British police thwart major terror plot

Another Methodist terror plot, no doubt. From AP:

LONDON - A major terrorist plot to blow up an aircraft mid-flight between Britain and the U.S. has been disrupted, police said Thursday.

Police arrested a number of people overnight in London after a covert counter-terrorist operation lasting several months, police said in a statement.

The plot was believed to have involved smuggling explosive devices on board an aircraft in hand luggage, police said. It was likely to target flights from Britain to the U.S., police said.

British Airways advised passengers on its Web site Thursday that no hand luggage was to be permitted on any aircraft leaving Britain.

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'Plot to blow up planes' foiled

All airports have been put under the restrictions
A terrorist plot to blow up planes in mid-flight from the UK to the US has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said.
It is thought the plan was to detonate explosive devices smuggled on aircraft in hand luggage.

Police have arrested about 18 people in the London area after an anti-terrorist operation lasting several months.

Security at all airports in the UK has been tightened and delays are expected. MI5 has raised the UK threat level to critical - the highest possible.

According to MI5's website, critical threat level means "an attack is expected imminently and indicates an extremely high level of threat to the UK".

Scotland Yard said in a statement that their investigation into the alleged plot was a "major operation" which would be "lengthy and complex".

"We would like to reassure the public that this operation was carried out with public safety uppermost in our minds."

Transparent bags

The Department for Transport set out the details of the security measures at UK airports.

I was handed a piece of paper saying that pretty much nothing could be taken on board the plane
Joe Lynam
BBC journalist at Gatwick

In full: Transport advice

Passengers will not be allowed to take any hand luggage on to any flights in the UK, the department said.

Only the barest essentials - including passports and wallets - will be allowed to be carried on board in transparent plastic bags.

"We hope that these measures, which are being kept under review by the government, will need to be in place for a limited period only," the statement said.

BBC journalist Joe Lynam encountered the increased security measures at Gatwick airport.

"I was handed a piece of paper saying that pretty much nothing could be taken on board the plane," he said.

"Everything had to be checked in and that includes mobile phones, ipods, wallets - even spectacle cases had to be checked in."

David Learmount from Flight International Magazine said he expected passengers to be searched much more carefully.

He added: "This is the first time this measure has actually been taken. Certainly I've never seen hand luggage banned."

British Airways may do even better with another rule, i.e.:

"that no Muslims are to be permitted on any aircraft leaving Britain".

'Plot to blow up planes' foiled

All airports have been put under the restrictions
A terrorist plot to blow up planes in mid-flight from the UK to the US has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said.
It is thought the plan was to detonate explosive devices smuggled on aircraft in hand luggage.

Police have arrested about 18 people in the London area after an anti-terrorist operation lasting several months.

Security at all airports in the UK has been tightened and delays are expected. MI5 has raised the UK threat level to critical - the highest possible.

According to MI5's website, critical threat level means "an attack is expected imminently and indicates an extremely high level of threat to the UK".

Scotland Yard said in a statement that their investigation into the alleged plot was a "major operation" which would be "lengthy and complex".

"We would like to reassure the public that this operation was carried out with public safety uppermost in our minds."

Transparent bags

The Department for Transport set out the details of the security measures at UK airports.

I was handed a piece of paper saying that pretty much nothing could be taken on board the plane
Joe Lynam
BBC journalist at Gatwick

In full: Transport advice

Passengers will not be allowed to take any hand luggage on to any flights in the UK, the department said.

Only the barest essentials - including passports and wallets - will be allowed to be carried on board in transparent plastic bags.

"We hope that these measures, which are being kept under review by the government, will need to be in place for a limited period only," the statement said.

BBC journalist Joe Lynam encountered the increased security measures at Gatwick airport.

"I was handed a piece of paper saying that pretty much nothing could be taken on board the plane," he said.

"Everything had to be checked in and that includes mobile phones, ipods, wallets - even spectacle cases had to be checked in."

David Learmount from Flight International Magazine said he expected passengers to be searched much more carefully.

He added: "This is the first time this measure has actually been taken. Certainly I've never seen hand luggage banned."

Dare we speculate about which "group" this might be?
He who cries the loudest will soon turn up in the msm soon.

20 Trans-Atlantic airlines targeted by way of carry-on luggage. Bigger than 9/11. British threat level raised to 'critical'. An attack is expected imminently. Not to worry, you can still bring your spectacles on board with you.

Two weeks ago I was criticized about my concern about being screened by a woman in a headscarf (she had to go through a training process).

Let us use this opportunity to inject some common sense.

