Spencer on CNN Headline News tonight

I am scheduled to appear on Glenn Beck's CNN Headline News show around 7PM EDT tonight to talk about various aspects of the global crisis.

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And in indonesia CNN gave us REZA ASLAN

Whew! CNN, no less! Congratulations. Next you'll be interviewed by the BBC. Or by Al Jazeera. Not sounding so much like a dangerous nutcase now, are you?

They probably won't believe anything you say, but good luck. Tell em like it is.

CAIR will be apopleptic.

CNN is still on the air?


Glenn Beck is a good guy. I listen to his radio show and to him on CNN. Glenn speaks with truth that islam can not stand.

The Texican.


You are very effective with your Joy Friday "just the facts" approach and you will do well. We'll tune to CNN to hear the facts on Glen Beck's show.

I LOVE Glenn Beck. I'm shocked that he's actually been allowed to say what he does--and on a CNN station, yet.

Robert -
Glenn Beck was recommeded to buy your book the P.I.G. to Islam and Crusades. He was then directed to JihadWatch.org! I am pleased to see that he is tuned into this issue and has sought your guidance. You and Hugh do an amazing job staying on top of all garbage. Keep up the great work!

Robert -
Glenn Beck was recommeded to buy your book the P.I.G. to Islam and Crusades. He was then directed to JihadWatch.org! I am pleased to see that he is tuned into this issue and has sought your guidance. You and Hugh do an amazing job staying on top of all garbage. Keep up the great work!


If Glenn gives you the opportunity; I sure would like to hear you encourage people in the free world to open up a copy of the Quran and read some of the Surahs that our the main source that drives this militant ideology we call Islam.


Well it's about time Robert....Go get em!

Thanks goodness it is Robert doing the speaking. An eloquent, level headed and stoic spokesman for a cause.

Good luck!

Good luck Robert.... Beck is level headed, and you'll do great.

Good luck Robert....

Robert you are fast become the expert CHAIR does not want to hear. They will not be able to pass off their lies with you there! l know you will encourage others to read the Koran,Hadiths,Suras. The Western masses will be more educated then our elected officials!

Zena...I'm beginning to think our elected officials will NEVER get it....The masses will after the next 9-11...then tear down the mosques and round em up for the big boat home...or public beheadings and shooting galleries by marksman in Porky Pig suits.

One thing I noticed immediately in the first news reports in the US was that the terrorists were referred to as "British Muslims", not "Islamic terrorists", "jihadists", or any of the other PC verbage the press uses to hide the truth about the religion of the terrorists. Just called them British Muslims, right out in the open, plain as day. Quite refreshing for a change! Could this change in verbage signal a change in the mindset of the reporters?
Good luck tonight Robert!

Siciliano we can put Alarmed Pig Farmer in charge of the Porky Pig suits. l am for sending them off on the
plane and drop them over the ocean for shark food.

Its great news - and all the more surprising that its CNN.

Throughout the last four weks or so, even more so than Reuters, CNN has been littel more than the international branch of Al-Manar, cheering on Hizb'Allah with every report.

Yesterday was the absolute nadir, when one of their 'expert' talking heads (who decides that? do you just pitch up at CNN and say 'I know loads - honest') was heard describing Israel's problems, caused in no small part by Hizb'Allah fighters being 'brave, unlike other guerilla armies'.

Hey Robert,

If the topic presents itself, make sure that people viewing understand that we are not viewed as innocents, never, not any one of us.

Also, if you could slip on the Condi cartoon that the taqiyya-spewing guest on O'Reilly (who said the "monkey in Condi's pregnant belly just represented that nothing good was coming out of the birth of the new Middle East, nothing more" I yelled at the TV 'bout that one! Can NO ONE do a little research in the MSM or does interviewing masters of kitman pass for investigation?)was just misleading us away from finding out that about Jews and Christians are called apes and pigs in the koran, that would be great, too!

Congrats Robert. SAY IT LIKE IT IS PLEASE!

On the 11 missing 'students'


They have been picking up these 'students' all over the country! 6 have been found 5 are still missing.

Let's see....they have been found in Minnesota, Chicago (with a New York ticket...anyone curious how he got to Chicago?), BALTIMORE, Maryland, and New Jersey.

Wonder where the other 5 will be found? Hmmmm maybe Florida, California, Seattle, Texas, Oklahoma?

