More fauxtography

Reuters qana.jpg

EU Referendum (thanks to Nick) uncovers more photo fakery:

Blink and you miss it... the very first frame (black arrow indicates the time) of a video report by Mazen Ibrahim on the Aljazeera channel, commenting on the coverage of the Qana "massacre" in western media. But it is quite definitely there and, equally definitely it is the body of a baby.

This is in the first stages of the rescue/recovery operation at Qana and, if there is one thing all the media reports agree on, it is that there was only one body of a baby recovered - and here is the recovery, by Red Cross workers.

Yet, late in the afternoon (we know it is afternoon because UN troops are on site, and they did not get there until late), we this photograph is taken. It is shot by Reuters' famous Adnan Hajj, the man who subsequently was found out doctoring photographs of the Beruit bombing and the F-16.

Full story, photos and video at the EU Referendum site.

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Is the dead baby even real? Or was that faked also?

Is the dead baby even real? Or was that faked also? Twenty bucks says that this same 'dead baby' body appears in photos from all across Lebanon.

Islam public relations office strives for perfection. and yet there are moonbat dhimmis who believe the stories as dished out by the likes of Al-Jezeera and Nasarallah.

I share the truth as often as I am able. Dispelling the Islamic lies and propoganda has become great fun with some left wing dhimmis I know. The anger in their faces is really something to see. They hate Bush so much that they are willing to trust Islam public relations tripe.

What does anyone want to bet that the "baby" is a realistic-looking dummy like the ones doctors and medical personnel use for training??? I want to see an autopsy of that "child". The fact that the photos are from "Reuters' famous Adnan Hajj" makes me suspect any of this is true. If it is, it is just one more muslim who will not grow up to be a suicide bomber. Good riddance.

Did you ever notice how Adnan Hajj always seems to be taking pictures of the Terrorists in action. How does he get a free pass. Western photographers are ushered away from the action by gun toting terrorists and risk capture if they stay? I think Adnan Hajj is on the Terrorist payroll and belongs in their public relations department. This is the type of individual I would consider to be the enemy.

Looking closely at the baby, it appears that he had been dead around 36 to 48 hours and had been buried in very dry sandy dirt. Had the baby been dead only a few hours he would be in rigor (i.e stiff). The corpse is clearly in post-rigor and thus flacid. Like Jews, Muslims don't embalm and usually bury the dead directly in ground on the same day they died.

Because he would have been buried in dry dirt, he would be unpleasant but not extremely smelly. In such a climate, the strong odor comes around the second to third day. Nevertheless, look at his face. This child is already shriveling.

I apologize that my posts about this baby are so morbid but it is clear that this baby was dug up after having been dead at least a full day.

This may be one of the frozen babies they keep on hand for these occasions. These subhumans don't care. They kill their own kids without a second thought.

I am thankful I was not born muslim!

This may be one of the frozen babies they keep on hand for these occasions

SADAAM used this tatic often, The same "dead children" were used in several photo shoots.

Muslims lie, remember that when "negotiating". Then cover your back, and have contingency plans already drawn for the time the **** hits the fan because it will.

FOX just ran a segment on the "green helmet" guy along with staged photographs in Lebanon.FOX showed video of the "green helmet" guy apparantly directing the action at one "photoshoot". FOX Dayside also had a segment on profiling Muslims, in which audience members applauded the idea of Muslim profiling as well as separate lines at airports for Muslims.

Even as late as Sunday night, the wretched BBC used some seconds of green helmet footage "straight" as part of a Robin Denselow report of the effect of the hostilities on the Lebanon consisting of some ten clips. Still, what do you expect from them?