Oh, and baby milk going onboard needs to be tested by an adult, in the presence of security personnel.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Sky News in the UK is now reporting "a major plot to blow up a dozen planes over UK and US cities" involving "mainly young, British-born Asian men".

Oh, and baby milk going onboard needs to be tested by an adult, in the presence of security personnel.

Nothing to see here, move along.


Asian men.

Are there any security measures in effect at any Western airports that are not the result of what Muslims have either done or intend to do?

Remember the poll in which a substantial number of UK Muslims would not, if they were aware, report such plots to the police?

One must wonder how many UK Muslims knew about this, and were willing to allow it to continue.

It will happen, hey will succeed, eventually...

The baggage-handlers, the cleaners in London, Paris & Frankfurt are 70 % Mohammedans. I suspect that the security personnel is less infested, but as a poster above mentioned, hijabbed females are screening unsuspecting travellers along with those who adhere to this vile and evil belief-system which we must not name...

Their loyalties must be questioned, but would we not all feel so much better if the large presence of Mohammedans in infidel countries, behind enemy lines, would be significantly reduced along with the constant threat to our wellbeing?


It will happen, hey will succeed, eventually...

The baggage-handlers, the cleaners in London, Paris & Frankfurt are 70 % Mohammedans. I suspect that the security personnel is less infested, but as a poster above mentioned, hijabbed females are screening unsuspecting travellers along with those who adhere to this vile and evil belief-system which we must not name...

Their loyalties must be questioned, but would we not all feel so much better if the large presence of Mohammedans in infidel countries, behind enemy lines, would be significantly reduced along with the constant threat to our wellbeing?


Yeah, well, you know what they say-the best way to avoid finding a bomb on your plane is to take your own bomb...its a million to one there'll be a second one.They probably just wanted to take their bomb on holiday.

How many muslims were aware of the plot? How many mosques/islamic centers are there?
Maybe these "Asian youths"were just underprivileged, poor things.

Prevent mass murder:

1. Ban Islam.

2. Deport Muslims back to their native dirt holes.

"Asian" as in Pakistani's?

Didn't of of you guys say that is what they call Pakistani's in the UK?

I just saw this on FoxNews. I couldn't believe it!
If they don't bring in racial profiling etc etc things can only get worse.


Posted by: sheik yer'mami

I'm shocked, shocked "Asians" could possibly be involved!

No, SkyNews was explicitly saying 'Pakistani men'. It's was shown as a part of FNC's live feed.

Incidentally, is SkyNews better than the BBC when it comes to coverage of things Islamic in the UK?

"Police arrested a number of people..."
"involving "mainly young, British-born Asian men".

So this tells us that these "people" are young British born Asian men. Do they mean Sikhs from India, Catholics from the Phillippines, Bhudists from Thialand, or Presbyterians from Taiwan (Kepha, where are you?).

Couldn't possibly be those other people, the ones no one dares to name, you know, starts with "M".

Definitely not them, theirs is a Religion of Peace.

"Asian men".

That, in a nutshell, is why the West is losing. For not naming the disease, so no cure is forthcoming.

In every muslim terrorist article I have read on the bbc website, they seem to favour the islamic multitudes. Sometimes a turn of the phrase here and there, or an incriminating word removed and replaced. EVERYTIME.
It is pretty easy to see through now, thanks to JW/DW

As "Infidel Pride" pointed out, Sky news was quite clear - British born Pakistani men - not Asians

"Asian men".

That, in a nutshell, is why the West is losing. For not naming the disease, so no cure is forthcoming.

Posted by: ZionistYoungster

That is exactly why the mortal remains of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Truman are spinning in their graves.


Why can't they just say muslim terrorists and get it over with. why blame the rest of asia for a bunch of crazed fanatics.

And why do I get the eerie feeling that the media is behaving like people in harry potter, "He-who-must-not-be-named".

Update: From Sky - All those arrested were British muslims.

We're being divided by our common language here! While "Asian" of course originally meant "from the continent of Asia" - i.e. from the Bosporus to the eastern tip of Russia - different connotations have arisen on opposite side of the Atlantic.

In America the word tends to refer more to East Asia (China, Japan, Korea etc) while in the UK it is used more often in reference to South Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh etc).

We're being divided by our common language here! While "Asian" of course originally meant "from the continent of Asia" - i.e. from the Bosporus to the eastern tip of Russia - different connotations have arisen on opposite side of the Atlantic.

In America the word tends to refer more to East Asia (China, Japan, Korea etc) while in the UK it is used more often in reference to South Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh etc).

Watched CNN and awaited the word 'Muslim'.

