Berlin-Based Hate Preacher Expelled

Anti-dhimmitude in Germany. From Deutsche Welle, with thanks to Cathy J. Palmer:

Invoking new anti-hate legislation, a Berlin court ruled Wednesday that a well-known Turkish religious leader accused of preaching hatred should be extradited to Turkey.

The administrative court in Berlin accused 59-year-old Yacub Tadshi of asking for God's protection for suicide bombers in Israel and Iraq during a rally in the city center in 2004.

That same year, the Muslim preacher of Turkish origin who has lived in Berlin since 1971 used the occasion of an early Ramadan prayer to lash out against native Germans in his Mevlana mosque in Kreuzberg. Tadshi said Germans could only expect the flames of hell for their weird beliefs.

German public TV correspondent Reinhard Laska filmed the Imam's address.

"We were able to show how the Imam insulted all Germans in his Berlin mosque," he said. "He repeatedly said that all Germans were stinking people and doomed to go to hell because they were useless creatures and infidels. His words were all the more shocking as shortly before, the press spokesman of this mosque had told us about the Turks' strong interest in fostering good relations with native Germans. He said it was so important for people of different faiths to share views and live together peacefully - what a lie that turned out to be!"...

A lie? From the press spokesman of a mosque? We're shocked, shocked to hear of such a thing!

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Ya Sure! A ha! --Examples of this kind of taqiyya have been demonstrated over and over again in mosques in the EU as well as the U.S. -usually the never ending hate and antisemitism is conducted in Arabic.

Whoa. This is something. This represents, in my humble view, a major turning point here. This is big news. TV captured an imam spitting hatred against those who so generously allowed them to come to their country. To reiterate - TV. A mosque spokeman lied, and a preacher inside a mosque screamed racism against native Germans (their HOSTS, I might add).

For it is, indeed, RACISM, as Germans specifically - like the French, the Danes and all the other European nationalities, including "Europeans" generally - can actually, unlike Muslims, or Christians, or Rotarians, be called a "race" or subpopulation of humans (mind you, gene flow into and out of that population would be pretty porous, but that doesn't detract from the sense that it still is a partially separate population, with limited (very limited) reproductive barriers). That's racism, friends, with a capital "R" and that means hate and that means trouble in River City; laws, yes.

(And incidentally, for moonbats and other overly 'helpful misinterpreters', I obviously don't mean 'race' in a 'master' kind of way. =/ So, pick your knuckles up off the floor, mutter 'du-uh' like a good neanderthal and slouch to the back of the line. Go on, go to the back. There's always one, isn't there? M-O-O-N spells half of "MOONBAT", laws, yes.)

(My apologies for random 'Pythonicisms' and 'Kingdicts'.)

So, the Germans are kicking out a noted - all together now - RACIST for his views on Germans, and, presumably, other Europeans. How far is his vitrol spread throughout the community of 'believers' attending that mosque?? Are they all racists, then? If not, why did they continue to attend?!? And it appears that his racism is based in his religion - for Germans, according to this sludge, this little bit of poop I scrape off my shoe, are nothing more than 'stinking, useless infidels'.

Well, well. Racism and superiority complexes in islam. Who would have imagined that?


Yes, Mackie - you'd assume since God was on their side they'd be brave enough to conduct the same hate in English that they do in Arabic. Of course, that wouldn't be terribly smary when you're surrounded by people you hate, would it?

People reading this site should think about that one good and hard, and wonder what's going on in mosques near them, too. Every Friday, when the 'believers' walk past you as you're on your way downtown, what are they REALLY thinking about you? Ask yourself that, and look in their eyes.


Terribly 'smary'? Terribly smart. Take that, moonbat smary panses.

Oh, that darned 't'.


I see this sort of thing and the news from Ottawa and I think perhaps the tide is turning. We have to largely stay true (for some it may not be possible, sadly) to our belief's of respect for law and human rights, but we can not give them a free rien to spread their hatred and backward belief's.

Infidels should "turn Turk" by infiltrating mosques, recorders and hidden cameras in hand. For god's sake, if the reporters on 60 Minutes and its NBC equivalent can do it, can't an inquiring reporter, FBI agent, and simple citizen? The more recording of what is said intra-Islamically, and produced on tape (one assumes not merely mosques, but certain well-publicized Muslim groups, are being video and audiotaped up and down and sideways by now, but perhaps we assume too much intelligence on the part of our "warriors on terror" who may not have the wit to connect all the obvious dots, where all connects, tout se tient.

