February 2008 Archives

February 29, 2008

What's all this fuss I hear?

Turkish Islamic authorities got some people's hopes up just a few days ago, when they announced a major reevaluation of the Hadith. But never mind: "No Muslim in the right mind would dare delete any hadith or tamper with the Prophet's heritage." Oh.

"Turkey Classifying Not Revising Hadith," by Ahmad Maher for IslamOnline (thanks to g hadi hater):

CAIOR [sic!] — Eighty scholars from 23 Turkish universities are working on a major project to classify and translate the Hadith (the collection of sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).

"Make no mistake, we are not after modifying or revising the Hadith," Mehmet Gormez, deputy director of the religious affairs authority Diyanet and supervisor of the project, told IslamOnline.net in a phone interview.

"What we are actually doing is re-classifying, re-categorizing the Hadith and translating it into Turkish, no more no less." [...]

"We have compiled all hadiths and read them to reclassify them anew," he explained.

"We have also taken into account the unauthentic ones or those attributed falsely to the Prophet because to understand the true Hadith, you really need to (understand) the unauthentic sayings."

Muslim scholars believe Hadith is integral to the understanding of Qur'an, since they are inseparably linked to each other.

They say it is impossible to understand the Qur'an without reference to Hadith because the Qur'an is the message and the Hadith is the explanation of the message by the Messenger himself. [...]

He shrugged off media suggestions that Turkey was re-writing the Hadith and creating a new Islam.

"They made too much fuss and took the project out of its real context.

"We are neither fashioning a new Islam nor dare to alter the fixtures maxims of Islam," Gormez said emphatically.

"The Western media have read what are doing from a Christian perspective and understood it in line with their Christian and Western cultures."

When it comes to Islam, Gormez said, the Western media is used to focusing on women's status and jihad.

Several British newspapers on Wednesday, February 27, ran stories on the Turkish project .

The Guardian headlines the story as "Turkey strives for 21st century form of Islam."

A day earlier the BBC reported the project under the headline "Turkey in radical revision of Islamic texts."

Gormez also refuted claims they would and edit out some hadiths, especially about women.

"No Muslim in the right mind would dare delete any hadith or tamper with the Prophet's heritage."

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I trust that all those Muslim spokesmen in the West who assured us during the Abdul Rahman controversy in 2005 that Islamic law did not actually have a death penalty for apostasy will be winging their way to Tehran forthwith to explain to the mullahs that they're Misunderstanding Islam.

From Spiegel Online (thanks to Morgaan Sinclair):

Apostasy -- or the formal renunciation of religion -- is already punishable in Iran with death. But now, Iran wants to make the death penalty for apostasy part of the penal code. The European Union is concerned and has asked Iran to reconsider.

The European Union this week sent a letter to authorities in Iran expressing its concern over a proposed change to the penal code that would make apostasy punishable by death.

The EU is responding to news that the Islamic Republic is planning to subject "apostasy, heresy and witchcraft" to the Hudud -- the body of fixed punishments assigned to crimes that are considered violations of the "claims of God." Other Hadud crimes include alcohol consumption, theft, highway robbery and illegal sexual intercourse.

As the news agency Reuters reported earlier this week, the EU, which opposes the death penalty as a matter of policy, expressed "acute concern" over the proposed penal code revision.

"These articles clearly violate the Islamic Republic of Iran's commitments under the international human rights conventions," Slovenian leaders, who currently head the rotating EU presidency, wrote in a statement.

"The EU calls upon the Iranian authorities, both in government and parliament, to modify the draft penal code in order to respect the obligations."

The death penalty has already been applied to apostates in Iran -- but this was never, since the founding of the Islamic Republic in 1979, institutionalized as a matter of legal practice.

Iran typically dismisses Western criticism of its legal system, claiming that Islamic law is fundamentally different.

Indeed it is. Most Westerners, however, would rather not acknowledge that.

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Feel the love. From AKI (thanks to C. C.):

Mosul, 29 Feb. (AKI) - Paulos Faraj Rahho, the Chaldean bishop of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul was kidnapped on Friday after he finished celebrating the rite of the Via Crucis at a local church.

Eyewitnesses said that a group of armed men stopped the bishop as he was travelling in his car and took him by force.

