Film of high-profile targets was made as a joke, trial told

Yeah, it was all a joke, sure, that's it. Ha ha! Did you hear the one about the Twin Towers in New York? They got a million of 'em, ladies and infidels, let me tell you...

From the TimesOnline, with thanks to DFS:

A MUSLIM student told a terror trial yesterday that he filmed a video of British landmarks that prosecutors claim was a visual guide for terrorists.

The locations in the film include Hyde Park, Big Ben, Parliament Square, the London Eye, Edgware Road Tube station and the Hilton Hotel in Park Lane, Woolwich Crown Court heard.

Rauf Abdullah Mohammad, 26, an Iraqi minicab driver, is charged with making a video likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism contrary to the Terrorism Act 2000.

The prosecution claims that Mr Mohammad drove around London making a film showing “high-profile targets” to help Islamic terrorists to plan and carry out an attack on the capital.

His friend, Maz Ibrahim, 25, a British Sudanese, yesterday gave evidence for the defence, saying that he was the unseen man holding a camcorder whose voice was recorded in Arabic saying: “Rauf is planning a bombing operation.”

Oh man, this is side-splitting stuff. Has anyone contacted Leno?

In the background of the video can be heard religious chants, sounds of machineguns and a missile exploding, and poems about martyrdom, killing and being killed in the name of Allah.

Religious chants? Killing and being killed in the name of Allah? Rauf, you hockey puck! You kidder, you! Everybody knows Islam is a religion of peace!

In fact, Paradise is guaranteed in the Qur'an to those who "kill and are killed" for Allah -- see sura 9:111.

Mr Mohammad, from Forest Gate, East London, can allegedly be heard on the video discussing his hopes for the killing of Tony Blair, President Bush, Silvio Berlusconi and Donald Rumsfeld.

Stop it, Rauf! You're killing me! This is the funniest stuff I've heard since The Day the Clown Cried!

The true interpretation of the hour-long video, extracts from which have been shown several times to the jury, is central to the arguments at Woolwich Crown Court.

Mr Ibrahim, of Southwark, southeast London, told the jury that the video, which was made around September 2003, was no more than a tourist souvenir for overseas relatives and that the terrorism chat was just an example of the companions’ ironic sense of humour. He said that his friend had wanted to make a tape to send back to relatives and suggested going to famous places in London.

Isn't it funny how, when it comes to jihad terrorism, there is always a "true interpretation" that contradicts what you see in front of your eyes? The Qur'an doesn't mean "slay the unbelievers" (9:5) or beat your wife (4:34), and this fellow wasn't planning a terror operation, he was just kidding around. Tell me another, Rauf.

Lawrence McNulty, for the defence, took Mr Ibrahim step-by-step through the tape. It begins with a busker in a subway near Marble Arch. The camcorder holder climbs steps to emerge into Hyde Park. He zooms in to a road sign.

“I just like details of things,” Mr Ibrahim said.

Ah. Jokes with details. The best kind.

The film has a number of shots of police officers. Mr Ibrahim explained that he wanted to show how helpful British constables could be, for example giving people directions.

“There’s a huge difference between the police in the UK and the police back home,” he said. “Back home for no reason they just do anything to you.”

After a long passage showing people at Speakers’ Corner, Mr Mohammad is filmed heading for his car. Mr Ibrahim gets into the passenger seat.

The car stereo plays Islamic chants and the video pans upwards to Paddington Green police station. The men can be heard speaking.

“I was teasing him,” Mr Ibrahim said. “I said he was planning a bombing operation. I used to always like to tease him, calling him a terrorist. I used to make jokes like that. It’s just a bit of a stereotype that people have against certain individuals. It was just a joke because people say that people with long beards are terrorists.”

Next, Mr Mohammad is heard on the video discussing killing the Prime Minister and Western leaders. Mr Ibrahim said that he did not think that his friend had been at all serious about killing Mr Blair.

As the film pans to show pretty women, Mr Mohammad is heard to make a remark. Mr Ibrahim said: “He was teasing me about filming the girls. He doesn’t really look at girls. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t have interest in women, obviously.”

Obviously -- a funny word to be using amid all this fog of misdirection.

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Now I have seen, heard, and read it all! And you thought Hollywood was weird.

"Honest, M'lud, we were make a surrealist comedy sketch highlighting the pun on terrorist and tourist... you know, like Islamic Tourists etc. ha, ha, ha, boom, boom."

I am simply stunned by the Islamophobia evident in this report. It is obvious that some people still do not understand that Great Britain is no longer just a white, Christian, provincial backwater. Rather it is a rich, multiracial, cultural mosaic that represents the future of the formerly Western world.

It is a good thing that the American government is moving quickly to ensure that such racist, Islamophobic attitudes cannot take hold here. Once another 20 million or so Muslims are resident here, it will be impossible for white Christian males to impose their racist, unjust, Islamophobic laws and culture on the rest of the country.

Don't worry, be happy!

Two, three, many Dearborns!

Viva El Presidente Jorge bin Jorge al-Bush!

Islam is a religion of peace!

Allahu akbar!

Robert-You have to be more open and not so judgemental re normal Muslims such as Rauf Abdullah Mohammad. He was just doing his work.

a tourist souvenir for overseas relatives

Is he related to Nasrallah, Osama, Or Ahmadinejad?

Muslims have no sense of humor and they lie. I do not believe him. I do believe he was plotting future terrorist activities.

