the region's largest city. Many people worry that the appeal of antiIslamic politics will continue to spread as Europe's Muslim population grows.

"What they all have in common is that they use the issue of immigration and Islam to motivate and mobilize frustrated people," said Marco Martiniello, a political scientist at the University of Liège in the French-speaking part of Belgium. "In Flanders all attempts to counter the march of the Vlaams Belang have had no results, or limited results, and no one really knows what to do."...

"Their values are not the right values," said Henri Rosenberg, a Talmudic scholar and lawyer who is an Orthodox Jew, speaking of the Muslim community. Though he is the son of concentration camp survivors and his grandparents died in camps, he campaigned on behalf of Vlaams Belang, then named Vlaams Blok, in regional elections last year....

Behind the wooden door of a brick Brussels town house, Jean-François Bastin, 61, a Belgian convert to Islam, holds court before a steady stream of Islamic activists. His fledgling Young Muslims Party is one of the new groups aggressively pursuing pro-Muslim agendas in Europe.

He calls Osama bin Laden "a modern Robin Hood," and the World Trade Center attacks "a poetic act," "a pure abstraction." His 23-year-old son is in jail in Turkey on charges that he was involved in the bombings there that killed 61 people in November 2003....

Already about 4,000 to 5,000 Flemish residents are leaving Antwerp every year, while 5,000 to 6,000 non-European immigrants arrive annually in the city, Mr. Dewinter said. Within 10 years, he predicts, people of non-European backgrounds will account for more than a third of Antwerp's population.

"It's growing very, very fast," Mr. Dewinter said. "Maybe that will be the end of Europe."

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From the I-told-you-so Department: Business Week's article (thanks to Jerry Gordon) is subtitled "Iraq's new government may be more influenced by Islam than the U.S. hoped."

The article quotes Juan Cole, the University of Michigan prof and a leader of MESA Nostra, or the Saidist intellectual straitjacket that strangles free inquiry about Middle East issues in American universities:

Even if the clerics stay out of politics, Iraq may be on the way to a system where religion and religious laws play a bigger role than U.S. policymakers anticipate, possibly thwarting cherished American goals such as broadening women's rights and creating a freewheeling capitalist economy. "The main goal in political Islam hasn't been clerical rule. It has been the replacement of civil law with Shariah, or Islamic canon law. And that is where Iraq is headed," says Juan Cole, professor of modern Middle Eastern history at the University of Michigan. "The only question is how wide-ranging the substitution will be."

This is a distinction without a difference. If Sharia rules Iraq, it doesn't matter if Sistani or any other cleric actually has the title of head of state or not. The effect will be the same. Witness the article's conclusion:

The southern city of Basra, once relatively secular, has come to look a lot like Iran: Women are afraid to go outdoors without headscarves for fear of reprisals from the SCIRI-affiliated Badr brigades, as well as other toughs associated with the firebrand cleric Moqtada al Sadr. For ordinary Iraqis, who rules the streets may for years be more important than what ends up in the constitution.
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"Call for military anti-terror guards," from Expatica, with thanks to JS:

AMSTERDAM — Amsterdam police commissioner Bernard Welten has said the army should be called in to guard buildings in the city from terrorists.

Welten said there were 125 locations currently under extra police surveillance in Amsterdam to prevent possible terror attacks. The capital's police spent 100,000 officer-hours on guard duty last year, compared with 41,000 in 2003.

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I have received thousands of variations of a hate email I received this morning, and that's why I put it up: regular readers of Jihad Watch will be familiar with all the arguments here also, as they have been made so many, many times. These arguments are so often made that it is clear that they pour forth every day from a multitude of places, to be scooped up by the credulous and crafty alike; that underscores the need for little samizdat sources like Jihad Watch to continue to do all we can to counter them.

I have interspersed responses, which will likewise contain nothing new to regular readers of Jihad Watch, below:

Study Islam before you attack it.

I have written 4 books about Islam and studied it for 24 years.

Jihad does not mean “Holy War”.

I have stated this many times in my books and on this site. But this fact means less than you want it to mean.

There are many forms of Jihad, and fighting is the least important type of Jihad.

Then why, for instance, does Al-Azhar endorse a manual of Shafi'i jurisprudence that devotes 10 pages to fighting and 1 page to the other types of jihad?

Also, fighting is only obligated on Muslims if the faith and community is under attack, which is not something that any one could criticize.

Except that jihadists interpret the faith and community being under attack as meaning just about anything.

Any believers of any other religion would do the same to protect their religion against any aggression.

No they wouldn't. Islam is the only religion that has a doctrine of warfare against unbelievers.

Terrorists use vague Jihad versus from the Quran to justify their actions; however, I have read the Quran and studied the religion for 5 years, and I know that killing innocent people is forbidden in Islam.

Indeed. But who is "innocent"? Osama doesn't think any American is, and there is no Islamic argument against him.

However, the terrorists are using Islam the same way the crusaders used Christianity to kill thousands of non-Christians in the name of God!

This is historically false. This fall I will have a book out about the Crusades. But even if it were true, it is meaningless: there are no Crusaders today. Are you implying that we should not resist today's global jihad because there were once Crusaders?

What is the difference between Al-Qaeda and the crusaders, or what is the difference between Timothy McVeigh and Osama bin Laden? Nothing!

Big differences. Even if McVeigh was a Christian, which is doubtful, he didn't and couldn't use Christian theology to justify his actions the way Osama uses Islamic theology.

In my opinion, you are as extreme as the terrorists. It’s websites like yours that give the US a negative image and undermine our sacrifice and efforts to spread freedom and “secular” democracy in the Muslim World.

Mm-hmm. Next time I behead someone, get back to me.

Meanwhile, while this fellow remonstrates with me for blackening the image of a peaceful religion, one of his coreligionists gets right to the point in another email:

I will see to it that pro-Nazi, Zionist, White supremacist, in short, right wing fascits like you pay.

It is a peculiar world when someone who is working to defend the equality of rights and dignity of all people can be called "pro-Nazi" and "Zionist" and threatened in the same breath, by someone who clearly doesn't see the irony.

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Not heart-friendly?

It has been brought to my attention that at the Amazon.com site for my new book The Myth of Islamic Tolerance, there is this listing:

Customers who viewed this book also viewed

Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries by Paul Fregosi

The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude : Seventh-Twentieth Century by Bat Ye'or

What the Koran Really Says: Language, Text, and Commentary by Ibn Warraq

The Dhimmi: Jews & Christians Under Islam by Bat Ye'or

Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics by Robert Spencer

Philips HeartStart Home Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

"Philips HeartStart Home Automated External Defibrillator"? Does the prospect of Islamic intolerance and the institutions of jihad and dhimmitude give some of you heart palpitations? Should the book come with a warning label: "Not for the weak of heart"?

Well, if so, I apologize. But it's true: in this book, the essays by Bat Ye'or, Ibn Warraq, Walid Phares, Daniel Pipes, Mark Durie and others, as well as the UN material contain hard truths, not for the faint of heart. Maybe that's why so few among the government and media have faced them. And that's all the more why it's so essential that they be faced.

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February 11, 2005

Remember, there is no end to jihad. From Reuters, with thanks to Nicolei:

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Hizbollah called on the Lebanese to help "bury" a United Nations resolution demanding the Islamic group disarm and its Syrian backers quit Lebanon, and predicted it would not succeed without their support.

The Shi'ite Muslim group's remarks late on Thursday coincided with a visit to Lebanon and Syria by U.N. envoy Terje Roed-Larsen, charged with overseeing resolution 1559 which has stoked controversy in the country as May elections approach.

"To those who say: 'What are we to do about the international resolution 1559?' we say: 'Come, let's bury 1559 together," Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Kassem told followers in Hizbollah's southern Beirut stronghold.

"Say with us: God's curse on this international resolution. If we do not bother with it, it will fall by itself, because America, Israel and France and those behind them cannot enforce it directly, they need hands.

"Stop the hands from helping them and it will fall," Kassem told thousands of Shi'ite Muslims gathered to commemorate Ashura, which marks the death of the prophet's grandson Imam Hussein more than 13 centuries ago.

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I just got an email (from a coward with a false email address) with that in the subject line. The body of the message, however, merely quotes Carl Ernst's guilt-by-association attack against me by attacking my publishers, which I disposed of a few days ago in speaking about Omid Safi, who also linked to Ernst's attack.

Ernst can point out all the connections he wants. I'll even acknowledge them: my books have been published by conservative publishers -- except for the latest, The Myth of Islamic Tolerance, which is published by Prometheus Books, an outfit that cannot by any stretch of the imagination be called conservative. (For some reason the liberals mostly don't seem interested in this issue; for details, see my book Onward Muslim Soldiers, particularly the chaper entitled "Everybody must get stoned: The strange alliance between radical Islam and the post-Sixties Left.") But for objectivity, accuracy, fairness, and academic content, I will happily stand up my books to his anytime. For him to pretend that an academic press and an academic position confers objectivity upon him in these days of Ward Churchill and Shahid Alam, not to mention my man Omid, is beyond ridiculous.

Ernst, of course, is to the best of my knowledge not a Muslim, so the subject line of this message should actually have read: "DHIMMIS ARE EXPOSING YOU..." Or trying to, anyway.

And re "Islamophobia," see here.

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Here is an important article about a prominent dhimmi from Joseph D'Hippolito in FrontPage (thanks to all who sent this in):

The Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Irineos I, and his former spokesman, Father Atallah Hanna, have used even more virulent rhetoric in their own collaborationist campaign. That rhetoric includes supporting suicide bombing, charging the Jews with deicide and advocating their expulsion from the Holy Land....

Although Irineos' English is awkward, his message is clear:

"You are aware of my opinions regarding the Holy City of Jerusalem, as well as the support that consecutively I offered in the past in the fight of your people and your nation.

"You are aware of my multiple interventions towards the late Patriarch Diodoros and the Greek Government and the international forums for the rights of the Palestinian (sic) to have their independent state with its capital Jerusalem."

But this is the letter's most damning evidence:

"You are finally aware of the sentiments of disgust and disrespect that all the Holy Sepulcher Fathers are feeling for the descendants of the crucifiers of our Lord Jesus Christ, actual crucifiers of your people, Sionists (sic) Jewish conquerors of the Holy Land of Palestine. (emphasis added)."

Should Arafat's influence prove successful, Irineos continued, "Rest assured, Mr. President, that the rights of the most beloved Palestinian people on the Holy City of Jerusalem will find their most 'hot' supporter. Our beloved Mr. Chouri (Arafat's personal secretary) will inform you accordingly regarding what we have discussed of the real estate of our Patriarchate within the boundaries of the Old City."

Read it all.

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Zawahiri, like all jihadists and jihad theorists such as Sayyid Qutb and Syed Abul Ala Maududi, equates freedom with Sharia. While it's jarring to Western sensibilities to equate a legal system that mandates discrimination against women and non-Muslims with freedom, it's perfectly understandable from Zawahiri's perspective: Sharia, he believes, is the law of Allah, and thus takes precedence over all other legal structures.

But Sharia, of course, does not really offer freedom. It offer coercion and fear. If one abstains from adultery from fear of stoning, that is not virtue; it is terror. Virtue would be to abstain from adultery out of an inner conviction and determination to act charitably toward one's spouse. Thus Western societies, with all their libertinism, provide the essential context for genuine freedom and genuine virtue: if one is not free to do wrong, one's doing right is only the virtue and freedom of the slave.

From AFP, :

An audiotape purportedly of Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri hit out at the US concept of freedom, saying it was a cloak for spreading corruption and injustice in the Islamic world.

Liberty as construed by the Americans was based on "usurious banks, giant companies, misleading media outlets and the destruction of others for material gain," charged the voice in the recording aired by Arabic news channel Al-Jazeera.

Real freedom was "not the liberty of homosexual marriages and the abuse of women as a commodity to gain clients, win deals or attract tourists," said the voice.

"It is not the freedom of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib," it said, referring to US-run prisons in Cuba and Iraq where serious allegations of torture have been levelled.

"Our freedom ... and the reform that we are seeking depends on three concepts -- the rule of sharia (Islamic law) ... freeing Islam from any aggressor ... and liberating the human being."

In the Islamic world, the people had the "right to choose its leader, hold him to account, criticise him and isolate him," said the audiotape, in a clear response to US calls for democratic reforms in the Arab and Muslim worlds.

"I do not think that we can achieve reform while we are under American and Jewish occupation."

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Bakery jihad. Remember, Islamic law forbids the killing of innocent people, but innocence is in the eye of the beholder. From AP, with thanks to Twostellas:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A car bomb exploded outside a Shiite mosque northeast of Baghdad on Friday, killing 13 and injuring more than 40, a police official and witnesses said, while masked men sprayed gunfire into a crowd at a bakery in a mostly Shiite neighborhood in the capital, killing 11 people, police said.

The violence came as Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld made a surprise visit and said that Iraqis, not Americans, must defeat the country's insurgency.

The car bomb in Balad Ruz, 45 miles northeast of Baghdad, took place as services at the mosque ended, a witness said. Iraqi National Guard troops were among the dead and wounded, police Col. Tahseen Mohammed said.

Mohammed said local residents reported that a pickup truck loaded with vegetables and parked in front of the mosque looked suspicious. When the Iraqi troops approached the truck, it exploded, he said.

The bakery attack in the New Baghdad area occurred after gunmen in several cars blocked the street in front of the shop with their vehicles and entered the shop. They fired on the workers, killing 11 people, an Iraqi police investigator said.

Although the motive was unclear, the attack is the latest in a series of violent incidents that have occurred since the Jan. 30 national elections, raising questions whether the landmark balloting will lead quickly to stability in this fractured country.

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And a Chechen, and a Sudanese. In Onward Muslim Soldiers I discuss the phenomenon of jihadists moving from country to country to catch the latest jihad.

From the World Tribune, :

Iraqi Interior Minister Falah al-Naqib said in Baghdad last week that security forces recently arrested four terrorists who tried to attack a polling place during the Jan. 30 elections.

"As far as I know, one of those who blew himself up was from Chechnya; another one was from Sudan; and a third person, who was killed, was a Syrian," he said. Another Syrian was arrested.

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Bravo, Wolfowitz. From Reuters, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Parts of the Islamic world were "big on talking about jihad" but fell short in coming to the rescue of Muslim victims of the tsunami, according to the US Deputy Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz.

Speaking to a Senate hearing about the international response to the disaster, Mr Wolfowitz also said Europe's military response could have been greater.

His remarks on Thursday came a day after the White House announced it was nearly tripling its tsunami aid to $US950 million ($A1.2 billion), just larger than the $1 billion in aid and interest-free loans pledged to Indonesia by the Howard Government.

"There's been very little generosity so far from parts of the Muslim world that are big on talking about jihad and other things, but when 200,000 people - all of them Muslim in the case of Indonesia - died in this catastrophe, there's not much help forthcoming," Mr Wolfowitz said.

Jihad is a broad Islamic term generally meaning a struggle for the benefit of the Islamic community. It can be anything from an internal struggle to be a better Muslim to a violent conflict in defence of the faith.

Yes, Reuters, but it's clear that neither Wolfowitz nor the Muslim groups to which he was referring meant anything but violence by the word.

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The U.S. has yet again insulted 1.5 billion Muslims. Somehow executions of children, clampdowns on dissent and death fatwas against people in distant lands don't seem to insult them. From the Indo-Asian News Service, with thanks to Nicolei:

Tehran, Feb 10 : Iranian women's groups and NGOs are upset over a new US law that requires women who apply for visas to present pictures without their Islamic headscarves, reports Xinhua....

"The US rudeness against Muslim women is an assault against their cultural identity, dignity, religion and national beliefs," the letter said. "The measure was also an insult against 1.5 billion Muslims around the world," it said.

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Here is a message I received yesterday:

assalamualaikum to all jihad that very serious to against christian and jews and i,am very appreciate that.. i hope all force think a new strategy to against them..

This one seems to come from Kuala Lumpur. Lots of Jews out there to worry about.

But anyway, here's a new strategy: give up any attachment to jihad violence, renounce sura 9 and all other passages of Qur'an and Hadith that counsel warfare against Jews and Christians, and live in peace with those with whom you disagree.

Like it?

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In Onward Muslim Soldiers I detail how prominent jihadist theorists such as Hassan Al-Banna (founder of the Muslim Brotherhood) and Abdullah Azzam (founder of Al-Qaeda) argue that the idea that the "greater jihad" is a spiritual struggle is based on a weak hadith, a false tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, and that jihad is legitimately and primarily only warfare against unbelievers.

The implications of this, of course, are enormous. In the first place, it shows -- as I have argued ever since the beginning of my public work in this field, in my books and at this site many times -- that the jihad terrorists of today have not hijacked a peaceful religion, as the State Department and media would have us believe, but are operating within the Islamic mainstream. Those seeking to create a basis upon which Muslims can live in peace with non-Muslims must find some way to refute arguments like this one: a Muslim case against the spiritual jihad (thanks to Faith Freedom).

The problem is that as long as Mr. Bush and Ms. Rice and the rest continue to pretend that these arguments do not exist, or are not widely believed in the Islamic world, they are whistling in the dark. As long as they continue to behave as if terrorists have hijacked Islam, they will not be addressing the real source of the problem we face, and will continue to leave America open to being blindsided by attacks from sources we assumed were benign.

Here is part of the Muslim argument against jihad as spiritual struggle:

And even more doubtful than that, there is within the Sanad of this Hadith a narrator by the name of Yahya bin Al Ula Al Bajili who according to Imam Ahmad is a known Kadhdhaab -liar-, and forger of Hadith. Also, Amru bin Ali, An Nasai and Daruqutni state: "His Hadith are renounced." Ibnu Adi states: "His Hadith are false." [Refer: Tahdhibut Tahdhib 11/261-262]

Ibnu Taimiyyah states: "There is a Hadith related by a group of people which states that the Prophet (s.a.w) said after the battle of Tabuk: 'We have returned from Jihad Asghar [lesser] to Jihad Akbar' [greater]. This hadith has no source, nobody whomsoever in the field of Islamic Knowledge has narrated it. Jihad against the disbelievers is the most noble of actions, and moreover it is the most important action for the sake of mankind." [Refer: Al Furqan baina Auliyair Rahman wa Auliyaisy Shaitaan, matter 44-45].

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February 10, 2005

Addled Leftist lawyer guilty of abetting the global jihad. Why did she do it? Check this out: "To rid ourselves of the entrenched, voracious type of capitalism that is in this country that perpetuates sexism and racism, I don't think that can come nonviolently." So she thinks that the likes of the jihadist Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman are going to end sexism and racism? Imagine her surprise if her friends and allies actually took power!

"Lawyer Convicted of Helping Terrorists," from AP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

NEW YORK - A veteran civil rights lawyer was convicted Thursday of crossing the line by smuggling messages of violence from one of her jailed clients — a radical Egyptian sheik — to his terrorist disciples on the outside.

The jury has been deliberating off-and-on over the past month in the case of Lynne Stewart, 65, a firebrand, left-wing activist known for representing radicals and revolutionaries in her 30 years on the New York legal scene. The jury deliberated 13 days in all.

Stewart faces up to 20 years in prison on charges that included conspiracy, giving material support to terrorists and defrauding the U.S. government....

The jury also convicted a U.S. postal worker, Ahmed Abdel Sattar, of plotting to "kill and kidnap persons in a foreign country" by publishing an edict urging the killing of Jews and their supporters. A third defendant, Arabic interpreter Mohamed Yousry, was convicted of providing material support to terrorists. Sattar could face life in prison and Yousry up to 20 years.

Stewart was the lawyer for Omar Abdel-Rahman, a blind sheik sentenced to life in prison in 1996 for conspiring to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and destroy several New York landmarks, including the U.N. building and the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels. Stewart's co-defendants also had close ties to Abdel-Rahman.

Prosecutors said Stewart and the others carried messages between the sheik and senior members of a Egyptian-based terrorist organization, helping spread Abdel-Rahman's venomous call to kill those who did not subscribe to his extremist interpretation of Islamic law....

Stewart, who once represented Weather Underground radicals and mob turncoat Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, repeatedly declared her innocence, maintaining she was unfairly targeted by overzealous prosecutors.

But she also testified that she believed violence was sometimes necessary to achieve justice: "To rid ourselves of the entrenched, voracious type of capitalism that is in this country that perpetuates sexism and racism, I don't think that can come nonviolently."

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From the Orwellian Department: it's all because people talk bad about Islam, you see. Evidently if someone points out that Islam is unique among religions in having a doctrine of warfare against unbelievers, it will provoke Muslims into fighting that war, when they wouldn't have otherwise. Mmm-hmm. "Anti-Islamic rhetoric helps radicalisation," from Expatica, with thanks to Nicolei:

AMSTERDAM — The radicalisation of young Muslims is partly caused by the negative way Islam is being talked about in the Netherlands, the head of the security service AIVD has claimed.

Sybrand van Hulst made the suggestion during an interview with television current affairs programme Zembla on Wednesday night.

Van Hulst's organisation is leading the investigation into the activities of extremists in the Netherlands and is deeply involved in the arrest and trial of 12 young Muslims said to be part of a terrorist network called the Hofstadgroep.

But he did not specify who he was referring too as being partly responsible for driving some young Muslims towards radicalism.

MPs Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders have led the criticism against aspects of Islam and the Muslim community in the Netherlands in recent years. Both have received death threats.

Filmmaker Theo van Gogh, another vocal critic of Islam, was murdered in Amsterdam on 2 November last year. Mohammed B., 26, who was arrested for the murder, was said to be on the edge of the Hofstadgroep.

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Here's one for my man Omid. Kenan Malik in Prospect Magazine (thanks to all who sent this in) tells the truth about Islamophobia: "The charge of 'Islamophobia' is all too often used not to highlight racism but to silence critics of Islam, or even Muslims fighting for reform of their communities."

Ten years ago, no one had heard of Islamophobia. Now everyone from Muslim leaders to anti-racist activists to government ministers wants to convince us that Britain is in the grip of a major backlash against Islam.

But does Islamophobia exist? The trouble with the idea is that it confuses hatred of, and discrimination against, Muslims on the one hand with criticism of Islam on the other. The charge of "Islamophobia" is all too often used not to highlight racism but to silence critics of Islam, or even Muslims fighting for reform of their communities.

In reality, discrimination against Muslims is not as great as is often claimed. When making a film on Islamophobia for Channel 4, I discovered a huge gap between perception and reality. One issue is police harassment of Muslims. Last summer, the home office published figures that revealed a 300 per cent increase in the number of Asians being stopped and searched under Britain's anti-terror laws. Journalists, Muslim leaders and even the home office all shouted "Islamophobia." "The whole Muslim community is being targeted by the police," claimed Khalid Sofi of the Muslim Council of Britain.

The bald figure of a "300 per cent increase" suggested heavy-handed policing at the very least. But dig a little deeper and the figures show that just 3,000 Asians had been stopped and searched in the previous year under the Terrorism Act. Of these, probably half were Muslim. In other words, around 1,500 Muslims out of a population of at least 1.6m had been stopped under the terror lawshardly a case of the police targeting every Muslim.

A total of 21,577 people from all backgrounds were stopped and searched under the terror laws. The majority -- 14,429 -- were white. Yet when I interviewed Iqbal Sacranie, general secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, he insisted that "95-98 per cent of those stopped and searched under the anti-terror laws are Muslim." The real figure is 14 per cent (for Asians). However many times I showed him the true statistics, he refused to budge. His figures appear to have been simply plucked out of the sky....

All these figures are in the public domain. Yet not one reputable journalist challenged the claim that Asians were being disproportionately stopped and searched. So pervasive is the acceptance of Islamophobia that no one even bothers to check if it is true....

Even Muslim organisations that campaign against Islamophobia find it hard to make the case that attacks on Muslims are routine. The Islamic Human Rights Commission monitored 344 attacks on Muslims in the year after 11th September. Most were relatively minor incidents such as shoving or spitting.

For Muslim leaders, inflating the threat of Islamophobia helps consolidate their power base, both within their own communities and wider society. British Muslims have long looked with envy at the political power wielded by the Jewish community, and by the status accorded to the Board of Deputies of British Jews. One of the reasons for setting up the Muslim Council of Britain was to try to emulate the political success of the board. Muslim leaders talk about using Islamophobia in the same way that they perceive Jewish leaders to have exploited fears about antisemitism.

Exaggerating anti-Muslim prejudice is also useful for mainstream politicians, and especially for a Labour government that has faced such a political battering over the war on Iraq and its anti-terror laws. Being sensitive to Islamophobia allows them to reclaim some of the moral high ground. It also allows Labour politicians to pitch for the Muslim vote. Muslims may feel "betrayed" by the war on Iraq, trade minister Mike O'Brien wrote recently in the Muslim Weekly, but "the Labour government is trying to deliver an agenda that has shown consideration and respect for Muslims." According to O'Brien: "Iqbal Sacranie, the general secretary of the Muslim Council, asked Tony Blair to declare that the government would introduce a new law banning religious discrimination. Two weeks later, in his speech to the Labour party conference, Tony Blair promised that the next Labour government would ban religious discrimination. It was a major victory for the Muslim community in Britain."

Pretending that Muslims have never had it so bad might bolster community leaders and gain votes for politicians, but it does the rest of us, Muslim or non-Muslim, no favours at all. The more that ordinary Muslims come to believe that they are under constant attack, the more resentful, inward-looking and open to extremism they are likely to become.

In the course of making my documentary, I asked dozens of ordinary Muslims across the country about their experiences of Islamophobia. Everyone believed that police harassment was common, although no one had been stopped and searched. Everyone insisted that physical attacks were rife, though few had been attacked or knew anyone who had. What is being created here is a culture of victimhood in which "Islamophobia" has become a one-stop explanation for the many problems facing Muslims....

What all this suggests is the need for a frank, open debate about Muslims and their relationship to wider British society.

That's for sure. Read it all.

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A press release from the U.S. Copts Association:

Relatives of the slain Armanious family of four will speak at their first press conference since the brutal murders on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 3 p.m. at the National Press Club's Zenger Room in Washington, D.C. U.S. Copts Association president Michael Meunier will join the Armanious family's relatives in addressing the investigation's status and expressing the family's point of view on the horrific crime. The family will also address erroneous reports circulated by some national and foreign media outlets. The family will be joined by friends of the Coptic-American community, including representatives of NGOs and human rights organizations.

Ayman Garas, the brother of victim of Amal Garas, will speak alongside Garas' brother-in-law Emad Fahmy and uncles Emil, Gameel, and Milad Garas. The family members will also discuss the case with lawmakers and government officials during their visit to Washington. "We feel it is extremely important that the public hear the Armanious family members' side of the story and we are pleased to help them express their point of view on this disturbing crime," said Meunier.

The bodies of the Coptic-American family, including father Hossam Armanious, 47, his wife Amal Garas, 37, and daughters Sylvia, 15, and Monica, 8, were found bound and gagged with throats slashed in their Jersey City home in January. Hudson County prosecutors continue to explore several possible motives for the slayings, including retaliation by terrorists against Hossam Armanious, an outspoken advocate for Coptic Christian religious freedom in his native Egypt and a well-known leader of online ministry to the Muslim-American community.

The press conference will take place in the Zenger Room of the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. at 3 p.m. EST.