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From a government-sponsored rally on Wednesday

Let's see... No.

Anti-dhimmitude. "Denmark to oppose Sudan debt relief," from the Associated Press:

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -- Denmark said Thursday it will oppose any debt relief deal for Sudan in response to the Sudanese president's comments urging the Muslim world to boycott Danish goods over the publication of a Prophet Muhammad cartoon.
Interior Minister Ulla Toernaes said she summoned Sudan's ambassador to Denmark to demand an explanation of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir's comments a day earlier.
Al-Bashir said Wednesday that he would bar Danes from Sudan and told tens of thousands of people at a government-backed rally in Khartoum that the Muslim world should boycott Denmark because of a cartoon reprinted recently in Danish newspapers.
Danish newspapers reprinted a cartoon showing Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban on February 13 to show their commitment to freedom of speech after police uncovered a plot to kill the artist who drew it.
The drawing was one of 12 cartoons first published in a Danish newspaper in 2006 that triggered major protests in Muslim countries. The republication again sparked protests in several Muslim countries, including Sudan.
Sudan owes Denmark nearly $405 million and after Sudan's government and southern rebels signed a peace agreement in 2005, international donors said they would consider debt relief.
But now, "in the international talks about a possible debt relief to Sudan, it will be Denmark's point of view that Sudan should not get such a debt relief agreement," Toernaes told the online edition of the Berlingske Tidende newspaper.
However, she said Denmark would not cut development aid to Sudan. "Our support is not a support to the Sudanese president or, for that matter, to the government," Toernaes said.
Sudan is one of the largest recipients of Danish aid, receiving $26 million in aid in 2006. A $100 million humanitarian and reconstruction package is planned through 2009.
"It surprises me that Sudan's government apparently is willing to cut the cooperation with a donor like Denmark on development aid because of a caricature in Danish newspapers," Toernaes told the newspaper.

Let them "cut cooperation" with Denmark. I hear the Saudis have a few bucks to spare...

She could not be reached for comment Thursday but her office confirmed that the quotes were correct.
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All lovers of freedom should be outraged that such a sentenced was ever handed down. "Woman freed from sentence for being 'Christian,'" from WorldNetDaily (thanks to all who sent this in):

An Egyptian woman sentenced to three years in prison for putting her religion as "Christian" on her marriage certificate more than two decades ago has been released, according to her lawyer.

The release of Shadia Nagui Ibrahim, 47, came only a few weeks after WND reported on plans for a rally in Egypt on behalf of the woman who was unaware that when she was two years old, her father briefly left Christianity to pursue Islam, before returning to Christianity.

Under Egyptian law, that made her a Muslim for life, so she was charged with, and convicted of, fraud for putting "Christian" as her religion on her marriage certificate in 1982.

However, according to published reports in Egypt, the nation's attorney general ordered her released, citing a "mix-up" over her religion designation.

The case stems from the woman's marriage as a Christian, a restricted practice in Egypt. There Christians are not allowed to marry Muslims, only other Christians.

Read it all.

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He wuz framed, I tell ya. Framed!

By Michael Theodoulou for the Times (thanks to all who sent this in):

A university professor allegedly caught in a Saudi-style honey trap has been sentenced to 180 lashes and eight months in jail – for having coffee with a girl.

The man, a prominent and well-respected Saudi teacher of psychology at Umm al-Qra University in the holy city of Mecca, was framed by the religious police after he angered some of their members at a training course, his lawyer said.

The academic has not been named by the local media, which have given his case wide coverage, but one senior Saudi journalist told The Times he was Dr Abu Ruzaiz, a married man in his late 50s with children.

“He is highly respected and above-board. Nobody believes the religious police’s version of what happened. The whole of Jeddah (the main city near Mecca) is in uproar about this. Everyone believes he is innocent and was set up,” the journalist said.

Good. Maybe this will herald the beginning of a mass public rejection of such "crimes."

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From our ever-growing "You Dare To Suggest That Islam Is Not A Religion Of Peace, Therefore We Must Kill You" file, this just in from NIS News (thanks to all who sent this in):

AMSTERDAM, 28/02/08 - The terrorist network Al-Qaeda has given orders for the assassination of MP Geert Wilders, newspaper De Telegraaf reports. The Party for Freedom (PVV) leader must be 'slaughtered', the orders say, because he has insulted Islam and the prophet Mohammed.