Heard it two plus hours into the story. It was prefaced with the words 'law-abiding'. Followed by the word 'offend'. Aarghh.

Re: "those arrested were mainly young, British-born Asian men."

Absolutely amazing........once again no mention of their Islamic roots which motivated the "asians" to plan a terrorist act.

Another political hack misses the point.

A politico being interviewed on Sky News noted (I'll generalize) that fundamentalists who believe that their way is the only way must be told that such is not acceptable.

The point he misses, as do so many, is that while Chrisitian Evangelicals are indeed fundamentalists who believe that their way is the only way, I'm not aware of any statements by Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson that they'll kill those who disagree with their way of thinking.

"Asian" is BBC-speak for Muslim.

Recent newspaper reports suggest that people from India and other non-Islamic countries in Asia increasingly cease to refer to themselves as Asian. I suppose they know very well what the BBC means too.

PS. I should have said people from India and other non-Islamic countries living in the UK...

Scotland Yard Rep:

This is NOT sbout members of any particluar community. Just potential mass murderers.

Yeh, sure. A mixed bag. Scotish. Welsh. Irish. British. Maybe a Protestant or two. Could be a few Catholics.

If every one of the suspects states, loudly and publicly, that they are Muslims who want to kill infidels, would that change his mind?

Assalamau Laikum all,

I want to congratulate your security services for doing a sterling job on this....well done!

I would like to see that the media stop this "asian" nonsense. I think that each one should be named, ( Khan), sex M/F, colour, (e.g. black/white/brown), country of origin (e.g.British), and also whether they are a sunni/shia...and which town each of them are from (e.g.blackburn).

Break it down into it's components ....and lets see how the pieces fall.

I think that likely....all will be is unlikely that they will want to trust or share the "glory" with the Shia.

With the Israeli inspired war in Lebonan killing innocent shia however, we may be surprised... there maybe well be shia in there.

In this game though...I think name and shame of the facts is all important.

If for example you find all 18 are sunni...and it comes to pass that most of these type of peoples are sunni...the muslim socities will know who not to trust...the british public too will know that not all muslims are this way inclined.

Also innocent sunni maye more likely to report on their "corrupt" brothers.

Obviously foreign policy is important as is what the british authorities will do with these's not like they can store them underground for 50 inhumane would that be?

this is not Nasseem !, yet another Fake hiding behind the identity of that looney Lahore (wo)man...

Congrats to the security services. They took a severe kick in the bollocks when they stormed that house in the East of London a few weeks ago only to find nothing. Today they've done themselves proud.

When that incident occured, there were quite a number of apologists out in force especially on the BBC Have Your Say forum banging on about civil liberties and how appallingly the police had treated the two brtothers. Just exactly where are they today? Heathrow, waiting to board a plane?

Icidently I fully agree if they are muslims they should so be named, rather than blandly calling them Asians.

My wife is Balinese Hindu, and two of my former girlfriends are Filipino Catholic and Thai Buddhist respectively. All the loveliest creatures you could ever hope to meet; all Asian and none muslim.

Walid Phares over at the CT Blog has 8 sets of questions for government officials to get busy answering.

However, if I were him, I would give goverment officials one more set of questions to answer:

9)Have you started reading your Koran, Hadiths, and Sira? Are you familiar with what a dark, malevolent character Mohammed was? Do you realize the London jihadists and others around the world are emulating his example? Are you ready to correct the MSM and tell them to stop using Marxist (aka politically correct) language in favor of language that reflects the nature of what we are dealing with??

presently all handluggage is barred from taking onto any flight out of Britain and the U.S., that includes drinks, softdrinks, even spectacle cases.. passengers are handed seethru plasticbags for their tickets and passports.

stormed that house in the East of London a few weeks ago only to find nothing.

Not quite nothing, just not the chemical bomb they anticipated. What they did find was a stash of cash £38,000 in used notes and child porn. Just because the blue piece of the jigsaw turns out to be sea and not sky does not stop it being part of the solution.

I remember the last time I flew from London to Seattle. Even with a tape player and a couple of books on the flight, after 8.5 hours sitting on a plane I was torn between being suicidal and homicidal. They really expect people to sit on these planes with nothing to do but watch a crappy movie or read the magazines and emergency cards?

They'd better stock up the beverage carts for those trips.

Assalamau Laikum cosmicAvenger,

You say "this is not Nasseem !, yet another Fake hiding behind the identity of that looney Lahore (wo)man..."

Why do you say such cruel things. It is me in Lahore...