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In this latest taqiyya session coming out of Saudi Arabia, the head of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Sheikh Ibrahim ibn Abdullah Al-Ghaith, explains that suicide bombings fall under the Qur'an's prohibition of suicide. This is in "Al-Ghaith Denounces Suicide Bombings," from Arab News, with thanks to Jeff Lastname. However:

The verse adds that suicide is considered an “injustice” punishable by hell.

Sheikh Al-Ghaith did not address suicide operations by Palestinians and Iraqis. Many Islamic scholars in the Arab world see attacks on occupiers as justifiable.

So it's suicide and punishable by hell unless it's done by Palestinians or Iraqis? What if someone is half-Iraqi? Will only half of him be roasted in hell? Or will he have to serve only half of his sentence there?

Later on in the article, he refers to the dhimmis, showing once again that the concept of dhimmitude is alive and well among Muslims:

Sheikh Al-Ghaith also emphasized the importance of protecting dimmis or non-Muslims living in an Islamic country. “It’s the government’s duty to protect them and if anybody kills such dimmis he will not be able to enjoy even the fragrance of Paradise,” he said, quoting a Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

They must live as despised inferiors subject to institutionalized discrimination, but at least they shouldn't be killed. Gee, I feel so much better.

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Oh. Well, then, he must be trustworthy, eh? See here for a more realistic view. From Reuters, with thanks to JJP Mackie:

GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has fired three of his top security chiefs after militants punctured a ceasefire he had agreed with Israel by bombarding Jewish settlements in Gaza with mortars.

After the attacks, Israel had put off security coordination talks scheduled as a follow-up to Tuesday's groundbreaking meeting in Egypt with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

But an Israeli official said on Thursday troops would not retaliate after some 50 mortar bombs and rockets hit settlements in Gaza.

There were no casualties in the attacks by militants who have refused to participate in Abbas's ceasefire gesture, and plans for him to reconvene with Sharon next week at the Israeli leader's desert ranch remained in place.

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From the Stop-the-Presses Department. Someone should alert Condi Rice to this. Will she listen if our friends and allies the Saudis say it? From Arab News, with thanks to Jeff Lastname:

JEDDAH, 10 February 2005 — Labor Minister Dr. Ghazi Al-Gosaibi thinks extremist teachings, not unemployment, are the root causes of terrorism in Saudi Arabia.

Gosaibi blamed the spread of terrorism on the “indoctrination that teaches young people they can kill justifiably” and the training some extremists received in terror camps in Afghanistan.

“I don’t believe that terrorist movement has anything to do with unemployment,” the minister told reporters in Riyadh.

Unemployment has long been regarded as a major source of frustration in a region possessing one of the world’s youngest populations. Many also argue that economic hardships also drive young people from the region toward militancy.

“As you know Osama Bin Laden is a very rich man and all of his cronies are quite rich,” Gosaibi said.

I have pointed out Osama's riches in just those terms to many enlightened types who are still stuck in Marxist and post-Marxist analytical straitjackets, and thus cannot conceive that human beings could have any motivation other than economic. They thereupon labeled me an "Islamophobe." So I applaud Gosaibi's honesty. Nonetheless, I doubt Gosaibi will actually face the real causes of jihad violence in the Qur'an and Hadith.

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Such a rush to dhimmitude in Europe! Astonishing. From AP, :

VIENNA, Austria -- Iran has contracted to buy hundreds of high-powered rifles from an Austrian firm, the company's owner said Wednesday. The sale drew an indirect rebuke from the United States, but Austrian government ministries said no laws were broken.

Wolfgang Fuerlinger, head of Steyr Mannlicher GmbH, confirmed the deal between his company and Iranian authorities and said U.S. Embassy officials had expressed concerns the arms could make their way to Iraq for use against American troops.

He said he could not confirm Austrian media reports that part of the order -- 800 long-range semiautomatic rifles that can penetrate thick metal, along with high-tech snipers' scopes -- was flown to Iran last month.

The United States has strict embargoes in place against Iran on sales of weapons or technology or materials that could be used to make weapons.

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While UK papers are largely given over to an irenic picture of British Muslims happily accepting the nature of society in which they live — while even the New York Times knows that the jihadists of Al-Muhajiroun was Britain's largest Muslim group before it went underground — at least some letter-writers are not so cowed. Here is a letter in the Express & Star about a new mosque project (thanks to Twostellas):

The prospect of a giant Islamic mosque with a 200ft minaret towering over the centre of Dudley will not be in keeping with the character of the town, and will raise many fears that it will attract Jihad elements who oppose infidels sharing their premises.

Many will see this proposal as a sprat to catch a mackerel to further the goal of an Islamic Britain. If the project goes ahead I wonder how long it will be before we hear of "Porcelain Pig" incidents, as occurred in Leicester?

This refers to a notorious incident in which police asked a family in Leicester to remove porcelain pig figurines from its window, because of complaints of passing Muslims. This story doesn't seem to be on the web, but it appeared in at least one British paper.

Will butchers be told not to display pork in their windows? No doubt glamour girl posters will be barred and so on.

There are precedents.

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Sharia alert. Killed for a kiss? That's even stricter than Indonesia. "Pak actress says fatwa issued against her," from Mid-day.com, with thanks to Twostellas:

Pakistani actress Meera has claimed that she has been getting threatening calls from a religious organisation in Pakistan for her work in a Hindi film.

Meera, who is starring in Soni Razdan’s Nazar with Ashmit Patel, refused to name the organisation, saying it might compromise her safety.

Certain film stills of Meera smooching Ashmit Patel were circulated during the Kara film festival in December last year.

“After that I began receiving calls from a man called Sher Khan who would abuse me and told me that he has issued a fatwa against me in Pakistan and that if I go back there, he will have me killed,” she says.

They asked me how I could have kissed a Hindu?” she said. “They said why do you show your legs to Hindustan, show them in Pakistan. They don’t want me to work here,” she added.

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Links and comments from Ali Dashti:

Non-dhimmis have been re-elected in Denmark, the first nation in the West to start taking strong measures against Muslim immigration, even before 9/11. They now seem set to continue or strengthen this course. A Coalition supporter, the Danish People’s Party, want more restrictions on the movement of people between Denmark and ultra ­ dhimmi Scandinavian neighbour Sweden, as they fear that a breakdown of the Swedish welfare state due to massive Muslim immigration could trigger a flood of migrants from Sweden in a few years. Even though the rightwing won, the election showed signs of increasing polarization, as the most “compliant” party regarding immigration also did well. The elections took place under heavier security than usual, as Denmark has been threatened before due to its active involvement in Iraq:


By 10 p.m. Tuesday evening, with 75 percent of the votes counted, it was clear that Anders Fogh Rasmussen's Liberal party had won enough votes to allow him to continue as prime minister. The PM's Liberal party, together with coalition partners the Conservative and the Danish People's Party, captured enough votes to give them 95 seats in the 179 seat parliament. Fogh Rasmussen's reelection is the first ever for a Liberal prime minister.


"The political change that began in 2001 has been reaffirmed. The Social Democrats and left wing have lost ground again and a stronger right-wing government can now continue its work," said Rasmussen, the first Liberal prime minister ever to be re-elected. The Social Democrats failed to provide a clear alternative after falling in line with the government both on immigration and Iraq, recording their worst election result in decades. "It pains me that Danes will now have to live with a Liberal government propped up by the Danish People's Party for another four years," said the defeated Social Democratic leader Mogens Lykketoft, referring to the ruling coalition's anti-immigrant allies. The DPP, whose proposals include expelling immigrants whose children commit crimes, took two more seats. But at the same time the opposition Social Liberal Party almost doubled its support in a big victory that Social Liberal leader Marianne Jelved ascribed to her party‘s calls for softer asylum laws.


Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Danish prime minister who is seeking re-election in Tuesday's general election, reiterated on Monday his commitment to the strict immigration regime that has become a hallmark of his first three years in office. The prime minister, who faces calls from minority parties to tighten the strict regime, said Denmark's firm immigration policy was an example worth following. "It's clear to me that other countries have followed, and will follow, our lead," he said. His remarks came as Charles Clarke, the British interior minister, unveiled sweeping changes to UK immigration policy.

His government is also strongly pro-Israeli and pro-American:


Israel finds a defender in Denmark

Since Denmark has only a tiny Jewish community, Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen can't be accused of pandering to the Jewish vote when he launched a spirited defense of Israel on the campaign stump earlier this week. Rasmussen, head of a center-right coalition in Denmark that is pro-American, faces re-election on February 8, with polls showing he is comfortably leading the race. Denmark has some 500 troops in Iraq.

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Sharia alert: in the Islamic state, there can be no blogging that is perceived to be against Islam. From the LA Times, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

TEHRAN — "Excuse me, Miss, but here in my hand I have a warrant for your arrest," said a middle-aged man with a few days' growth of beard. "Please do not make any noise as you walk calmly to the Mercedes parked at the corner."...

The next day, I was taken to a room down a long corridor and told to sit down. A fat hand with an agate stone ring set an interrogation form in front of me. Then he began asking about my Web log, which has hyperlinks on it to Western feminist groups.

"Do you accept the charges?" the interrogator asked.

"What charges?"

"That you have written things in your Web log that go against the Islamic system and that encourage people to topple the system," he said. "You are inviting corrupt American liberalism to rule Iran."

"I've tried to write my ideas and opinions in my Web log and to communicate with others in Farsi all over the world," I said.

He was displeased.

"These answers will lead us nowhere, and you will stay here for years. Tell us the truth. How much have you received to write these offenses against the Islamic state? How are you and your fellow Web loggers organized?"

How should I respond? I knew my mother must be terribly worried about me. What could I say to make sure I got out?

"We are not organized against the state," I said. "I write because I want to criticize the system. There are some things in our state that should be corrected." "Why don't you write an e-mail directly to the supreme leader's office?" he asked. "The supreme leader considers all criticisms and takes corrective actions."

"I hadn't thought about that," I said. This was nonsense, of course, but I saw an opening. "From now on, I will write directly to the supreme leader and stop writing in my Web log."

"It is too late for that," he said.

Back in my cell, I sobbed. After a while, the door opened.

"You can ask for the holy Koran to chant and pass your time better here," the gray-haired matron suggested.

In the next session, four days later, I confessed to many of the accusations against me. As a reward, I was allowed to talk to my mother in the presence of my interrogator.

Over the days that followed, I confessed to many things, including having had sex with my boyfriend, who has his own Web log. The admission filled me with guilt, both for having to discuss such intimate details and for having betrayed him. He is now complicit in the crime of extramarital sex.

I remained in prison for 36 days. Now I am awaiting trial. On my release I was reminded, "Be thankful to God that we arrested you. If you had been detained by the intelligence department of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, they would surely have beaten you. Here you were our guest."

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Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer in FrontPage on Condoleeza Rice's attempts to emulate a great English statesman of the past:

Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice seems to have learned the lessons of English history — but not, unfortunately, those of Churchill or Pitt, but of an older, less lionized figure: Aethelred the Unready.

In the year 994, Aethelred began paying off Danish raiding parties rather than fighting them. These payoffs, known as danegeld, continued sporadically until 1012. As English schoolboys used to be able to tell you before their school hours were entirely given over to multicultural studies, the money didn’t keep the raiders away, but only brought more. The English came to see that paying tribute was self-defeating: it weakened them while strengthening their enemies — effectively subsidizing their own demise. It was, as Lenin would put it much later, a case of selling their enemies the rope with which they themselves would be hanged.

If Condoleeza Rice gets her way, the world will learn this lesson anew. The new Secretary of State is reportedly pursuing a proposal to raise money for danegeld, er, that is, a pension fund for jihad terrorists who promise to stop murdering people. Israel National News states that Rice “has proposed a $100 monthly allowance to terrorists who agree to lay down their arms and retire or find another profession. The money would be part of a $350 million package deal announced by U.S. President George Bush this past week. The Bush administration suggested that Congress consent to send $41 million immediately for an ‘immediate impact in support of democratic transition.’… Rice, about to pay her first visit to the Middle East in her new position as successor to Colin Powell, wants part of the money to go directly to ‘retired’ terrorists. Speaking between visits to European countries, she proposed a pension fund for at least 1,000 terrorists.” The International Herald Tribune also spoke of plans for “retirement benefits for members of Palestinian militias.”

Such plans, of course, are yet another indication of the dangers of misapprehending the nature of the present conflict. Rice is most likely proceeding from the widespread assumption that poverty causes terrorism, and thus a little cash in the wallet of a suicide bomber will persuade him to give life a second chance. Yet this idea has been proven false again and again. Study after study has shown that terrorists are generally better educated and wealthier than their more peaceful counterparts. Even the Saudi columnist columnist Muhammad Mahfouz, writing in the Saudi Gazette, noted recently (according to the Middle East Media Research Institute), that “some youths belonging to rich families and others who are well positioned in the state’s civil service hierarchy are implicated in terrorist crimes. This [means] that financial and economic factors can not be associated with” terrorism. Likewise, research scientist Scott Atran has published in the New York Times findings that showed that suicide bombers were actually most often from educated and relatively affluent backgrounds.

Rice’s analysis shows no awareness of this. She seems to subscribe instead to the view of Prince Talal bin Abdul-Aziz, the brother of Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd, who recently — with blithe disregard of Osama bin Laden’s millions — declared: “Unemployment creates one of the cornerstones of terrorism, and the poor who cannot get food on his table resorts to other means, which are involuntary human reactions.” Ah — pensions, that will solve it.

I wonder if Rice will also consider pensions for the Saudis themselves, since they have, according to a new report from Freedom House, distributed tracts in American mosques that tell Muslims to “hate” non-Muslims “for their religion” and that those who leave Islam “should be killed because [they] have denied the Koran.” Will she write a check for the American Muslims who believe that, as another Saudi-distributed piece has it, “it would be lawful for Muslims to spill [the] blood and to take [the] money” of Muslim homosexuals and adulterers? Will she subsidize those American mosques that are counseling their members not to become American citizens, but merely to take wealth and knowledge from the infidel and use it for the service of the umma?

No one who is committed to the jihad ideology will be dissuaded from his dreams of Sharia by a hundred dollars a month from Uncle Sam. Such an absurd idea would never have entered the minds of Rice or anyone at State if they had really examined and understood the motives and goals of the global jihadist movement. Or at least if they had grasped that once you pay the danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane.

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The Vice President of the Jihad Watch Board of Advisors, Hugh Fitzgerald, comments on the talks between Israel and the Palestinians, which will resume soon:

Within a few days the farce -- farce from Israel's side, but most rewarding for the Arab or "Palestinian" Arab side -- will resume.

The Israeli leaders, especially Sharon, once had an idea -- "peace." Now the idea has them. There is no necessary connection between being a good soldier, as Sharon, we are told, was, and being a clever and cunning geopolitician. Still less in understanding the deep wellsprings of Arab opposition to Israel that will not be sated, but merely whetted, by any further reduction in Israel's control of territory, including invasion routes through Gaza or through the east once Israel no longer commands the heights overlooking the Jordan Valley. Legally, morally, historically, the Israeli claim is far superior to that of any other claimant. The specious and recent origins of the "Palestinian" people, invented purely -- and most successfully -- for the repackaging of the Arab Jihad as one of "two tiny peoples each struggling for its homeland, etc." which "struggle" is nonsense. The Arabs want what they have always wanted, and will always want: the elimination of Israel. It sticks in the craw. It is a "dagger in the heart" or a "cancer" -- these are the two metaphors used constantly (and examination of the metaphors that are employed, and that both express and fashion, deeply held views, can be instructive). One does not pull out a "dagger" part way. One does not excise just part of a "cancer." Similarly, Mahmoud Abbas and all of his well-wishers, if one actually examines what they say, rather than attribute to them all sorts of rosy views, are absolutely clear: the "violence" has not worked (never: the violence was wrong), that we have other and better means to accomplish the same end.

The naiveté of both Israel, and still worse, America, on the significance of the 800-pound gorilla in the room -- Islam and Muslim tenets -- is worrying. In Israel's case, it makes more rather than less likely a war, a war which will require, on Israel's part, unhesitating use of nuclear weapons -- and the Israelis, given their hyper-scrupulosity, are likely to waver and hesitate when no other country would do so (least of all, thank god, the United States).

Renewed focus of the American government on the "Arab-Israeli dispute" as it is demurely called, rather than on arriving at a clear understanding that the tenets of Islam, and the history of Islamic conquest, have entered a new and most threatening phase. Islam is the preferred vehicle for expressing one's alienation or hatred of the West, of America, of capitalism, of The System. Its appeal begins with the psychically marginal (John Walker Lindh) and the economically marginal (Jose Padilla, Richard Reid) and extends its tentacles outward. The vast campaign of Da'wa now being conducted, all over the Western world, without any organized attempt to stop it -- without even aid being extended, for example, to black churches so that in a place like Boston, where thanks to the exceedingly thick-skulled Mayor Menino, a gigantic mosque-cum-madrasa is arising right next to Roxbury Community College, and as part of the sweetheart deal the Islamic "community" has sweetly offered to provide both free lectures "on Islam" and a "5,000-volume library on Islam" to the college: what this will do to the power of black ministers, in reducing their flocks and influence, is clear. But no one cares; everyone pretends that Islam is simply untouchable and not to be criticized, and no one must dare to analyze what is in those texts, Qur'an, Hadith, and Sira, and where Muslims get their worldview.

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"America must fear the nation that does not fear death," or as a member of the mullahocracy's ideological twin, Al-Qaeda, put it, "The Americans love Pepsi-Cola, we love death." From Reuters, with thanks to Shiva:

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran, facing mounting U.S. pressure over its nuclear programme, has promised a "burning hell" for any aggressor as tens of thousands march to mark the 26th anniversary of its Islamic revolution.

"The Iranian nation does not seek war, does not seek violence and dispute. But the world must know that this nation will not tolerate any invasion," President Mohammad Khatami said in a fiery speech to the crowd in central Tehran on Thursday.

"The whole Iranian nation is united against any threat or attack. If the invaders reach Iran, the country will turn into a burning hell for them," he added, as the crowd, braving heavy snow blizzards, chanted "Death to America!"....

"America must fear the nation that does not fear death," said Mojtaba Hamedani, 45, a veteran of Iran's 1980-1988 war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

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"War is deceit," said the Prophet Muhammad (Sahih Bukhari, IV:52:268-270). He also said that lying was permissible in battle (Sahih Muslim, book 32, no. 6303). If the Israelis had taken into proper account the abundant evidence that the Palestinians take the words of Muhammad quite seriously, they might not have placed much hope these truce talks in the first place.

From The Scotsman, with thanks to Shiva:

Israel cancelled a meeting with Palestinian negotiators today following a mortar attack on a Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip.

A Palestinian official said Israel called off the meeting in response to the flare-up in violence. It was not immediately clear when the meeting would be rescheduled.

The talks were meant to follow up on Tuesday’s summit, where the Israeli and Palestinian leaders shook hands called for an end to four years of fighting.

Today’s meeting was expected to discuss the work of new joint committees that are to coordinate the planned release of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel and an Israeli military pullout from West Bank population centres.

Palestinian militants fired a barrage of mortar shells at a Jewish settlement in the southern Gaza Strip early today in the first serious breach of the ceasefire declared at the Red Sea summit.

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February 9, 2005

Basketball jihad. But of course, he didn't know. No one ever does. "Olajuwon's mosque donated money to alleged terror fronts," from AP, with thanks to all who sent this in:

Washington — A mosque established and funded by basketball star Hakeem Olajuwon gave more than $80,000 to charities the government later determined to be fronts for the terror groups al-Qaeda and Hamas, according to financial records obtained by The Associated Press.

Olajuwon told the AP he had not known of any links to terrorism when the donations were made, prior to the government's crackdown on the groups, and would not have given the money if he had known.

"There is no way you can go back in time," Olajuwon said in a telephone interview from Jordan, where he is studying Arabic. "After the fact, now they have the list of organizations that are banned by the government."

A Treasury Department spokeswoman, Molly Millerwise, declined to discuss Olajuwon's contributions but said, "In many cases donors are being unwittingly misled by the charities."

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Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer's new essay collection, The Myth of Islamic Tolerance, containing important essays by Bat Ye'or, Ibn Warraq, and others, is now up at the Jihad Watch book page. You will also find there, by scrolling down, other important books about Islam, jihad, and dhimmitude that you should not miss.

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What's this? Jihadists ... not telling the truth? From AFP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

ROME - The Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, who was kidnapped in Baghdad last week, has been seen and is in good health, her employer said on Wednesday.

“A person has been able to see Giuliana twice, first on Monday then on Tuesday morning, and has indicated that she is in good health,” the left-wing daily Il Manifesto, which employs Sgrena, wrote in its Wednesday edition.

The journalist is being “held by the Sunni resistance in a zone outside of Baghdad,” the paper said, without specifying who had visited the reporter.

A source close to the Italian intelligence service, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that although no official negotiations were taking place with Sgrena’s captors, “a mediation channel is being tried out”.

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Speaking of paying off jihadists: from the BBC, with thanks to EPG:

Pakistan says it has paid 32m rupees ($540,000) to help four former wanted tribal militants in South Waziristan settle debts with al-Qaeda.

Military operations chief in the region, Lt Gen Safdar Hussain, said the payments were part of a peace deal signed on Monday with tribesmen.

It is the first time Pakistan has admitted making such payments.

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A couple of final reflections (for now, at least) on my man Omid Safi, the Colgate University professor who in his course, Namecalling 101, is busy indoctrinating his hapless students into the names they should use for those who discuss Islamic jihad honestly ("Zionist," "Christian triumphalist," etc.) and introducing them to the perils of "Islamophobia," i.e., books like mine and those of scholars whose stature Safi can never hope to attain, i.e. Bat Ye'or, Samuel Huntington, etc.

1. He told me that he would not accept my challenge to debate or dialogue until such time as I would "publish a book by a credible university press." But it has been pointed out to me that the lone book that Safi has yet published, Progressive Muslims: On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism, edited by my man Omid, was published by Oneworld Publications. Although based in Oxford, Oneworld is not a university press; it describes itself as "an independent publishing house based in Oxford, England." Oneworld also publishes such luminaries as Mark LeVine.

Now, in fairness I must also point out that Omid has a book coming out from the University of North Carolina Press. UNC is my alma mater, and I will always have a few fond memories of the place, but I must also acknowledge that it was the site of the notorious post-9/11 controversy over the assignment of Michael Sells' Qur'an translation to incoming freshmen. (Safi lists Sells as a reference.) Sells' book only contains the early suras of the Qur'an, thereby omitting most of the book's violent and intolerant passages. I have also heard that other, more balanced perspectives were rejected by the planners of this freshman indoctrination session: they were consciously pursuing an agenda that casts doubt upon their academic objectivity. Thus pardon me if I am unimpressed that Safi, marching in the same lockstep, is published by UNC.

2. I do not have the Ph.D. Safi demands, but many others on his enemies list do. Why doesn't he invite Daniel Pipes to Colgate for a debate? Assuming Dr. Pipes was willing to go, I could go along too and make a full report. I could even ask Dr. Pipes to bring his diploma. How about it, Omid?

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Good news from the New York Post, :

February 9, 2005 -- A top Middle Eastern bank is closing shop in New York and around the United States in the wake of allegations that it supports terrorism and administers a "life insurance" plan for Palestinian homicide bombers.

In announcing the closures yesterday, the Jordan-based Arab Bank said it is part of a strategy "to focus operations on the Arab region and Europe."

But Arab Bank has increasingly come under fire over allegations that it funnels money to Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

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While Sharon and Abbas are busy bringing peace to our time, the jihad message of Palestinian Authority TV has not changed. Note the invocation of the example of Muhammad as a conqueror. From Palestinian Media Watch, :

The following is the text of the Friday sermon, February 4, 2005:

To view click here

Preacher Ibrahim Mudyris:

..."We tell you Palestine, we shall return to you, by Allah's will, We shall return to every village, every town, and every grain of earth which was quenched by the blood of our grandparents and the sweat of our fathers and mothers. We shall return, we shall return. Our willingness to return to the 1967 borders does not mean that we have given up on the land of Palestine. No! We ask you: Do we have the right to the 1967 borders? We have the right. Therefore, we shall realize this right with any mean it takes. We might be able to use diplomacy in order to return to the 1967 borders, but we shall not be able to use diplomacy in order to return to the 1948 borders. No one on this earth recognizes [out right to] the 1948 borders [before Israel's existence]. Therefore, we shall return to the 1967 borders, but it does not mean that we have given up on Jerusalem and Haifa, Jaffa, Lod, Ramle, Natanyah [Al-Zuhour] and Tel Aviv [Tel Al-Rabia]. Never. We shall return to every village we had been expelled from, by Allah's will. Why? All the international laws deny the Palestinians their real borders. We might agree, but in the name of Allah, our grandfathers' blood demands that we return to them [the borders]. Your father's blood was shed there, at the villages, at Ashqelon, at Ashdod, at Hirbia [a village between Gaza and Ashqelon, where Kibbutz Zikim is located today] and at others places, hundreds of villages and towns. [Their blood] demands it from us, and it shall curse anyone who will concede a grain of earth of those villages. Our approval to return to the 1967 borders is not a concession for our other rights. No!... This generation might not achieve this stage, but generations will come, and the land of Palestine...will demand that the Palestinians will return the way Muhammad returned there, as a conqueror".

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My heart skipped a beat when I saw that genocide was back on the German curriculum, but don't worry: they're just teaching about it, and reversing an earlier decision, under Turkish pressure, to drop this teaching. From DPA, with thanks to Cathy J. Palmer:

BERLIN - Defusing a row after alleged Turkish pressure forced removal of the Armenian genocide from German public school curriculums, a state premier said on Tuesday the 1915 killings of up to 1.5 million Armenians would be again be taught in history classes.

Brandenburg's Prime Minister Matthias Platzeck admitted it had been a mistake to remove all mention of the genocide from his state's education ministry website curriculum planner.

The Armenian genocide - which had been used as the only example in history classes other than the Holocaust - will now be returned to high schools along with other cases of 20th century genocide, he said.

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February 8, 2005

I just got this message from Omid Safi:

Put this on your webpage:

You and I are not friends, and we are not friendly. I oppose, challenge, and stand up to the thinly veiled bigotry that you foster. For my part, I will spend my life standing up for women's rights, for rights of the oppressed and marginalized, opposing both Islamic extremists and western triumphalists. If you had taken a moment to read my essay in the Progressive Muslims book, you would have a sense of what I stand for.

That being said, sir, in polite society (which I assume we are in) we do not call people by their first name until we are given permission to do so. I have not given you permission to call me by "Hi Omid!", nor by "my man."

And lastly, I can't tell you what a great pedagogical tool it is for me to be able to show my students the level of hate that shows up on websites like yours. You can hide behind, "it is an un-moderated list" all you want like a coward. I will use direct quotes like: "Believe it or not, I don't "hate" muslims, I hate Islam" to make the point about Islamophobia to my students. At the end of the day, I am unconcerned with whether or not you recognize Islamophobia as a real social issue, sir. As a scholar I do care about whether the United Nations does. (it does.)

Substitute Judaism or Christianity in the above quote, and see how most decent human beings would be outraged. I will take my work to those folks, and keep struggling for justice. You do what you think is best.

Oh, and lastly, I only invite credible scholars of Islamic studies to Colgate to speak about Islam. Get a PhD in Islamic studies (which you don't have), publish a book by a credible university press (which you have not), and then we'll talk. Academic credentials do mean something, you know.

All the best,
Omid Safi

Have you ever noticed how self-important and humorless these pseudo-academic ideologues can be? My man Safi seems to be the Emily Post of academia -- who knew?