The newspaper based its report on a recent message on a protected web forum of internet site al-ekhlaas.net, which De Telegraaf claims is affiliated with Al-Qaeda. The internet threat, which was posted on 28 January, was intercepted by the American research institute SITE Intelligence Group, the newspaper reports.

"In the name of Allah, we ask you to bring us the neck of this unbeliever who insults Islam and the Muslims and ridicules the prophet Mohammed," the site says about Wilders, according to the newspaper.

The message honours Mohammed Bouyeri as a hero. This Amsterdam-born Moroccan Muslim cut Islam-critic Theo van Gogh's throat on 2 November 2004. The message also appeals for readers to "terrorise" the Netherlands to prevent Wilders' controversial film on the Koran from being broadcast....

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Anti-dhimmitude: Wilders will not kowtow to violent intimidation, despite the entreaties of his cringing Eurodhimmi colleagues.

"Dutch minister appeals against anti-Islam film," from Radio Netherlands (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

The Hague - Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen has called on right-wing politician Geert Wilders not to release his planned anti-Islam film. Mr Verhagen is the first member of the cabinet to make a direct appeal regarding Mr Wilders' controversial film plans. The Labour party has criticised the minister's statement as premature, since there is still no clear information about the content of the film.

The foreign minister's Christian Democrat party has also spoken out against the film, saying Mr Wilders should take responsibility for the possible consequences for the safety of Dutch citizens and for the Dutch economy. The Taliban previously threatened to step up attacks on Dutch troops in Afghanistan if the anti-Islam film is broadcast.

Mr Wilders, who is head of the right-wing Freedom Party, has responded in a text message by saying his critics can "get lost".

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In the featured article at FrontPage this morning, I discuss the MSA's stealth jihad efforts.

Muslim students at Australian universities have demanded that class schedules be changed to work around their prayer times, and that male and female students be provided with separate cafeterias and recreational areas.

This is in line with similar initiatives in the United States, where the Muslim Students Association carries, on the “Muslim Accommodations Task Force” page of its website, pdfs of pamphlets entitled “How to Achieve Islamic Holidays on Campus,” “How to Establish a Prayer Room on Campus,” and “How to Achieve Halal Food on Campus.”

The MSA directs Muslim students to present these demands in the context of multiculturalism and civil rights. “Most campuses,” explains the publication on getting recognition of Islamic holy “include respecting diversity as a part of their mission statement. They consider enrollment of diverse students an asset to the community, as they enhance the classroom learning experience and enrich student life. Try to find these statements specific to your campus, and explain that recognition of Islamic holidays would serve as a practical example of upholding these ideals.”

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Man of the hour

The film that has the world holding its breath could appear today. "Dutch film to slam Islam," by Leander Schaerlaeckens in the Washington Times (thanks to Sparta):

BRUSSELS — Europe's uneasy relationship with its Muslim minority faces another blow next month, when Dutch politician Geert Wilders releases a 15-minute film that compares Islam to Nazism and communism.

The film is called "Fitna," an Arabic term for "discord." It intersperses verses of the Koran with footage of terrorist attacks and other Islamist-inspired violence.

"The film will show that the Koran isn't a dead work, but the face of Islam — a tremendous hazard," Mr. Wilders told the daily newspaper NRC Handelsblad.

He said the film calls the Koran "the latest test to Western democracies since Nazism and communism."

Mr. Wilders said the film will be finished tomorrow and will be posted on a Web site, www.fitnathemovie.com, when it airs on television.

Several Pakistani Internet providers tried this week to block YouTube on the orders of the government because it carried a movie trailer for the film. The effort caused a worldwide crash of the popular online site for sharing videos.

The next part of this article, you'll note, has no perpetrator. Insults to Islam somehow, inexplicably, "turned deadly," leading to "worldwide riots" that "left more than 100 people dead" -- at whose hands? We don't know. At least we do hear that van Gogh's killer thought of his victim as an "enemy of Islam":

In recent years, other perceived insults to Islam in Europe have turned deadly.

Worldwide riots after the 2005 publication of editorial cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad left more than 100 people dead.