Ask yourself...why did they spread out???? The pathetic pc media are reporting that they were just misguided egyptians who decided to look for work. RUBBISH. How did they travel??? WHO GAVE THEM TRANSPORTATION???

What if they are spreading biological agents or have made contact with others for a horrible purpose?

I do not for one second believe they are innocent 'students'. Nope...the timing is too perfect for that.

Folks, we may be seeing the spread of some kind of bad disease or we may be getting ready to see some major terrorism in our large cities across the US. Something is up.


I do believe more people are going to listen to what you have to say because you speak the truth about Islam. Keep up the good work.


I do believe more people are going to listen to what you have to say because you speak the truth about Islam. Keep up the good work.


I do believe more people are going to listen to what you have to say because you speak the truth about Islam. Keep up the good work.

Yeah, that's what our president keeps telling us. It's only the EXTREMISTS that are bad.

In other words, it's only the ones that actually believe their Koran?


Terrific news and great timing. I'll be glued to my TV set. I think Glen Beck is a great guy and one of the few people in the news media who has not been bitten by the bug of political correctness.


I listen to Glenn daily and watch his CNN show as well. Glenn takes this subject seriously but his time always seems short with each guest. Try to be brief and very direct if possible so you don’t get cut short before you make your point.

Glenn is one of the good guys in spite of the CNN affiliation. He always jokes about his show getting the axe so he knows that bringing you on will stoke some fires.

Good luck,

The world is watching.


Lately I've been doing a lot of Emailing to MSNBC, CNN an Fox correcting them and referring them to you, your books and your website, and off handedly it looks like Tucker Carlson has been readin your site, because just now he said "It isn't radical Methodists that are doing these things".

Pathetic that he had an administration spokeswomen, Frances Townsend, Homeland SEcurity Advisor that was a. ignorant b. an apologetic dhimmi, who responded to Tuckers Question about what our government is doing to stop this terrorists, she replied "We are working with our allies like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan" to reach out , and she also chastized him for "targeting particular population groups", and then he came back that they are all observant muslims, and she came back stuttttttttering. Sad, but she has absolutely no answer to Tuckers hard questions about the fact that the terrorists are OBSERVANT MUSLIMS and come from identifiable population groups.

Me thinks that the only solution is to export all of them back to their country of origin (including 2nd and 3rd generations who are unassimilable obvious).


Anyone remember this? I STILL think these egyptian 'Students' are not here to learn English.

Keep up the good work. Truth will triumph, no adjectives or adverbs needed. Look at what The president said today, I cannot believe it. For the first time some body from administration called Islamic Fascism. I believe that blogs like this are making people to face the truth.

Yegads, I'm watching Chris Matthews interview Michael Chertoff on Hardball, and although Matthews comes close to identifying the problem as Islamofascism,, I was chagrined that Chertoff doesn't, he danced all around the problem.. and Chris' question was sidetracked Chertoff himself obviously believes that there are "good Muslims" and bad Muslims so called Islamofascists.. the same nonsense that Bush refers to.

There is no such thing as an Islamofascist. Islam is fascist..period, there are only muslims and non muslims (in the category of non muslims include apostates from Islam).

Excellent! I'll be watching.

It's unfortunate that it takes great tragedy or moments like this thwarted attack for CNN (all msm) to invite Robert Spencer, Dr. Bostom, Steven Emerson, Daniel Pipes, Walid Shoebat, etc. to bring this issue openly to the table.

BTW, just heard a British reporter mention that the investigators have found a martyrs video in one of the searched dwellings.

Looking forward to the show.

Talk about God's promised land given to Israel upon the exodus from Egypt. Israel disobeyed God during this time in history - had they obeyed, in taking it all and taking no prisoners, things would be SO different today. I can't wait for the Kingdom to be established.....

Hugh -- need your help!

Could you PLEASE remove the nasty comments made by someone with the username,"nmarks",that are posted under the headline: "Bernard Lewis: August 22.....". The date is August 8th.

Go to the bottom of the thread, and he has three that need to removed. Then scroll up, and you'll find a couple more that are really crude.

And you may want to send him a warning....thanks!

I'm so glad I emailed this info to Charles at LGF. He posted it on top of his blog. Glenn Beck was absolutely wonderful during the 2004 election. He seems to know what's going on, AND, is extremely hated by the left (though my mother won't forgive him for being on CNN). Congrats Mr Spencer.