I don't want these peoples to succeed, it further undermines the domination of Islam in Dar-al-harb through peacful means, through Islamic businesses, i.e. wuslim demographics.

The infedel is asleep...let it stay that friends in the UK say that... Mashallah, even the weather in the UK is more like that in Pak these days.

I want these peoples to be identified to show that there are no Ahmadi in that lot...that there is peace in Islam..via the Ahmadi.

The bottom line is ...if there are muslims in the UK ..let there be a good mix of Ahmadi...if you want to convert an Ahmadi.

Getting rid of the sunni from the UK...that is good for the Ahmadi..and more chance of the indeginious population to convert.

Good Morning all,
I have been educating myself through JW, Robert's books and other sources for a couple of years now, but have never commented here. Sometimes I think I don't have sufficient intellect to enlighten you guys with anything. There are some profound thinkers here. Anyway, thank you all for helping remove the wool from my eyes. I was once a believer in the myth that islam was just another extension of Judaism and Christianity and that God and allah were one in the same. I take what I am learning here out into the real world and try to spread truth whenever I can. It is getting easier to bring up the subject because the rop seems to be in the news quite a bit lately. That's all for now. I just figured it was time to let myself be known here since I spend several hours each day with you guys (and ladies) (and Nasseem)

From BBC Online:

"According to BBC sources the "principal characters" suspected of being involved in the plot were British-born." Not even "Asian men"!

Has this got anything to do with England beating Pakistan earlier this week in the Cricket Test Series, I wonder? Heh, heh,heh!

Congrats to Monty Panesar and Sajid Mahmood for theor patriotic and displays of sporting excellence.

True Brits, unlke the scum arrested over night.

'Mass murder on an unimaginable scale'

"Britain raised its security-threat level to "critical", which means it expects an attack imminently. The Home Office website showed the rating was raised to "critical" from "severe" earlier on Thursday. "

Luggage is now banned in airplanes, including cellphones and handbags. All liquids are banned except for essential medicines. Milk for babies is allowed on board if the mothers drink some of it to prove that it is indeed milk and not some kind of explosive.

The infedel is asleep...let it stay that friends in the UK say that... Mashallah, even the weather in the UK is more like that in Pak these days.

Yes, it is asleep and will go back to the slumber of denial.

I don't want these peoples to succeed, it further undermines the domination of Islam in Dar-al-harb through peacful means, through Islamic businesses, i.e. wuslim demographics

So far, things are going your way thanks to a PC Western government.

The bottom line is ...if there are muslims in the UK ..let there be a good mix of Ahmadi...if you want to convert an Ahmadi.

Thanks, I'll pass all the same.

Getting rid of the sunni from the UK...that is good for the Ahmadi..and more chance of the indeginious population to convert.

So Naseem, what would you do with "indeginious" people who don't want to convert to ahmadi or any other variation of islam if you could control such matters?

Would you let them live their lives in peace and treat them with respect as equals of a different religious persuation?

Or would you prefer a more resolute method of conversion to islam in any form for those who refuse to convert as is demanded by the prophet in the koran?

RecoveringPig: Welcome to the Real World.

OH Naseem, it is you!, I am so sorry, but how is anyone to recognize you when you are now using proper language and formulations in your statements?, ..did you recently take part in an english language refresher course, or was that twisted talk of former times just a whicked game to let the readership know that since you are a Muslim, sorry, Ahmadi you are right because you are better anyway, and that indeed it was high time for everyone to convert and become a memeber in the only one true belief. Ahmadi...meaning you could afford the arrogance of that twisted talk...because you are better. Do you still believe that ?

More dhimmitude from the British authorities:

"Police had spoken to a "good number of community leaders to make them aware that a major operation was under way," he added." Surprised they even busted the plot, then.

How to seriously ruin a suicide bombers eternity...

This made me laugh so hard that the people in the office next door are giving me funny looks!

l just heard on the radio this morning about the flights being delayed, diverted and cancelled. how can we stop this when government officials refuse to
name the enemy, muslims. liberals like to whine about Bush's patriot act, well when another terrorist act comes along, we will lose so much of our freedom, the patriot act will seem like an act of freedom. when in power liberals like nothing more than to take your freedom away, eg. Cdn pm Trudeau in the early 70's, enacted the War Measures Act on all Cdns. well until we name the largest terrorist organiation "islam" we will be under a black cloud of death.