He objects to statements not made by me, but by posters here, choosing the statement "Believe it or not, I don't 'hate' muslims, I hate Islam" as an example, and tells me it's cowardly to tell him it's an unmoderated board. All right, Omid. You straighten this out for me -- you having a Ph.D. and all, it will be easy for you. Tell me exactly how it is that I am responsible for someone who posts that he hates Islam, but presumably not responsible for someone who posts (as someone did here) on the same thread that "blanket-hating Islam is not going to make it any better"? Or am I responsible for both opposing views? By dismissing the idea of unmoderated comments as meaningless, you indicate once again, Omid, that your grasp of the concept of free speech as tenuous at best.

But of course, Safi is reduced to quoting a poster whose identity isn't even known to me as if his words were mine because he probably knows that if he actually opened one of my books, he wouldn't find the "bigotry" and "Islamophobia" that he wants to find. And that, of course, would belie his biased and propagandistic characterizations of those writings.

Moreover, about that poster's statement: Omid seems to think that it is somehow "bigoted" to have an opinion about a belief system. All right, Omid, I'll play your mutatis mutandis game: I guess it would be wrong to say "I don't hate Christians; I hate Christianity." So I guess Nietzsche and Bertrand Russell are taught at Colgate as examples of deplorable and hate-filled Christianophobic bigotry, eh, Omid? And what about this little matter of Omid "opposing both Islamic extremists and western triumphalists"? Omid, my friend, you don't, uh, hate Western triumphalism, do you? Don't you stay awake nights wondering if you're provoking anti-American bigotry? You don't? Well then, I'm sure you understand how I can oppose the Islamic jihad ideology, Sharia, and dhimmitude, in the name of "standing up for women's rights, for rights of the oppressed and marginalized," as a great man once put it, without hating anyone, or engaging in "bigotry" or "racism" -- can't you Omid?

Safi also ignores the increasingly massive evidence of corruption at the UN, and subscribes to its politicized and propagandistic endorsement of "Islamophobia." I'm sorry, Omid: am I supposed to be impressed that Kofi Annan is wringing his hands about "Islamophobia"? Your faith in the UN is touching, but do you really think it is incorruptible? Have you heard of a little matter -- something about oil-for-food? Sex abuse among UN aid workers? Oh, and you might want to request a review copy of my new essay collection, The Myth of Islamic Tolerance. You'll be interested in a section there entitled "Human Rights and Human Wrongs at the UN," containing many never-before-published and seldom-seen documents detailing the sorry record of Islamic states on human rights issues at the UN -- often acting in the name of Islam. I suppose "Islamophobes" like me made all that data up, eh, Omid?

Finally, I will not book a flight to Colgate, as I have no intention of getting the Ph.D. in Islamic studies that you evidently require of speakers. As I explained before, and as you have not addressed in any way, shape, or form, the field is so politicized these days as to make honest scholarship virtually impossible. It is dominated by pseudo-scholarly hacks who parrot the tired and intellectually laughable politically tendentious lines of the likes of Edward Said -- but I don't need to tell you that, do I, Omid?

It is ironic, Omid, that you sneer at the idea of inviting me to Colgate, when you have already done so. You're the one who introduced poor dumb uncredentialed folks like me into the debate by adding us to your course's enemies list of "Islamophobes," triumphalists, "unrepentant Orientalists," etc. It appears that you do not wish to allow us to speak for ourselves, but rather, loftily, no doubt waving your diploma all the while, you will explain our works to your hapless charges. You have not allowed them to form their own opinions about our work by calling us these names at the outset, and you are evidently afraid to let them hear us (or at least me) and judge for themselves. I must say, you are the very model of a modern academic.

Finally, you doubtless know that the argument from authority is the weakest of all arguments. People should listen to you and not to me because you have a Ph.D.? I'll bet you that I could spend five minutes at Colgate and find ten refutations of the idea that a degree confers expertise bumbling around in classrooms. What you have not done, and evidently will not do, is actually confront and attempt to refute the substance of the arguments I have marshalled in my books Islam Unveiled and Onward Muslim Soldiers. It's a lot easier to hide behind your sheepskin, ain't it, Omid?

Robert Spencer

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Bowing to Muslim pressure, The Netherlands' principal film festival cancelled a showing of the murdered filmmaker Theo van Gogh's Submission, an exposé of the mistreatment of women mandated by Islamic law.

But they did show Yasmin (thanks to Twostellas for the link), a film that so distorts the reality of anti-Muslim bigotry in England that twice its attempts to film acts of hatred against Muslims were interrupted by non-Muslim bystanders who, unaware that what they were seeing was part of a film, rushed to the aid of the beleaguered Muslims. The film nevertheless portrays Britain as a hotbed of anti-Muslim hatred.

Find Submission online here (thanks to Filtrat).

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"Non-Mexican illegal aliens a U.S. security headache," from Reuters, with thanks to EPG:

WASHINGTON – Tens of thousands of people from countries other than Mexico illegally crossed the Mexican border into the United States last year, creating a growing security headache for U.S. authorities.

Mexicans caught by U.S. border patrols trying to enter the country illegally are usually immediately returned to their native land.

But Mexico accepts only Mexicans, so any non-Mexicans are checked against government watch lists as a potential security or criminal threat. If their names do not appear, many are released on their own recognizance and told to appear at a deportation hearing often months in the future. The majority fail to show up for the hearing and are never seen again.

"The fear is of al Qaeda people sneaking across the Mexican border because it's become so much harder for them to get into the country by other means," said Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies, referring to the organization that carried out the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. He noted that it took only 19 people to hijack the planes which destroyed the World Trade Center, damaged the Pentagon and killed almost 3,000 people.

U.S. authorities have since vastly tightened visa scrutiny and airport checks, especially for people seeking to enter the United States from the Middle East.

But law enforcement agents across the southwest border are alarmed that the United States is releasing thousands of non-Mexicans, said Rep. Solomon Ortiz, a Texas Democrat.

"Those released include individuals from nations the U.S. defines as state sponsors of potential terrorism or from those nations who have produced a large number of al Qaeda militants," he said. Experts believe that about 7,000 people who were not from Central America or Mexico were detained on the U.S.-Mexican border last year. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, an agency of the Department of Homeland Security, declined to give a breakdown of where all detainees were from.

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Good thing they got Abu Hamza out of the notorious Finsbury Park mosque in Britain, so that a level-headed moderate Muslim could take over, right? Um, sorry: introducing Abu Abdullah, who looks to be a worthy successor of Abu Hamza as a "ranting preacher of hate." Note his labeling of self-proclaimed moderate Muslims as "apostates."

From the Mirror, with thanks to Reality Gaps:

Posing as a student of Islamic studies, Mirror reporter Bobby Pathak infiltrated the North London mosque for six weeks in December and January....

[Abdullah] compares the scandal of Abu Ghraib prison - where US soldiers forced Iraqis to strip and simulate sex - to the Christian Crusades, warning that Islam is once again under attack.

Then he turns on the faithful for allowing these sins to happen.

Worshippers bow their heads in shame as he shouts: "How can we go home and sleep at night knowing there are millions of Muslims screaming for our help?

"Do we not have a conscience? Or do we think that we're doing the right thing? Brothers and sisters, the time has come for us to stand up and be counted. Behave like Muslims.

"It's the least you can do so you can find reward on yaum al-qiyamah (afterlife). Otherwise, the fire is beckoning."...

He says: "While we fast and worship Allah these shaitan (devils) mock Allah's religion and put Allah's religion to the sword." In just a few minutes, he talks of the slaughter of Muslims on eight different occasions. Like all good propaganda it is based in truth though twisted beyond recognition.

But worshippers are not being asked to cheer these words as a call to arms.

Instead, they are being chastised for living comfortable lives when they should be out there defending Islam and honouring brothers and sisters who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the struggle against the infidel.TODAY, in what appears to be cynical manipulation, we are urged not to fear being labelled extremists. Abdullah says: "They call us extremists. They see us as strange. Our honourable brothers in Guantanamo, they've become strange. Why? Because they're the Haq (truth) and we've let them down.

"We've forgotten these people in Afghanistan, in prisons, our mothers, sisters that have been raped."

Next come the threats: "Allah constantly sends us signs in our eyes and we turn away. The tsunami disaster - Muslims died in this.

"But on these Muslim lands, zina (sinful fornication), night-clubs...the Muslims wanted to dilute the dean (greatness) of Allah."

Abdullah demands sacrifices, citing those who give their lives or freedom for their religion.


STRANGELY, some young worshippers are dressed in designer gear, Nike trainers and Levi jeans, and sport neatly trimmed goatee beards.

Abdullah is not pleased. He warns: "You'll become diseased if you start to behave like the kuffar (disbelievers). Why are we ashamed to grow beards? Why are we ashamed to look like Muslims amongst these filthy kuffar?"

He tells them they sin when they wear a T-shirt "showing muscles" if that makes women think impurely. And women sin when they wear make-up outside the house and "tight trousers with a hijab (veil)".

Abdullah saves his most stinging rebuke for mosques and campaigners fighting the prejudice faced by British Muslims since September 11.

He accuses the respected Muslim Council of Great Britain - which has demonstrated peacefully against war in Iraq and the indefinite detention of terror suspects without trial - of campaigning to "imprison Muslims".

He says: "Like the Jews that practise the Torah, they want to practise what's good for them and brush aside or sweep under the carpet what they dislike.

"Stand up against these murtads (leavers of the faith) who say they're the spokesmen or they represent the Islamic community in this country."

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With dhimmitude galloping ahead in the UK (cf. so many of the stories I have already posted here this morning), the Muslim Council of Britain tells both major parties: toe the line on the religious hatred bill, or else. From the Times Online, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

The Muslim Council of Britain, the country’s biggest Islamic organisation, has sent letters to Michael Howard, leader of the Tories, and to Charles Kennedy, leader of the Lib Dems, reminding them of the importance of the legislation for Muslims. The letter is believed to warn Howard and Kennedy of the negative impact that opposition to the bill may have....

Iqbal Sacranie, secretary-general of the Muslim council, said: “We are clear that incitement to religious hatred will remain central to our campaign as we approach the election. We feel that any opposition will be seen by the Muslim community as not being supportive of issues affecting them.”

Islamic groups have been campaigning for incitement to religious hatred to become law for more than 10 years. They feel that such a law is required to protect their communities from Islamophobia, especially from far-right groups.

Great. What will protect non-Muslims from the jihadist sentiments of Britain's largest Muslim group?

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More Islamic holiness in Iraq. From AP, :

CAIRO, Egypt — A Web posting in the name of a militant group in Iraq claimed Tuesday to have executed an Italian female journalist, but there was no way to determine the report's credibility....

"Your brothers in the Mujahedeen (holy fighters) Brigade have executed the Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena after making sure that she has spied on the mujahedeen for the American Crusade troops," said the statement.

It said the killing was a message to the American government "that this would be the destiny of agents and spies." It was also warning to Italy against continuing with America in its war on Iraq and a message to the holy fighters to "carry on that path until the liberation of the last spot from Muslim land, and know that the occupation of Iraq is the beginning of the end of America, God willing."

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How can we be sure? From AP, :

PARIS — The United States has agreed to hand over to France the last three French detainees at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, judicial officials said Tuesday.

The agreement was finalized just as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was to arrive in Paris for a meeting with President Jacques Chirac, the officials said on condition of anonymity.

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Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald on Malaysia:

Malaysia is a good example of the way in which Muslims, even in a country in which they are a bare majority, have managed to create a situation that, to the extent possible, reduplicates the dhimmitude of yore. When it first became independent, Malaya (later Malaysia) did not have a Muslim majority. But just as in every country where Muslims and non-Muslims have lived, the Muslims have driven out or killed enough of the non-Muslims to diminish their numbers. In the early 1950s, Lebanon was 40% Muslim and 60% Christian; while censuses are no longer taken, the proportion is likely reversed. At independence, West Pakistan was 15% Hindu; now it is 1% Hindu; East Pakistan was 38% Hindu, and is now 8% Hindu. Meanwhile, the proportion of Muslims in India has risen and continues to rise. While non-Muslim birthrates everywhere, from Europe to China to Peru, go down, Muslim birthrates remain the highest in the world -- in Infidel lands and Muslim lands alike. And Infidels have been prompt with transfers of wealth to Muslims, both within Muslim lands and within Infidel lands.

In Malaysia, the "jizya" is disguised. It is called the "Bumiputra" ("Sons of the Soil"), and it supposedly was intended to help the indigenous Malays. But the indigenous tribes, the real Malays, are Christianized. In fact, the "Bumiputra" system helps only the Muslims in Malaysia. By its terms, those who are Chinese or Hindus (i.e., non-Muslims) must include in all of their economic undertakings, as equal partners, Malaysian Muslims. So, for example, if two Malaysian Chinese were to open, say, an architectural office, they would have to take on as a full partner a Malaysian Muslim, who would receive a share even if he contributed little or nothing to the enterprise.

And steadily, state by state, Malaysia is introducing more and more Islamic features into its social and political life. Anwar Ibrahim (he of the famous "trial") makes Mahathir Mohamed (he of the rants against the "Jews" and the speech to the O.I.C. in which he called upon fellow Muslims to embrace "progress," which he then defined entirely in terms of military technology and other means to defeat the Infidels and spread the banner of Islam) seem "moderate."

Malaysia's famed "economic success" is owed primarily to four things:

1) The British commercial and legal inheritance (Singapore, incidentally, briefly part of Malaysia, had as its first Chief Minister a member of a family of Iraqi Jews, spread throughout Asia like the more famous Sassoons and Kadoories, the Marshalls -- Marshall's nephew attended school in Bombay with the late President Bhutto of Pakistan, in those relatively relaxed pre-Partition days).

2) Extensive natural resources.

3) An energetic mercantile and entrepreneurial class of Chinese and Hindus, whose economic activity both supports, and serves as a useful model, to the Muslims.

4) The encouragement by Malaysia of the assembly of high-tech goods due to low costs, and that entrepreneurial class described in #3 above.

But now the Chinese in China, not the Bumiputra-hobbled Chinese in Malaysia, and the Indians in India, not the Bumiputra-hobbled Hindus in Malaysia, will be able to replace Malaysia entirely as a center for technical assembly. And as Malaysia further islamizes, it will drive more and more of its energetic non-Muslim population away, and the economy is likely to suffer.

It is surely worth observing what happens to the Bumiputra system -- that disguised jizya. If it is abandoned, there may be mild hope for Malaysia. But as in every other state where Muslims slowly seize control, the likelihood of reversing course and making things better, rather than worse, for a large community of non-Muslims, is slim. See Nigeria, Lebanon, Sudan, Egypt.

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"East Berks U-turn over Muslim prayer room," from icBerkshire, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

A COLLEGE has made a dramatic U-turn on its decision to ban all pupils from using its prayer room after disgruntled students alerted the Express.

Angry Muslim students who threatened to stage a mass protest at East Berkshire College's Langley Campus, in Station Road, have been allowed back into a well used prayer room, dubbed 'the contemplation room', after the issue was brought to the attention of the Express.

Lifelong resident of the Manor Park Estate, and student at Langley College, Raza Ban, 17, said: "We had a prayer room up until December, and on the entrance to the room there was a sign that said 'cultural prayer room'.

"But someone changed that sign to read 'Muslim Prayer Room Only'. Then someone took all the pictures down and changed them to Islam."

"So the college closed it down and gave us an office instead where a maximum of only three people can fit."

Serving an extremely diverse student body, the college comprises a 49 per cent mix of full-time students of ethnic minority origin, whom the Langley Campus claim have always had access to areas suitable for prayer.

But despite alternative suggestions to the prayer room being brought to the negotiating table by the college, Muslim students felt they had no choice other than to practice their faith outside the building.

Raza said: "Friday is the biggest prayer day, we went and asked if the college could give us a room, they said 'no'. "We have thought about staging a mass protest but decided to tell the Express about it first."

And The Express can reveal that just before the time agreed for our photographer to meet students at the college and take pictures of the them praying outside the building at 1.30pm on Tuesday, the college decided to re-open its prayer room.

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I told you so update: Apostates, you see? Because in their view, anyone who is a Muslim and yet accepts democracy instead of Sharia is an apostate. From "Al-Qaeda wing claims blast that killed 27," Reuters, :

Baghdad - Suicide bombers killed 27 people in attacks in two Iraqi cities on Monday in the worst violence since the country's historic election eight days ago.

Al-Qaeda's wing in Iraq, led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, claimed responsibility for both blasts and vowed further attacks on "apostates and their masters", an apparent reference to US-led forces and the Iraqis who work with them.

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From The Guardian, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

A police chief whose force has increased its special branch to cold war levels in the fight against terror appealed yesterday for a more mature public debate on the threat from extremists.

Colin Cramphorn, the chief constable of West Yorkshire, called for an end to use of the misleading terms "Islamic" or "Muslim" to describe supporters of violence against the west....

The slur on the country's overwhelmingly law-abiding Muslim population risked alienating a significant community which had no sympathy with violence and as much of a stake in defeating terror as everyone else.

Mr Cramphorn is in charge of policing a sensitive area in the run-up to the general election, with the far-right British National party fielding its leader, Nick Griffin, in the West Yorkshire town of Keighley. Mr Griffin is to answer police bail in Halifax early next month. His arrest followed secret BBC filming of a BNP meeting in Keighley at which he called Islam "an evil, vicious faith".

Mr Cramphorn, who uses the word "jihadist" to describe groups such as al-Qaida, said Islamophobia threatened precisely the intelligence work needed to contain the real threat of terror attacks. The security forces needed the eyes and ears of everybody to help their work, and to understand what radicalised people such as the British "shoe bomber" Richard Reid.

Well, I use the term "jihadist" too. After all, the Muslim warriors we are facing themselves explain that they are fighting a jihad. The Arabic word for them is mujahid, or, in English, jihadist. But it is ridiculous to call them jihadists and then turn around and deny the existence of "Islamic terrorism." Jihad only has any meaning in the context of Islam. If they are jihadists, they are committing violence, or approving of that violence, in the name of Islam. It is not "mature" to notice this, or point it out? And how exactly does Mr. Cramphorn (Matthew Arnold complained over a century ago about the ugliness of English names -- "Higginbotham! Stiggins! Bugg!" I see they haven't improved) propose to fight against an enemy he refuses to identify properly?

What's that, Cramphorn? This nomenclature offends the "the country's overwhelmingly law-abiding Muslim population"? I see. Well, please explain one more thing to me: how is it that in this overwhelmingly law-abiding population, Al-Muhajiroun, a jihadist group of Islamic terrorists, came to be Britain's largest Muslim group?

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Academic dhimmitude: passing off propaganda as education, and making students accept highly politicized and controvertible material as fact -- notably, that Islam as a religion is peaceful and tolerant, just as the dhimmis of old had to sing the praises of Islam's peacefulness and tolerance or risk forfeiting their contract of "protection."

Anti-dhimmitude: calling things by their right names, and refusing to be cowed from legitimate criticism of Islam and jihad by cries of "bigotry" and "academic freedom." Alan Dershowitz here proves to be a capable anti-dhimmi. From the New York Sun, with thanks to EPG:

It's not often that a professor tells a packed crowd at Columbia University that Edward Said was a political extremist and that faculty members in the school's Middle East studies department encourage Islamic terrorism.

The professor who made those statements yesterday isn't from Columbia but from Harvard. Law professor Alan Dershowitz showed up at the intellectual home of Said, a literature professor who was a fierce critic of Israel, to rebuke Columbia's faculty and administration for tolerating an atmosphere on campus that he said promotes the hatred of Israel.

"This is the most unbalanced university that I have come across when it comes to all sides of the Middle East conflict being presented," Mr. Dershowitz told hundreds of students and a smattering of Columbia faculty members.

"I have never seen a university with as much faculty silence," he said.

At a campus already divided by a controversy that has flared for months - one that pits a handful of Jewish students against some professors in the Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures department - the appearance of Mr. Dershowitz was the latest indication that the most serious crisis of President Lee Bollinger's tenure is far from over.

Mr. Dershowitz's speech, which lasted about an hour, drew a few catcalls from some hostile members of the audience, who accused the lawyer of supporting torture. It also prompted frequent outbursts of applause from many in the audience, as he repeatedly expressed contempt for the Columbia scholars in the Middle East studies department who are the subject of an internal campus inquiry.

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Sharia alert. From AsiaNews, with thanks to Emergency Room:

Islamabad (AsiaNews) – A new attempt is underway to reinforce Islamic fundamentalism at the expense of religious freedom and religious minorities. Mian Nadir Shah, a Member of the North-Western Frontier (NWFP) Provincial Assembly, tabled two private bills that would ban music and dancing in public places and educational institutions and using photographs of women in advertising. In both cases, the offences would be punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to 5, 000 and 10, 000 rupees respectively. The accused would have no right to bail.

The proposal is backed by the NWFP’s ruling coalition. Some leaders of the Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA), an alliance of six Muslim religious parties, said that the proposed “bills would not limit citizens’ freedom”.

Minister Sirajul Haq told reporters that the proposed ban on music and dancing would apply only to public places—including bus terminals, commuter vehicles, hotels and other places—where they can bother people or sites—like educational institutions—which were meant to spread culture.

Oh. That makes it OK.

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In Onward Muslim Soldiers I explain how the jihad ideology poisons possibilities for negotiated peace settlements in conflicts where they might otherwise have been possible. Here is more evidence of this, from the Philippines. From Deutsche Presse Agentur, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

MANILA - A leader of the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf rebel group on Tuesday called on the largest Muslim separatist rebel group in the Philippines to abandon peace talks with the government and pursue the armed struggle for an independent Islamic state.

While peace talks between the Philippine government and the separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) have been suspended since 2003, the two sides are hoping to resume the negoatiations within the month.

“To our brothers in the MILF, don’t waive our nation’s honour, dignity and rights even in exchange for the whole world,” said Abu Sayyaf leader Abu Solaiman in a statement read over a Manila radio station.

“No amount of development can pay for our homeland’s illegal and immoral occupation or annexation,” added Solaiman, one of five Abu Sayyaf leaders wanted by the United States.

He also called on members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), which signed a peace agreement with the Philippine government in 1996, to again take up arms and fight the “enemies of Islam”.

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Barsomyat.com was not the only site where Muslims assembled a hit list of Christians. From the courageous folks at Internet Haganah, with thanks to all who sent this in:

Christian journalist and long-time friend of Internet Haganah, Jeremy Reynalds has been targeted for killing by Islamists on the Al Ansar forum (ansarnet.ws).

The thread:


In a thread on the Houston-based site, the person who ran the now-defunct mawsuat.com site starts by blaming Reynalds for the site's demise, posts a POBox address for Reynalds, and asks if anyone else has more information about him.

In the discussion that follows, the Islamists first post Reynald's home address so that he might be "visited", then a picture of him and a wish that his ribs should be broken, and finally they offer their prayers to Allah that He should deliver to them Reynald's "fatty neck" - a clear reference to the current fad of decapitating anyone deemed to be a critic of the more lethal forms of Islam.

The thread closes with a heartfelt "amen".

When informed by the Haganah of the threat against him, Reynalds said that threats like this do not intimidate him and he has no intention of backing down. He is more determined than ever to help drive Internet terrorism right where it belongs - into the pit of hell!

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Sharia alert -- in "moderate" Malaysia. From Straits Times via Malaysiakini, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

They have no standard uniforms, nor do they carry weapons. Instead, they are armed with just an unshakeable belief they are carrying out God's will by enforcing the syariah law.

Malaysia's religious police, known simply as Islamic Department enforcement officers, usually catch Muslims for eating during the fasting month and unmarried Muslim couples in compromising positions. Sometimes, they nab Malays for drinking in pubs.

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Is not Fr. Riley still naive? Will he have any assurance that the orphanage he pays for will not teach its children hatred and contempt for the benefactor? Unlikely that he will. He probably doesn't even know that that is a possibility. "Charity deal to open Aceh orphanage," from AAP, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

An Australian charity accused of trying to convert Muslim children has admitted it had been naive but said it has agreed with one of Indonesia's largest Islamic groups to set up an orphanage in tsunami-shattered Aceh.

Youth Off The Streets (YOTS), headed by Sydney Catholic priest Father Chris Riley, signed an agreement with the 30-million member Muhammadiyah to set up a centre for children on the outskirts of Aceh's provincial capital, Banda Aceh.

Before signing, Riley admitted he had been unaware of religious sensitivities in Aceh, the only Indonesian province with sharia law, when he first arrived with a plan for an orphanage.

The plan drew fire from supporters of the hardline Islamic Defenders Front, who accused Riley of trying to convert Muslim children to Christianity.

"I must admit when I went into Banda Aceh I knew little about it, so I was pretty naive," Riley told AAP before signing.

But he said he was delighted to work with Muhammadiyah on the project and had been amazed at how quickly arrangements for the centre had come together.

"All we want to do here is help a bit. And, this partnership has ensured that the kids will be kept in their own culture, with their own religions, spirituality, and we're just going to help basically Muhammadiyah, who are employing the Aceh people up there," Riley said.

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Of course you are, Irfan. But it's too bad that no one at this little seminar is likely to know the right questions to ask: not "Is it rude to shake your wife's hand?" but "What do you think of Sharia? Do you think that if the Muslim population grows to a majority or a sizable minority in the U.S., that Islamic law should supplant the Constitution? What do you think of Qur'an 9:29 and Sahih Muslim 4294, among many other passages of Qur'an and Hadith?" Etc.

From "Raising Awareness," the Corning Leader, with thanks to EPG:

BATH | They're professionals, entrepreneurs, employees and neighbors. They raise their children, honor the American flag and believe God is great and Mohammed is his prophet.

"We're not terrorists," said Irfan Mehr, a Hornell pharmacist. A native of Pakistan, Mehr has lived in Steuben County for decades. "We are people, just like everyone else."

Mehr and other local Islamic leaders will bring that message to county employees Wednesday in a workshop designed to stimulate questions and build understanding of Muslims and their culture.

"I anticipate a lot of questions to begin with. That's what we're hoping for," said workshop sponsor, county Legislator Kenneth Isaman, R-Hornellsville. "I've gone to a number of Islamic functions, social, religious. And yet there are questions I've hesitated to ask - for, I don't know, fearing of offending them somehow, I suppose. Like, is it rude to shake your wife's hand? ... Or what is the difference between Sunnis and Shiites?"...

"We don't advocate violence," Mehr said. "I say that again, we are not terrorists."

Isaman said the expected turnout for Wednesday's workshops is already well beyond his expectations.

The original plan was for a single, morning meeting between Muslim leaders and interested county employees and officials.

Since then, other workshops have been scheduled to accommodate the number of officials and employees from the county Public Works, Social Services and Public Health departments, the Health Care Facility,Treasurer's Office and other county agencies.

Other meetings are likely to follow.

"I can only see this expanding,"Isaman said. "I'd like to see towns, town officials get involved in this. We need to be aware of Muslims' customs, respect them. They are integral members of our community. We should treat them that way."

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From the Bridge for Sale Department: "Abbas declares end to violence against Israel," from Reuters, with thanks to JJP Mackie:

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday proclaimed a formal end to fighting with Israel after more than four years of bloodshed.

"We have agreed with (Israeli) Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to cease all acts of violence against the Israelis and the Palestinians wherever they are," Abbas said in a statement at the completion of a landmark summit with Sharon in Egypt.