In 2004, a terrorist killed Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in broad daylight over another short film titled "Submission," which told the tale of abused women in the Muslim community.

The assassin called Mr. van Gogh, a descendent of the 19th-century artist, an "enemy of Islam" in a note that threatened the life of then-Dutch lawmaker Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who wrote the script for the film.

Ms. Hirsi Ali now lives in the United States under tight security....

I'm not sure that's accurate at this point, but then again, I wouldn't know.

The Iranian justice minister requested his Dutch counterpart to ban the latest film, calling it "satanical and undermining," according to Iranian press agency IRNA.

The Dutch government has thus far refused to act, citing the principle of free speech.

Stephen Suleyman Schwartz, director of the Washington-based Center for Islamic Pluralism, said it was "strange" and "ahistorical" to think that a 1,400-year-old text could become a threat to the West.

"My advice to Muslims is to ignore such trivial provocations, maintain their dignity and faith and work to improve their communities," Mr. Schwartz said. "Mr. Wilders has a right to make whatever films he wants and Muslims have a right to ignore them."...

I'm glad that Schwartz, as a Muslim spokesman, says that Muslims "have a right to ignore" Wilders' films, which presumably suggests that Muslims also have a right not to start going mad, smashing things, issuing murderous threats, and attacking people because of Wilders' current film. But Schwartz's statement that it's "'strange' and 'ahistorical' to think that a 1,400-year-old text could become a threat to the West" is, well, strange and ahistorical. Muslims motivated by Qur'anic texts conquered the Middle East, North Africa, Persia, Spain, and much of India, and threatened Europe for 1,000 years. At any time during that period if anyone had asked any of the jihad warriors what he was fighting for, he would have answered with Qur'anic references.

And after that, when the Islamic world grew weak and jihad against the West became an historical memory, this change was not the result of a new understanding of Qur'anic imperatives to wage war against and subjugate Jews and Christians (cf. 9:29) and war against other unbelievers also (9:5). Rather, it was simply a matter of being too weak to act upon these imperatives, until Saudi money and the communications revolution changed all that. Strange and ahistorical? When jihadists today unanimously frame their actions in terms of the Qur'an? No. It appears that Mr. Schwartz is indulging in that all-too-common feature of today's public discourse: Fantasy-Based Analysis.

"Geert Wilders spreads hatred. We want to be an open, tolerant and democratic society and he preaches the opposite," said Michael van der Vlis, a former city councilman of Amsterdam who is one of Mr. Wilders' fiercest critics.

Mr. van der Vlis began his own Web site, "Don't spread hatred," to counter Mr. Wilders.

Within a few weeks of opening the site last year, he received thousands of supportive e-mails but eventually abandoned the effort when faced with a never-ending stream of hate mail.

"Yes, we have a problem with a part of the Muslim community and you can't ignore that, but you should solve it very differently than the way Wilders tries to," Mr. van der Vlis told The Washington Times.

"You should attract people, not make them outcasts. [Mr. Wilders] preaches ripping up half the Koran and the fight against Islam. This shows extremely little respect for those with a different religious opinion. He does not contribute to a tolerant Netherlands."...

The problem is, neither do the jihadists. Wilders, by calling attention to the problematic aspects of the Qur'an, is providing an opportunity for the Muslims who profess to reject jihad violence and Islamic supremacism to explain how they approach such texts, and how they propose to disabuse jihadists of their understanding of them. But instead: rage.

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It still wasn't those Christian fundamentalists, who are, as we all know, more dangerous than Islamic jihadists. They just haven't gotten around to mounting any terror attacks yet, and with the number of Islamic jihad attacks standing now at 10,647 since 9/11, they have a bit of catching up to do.

"Six arrested in Norway, Sweden in terrorism raids," from AFP (thanks to all who sent this in):

STOCKHOLM : Norwegian and Swedish police said they arrested six people on Thursday in Oslo and Stockholm suspected of financing and planning attacks in a coordinated action.

"It was a coordinated action in Norway and Sweden," Jakob Larsson, a spokesman for the Swedish police's security service Saepo, told AFP.

In Stockholm, "three Swedish citizens, all men" were arrested on suspicion of financing and planning attacks, Larsson said, providing no further details on their identities.