Don't forget we have eight unaccounted for Egyptian students who have skipped their classes (in on a student visa) and have not been seen since. The three that have been arrested proclaim they have done nothing wrong. One even claims he lost $1,000.00 in a coffee house.
We should deport them immediately for violating the rules that apply to their visa. Their student visa specify they must attend their classes. It now appears they used the student visa just to get into the country. This violation calls for immediate deportation. Pray the remaining eight unaccounted for Egyptians do not kill anyone. They too, should be deported as soon as found. ALL visa violators should be rounded up and deported immediately. Muslim immigration should be banned. Quit letting these murderers in .

Infidel Pride - Sky News is MUCH better than any other UK news agency. Five minutes of al-beeb make me want to chunder. Or break something. I hate the BBC with a passion, don't even get me started.

Sky doesn't have any of the nasty politics or propagandising, they listen to viewer comments ( - that simple!), they ask the right questions, and make the necessary objections. They seem wise to taqiyya and kitman, and don't stand for it.

On the flip side, this is England. They have guests like Melanie Phillips, but also MCB members and plenty of apologists. Worse, are the UK pundits, 99% of whom know jack, and bang on about who started what back in the 90s or 80s or 70s. The official line therefore is that all the problems are of our own making, and Islam means peace. The subtext however is that they get it, but have to pretend they don't. Nobody can question Islam. Even Blair, at the WAC conference the other week, had to make up yet another metaphor, this time "reactionary Islam" - though contrasted with "inert", non-reactive Islam, perhaps he's actually saying what we all know - that the terrorists are simply the pious. But basically, yes, Sky News isn't the lost cause al-beeb has become. Yet.

Not wishing to diminish the seriousness of these events I can't help snigger at the comments by Dr John Potter on this page:,,30100-13536984,00.html

and then remembering that scene in Team America where Spottswoode reveals Kim jung il's plans:

Chris : "My God! 911 times a hundred?"
Spottswoode : "Yes, that's right, Ninety One thousand, one hundred."

naseem you still dont get it, your are not really a muslim, you are an inferior muslim according to arabs. so why dont you really become a human and revert back to where your ancestors were Hindu. you can still make your ancestors proud, throw off the butt ugly burka, and go out in the sun, get rid of that foggy brain, once you have soaked in enough sunlight, you will see the light, and leave islam!

I just got up and turned on the radio and when I heard people commenting about this new threat, it was a time I needed a full cup of coffee. As I have said, Islam the root, terroism the fruit.

Off all the mullahs in the whole country. The only way to stop these fiends.

This is why I am for profiling of people from Arab/Muslim countries. Isreal does it and it works.

Everyone knows who is meant when the media or politicians report or talk about "Asians" or when they use other local synonyms for the forbidden M-word. And the media and the politicians know that everyone knows.

In the beginnung, I guess, the synonyms were used to conceil the truth. But now it has developped to a "secret language", that is commonly understood.

Who - besides children - uses "secret languages"?
Resistance groups and subjects in totalitarian regimes do so in order not to upset the dictator. The words are no more used to deceive US. They are used to appease THEM. We (all of us in the "West") are already real dhimmis in some regards.

Airport passengers are being asked to drink any baby milk they may be carrying, to prove it's not explosive. This seems pretty unfair on Moslems, as we all know their "baby milk" is prone to explode (when it's not being used as rocket fuel).

The MCB should be all over this.

Take a look at the BBC's photo essay on the situation at Britain's airports. The not so subtle message should be clear to all. Remember that 'the other' is also suffering in all of this, what with the angelic baby and all...

To me the look on her face says: "I could have sworn Ahmed said next Thursday!? Note to self: Put steps in place to ensure proper personal diary management."

Prediction : As the truth about Islam comes out, as what we are seeing, no one, and I MEAN NO ONE will want to become Muslim because of its connections to violence and oppression. IMHO, the everyday people are slowly are getting fed up with the threats.

Re. my previous comments on Sky, it should be noted they have their own dedicated Islam channel, too. Perhaps that's why they seem a bit more clued up, at a guess.

sky 836

I've never watched it, so can't comment.


I was shocked that Naseem has posted in this thread this morning. As I had posted above before, the truth is now getting out about Islam. I would question anyone's sanity about wanting to become or stay Muslim with what is going on right now. fact, looking at that site, the logo reads "one world, one ummah, one channel", though I'm sure they've never heard of Hitler. And they've got an ad for Galloway's friends Interpal, recently exposed as a terrorist funding organisation affiliated to Hamas. Reading a little further into the site, it affirms that polytheists are satanists, and in another article specifically derides Hindu beliefs.

Typical Islamic BS, but sickening to see this coming out of the UK...

The suspects will be described as "mentally ill, model citizens". All who knew them will be "totally shocked". "No muslim would ever do such a thing."