Abbas's declaration was aimed at solidifying a tacit truce he coaxed from Palestinian militants shortly after he won election on January 9. Sharon was expected to proclaim a reciprocal end to Israeli military action against Palestinians in revolt.

Abbas, in a dramatic break from longtime predecessor Yasser Arafat, announced an end to all militant attacks in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip and in Israel.

That's just swell, Mahmoud. Thanks. I guess Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah etc. will all be disbanding, eh?

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From The Telegraph, with thanks to Ruth King:

The Home Secretary was "disappointed" yesterday after Siac, the special anti-terrorist court, decided not to send a man with alleged al-Qa'eda links back to prison. The 35-year-old Algerian had been released on house arrest after suffering a mental breakdown in custody.

Charles Clarke's counsel had told the Special Immigration Appeals Commission that the suspected terrorist, known as G, had breached bail conditions under which he was confined to his home and denied unapproved visits.

But, after a closed hearing, Mr Justice Collins ruled that Mr Clarke had failed to prove "to the necessary standard" that G had wrongly received two unidentified visitors in November.

The Home Secretary's response, in a prepared statement handed out by a Home Office press officer before G himself had even left the courtroom, was treated with "contempt" by Gareth Peirce, G's solicitor.

She said that if the Home Office could make a mistake about her client breaching his bail conditions once, it could do so again.

Likening the risk of bail being wrongly withdrawn to the "sword of Damocles hanging over anyone's head", she said it was the "ultimate nightmare" for her client to be at the mercy of secret evidence that he was unable to disprove.

G attended the hearing yesterday with his wife. He was not required to sit in the secure dock.

Although Siac concluded in October 2003 that G had "actively assisted terrorists who have links to al-Qa'eda", he was released from Belmarsh prison into house arrest last April after his continued detention caused a "serious relapse" in his mental condition. He was suffering from a "depressive illness".

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If Omid Safi and others like him play their cards right, they might one day end up in the big leagues of academic propagandizing for the global jihad: Notre Dame. Tariq Ramadan, invited to teach there but stopped by DHS, was just the beginning. "The Fighting Islamists of Notre Dame," by Thomas Ryan at FrontPage (thanks to EPG), details the appalling record of the Kroc Institute, an exponent of the McDonald's fortune:

In July of 2004, Ramadan was made aware by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that his work visa had been revoked, barring his entrance into the U.S. Russ Knocke, a spokesman for the DHS, stated that Ramadan’s visa revocation had been conducted in accordance with a law that denies entry to foreigners who have used a “position of prominence within any country to endorse or espouse terrorist activity.”

Although Ramadan dismissed his denial of admittance as “unjustified,” the Islamic scholar’s own words and actions over the years certainly demonstrate the reasons why U.S. officials refused to allow him into the country. Ramadan’s connections to Islamic extremism are numerous. For example, according to Spanish judge Balatasar Garzón, Ramadan had “routine contacts” with Ahmed Brahim, an Algerian man believed to be both the financial chief of al-Qaeda, as well as the financier of the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. In 1995, while suffering a series of terrorist attacks in Paris perpetrated by the Algerian Islamist terrorist movement, French Interior Minister Jean Louis Debre forbade Ramadan to enter France because of his connections to the terrorist group. And according to the French daily newspaper Le Monde, Ramadan is suspected of having links with al-Qaeda, and is believed to have organized a 1991 meeting between al-Qaeda second-in-charge, Ayman al Zawahiri, and Omar Abdel Rahman, who was convicted in the 1993 bombing of the first World Trade Center.

Despite his associations with known terrorists, following the revocation of his visa, Ramadan demanded, “Can you prove the ‘links’ to terrorists?…Have you read the articles in which I call upon fellow Muslims to condemn unequivocally radical views and acts of extremism?” But, regardless of his profession of innocence of both word and deed, Ramadan has made statements that follow suit with his fundamentalist affiliations, using his position as a commended Islamic scholar to shrewdly undermine Western ideologies in both written and spoken form. His anti-Semitism and sexist views have been well documented, as he failed to condemn the practice of stoning women for crimes against Shari’a (Islamic law). Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Ramadan rejected the notion that there was any proof that bin Laden was involved, and additionally described the 9/11 attacks, the Madrid train bombings, and the Bali nightclub attack as “interventions.” Dalil Boubakeur, head of the French Muslim Council and head of the Paris Mosque, has said, “when one invites Tariq Ramadan, it is not to listen to what Allah and the angels said; Ramadan is the vehicle of fundamentalist Islam.”...

The Kroc Institute Director, R. Scott Appleby has had a lot to say about Islamic fundamentalism, however. Appleby has specifically sought to diminish the impression that that Islamic fundamentalism is a growing threat. “It would be misleading,” he wrote after 9/11, “to say fundamentalism is on the rise now. I would say we're just more aware of it because these people are better organized, more mobile and more vocal than ever before.”

Appleby served as editor for the book Spokesmen for the Despised Fundamentalist Leaders of the Middle East, published in 1997. In the book’s introduction, he further expresses the belief that the actions of the terrorist group Hezbollah were guided by a desire to avoid taking innocent lives. Appleby might try explaining that to the 242 US marines on a peacekeeping mission in Lebanon who were blown up by Hezbollah in 1982. Appleby writes, “In the contemporary Middle East, we have seen what happens when a charismatic leader announces ‘a break in the established normative order.’ Under particular kinds of conditions he thereby unleashes forces beyond his control. This is certainly one of the lessons of [Sayyid Muhammad Husayn] Fadlallah. As a scholar of Islamic law, the spiritual mentor of Hizbullah followed a very precise legal formula in justifying suicide bombings (normally, suicide is a clear violation of Islamic law), and he studiously imposed religiously derived restrictions on the use of violence in general (insisting, for example, that Hizbullah avoid the death of innocents whenever possible).” This reassurance is deceptive since in the eyes of militant Islamic fundamentalists, no non-fundamentalist or Westerner is innocent; the 9/11 attacks, which claimed nearly 3,000 innocent lives, proved just that.

Appleby has also made comparisons between Osama bin Laden and President Bush. In a 2003 interview, Appleby asserted that the Sept. 11th attacks were an attempt by Osama bin Laden to awaken Muslims from passivity and to demonstrate that there’s a crisis of religion and culture and that Muslims must take sides in the fight. Appleby suggested that President Bush had adopted the same stance when he stated, “You’re either with us or against us.” This makes no distinction between the aggressor and his victim.

Yet another Kroc Institute professor Cynthia Mahmood has said we need to pursue a dialogue with Osama bin Laden, and not confront him with violence. Mahmood is a professor of Anthropology, and serves as the Institute’s director of graduate studies. In February 2004, Mahmood delivered a talk to neighboring Goshen College, titled “When People of Faith Become Militant.” In her speech, Mahmood recounted her experiences interviewing Pakistani militants that later fought with the Taliban. She described to the students in attendance that at one point during her interview, one of the militants purposely aimed a gun at her, and that she was able to diffuse the situation by offering to talk to the man about his concerns. She went on to say that they ended up talking over tea. Mahmood’s principal recommendation for dealing with terrorists is engaging them in conversation. In her 2002 article “Why We Need to Talk to Extremists,” Mahmood compares suicide bombers to those who join the U.S. military, stating that their goals are no different. Of the State Department’s revocation of Ramadan’s visa, Mahmood said:

It's a real pity for the United States to be afraid of alternative voices. Unless we engage in discussion with them, it becomes an echo chamber where we talk to each other constantly. Places like the Kroc Institute have to push the envelope a bit.

In fact what she was pushing was a troubling addition to the echo chamber. Mahmood added that Ramadan was a “star,” revealing where her sympathies lay.

Read it all. And no more Big Macs.

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Many times people have challenged me by saying that dhimmitude is a relic of the past, and that no Muslims today are striving to revive it. That is factually untrue, as several imams are on record saying that they would like to revive it, as I document in Onward Muslim Soldiers. And here is more evidence that it is not at all a dead concept: a Malaysian human rights lawyer complaining that the advance of Sharia there has made non-Muslims into second-class citizens.

From "Malaysia: Islam and multi-culturalism," in BBC News, with thanks to Twostellas:

The policies of Mahathir and Umno have come under fire from two different quarters.

For secular liberals like human-rights lawyer Malik Imtiaz, the "Islamisation" of Malaysian society and politics has gone too far, and is eroding the country's once-liberal traditions.

The non-Muslims, he says bluntly, are second-class citizens.

For the Islamic opposition party Pas, on the other hand, Islamisation has not gone nearly far enough.

Anwar Ibrahim is resuming his role as a leading opposition politician
Ever since it broke away from Umno in the 1950s, PAS has argued that Malaysia should become an Islamic state governed by the Sharia (Islamic law).

This has thrown Umno onto the defensive.

If what American Muslim advocacy groups say about Islam is true, the Sharia advocates should be the ones on the defensive. But as you can see, that is not the case.

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Ali Dashti has kindly sent along this additional information about the incident I posted about here, "Museum removes erotic art after Muslim anger."

Ali's translation of extracts from Swedish article:


"The world's largest superpower cannot protect itself, so how are you to protect yourself," it said in one of the threatening emails the museum received. "Do you want to start a war with Muslims everywhere?" it said in another. In one, museum director Jette Sandahl was encouraged to "learn from Holland." The email refers to the murder of Theo van Gogh Novemver 2nd 2004 for his "blasphemous" film about Islam.


The museum, however, insists that the "threats" it received have nothing to do with the removal of the work; it seems they don't want to feel that they can be bullied. Jette Sandahl, the museum's director, told the press that the removal is all about focus: the exhibition was meant to be an educational one about HIV/AIDS, not freedom of expression, and she is simply attempting to bring the focus back.

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A scorching article by Daniel Pipes at FrontPage (thanks to EPG) shows a disturbing pattern that law enforcement officials have yet to notice. He recounts the strange details of the Armanious murders, but there is much more:

This attitude of denial fits an all-too-common pattern. I have previously documented a reluctance in nearby New York City to see as terrorism the 1994 Brooklyn Bridge (“road rage” was the FBI’s preferred description) and the 1997 Empire State Building shootings (“many, many enemies in his mind,” said Rudolph Giuliani). Likewise, the July 2002 LAX murders were initially dismissed as “a work dispute” and the October 2002 rampage of the Beltway snipers went unexplained, leaving the media to ascribe it to such factors as a “stormy [family] relationship.”

These instances are part of a yet-larger pattern.

· The 1990 murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane by the Islamist El Sayyid A. Nosair was initially ascribed by the police to “a prescription drug for or consistent with depression.”

· The 1999 crash of EgyptAir 990, killing 217 – by a co-pilot not supposed to be near the aircraft’s controls at that time who eleven times repeated “I rely on God” as he wrenched the plane down – went conspicuously unexplained by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).

· The 2002 purposeful crash of a small plane into a Tampa high-rise by bin Laden-sympathizer Charles Bishara Bishop went unexplained; the family chimed in by blaming the acne drug Accutane.

· The 2003 murder and near-decapitation in Houston of an Israeli by a former Saudi friend who had newly become an Islamist found the police unable to discern “any evidence” that the crime had anything to do with religion.

Nor is this a problem unique to American authorities. Other examples include:

· The 1993 attack on foreign guests dining at the Semiramis Hotel in Cairo, killing five, accompanied by the Islamist cry “Allahu Akbar,” inspired the Egyptian government to dismiss the killer as insane.

· The 2000 attack on a bus of visibly Jewish schoolchildren near Paris by a hammer-wielding North African yelling “You’re not in Tel-Aviv!” prompted police to describe the assault resulting from a traffic incident.

· The 2003 fire that gutted the Merkaz HaTorah Jewish secondary school in a Paris suburb, requiring 100 firefighters to douse the flames, was described by the French minister of interior as being merely of “criminal origin.”

· The 2004 murder of a Hasidic Jew with no criminal record as he walked an Antwerp street near a predominantly Muslim area left the Belgian authorities stumped: “There are no signs that racism was involved.”

I have cited thirteen cases here and provide information on further incidents on my weblog. Why this repeated unease acknowledging Islamist terrorism by the authorities, why the shameful denial?

Read it all.

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February 7, 2005

New disclosures on the New Jersey murders from Maria Sliwa in the New York Sun, including information from Hossan Armanious' father-in-law that the family's jewelry was not taken:

Anies Garas, whose daughter, Amal, was among the victims, told me: "The police have vouchered all of the jewelry," he said. "None of it was taken. In fact, my daughter was still wearing a ring worth $3,500 after she was murdered." Mr. Garas says that though a small amount of money was taken, no valuables were removed from the house.

When Michael Meunier, the president of the U.S. Copts Association, met with the prosecutor last week he expressed serious concerns about the progress of the investigation. "The prosecutor told me that robbery was no longer the focus and acknowledged that this was the worst murder he has ever seen," Mr. Meunier said. "He told me he believes it was a vengeful crime."

Many Copts fear that New Jersey officials are caving in to pressure from Islamic lobby groups and the Egyptian government in order to "whitewash" this investigation. One of them, Rafique Iscandar, told me that he is fearful that investigators will discount the possibility that the murders were committed by radical Islamists who want to intimidate Christians in the United States, as they do in Egypt.

There is more, including statements from Hossam Armanious' best friend. Read it all.

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Last April I wrote here about a professor at Colgate University, Omid Safi, who in a fine example of how indoctrination and propaganda have replaced genuine intellectual inquiry, was requiring his students to write brief reports on a person selected from a list he provided, which he had labeled "Islamophobes, Neo-cons, Western triumphalists, etc."

I wrote then about his propagandistically stacking the deck for his students with such labels, particularly when they are applied to such world-class scholars as Bat Ye'or and Samuel Huntington. I also took issue with his list for demeaning such scholars (which of course is what he intended to do) by lumping them together with political activists, journalists, etc., whose work is far more superficial. And for including a Muslim, Stephen Schwartz, on a list of "Islamophobes."

Safi almost certainly saw my post, as several of his students contacted me indignantly not long after it went up, demonstrating their wholehearted acceptance of Safi's propangandizing and their imperfect command of English (one remonstrated with me for calling Safi's students "hapless" in the belief that this word meant "stupid," when actually it means "luckless" or "unfortunate").

However, the good professor is unrepentant: in the Spring 2005 version of this course, he has explained his inclusion of Schwartz in a footnote, and has expanded his broad-brush smear of his little enemies' list: now the list, which is otherwise unchanged, is made up of "unrepentant Orientalists, outright Islamophobes, Neo-conservatives, Western Triumphalists, right-wing Christian Evangelicals, etc."

Hmmm. "Unrepentant" Orientalists? Omid, my man, of what exactly do Orientalists such as Schacht, Wansbrough, Jeffrey, Muir, Margoliouth, Hughes and others have to repent? Telling the truth? Not confusing academic research with propagandistic indoctrination? Not considering Islam to be beyond criticism, particularly in the ways it incites people to violence and fanaticism?

And "outright" Islamophobes? Tell me, Omid: which person on your list is an "outright" Islamophobe? "Islamophobia" is a term invented by people trying to stifle uncomfortable questions about Islam; tell me, which one of your enemies willingly accepts this term?

You tell me, Omid. Last year, when I first became aware of your course, I offered to come to Colgate and have a public discussion with you. I'm still available; contact me at director@jihadwatch.org.

Report on Islamohpobia [sic]:

You are each required to turn in a report on a significant person who contributes to a negative public presentation of Islam and/or Muslims; whose political views and/or scholarship shape how Islam is presented today. This group is a broad coalition that includes folks from diverse backgrounds, such as unrepentant Orientalists, outright Islamophobes, Neo-conservatives, Western Triumphalists, right-wing Christian Evangelicals, etc.:

Report: 4 pages. Include: a brief biography, intellectual history, and comments on Islam (and/or Middle East where relevant)

-1) Bernard Lewis, 2)Samuel Huntington, 3)Fouad Ajami, 4)David Frum, 5)Paul Wolfowitz, 6) Leo Strauss, 7) William Kristol, 8) William Bennett, 9) Daniel Pipes, 10) Charles Krauthammer, 11) Alan Bloom, 12) Robert Spencer, 13) David Pryce-Jones, 14) Stephen Schwartz, 15) Bat Yeor,16) Jerry Falwell, 17)Pat Robertson, 18) Francis Fukuyaman, 19)Franklin Graham 20) Niall Ferguson 21) Robert Kagan 22) Dore Gold 23) Ibn Warraq

[*Stephen Schwartz directs his critique at the Wahhabis, and is affiliated with Sufism, but he has fully identified himself with Neo-con think tanks and political ambitions.]

UPDATE: I confess that I wrote all of the above without noticing that Safi has appended a lengthy piece entitled "Omid Safi comments on Islamophobia" mostly about me. He even quotes the April 11 post linked above in full, with comments, "before it can be taken down or altered." (Don't worry, Omid. I have no plans to do either.)

There is not much of substance in all of this beyond documentation -- which he evidently thinks will be horrifying enough in itself to his students -- that my books have been published by conservative publishers and I am affiliated with conservative organizations. Omid, I assure you: if I could interest any liberal groups in this struggle for our survival, I most certainly would. As I have said many times, the struggle against the global jihad is not a conservative or liberal issue, but a human rights issue. In the meantime, however, given the general indifference (at best) of the Left, I will get the word out any way I can.

Omid's other points, and my comments:

1) Accusation of taqiyya: the notion that one is hiding one's true belief to survive. This is a common accusation against many moderate and liberal Muslim thinkers, including Tariq Ramadan.

All right. But is it accurate? Is there not evidence of Salafis engaging in taqiyya? Does the fact that it's a "common accusation" mean that it's false? Omid, my man, surely even your undergraduates can see the holes in that one.

2) Accusation of dhimmitude: the notion that one seeks to create an Islamic state in which Jews and Christians would be second class citizens. There is no proof given, of course, on how one little professor at Colgate is going to create an Islamic state, of all places in the United States

Nice try, Omid, but your straw man here is simply absurd. I have never suggested that Omid Safi is trying to create an Islamic state. My April 11 post is headed "academic dhimmitude." This refers to the fact that Safi is passing off propaganda as education, and making his students accept highly politicized and controvertible material as fact -- notably, that Islam as a religion is peaceful and tolerant, just as the dhimmis of old had to sing the praises of Islam's peacefulness and tolerance or risk forfeiting their contract of "protection."

3) Look at the first question of the first comment: "Only one question: does he have tenure?" This can be taken as nothing other than an attempt to silence academic voices and discussions by threatening the source of their employment.

Absurd again. Comments are unmoderated, and I neither have nor claim any responsibility for them, but in this case I'll reply. Safi here is using the tactic we have recently seen Ward Churchill and Shahid Alam use: claim that academic freedom is being threatened when all that is really being threatened is their professional irresponsibility and passing off of propaganda as fact. If Safi really believed in academic freedom, his course syllabus would not have an enemies list.

4) Without me asking them to, two of the students in the class, named Josh and Alyssa above, wrote back to contest Robert Spencer's views. Their main point was that unlike Mr. Spencer, they had actually been in the class. Their objections are never acknowledged.

Omid, Omid, Omid. Do you expect your indoctrinees not even to read your own material? You posted the April 11 Dhimmi Watch post in full, in which I answer Josh and Alyssa not once, but several times. Come now, man! If you wanted to tell your students that I didn't answer Josh and Alyssa, you shouldn't have republished my answers!

5) Here is a bigger issue about who Robert Spencer is. Does he have a PhD in Islamic Studies? Is he teaching as an academic? Does he present his views at the American Academy of Religion, Middle East Studies Association, American Oriental Society, etc. (established, respected academic organizations that specialize in the study of Middle east, different religious traditions, etc.) Are his books published by academic publications? Answers are no, no, and again, no.

Right. And why don't I do these things? Because the organizations you name are full of people who are not genuine academics, but ideologues who praise those who parrot their politics and savage those who don't. Your presentation of my publishers' (horror of horrors) conservative funding is evidence enough of the fact that you cannot deal with the substance of what I have said about Islam, but think it sufficient to press your followers' ideological buttons.

One more thing: You say, "Once Carl Ernst pointed this the [sic] connections of Robert Spencer to consverative [sic] oganizations [sic], what was Robert Spencer's response? To write a column called: 'Well done, good and faithful servant: American prof's book on Islam wins award in Cairo'"

Actually, I didn't write that in response to Ernst. I hadn't seen what Ernst wrote until tonight. But I'm glad you brought it up, Omid, because the Egyptian prize is just another indication of the high ideological coloring of both Ernst's work and yours. It is more than absurd for you to quote Ernst saying that my books are "supported by specific political and ideological interests," as if yours aren't.

Bottom line, Omid: you can't refute them. You can't go into Islam Unveiled or Onward Muslim Soldiers and find anything inaccurate in them. So instead, you resort to dark mumblings about my "connections" and smears of "Islamophobia."

This is what passes for higher education these days.

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The president of the American Coptic Association calls for more action on the murders of a New Jersey family that may have been killed by a Muslim or Muslims angry with their proselytization efforts. From AINA, with thanks to Robert M.:

Jersey City -- Monir A. Dawoud, M.D., acting president of the 31 year old American Coptic Association, is urging officials investigating the Jersey City murders to call in the hate crime unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation....

Five law enforcement agencies have been investigating this case: The Hudson County Prosecutor's Office, The Jersey City Police, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Immigration and Naturalization Service, and The Federal Office of Immigration and Customs. According to an FBI spokesperson the Federal authorities were called in under the doctrine of "domestic police cooperation". The lead on the case is the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office.

"Adding the FBI Hate Crimes Unit to the investigation would make us feel that nothing was being overlooked," said Dr. Dawoud.

"We have faith in the American system of justice, but the initial conflicting reports and the lack of progress have caused fear to overtake our community. Children are afraid to sleep alone. People are installing double locks on their doors, bars on their windows and sophisticated alarm systems.

The discovery of a web site where Christians had their identities revealed, and were targeted for voicing their religious beliefs makes us, as Christians, fear for our safety, and contributes to the speculation that this was a hate crime."

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Good thing the Saudis are holding that counterterrorism conference, eh? It will help them zero in on the Jews and Christians who are the real terrorists, according to Sheikh Musa Al-Qarni on Saudi TV. Note his repeated references to this posture toward Jews and Christians being fixed in the Qur'an. From MEMRI, with thanks to JC:

'The Jews and Christians are Allah's Enemies'

Al-Qarni: "The uproar and the chaos that we see today in the human race – the killing, the acts of aggression, the rape, the robbery, and the disgrace of honor – what causes this is that the banners which are hoisted high are those of the Jews, the Christians, and other religions and faiths, and not the banner of 'There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Messenger.'

"Let's have a look at what is written in the Koran. What position must we adopt towards Allah's enemies? Is it the position we have adopted? First of all, we must be aware of the fact that at present we see that [the West] doesn't want us even to say the words 'Allah's enemies.' They don't want us to say that the Jews and the Christians are Allah's enemies. They don't want us to say that the Jews and the Christians are the enemies of the Muslims and the enemies of Islam.

"This is fixed and established in the Koran and in the tradition…


Interviewer: "You shouldn't blame them for this. We are the ones to blame if we agree to change the Koran and the tradition to suit them."

Al-Qarni: "The terrorists are these Jews and Christians who implement these policies through the use of force, repression, and tyranny, and to this end make use of planes, tanks, and all manner of deadly weapons."

And here is a bit of what faithful readers of Hugh Fitzgerald's Jihad Watch columns will recognize as tu-quoque:

Interviewer: "Aisha's second question [is about whether] Islam spread by the sword. They always say that Islam spread by the sword. How should we respond to them?"

Al-Qarni: "First of all, we ask by what means is the freedom that the U.S. wants spread? The freedom that it wants now to market?"

Interviewer: "Through missiles and bombs…"

Al-Qarni: "Through B-50s, bombs that the international community has forbidden, hundred of thousands of armed soldiers – this is how freedom has spread."

Interviewer: "And we don't see any freedom. All we see afterwards is subjugation…"

And here is a restatement of traditional Islamic theology on making war against those who are seen as impeding the progress of Islam:

Al-Qarni: "At any rate, if we return to our discussion of the heart of the matter… First of all, we must realize that Allah obligated us to disseminate this religion all over the globe. And first, it should be spread through outreach and calling people to Allah's word, through pleasing words, gently, and through good deeds. Through letting people hear Allah's words and showing them Islam. However, if we run up against someone who opposes this path and attempts to obstruct the spread of the upright religion and the light, and to obstruct their reaching others – in this case it is a duty to fight such a person. And Allah said: 'Fight them until there is no more strife and Allah's religion reigns supreme.'

"We don't agree with those who disavow this completely and say that the religion [of Islam] doesn't use the sword. No. Islam uses the sword when there is no other alternative. Therefore wisdom, as the religious authorities say, consists in utilizing each thing in its proper place. If there is need for the sword, then it is wise to use the sword, and if the occasion requires kind words and outreach, then it is wise to utilize them."

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Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute, eh? Not any more. In a story entitled "Rice: $100 A Month To Terrorists 'on Pension,'" Israel National News (thanks to Marsha) is reporting that Condoleeza Rice is pursuing a proposal to raise money for danegeld, er, that is, a pension fund for jihad terrorists who promise to stop murdering people:

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has proposed a $100 monthly allowance to terrorists who agree to lay down their arms and retire or find another profession.

The money would be part of a $350 million package deal announced by U.S. President George Bush this past week. The Bush administration suggested that Congress consent to send $41 million immediately for an “immediate impact in support of democratic transition.” Under Congressional rules, the money would go for specific projects, and not directly to the Palestinian Administration (PA).

Rice, about to pay her first visit to the Middle East in her new position as successor to Colin Powell, wants part of the money to go directly to “retired” terrorists. Speaking between visits to European countries, she proposed a pension fund for at least 1,000 terrorists.

This is so breathtakingly absurd, and such a clear sign of moral and spiritual exhaustion, that I could scarcely believe it was true. Surely INN was exaggerating! So I searched around and found this in a story called "Rice tells Israelis to make 'hard decisions'" from the International Herald Tribune:

American officials say that $400 million pledged by Kuwait, Qatar and other Gulf countries has not come through, and that this money could help pay for such vital steps as retirement benefits for members of Palestinian militias and welfare payments of $100 a month to poor Palestinians.
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The Vice President of the Jihad Watch Board of Advisors, Hugh Fitzgerald, comments on the new moderate face Mahmoud Abbas is showing to the world:

Abbas' good behavior will last just as long as he needs to get the Israelis to retreat from their perfectly justified -- legally, morally, historically -- presence in Gaza. Sharon, an obstinate and foolish man, has been made much of as a warrior but has never had the leisure to think clearly about the nature of the opposition to Israel. One wonders if he, or those who support him, have even begun to understand that the deepest wellsprings of Arab hatred for Israel are clear: they come out of Islam, out of the absolute refusal to contemplate a permanent non-Muslim sovereignty within dar al-Islam.

Abbas's feigned sweet reason at this point is utterly transparent -- or should be to those who understand what the Middle East, and Arab Muslims, are all about. Imagine not Abbas, but someone still more plausible and soothing in manner -- say, Sari Nusseibeh. And imagine a visit by Nusseibeh to Yad Vashem (god, how the supposed "supporters" of Israel in the West, many of them simply too lazy to learn about Islam, would eat that up), and all sorts of cosmetic gestures.