In Oslo, three people were arrested "suspected of ... financing acts of terrorism abroad," the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) said in a statement.

According to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet's online edition, the three arrested in Oslo were all of African origin....

"The support activities in Norway primarily involve money transfers to individuals or groups abroad who are believed to be linked to radical Islamist organisations," PST said.

"Various forms of support for foreign terrorist organisations remain the primary type of activity (linked to terrorism) in Norway," it added....

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"They were very aggressive and shouted at an employee that the poster should be taken down otherwise they would throw stones and use violence."

By Madeline Chambers for Reuters (thanks to all who sent this in):

BERLIN (Reuters) - A Berlin gallery has temporarily closed an exhibition of satirical works by a group of Danish artists after six Muslim youths threatened violence unless one of the posters depicting the Kaaba shrine in Mecca was removed, it said on Thursday.

The Galerie Nord in central Berlin said it had closed its "Zionist Occupied Government" show of works by Surrend, a group of artists who say they poke fun at powerful people and ideological conflicts.

On Tuesday, four days after the exhibition opened, a group of angry Muslims stormed into the gallery, shouting demands that one of the 21 posters should be removed, said the gallery.

"They were very aggressive and shouted at an employee that the poster should be taken down otherwise they would throw stones and use violence," the gallery's artistic director Ralf Hartmann told Reuters.

The Muslims objected to a depiction of the Kaaba -- the ancient shrine in Mecca's Grand Mosque which Muslims face to say their prayers -- which gave a "bitingly satirical commentary against radicalism," said the gallery in a statement.


Hartmann said the gallery was working with German authorities to improve security and he hoped to re-open the show as soon as possible.

"It would be unacceptable if individual social groups were in a position to exercise censorship over art and the freedom of expression," said the gallery in a statement.

Yes, it would!

UPDATE: A friend sends me this important point: "The key point here--which you are always warning about, as in the story on Front Page--is the expansion of demands. There is now a demand that no picture of Muhammad be shown. Now this is a COMPLETELY NEW demand and one even less grounded in Islam: that the Kaaba not be shown. No doubt more will be added in future. A point worth making, this isn't just a demonstration against an art exhibit but an additional demand never heard before."

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February 28, 2008

Naive Kids Update: They tried to get this evidence thrown out on the grounds that the arresting officer was racist -- evidently because he mentioned the Taliban, which is not a race -- but common sense prevailed this time.

"Judge says USF student evidence can be used," from My Fox Tampa Bay:

TAMPA - A federal judge says controversial evidence against two USF students accused of having explosives can be used in their trial.

Defense lawyers had challenged the use of evidence seized in a search of Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed and Youssef Samir Megahed's car because of statements made over the radio by the deputies who stopped them in South Carolina.

The men used terms like "terrorist" and Taliban" to describe the students, and lawyers argued that showed bias, and that the deputies didn't have probable cause to search the car.

Despite those arguments, a judge says the search was legal, and the evidence gathered - including pipe bombs and a computer - can be used.

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Quaking dhimmi Dutch call Qur'an critic on the carpet, as if he is responsible for any irrationality and violence with which Muslims may greet his film.

"Wilders accuses ministers of intimidation," from Expatica (thanks to Dave):

THE HAGUE – Freedom Party PVV leader Geert Wilders is furious about a talk ministers Ernst Hirsch Ballin (justice) and Maxime Verhagen (foreign affairs) held with him on Wednesday afternoon regarding his film on the Koran.

"It was an hour of intimidation," Wilders said after the talk.

The politician did not want to disclose what had been said. A spokesperson for the justice ministry confirmed that a talk had taken place after reports about it on NOS Journaal.

The spokesperson would only say it was a continuation of a talk held in November last year when the government expressed its concerns about the consequences the film could have in the Netherlands and abroad.

Sources in The Hague say Hirsch Ballin, who called the meeting, has now also pointed out to Wilders that there could be legal consequences for Wilders if the film contains elements that could be considered hate inciting or blasphemous....

If Europe and the U.S. were standing for free speech, that would not be a consideration.

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Ready for Obama Photo Rage?

"Kenyan elders want U.S. apology over Obama photo," by Noor Ali for Reuters (thanks to Hot Air):

ISIOLO, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenyan elders demanded an apology from Washington on Thursday ahead of a planned protest over a controversial photo of U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama in traditional Somali dress.