Frankly, both the US and the UK need to send resident Muslims back to their countries of origin until the terrorist threat is over. Muslims are the ones who shouldn't be allowed carry-on bags or better yet not allowed on the planes.

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly ... it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated." -- Thomas Paine.

We are in this situation because we refuse to acknowledge that certain cultures are not able to be a part of the Modern West. The result of our obduracy is going to be a blood bath for all.

So what are the choices

1. Wage war selectively in the Arab/Muslim world
2. A civil war within the West
3. Separation of Christendom from dar al islam, followed by an exchange of Muslims populations here, for Christians in Muslim countries.

The first is unlikely to work unless it takes the form of total war. This leads to unimaginable mega-death scenarios.

The second is again going to be bloody beyond imagination, besides being totally arbitrary.

That leaves the third option. It is the least expensive in all terms - mortality rates as well economic.

Muslims are commanded in the Koran by Allah, to wage war on the Kuffar. There is no point in blaming Muslims, as that is their culture. The fault is ours for giving Muslims the opportunuty wage war from within.

We had better wake up fast and start the process of a peaceful separation.

Assalamau-Laikum all,

bigcatgirl says "I was shocked that Naseem has posted in this thread this morning".

I was rather disappointed for the catgirl to say this. Why wouldn't I be here...I am here supporting you show you that violence will NOT do

I have NEVER advocated violence as a means to an end for anything. Please don't misunderstand my viewpoint, you can check all my previous posts.

That Islam will doubt...but not through violence...I don't want or need that.

I hope you understand that.

Further to Granny Weatherwax's useful comments above, the two Muslim brothers referred to in the Forest Gate raid are living (together with their family) at tax-payers' expense in a luxury hotel near Buckingham Palace. A couple of nights ago the brothers were walking back to their hotel late in the evening when they passed Wellington Barracks and stopped to shout abuse at the members of the Welsh Guards on sentry duty. According to reports they were screaming 'Die in Iraq' to the young soldiers. Apparently this is not the first time they have abused the sentries.
Those arrested in the overnight raids last night were, it is reported, nearly all 'British born' from the south east of England. I am waiting for their friends to appear on Channel 4 TV News to tell us that these were all lovely, peaceful, gentle boys who loved their cricket and their fish and chips and worked with youngsters and had just come back form a computer studies course in Jalalabad.

Aladamir posted: "Asian" is BBC-speak for Muslim.

I'm always wary of BBC propaganda. The BBC's agenda is to confuse the issue, for Islam is its favourite. By continually using "Asian", it wishes to make this war into a racial one, so any who critice Islam gets accused of racism.

If this is another Forest Gate it will bring the government down. Having said that it sounds like a concentrated nitric acid and glycerine job to me. Silly schoolboys ofteen talk about combining the two but sensibly never get around to it.

Hi Moris2

Thanks for your comments. I have a special interest in the Forest Gate case since I had some heated arguments with some 'dhimwits' after they were shown to be such fine upstanding citizens.

Do you have any quotable references for the incident with the Welsh Guards? This will deepen the pain already caused by the child porn charges. Let's hope the pain leads to growtth!

"mainly young, British-born Asian men".

Mmmmmmmmmm, mainly young, British born Asian men eh? Nothing else they had in common? No? Maybe they were all part of the same club, or perhaps they were all Christians? Hindus? Seikhs? Buddhists? No hang on, they were "mainly British born Asian men" BUT they were ALL MUSLIMS.

When will the media actually start reporting the FACTS instead of cowering like snivelling cowardly scum? Not in my lifetime I guess.

The government should do this, the government should do that.....the government will do jack poo unless the people stand up and be counted.

Start refusing to board any aircraft that has muslim, middle east looking types in the queue and watch things start to happen.

Talk to other passengers, get them cant get arrested for that.

Ask ticket sales if any muslims will be on the flight then refuse to fly with that carrier if there is.......they'll soon get the picture when the profits get thin.

Only YOU can make things happen.....dont leave it to the next guy.

The government should do this, the government should do that.....the government will do jack poo unless the people stand up and be counted.

Start refusing to board any aircraft that has muslim, middle east looking types in the queue and watch things start to happen.

Talk to other passengers, get them cant get arrested for that.

Ask ticket sales if any muslims will be on the flight then refuse to fly with that carrier if there is.......they'll soon get the picture when the profits get thin.

Only YOU can make things happen.....dont leave it to the next guy.

That Islam will doubt...but not through violence...I don't want or need that.

This is not persuasive.