The grim fact remains: Israel is dealing not with a moral question (morally, historically, legally, Israel has a perfect right to hold onto all of the territories it captured in the 1967 war of defense, given the numbers of wars it has had to fight, given the terms of the Palestine Mandate itself, given the mistreatment of Jews who were first exiled, and then maltreated wherever they lived, and not only in Europe, but -- which keeps being overlooked -- throughout the Muslim lands, where they endured lives of humiliation, degradation, and insecurity, despite all the propaganda about the "convivencia" in Spain, and the wonders of Haroun al-Raschid, and the sanitized view of the Ottoman treatment of the dhimmi).

No, it is a military question. Gaza sits astride the traditional invasion route into Israel. Furthermore, any Israeli withdrawal -- whatever interpretation is given to this withdrawal in Jerusalem or Washingotn -- will be interpreted throughout the Muslim world as a triumph, born of clever negotiation. Israel has a long record of complete failure in its negotations. Again and again it has traded tangible assets for mere promises -- in 1949, in 1956, in 1967, in 1973, in 1979, in 1994, and in the years throughout.

It cannot be otherwise. The only thing that Condoleeza Rice, and everyone else involved, should be raising -- expressly raising and not hiding from public view -- is the Treaty of al-Hudaibiyya. Everyone involved in "peace negotiations" in the MIddle East needs to read at least Majid Khadduri's Law of War and Peace in the Law of Islam, for a start, and to memorize the previous treaties between Muslims and Infidels. These would include, of course, the treaties that John Quincy Adams discussed in his own record of the American dealings with the Barbary states (a record of constant chicanery and breaching of solemn agreements), the Ottoman record of "reform" (i.e. better treatment of non-Muslim subjects) promised to the European powers, a record constantly broken throughout the nineteeenth century, and only observed when military force was brought to bear, the long record of Arab treaty-breaking with Israel.

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In the midst of a discussion about the Muslim Boys article I posted here Saturday, a poster identifying himself as from England at the Islamic Forum (thanks to Jeff Lastname for the link) declares his support for Al-Qaeda:

i would happily like to see these gangs looked up, they are abusing Islam and i driving people away from it. why arnt these people getting sent to camp x? its always the innocent people that get charged! and no i do not think they have any links to al-qadia, al-qadia are freedom fighters of the oppressed, these gangs are theifs.

I am glad to see that the posters at the Forum seem to reject the Islamic bona fides of the Muslims Boys; however, the allegiance to Al-Qaeda is just as disturbing. It is good to see that two other posters take issue with this, although one of them identifies himself as a Christian.

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I wrote about this website over a year ago. From AP, :

KELOWNA, British Columbia (AP) -- A Web site with links to al Qaeda is operating through a server in western Canada, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Technology Review magazine's February edition reports.

The Web site based in Kelowna, British Columbia -- about 170 miles east of Vancouver -- is called Supporters of Shareeah. It is the only Canadian Web site identified as terrorist-based in the MIT report.

Shareeah is a concept of Islamic rule.

The Web site is linked to radical Islamic fundamentalists with one of its directors -- Abu Hamza al-Masri -- now in jail in England for, in part, his alleged complicity in the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000.

Rackforce, the company operating the server, told a local newspaper on the weekend it did not know where the people creating the content of the Web site posted through the server live, but said it was not Kelowna.

Spokesman Randall Robinson said he was unaware of the nature of the site and was investigating.

"We take this extremely seriously," said Robinson. "We do not allow any hate-based sites. If this one needs to be reviewed by law enforcement agencies; we will take that step."

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Sharia alert. "Indonesia seeks to save kissing for marriage," from IOL, with thanks to all who sent this in:

Jakarta, Indonesia - Call it a kissing crackdown.

Indonesia's government is considering a law banning unwed couples from pecking in public - and harshly penalising those who do, The Jakarta Post reported on Saturday.

The campaign against kissing is part of a proposal of sweeping reforms to laws adopted by the country's Dutch colonial rulers in the late 19th century.

The head of the panel that drafted the law said Muslim beliefs about decency had influenced its decision. Neighbouring countries with large Muslim populations, such as Malaysia and Brunei, already enforce laws defining "khalwat", or "close proximity", a crime akin to adultery for unchaperoned meetings between Muslim men and women....

But they would also impose penalties on unwed couples who kiss in public, while permitting police raids on the homes of those suspected of living together out of wedlock.

Pornography and public displays of "certain sensual body parts" would be outlawed and media, movies and songs censored.

Penalties for law breakers would range from fines as high as 300 million rupiah (about R200 000) to up to 10 years imprisonment, according to the daily.

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Another piece about the implications of the Shi'ite victory in Iraq. From ABC News (Australia), with thanks to JE:

Senior leaders in Iraq's Shia Muslim community are demanding the country base its laws and new constitution on the principles of Islam.

The main Shia coalition is expected to be the biggest winner out of last month's national election.

A representative of one of Iraq's most powerful Shia leaders, Grand Ayatollah Mohammad al-Fayad, has issued a statement demanding that the Koran be the reference point for all government legislation.

The statement says the national assembly should reject any law contrary to Islam.

A spokesman for the supreme leader of Iraq's Shia, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, has told the French news agency AFP that he endorses the statement.

I told you so.

More than once.

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This is one of the problems of framing the present conflict as a "war on terror." Anyone can commit "terrorism." But it is only jihadists, not Zionists or anyone else, who are committing violence in countries around the globe in the name of their totalitarian and expansionist ideology. From CNN, with thanks to Ted Robertson:

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- President Bush has no authority to accuse Iran of sponsoring terrorism while the U.S. supports "Zionist terrorists" and runs military prisons that use "torture," Tehran's Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Sunday.

Spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi's comments responded to last week's State of the Union address by Bush, when he said: "Today, Iran remains the world's primary state sponsor of terror -- pursuing nuclear weapons while depriving its people of the freedom they seek and deserve."

Asefi shot back accusations toward Washington, referring to Israel, alleged prisoner abuse at a U.S.-run prison in Iraq and treatment of detainees held as enemy combatants at the U.S. base in Cuba.

"The United States is supporting a Zionist terrorist group, but in order to combat terrorism, the United States must start within itself," Asefi said. "The issues of the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay prisons is a shame for the United States which will not be wiped out anytime soon."

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Arnaud de Borchgrave in UPI, :

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 (UPI) -- Much like Nazi and Soviet sympathizers in the 20th century, al-Qaida enjoys a movement of worldwide groupies whose common link is hatred of America.

Their principal objective is to clip the eagle's talons. They now get together once a year in Porto Allegre in Brazil at the same time as the capitalist world's nabobs meet at the World Economic Forum at Davos in Switzerland. Their new hero this year was Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, anointed by Fidel Castro as Latin America's anti-Yankee standard-bearer. Ward Churchill, the University of Colorado's tenured professor, who applauded the 9/11 al-Qaida terrorists, would have felt at home in Porto Allegre.

This year the anti-American contrarians came from 135 countries for the 5th World Social Forum for six days of debates and marches directed against George W. Bush. U.S. media were busy elsewhere and all but ignored the noise in Porto Allegre. The Maldon Institute, a Baltimore-based research organization, filled the vacuum.

The anti-imperialist jamboree ended on Jan. 31 in a three-mile-long parade of some 150,000 people with banners against President Bush, the war and occupation of Iraq, the Pentagon, the CIA, the Free Trade Associations of the Americas, and IMF and the World Bank. The organizers also posted 352 proposals cobbled by participants and printed on large white panels - such as a Global Call to Action Against Poverty.

Harrumphed WSF executive member Joao Pedro Stedile, leader of the Movimento dos Sem Terra (MST), or Landless Peoples' Movement), "The U.S. Empire is our common enemy."

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"Bin Laden filmmaker sues Michael Moore," from WND, with thanks to EPG:

An Egyptian associate of Osama bin Laden plans to sue American director Michael Moore for allegedly using images of the terror chief in the Bush-bashing film "Fahrenheit 9/11" without permission.

Essam Deraz took almost four years getting footage of the head of al-Qaida at training camps in Afghanistan. He's reportedly the only person to capture bin Laden on film in the late 1980s.

"I was the only cameraman with the Arabs," Deraz told London's Sunday Times. "All of those shots of bin Laden talking in the cave, talking into his walkie-talkie, they were all my work.

"I was there from 1986-89 and was in contact with bin Laden on many occasions. I saw him in Peshawar in Pakistan and in Jalalabad in Afghanistan. The film clips in 'Fahrenheit 9/11' – five of them – were mostly shot in March and April 1989.

"I was wounded twice and on one of those occasions bin Laden arranged for me to be taken to hospital in his vehicle. These are the only film clips ever taken that show bin Laden on the battlefield."

Deraz worked for the BBC in the 1970s and says he had no sympathy with al-Qaida, which wasn't in existence when his footage was shot.

"Now I find that Mr. Moore's film is being distributed in America and in other countries and I have received nothing," he told the Times.

Deraz has filed a petition with the Egyptian public attorney, laying a claim to intellectual property rights. He's looking for the film to be confiscated until a financial resolution is reached.

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How long do you think this will last? Search the archives here and you will see how PA TV has been filled with incitements to murder and genocide.

"Abbas demands TV shed violent visuals," from the Washington Times, with thanks to EPG:

JERUSALEM — Newly elected President Mahmoud Abbas has ordered Palestinian television to cleanse its screens of bloody imagery to conform with a new mood of conciliation in the region.

Eulogies to suicide bombers, or "martyrs" as they were known, have given way to "feel-good" nature programs and romantic films. Instead of referring to "martyr operations," suicide bombings are described more neutrally as "explosions."

The changes have been brought in as Israelis and Palestinians prepare for tomorrow's summit in Egypt between Mr. Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

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"French Fighters Captured with Iraqi Terrorists," from Newsmax.com, :

U.S. forces are holding three French nationals who were captured in Iraq fighting alongside insurgents loyal to terrorist kingpin Abu Musab al Zarqawi - a development that could complicate attempts to thaw relations between France and America....

"Two of them have admitted they came to make jihad against the Americans. ... They will be tried in Iraq," Amin said. "They are criminals and we are here to see justice is done."

The Iraqi official said also that he believed there were up to a dozen French citizens fighting U.S. forces in his country....

A Paris-based Islamic network is suspected of having recruited them to fight in Iraq.

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The same sort of thing happened in Afghanistan under the Taliban. Islam covers every aspect of life, say apologists. This article shows how that can become totalitarian, destructive, and murderous. From AP, with thanks to Twostellas:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) Umm Ali says militants killed her son last month for the most unlikely of reasons: He trims men's beards.

In Baghdad's Dora neighborhood, residents say Sunni Muslim extremists have made barbers the new hunted, accusing them of violating a strict reading of Islamic teachings that say men should keep their beards long.

Some extremists also consider Western-style haircuts an offensive symbol of the hated, secularized culture of Europe and the United States.

To them, sporting a clipped beard or a modern haircut is an infraction worthy of death.

Black banners mourning the dead were strung up in the neighborhood as the unwitting violators fell one after another to the militants' harsh brand of justice. In one month alone, five barbers were shot dead, residents said.

``He was a haircutter. He only cuts hair,'' Umm Ali said of her son, Sadiq Abdul Hussein. ``He was handsome,'' she said, gazing at a photo of him.

Abdul Hussein was killed after he shrugged off a threat to stop shaving men's beards or lose his life.

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Good thing they're a democracy now, eh? From AP, with thanks to Twostellas:

AIN KAWA, Iraq - For the Toma brothers, life was getting more precarious by the day. One of them had survived two shootings. Their cousin had been murdered. A CD of beheadings named them as American agents. "Long Live Saddam Hussein" and "Allahu Akbar" had been painted on their church. It was clearly time to flee.

Too late. As Hani and Khaled Toma backed out of the garage to make the two-hour drive from Mosul to the relative safety of Irbil on Sept. 2, a dozen gunmen riddled their red BMW with bullets, adding two more to the dozens of members of Iraq's tiny Christian community who have been murdered in Iraq's post-invasion blood bath.

Over the past year, about 100 families from Mosul have taken refuge in Ain Kawa, a small Christian suburb of the northern Kurdish city of Irbil. Hundreds more have fled to other Kurdish-protected villages and towns....

The Toma family lived in Al Sa'ah, long a predominantly Christian neighborhood of Mosul but in recent years home to increasing numbers of Muslims.

"There are a lot of Wahhabis there now, watching us," Raad Toma said, referring to adherents of the puritan form of Islam preached by Osama bin Laden. He said he had seen a wall poster in the neighborhood saying, "Killing of Christians and Jews is required as soon as possible."...

Even in cases where justice is done, the dangers persist. The man who knifed Sonya Nasri's husband to death and injured her 24-year-old son was caught, tried and sentenced to 25 years in prison. Muslim custom gives the victim's family a say in the sentencing, and the perpetrator's father demanded that Nasri agree to a shorter prison term. When she refused, he threatened in open court to kill her son Ghaydan in revenge....

The role of Iraqi Christians in the marketing of alcohol is one reason they have come under threat. Also, Christians are viewed as wealthy, making them more likely to be kidnapped for ransom.

More dangerous, perhaps, is the notion that they are friendly toward their American co-religionists and therefore are "Crusaders" bent on destroying Islam. "They see us as being hand-in-hand with the Americans," said Father Toma, who is not related to the Toma brothers. "It is a wrong label."

"Unfortunately, they've turned it into a war against the Crusaders and are taking it back to the Middle Ages," he said, adding that churches in Iraq haven't been attacked since the Mongols destroyed Baghdad in the 13th century.

Christians participated enthusiastically in Iraq's Jan. 30 election, and although mainstream Muslim leaders have denounced the attacks on them, Raad Toma expects the vote will result in "extremist Islamists" taking power. He says they have already infiltrated the Iraqi security forces.

He says he needs surgery for the gunshot wound that has left him with a limp, and wants to leave Iraq,

"Things are going to get much worse for Christians," he said.

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The Comparative Defense Studies Program, The Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, and The Middle East Institute of Columbia University host:

“Eurabia: the Euro-Arab Symbiosis and the Estrangement from America”

by Bat Ye'or

Bat Ye'or, born in Egypt, is a British citizen living in Switzerland since 1960. She is a renowned expert on the history of non-Muslims under Islam and has written many articles and four books on the subject. The translation of The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam (1980) from French into English (1985) brought her international recognition. It remains an essential introduction to her second work, The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam. From Jihad to Dhimmitude (French 1991/English 1996/German 2002). With Islam and Dhimmitude. Where Civilizations Collide (2002), she completed her pioneering triology on the study of "dhimmitude"; her books are essential reading on this subject. Bat Ye'or's latest work, Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis (Jan. 31, 2005) is about the transformation of Europe into “Eurabia" over the past 30 years.

Bat Ye'or will speak Tuesday, February 8, 2005 from 12-2:00pm in Room 1302, School of International and Public Affairs, 420 West 118th Street (south/east corner of 118th St. & Amsterdam Ave: Room 1302 on 13th floor).

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February 6, 2005

For a variety of reasons I had not planned to publish any response to Stephen Schwartz's Weekly Standard article touting Sufism as peaceful and tolerant. However, many people have emailed it to me, and I am seeing it pop up here and there as a sign of hope. I am all for hope, but I am not for false hope. Andrew G. Bostom has put together this piece, which will give you a clearer view of the Sufis and what non-Muslims can expect from them:

Stephen Schwartz, a convert to Sufi Islam who has also published under the name Suleyman Ahmad Al-Kosovi, has written in The Weekly Standard a new panegyric to Sufism as a paradigm of pluralism within Islam. It was reprinted at FrontPage magazine with the subheading: “There is a tolerant, pluralist tradition in Islam. We can’t afford to ignore it.” Yet in this piece he does not consider evidence I presented over two years ago in National Review Online demonstrating that Sufi Islam historically has been just as intolerant as other Islamic traditions.

Sufism as practiced in the Indian subcontinent was quite intolerant of Hinduism, as documented by the Indian scholar K. S. Lal:

The Muslim Mushaikh [Sufi spiritual leaders] were as keen on conversions as the Ulama, and contrary to general belief, in place of being kind to the Hindus as saints would, they too wished the Hindus to be accorded a second class citizenship if they were not converted. Only one instance, that of Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh, need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re-invigorate the Shariat [Sharia] and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote, "Extend utmost patronage and protection to theologians and mystics... that they should be maintained and subsidized by the state... No non-Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims and should be forced to keep their Kufr [infidelity] concealed and not to perform the ceremonies of their Kufr openly and freely… They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims. (The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India [1992], p. 237)

Since that time, while researching my forthcoming book, The Legacy of Jihad, I have discovered that there are many other influential Sufis who shared, and who share today, these bigoted views. Sufi intolerance is clear from, most importantly, never-before-published translations of the great Sufi Al-Ghazali himself (which I've presented at FrontPage), as well as from statements by an important contemporary Shi’ite Sufi ideologue, Sultanhussein Tabandeh (also published at FrontPage).

I. Al-Ghazali

The eminent Islamic scholar W.M. Watt stresses Al-Ghazali’s Muslim orthodoxy. He says that Al-Ghazali was “acclaimed in both the East and West as the greatest Muslim after Muhammad, and he is by no means unworthy of that dignity…He brought orthodoxy and mysticism into closer contact…the theologians became more ready to accept the mystics as respectable, while the mystics were more careful to remain within the bounds of orthodoxy.”[1]

Here is Al-Ghazali, evidently with no intention of departing either from Sufism or Muslim orthodoxy, writing about jihad war and the treatment of the vanquished non-Muslim dhimmi peoples:

[O]ne must go on jihad (i.e., warlike razzias or raids) at least once a year...one may use a catapult against them [non-Muslims] when they are in a fortress, even if among them are women and children. One may set fire to them and/or drown them...If a person of the Ahl al-Kitab [People of The Book – primarily Jews and Christians] is enslaved, his marriage is [automatically] revoked…One may cut down their trees...One must destroy their useless books. Jihadists may take as booty whatever they decide...they may steal as much food as they need...

[T]he dhimmi is obliged not to mention Allah or His Apostle…Jews, Christians, and Majians must pay the jizya [poll tax on non-Muslims]…on offering up the jizya, the dhimmi must hang his head while the official takes hold of his beard and hits [the dhimmi] on the protruberant bone beneath his ear [i.e., the mandible]… They are not permitted to ostentatiously display their wine or church bells…their houses may not be higher than the Muslim’s, no matter how low that is. The dhimmi may not ride an elegant horse or mule; he may ride a donkey only if the saddle[-work] is of wood. He may not walk on the good part of the road. They [the dhimmis] have to wear [an identifying] patch [on their clothing], even women, and even in the [public] baths…[dhimmis] must hold their tongue…. [2] (From the Wagjiz, written in 1101 A.D. Emphasis added.)

II. Tabandeh

This modern Sufi leader wrote a whole treatise against various elements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that are at variance with Islamic law: an “Islamic perspective” on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [3]. According to Professor Eliz Sanasarian of the University of Southern California, who has analyzed the plight of religious minorities in the Islamic Republic, Tabandeh’s tract became “the core ideological work upon which the Iranian government…based its non-Muslim policy.” [4] His views on non-Muslims, says Sanasarian, were implemented “almost verbatim in the Islamic Republic of Iran.” [5]

Tabandeh begins his discussion by lauding Shah Ismail I (1502-1524), the repressive and bigoted [6] founder of the Safavid dynasty, as a champion “of the oppressed.” [7] He reaffirms the traditional inferiority of non-Muslims to Muslims as sacralized by the Shari’a:

Thus if [a] Muslim commits adultery his punishment is 100 lashes, the shaving of his head, and one year of banishment. But if the man is not a Muslim and commits adultery with a Muslim woman his penalty is execution…Similarly if a Muslim deliberately murders another Muslim he falls under the law of retaliation and must by law be put to death by the next of kin. But if a non-Muslim who dies at the hand of a Muslim has by lifelong habit been a non-Muslim, the penalty of death is not valid. Instead the Muslim murderer must pay a fine and be punished with the lash. [8]

Since Islam regards non-Muslims as on a lower level of belief and conviction, if a Muslim kills a non-Muslim…then his punishment must not be the retaliatory death, since the faith and conviction he possesses is loftier than that of the man slain…Again, the penalties of a non-Muslim guilty of fornication with a Muslim woman are augmented because, in addition to the crime against morality, social duty and religion, he has committed sacrilege, in that he has disgraced a Muslim and thereby cast scorn upon the Muslims in general, and so must be executed. [9]

Islam and its peoples must be above the infidels, and never permit non-Muslims to acquire lordship over them. Since the marriage of a Muslim woman to an infidel husband (in accordance with the verse quoted: ‘Men are guardians of women’) means her subordination to an infidel, that fact makes the marriage void, because it does not obey the conditions laid down to make a contract valid. As the Sura (‘The Woman to be Examined’, LX v. 10) says: ‘Turn them not back to infidels: for they are not lawful unto infidels nor are infidels lawful unto them (i.e., in wedlock). [10]

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I was going to add "Taqiyya alert" to the title of this piece, but this one tends more to kitman. Taqiyya is the Islamic concept of religious deception; kitman is a related Islamic concept that is more akin to mental reservation. For the author of this piece, Nourah Abdul Aziz Al-Khereiji, isn't saying anything that is factually false; he just doesn't give the whole picture. From Arab News, with thanks to Nicolei:

Some non-Muslims, especially those who do not know the basic principles and teachings of Islam, may wonder about the title of this article as Islam has been wrongly used as a synonym for terrorism and most Westerners consider Muslims terrorists.

Actually, Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Terrorism is an international phenomenon and is found in every country and society. All divine religions have categorically rejected terrorism.

Terrorism briefly can be defined as aggression committed by individuals and groups or countries against people including their religions, intellect, honor and land. Terrorism and extremism are the products of wrong thinking. Socioeconomic factors as well as enmity also breed terrorists.

In contrast, I would define terrorism as the targeting of civilians in order to incite fear in a larger population, but never mind. The word "terrorism" is too elastic to be much use; that is why this site is called Jihad Watch instead of Terrorism Watch. Terror is just a tactic used by jihadists. What we are facing is a global Islamic jihad, and until we face that, we aren't fighting the correct foe.

In this article I would like to focus on Islam, which has been unjustly described by those who are uninformed as a religion of violence and oppression. Actually, if we had learned its teachings as explained in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah and practiced them in our lives there would be no terrorists in our midst.

Islam was the first religion to combat terrorism and corruption on earth. It prohibited killing and terrorizing people in their homes and countries. The Holy Qur’an says: “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: Execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land.” (Qur’an — 5:36)

Another verse emphasizes this point further.

“If a man kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is hell.” (4:93)

Note that that verse only refers to killing believers, not unbelievers. But Nourah Abdul Aziz Al-Khereiji also argues for a wider prohibition. However, if you look closely, he is allowing for the "protection" of unbelievers only under the provisions of the Islamic protection contract, the dhimma -- which mandates discrimination and harassment of non-Muslims:

Allah honored human life in general. Nobody is allowed to kill a man without a genuine reason.

“On that account we ordained for the children of Israel that if any one slew a person, unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land, it would as if he slew the whole humanity. And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity.” (5:35)

Allah says: “We have honored the sons of Adam.” (17:70)

In this verse, Allah did not restrict his honor to Muslims, rather it covers all mankind. The rights of non-Muslims living in Islamic countries are protected as long as they follow the rules and regulations. Islam has taught us to be tolerant and good not only in our dealings with our Muslim brethren but with all mankind in general.

What are some of those "rules and regulations"? "The subject peoples," according to a manual of Islamic law endorsed by Al-Azhar University in Cairo, must "pay the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya)" and "are distinguished from Muslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt (zunnar); are not greeted with ‘as-Salamu ‘alaykum’ [the traditional Muslim greeting, 'Peace be with you']; must keep to the side of the street; may not build higher than or as high as the Muslims’ buildings, though if they acquire a tall house, it is not razed; are forbidden to openly display wine or pork . . . recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals or feastdays; and are forbidden to build new churches." ('Umdat al-Salik, o11.3, 5).

Also, Nourah Abdul Aziz Al-Khereiji is mainly upset about terrorism not because it victimizes the innocent, but because it gives people a bad picture of Islam:

In order to promote civilization and realize common interests it is essential for us to establish good relations with non-Muslim communities and give them a good impression of our religion. In this way, we attract individuals, groups and nations into the fold of Islam.

On the other hand, violence and terrorism present a bad picture of Islam, and we give enemies a weapon to use to attack our religion as well as our Prophet (peace be upon him). It will also drive away many people from our faith.

Islam advises us to exhibit good behavior even when preaching our religion. The Qur’an says: “Invite all to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching.” (16:125)

“It is part of the mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee.” (3:159)

Moreover, the Qur’an teaches us how to hold dialogue with people of other faiths. “And dispute yet not with the People of the Book, except with means better.” (29:46)

Now this part does shade into outright deception:

Islam believes in difference of opinion and allows others to express their views freely without any fear. Even in matters of jurisprudence it did not impose any particular opinion. Differences of opinion among scholars have been considered a blessing.

I have no right to call those who do not follow my school of thought (madhab) as infidels. It’s Allah who decides who must enter Paradise or Hell among His slaves. Nobody else is given the power to decide.

Freedom of religion has been clearly mentioned in the Qur’an. “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error.” (2:256)

The Holy Book also says: “The truth is from your Lord, let him who will believe and let him who will reject it.” (18:29)

Allah has prohibited Muslims from abusing the deities being worshipped by other communities. “Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance.” (6:108)

The aforementioned points and references emphasize the tolerance of Islam and its teachings. Islam respects all human beings despite the differences in their faiths and ideologies as long as they do not attack Muslims.

Note that he is allowing for differences of opinion among Muslims only: "I have no right to call those who do not follow my school of thought (madhab) as infidels." Non-Muslims, remember, must follow the "rules and regulations." Here's another: the "protection" contract between the Muslim community and the dhimmis is violated, leaving the dhimmi subject to execution, if he "mentions something impermissible about Allah, the Prophet, or Islam," ('Umdat al-Salik 011.10(5).)

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At Stand With Us is a six-minute video of Amir Abdel Malik Ali (thanks to Kemaste for the link). I have debated Abdel Malik Ali on Pax-TV's Faith Under Fire. (The debate will be rerun on February 26.)

UC-Irvine, of course, is the home of Mark LeVine, with whom I have also had words. He is the professor who has said: "America, in short, has become a criminal nation, and it must be stopped."

Abdel Malik Ali fits right in with that kind of thinking. LGF has kindly transcribed a bit of this video:

And we have to sacrifice too, while we live here ... in Am-ri-ka. The belly of the beast. The number one imperialist in the world.


But ... let’s call it a state, OK? And then you gonna go get some Uncle Tom Palestinian leaders to fall for this okey-doke. Two-state solution is off the table. No. One state. And check this out! One state ... majority rules. One state ... majority rules.

Us. The Muslims.

[crowd yells “Allahu Akbar!”]

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And what of the other 184,000? From AP, :

SACRAMENTO - The terrorist believed to have flown a hijacked airliner into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, obtained a California driver's license without providing the required Social Security number for identification, officials are acknowledging for the first time.

Nawaf M.S. Alhazmi then used that license when he registered for the flight training that enabled him to pilot the doomed airliner.

Alhazmi used a loophole, since closed, in California law that allowed hundreds of thousands of foreign drivers without Social Security numbers to use a generic number in its place. Even some foreign citizens with Social Security numbers skirted the identity check required of U.S. citizens.