The dispute has angered many in Kenya, especially ethnic Somalis from the northeast, who resent the implication that Obama did anything wrong during his visit.

Wajir residents plan to demonstrate after Friday prayers to show their support for the Illinois senator.

Mohamed Ibrahim, who attended one of two crisis meetings held in Wajir on Thursday by clan members who hosted Obama on his trip, said Washington must immediately make amends to them and especially to the elder pictured with him.

"The U.S. government must apologise to us as a clan and the old man," Ibrahim told Reuters by telephone. "We have been offended and we cannot afford to just watch and stay silent."

He said it was essential Clinton "clear her name" too.

The old man in question was retired chief Sheikh Mohamed Hassan, a senior elder who deserved great respect, local residents said.

"He was the right person to perform any such activity like dressing a visitor like Obama with traditional Somali clothes," said another Wajir community leader, Mukhtar Sheikh Nur.

"We give special treatment and respect to any visitor."

If there was no apology, the elders said, they would demand the expulsion of U.S. troops based near Garissa town....

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On the way to his Nobel Peace Prize

Not that Bush, Rice, or anyone else who have so much hope invested in this man will care to notice.

"Abbas: 'Armed resistance not ruled out,'" from the Jerusalem Post (thanks to all who sent this in):

PA President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday said that he does not rule out returning to the path of armed "resistance" against Israel and took pride in the fact that he had been the first to fire on Israel and that his organization had trained Hizbullah.

In an interview with the Jordanian daily al-Dustur, Abbas said that he was opposed to an armed struggle against Israel - for the time being.

"At this present juncture, I am opposed to armed struggle because we cannot succeed in it, but maybe in the future things will be different," he said.

The PA president also expressed pride both in himself and in his organization, Fatah, for trailblazing the path of resistance.

Ah, a real point of pride!

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Signalman Hassan Abu-Jihaad, USN

When Hassan Abu-Jihaad joined the Navy, did anyone ask him about his loyalty? His attachment to the jihad ideology? I expect not. I think it likely that no one would have dared, and if anyone had done so, he would have been branded a racist and an "Islamophobe."

"Navy Says Leak Posed A Threat," from AP :

NEW HAVEN — - The U.S. Navy would have immediately changed plans had it known that details of ship movements had been leaked to suspected terrorism supporters, a top Navy official testified Wednesday at the trial of a former Navy sailor on terrorism charges.

Hassan Abu-Jihaad, 32, of Phoenix, has pleaded not guilty to federal charges alleging that he provided material support to terrorists and disclosed classified national defense information. If convicted, he faces up to 25 years in prison.

Abu-Jihaad, an American-born Muslim convert formerly known as Paul R. Hall, is accused of leaking information that could have doomed his own ship. He was a Navy signalman and received an honorable discharge in 2002.

He is accused of leaking details included the makeup of his Navy battle group, its planned movements and a drawing of the group's formation when it was to pass through the Straits of Hormuz on April 29, 2001....

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Due to her hatred of Jews and "personal family problems," she volunteered for this mission, and went to Mecca beforehand to purify herself.

"Would-be teen bomber arrested in J'lem," by Etgar Lefkovits in the Jerusalem Post (thanks to all who sent this in):

A 17-year-old female Palestinian from Jerusalem was arrested three weeks ago for allegedly offering to carry out a suicide bombing in the city, police said Thursday. The girl was apprehended in a joint Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and police operation.

The would-be bomber, a resident of the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Tor, is suspected of having suggested to Islamic Jihad operatives in the West Bank that they use her to carry out a terror attack, due to her hatred of Jews and "personal family problems," Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said.

The teen, who has confessed to the allegations against her, said that her family had no knowledge of her plans to become a suicide bomber, police said.

As part of her enlistment, the teen traveled to Mecca to "purify" herself, after undergoing a series of tests by the Palestinian terror group to ensure that she was not an Israeli mole, police said....

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Premature detonation: it's the jihadist's ever-present fear.

"Premature Blast Kills Philippine Bomber," from AP (thanks to James):

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A grenade exploded during a town fiesta in the southern Philippines, killing a would-be bomber and wounding four people, police said Thursday.

