The Mufti of Egypt: The True Face of the Blood-Sucking Hebrew Entity has Been Exposed

The Mufti of Egypt -- yes, the same one who wants to destroy all of Egypt's pre-Islamic artwork -- repeats the ancient blood libel. From MEMRI, with thanks to all who sent this in:

In an article in the Egyptian government daily Al-Ahram, Egyptian Mufti Sheikh Dr. 'Ali Gum'a expressed his support of the resistance in Lebanon and stated that the lies of the "Hebrew entity" expose "the true and hideous face of the blood-suckers... who prepare [Passover] matzos from human blood." [1]

The following are excerpts from the article:

"Greetings to the Lebanese people, to the Lebanese government, and to the Lebanese resistance - to the small and beautiful country that has proved to the world that the ideals of determination, bravery and self-dignity still exist in this era that has been taken over by the blood-sucking murderers.

"Anyone who follows the news will discover that the Hebrew entity has turned into a [source] of [empty] talk, while the Arab discourse, which was characterized in the sixties [as empty talk], has developed significantly. [The Arabs] have learned a lesson and have moved from talk to action, and from the fostering of illusions to honesty, transparency, realistic goal-setting and ability to change. The Israeli discourse, [on the other hand], has turned to false declarations based on illusions, with wishful thinking taking precedence over facts.

"These lies have exposed the true and hideous face of the blood-suckers who were described by Filmange in his book The Treasure Hidden in the Talmudic Laws [sic], which tells how [the Jews] planned [to prepare] a matzo [unleavened Passover bread] using human blood. [2] If we follow events, the most important thing [that we discover], in my opinion, is that the war going on [today] plants hatred in the next generations, as though one of its goals is to perpetuate the conflict for many years to come.

He's certainly right about the hatred, if not about its perpetrator.

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THE Mufti of Egypt - not A Mufti. Sounds very high up. Like a pope or something. So what he says must be very consequential and representative, for one of Islam's largest and most important states. Just thought I'd underline the obvious.

We should just send them more money. Maybe that will "normalize" Egypt.

Islam is a warrior code masquerading as a religion. Squash it.

Any structural/civil engineers reading? I wonder
what it would take to destroy the Aswan damn?
Hopefully I'm not the only one wondering!

Egypt is not the Egypt it used to be. The Egyptian Civilization was very advanced and we still find it hard to figure out how they built those monuments, the most collossal of them remain, simply because the invading muslims could not tear them down physically at those times when explosives were not invented. What nowadays we call as "Egyptian" means "muslim". And I think that we are maligning the Egyptians. Just my thoughts.


You are absolutely correct. I am originally from Egypt and pride myself of being a true Egyptian; not Arab. I am Christian (Copt), so I am a decendant of true Egyptians not the invading muslims who assumed our heritage and now call themselves Egyptians.

Islam is a warrior code masquerading as a religion. Squash it.

...hmm, not a bad idea.
Only, how do you propose one (who?) should do it?

I'm asking because a few days ago I came up with a wonderfully simple AND bloodless method, but my posting was deleted. If this blog, which purports to be anti-PC is so anxious not to offend mohammedans then there is no chance the West will ever gather enough courage to do any significant "squashing".

Look at Israel. Instead of unleashing its vastly superior power and squash the pack of murderous cavemen in a couple of weeks it wasted time, resources and lives of Israeli soldiers out of fear of offending moslems, UN and every bloody PC fool.
What transpired in Libanon is a microcosm of the global situation. The West is shadowboxing and the moslems are kicking our butt. Hopeless...

Hmmmm....I remember seeing a photo of muslims prancing around with a dead Jews' guts in their hands, gleefully showing the world how proud they were at killing him. They gladly use children to look for mines, shields and photo-ops. They cut their children during a certain festival. They have sex with children.(and anything else that will stand still) And then they strap a bomb on a child and send him to kill indiscriminately.

And they call Jews bloodsuckers. They are seriously warped.

Anti-PC, God is not mocked. The muslim's time is coming.

The truth is that even though Isreal is down, it is not out. Expect it to come back like the famous phonix fird bird.

Bigcatgirl, fird bird????

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Arjun, Anti-PC,

This myth of Golden days of Islamic civilization has to be exposed. 1400 years back, a bunch of brutes disregarding humanity went on rampage to conquer advanced civilizations of that day viz. Egypt, Persia, India. After the conquest the neo-converts still were the custodians of scholarly traditions of their respective civilizations for a while. As a result number theory, astronomy, rasayanam(chemistry), medicine etc.. from these societies were translated to arabic. This is far different from the image that Arabs were the inventors. After a while due to extreme intolerance scholarly traditions of these conquered societies were snuffed out. Thus the subsequent generations were bereft of any noteworthy contributions.

So whenever anyone talks about golden years of Islamic civilization, they are really hallucinating. If you notice they may be frothing in their mouth with rage.

ali guma gum diddlie wamma is a verminous twit.I'm venting. Now I think I'll go drink some human blood.(disclaimer) KIDDING.

Speaking of the Mufti of Egypt reminds me of the Mufti of Jerusalem [Haj Amin el-Husseini], appointed by the British high commissioner in 1921, as I recall. This earlier Mufti artfully instigated massacres of Jews in Israel in 1920, 1929, and 1936-38, with acquiescence by the British administration of the country. He became allied with the Nazis in the 1930s and later spent most of WW2 in the Nazi-fascist domain, collaborating in the Holocaust, etc.

Now, about Egyptian culture. According to ancient Greek writings, the Greeks learned much from Egypt, from the Jews of Judea [Ioudaia] and the Phoenicians, as well as some things from Babylonians and Assyrians. The Greek writer Megasthenes [circa 300 BCE], believed to have been educated in the peripatetic school [of Aristotle], wrote that both Jews and the Brahmans of India had preceded the Greeks in some areas of wisdom. Yet, in all my study of this subject, I cannot recall any ancient Greek acknowledgement of any cultural debt to the Arabs. Indeed, the Arabs were the wreckers of the ancient East, of ancient Oriental culture, which also influenced classical Greece [without getting into details here]. It was the Arab conquest that wiped out ancient Eastern civilizations in what is today called the Middle East. Now, this is one of the things that make Edward Said so outrageous. He carried on as if the Arabs represented Eastern civilization/s/, rather than being their wreckers.