Violence, or the threat of violence, is implicit in the notion of domination, so you're making a distinction that is possible in speech but, I suggest, meaningless in practice.

Western society in retrospect can be seen to have moved away from relations based on domination and subordination and towards relations based on mutual respect. I don't say that this development was inevitable, and, unlike tellers of fairytales such as Francis Fukuyama, I don't believe that such a development will necessarily be universal. However, it is a fact that this what has happened in the West. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel has a parable called the Master and Slave. Now, there are many different ways of interpreting this but the most obvious one is the one I already suggested, that "Western society in retrospect can be seen to have moved away from relations based on domination and subordination and towards relations based on mutual respect". We've no interest in returning to a primitive view of things marked by the notion of domination and subordination.

If foolish people within Western society - for example, at the New York Times - are doing the work of Islam for it, then, if they are not malicious and haven't been bought, it can only be because they do not understand what is a stake. Slow-witted as so many people are, that's not a situation that can last indefinitely.

Call them what they are...muslims. Close all mosques. Ban islam. Toss out all muslims.

I agree, toss em out.
Begin profiling immediately , put PC aside. When and if Islam decides to be rational then we will ease up . But that is not likely to happen. Until then, Toss em out and keep em out.

Naseem writes:

Obviously foreign policy is important as is what the british authorities will do with these's not like they can store them underground for 50 inhumane would that be?

Well that would be preferrable over the torture and beheading that Islamic terrorists usually dish out.

DP111 -

If only. Sigh

At it's extreme - If western authorities were to bar/ban all islamic commerce/practice and segregate entire populations it would be condemned as 'racist'.

Yet here is but another of the endless examples of politically correct sanctioning of exactly the racist action aimed at the west- Religious (Islamic) racism at it's deadliest.

As Hugh has aptly stated so often . . ."There is not a believing Muslim who does not accept that Muhammad is the Perfect Man, uswa hasana, al-insan al-kamil, the Model for All Muslims For All Time. "

For some inexplicable reason, western politicians have not yet understood just what that model evokes, instead reiterating Islam is just one of the three great faiths (excuse me while I vomit).

Hi Gorniak

Next time you're here just pop into any of the ubiquitous "Easy Internet Cafe's". They are part of a company controlled by Stelios Hajji-Ianou. Despite the Haji in his name he is not a Muslim!

In a game of spiritual one-upmanship against the Ottomans many Greek Orthodox believers in previous generations added Haji to their names to signify that they went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This 'title' was often passed on to subsequent generations as was the case with Stelios' family.

Repent now before it is too late. I am giving you the opportunity to renounce the satanic death cult you follow. The road you travel leads to eternal hell and damnation. Do you not know that beastiality as is so popular in Pakistan is shunned by all other religions? I beg you to repent from your evil ways now and save yourself from the excrement filled pit.

Won't the citizens of the UK ever grow tired of having as neighbors people who pose such severe threats to their lives ?
Are there no British politicians who can recognize this is an election opportunity? Will no politician promise legislation that could offer more security - like a moratorium on visitors from nations that breed terrorists... eliminating welfare benefits paid to enemies of the nation....closing down mosques and Islamic schools that preach murder...

"We sympathise with the inoffensive Muslims in our midst who do not deserve the inconvenience that these new laws would pose - but the death and destruction that awaits us if draconian measures are not put in place outweigh the unfairness of what innocent Muslims might have to suffer...Until the totalitarian Islamic death-cult is vanquished we must take all the measures we can to protect ourselves..."


I am begining to wonder if this prevented terror attack was the planned August 22, 2006 threat because the threat look so very massive. Thanks ahead for all respones.


I feel it is unconscionable for you to proselytize without supplying vital introductory information needed for the convert. Otherwise, it seems you are offering your particular faith only as a means of surviving the onslaught of militant Orthodox Islam, which it is not. Last I checked, Ahmadiyya was not on the list of "People of the Book", and the Islamic imperial choices remain:

1) Death
2) Slavery/dhimmitude (available only to the POB)
3) Conversion/reversion to Orthodox Islam

"People of the Book" refers to Jews and Christians (the "book" referring to the Taurat and the Injeel). Rarely, other faiths have been included (Hindus). Apostates and heretical sects, to my knowledge, have not.

