Afghan government expels Christians

Islamic Tolerance Alert from Brave New Democratic Afghanistan: "Afghan Govt Expel Christians," from SBS World News Australia, with thanks to JE:

The Afghan government has decided to expel more than a thousand South Korean evangelical Christians who had intended holding a peace festival in Kabul.

According to officials the South Koreans are mainly university students or professors who are being expelled for involvement in religious discussions with local Afghans and concerns for their safety.

I.e., if we don't expel you, the mob will get you.

Officials had warned around 1,500 South Koreans, most of them evangelical Christians, against preaching or political activities.

The South Koreans had said they wanted to come to the insurgency-wracked country to spread peace....

There were weeks of hot-tempered debate earlier in the year about whether an Afghan who converted to Christianity should be put to death in accordance with Islamic Sharia law.

The United Nations had also expressed its concern over the visit. "With the current situation in Afghanistan it is not particularly helpful to have people in Afghanistan who may incite public disorder," spokesman Aleem Siddique said.

Thanks for standing up for human rights and religious freedom, Siddique.

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"Afghan government expels Christians".

I don't understand.

If this is going on, what did the US invade Afghanistan for?

Ann Coulter was right. The trouble is the US is following only one third of her advice. Maybe on some rare occasions the second third. But never the last third, which is the most important of them all.

We fought in Afghanistan for nothing.

It’s a heartbreaking scenario, but we sent our men to die for this waste of space in the Middle East, expelled a group of tyrannical extremists hell-bent on Islamic laws and demoralizing humanity, and we drove them out only to be replaced by more of the same.

Now instead of the Taliban, some rogue group of barbarians imposing their will upon the people, we’ve given them a democratic society which is based upon Sharia compliance and given legitimacy by the world community.

What a shame.

Brave souls; these South Korean evangelical Christians. That is of course assuming that they had clear knowledge of the teachings of Quran.

The Taliban is gone, long live the Taliban. :(

Our troops are being injured and murdered just some the country can get back into the dark ages again. I wish our soldiers would be sent back and Afghanistan sink back into the stinking sewage pit which is Islam.

Actually, this isn't such a bad thing after all.

Afghanistan has given us a road map on how to deal with OUR religious problem.

More cluelessness.

More cluelessness. Violence is Islam's middle name. Adherents cannot brook any disagreement. Not much strength in the whole ideology, if it can't stand anyone preaching something different. Lots of fear, too, that someone might come to the realization of how depraved Islam is and defect. Can't let that happen. Let's kill anyone who leaves the faith. That'll teach 'em. And it continues to suppress all free speech and thinking by keeping people in fear of being killed by their family and community members.

Let's see. What incites Moslems to public disorder and consternation?

KFC and Ronald McDonald
Ceramic pigs in storefronts
Stores/restaurants with the word Saracen in
their name
Israel and Zionism
Tennis teams in shorts
Watching the World Cup on television
Going to your car in a Home Depot parking lot
Flying kites and all types of music
Teaching girls
Women driving cars or going out alone
Women showing more than their eyes and hands
Stores selling alcohol...mainly Christians
in the Middle East
now adding South Korean Christians in Afghanistan

What doesn't incite them to violence? Oh yeah,

Using airplanes as fact, that was
a cause for celebrations throughout the
Islamic world
Trying to blow up myriad airplanes
Beheading and torturing infidels

Oh wait, that still is violence. :(

"The United Nations had also expressed its concern over the visit. "With the current situation in Afghanistan it is not particularly helpful to have people in Afghanistan who may incite public disorder," spokesman Aleem Siddique said."

With the exception of a few (e.g., U.S.'s John Bolton), it seems U.N. officials consistently happen to be on the same side as Islamic thugs.

"The South Koreans had said they wanted to come to the insurgency-wracked country to spread peace.

South Korean Christians are noted for aggressive evangelism, notably in communist China and Islamic nations. "

For one I am with the afghanese government. These would have been massacred, and the governments would have had a hard time explaining.

This is because NO Islamic country will ever be a "Democracy"...a democracy is in total opposition to the teachings of Islam, this one thing GWB and the West does not get. the pursuit to establish 'democracies' among the Islamic nations is utter folly, and if we in the West do not understyand our enemy and his "thinking" it will lead to our destruction.

Don't forget, ever, American soldiers died to make Afghanistan a Sharia state. Same for Iraq.

Isalmic Democracy - Hah!

At least they're going to live. Perhaps their work would be more productive if they would practice their evangelism in Washibngton DC.

This is more proof that "Konservative Khristians" are morons, and tools.

No Zionist Youngster, Ann Coulter (the "woman" with an Adams apple) is wrong about everything..but she does know how to make money, get fame and promote herself, by her salacious advances and stroking of "Konservative" ignorance, prejudice and irrational fears.

