Mahmoud Ahmadinejad starts his own blog

"Let me tell you about my new digital camera. Heh..."

And now: Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Mahmoud Pundit (thanks to Ana)!

Look out, Glenn Reynolds: the President of Iran has started his own blog, reminiscing and offering Deep Thoughts about the good old days of the Khomeini revolution. So far it's about as interesting as Mein Kampf and less illuminating of its author's intentions. Regarding the topic that's on everybody's mind, the Thug-In-Chief begins with this prayer: "Oh Almighty God, please, we beg you to send us our Guardian- who You have promised us- soon and appoint us as His close companions." He does not, however, ask Allah to send the Guardian, oh, say, around a week from Tuesday.

The only other interesting feature is the Thug-In-Chief's poll: "Do you think that the US and Israeli intention and goal by attacking Lebanon is pulling the trigger for another word war"? Oh, I think the "word war" has already begun, Mahmoud.

UPDATE: Allah over at Hotair isn't sure it's Authentically Mahmoud.

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While he suppresses other peoples blogs, anyone against the theocratic regime, beating them up and imprisoning them.

Ironic, considering Iran always tries to block the everyday Iranian's access to the internet and yet, the nutjob of Iran starts his own blog! Now I have seen everything!

Oh yes, Iran makes it a pratice to block the Iranians ability to have their own blogs yet this thug gets one going, give me a brake!

I had a look at it earlier. I think it's a fake. It seems more for show than use - not all the links work - and I suspect it is a witty Iranian having a laugh at the little man's expense.

Besides, I can't see Ahmadinejad soliciting opinions, as opposed to gving them out; and a poll really doesn't seem his style.

Allahpundit at HotAir thought to check out the registration and there are some peculiarities with that:

Ahmadinejad starts his own blog (Update: Fake?)

However, Reuters has put out a write-up on the blog, and, as we know, they are a very accurate news agency and never get things wrong.

Reuters: Iranian president lambasts US on new blog

Maybe it is genuine, but I wouldn't put money on it.

Please note the following advisory:

Ahmadinejad's blog triggers security alert. From the GIYUS blog. It's unknown if it only targets Israeli IP addresses.

In Any case fake, or not here is what was said in English translation:

autobiography 2006/8/11
In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

Oh Almighty God, please, we beg you to send us our Guardian- who You have promised us- soon and appoint us as His close companions.

During the era that nobility was a prestige and living in a city was perfection, I was born in a poor family in a remote village of Garmsar-approximately 90 kilometer east of Tehran. I was born fifteen years after Iran was invaded by foreign forces- in August of 1940- and the time that another puppet, named mohammad Reza – the son of Reza Mirpange- was set as a monarch in Iran. Since the extinct shah -Mohammad Reza- was supposed to take and enter Iran into western civilization slavishly, so many schemes were implemented that Iran becomes another market for the western ceremonial goods without any progress in the scientific field. Our Islamic culture would not allow such an infestation, and this was an impediment in front of shah and his foreign masters’ way. Thus, they decided to make this noble and tenacious culture weak gradually that Iran be attached strongly to the west as far as its economy, politics, and culture was concern. After the implementation of this policy and the unreal and outward of upswing, the villagers began to rush to the cities. Upon the enforcement of the land reform, the status of the villages became worst than the past and villagers for earning some breadcrumbs, they were deceived by the dazzling look and the misleading features of the cities and became suburban and lived in ghettos.
My family was also suffered in the village as others. After my birth -the fourth one in the family- my family was under more pressures ...

Written by Mahmood Ahmadinejad at 04:12

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran (piss be upon him).
Madman ArmageddonJihad
Madmouth I'm-a-damn-nutjob

President Ahmadinejad (Napoleon complex) and I. Sure, he's a good three-foot-six shorter than me, but what the man lacks in stature, he makes up for in rabid anti-Semitism.

President Ahmadinejad (Napoleon complex), in my humble opinion, his height - or lack thereof - is really a positive, because nothing fuels a tyrant's megalomaniacal, genocidal rage like a good, old-fashioned Napoleon complex.

And who are we to judge if President Ahmadine (Napoleon complex)jad gets a little hot-headed from time to time? I know, I know; being a ruthless dictator sounds like a cushy job, but the man lives in a virtual pressure cooker.