Though the process changed a year ago, some of the drivers still have their original licenses. Only this fall, when their licenses come up for renewal, will the Department of Motor Vehicles run identity checks on the last of the drivers who used the loophole....

From December 2000 through February 2002, the department issued more than 184,000 licenses using the bypass code, which works out to more than 13,000 a month or more than 600 each business day.

"My hair is getting gray from thinking about this stat," Satkowski wrote in a March 6, 2002, e-mail to department Deputy Director John McClellan. "In my opinion, that is a lot of persons welcomed into this state on foreign student visas where the Social Security numbers are not verified!"

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That is, to murder her. From "Militants Threaten to Kill Journalist," from AP, :

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Islamic militants have threatened to kill an Italian journalist abducted in Iraq by Monday unless Italy agrees to withdraw its troops, according to a statement on the Internet.

The statement, which appeared Saturday on an Internet bulletin board that serves as a clearinghouse for messages from extremist groups, said Giuliana Sgrena, 56, would be subjected to the "rule of God," a phrase that usually means punishment by death in the lexicon of Islamic militant groups.

There was no way to verify the authenticity of the statement.

"We in the Jihad organization in the land of the two rivers announce that the rule of God will be carried out on the Italian hostage after 48 hours if the Italian government headed by (Italian Prime Minister Silvio) Berlusconi the criminal does not announce Italy's withdrawal from Iraq."

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From "Results Show Islamic Parties Surging Ahead in Iraqi Vote" in the New York Times (thanks to Jerry Gordon):

BAGHDAD, Feb. 5 - Shiite religious parties moved closer to an overwhelming electoral sweep in southern Iraq and Baghdad, as the first results in contests for local governing councils showed those parties, many with ties to neighboring Iran, leading in all nine provinces that have had a substantial number of their votes counted....

A leading figure in a Christian political party that had boycotted the elections was kidnapped Saturday on the road between Baghdad and the northern city of Mosul, Iraqi officials in the city reported. The man, Enas Ebrahim al-Youssefi, had recently been involved in a dispute over whether to fly the Iraqi or the Kurdish flag over the city council building in his home town, just north of Mosul, one of the officials said....

Mr. Lami and Dr. Ayar continued to play down reports of widespread election irregularities in the vicinity of Mosul, although they said the incidents would be checked. Some local officials have claimed that hundreds of thousands of Kurdish Christians were prevented from voting because balloting materials did not arrive. "There are complaints that are serious," Mr. Lami said....

And what do the victorious Shi'ites plan to do? From "Leading Shiite Clerics Pushing Islamic Constitution in Iraq," also in the Times:

AJAF, Iraq, Feb. 4 - With religious Shiite parties poised to take power in the new constitutional assembly, leading Shiite clerics are pushing for Islam to be recognized as the guiding principle of the new constitution.

Exactly how Islamic to make the document is the subject of debate.

At the very least, the clerics say, the constitution should ensure that legal measures overseeing personal matters like marriage, divorce and family inheritance fall under Shariah, or Koranic law. For example, daughters would receive half the inheritances of sons under that law.

On other issues, opinion varies, with the more conservative leaders insisting that Shariah be the foundation for all legislation....

And Shiite politicians, recognizing a possible backlash from secular leaders and the Americans, have publicly promised not to install a theocracy similar to that of Iran, or allow clerics to run the country. But the clerics of Najaf, the holiest city of Shiite Islam, have emerged as the greatest power in the new Iraq. They forced the Americans to conform to their timetable for a political process. Their standing was bolstered last Sunday by the high turnout among Shiite voters and a widespread boycott by the Sunni Arabs, and the clerics will now wield considerable behind-the-scenes influence in the writing of the constitution through their coalition built around religious parties....

The leading Shiite clerics say they have no intention of taking executive office and following the Iranian model of wilayat al-faqih, or direct governance by religious scholars. But the clerics also say the Shiite politicians ultimately answer to them, and that the top religious leaders, collectively known as the marjaiya, will shape the constitution through the politicians.

Some effects are already being felt locally. In Basra, the second-largest city in Iraq, where one of Ayatollah Sistani's closest aides has enormous influence, Shiite religious parties have been transforming the city into an Islamic fief since the toppling of Mr. Hussein. Militias have driven alcohol sellers off the streets. Women are harassed if they walk the streets in anything less than head-to-toe black. Conservative judges are invoking Shariah in some courts.

I have seen this coming for a long time.

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Here are some capitalists busy selling the rope by which they will be hanged. "Most Hezbollah sites hosted in U.S.," from WND, :

A recently disclosed list of companies providing service to Hezbollah websites exposed something shocking – 22 out of 25 primary sites for the Lebanese terror group are hosted by U.S. companies.

Internet Haganah, an organization that works to uncover and shut down websites affiliated with the global jihad, says it has been tracking and monitoring 25 major Hezbollah sites and found that, aside from two established in Iran and one in the UK, the rest of the Hezbollah sites are hosted by American companies. Israeli security sources confirmed the organization's findings.

Seventeen Hezbollah sites, including Nasrollah.net, a Hezbollah site coordinated with Iran, and Aljarha.org, which raises money for the terror group, have obtained their domain names from Bulkregister LLC, a Baltimore company, says Haganah. Domain names are maintained by registrar companies, usually for yearly fees, to lease site names and ensure domains remains available. Other Hezbollah domains registered through Bulkregister include Al-nour.net, Alrassoul.org, Naimkassem.org, Hayaa.org, and Moqawama.net.

OnlineNic in Chicago registers three Hezbollah sites including Wilayah.com, which specializes in religious indoctrination; two Hezbollah sites, Nasrollah.org and Moqawama.tv signed for domains through Register.com in New York; and eNom of Bellvue, Washington, provides domains for Hezbollah's Al Manar TV sites, which were recently banned in the U.S.

Most Hezbollah websites are also hosted by American companies. Hosting companies provide space on webservers for the actual site content. Alabanza, Inc. in Baltimore hosts three Hezbollah sites, including the Hezbollah news site Intiqad.com. iPowerWeb, Inc. of Santa Monica, California, hosts Nasrollah.net, Naimkassem.org, Moqawama.tv.

According to Haganah, other U.S. companies that host Hezbollah sites include CIHost of Bedford, Texas; FastServers of Cedar Falls, Iowa; and ITX via DataPipe in Hoboken, New Jersey.

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February 5, 2005

Graham Greene's Pinkie meets Omar Bakri. "I converted when I was in prison. I found it relaxing, we got better food." It will be interesting to see if the British mosque leaders come up with any real program to show these people that their actions are indeed un-Islamic. Read this entire fascinating article; below are just a few excerpts. From The Evening Standard, with thanks to the South London Boy:

Winston emerges menacingly from the kitchen, a meat cleaver in one hand and a kitchen knife with an eight-inch blade in the other. "I love knives," he says, his eyes gleaming as he begins to slash the air inches from my face.

"Guns make a f***ing noise, but knives go in," he pauses, " silentlike, easy." He begins stabbing the wall and hacking the plaster, and then, just as suddenly, stops, seemingly sated, like an addict who has had his fix.

He holds up his blades to inspect them. "F***ing quality," he says, and deposits them unceremoniously his trousers. Winston, 21, black and from south London, licks his teeth as he paces around the stripped-bare flat on a Peckham estate that serves as one of his gang's many secret hideouts. He speaks in his gang's uniquely coded lingo.

"Knives is f***-all. Later, my bruvs will be back from their robberies with our skengelengs [guns] and cream [money]. Later there be MACinside-10s [sub-machine guns] all over the floor, laid wall to wall. And moolah! We count it - 10 grand, 20 grand. Then, after midnight," he adds, matter-of-factly, "me and my bruvs go to mosque to pray."

Winston's casual depiction of a lifestyle of crime tightly bound up with religious observance would normally be regarded as paradoxical, but in his case it is what defines him. For Winston is a member of the Muslim Boys, a gang, the black community says, unlike any that has operated before in south London....

The Muslim Boys, they say, are notorious for intimidating imams into opening their mosques in the early hours of the morning so that they can pray, often right after committing crimes, and for their "forced conversions", carried out at gunpoint, of black youths to Islam. At least one local young man, Adrian Marriott, thought to have resisted such a conversion, is believed to have been murdered "as an example to others"....

Last month, the Brixton and Stockwell mosques moved to publicly distance themselves from the gang, saying - without actually naming the Muslim Boys - that there are "criminals masquerading as Muslims" who threaten the good name of their religion.

Abdul Haqq Baker, chairman of Brixton mosque, said: "What we are seeing is a new phenomenon that I have not seen in my 15 years as a Muslim." He added that TV scenes of militant uprisings in the Middle East are presenting a distorted view of Islam that appeals to criminals. "Keep away from our mosques," he pleaded....

Last June, the imam had to step in personally after Adrian Marriott - having been hounded by the gang to convert with bullying visits to his home - was found shot several times in the head, in parkland off Barrington Road, Brixton.

"I had to approach the family of the murdered boy and assure them that these criminals have nothing to do with real Islam, or with our mosque," he says. Three men in their early twenties have been charged with Adrian Marriott's murder....

When I ask Winston whether he believes in Islam, he prevaricates. "Sort of," he says. "I converted when I was in prison. I found it relaxing, we got better food. Now we all go to mosque together. If I refuse, they blow [shoot] me, innit. I pray twice a day: before I do crime, and after. I ask Allah for a blessing when I'm out on the street. Afterwards, I apologise to Allah for what I done."

Winston becomes angry when I show him the Brixton mosque's denunciation of his crew as "bogus Muslims", crushing their statement in his fist. "F***ing cheek!" he says. "Mocking us. There be retribution for this!"...

One final question, I say. Where does your money go? "To the f***ing laundry, innit," he says, licking his teeth. Is there any connection between your gang and al Qaeda? He glares at me. "That's a deep piece of info. I support Bin Laden. I wouldn't ask that question, bruv - it's rude, it's dangerous, it's ..."

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It is good to see the Times dealing honestly with the problem of apostasy. The death penalty for apostasy should be enough to illustrate the incompatibility of traditional Islamic law with Western pluralism and the principle of freedom of conscience. From the ever-superb Anthony Browne, with whom I once had the honor of participating in a radio exchange with the infamous Omar Bakri, in the Times Online, with thanks to all who sent this in:

THE first brick was thrown through the sitting room window at one in the morning, waking Nissar Hussein, his wife and five children with a terrifying start. The second brick went through his car window.

It was a shock, but hardly a surprise. The week before, another brick had been thrown through the window as the family were preparing for bed in their Bradford home. The victim of a three-year campaign of religious hatred, Mr Hussein’s car has also been rammed and torched, and the steps to his home have been strewn with rubbish.

He and his family have been regularly jostled, abused, attacked, shouted at to move out of the area, and given death threats in the street. His wife has been held hostage inside their home for two hours by a mob. His car, walls and windows have been daubed in graffiti: “Christian bastard”.

The problem isn’t so much what Mr Hussein, whose parents came from Pakistan, believes, but what he doesn’t believe. Born into Islam, he converted eight years ago to Christianity, and his wife, also from Pakistan, followed suit.

While those who convert to Islam, such as Cat Stevens, Jemima Khan, and the sons of the Frank Dobson, the former Health Secretary, and Lord Birt, the former BBC Director-General, can publicly celebrate their new religion, those whose faith goes in the other direction face persecution. Mr Hussein, a 39-year-old hospital nurse in Bradford, is one of a growing number of former Muslims in Britain who face not just being shunned by family and community, but attacked, kidnapped, and in some cases killed. There is even a secret underground network to support and protect those who leave Islam. One estimate suggests that as many as 15 per cent of Muslims in Western societies have lost their faith, which would mean that in Britain there are about 200,000 apostates.

For police, religious authorities and politicians, it is an issue so sensitive that they are accused by victims of refusing to respond to appeals for help. It is a problem that, with the crisis of identity in Islam since September 11, seems to be getting worse as Muslims feel more threatened.

Read it all.

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We'll see if they dare to repeat this at the conference itself, in front of the American representatives. From WND, :

Speaking at a meeting of Saudi leaders in preparation for the kingdom's international conference on counterterrorism, Defense Minister Prince Sultan referred to Osama bin Laden as being "sent by the Jews."

The prince was quoting a poet who said, "Long live security - may its men hold their heads high on every corner. [Bin Laden], whose ideology is sick, who was sent by the Jews, who is the architect of theft, was treacherous and sent us the criminals. This traitor of the nation tried to harm us, but his efforts boomeranged back upon him."

The prince's remarks can by viewed, with translation, at the Middle East Media Institute's special website of television clips [Clip No. 518].

The first-of-its-kind conference, beginning today through Tuesday, will be attended by leading counterterrorism experts from more than 50 countries, including the U.S.

But Israel is not invited, despite its extensive experience combating terrorism at home.

"We have invited all countries that have suffered from terrorism to the conference, and all have agreed to take part," said Prince Turki ibn Muhammad, assistant undersecretary for political affairs at the Saudi Foreign Ministry.

Jive Turki. So Israel has never suffered from terrorism, eh?

Prince Turki said efforts must be made to address root causes.

"We have to address the reasons that lead to the spread of this dangerous phenomenon," he said.

Sure we do. So let's see, Turki, my man. I'll start: 9/11 was a combined effort of the CIA and Mossad, right? Or was it just the agents of the Zionist entity on their own? And did Spiderman play a key role, or was his involvement just peripheral?

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Are non-Muslims eligible for these interest-free loans? "Koran-Friendly Lenders," from Business Week, with thanks to Jerry Gordon:

Who wouldn't want an interest-free loan? If you happen to be a devout Muslim, it's the only option. Paying interest -- riba -- is forbidden. That puts would-be homeowners who are Muslim-American in a bind. Saving to pay for a home in full when housing prices are skyrocketing is nearly impossible.

Now Koran-compatible "Islamic banking" is coming to the U.S. Leading the way is Devon Bank, a small community bank in Chicago owned by the Loundy family, who are Jewish. In January, Freddie Mac (FRE ) agreed to buy Devon's Islamic home financing products, freeing up capital for a national expansion. Devon also is working with Fannie Mae (FNM ) to develop Koran-compatible home mortgage products. Other banks are starting to offer Islamic services in the U.S., including the University Bank in Ann Arbor and HSBC in New York.

Devon, on Chicago's North Side, anchors a neighborhood that has shifted from Eastern European Jews to Indian, Pakistani, and Middle Eastern Muslims. To meet customers' needs, the bank, which has $261 million in assets, spent two years developing financial products that could conform to Islamic laws and pass the financial scrutiny of U.S. regulators.

Under Murabaha, or installment financing, Devon buys a property chosen by a customer, then turns around and sells it for a price that includes projected interest costs. There is no principal and thus, technically, no interest. Islamic financing is nearly half of Devon's mortgage portfolio.

Can someone help me out here? Does this mean that the Muslim homebuyers buy the houses at rates that include the projected interest costs? Or that Devon absorbs the interest costs?

The bank also offers Koran-friendly financing for commercial real estate, business equipment, and letters of credit. "We are a community bank helping a community that's being underserved," says David Loundy, the bank's legal counsel. "In this case it's the Muslim community." Given an estimated 6 million Muslims in the U.S., that's bound to change.

Note that the bank seems to have accepted the inflated Muslim population figures put forward by American advocacy groups.

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"Terror Meeting a Showcase for Saudi Efforts," from AP, with thanks to EPG:

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Delegates from the around the world will spend four days discussing ways to combat terrorism at a conference hosted by a country some in the West blame for exporting terrorism, even as Saudi Arabia sees itself as the victim of such violence.

The Counter Terrorism International Conference, which opened Saturday, caps an aggressive anti-terror campaign by Saudi authorities to uproot al-Qaida's structure in the kingdom. Al-Qaida is responsible for the deaths of scores of civilians in bombings and shootings here.

Crown Prince Abdullah, the kingdom's de facto ruler, opened the conference, which is being attended by delegates from the United States, Britain and more than 50 countries and international organizations....

"When they speak about internal security nobody believes them," said Kevin Rosser, an analyst with the London-based Control Risks Group. "Even when they have made genuine progress it's taken a long time for the outside world's recognition to catch up."

What a pity. Maybe this slowness has something to do with the Saudis' sponsorship of jihad ideology, even in mosques in the most prominent nation attending their conference?

Also, click here for more indication of how searching and effective this conference is going to be.

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February 4, 2005

I have had an exchange with someone identifying herself as "Andrea22072" on the thread "Northeastern Prof Shahid Alam slimes Jihad Watch, LGF again" that I thought was worth making into a post of its own, since it deals with many of the issues being bandied about in connection to the controversies surrounding Alam and Ward Churchill -- chiefly, "academic freedom."

Andrea22072 began by posting this as a comment there:

After learning of the focus on Professor Alam by FOX News, and reading the statement by Bill O'Reilly regarding the Professor's work, I stumbled upon the jihadwatch.org website.

Saying that I am appalled at the strangulation of academic freedom, the smearing of those who do not hold to specific ideologies, as well as the outright twisting of those individual's works that dare seek out socio-political truths that deviate from "accepted" patterns of that search.

While I am unsure if this post will be "approved" by the site and posted along with other comments I wish to convey my disappointment and outrage at this attack on Professor Alam and to inform those that frequent this site, as well as the site owner, that those individuals who hold to the notion of academic freedom, in research, writing, and thought, will not submit to attempts to defame those who have the courage to speak the truth in the face of mass propaganda and fear.

I thank you for this website as it enabled me to obtain information on other individuals, like Professor Alam, who are critically focusing on these issues in order that I may lend my support to them. I hope that those who read of the statements made regarding Professor Alam actually reads his work and does not simply rely on others to interpret the works for them and draw conclusions based on others views.

I replied:


It is Shahid Alam who has defamed me, not the other way around.

He has suggested I orchestrated death threats against him. I expect he knows that this is false.

I challenge you to produce one statement I have made about Shahid Alam or his "academic work" that is false.

Robert Spencer

Her further reply:

Mr. Spencer, Thank you for your reply to my recent post; I sincerely appreciate the opportunity you have provided for dialogue.

I appreciate your statement regarding the suggestion of your orchestrating death threats as I have no evidence to the contrary and hope the views you express would be defended in the course of discussion and not simply in actions that would be considered reactionary. Likewise, I would hope that you appreciate the fact that there are many individuals that choose a reactionary method of response to his work regardless of where they arise (again, not stating that you have initiated these methods).

I never accused you of "falsifying" Mr. Alam's work; my statements indicate a misrepresentation of his ideas. After reading many of the Professor's works (only after becoming aware of the controversy) I was struck by the lack of focus on the thesis of his work by those that argue against it. In Mr. Alam’s article, “America and Islam” he raises fundamental and important questions to those Muslim extremists that I have yet seen raised by those who adamantly argue against his work. Your statement regarding those who use personal attacks against those whose ideology does not match their own is well founded; I would be eager to hear responses based on Mr. Alam’s actual premises and thesis instead of a few selectively chosen passages that have not been taken within the context of his argument. I have not, as of yet, found any argument against the Professor’s work that critically discusses the propositions contained within his work as opposed to the mere repeating of selected passages that could be viewed as inflammatory.

It appears (from your response to Alam’s article) that you rely on a “moral compass” to direct your research and writings. I am interested in this statement and would ask how you define “moral compass”. Your response misses the fundamental argument raised in Alam’s work – that the ideologies of the dispersion of “freedom” promulgated by the US and the ideology of Muslim extremists are more similar than different in their purpose to free their people of tyranny. I am in no way defending Sharia law just as I am not defending the US ideology based on specific premises. I am simply attempting to go outside both to examine the impact of Western actions on current situations and how Western actions, in large part, negatively impact the very situations that are trying to be remedied (by negative impact I mean by actually serving to exacerbate terror and further alienate those extremists who then pose a greater threat to Western ideals).

Aside from the specific controversy of Mr. Alam I am increasingly concerned at the attempts to silence those who are critical of current Western policies, especially within settings of academia. I do understand that it is very easy to sink to personal attacks, derogatory statements that do not address the issues raised, and threats of physical harm and it is this reason that misrepresentations are important. I am not proposing that you have been the source of these reactionary responses only that a selective focus on small portions of the works, while choosing not to discuss the premise and thesis contained in those works, serves to undermine discussion and discourse on the issues proposed.

Again, I appreciate your reply and your willingness to engage on these issues. I look forward to your thoughts.

And my last:

Dear Andrea22072,

I think it is much more likely that those who would "choose a reactionary method of response" are those who oppose my work, not Shahid Alam's. Shahid Alam knows this to be true; that is, for example, why I do not publish my address or whereabouts, while his are readily available even now, after he has received these putative threats.

I respectfully disagree with your contention that I missed "the fundamental argument raised in Alam’s work – that the ideologies of the dispersion of 'freedom' promulgated by the US and the ideology of Muslim extremists are more similar than different in their purpose to free their people of tyranny." I confronted that argument head-on in one of the pieces about Alam that I wrote -- and you clearly have read it, since it is also the one in which I refer to a moral compass. But here it is, for your convenience: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=16537

In any case, as for a moral compass, I believe in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 9/11 hijackers, insofar as they believed in Sharia, did not. (For a precise elucidation of the differences between Sharia and the Declaration, cf. the Sufi Sheikh Tabandeh's critique of the Universal Declaration). Whatever you wish to say about how the West is, in your view, exacerbating terror, the Sharia is still the Sharia. To say that its adherents are trying to free people from tyranny is true from their own perspective; it is objectively false, however, insofar as the Sharia itself is tyrannical, and destructive. (Please pardon the reference if you do not believe in objective truth.)

As for trying to "silence" the professor, this charge is beyond ridiculous. Shahid Alams fill American universities and reign virtually unchallenged as they fill American youth with their ideas. If anyone has been silenced, it is the noble (yes) Orientalists of the past -- Jeffrey, Margoliouth, Muir, Schacht, Wansbrough, and others -- who did real academic work on Islam and Middle Eastern issues, in sharp contrast to the dreary politicized Saidist lockstep that reigns supreme today and of which Shahid Alam is but one of many, many representatives.

Robert Spencer

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Right now. Sorry for the short notice. They just called me.

Here is the O'Reilly radio website.

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Last night I spoke in Boston about the questions surrounding the mosque project there -- Citizens for Peace and Tolerance has a good repository of information about this project.

Earlier yesterday I was made aware that the Islamic Society of Boston, the group that is building the mosque, was disavowing on its website an email that had circulated, which I have been unable as yet to obtain but which was apparently calling on people to disrupt my talk. Here is a portion of the ISB statement:

The tone and views of an email circulated during the last few days under heading “Help Defend Roxbury Mosque” does not represent the Islamic Society of Boston and we have never been consulted in any manner regarding that email. We fully disagree with its content. We do not believe that disrupting public gatherings is a way for Muslims to make their point, nor do we believe that such language conforms to our values of humanitarian service, religious tolerance and public outreach.

The email circulated widely enough to bring out FoxNews cameras, evidently hoping to see some kind of angry confrontation. But the weather was bad, and that plus ISB's disavowal no doubt kept anyone who had planned to demonstrate or disrupt the talk away.

However, the mere idea that my presence was something worth disrupting achieved what was no doubt one of its intended effects: it cast doubts and fear into the minds of those who had invited me. Consequently I was given an awkward and nervous introduction by someone who managed in the space of about three minutes to assure the crowd twice that I in no way represented the organization that sponsored the talk, that my view was just one among many, and that the organization itself was tolerant, etc.

This was more amusing than insulting -- yes, I just was passing by and thought I'd stop in to give an address! It was all the more incongruous given that my remarks contained no flamethrowing. I merely pointed out some of the established connections the Boston mosque has to people like Qaradawi, quoted some of their statements, explained the roots of these statements in Islamic teachings, and asked for explanations. But it points up a larger problem: American Muslim advocates resort to these tactics -- demonstrations and disruptions or threats of them, name-calling, etc. -- because they work. Charges of bigotry, hatred, etc., however unfounded, are the worst charges one can bring against a public figure in America today. And they succeed in ensuring that the one so charged will not be heard by a great many people.

This is a much bigger problem than my speech last night in Boston -- it is a useful tool in the hands of jihadists to silence honest discussion of their motives, goals, and activities in America and Europe. And if there is no such discussion, where will we be?

CORRECTION: Last night I was told that Fox was there because of the email that the ISB disavowed. This led to my statement above: "The email circulated widely enough to bring out FoxNews cameras, evidently hoping to see some kind of angry confrontation." However, I have just been informed by an Executive Producer at Fox that that was not the case: he didn't know of the email until he read the post above. Fox was there, he told me, for "a chance to record your thoughts on some of the people behind the new mosque." I appreciate that, and apologize for passing on incorrect information.

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From the Christian Science Monitor, with thanks to Eschwapp:

SANAA, YEMEN – When Judge Hamoud al-Hitar announced that he and four other Islamic scholars would challenge Yemen's Al Qaeda prisoners to a theological contest, Western antiterrorism experts warned that this high-stakes gamble would end in disaster. Nervous as he faced five captured, yet defiant, Al Qaeda members in a Sanaa prison, Judge Hitar was inclined to agree. But banishing his doubts, the youthful cleric threw down the gauntlet, in the hope of bringing peace to his troubled homeland.

"If you can convince us that your ideas are justified by the Koran, then we will join you in your struggle," Hitar told the militants. "But if we succeed in convincing you of our ideas, then you must agree to renounce violence."

The prisoners eagerly agreed.

Now, two years later, not only have those prisoners been released, but a relative peace reigns in Yemen. And the same Western experts who doubted this experiment are courting Hitar, eager to hear how his "theological dialogues" with captured Islamic militants have helped pacify this wild and mountainous country, previously seen by the US as a failed state, like Iraq and Afghanistan.

I am eager to see this too. After all, no one else seems to be able to do this. British moderate Muslims, to name just one, have been powerless against claims that people like Omar Bakri represent "pure Islam." Other Islamic moderates have disdained the need for it. But if it's true that Hitar can convince Muslims to renounce violence using the Qur'an -- and I have serious doubts, based on what I know of the Qur'an and other Islamic sources -- then he has found what the whole world wants and needs.

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The Dutch have banned their flag, but I'm sure they'll be quite happy to wear the zunnar. (The zunnar, folks, was a cloth belt worn by dhimmis, to signify their inferior status.) From Rayra at LGF comes this:

In the Netherlands the national flag is now banned on most schools. If a student wears the national flag of his own country he will be suspended or expelled from school. The reason for this is that this provokes the immigrants (the muslims) and therefore it is considered discrimination if you wear your country's flag in your own country. Even people who have an bumpersticker whit the flag on their car are harassed and called a facist by the Muslims. Most schools also ban certain clothing like the Lonsdale brand and combat boots with white or red laces. This is also concidered a sign of racism. There are of course no restrictions for the immigrants on clothing.

Dutch article here.

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From Mona Eltahawy of the Progressive Muslim Union of North America in the Christian Science Monitor, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

NEW YORK – In January last year, the US-backed Iraqi Governing Council incurred the wrath of Iraqi women by ordering that Islamic law, or sharia, replace the civil code that had governed family and divorce law since the 1950s. Women from Iraq's different religious sects denounced the decision in street protests and conferences that eventually led to sharia being listed as just one of several sources of legislation in Iraq's temporary constitution. It is that image of Iraqi women braving the streets of occupied Baghdad to protest sharia that makes it impossible to understand what former Ontario Attorney General Marion Boyd was thinking when she recommended Jan. 17 that the province allow sharia tribunals to settle family disputes for Muslims. Her report examining the issue was commissioned by current Attorney General Michael Bryant, as Ontario considers whether to let Islamic law be used in private arbitration of civil and family-law disputes when all parties agree to it. As a Muslim woman who is familiar with the many ways sharia is abused and used against women in my own country, Egypt, and in several other Muslim countries I have reported from, I urge Mr. Bryant and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty to reject Ms. Boyd's recommendations.