Oh, and prepare for an onslaught of visitors, friendly or not. A lot of libs watch things just to get upset (Glenn Beck). I know, I used to do it, and many of my lib friends do so too.

Incredible Joe Scarborough is asking on Scarborough Country tonite, "Has enough been done to destroy al Qaeda Infrastructure?" Which is a constant refrain in the minds of the government and hence the media (including "conservative" media") referring to them as "terrorists".

The infrastructure of these terrorists is the Qur'an, how in the hell can the government or anyone destroy or disrupt the infrastructure of Islam?

Oh, and prepare for an onslaught of visitors, friendly or not. A lot of libs watch things just to get upset (Glenn Beck). I know, I used to do it, and many of my lib friends do so too. Posted by: Baldy@LGF

Get a life and a mind Baldy, it is people like you, that demonize and alienate people who are basically decent, that is enabling the Jihadi's.. and if you don't understand that then you have a problem.

I am a Liberal, an Islamophobe, an anti Jihadi, as well as anti Christian extremism, right wing extremisim and left wing extremism.

In fact I'm an Islamophobe precisely because I am a liberal, but the qualities that make ma an Islamophobe also make me a "right winger phobe".
There is nothing on earth more conservative and right wing, that is fascist, than Islam and right wingers are indeed (IMHO) fascists, not much different than muslims.

Nariz are you the old style "liberal"? the type that really wanted to free people from dictatorships? l think there will always be a little liberal in most people,but then reality sets in, and you know its belongs in the afterlife or childhood dreams. l do not think you need to worry about any far right Christians, they have been defanged, and are a small voice in the wilderness. they still do scare some liberals. lol.. anyhow..
go Robert, l am off to my sister's place to watch CNN on her TV!

After hearing what Beck said about Islam last Saturday night (recorded), He and Robert will get along just fine. I hope Beck doesn't disappoint us and let's Robert say what he needs to say....Unlike Allen "Skelator" Kolmes.

Nariz -- why do make a point of listing 'EVERYONE' you hate on nearly each and every post? We get it already -- you're full of hate.

Why do you waste this resource of hate on Jihad Watch? Why not put your hatred to better use by joining the Marines so you can kill these bastards. I'll tell you what I hate -- I hate cowards like you.

Go get 'em, Spencer!!!

Forget it Nariz, liberalism is a dead philosophy. It sold out ot the Left about 100 years ago. Today, the only people that stand for those old time liberal ideas that Rousseau and his ilk represented are today's conservatives.

Liberalism is a disease. Conservativism is the cure. The Right is right the Left is wrong, always has been wrong, always will be wrong, and they are, at this very moment, aligned with the islamics to bring our civilization down. Only the Right is the vanguard of what is good and decent in the world.

And remember, moderation in the pursuit of what is right (getting rid of islam)is no virtue and extremism in that same pursuit is no vice. The solution to the islamic menace is the same as to the communist menace: tough military and social action - not civil rights, freedoms, and all that jazz. That is what got us into this mess in the first place. Liberalism went way over the line and put us where we are today.

In the 1700s liberalism was great. Today it is a disease.

ZenaWarriorPrincess -

Nariz is a hate-monger and a troll. Just watch -- Nariz won't reply to either of our posts because he enjoys posting pissy comments on JW and then he walks away; only to show-up later to regurgitate more of the same old CRAP!

He and Naseem should hook-up, because neither of their hate filled comments make any sense.


Ask youself why it is liberals and champagne socialists that are always seen marching with pro-palestinian anti-war groups in the UK.

As yourself when you last heard of a Bible-believing Christian tying a bomb on their kid and sending them into a cafe.

It sickens me that people out there equate radical fundamentalist islam with bible-believing Christians.

Being liberal means having an open mind and a willingness to hear and consider different sides.

It does not mean being liberal only to those who agree or think exactly as you do.

Any group which becomes all-powerful stands to become corrupted by it's power..

I think it is horrible that the left and the right have become so very far apart. It used to be that there were 'issues' and that people could discuss them and come to some kind of compromise. Now it's all about hate and who is it that's going to run the country. Keep in mind that the liberals do not want to change the government....they want to BE the government.

