Journalist defends report on jihadists in Brussels

Note the hostile reaction of the mayor and State Security to Fraihi's report. Why is that? What is it about this that makes them feel threatened? It is that it shakes their stifling orthodoxy that Islam is a religion of peace and Europeans need not be concerned about the growing Muslim populations. "Journalist defends report on Islamic extremists in Brussels," from Belgium's RVI, with thanks to Twostellas:

In the Brussels municipality of Molenbeek, youngsters are being recruited to commit fundamentalist terrorist attacks. This is suggested in an undercover research by the daily Het Nieuwsblad. The mayor of Molenbeek and the State Security both put this into perspective.

A young journalist for the Flemish paper Het Nieuwsblad spent 2 months
undercover in the Moslem community in the district of Sint-Jans-Molenbeek in Brussels. Under the guise of a student, working on a sociology thesis, Hind Fraihi investigated extreme Moslem practices including the recruitment of young Moslems for the Jihad.

Youngsters would be encouraged to go to Afghanistan to take a military
training, says the freelance research journalist Hind Fraihi. She talked with dozens of people who claim to have been addressed about this.

Recruitment takes place in the streets, in subways and in mosques that are well hidden behind the facades of terraced houses, she says.

Head of the editorial staff of the newspaper has confirmed her story:
"Research journalist Hind Fraihi, a religious moslem woman herself, has been living in the heart of Molenbeek for 2 months under the guise of being a sociology student. Her aim was to investigate whether the rumours are true that the municipality is a centre of moslem extremism in our country."

Fraihi's report came under fire from the local police commissioner Johan De Becker who referred to the journalist as a tourist who had brought the work of the police into jeopardy. The relativistic reaction of both the State Security and the local mayor Philippe Moureaux surprised the young journalist. According to Fraihi, the mayor had said that he knows youngsters that are willing to blow themselves up. She asks if Moureaux finds that quite normal. As a Moslem herself, Fraihi explains that she was able to enter mosques where the mayor had never been. She claims to have heard imams calling for a holy war against Jews and Westerners during the holy period of Ramadan....

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Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil...until those young jihadists come for the mayor and the security chief. How sad. What will be the fate of the brave young journalist? If the Islamic community doesn't get her, will she be charged with a hate crime by the European community that she was trying to send a wake-call to?

No doubt that this brave, Muslim woman will now be sued for defamation or put in prison for this "hate" crime. You can rest assured that, if enough Muslims lived in the United States, Robert Spencer would be in prison by now.

"lenbeek mayor Philippe Moureaux and the police played down the findings in the investigation, saying the number of Muslim terrorists was small and that many were already known to the authorities and under surveillance."

Maybe this brave journalist should ask if they could compare notes with each other if there is equal concern here. The arrogant responce from the police chief is very disturbing if it is true.

Well trained law enforcement would always embrace this kind of information and want to work with the source rather than discourage these courageous efforts. Good law inforcement techniques make a serious mistake if they disenfranchise people like Hind Fraihi from coming forward.

I live 4km from Molenbeek.
This is old news, it only aknowledges us what we already knew.
The Mayor is a Socialist Senator who'd rather embrace Islam than see reality.
De Becker is an utterly incompetent policechief for the Brussels West district (not only Molenbeek).
The sole reason he has his post is by political kinship. He failed his tests and went to another town to pass his test and returned in front of the board of mayors to be nominated into his function.
He drops his pants under political command.

God - exist he - bless Hind Fraihi. This was an act of true courage.


Reminds me of that Dutch book written by a Pakistani, (or at least a muslim) in which he talks about how muslims want to turn Holland into an Islamic society, and the book got banned by Dutch authorities.

Does anyone know the name of this book, and if it is in English?

Is it remarkable that the main opponents of the extremists of Islam, at present, and the only people with any 'balls' in this respect, seem to be women?

Hirsi Ali, in The Netherlands. Several Pakistani women writers (in hiding, now), and this courageous Belgium Muslim woman Hind Fraihi.

But, then, they have the most to gain by breaking the headlock of the petrified patriarchs upon the Muslim faith. The men, meanwhile, mainly seem content to be the lords and masters over their second-class half-valued women.

What a big Freudian surprise!


For those looking for the book by the Pakistani-Dutch guy -using the pen name "Mohammed Rasoel", who wrote the banned-in-the-Netherlands book [unheard of!] about the 'Downfall of Holland' (1991), the only version I know of available is in Dutch online at:

It is short and sweet, for those who can read 'Nederlands'.