Many Canadian Muslims agree. The Canadian Council for Muslim Women has called Boyd's recommendations naive. A coordinator of the International Campaign Against Sharia Court in Canada has warned that these tribunals will compel women to stay in abusive relationships. Tarek Fatah, a founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, denounced the former attorney general's report as "multiculturalism run amok."

Boyd's recommendations seem to be aimed at compensating Muslims for the ugly Islamophobia that has surfaced in North America in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. But women must not pay the price for liberal guilt.

According to most interpretations of sharia, women are not treated equally to men. For example, a woman inherits half of what a male relative does. Even more problematic, there is no consensus on sharia, which is derived from the Koran and the life and sayings of the prophet Muhammad.

So whose interpretation of sharia would Ontario Muslims follow? And who would have the authority to decide?

Read it all.

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A few choice MEMRI translations on a disagreement among Muslim clerics on how to deal with Jews. Neither one mentions the third option for dhimmis -- subjugation as inferiors under Islamic law -- although it has been invoked by imams in Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority in the last few years. I recount those incidents in Onward Muslim Soldiers. From Israel National News, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Speaking on Saudi Arabia's Iqra TV last month, Sheikh 'Aed Al-Karni expounded:

"The Prophet Muhammad, as is said in the Hadith [post-Koranic instructions for behavior and belief - ed.], sent Ali to the Jews - to the Jews, the brothers of apes and pigs - to fight them. Ali, being so brave and daring, thought he was sent to behead them. The Prophet Muhammad told him that it was better to guide them to the righteous path than to kill them...."

Adding elucidation of the founder of Islam's instruction, Al-Karni concluded, "By Allah, if you guide a Jew or a Christian to the righteous path, it is better than slaughtering one or two thousand of them on the battlefield."

A London-based Islamic preacher, however, has a different view. Appearing on Iranian television's Arabic broadcast on December 30, Sa'id Radhwan declared:

"The only option with these Jews is Jihad. Jihad is the only option that the [Palestinian] resistance should employ and maintain against the Jews. It is impossible for [the Palestinians] to regain their lands and their holy places in any way but Jihad, because Jihad is the only way to liberate the Palestinian lands and the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

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From RFE/RL, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Prague, 2 February 2005 (RFE/RL) -- A husband with several wives and many children usually spends his money on quantity rather than quality, and therefore his children receive a mediocre or even poor education. This, in turn, lowers the education level of those societies in which polygamy is a common practice.

That is the conclusion of three Hebrew University professors in a report called "The Mystery of Monogamy." It is based on a study conducted in the African country of Ivory Coast.

Eric Gould is a Hebrew University economics professor and one of the authors of the report. He tells RFE/RL that the purpose of the research was to look at the correlation between polygamy and economic development, since all of the societies in which polygamy is practiced are developing countries, while monogamy is the common practice in all developed countries.

Gould says the overall impact of polygamy on developing economies is negative. "In general, wealthy men like lots of children and lots of wives. But the difference between developed countries and nondeveloped countries is how people get wealthy and a value of education in a society," he says. "So, in a nondeveloped country, men don't get wealthy through their education and through their human capital. They basically get land or another kind of wealth. They know their children are not going to get wealthy through education, and so forth. So, they prefer lots of children with a low level of human capital."

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The Islamic Society of Boston (to take just one example) maintains that Islam considers men and women "equal in the sight of God." Mmm-hmm. From the Saudi Institute, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Washington, DC (January 29) -- A Saudi court has ruled that the value of one woman’s life is equal to that of one man’s Leg. The court ordered a Saudi to pay a Syrian expatriate blood money after he killed the man’s wife and severed both his legs in a car accident six months ago.

The Syrian, Saadi Naif Azabouti, lost his wife and two legs in the accident. The court ordered $13,300 compensation for the man’s wife, and the same amount for each of his legs, Al-Watan newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Saudi courts are run according the Wahhabi Islamic traditions and are
limited to Wahhabi judges. Other Muslims, such as non-Wahhabi Sunni and Shiites, are banned from being judges.

Women in Saudi Arabia face wide-ranging discrimination institutionalized by the Saudi government, which doses not recognize women as separate entities, but rather as an extension of their male relatives.

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Traditional Islamic law mandates death for those who leave Islam, and for non-Muslims who try to induce Muslims to leave Islam. That may have been a motive in the New Jersey murders -- and for those who don't believe that that sort of thing really happens, here is a story from Nigeria. From "Nigeria: Muslim Militants Target Expelled Christian Students," from Compass Direct, with thanks to JS:

February 3 (Compass) -- Muslim militants pronounced a death sentence on five Christian students expelled from public schools in November for conducting an evangelistic outreach.

The families of two of the students, Miss Hanatu Haruna Alkali and Abraham Adamu Misal, were attacked on January 26 when militants went to their family homes in the state of Gombe in northern Nigeria intending to kill them.

A sister of Alkali, who asked not to be named, reported to Compass from Gombe that Muslim militants have attacked the house several times. Family members fear for their lives.

Family Held At Gun Point

Rev. Oludare Aliu, national coordinator of the students’ ministry of the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA), confirmed the report. “Muslim militants went to Gombe to … kill Hannatu, but fortunately, she was not at home at the time. The family was held at gun point. Hannatu’s father happens to be a former military officer. He wrestled with the militants and was able to disarmed one of them who had a gun. While he was fighting them, one of the militants stabbed Hannatu’s mother with a knife. She has been treated for the wounds.” Alkali is now in hiding.

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From SA, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Khartoum - Crimes against civilians in Sudan's troubled region of Darfur are continuing while aid workers are "terrorised" and subject to arbitrary arrest, the United Nations envoy for Sudan said on Wednesday.

Jan Pronk made the bleak assessment two days after a UN panel accused the Khartoum government of gross and systematic human rights violations in Darfur, but stopped short of labelling the violence in the region as genocide.

"Crimes against civilians are still going on in Darfur region of west Sudan," he told reporters in Khartoum after a tour of Darfur, where tens of thousands of people have died in nearly two years of conflict between government forces and ethnic minority rebels.

I "saw myself burnt and destroyed houses in more than 12 villages which were attacked by militias", said the UN envoy, adding that he had raised the issue with government officials as well as rebel leaders.

Pronk said he urged them to "stop the acts of violence which are making the innocent victims".

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Dhimmitude from a French politician? Why, it's unprecedented! From "Debre: Armenian Issue is not Our Problem" in Turks.us, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Speaker of the French National Parliament Jean-Louis Debre discussed Turkey's European Union (EU) membership bid just before his Turkey visit begins today. Debre responded to a question about whether the Armenian issue was a problem in the development of Turkey-France relations: "Let's be honest. First of all, the Armenian problem is not an issue concerning Turkey-France relations. It is rather about Turkey-Armenia relations and Turkey's own history in particular."

The EU that Turkey wants to join was the built by confronting public and state history, Debre said, and they believe that Turkey would understand this and its part of the European project. The French Speaker also added that it is about "overcoming the conflicts to build a peaceful unity, respecting human rights, paying attention to the responsibility to remember, and making peace with one's own history." Meanwhile, the French Parliament approved the so-called genocide bill in 2001, which led to a long break in Turkey-France relations.

Well, wouldn't making peace with one's own history involve owning up to the Armenian genocide? So it seems that the Speaker is just hoping they will do, but he certainly won't be too disappointed if they don't.

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Sharia alert. Last night after I gave a talk a gentleman confronted me with the fact that only two states today fully implement Sharia -- as if the rest of the Islamic world has nothing to do with it. In fact, it is advancing everywhere. Sir, this one's for you. "MMA MPA seeks law against music, women's photos in ads," from Dawn, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

PESHAWAR, Feb 3: An MPA of the ruling Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal on Thursday tabled two private bills in the NWFP Assembly suggesting that music and dance in public places and educational institutions, and using photographs of women in advertisements be declared penal offences punishable by up to five years in prison along with a fine of up to Rs5,000 and Rs10,000, respectively....

In their speeches in the house on Thursday, both opposition members said the bills were aimed at Talibanisation of the province. In the first draft law, a public place is a building, house, room, tent, enclosure, road, lane, bridge, square or any other place to which the public is admitted to witness a dance or music performance on payment or otherwise....

If the law is enacted, dancing and music in a public place or in an educational institution will be considered an offence punishable with imprisonment of up to five years and with fine of up to Rs5,000.

The proposed law empowers a police officer not below the rank of inspector to enter any public place or educational institution and arrest any person who in his opinion has committed, or is committing or is about to commit such offence, including the person who abets the commission of such an offence.

The second bill pertaining to photographs of women reads: "Photograph means a photograph of a woman obtained through camera or hand drawing/painting or portrait, whether factual or artificial, which may amount to any incentive to sensuality or excitement of impure thoughts in the mind of an ordinary man of normal temperament; or tends to corrupt those minds which are open to such immoral influence, or which is deemed to be detrimental to public morals and calculated to produce pernicious effect, in depriving and debauching the minds of person."

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Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer at FrontPage today on the Freedom House report and its implications for General Vines' reading list:

In a remarkable example of truth in advertising, Lt. General John R. Vines, the new U.S. ground commander in Iraq, has included on a booklist for his senior staff officers the deathless classic Islam for Dummies — among other books that minimize or explain away any connection between Islam and violence. Unfortunately for the General, word of his reading list hadn’t been out long when Freedom House, a human rights group in Washington, released a report on Saudi hate literature in American mosques that made his list look Pollyannaish.

In a Baltimore Sun interview after Vines’ list was made public, the author of Islam for Dummies, a retired professor named Malcolm Clark, was asked if he agreed “with President Bush that Islam is a peaceful religion that has been ‘hijacked’ by extremists?” He replied: “Generally, yes, but ‘hijacked by fanatics’ suggests the fault lies completely with that group. Western and American actions have created a climate ... for that hijacking to occur.”

Clark is evidently unaware of the centuries of jihad warfare by Muslims before there even was an America — or perhaps he just got carried away in his zeal to exonerate Islam from any connection to 9/11, Beslan, and all the other recent attacks perpetrated by men who quoted the Qur’an and cited Islam’s doctrine of jihad to justify their actions. “Many Americans,” he lamented, “equate Islam and terrorism. That’s not historically true. Go back 20 years; the majority of terrorist acts against America happened in South America and came from a leftist ideology. Still, there’s a feeling that Muslim groups in the U.S. haven’t been forthcoming enough about condemning Islamic terrorism. In fact, all the major Islamic organizations in the U.S., such as the Islamic Society of North America [ISNA], unequivocally condemned the [9/11] attacks.”

ISNA did indeed condemn the attacks. But I wonder if Clark knows that the Senate Finance Committee in January 2004 included ISNA on a list of groups that “finance terrorism and perpetuate violence.” Does Clark know that ISNA has received Saudi money?

Saudi condemnations of terrorism ring even hollower than they already did after the publication this week of the extensive report from Freedom House’s Center for Religious Freedom on hate literature produced by the Saudis and distributed in American mosques. One tract featured in the report tells Muslims: “Be dissociated from the infidels, hate them for their religion, leave them, never rely on them for support, do not admire them, and always oppose them in every way according to Islamic law.” A high school textbook makes it absolutely clear where such teaching leads: “To be true Muslims, we must prepare and be ready for jihad in Allah’s way. It is the duty of the citizen and the government. The military education is glued to faith and its meaning, and the duty to follow it.”

Condemn terrorism? Sure. But they don’t condemn jihad — and for the people in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and other victims of the global jihad, this is a distinction without a difference.

So while Saudi-funded mosques in the United States teach jihad and hatred of non-Muslims, General Vines’ staff in Iraq will be learning from Malcolm Clark that Islam is fundamentally peaceful and that American aggression has created Islamic terrorism.

Maybe General Vines and his staff, after they have thoroughly imbibed all of Clark’s lessons, can approach the Saudis and explain to them how they are getting Islam all wrong. Unfortunately, the Saudis are unlikely to listen, given that also in their literature for American mosques is the assertion that “it is basic to Islam to believe that everyone who does not embrace Islam is an unbeliever, and that they are enemies to Allah, his prophet and believers.”

Wouldn’t General Vines’ staff be more prepared for the kind of opposition they will encounter in Iraq if they studied not treacly Islamic apologetics like Islam for Dummies but works that honestly explored the theological and historical roots of Islamic terrorism? Even if they read the Freedom House report itself, the troops under Vines’ command would gain a fuller and more accurate understanding of the hatred and fanaticism they will encounter in Iraq than they will from anything on his reading list. For only there, and not from Malcolm Clark, will they hear that Muslims are teaching even in America that “until the nations of the world have functionally Islamic governments, every individual who is careless or lazy in working for Islam is sinful.”

Islam for dummies, indeed.

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February 3, 2005

"The Free University is getting an Imam-course," a translation of "Vrije Universiteit krijgt imam-opleiding" by by Beila Rabinowitz, director of Militant Islam Monitor:

The Free University in Holland (VU), is getting 1.5 million euro from the Ministry of Education to provide a course for Imams. According to the goverment such a course is necessary, because many of the Imams at present do not have much of a feeling for Dutch society.

Dean and Professor Dr. M.Brinkman, of the Theological Faculty at the VU, confimed on Tuesday that the University will be getting the course. The VU hopes to begin with this on September 1st and sees it as an extension of the existing course for chaplains such as those in hospitals.

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The Myth of Islamic Tolerance, an essay collection edited by Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer, is now available.

Here is what it says on the book jacket:

This enlightening collection of essays by some of the world’s leading authorities on Islamic social history focuses on the pervasive legal and cultural oppression of non-Muslims in Islamic societies. The authors of these in-depth but accessible articles explode the widely diffused myth, promulgated by Muslim advocacy groups, of a largely tolerant, pluralistic Islam. In fact, the contributors lay bare the tyrannical legal superstructure that has treated non-Muslims in Muslim societies as oppressed and humiliated tributaries, and they show the devastating effects of these discriminatory attitudes and practices in both past and contemporary global conflicts.

The insightful chapters presented in The Myth of Islamic Tolerance explain how the legally mandated subjugation of non-Muslims under Islamic law stems from the Muslim concept of jihad—the spread of Islam through conquest. Historically, the Arab Muslim conquerors overran vast territories containing diverse non-Muslim populations. Many of these conquered people surrendered to Muslim domination under a special treaty called dhimma in Arabic. As such, these non-Muslim indigenous populations, mainly Christians and Jews, were then classified under Islamic law as dhimmis (meaning “protected”). Although protected status may sound benign, this classification in fact referred, most importantly, to “protection” from the resumption of the jihad against non-Muslims. The authors maintain that underlying this religious caste system is a culturally ingrained contempt for outsiders that still characterizes much of the Islamic world today and is a primary catalyst for jihad terrorism, jihadist-martyrdom bombers, and a Nazi-like racist antisemitism taught in school systems and propagated via the media.

Included are Ibn Warraq writing about Edward Said and the "intellectual turbans" he has placed on today's academic establishment, forestalling honest discussion about Islamic tolerance; Bat Ye'or on the devastating effects of the dhimma, the system that actually defines the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims in Islamic states; Walid Phares on the little-noted oppression of Middle Eastern Christians; and much more -- including a devastating series of articles by UN expert David G. Littman on the advancement of Islamic intolerance at the United Nations.

This hard-hitting and absorbing assessment of Islamic teachings and practices regarding non-Muslim minorities uncovers a significant human rights scandal that rarely receives any mention either in academic circles or in the mainstream press.

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From The Age, with thanks to Nicolei:

Amar was 19, but he had the mind of a four-year-old. This handicap didn't stop the insurgency's hard men as they strapped explosives to his chest and guided him to a voting centre in suburban Al-Askan.

And before yesterday's sunrise in Baghdad, his grieving parents loaded his broken remains on the roof of a taxi to lead a sorrowful procession to the holy city of Najaf. There, they gave him a ceremonial wash, shrouded him in white cotton and buried him next to the shrine of Imam Ali, the founder of their Shiite creed....

He had Down syndrome or, as the Iraqis say, he's a mongoli, and when his parents, Ahmed, 42, and Fatima, 40, went to vote with their two daughters Amar was left in the family home.

They presume that in their absence he set out to fill his day as he always did - wandering the streets of the neighbourhood until, usually, a friend or neighbour would bring him home around dusk....

"He was mindless, but he was mostly happy, laughing and playing with the children in the street. Now, his father is inconsolable; his mother cries all the time," the teacher said.

After voting at 7.30am, Amar's parents joined their extended family for a celebration that became a lunch of chicken and rice, soup and orange juice, at the home of a relative.

The sound of the explosion interrupted the party. But, the cousin said, it was assumed to be a mortar shell, a follow-up to the barrage across the city in the first hours of voting.

"Everyone was very happy and excited, but news came that a mongoli had been a bomber. Ahmed and Fatima became distressed and they raced home. They got neighbours to search and one of them identified Amar's head where it lay on the pavement and his body was broken into pieces.

"I have heard of them using dead people and donkeys and dogs to hide their bombs, but how could they do this to a boy like Amar?"

Apparently, Amar triggered the bomb before he got to the intended target. It exploded while he was crossing open ground.

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"Steven Yohanan Kurkis": that's a name a Christian, not a Muslim, would have. Is he a dhimmi Christian aiding the jihad? A recent Muslim convert? Or just an Iraqi Christian trying to enter the country for other reasons? From AP, with thanks to Jeff Lastname:

SAN DIEGO -- Two Iraqis have been charged with immigration offenses in Mexico after being arrested last week in Tijuana, according to Mexican officials.

The Iraqis, Steven Yohanan Kurkis and Kaml Meti Bashar, presented passports from Greece with the names Nikolaos Skarvelis and Nabil Megalli, according to a news release from the Mexican Attorney General's office obtained by the San Diego Union-Tribune.

The American, Samer Toma Oraha, presented an expired U.S. passport to Mexican immigration authorities after arriving in Tijuana from Mexico City on an Aeromexico flight Jan. 26, according to Mexican authorities.

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Infants-to-teens jihad. From DPA, with thanks to Jeff Lastname:

BONN - A Koran school in the German city of Bonn has come under renewed official pressure with the revelation that a staff member's son-in-law supported al-Qaeda and was planning to blow himself up in a terrorist attack in Iraq.

The infants-to-teens King Fahd Academy narrowly escaped closure last year after education officials discovered teachers were calling for a holy war against Christendom at school assemblies and the children spent more time in indoctrination than on the three Rs.

Though reading, writing and arithmetic were well behind the standard at German state schools, hardline Islamists from around Germany were moving their families to Bonn to enrol children at the school.

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One thing is certain (cf. the Brooklyn museum that was exhibiting a portrait of the Virgin Mary pelted with dung a few years ago, and many other cases): if Christians had complained, the museum would have cried "censorship" and kept the exhibit up.

From Reuters, with thanks to all who sent this in:

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A Swedish museum dedicated to world culture has removed an erotic painting plastered with verses from the Muslim holy book, the Koran, from an exhibition about AIDS after Muslims complained it was obscene.

Jette Sandahl, director of the World Culture Museum, which opened in Gothenburg a month ago, said on Wednesday that the painting by an Arab artist living in France was replaced by another less offensive one.

Sweden is home to 400,000 Muslims. The row over artist Louzla Darabi's painting comes amid tensions in Europe about a perceived increase in Islamic militancy since a Dutch filmmaker critical of Islam was murdered in the Netherlands late last year.

Sandahl told Reuters that most of the hundreds of e-mails and letters sent were "respectful and polite but some were more aggressive."

"It was the combination of the image and text from the Koran which was problematic," she added.

Darabi told Gothenburg Channel 4 television that her work was not meant "offend anyone but to stress the link between love and God symbolised by the Koran's text".

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What's that? Europe's problem is racism, you say?

From Expatica, :

MADRID-Moroccan national Rachid Bendouda was arrested in connection with the 11 March terrorist attacks in the Spanish capital.

Some witnesses said they had seen Bendouada on the eve of the attacks in downtown Madrid with Abdennabi Kounjaa, alias "Abdala", one of the suspects in the 11 March train bombings who blew themselves up in the neighbourhood of Leganes as police moved in.

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Al-Moayad update. "Code Words for 'Terror,'" from the New York Post, :

February 3, 2005 -- Brooklyn jurors on the terror-financing case of a Yemeni sheik yesterday viewed secret tapes of him huddling with an assistant — allegedly to create code words for weapons and ammunition.

Not knowing his German hotel room was wired, Sheik Mohammed Ali Hasan al-Moayad allegedly suggested to his assistant that instead of referring to a shortage of ammunition, they could say, "The corn is running low."

"A person must be clever," al-Moayad, 56, tells Mohammed Mohsen Yahya Zayed, 31, on the tape. "For example, if you wish to buy ammunition . . . 'By God, Sheik Mohammed, we wish to buy corn. The corn is running low, should we buy it or what?'"...

On earlier tapes, jurors heard the sheik's alleged boasts that he was Osama bin Laden's spiritual adviser.

"He called me his sheik," al-Moayad said, according to court transcripts. "I used to teach him some of the Islamic laws."

Asked if he supported bin Laden "with money," al-Moayad responded, "Yes, financially yes, and I sat with him like now."

What can the defense say to this? What do you think?

Defense lawyers have challenged the accuracy of English translations provided by FBI interpreters.
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Not that Europe has any immigration problem. Certainly not. From Expatica, with thanks to Kemaste:

BRUSSELS – A Moroccan man suspected of helping to mastermind last year's deadly train bombings in Madrid has been arrested in Brussels.

Twenty-eight-year-old Youssef Belhadj was arrested in Molenbeek on Tuesday after the Spanish police issued an international arrest warrant for him.

He was due to appear in court in Brussels on Wednesday.

Spanish investigators think Belhadj could be Abu Dujanah, the man who appeared on a video tape a few days after the Madrid massacre, saying he was al-Qaeda’s spokesman in Europe.

In the recording, he stated al-Qaeda was responsible for the bombing of the 11 commuter trains – the most deadly terrorist attack Spain has ever seen, which killed 191 people and injured more than 1,500.

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Just in case you thought that the horrors of Beslan had wrought in them a change of heart. Note also more testimony to the general uselessness of the "terrorist" designation. From the Times Online, with thanks to Jeff Norris:

THE Chechen rebel leader who masterminded the Beslan school siege last autumn plans more such operations, despite his apparent remorse over the deaths of more than 330 people — half of them children — in the North Ossetia attack.

In his first interview since that bloodbath, Shamil Basayev says that he is in a state of shock over what happened, but blames the Russians for precipitating the bloody end of the siege. Mr Basayev, Russia’s most wanted man with a $10 million bounty on his head for numerous attacks, said he is willing to stand trial for his actions, but does not renounce his war with the Kremlin or attacks on Russian civilians....

The bearded 40-year-old warlord, believed to be hiding in the mountains of southern Chechnya, looks in good health, and speaks at length in Russian. He sits in front of a banner proclaiming in Arabic: “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet”. He wears a black T-shirt with ‘ANTI-TERROR’ written in white Cyrillic letters, and explains that he considers the Kremlin, not himself, the terrorists. He reads the questions from a laptop computer, and cradles what he describes as a six-barrelled grenade launcher, a trophy from a Russian base....

Mr Basayev states: “We are planning more Beslan-type operations in the future because we are forced to do so.”

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February 2, 2005

Shahid Alam is the Northeastern University professor who compared the 9/11 hijackers to the Founding Fathers, and then falsely accused Jihad Watch, LGF and others of orchestrating "attacks -- many of them death threats" against him.

In a piece at FrontPage a while ago I explained why his remarks were objectionable. But the good professor took no notice, and now, in a new piece at CounterPunch explaining why he is refusing to go on Bill O'Reilly's show, "FoxNews Puts Me In Its Crosshairs," he still seems to believe, or to want his readers to believe, that no reasonable questions were raised about his remarks. And he repeats his smears of Jihad Watch and Little Green Footballs.

Like other Islamic apologists I have encountered, including some professed "moderates," Alam seems to prefer to characterize -- falsely -- any opposition to his views as personal attacks on him, rather than to address their substance in any way. His supporters are thus enflamed to respond to attacks on his "free speech," as he encourages them to do today at CounterPunch, but no notice is taken of the genuine questions raised by his writings. And certainly no attempt is made to engage in the "dialogue" so ballyhooed by his ilk.

All this is just a variant of the tactic used by American Muslim advocacy groups: smear as "Islamophobic" anyone who dares raise uncomfortable questions, thus attempting to rule the questions themselves out of the realm of acceptable discourse. If Shahid Alam succeeds in characterizing those who question his views as rabid hatemongers who are raving and threatening him, he will effectively silence them -- and certainly make the mainstream media afraid to question him.

It has worked many times before.

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Daveed Gartenstein-Ross in this Commentary piece emphasizes that even those ex-Muslims who live in the West have very real security concerns. He also points out that some Muslims residing in the West are all too willing to use the West's liberal institutions to advocate the barbaric Sharia punishment of death for apostates. He discusses in particular Syed Mumtaz Ali, the architect of Canada's Sharia tribunal, and law professor Ali Khan, both of whom have advocated extending Islamic apostasy laws to the West -- to yawns from Western authorities.

In the Islamic world, there is a broad consensus, both popular and scholarly, that apostates deserve to be killed. A rich theological and intellectual tradition, stretching as far back as Muhammad and his companions, supports this position. Though official proceedings against those who reject Islam are fairly rare—in part, no doubt, because most keep their conversion a closely held secret—apostasy is punishable by death in Afghanistan, Comoros, Iran, Mauritania, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Yemen.1 It is also illegal in Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, the Maldives, Oman, and Qatar.

The greatest threat to apostates in the Muslim world derives not from the state, however, but from private individuals who take punishment into their own hands. In Bangladesh, for example, a native-born Muslim-turned-Christian evangelist was stabbed to death in the spring of 2003 while returning home from a film version of the Gospel of Luke. As another Bangladeshi apostate told the U.S. Newswire, “If a Muslim converts to Christianity, now he cannot live in this country. It is not safe. The fundamentalism is increasing more and more.”

Because of this ideological environment, every apostate in the Muslim world must live in constant fear of death. And unfortunately, as harsh recent experience has taught us, Islamist ideology is hardly confined to the Muslim world alone. Advocates of jihad, to say nothing of actual terrorists, can be found in every corner of the West. More disturbing, because of what it says about our own ideological self-defenses, is the respectability that has been granted to spokesmen for Islamic fundamentalism who have learned to promote their agenda in our own idiom, even as they argue that mere conversion out of Islam should be considered a crime.

A prime example in this connection is Syed Mumtaz Ali, the president of the Canadian Society of Muslims. The Indian-born Mumtaz Ali was the first South Asian lawyer in Ontario when he set up practice more than 40 years ago, and has been the intellectual force behind the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice, a group dedicated to applying shari’a (Islamic law) to certain civil disputes in the province. Ontario’s Arbitration Act, passed in 1991, paved the way for this campaign—and for Mumtaz Ali’s emergence as a respected public figure—by granting religious authorities the power to arbitrate in family and property matters so long as the parties involved gave their consent (and with the proviso that the decisions can be appealed to Canadian courts).