I'm glad you see Islam as it is. Hopefully, one day you will understand that TRUE Christianity is not at all like Islam. True Christians are not out there marching and creating turmoil for ANY cause. They simply live according to the scriptures and do their level best to love and obey Jesus Christ.

Brent Sadler from CNN is getting worse by the day:

His bleeding heart goes out to all those Mohammedans being so inconvenienced by the war in Lebanon, his winging, whining voice gives away where his sympathies lie, especially when he reports that the Israeli's are to blame, and nobody else...

He questions nothing what enemy agents spoon-feed him, and happily presents the usual women & children hauled up in schools who do it all so tough...

As for the London-airport shut-down one should not forget to mention that an airport employee was involved. As mentioned earlier, a majority of baggage handlers, cleaners and airport personnel in Eurabia are adherents of the Mohammedan belief-system, which is a clear and present danger to all of us...


Looked and sounded great Robert.

What a schizophrenic show! Robert should have been on much longer.

Mr. Robert Spencer - Please notice that Fox News on Saturday and Sunday is more leisurely and gives valuable guests time to speak their mind. That's where you need to be

What a schizophrenic show! Robert should have been on much longer.

Mr. Robert Spencer - Please notice that Fox News on Saturday and Sunday is more leisurely and gives valuable guests time to speak their mind. That's where you need to be

Just saw you on Glenn Beck, good job Mr Spencer, btw behind you the background (probably blue screen) had signs that said Los Angeles.. hope that is not your undisclosed location.

Too bad you only had a few minutes and a limited subject, but I did learn something from you that I never knew before, e.g. Jerusalem being lit up and Baghad being obliterated.

Pathetic that a nutcase like Ahmadinejad (and Shi'ite Muslims in general) have brethern in blood and belief in the west like Tim La Haye and the dispensationalist whackos.

I guess both are salivating and orgasming at the possibility of end times.. religious nihilists.. nut jobs.

Ah. Robert at 6pm (excellent, by the way) here in the Central time zone, and drastically shifting gears, The Simpsons at 6:30.

Both hemispheres of the brain are happy.

sheik yer'mami

Do you know of a link on that airport employee's involvement? I haven't seen that on any of the articles I read.

Very interesting.

Fantastic piece on CNN just now. I know that the Administration is watching Iran closely now. But I am not sure that we are ready or able to stop any potential missle launches. I am wondering to what degree the war in Lebanon is a complete diversion on the highest level. Not just from their nuclear ambitions, but from the fact that they might be looking to use what they have on the 22nd. I sure hope I'm way off here. It could get so ugly for everyone in a few days. I am holding my breath, and a little scared as well.

Spencer was good, but that guy Beck is unfortunately an idiot. A Bill O'Reilly
lite-just as ignorant, but without the charisma.

Among those arrested were a Muslim charity worker and a Heathrow Airport employee with an all-area access pass, according to Britain's Channel 4.


Sorry no link re airport employee!

CNN mentioned it at least 3 times though...

Glenn Beck was great. I couldn't believe that someone on the MSM was saying what we were saying. I couldn't believe he was talking about muslims, mocking Dearborn Mi., talking about the connection between Iran and Israel, and plugging the August 22 angle. Finally, the main stream public is aware of that date.

I think Hugh is way off the mark is saying that talking about an impending disater or WW III this month makes jihadwatch look silly. Glenn Beck, Robert's host, believes the same thing. Indeed, Robert himself said it is very possible.

Just fantastic. And on CNN. Just unbelievable. Can the Saudis really control CNN if they let Glenn Beck have that glorious one hour of jihadwatch? I'm giddy.

For those of you who missed Robert's appearance, the show repeats at 9:00pm and midnight (Eastern time)

Wish Beck would've given more time to Robert....I heard Robert today on KRLD and they gave him much more time...

I really wish to see some elaboration on the muslim messiah coming back and relate that to the truth - that the Kingdom of Christ will be established - hopefully sooner rather than later...

Email address for the President of Iran: dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir

Let him hear from you!

I am a liberal and I make no apologies for it. One thing that Robert Spencer made clear on this site (and I am deeply grateful for this) is that the struggle against Islamofacism should be a bipartisan effort. In other words, this is not a left-right issue. Islam threatens the religion and culture of the west. It is in everybody's interest to put aside differences when dealing with Islam, the same way that liberals and conservatives put aside differences when dealing with international communism.