For anyone wanting a refresher on the Ahmadi faith, I offer the following:

In brief, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who founded the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam (circa 1899) in Qadiyan in Punjab, India, declared himself to be the Promised Messiah (masih) and Mahdi, producing a nonviolent sect of Islam by essentially nullifying the Qur'anic notion of naskh, by which the Medinan suras abrogated the Meccan suras (which we all know as the Religion of Peace(TM)). The purpose of this was become an antidote to Protestant Christian evangelism. He thus became a prolific anti-Christian writer, denying the crucifixion, claiming Jesus swooned or feigned death on the cross, then traveled to Afghanistan and finally India, lived to an age of 120 years thereafter, and was buried in Srinajar (now in Kashmir) under the name Yus Asaf. Ahmad also denied the ascension of Jesus as well as his title of Messiah (both accepted by the Qur'an). His followers state that Jesus was an unaccomplished prophet, excelling only at deception and fraud. Thus, the Ahmadis, as founded, are a more virulently anti-Christian movement ideologically/theologically, if not militarily, than mainstream Islam.

The Lahore, Pakistan, branch of Ahmadis (ahmadiyya anjuman ishaat-i Islam) sees Ahmad as a reformer (mujaddid) of Islam, but most Islamic majority countries see Ahmad and his followers as heretics. In 1984, the Pakistani government banned Islamic forms of worship by the Ahmadis.

This topic, including specific description of some of Ahmad's failed prophecies, has been discussed additionally on the previous thread:

some of the links are reproduced here:


Here is a link to the story about the Welsh guards.,,2-2006360587,00.html


Here is a link to the story about the Welsh guards.,,2-2006360587,00.html

Concerned Citizen,

Thank-you for the information. The information should be of useful help.

Concerned Citizen,

Thank-you for the information. The information should be of useful help.

Here is a link to the story about the Welsh guards.

I wonder if the remaining brother (the child pornographer has been locked up since police hit the jackpot with his hard drive) would be so brave saying that outside the Adam and Eve at closing time? When the Queen and the tourists are not about?


Don't use the tags - the triangular brackets - when you are pasting a link. On most editors, it prevents the link from breaking, but here, it just treats it as an html tag, and loses it altogether.

I'm guessing that's what you originally did.

Thanks for the links I appreciate it!

As a start.....

Travellers should boycott airlines that let muslims onboard. Ask airlines if they let muslims onboard. Ofcourse the reply will be "huh?". Repeat the question: "Didn't you hear me. I asked if you let muslims on board?" Again, the expected answer is "Ofcourse sir,we are not allowed to profile / discriminate based on passanger's ethnicity / religion." That is the time to tell the airline representative that that muslims are a safety risk and that that airline CANNOT have your business. Furthermore, boycott all Islamic businesses and airlines.

And this is just a start...

Start refusing to board any aircraft that has muslim, middle east looking types in the queue and watch things start to happen.

Talk to other passengers, get them cant get arrested for that.

Ask ticket sales if any muslims will be on the flight then refuse to fly with that carrier if there is.......they'll soon get the picture when the profits get thin.

Only YOU can make things happen.....dont leave it to the next guy.

Posted by: Buddy at August 10, 2006 08:30 AM

Buddy, I have recommended the same in my post above, in addition to boycotting all Islamic airlines and businesses.

I would question anyone's sanity about wanting to become or stay Muslim with what is going on right now.

Posted by: bigcatgirl13106 at August 10, 2006 07:17 AM

Yes, we question the sense, logic, reason all we want, but the doors behind every muslim is shut. Remember, leaving Islam means death. Where is the room for reason, debate, introspcetion, responsibility?

Sorry, folks. But, this might be a blessing in disguise. It's high time that all non-Muslim countries start voting (because that's the power the citizens exercise) for that candidate/party who would ban the practice of Islam in the country and possibly contemplate on keeping a very watchful eye on Muslims through the variouys security agencies. If necessary, the Muslims should be stripped of citizenship and then deported back to their ancestral country of origin. The candidate/party who would go that far should win. Surely George Bush stating "USA at War with Islamic Facists" is appropriate, though Ibrahim Hooper (or Nihad Awad) would cry hoarse.

This is also a slap on the face of the liberal NYT whose credibility after Jason Blair-gate, Judith Miller-gate and what not, was to expose that George Bush had instructed the NSA to listen to Americans talking.

What amazes me is that even now Americans are exhibiting the stupid, sophomoric attitude of displaying anger at the inability of exercising their civil liberties - like being unable to float like a butterfly. However, probably it is exactly these class of people who with their goofy liberal mindset had voted for the most liberal candidate to increase immigration quota and allow anyone with any background to enter USA. (Same, if not worse, applies to UK.) Why blame Muslims now when you have voted for opening those doors that would have prevented them from entering your home ?

Mohammed bin Kafir Abu Jahal