Instead of "deporting" the problem, why don't they just kill these hateful maniacs? (Strung up in their cells with a woman's brassiere/noose, as ostensible 'suicides', would be my suggested method for such worthless, hateful and demented scum...)

Do the Deutschers think that the jihadists will be nicer or love the Germans MORE after being 'abused' and expelled by Germany?

Most of Al-Qaeda's leaders were at one time held in Egyptian, Saudi and other prisons, before being "deported" or "extradited" elsewhere.

That worked REAL well.

As brilliant as sending a cancer tumor from one part of your body to another.

Eliminate these fanatical fools fast, as an example to the rest, if nothing else.

And, if it stimulates even more jihadis, then it just means that this many more will have to meet the same fate. Over and over and over.

Until they either get the message and calm down, or are safely dead.

It's long overdue, for creative reporters and citizens, to tape those Imams who are preaching hatred, intolerance, or violence.

And those worshipers who attend those mosques, but do not challenge or report such sermons, should also be taped--as they nod their heads in affirmation of the views expressed.

And THEIR faces should be made public, too.

I'm no great fan of the German government, but they are pretty clear about what they deem as hate speech.

BigSleep, its tempting, but by doing so we stoop down to their base and craven level. I think we are too noble for that and better than that.

Many a conversation we have had about what we would like to do to the one eyed hooked idiot who used to run the Finsbury Mosque, but he did us a favour, he openned a lot of peoples eyes to these numbskills. Now we have to make people realise that Osmam Bin Laden is a true Moslem.

I think we have to start weeding out those who control the flocks and then see if we can bring their flocks into the modern age of human rights and respect for all.

>>"We were able to show how the Imam insulted
>>all Germans in his Berlin mosque," he
>>said. "He repeatedly said that all Germans
>>were stinking people and doomed to go to hell
>>because they were useless creatures and

If this "religious" man hated Germans so much, then why the heck did he emigrate to *Germany*??? Why not move to a county relatively free of German people, such as Iran or Pakistan?


Aside from the fact that the social benefits afforded by citizenship in EU countries is rather attractive, their mission in life seems to be exactly what JW and DW says it is -- to restore the Caliphate. Of course, they don't recognize that the reason the Caliphate tanked was because of its racism and xenophobia. (According to Bernard Lewis, they just couldn't believe it when the Europeans got ahead of them financially and technologically in the 15th century.)

Take away all the foreign aid grants and oil wealth and there ain't much left, to Muslim economies, is there?

Darius, they are colonists, plain and simple. They come to overwhelm us with population, and when they have sufficient numbers, they will attack and kill those who oppose islam.

Many of these mosques are built more like fortresses than places of worship. They are intended to intimidate and control the local population. German authorities may be acting now but it's too damn late to reverse the tide of Islam lapping at the Gates of Vienna. This time the flood will overwhelm Europe :dim Dhimmi Western politicians [probably receiving bribes from the Saudis] are to blame for this mess. It is the ordinary people who cannot afford to flee who will have to do battle in the streets with
fanatics who have stated their intentions of establishing a Caliphate often enough.


If someone threatens to destroy me, I take it seriously.

I don't give them a bus ticket.

But a one-way ticket. To hell, preferably.

'Honor' is meaningless with people who are cutting your heads off.

They understand one thing: a harder kick back.

Their arrogance and megalomania have been coddled to the current state of affairs. Where terrorists caught on the battlefield in Afghanistan have been released from detention at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba only to show up back on the battlefield again.

The promoters of Jihad cheered as their point men killed 3,000 plus people in a mass-murdering sucker punch. If you want to turn the other cheek, they'll slice off your head and kill 30,000 more. And 300,000. And 3,000,000.

They're honest about what they want.

Time to return the honesty.

Honor demands no less.

Raus, raus, raus und raus!
Aus Deutschland muss er raus!
Wir schlag uns Islam aus dem Sinn!

What would the Germans have done with this guy if he had been a German born muslim ?

The ideology of islams' messenger generates that sort of hate and stupidity in each generation - the message is the problem, and until we handle that instead of just the symptoms we will be plagued with islamic terrorism.

Our fault; we continue to avoid the difficult truth.