Great job, Robert. Precise and to the point. We all want to see more of you but for Glenn's show tonight, you were an excellent headliner.

That Los Angeles banner was buggin' me too...I'm not worried though, this wasn't your first rodeo.


Right on Hoyode!

In other words, this is not a left-right issue.

This is very much a left-right issue. The left is squarely in the corner of the terrorists and islam in general. Look at the liberal blogs. Look at the talking heads in the dhimmi media and the liberals in Hollywood. Look at the leftist slant of the BBC. Look at the ACLU. Look at Hugo Chavez, the Leftist leader in Venezeula, he is Madhat's closest buddy now.

You can't have it both ways. You can't be anti-islam and still be on the Left side of the fence ideologically.

Enjoyed the show. Great job. Thanks too to Glen Beck. It seems like he's wrapped his hands around the issue and is getting the ratings.

Today's FOX coverage seems to be following his lead.

Sorry August22, you are wrong. I can believe whatever I think is true. The power to do that is not yours to grant or deny.

Yes, you can believe whatever fairy tales you want, just like the muslims believe their propaganda, but look at it from a logical viewpoint. That is where the politics line up. You are in denial about that. See what the Left is saying about terrorism and islam. And then see what Robert has to say about the Left.

Sorry August22, but I am not in denial. I believe that government has a responsibility to regulate the so called "free market" in order to safeguard the rights of citizens not to be ripped off by corporations. If that makes me a communist or a terrorist sympathizer I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

That does not make you a leftist either. There is much more to being a leftist than complaining about corporations. Anyone can complain about corporations, like oil companies ripping us off. Any right winger would agree.

Leftists hate America, hate the west in general, hate the military, and basically believe like Michael Moore.

Michael Moore is the archetype leftist. And we all know his opinion on terrorists and islam.

August22 the liberal of today are not the same as the earlier liberals, the FDR;s, J.Kennedy's, Truman, l am told they would not fit in well in the Dems today, just look what happened to Joe Lieberman. anyhow we all know the muslims islamist facists want all Westerners dead, all non muslims, get the worse are the Jews, Hindu and others. we are all targeted by these monsters. Robert you were great and need we all would like you to have that idoits job on ABC that Ross idoit or Richard CLark loser. how do they ever get hired by those hacks on ABC!

Thanks for removing those comments, Hugh.

That was amazing! Never thought I would see anthing like what I saw on the Glen Beck show on primetime television. I just want to thank Spencer and this web site for keeping up the pressure and fighting the good fight. This place is like a modern day Paul Revere sounding the alarm. In closing that British reporter was like some kind of Montey Python skit or something. "Oh we have plenty of lovely Muslims here in Europe and we are very proud of our mulicultural society" Hahahahaha rofl! Makes me want to scream and laugh at the same thime what a bunch of idiots those euros are.

For the posting above.

Quote from Michael Moore, "There is no terrorist threat in this country. This is a lie. This is the biggest lie we've been told."

Good interview, just needed to be longer.
The truth is slowly getting out, as in slow as molasses.

Transcript of this interview: scroll down to the portion that has Robert's interview, although the rest of the program is interesting as well.

OMG. What the heck did I say to upset N. so much? Perhaps I wasn't clear: I was anti-Islam when I was a liberal, and I am anti-Islam now, when I am a conservative. Where did I demonize anyone? There is NO comparison between "right-wingers" and whatever you want to call Islamic supremacists/terrorists/jihadis. NONE. ***** Well-done interview Mr Spencer. I missed it, but read the transcript. You packed a lot of info into a short period of time.

Clear comments made, you needed more time. NONE the less, I hope some of the truth got to some who need it.

Wonderful news, Robert....

There's hope yet....

Good show, Robert =)

Now my question for you is, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being absolutely certain, how much do you think Ahmenidijad will push the button on 8/22, even if its just with conventional weapons?

Baldy@LGF -

Ignore Nariz, because his posts are generally toxic trash. Stick around -- and you will quickly learn that he RARELY states anything nice to anyone. We all knew what you meant in your post; but he likes to twist what people state because his enjoys the reaction his garbage gets. He's a troll -- nothing more.

Good Interview, lots of info in short time, but still not enough. Its a start, but it could be too little too late... jeeez, we got to break this wall of general public ignorance.
10 days to the 22.nd of August, a short time indeed.