What I'm talking about? George W. Bush and the neo cons are directly responsible for creating two formidable Islamist regimes, one in Afghanistan and the other in Iraq..and everywhere they put their fingerprint they leave behind entrenched Islamist regimes.

They have even chastised Putin for his "harsh" actions in fighting the Islamists in Chechnya, and as we speak today the pro Islamist regime of the Republican National Congress and neo cons are supporting the Islamists in Kosovo, Azerbaijan and Bosnia..

And Meanwhile where are they for Israel, we should be sending over waves of B-52's to carpet bomb Southern Lebanon and use every technological intelligence tool we have to root out Nasrallah, Osama and all other Islamist rulers and relieve them of their painful existence.

Oh, those brave South Korean Christians, none can doubt their Faith or Commitment-they are as courageous as any who dared to challenge Nero.With about the same torture & death agonies to look forward to at the hands of 'tolerant Muslims.'
Yes,what have all the Infidels died for in Afghanistan & Iraq? Simply to rubber stamp intolerant Islamic goverments there under the pretence they are now 'democratic.' Islam will only become democratic when pigs can fly...

Much of the world rallied with USA and went into Afghanistan to deal with the Taliban and Al Kayda. How on earth could we have got it so wrong? When are we going to demand religious freedom from countries we as the West are supporting?

Amazingly enough, this was also reported in the BBC of all places!

Though the reporting is still skewed.

"Afghanistan bans attempts to convert people to non-Islamic faiths."

Correction BCC, Islam bans conversion.

Where is Kofi Annan and his screams of protest? Where is the UN and their cries of outrage?
Oh, they're just Christians. Never mind.

How 'bout this idea?: Close all the mosques in the US. Allow them to reopen 1 by 1 as our "allies" and "beneficiaries" (Saudi, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, etc.) permit the building of churches for their indigenous oppressed dhimmi Christians, their Fillipino slaves, etc. A nice synagogue in Saudi Arabia to commemorate the massacre of the unarmed Jews killed by Mohammed (plague buh)?
OH! We can't do that because we're a free country.
Well, then, how about cutting ties with countries that are NOT free?
These people are TRIBAL. Even in their shirts and ties. Even when they have a decent impulse - it all must be filtered through their bizarre loyalties, not to mention their idiotic guide-book the Koran?
Also ... someone should clue the Korean evangelicals that as far as the Afghanis are concerned they are pigs and monkeys and their religion is a wicked perversion of the Islam established by Adam.

Treehugger: Afghanistan has given us a road map on how to deal with OUR religious problem.

Oh yes...

"South Korean Christians are noted for aggressive evangelism, notably in communist China and Islamic nations. "

Aggressive? Like the 'fundies' who used to approach me on campus and were instantly recognizable by their enormous blue eyes and saccharine smiles? And wanted to talk to me about Jesus and my sins? They were unsuccessful, as you can probably tell, but I lived to tell the tale.

Or 'aggressive' as in killing apostates, murdering people of other faiths, converting by the sword? Those wicked Koreans...

Nariz, regarding Coulter and her "ignorance":

We are in topsy-turvy times, times in which the learned intellectuals say the most foolish things and act in the most foolish ways, while the "ignorant" peasants and hillbillies and rednecks and cowboys are the ones who see the lie of the land for what it is and act, if they can, accordingly. Blind elites, clear-seeing masses.

Coulter in that 9/12 column was spot on: denazify. Without that, you haven't achieved a thing.

Daehan Minguk Mansei!

I only pray that those Korean Evangelicals persuaded a number of Afghans before they left.

Yes Lili and you will live eternally to tell that tale


Let's not get too excited or too idealistic in our expectations of the Afghanis. It is a long haul from the 11th Century to the 21st Century. It is going to take them time to make the mental journey.

The Afghani Government is doing the responsible thing in expelling the Koreans before someone gets kidnapped and beheaded.

As the daily national security summary monotonously headlines, there is an elevated risk of expatriate kidnapping everywhere in the country, including Kabul. There are baddies of every stripe: local extremists, criminal gangs, renegade tribal fighters, Taliban, and other foreign agents.

Afghanistan is the key front in this global war, and as in WWII, we should not scrutinize too closely or pick bones with our allies. Anyone who does is a supercilious twerp.

Let us not assist the BBC and the other death-wish media Quislings in badgering our friends while they are making excuses for the enemy. We are in a global fight for our way of life. We cannot afford to demand of our allies that, as a precondition of joining our party, they must be wearing their best party dresses.

I do not intend to leave the impression that Afghanistan is a seething cauldron of insurgency. It is not. But the anti-government elements can put together anywhere and anytime an assassination or kidnapping squad, not just to target leading figures, but anyone who can be identified as representative of modern civil society: school teachers, public health and sanitation workers, engineering and construction workers. And yes, foreign Christian tourists.

Please do not fail to appreciate that Karzai and the other Afghan public figures and clerics who are willing to stand up and defend the institutions of a modern civil society are absolutely heroic figures.