Iraqi Interior Ministry Official Assassinated

For those of you who may be puzzled as to why this violence continues now that Iraq has had a democratic election and is busily restoring self-rule, see here.

From AP, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

BAGHDAD, Iraq — In Baghdad, gunmen assassinated the deputy chief of the Interior Ministry's immigration office, Gen. Ghazi Mohammed Issa, in a drive-by shooting in the western suburb of Ghazaliya, a top ministry official said on condition of anonymity.

In an Internet statement, Al Qaeda in Iraq purportedly claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Interior Ministry official said gunmen also attacked a convoy of trucks carrying food for the Trade Ministry in Salman Pak, southeast of the capital. Three civilians were killed in the assault and at least one of the trucks was set on fire.

Unidentified gunmen also shot dead the deputy head of Hay Alfurat Hospital in western Baghdad, officials said.

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When the monkeys chant, "Freedom's on the march," do they mean freedom for the jihadis to run wild? Or freedom for the non-jihadis to leave the planet?

Seriously, people. Is there any reason to think that "more freedom" or democracy is a good thing for a group of religious nuts? Are there any historical examples of this actually making the situation better? Or is it just another "anti-intellectual" pipe dream?

kj has a point. Why show them any other possibility at all, beyond the tyranny they are subjected to now? Let's not attempt to give them any kind of hope that things will ever change. Or give them hope that they themselves can do anything to change their situation.

/sarcasm off

correction: Tyranny they Were subjected to. Terrorism (continued but without government (Saddam's) sanction) is what is being practiced upon them now. Just think of the Possibilities if we hadn't bothered at all!

I should also add, we Do see the results/possibilities right now, this day, in the Sudan. But hey, at least the UN is Talking about it. Just like they did in Rwanda. Nothing unilateral there (of course neither is the War on Terror in Iraq).

Elections are taking place across the Middle East. In Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Gaza, Saudi Arabia. George Bush, shaking the region like a snow globe has created a “big bang” effect expanding Democracy throughout the region. Utopian liberal pacifists are peeing in their pants because they know no one in their ideology could ever have pulled it off. The only thing this big they could do is match the spending of the war. They could do that with a Clintonian Socialist National Heath Care Plan for starters.

Speaking of the Clintons, remember back about 20 years ago when Hillary called someone working for Billy a Fuc*ing J-w bastard! Remember that? Remember the vast right wing conspiracy crap? Oh man I can’t wait for “dragon lady” to throw her hat in the Presidential ring. Just think of the all the massive piles of dirt that’s going to come out. It will be so entertaining. Meanwhile, her quadruple bypass husband will be stuffing cigars in young women’s vaginas, is this is the best the left has to offer? I suppose if a voter is an adulterous rape by instrumentation deviant or a welfare recipient then these two dysfunctional psychopaths would be your choice.

Back on topic, the middle east is overrated, let’s wrap this cesspool part of the world up and focus on something else for a change. These people have taken up too much of our time as it is.

PS: Too bad that little *un* from Italy didn’t get killed running the checkpoint. The whole thing was staged I believe to shine an unfavorable light on US forces. What a disgusting lying piece of crap. I’ll bet the insurgents had to put a bag over her ugly face just to be able to rape her.

I suspect history is full of examples outside of the Muslim world where people came to realize that vilifying, abusing and murdering people in the name of religion was not a good thing. e.g. Europe and the Enlightenment.

It's still way too early to know what the outcome will be in the middle east, but I think veteran Lebanese politico Walid Jumblatt is in a far better position to represent what the Arab street really thinks than KJ is. Jumblatt's opinion, recently expressed to the local media, is, in essence, that the ME may have indeed reached the tipping point and yes, even Muslims would like to enjoy western-style values and freedoms.

Further to the above, what Jumblatt (who is notoriously anti-Israel and anti-American) actually said:

"It is strange for me to
say it, but this process of change has started because of the American
invasion of Iraq," Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt explained to David
Ignatius of the Washington Post. "I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw
the Iraqi people voting three weeks ago, 8 million of them, it was the start
of a new Arab world. The Syrian people, the Egyptian people, all say that
something is changing. The Berlin Wall has fallen. We can see it."