Deport him NOW!

From another column regarding the Bridge in Texas:

"They were arrested in Caro in Michigan's Thumb on Aug. 11 after police found about 1,000 cell phones and photos of the Mackinac Bridge inside their van.

Nabih Ayad, the Dearborn Heights lawyer representing the men, said the photos were tourist shots and the men are entrepreneurs who bought the phones to sell for a profit. They are victims of ethnic profiling, Ayad said"

More Muslims taking "tourist Pictures",

Everyone who believes this--go now and stand on your head in the corner.

One of the main missions of the Jihadist according to the Al-Qaeda manual is to gather information, identify targets, and to prepare for attack. You can google the Al-Qaeda manual. This is a copy of the manual as seized by British agents in Great Britain.

In reading it you will see the terrorists operating today follow the guidelines as given in this document. The manual gives detailed instruction on how to establish false idenities, hide from authorities, gather information and methods of attacks. It gives perferred targets and profiles certain individuals for assination purposes.

Take the time to look at this document and then look at the news stories about people caught commandering school buses, carrying 1000 cell phones, taking photos of potential targets, laudering money, making asinine lawsuits, complaining about profiling, and on and on.
If such a person involved happens to be a Muslim, then the bells and whistles should go off. THe Muslim is just following his training.

Islam is a plague.

-- Islam!

-- Ha ha ha ha ha!

-- Koran!

-- Tee hee hee hee hee!

-- Mohammed!

-- Ho ho ho ho ho!

-- Jihad!

-- Hee h... stop! Stop it! I can't take it any more! The use of... ha ha! ...jokes as weapons on... ho ho ho! ...the battlefield is banned according to the Beiher... guff guffaw! ...Bern convention!

-- Mecca!

-- *drops dead*

Will the knights in shining armour please get your nards back. I've never been to England, but would love to go. I just sicken at the thought of women walking around in burkus, pacing behind their "men." I guess the Renassance was all for not. Stand up and take your country back!

hope the judge has a like-wise sense of humour

20 years porridge and see if these like that for a joke

hope the judge has a like-wise sense of humour

20 years porridge and see if these like that for a joke

Of course he has an interest in women: women goats. Nothing queer about this bloke.

Anyone remember the Monty Python sketch about the most dangerous joke in the world - nobody could read it and survive? Lethal within visual range.


How humorous would it be if 'fed up' citizens began videotaping and photographing locations which include masjids (mosques), halal markets, western madrassas? Lets assume its going to be a documentary to educate curious infidels about specific intimate lifestyles, habits and schedules adhered to by members of this pious culture with their explosive sense of humor.

Keep laughing.

If this is their idea of a joke, al-Jazeera must be their "Comedy Central."

justamomof4, that's a really good idea. I wish more people were interested in getting to the bottom of things...

Every day I drive by a "Dawa Center" in a storefront on the north side of Milwaukee, and every day I wonder what the hell is going on in there...we're a stone's throw from Chicago after all. I don't have the balls to go in alone, and of course since I'm a woman I'm sure they wouldn't be very helpful to me. :P But I *worry*.

This is the one thing that didn't come across on Robert's interview on CSpan: his sense of humor.

I realize on a short format like that there is little time for humor, and Brian Lamb looks like he wouldn't know a joke if it bit him, but when it can be displayed, it will make it even more difficult for the Islamic apologists to try to paint Robert as a rabid hate monger.

BTW, that link to the article about "The Day the Clown Cried!" is very good, and based on the ham-handed and pathos-laden media manipulations by green-helmeted-"heros" and wailing elderly women who lost their house once, twice, three times in just a few days, apropos.

This reminds me of a case I vaguely recall from a few years back. Some "youths" from Michigan were overheard in a Georgia restaurant saying they could execute an operation which would make 9-11 pale by comparison. The woman who overheard these remarks notifyed the police, who converged on them a few miles down the road with some 80 or so units, after they refused to stop at a toll booth. Naturally, after they were released their families claimed they were just joking around and accused the woman informant of racism.

These days if a 12 year old says he is gonna pop a cap in your ***, you would be wise to believe him.

We Need: Yes, that incident at the restaurant made a lot of news at the time. Some muslim men, between the ages of 20 and 40, with little or no visible means of support, were on their way to Florida, for vague and unsupported reasons. They did indeed raise the cry "racism" and thereby invoke the LEP (Liberal Exemption Pass) to ward off further inquiry and all accountability.

I keep my eyes open for Michigan license plates, and note the establishments where any such cars are parked. We citizens need to PROFILE for ourselves, 'cause the cops sure can't. Even those few who do (and there are some) can't afford to get caught at it. So, we have to do our own profiling.

Write down the plate numbers, dates, make and model of automobile. Keep a file folder. Stay alert and take the time to make a few notes. Do an internet search once in a while. Look for property ownership, partnerships, etc. This can be fun and informative. Who knows what you might turn up. I uncovered an insurance scam like this about a year ago. The knowledge, or the skills learned, might even save your life one of these days.

And the war goes on.

So now will Bush inaugurate a "War on Tourism"...?

Edgeware road tube station?

Not exactly a tourist destination.
But Edgeware is where most of Londons Jews live.

Funny that eh?

I should say Golders Green is where a large Jewish population resides which is near Edgeware.

I read it wrong it.

Edgeware rd station is near abbey road which is a tourist trap.

Still it is a tube station and not really worth filming unless your after strategic info.