Think about it: You're - President Ahmadinejad (Napoleon complex)- responsible for repressing an entire nation and further destabilizing a volatile region of the world - how do you blow off a little steam? You threaten to wipe Israel off the map. Sticks and stones, people! I say, try walking a mile in the man's tiny shoes before you criticize him.

I personally care squat what this moron has to say. He's a nutter who is spiritually blind. It would be like caring what lefty-lierals think.


Has anyone heard the breaking news (was on Fox this afternoon)...

Syria has lined up a bunch of tanks on the Golan Heights and are in the process of clearing mines on their side of the border.

Some suspect that they may be getting ready to open another front on Israel. They CERTAINLY do not want Lebanon and an International force on the border to stop Hezbollah from firing missiles into Israel!

So we are looking at Syria, Hezbollah/Lebanon and Gaza/Hamas, surrounding Israel. I'm waiting for Egypt to join in. If it happens soon folks, ask me how I knew.

Great blog site!
Childrens interactive section is fab.....flower arranging, bob-a-job, help a granny, kill a jew, behead a kafir, fake photos(taqiya), blame foreign policy..etc.(typical islamic stuff)


Could it be that the nutjob's handelers are telling him to soften himself down so as to present a more human President Ahmadinejad. Remember there is the very much talked about interview that he did with 60 Minutes Mike Wallace. I think this guy has something up his sleeve.

I personally would not even visit this 'blog' site. It may contain a virus.

give me a brake!
Posted by: bigcatgirl13106 at August 13, 2006 05:14 PM

Is that a Chevy, Ford or Dodge brake that you need?????????

Glad he'll be kindler and gentler while I explode. Haven't decided if it's more appropriate to have his face or his prophet's plastered on my backside with the mouth strategically placed. A painful tatoo, but while they're picking up my pieces, they'll know what is mine!

The color scheme on the banner deserves a fatwa. Like the waiting room of my nightmares.

So does the the sweater vest/blazer combination.
A sure sign of a madman if I've ever seen one.


My answer is all of the above as far as what you have offered to me.

I am truly touched by that website. If he shares some of what he's smoking with the rest of us, maybe we'll have a deeper understanding of what he wants us to think he thinks he's saying. It's like running down the wabbit hole into his wascally wittle wabbit mind.

Why not? He's already on MySpace OMG!!!1!ONE!!

Much more tastefully done than the website. Reminiscent of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. I wonder of Mahmoud would like to be my little friend.

Much more tastefully done than the website. Reminiscent of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. I wonder if Mahmoud would like to be my little friend.

Anybody read this book, "The Shia Revival"?

I dunno how much it portends the future.

Here's an article by the same author, in Foreign Affairs:

It's 5 pages long, but worth a read.

If you go to his page, the flag link for English is a wierd composite of the Cross of St George, with the US 50 stars on the top-left quadrant. How original is that? looks like a good choice, given that there have been quite a few incidents of schoolkids getting busted because they chose to put in there their plans to blow up their schools, or murder their schoolmates. Myspace staff might want to keep an eye on this. Then again, that's possibly a joke. Who can tell? ;->

"After my birth -the fourth one in the family- my family was under more pressures ..."

If only they'd used contraception after No. 2 or 3...

I clicked on the link, and when saw the .ir extension, closed the window. I am just up after a bad virus attack, and most of my data is lost. Don't know if just by visiting a site one can get infected, but am taking no chances.

I am sure that it must have been unintentional, but my post to this story was deleted and given its conten I simply can't find an explanation (other then a mistake). If it wasn't a mistake, please be so kind as to warn me and I will act accordingly (or rather, if unwelcome, I will stop "acting" altogether in this "neighbourhood"). Thank you.

Ahmadinejad's Blog is Dangerous

A lot of readers emailed about a new Iranian web site that purports to be Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s blog, and a lot of other blogs have linked to it.

But before you click through to the site (from somewhere else, I won’t post the link here), make sure your virus prevention software is up to date—because it may try to exploit a weakness in Internet Explorer to install a “back door” in your computer: Pres. Ahmadinejad trying to infect Israelis with web viruses?

I think everyone should stay away from that site. Have a read on this link...

Pres. Ahmadinejad trying to infect Israelis with web viruses?

He's an idiot anyway. Why on earth would anyone CARE what the moron says?