Instituting even so restricted a version of shari’a has been controversial in Canada, especially among feminists rightly worried about its effects on Muslim women. But for Mumtaz Ali, this first, modest concession to the claims of Islam has been just the beginning. As he declared in defending the shari’a tribunal, “freedom of religion as guaranteed under Canada’s constitution means not only freedom to practice and propagate religion but also to be able to be governed by one’s religious laws in all aspects of one’s life—spiritual as well as temporal.”

What Mumtaz Ali meant by this portentous remark is made clear in an astonishing essay under his name that can be found on the website of the Canadian Society of Muslims.2 Not only does he affirm there the traditional proposition that apostates must “choose between Islam and the sword,” but he argues that, if Canada is to be true to its own Charter of Rights and Freedoms, it must allow the country’s Muslim community to punish those of its members who renounce or traduce their faith.

[W]hat such a large segment of the Canadian minority believes as a precept of their faith/religion ought to be fully recognized if the Charter’s provision respecting freedom of religion are [sic] to have any real meaning. . . . Failing [to incorporate Islamic law concerning apostasy and blasphemy into the laws of Canada] will be a flagrant breach of equality rights. . . . Failing to interpret the guaranteed rights and freedoms of Muslims in accordance with the true spirit of multiculturalism results in the effective denial of this fundamental philosophy of the Canadian constitution. This is a tragic departure from that cherished “tolerance” (the real tolerance) which is the distinguishing quality of a cultured people.

Mumtaz Ali allows that recognizing Islamic law in this context “does not necessarily entail any obligation to enforce the Islamic punishment for blasphemy/apostasy within the Canadian jurisdiction” (emphasis added). Apostates, that is, will not have to be stoned or beheaded. But plainly some punishment by the community itself is in order, and Canada, as Mumtaz Ali would have it, has no right to stand in the way.

A still more original apologist for the harsh treatment of apostates who reside in the West is Ali Khan, a law professor at Washburn University in Kansas. In a recent issue of the Cumberland Law Review, Khan suggested that Islam can be seen as a form of intellectual property, and Muslims as “trustees” who have vowed to protect their faith’s “knowledge-based assets.”

These assertions, on their face, seem innocuous enough, if a bit absurd. But Khan’s argument quickly takes an ominous turn. If Islam is understood as intellectual property, he contends, the faith should enjoy what he calls “the right to integrity”—that is, its trustees should be able to safeguard “the protected knowledge from innovations, repudiation, internal disrespect, and external assaults.” Thus, Khan continues, apostasy should be punished because it is aimed at dishonoring the protected knowledge of Islam. The murtad (apostate) is akin to a corporate insider who discloses the secrets he has undertaken to protect; he is akin to a state official who turns traitor and joins the ranks of the enemy; he is akin to a custodian who destroys the very monument he was safeguarding on behalf of the community. All legal systems punish insiders who breach their trusts; Islam punishes murtaddun [apostasy] too, sometimes severely.

Khan does not specify what punishment should be meted out to those Muslims in the West who compromise the “intellectual property” of Islam, and perhaps he has something in mind for them that falls short of capital punishment. After all, as he surely knows, American law generally does not countenance the execution of corporate spies and inside traders. The key point, however, is not the outlandish substance of Khan’s argument. Rather, it is the fact that he was able to use an American law review as a soapbox from which to advocate the licensed punishment of apostates—and that his grossly illiberal views were never rebutted in its pages.

Read it all. This piece should be required reading for every elected official in North America and Europe.

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The infamous Sheikh Omar Bakri speaks in Christianity Today (thanks to Nicolei):

Islam is the final revelation, therefore those believing in it submit to Allah—the only One worthy of obedience in every sphere of life. To understand 9/11, we must go back to Tawhid— the exclusive worship of God in every sphere—religious, political, social, etc. Every human action must relate to this. 9/11 was undoubtedly an unpleasant moment for its targets or their relatives (Muslims and non-Muslim), but those committing it acted as a result of the predestined divine decree (although God does give man free will).

The "Magnificent 19" or "terrorists" are personally accountable for their actions. If these were based on God's commands, they will be rewarded; if against his commands, they will be punished.

The 19 referred to a divine text, Surah AL-Baqara 2:190: "Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you … " Muslims believe that non-Muslims are kaffir—those disbelieving in Islam. This is not an insult; it is a description. The God in whom we believe did not come from the womb of a mother. The USA is a kaffir state—and kaffir includes those U.S. Muslims who ally with non-Muslims, e.g. in the U.S. Army, as in Iraq, and are therefore legitimate targets of jihad.

Read it all. Bakri says a great deal that is of cardinal importance for understanding the perspective of the jihadists around the world.

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Val McQueen on Islamic honor killings in Tech Central Station (thanks to JS):

This is so routine in many Muslim societies, the perversity of it is seldom questioned within those societies. We know there is even provision for it in some countries, such as Jordan, which gives lesser penalties to men who commit "honor killings" to "remove a stain from the tribe" than for other murders. They also give a free pass to a man who kills his wife because he suspects she might have committed adultery, and a rapist has his sentence reduced if the woman he raped wasn't a virgin. (By contrast, Pakistan has re-introduced the death penalty specifically for this crime, with accomplices being handed an automatic life imprisonment. According to Pacific News writer Muddassir Rizvi, in 1999-2001, there are estimated to have been 1,100 "honor killings" there.)

And just as genital mutilation takes place in Britain with British doctors turning a blind eye in the name of "multiculturalism", so the murder of disobedient girls and women is countenanced, or at least not reported by the neighbors.

Read it all.

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"British charity still operating in open." From WND, :

On its website, Interpal, established in 1994, says it is a British charity "that focuses solely on the provision of relief and development aid to the poor and needy of Palestine and the world over, primarily in Palestine and the refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon." The charity reportedly raised more than $8 million last year.

But documents discovered and declassified this month from Israel's 2002 Operation Defensive Shield and operations in the Palestinian territories last year, along with other supportive evidence released through the Center for Special Studies in Israel and shared with WND, show Interpal transferred large sums to the Bethlehem Orphan Care Society.

The society, outlawed in Israel in 2002, was being run by Dr. Ghassan Issa Mahmoud Harmass, a high-ranking Hamas figure in Bethlehem. Security sources say that aside from some humanitarian work it did to endear itself to the Palestinian population, the society passed on funds to Hamas’ terrorist apparatus, and gave money to the families of Hamas suicide bombers....

"The [British] authorities are afraid of the large Muslim community," said a security source. "Britain's failure to close Interpal and take action against Hamas' charities is coming from internal politics."

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Policy Review has a lengthy piece by Mark Gould on jihad that is illuminating in many ways. One small extract:

Goldziher characterized the doctrine well: “Muhammad left his immediate achievements within his Arabian sphere as a testament for the future of his community: to fight the unbelievers, to extend not so much the faith as the territory dominated by the faith, which was also the territory dominated by Allah. The warriors of Islam had as their immediate concern the subjugation, rather than the conversion, of the unbelievers” (26-27). The same point is made similarly by Rahman: “Whereas the Muslims did not spread their faith through the sword, it is, nevertheless, true that Islam insisted on the assumption of political power since it regarded itself as the repository of the Will of God which had to be worked on earth through a political order. From this point of view, Islam resembles the Communist structure which, even if it does not oblige people to accept its creed, nevertheless insists on the assumption of the political order. To deny this fact would be both to violate history and to deny justice to Islam itself.”

That is, of course, precisely the point I illustrate from the Qur'an, Hadith, Islamic history, and ancient and contemporary Islamic theologians in Onward Muslim Soldiers.

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From The Indepedent (Banjul), with thanks to Jeff Lastname:

The eyes of al Qaeda on these two oil-producing countries, Nigeria and Angola, are looking beyond the replacement of existing governments with Islamic states. If al Qaeda can triumph in Nigeria and Angola, seizing the national patrimony of both states, it can continue its plan to wage economic warfare against the West. It also will have seized a major income-producing resource for its own ends. African security services and multilateral organisations must be on alert to thwart al-Qaeda plans to terrorise the continent, to divide its people and to seize its resources.

Read it all.

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February 1, 2005

A new development in the hostage case Drudge is covering...

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I am very glad to see from this NorthJersey.com piece, "Web site probed in family's deaths," (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist) that the FBI is investigating barsomyat.com, from which I posted some screenshots here yesterday, and its possible connection to the Armanious murders.

The FBI is investigating a radical Islamic Web site that posted photos and information about people who use an Internet chat room frequented by a Jersey City man whose family was murdered Jan. 14.

The Web site, barsomyat.com, contained detailed information about some users of the PalTalk.com chat service whom the site's members accuse of being outspoken critics of Islam, according to published reports.

An FBI spokesman confirmed Monday that federal investigators are probing whether the site -which is run by a Jordanian -played any role in the murders of Hossam Armanious, 47, his wife, Amal Garas, 37, and their daughters, Sylvia, 15, and Monica, 8. The family was discovered bound and stabbed to death in their Jersey City Heights home.

Hossam Armanious was an active participant in PalTalk.com discussions, using the nickname "I Love Jesus," according to friends. Armanious, a Coptic Orthodox Christian from Egypt, would often engage in heated debates with Muslims in the site's religious chat rooms, and family members have speculated that the murders stemmed from these discussions and his attempts to convert Muslims to Christianity.

"We are aware of that site, and we are looking at it," FBI spokesman John Conway said. "It's an interesting site to say the least. ... It's unknown to anybody right now what credence to put into this."

It also is not known whether any photos of Hossam Armanious or other personal information were posted on the site prior to the murders. Users of the PalTalk service communicate via instant messaging, voice and, often, Web cams. Members of the barsomyat.com site apparently scanned the chat rooms to identify opponents.

The information was then posted with photos of the person. In one case, according to The New York Sun, a barsomyat.com post about a Christian man included his PalTalk nickname, photograph, real name and the city in which he lives, all hacked from his home computer.

Before the site was taken down Monday by its Minnesota hosting company, it contained photos of Hossam Armanious and Amal Garas. It called Armanious a "filthy dog" and Garas "his filthy wife," according to the paper. A screenshot of barsomyat.com was posted on another Web site, Jihadwatch.com.

"They were slaughtered along with their children as a punishment from the heavens to those who curse the most divine of all who were created," one member of barsomyat.com is quoted as writing.

Several Muslim community leaders said on Monday that they were unaware of the existence of the Web site and denounced it when told about the content.

"It is very sick," said Mohamed El Filali, spokesman for the Islamic Center of Passaic County. "Nobody should be harmed because of a person's opinion."

So, Mohamed, are you definitively renouncing Sharia provisions for blasphemy?

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Jihadists are claiming to have captured an American soldier. From AP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

The posting, on a Web site that frequently carried militants' statements, included a photo of what appeared to be an American soldier in desert fatigues seated with his hands tied behind his back. A gun barrel was pointed at his head, and he is seated in front of a black banner emblazoned with the Islamic profession of faith, "There is no god but God and Muhammad is His prophet."...

"Our mujahadeen heroes of Iraq's Jihadi Battalion were able to capture American military man John Adam after killing a number of his comrades and capturing the rest," said the statement, signed by the "Mujahedeen Brigades."

"God willing, we will behead him if our female and male prisoners are not released from U.S. prisons within the maximum period of 72 hours from the time this statement has been released," the statement said.

UPDATE: Drudge suggests that the picture of this hostage is taken from a toy! What next? Barbie???

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This is another deleterious effect of the "Islam is peace" mantra, and the refusal to confront the Saudis' ongoing affection for jihad. "Link Saudi agent to Qaeda plotters," from the New York Daily News, :

WASHINGTON - The FBI last year quietly nabbed a Saudi military official who had ties to Al Qaeda - just after he finished training in this country with the U.S. Air Force, the Daily News has learned.

The Saudi allegedly had knowledge of Al Qaeda safe houses and plans in the kingdom, intelligence sources said.

FBI agents stopped and quizzed the suspect and his family at a U.S. airport as they were leaving the country. The military man was allowed to return to Saudi Arabia, where he was detained and interrogated further, sources said....

"Saudi Arabia continues to be the single biggest producer and fund-raiser of terror," said Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn, Queens) after learning of the case from a News reporter. "When will we learn?"

Yo, Antny (as they say in Brooklyn and Queens). Good question.

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The Vice President of the Jihad Watch Board of Advisors, Hugh Fitzgerald, on ongoing persecution and discrimination against non-Muslims in the Islamic world:

The kidnapping of Christian girls by Muslim Arabs and Kurds in Iraq in the last few years -- and the suicide of at least one Assyrian girl following rape by her Kurdish master -- is a subject that can be found discussed at Assyrian websites. None of this has been reported in the Western press.

This is not strange. The world press simply has not bothered to study Islam; as a consequence, it usually ends up offering “mere” reportage which does not delve, does not comprehend, and repeats the latest Arab or Muslim propaganda and shuns matter which might call into question the Muslim-friendly view of things.

Take, for example, the coverage of the “Palestinian” conflict with Israel --­ that is to say, the Arab Jihad against Israel, where the local Arabs renamed themselves post-1967 the “Palestinian people,” and with a little help from Edward Said and a cast of thousands made everyone forget that 1) Jews in Israel came from Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Morocco, Iran, and elsewhere in the Muslim world, where for more than a millennium and a half they were cruelly mistreated as dhimmis (and in some places, such as Yemen, as chattel slaves) ­ and not only from Europe. 2) that more than 90% of the land of what became Mandatory Palestine was owned by the Ottoman state, and then passed to the successor authorities, first the government of Mandatory Palestine, and then to the state of Israel. The small amount that was privately owned was bought and paid for by the Jewish National Fund, and other Samaritan organizations, often at exceedingly high costs, from absentee Arab landlords ­ not a single dunam of land was taken until the 1948 attack on the nascent Jewish state by five Arab armies. 3) the ruin and desolation in the area, which Edward Said so monstrously mocked, was a fact testified to by the very people whom he claimed stood for the opposite principle ­ from Lamartine and Chateaubriand to Melville and Mark Twain. 4) the Treaty of al-Hudaibiyya is the immutable principle of all Muslim treaties with Infidels, yet not a single reporter has ever managed to allude to this treaty, much less to show that any research --­ such as a reading of Majid Khadduri --­ has gone into an understanding of the Muslim Law of War and Peace.

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A new essay by Wolfgang Bruno:

The always eminent writer and historian Victor Davis Hanson compares modern Europe to the Middle Earth of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic “The Lord of the Rings”, recently turned into one of the most successful movie trilogies in history by New Zealand director Peter Jackson. Like the inhabitants of Tolkien’s imaginary world, Europeans are accustomed to living in peace and prosperity. But their sedate way of life is starting to come under threat, although not all of them have noticed it yet. The shadow of an ancient foe is rising in the East, an enemy that has not threatened us for so long that we had almost forgotten about it, and how dangerous it can be.

Memories of past battles have become dim, to the point where we treat them almost as Fairytales. The enemy was defeated last time, but not destroyed. It has been lying low since then, retreated into its heartland and waited for the next opportunity to strike. And now, it senses weakness.

The One Ring, the Ring of Power, which triggers a major war deciding the future of freedom in Middle Earth, is a great analogy for Islam. Many men have become enticed by the undeniable power of the Ring, hoping to use it for their own gain in the vain belief that they can control it. But the Ring of Power has a will of its own, and is inherently evil. It cannot be used for anything good. It will slowly corrupt the ones using it, replacing whatever was noble and positive with darkness, leaving nothing but an empty shell. Like the Nazgûl or Ring Wraiths, once great kings of men, now soulless tools at the hands of evil.

A long time ago, the area from Egypt via Syria to Iraq, Iran and Pakistan was the seat of the earliest civilizations known to man. Today, Islam has long since consumed these vibrant cultures, and replaced them with Islamic backwardness, terrorism and hate, with no other purpose in life than to be at the service of the Ummah. This is the fate of France, too, unless the French wake up and change their ways. The French elite are on an insane quest: The primary enemy for them is not Islam, but the Anglo-American rivals they have been fighting a loosing battle for supremacy against since the age of Napoleon, if not before. They think they can ride the tiger, and “use” Islam to regain some of their former glory. The equivalent of Saruman, the traitorous wizard, would have to be Jacques Chirac and the French political elite behind the Eurabia project. They are the enemy within, pretending to be on our side while having joined the forces of darkness a long time ago, and they may drag others with them when they fall.

Outsiders have been puzzled that a fantasy tale such as the Lord of the Rings could spellbind generation after generation. Perhaps the answer to the riddle is that despite being full of Elves, Trolls and strange beasts, it is essentially a very human story, a tale of cowardice, treachery and death, but also of hope, new beginnings and unexpected courage. Above all, it is a story about the quiet people, the little people, like the Hobbits or the Ents, suddenly rising to the occasion and showing bravery and zeal nobody had expected from them, not the least themselves. People who are ripped out of their daily lives to face a mounting evil gathering outside the gates, threatening to destroy everything they hold dear. Many of the individuals who are there to protect us and our civilization shrink in front of the challenges facing them. Some, like Saruman or the Eurabian elites, hope to increase their own power. Others, like Denethor, Steward of Gondor, are paralyzed by indecisiveness, overcome by defeatism and their own personal delusions, leaving their nations defenseless while the enemy is about to attack. Yet some, like Théoden King of Rohan, have had blinders drawn before their eyes by the likes of Grima Wormtongue, the John Espositos, the Tariq Ramadans and the multicultural Islam-apologists of the world. They can still be redeemed in the 12th hour, and return to lead the defenses.

It is easy to watch many of our leaders fail in standing up to or even identifying our adversary, witness the sheer numerical size of the enemy, and conclude that we have lost the fight. It is also wrong. As Tolkien shows us, some of those in power will inevitably fail to handle their responsibilities. But others, who had not been taken into the calculation by either friend or foe, will rise up to the occasion at the last moment and tip the scales in favor of the forces of good. If the big people prove too small for the task at hand, then the little people will have to grow and carry the load. The real will to identify the Islamic enemy and his weak points today is not found in the media, in the overpaid think-tanks and certainly not in our “progressive” universities or among most of the politicians. It is found in small websites by ex-Muslims, such as SecularIslam.org, KnowIslam.info, FaithFreedom.org, ApostatesOfIslam.com and IslamReview.org, and some others by non-Muslims like JihadWatch.org. It is picked up and its message carried throughout the world by the blogosphere, the global community of weblogs and private websites that is increasingly asserting its influence and challenging the major networks. Big Media will have to follow their lead, or decline in trust and significance as more and more people contrast their apologist stance with better arguments and analyses given elsewhere.

It is not for us to decide the time we live in. All there is for us is to decide what to do with the time that is given to us. This task has been appointed to us. And if we do not find a way, than no one will. Perhaps it is time to throw evil back where it came from, be that the fires of Mordor or the glowing sands of Arabia. Much hangs in the balance, maybe even civilization itself. Only time will tell if we are up to the challenge.

Wolfgang Bruno is a European author, writing a book about the Internet movement of ex-Muslims. All of Bruno's essays can be republished and reproduced for free by anybody who wants to.

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"The leader of Bilal Mosque group says comments by the agent in charge in Oregon have set back fence-mending." So now even to suggest that jihadists are operating somewhere is "anti-Muslim." Needless to say, such an attitude makes adequate defense against the jihad absolutely impossible. From The Oregonian, with thanks to Michelle:

A prominent Portland-area Muslim leader has asked the top FBI agent in Oregon to explain his recent remarks about the presence of jihad-trained fighters in the state.

In an e-mail Monday to Robert Jordan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon, Shahriar Ahmed, president of the Bilal Mosque Association in Beaverton, wrote he was "shocked" to hear Jordan say there are people in Oregon who have trained in terrorist camps in Afghanistan.

In his remarks, Jordan said: "We have people here in Oregon that have trained in jihadist camps in bad areas. In the bad neighborhoods of the world." He added that the FBI knows "they've trained overseas, taken oaths to kill Americans and engage in jihad," but the challenge is "to prove those things."

Jordan, through his spokeswoman, has refused to explain his remarks. Beth Anne Steele, the FBI spokeswoman in Oregon, said Monday that Jordan planned to respond to Ahmed's letter privately....

Ahmed said Jordan's comments have dealt a setback to efforts to mend ties between federal law enforcement officials and local Muslims, an already fragile relationship damaged by the botched Brandon Mayfield case last year.

Mayfield, an attorney and Muslim, was detained as a material witness for two weeks in connection with the deadly train bombing in Madrid, Spain. Federal officials had linked him to the terror attack through a fingerprint, which they later said they had misidentified. Mayfield is suing the federal government over his detention.

Ahmed, who has been a vocal supporter of Jordan and his efforts to repair relations with Muslims, said the agent's comments were "so out of character."

"He has been very cautious in what he has said," Ahmed said.

Ahmed said the remark damaged the image of Muslims. In his e-mail to Jordan, Ahmed writes that he thought Muslims had "communicated to you the affect such comments have, especially from law enforcement, in making our lives, those of our wives who wear the head scarf, the lives of our children, especially our daughters who wear the head scarf in school, extremely difficult."

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Australian human rights activist Mark Durie has some important observations about the Australian religious vilification case:

In December of 2004, Judge Michael Higgins, presiding at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, found Pastors Daniel Scot and Danny Nalliah guilty of inciting religious hatred against Victorian Muslims. This was a historic case, the first finding of religious vilification under new Victorian legislation.

The case of the ICV vs Catch the Fire is a complex one. On the one side it is said to be about vilification of Muslims. On the other side it is said to be about freedom of speech, and in particular the freedom to publicly criticize a religious ideology. The case marks a significant translation of concepts of race into the realm of religious identity and belief. As such it deserves to be studied carefully.

One aspect of Judge Higgins’ findings which seems especially likely to provoke controversy, is his approach to witnesses’ credibility. Broadly speaking, His Honour found that all seven witnesses for the complainants could be relied upon, but in one way or another he rejected all the five witnesses for the respondents, and refused the respondents’ requests to call two additional expert witnesses.

His Honour’s treatment of Pastor Daniel Scot, one of the respondents in the case, deserves careful scrutiny. Daniel Scot had given a seminar about the Qur’an which became a principal focus of the complaint before the Tribunal. In considering whether Scot had vilified Muslims, the issue of his integrity proved to be critical. Judge Higgins found that Scot was not ‘credible’. He stated concerning Scot “I have considerable doubt that what he told the seminar was his real beliefs about the Qur'an”: in other words he seemed to be lying. His Honour also found Scot to be opportunistic and unbalanced in his method of teaching, that he selected material because it conveyed a bad impression of Muslims.

Judge Higgins considered that because of his lack of credibility Scot could not be considered to have acted ‘reasonably and in good faith’. This meant that Scot had no protection from the religious exception in the Act, which protects conduct which is conducted for a ‘genuine’ religious purpose, ‘reasonably and in good faith’.

Judge Higgins cited two examples of Scot’s dishonesty. One was Scot’s report that he had written three books, when in fact these were works in progress which he distributed at his seminars in photocopied form, under his birthname Sidiqqi rather than his assumed name of Daniel Scot. Scot would not be the first author to self-publish using photocopying, to consider his books works in progress, and to use a nom de plume. However of much greater interest is the second instance of Scot’s allegedly dishonest behaviour.

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"War is deceit," said the Prophet Muhammad (Sahih Bukhari, IV:52:268-270). He also said that lying was permissible in battle (Sahih Muslim, book 32, no. 6303). Several Muslims have objected to my citing of such passages, and others such as Qur'an 47:4, in connection with cases that do not involve a hot war. These things are only allowed in battle, you see. I would ask them then to explain how they arrived at the conclusion that Abu Bakar Bashir and other jihadists do not believe they are engaged in battle when they are doing things such as appearing in court. A "battle" can be many things besides an exchange of gunfire and bombs, and the Islamic apologists who have taken issue with me well know it.

Anyway, Abu Bakar Bashir contradicts himself below. (Big surprise, I know.) In December 2003 he was defending the Bali bombers as jihadists. Now he says they weren't fighting a jihad. Can you spell taqiyya? From Al-Jazeera, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Indonesian cleric Abu Bakr Bashir has said the Bali nightclub and Marriott hotel bombings in Indonesia did not follow the rules of jihad that he advocates.

The 66-year-old cleric told trial judges on Tuesday that he supported the Islamic holy struggle, or jihad, but that violence should take place only within conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Philippines.

Referring to the Bali nightclub and Marriott hotel bombings, he said: "I disapprove, if they were regarded as jihad, because they were executed in peaceful or non-conflict zones.

"If the aim were to attack the interests of the United States, the country that has clearly violated and attacked Islam, they should have taken up arms in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Philippines or other such places."

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Wait a minute. I thought CAIR told us that families involved in jihad was an idea "not based on any reality of what we are going through." I sure hope Ibrahim Hooper will explain this one for us. What's that, Ibrahim? More "Islamophobia"? Ah. I should have guessed.

From AP, :

MADRID, Spain — Spanish police arrested on Tuesday a family of four Moroccans suspected of having links to the Madrid train bombings of last year, the Interior Ministry said.

The four — a married couple in their 40s and their two sons — were arrested in Leganes, a suburb of Madrid, the ministry said in a statement.

In the March 11 train attack, a series of backpack bombs went off on the Madrid commuter rain network, killing 191 people and wounding more than 1,500. In videos, militants claimed to have carried out the attack on behalf of Al Qaeda.

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Four Iraqi National Guard members kidnapped. From AP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

The militants on a tape obtained by Associated Press Television News say that they're planning to "punish" the men for being traitors against their own people....

Although the speaker says a group called "Battalions of Holy Jihad in Iraq" is holding the hostages, he also warns terrorism leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will determine the soldiers' fates.

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Meanwhile, in new developments on the DOWN WITH THE AMERICA front, Iran is planning to build more nuclear plants. Peaceful ones, of course. From WND, :

Iran's Parliament is currently studying proposals on the construction of 20 new nuclear power plants and rejects American and European concerns Tehran is secretly building a nuclear arsenal, said a parliamentary leader.

National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Chairman Aladdin Borujerdi told an Iranian news agency his committee is looking into proposals that he claims were offered to Iran before Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei took power during the lslamic Revolution in 1979. He said at the time Iran had several agreements with European contractors to build 23 reactors and that those agreements are still in effect.

Borujerdi sidelined American and EU charges that Iran is seeking to obtain fuel to construct nuclear bombs, claiming the irradiated material his country is seeking is needed for 20 new "peaceful" nuclear plants Tehran may construct. Iran has said it needs nuclear fuel for "civilian energy purposes."

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A friend recently sent me the above form, which dates from 1982 but nevertheless sums up attitudes that still prevail in Iran and elsewhere in the Islamic world. At the time he was working for a company that maintained an international directory of hotels. He sent forms to the hotels so that they could update their information.

From the Darius Persepolis Hotel in Iran he received this reply: a polite note informing him that in view of the Islamic Revolution the hotel was involved in plans for a new medical center, followed by an all-caps denunciation of America (partly in red ink), and then a resumption of politeness ("Your [sic] sincerely, M. Sohofi").

It was kind of M. Sohofi not to let the jihad overwhelm his manners.

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One of the most courageous public figures of our age, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali ex-Muslim member of the Dutch parliament, has a new weblog (thanks to Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi for the link). Scroll down and you will see some material in English.

If the free world survives the jihadist challenge, Ayaan Hirsi Ali will be revered as one of the foremost heroes of the resistance.

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