Can the ME change for the better? I doubt it.

But Zarquawis terror in Iraq is almost a form of cannibalism. If you wipe out everyone who is able to bring about a functional government, what is left? Anarchy, mob-rule, terror-rule?

Perhaps all of the above amount to one thing: Islamic rule!

Thanks for the perspective Gary and Waterdragon.

It never ceases to amaze me how participants like KJ pounce on every tiny bit of bad news, Giaour ties him/herself in Gordon's knots of "logic," to reconcile their Bush hatred with their contempt of Islam.

Speaking of extraordinary self-delusion, the increasingly irrelevant Pat Buchanon suggests that the good news in the Arab world is bad news from the "imperialist" neo-cons:

I guess that puts a damper on those evil jooos trying to take over the world, eh Pat?

When the monkeys chant, "Freedom's on the march,"~ kj

Well, here's page after page after page of monkeys on the march in Iraq, kj:

Note: each one of these links carries a score or more of links to pictures of kj's 'monkeys marching for freedom.' Known to the rest of us as Iraqi citizens hoping for something better. It is their decision what that something better will be, not ours.

LOT'S OF DEVERSIONS GOING ON??,2933,149720,00.html
Chinese-Taiwanese Tensions Rise
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

BEIJING — China unveiled a law Tuesday authorizing an attack if Taiwan moves toward formal independence, increasing pressure on the self-ruled island while warning other countries not to interfere.
Taiwan denounced the legislation as a "blank check to invade" and announced war games aimed at repelling an attack.,2933,149757,00.html
Russia: Chechen Leader Maskhadov Killed
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

MOSCOW — Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov (search), a fugitive with a US$10 million (euro7.6 million) price on his head who was linked by Russian officials to a deadly school hostage-taking and other terrorist attacks, was reported killed on Tuesday in the course of a special forces operation.,2933,149726,00.html

Kosovo PM Indicted for War Crimes, Resigns
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro — Kosovo's prime minister resigned Tuesday after being indicted by the U.N. war crimes tribunal for his alleged part in atrocities during the fight against Serb forces,2933,114517,00.html

Albanians Torch Churches, Homes in Kosovo
Thursday, March 18, 2004

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro — Ethnic Albanians torched Serb homes and churches Thursday as Kosovo convulsed in a second day of violence, its worst since the province's war ended in 1999.


Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

Flood takes out all rice crops in Matigaskgar??

Cross, I'm on your side, but please refrain from the "she's-so-ugly,no-man-could-rape-her" line. That is off-topic and offensive (at least to me). Having said that, I believe she's lying about what happened. As usual, American soldiers are reviled, and the Islamic/Aztec sacrificers are ignored.

former liberal WF,

Noted, thanks. Besides with that communist il manifesto hack it was probably the other way around.

The hissy fit that Italy is throwing toward the US is more than they would show against the islamic crazies if they would have taken her head off. It was all staged anyway. She was never in any danger. The terrorists she's in cahoots with probably gave her a little kickback of the ranson money. Italy wants investigation? They want "answers"? I agree, investigate her lying terrorist helping *ss and how much ransom was paid.

Not to worry about that you should have seen the marches against the USA after the Bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia??

And they were really pissed when those guys Cliped the Glanda??

The Italians are clear thinking when talked to but I'm as An American am PISSED at the Italians who turned over last I heard was 6 million dollars to EVIL MONSTER KILLERS WHO KILL CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS AND SHOOT CHILDREN IN THE BACK!! WHO CUT OFF PEOPLES HEADS THESE MONSTERS NEED TO BE KILLED NOT PAID OFF!!

No don't worry about the Italians they love to Protest to get out of school since they go 6 days a week??

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her give them Strength, Wisdom, Sight, and Courage to Destroy ALL Islamic Terrorist and ALL who Support them Open the Worlds Eyes to their Threat Amen