Fitzgerald: The Clintons have some 'splainin' to do

Should the Saudi monarchy be permitted to purchase an important equity position in some of America’s leading banks? How can Hillary be objective when the very same monarchy donated $10 million to the Clinton Library and Foundation?

Should the UAE be allowed in? How can Hillary decide fairly when Bill — and therefore herself — have been getting a reported $10 million per year from a fund that administers the investments of the Emir of Dubai, the largest component state in the UAE?...

Neither Dubai nor Saudi Arabia would be permitted to contribute to Hillary’s campaign. Foreigners are not allowed to do so, precisely to avoid having potential office holders compromised by gratitude for their financial support. But these nations have used the porous ethics of the Clinton family to acquire positions of massive influence by making contributions, not to her campaign, but to her personal bank account — either through Bill or through the Library and Foundation, which the Clintons directly control. The extent of the influence their millions must buy with a family only recently, according to Hillary, in the “middle class” must be huge. -- from this op-ed by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann

The insensate greed of Bill Clinton -- the amounts he has taken in, for himself and for his favorite 501(c)(3) "charities," the ones that always seem to have his name attached -- continues to amaze and disgust. Simply look at the sums he has taken in, from those lecture fees. Look at his friends (all of whom now seem to be billionaires, or at the very least millionaires), since leaving his time devoted to "public service." And apparently he thinks this has gone unobserved, or that if he keeps smiling through, it will all be forgiven.

Why should it?

If Hillary is now the direct, as well as the indirect recipient (through Bill, her husband, he of the book but not of the practice, of "Giving") of so much Arab and Muslim largesse, then financial records have to be released. Contrary to the expressed desires of Bill Clinton, his wife has no Divine Right to be the Democratic candidate, no Divine Right to anything at all.

The receipt of Arab, especially Saudi, money is, however, not confined to this or that candidate. It is a general problem. The American corporations that went to bat for the Saudis during the great AWACS fight (led by United Technologies, with its planes, and Whitney Corporation, which at the time had large hospital contracts with Saudi Arabia) are emblematic of American businessmen who have contracts dangled before them. Of course, it was the constituent oil companies of ARAMCO that for decades worked to present propaganda for Saudi Arabia, depicting the fanatical "kingdom" as a true "ally" of America. Then there are the journalists, the teachers (who have chairs, or as in the case of John Esposito at Georgetown, whole fiefdoms endowed by the Saudis and other Arabs). And there are the former diplomats to the Arab countries who, through all kinds of fake, loyal-sounding facades (Council for the National Interest, that sort of thing) have received Saudi cash. There are the fixers -- that is, the fred-duttons, raymond-closes, james-akinses, and all the others who have battened on Saudi and other Arab money, and who have had disastrous effects in the two most important policy areas: first, they have successfully prevented people in our government from studying, and understanding, the meaning and menace of Jihad, of Islam, and consequently of formulating policies, above all in Western Europe, that would be based on a recognition of that meaning and menace. And they have also successfully prevented, for decades, the development of an intelligent energy policy that would be focused on diminishing the use, in this country and all over the world, of fossil fuels, in order to diminish the Money Weapon of Islam.

These two enormous failures are the direct result of the buying up, in Washington and elsewhere, by Arab money, of too many people, many of them who were all the while thinking or claiming or pretending they "cannot be bought." But they can. And they have been.

Hillary Clinton must release their tax records, and indeed, all the other evidence of the tens of millions that the Clintons have managed, since Bill left office, to so graspingly and single-mindedly acquire. She, and her husband, have some 'splaining to do.

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Alexandar Cockburn - yes, I know, him - summed up the Clintons perfectly.

"The Clintons reach out when they have no alternative and stab you in the back when it seems marginally to their advantage. They are without doubt among the most unprincipled duos ever to have operated in the upper tiers of American political life.

"Some 'Splainin'"? That's what Lucy Ricardo had to do all the time.

Good luck on getting any visibility on this. The media loves Muslims, the Democrats and the Clintons and will bury it. Plus, the phenomenon is general enough that people are quite jaded about it.
While the Jewish lobby works by persuasion and moral force, the Islamic lobby uses gobs of money. Yet, academia and the left hate the Jewish lobby, as the Walt and Measheimer's book shows, prominenetly displayed in all the bookstores.
Edward Said sanctified this bias, giving a fancy name ("orientalism") to any attempt at criticizing non-whites, who are, after all, eternal victims of colonialism, and are therefore beyond reproach. That Said guy made a whole career out of reverse racism.

