Jihadists take control of key town in central Somalia

Beledweyne falls. Somali Jihad Update from AFP: "Islamists take control of key central Somali town"

MOGADISHU (AFP) - Islamic militia has seized control of a strategic township near the Ethiopian border from Somalia's transitional government, further expanding their territory.
There were no reported casualties in the clash, which saw only a brief exchange of fire around 7:00 am (0400 GMT) Wednesday.
Islamic militia commander Yusuf Makaraan said his fighters took control of Beledweyne, the capital of Hiraan region 300 kilometres (190 miles) north of Mogadishu, after the Ethiopia-backed, government-appointed governor Yusuf Ahmed Hagar allegedly fled to Ethiopia.
"We have full control of Beledweyne," Makarran told AFP by telephone.
"The governor fled and we captured one battlewagon -- a pickup truck mounted (with) a machine gun -- from his fleeing forces," he added.
"People closed their business centers and are very much concerned that likely renewed clashes between Islamists and Yusuf Hagar clan members" might resume, said resident Mumin Derow.
The growing influence of the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia (SICS), which controls much of southern Somalia including the capital Mogadishu, has threatened the authority of the transitional government based in Baidoa, about 250 kilometres (155 miles) northwest of the capital.
The brief clashes in Beledweyne, which links southern Somalia to the agriculturally-rich central regions, came after Hagar refused to formally hand over control to the Islamists.
Local cleric Sheikh Farah Moalim formed Islamic tribunals in Beledweyne after the Islamists took much of southern Somalia from US-backed warlords in June, attracting several civilians but Hagar refused to join them, officials said.
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A "battlewagon"?

Otherwise known by the equally impressive nomenclature, "technical".

Mechanized Mohammedans.


Time for the free world to start making colonies again. It is much better than letting all this land go to islam. Most will not like the idea, but it is better than admitting them into the U.N. and the World Bank giving them loans for 'development'.

Did you ever notice how Islam destroys not only people but the land as well?

Muslims can find machine guns, but not farm plows.
Muslims can find rockets and missles, but not peace and freedom.
Muslims can dish out death, but cannot find kindness.
Muslims can riot, shake fists and burn flags, but cannot permit co-existence with those who do not choose to submit to the will of ALLAH.
Muslims can plant IED's and land mines, but not trees or wheat.
Muslims can rape, torture, and pillage,but not contribute to the care of AIDS victims or allow POLIO vaccines to be freely distributed by the west.
Muslims honor death, suicide bombers, honor killings, marytrs but not life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Muslims disdain blacks and women therefore can do nothing but laugh at important people such as a black female political person such as Condi Rice.
Muslims can dish out hate filled dialogue but cannot listen to dialogue laced with compromise or pleas of non violence.
Muslims lash out in terror worldwide via plane bombs, train bombs, car bombs, plots of untold horror but do little when catrastophe strikes anywhere in the world, they send little money, food, or medicine to aid the victims---The Muslims job is to make victims not aid them.
The list goes on and on, yet we still allow them into our country and refuse to deport them.
We need to change immediately.

The brief clashes in Beledweyne, which links southern Somalia to the agriculturally-rich central regions, came after Hagar refused to formally hand over control to the Islamists.

Exsgtbrown wrote:

Did you ever notice how Islam destroys not only people but the land as well?
Muslims can find machine guns, but not farm plows.
Muslims can plant IED's and land mines, but not trees or wheat.

Excellent points, Exsgtbrown. I fear that as bad as things are now in Somalia, they will become even worse now that Islamists are poised to take over the country's agricultural heartland. We might see full-scale famine. I hope I'm wrong, but it is something we've seen all too often before.

Something plain and common, where there are troubles and fighting there are MUSLIMS. Easy to identify them. Politicians are busy selling us the idea of ISLAM is Peace, but the truth is ISLAM is everything BUT peace.