I can't figure out why B/H are not in prison.
I guess when your theft ability is well developed, and you have loads of money and fame, the criteria for crime changes. If you are poor and steal $10.00, you go to jail. If you are B/H and steal $10 mill plus, you get to be president or at least a Senator.
The mighty have not yet fallen. I think losing the election will put B/H on the sidelines, but riches will still come their way, unearned, and undeserved.

There is a fairly detailed list of Bill Clinton's speeches given around the world since his leaving office in an appendix to the book, "The Clinton Crack-Up", by Emmet Tyrell. Dubai seems a favorite venue where Tyrell says he has been given 2 apartments. He was paid $775,000 for 3 separate appearances in Dubai(2) and Cairo(1) in January 2002.

It is astonishing beyond words that the Clintons have been granted Media free passes on so many issues and deeds.

It is also astonishing that the American Press Corps, which so long ago fell (or rather jumped) into the camp of Marx, has also formed this alliance with the World of Islam.

That the Press Corps has so meticulously hidden from us (the American working folk) the many facets of jihad and the horrors of Sharia (even the most gruesome 9/11 footage was scrubbed down by the networks on the spot for public consumption), does not bode well for our future.

If one is getting limited information to ponder and render decisions thereupon, the decisions one makes regarding the issue will certainly be flawed. The best analagy I can think of is a criminal trial wherein the jury has access to a limited amount of the evidence, because either side of the battle (be it the defense or the prosecution) has succeeded in getting critical evidence excluded. The jury's verdict can only be rendered on that which is actually visible or audible to the jury.

It follows that the American Public can only make decisions as to the validity of the purported threat of Islam based upon what information is available for consumption in the newspapers or on television - all of which is Orwellianly scant, to be charitable.

Finally, the media's complicity in our beloved Clinton duo's ongoing Muslim financial enrichment most vivdly illustrates one aspect of the precious treasure to be found within the factual material Mr. Spencer and Mr. Fitzgerald make available to us on this brilliant web-site. Thank you , sirs, once again, for your courageous efforts and your unflagging campaign to educate us in the ways of the World of Islam - and may God somehow deliver us from the unthinkable horrors of Sharia.

The media loves Muslims, the Democrats and the Clintons and will bury it.


So right. It's why they won't pressure Hillary to release her tax returns (though I'd like to see what they do if she gets the nomination) and why they're likely to whitewash any questionable items they find.
Their excuse will most likely be that everyone does it and so we are only "picking on Hillary" because she's a woman. They'll point to the Bush alumni who are in deep with the Saudis and say we have no right to ask these questions of Hillary.

I'd just like to remind everybody that in the same recent article headlining Clinton's library as the $10million recipient, if you'll bother reading through to the second paragraph, you'll find this:

"The royal family of Saudi Arabia gave the Clinton facility in Little Rock about $10 million, roughly the same amount it gave toward the presidential library of George H.W. Bush, according to people directly familiar with the contributions."

Read the whole thing and weep.

Presidential library's, especially Bills, have become the avenue for pay off money, for a job well done. But as you can see, other officials have been rewarded in numerous ways. Usually with liquid cash.
Why this is not a crime, is beyond me...

duh swami,

These former officials say they're just working stiffs! They were offered a job and they took it! After all, they needed to "support their family".
As for the riches, deserved or otherwise, that will continue to come the way of the Clintons, call them what they are: White House dividends. They've been paid out to most ex-presidents over the last forty years.
The presidency is no longer the culmination of a career. It's become a stepping stone to bigger and better things. For that matter, so has just about all "public service". It lets you build connections that can be useful in this globalized world. Politics no longer stops at the water's edge.

Yes, the ole White House dividends. Many have benefited illicitly from this, but no one developed it into an art form as have the Clinton's.
The retired or replaced cronies get high paying jobs in business or industry. You are right, nowadays, X president's never become unemployed. Nor do his men. It is no longer 'public service', but personal service...'Ask not what you can do for your country, ask instead, what is within it that I can steal'?
How can I enrich myself while pretending public service? We need a pre-employment urine test for
all candidates, for addiction to the drugs, power and money. Most politicians would fail it. B/H

The fact that Bill and Hillary continue on in the American political spotlight is hard evidence of the gullibility and lack of character of the American people. I think Bill could commit a murder on camera and walk away without consequence. Don't hold your breath waiting for their sleazy behavior to catch up with them. My countrymen are fools.

Perhaps a day late for a response but this mornings news reveals a bit more:

Former US president Bill Clinton is bowing out of a billionaire friend's investment firm to shield his wife's presidential campaign from potential conflicts of interest. . .

. . .Clinton is one of three owners of the global fund's general partner, along with Burkle and an entity connected to the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashed al-Maktoum, the Journal said.

I will never vote for another Democratic candidate again. Ever.