The police chief in General Santos city, Senior Superintendent Robert Po, said the grenade held by the bomber went off before he managed to penetrate crowds celebrating the city's foundation anniversary late Wednesday. [...]

Po said investigators were working to determine the bomber's identity and affiliation, but suspected he may have been linked to a notorious extortion gang, the Al-Khobar group.

The group, which authorities believe has ties to Muslim extremists operating in the southern Philippines, has been blamed for at least a dozen explosions in the region targeting bus companies and business establishments....

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About 93 percent of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are moderates and only seven percent are politically radical, according to the poll, based on more than 50,000 interviews. -- from this news article

These opinion polls, where it is Muslims who are being polled, are always skewed -- but not, as with other opinion polls, skewed now this way and now that way. These are skewed in only one way. No Muslim, being interviewed as to whether or not he "approves" of a terrorist act, is going to say he approves of it if he does not. In other words, there will be no cases in which someone will declare, falsely, that he approves. Compare this to a public opinion poll about support for candidates, in which one can imagine, in a despotism, people lying about whom they will support, or even in a democracy, lying in order to meet the expectations, as they see it, of the interviewer. How many Americans right now may be afraid of being thought either "racist" (so answering one way) or "sexist" (so answering another)?

They are especially skewed because Muslims know perfectly well when the results are to be disseminated among non-Muslims, and they know perfectly well that non-Muslims are watching keenly for signs of support for violence.

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Not that wearing it is compulsory or anything. She is free to insult Islam, and to face the consequences for doing so. "Egypt goalie slammed for move to Swiss club; Wife accused of insulting Islam for removing veil," from Al-Arabiya (thanks to Morgaan Sinclair):

...Adding to his troubles, a picture of Hadary's wife appearing in public in Switzerland without the veil has also drawn criticism back home.

Religious watchdog group Hamasna ("Our Enthusiasm"), which led the International Campaign for Defending Hijab a week ago, issued a statement urging Hadary's wife Sabrine to put the veil back on.

"We understand that the situation of Muslim women in the West is a special case, but she has to amend what she did before other players' wives follow her example," the statement read. "She must realize that her husband is a player in Egyptian national football, and they are a religious team."

The Grand Imam of al-Azhar has issued a fatwa – religious ruling – saying that Muslim women living in the West can take off the veil if required under local laws. The fatwa, issued in the context of the ban on the veil in educational institutions in France, sparked much controversy at the time.

Hamasna said it supports Hadary and wishes him luck in his new club. It added that he should continue to kneel in prayer when his team scores a goal and not feel awkward about performing the religious act on the field even with his new Swiss team.

"The God of Switzerland is the God of Cairo and the God of [Ghanaian city] Kumasi, the God of all the people," the group said....

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Shelves of books all about Islam, and a rifle -- but don't get the crazy idea that this has anything to do with Islam

Hot on the heels of yesterday's Relax Bulletin, the revelation that there are only 91 million admitted jihadists, comes the latest from former CIA agent Marc Sageman, who says that the jihadists only number a few thousand bored youths, looking for thrills. No ideological component, no religious component. So relax, will you?

"The Fading Jihadists," by David Ignatius in the Washington Post (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Politicians who talk about the terrorism threat -- and it's already clear that this will be a polarizing issue in the 2008 campaign -- should be required to read a new book by a former CIA officer named Marc Sageman. It stands what you think you know about terrorism on its head and helps you see the topic in a different light.


The heart of Sageman's message is that we have been scaring ourselves into exaggerating the terrorism threat -- and then by our unwise actions in Iraq making the problem worse. He attacks head-on the central thesis of the Bush administration, echoed increasingly by Republican presidential candidate John McCain, that, as McCain's Web site puts it, the United States is facing "a dangerous, relentless enemy in the War against Islamic Extremists" spawned by al-Qaeda.

The numbers say otherwise, Sageman insists. The first wave of al-Qaeda leaders, who joined Osama bin Laden in the 1980s, is down to a few dozen people on the run in the tribal areas of northwest Pakistan. The second wave of terrorists, who trained in al-Qaeda's camps in Afghanistan during the 1990s, has also been devastated, with about 100 hiding out on the Pakistani frontier. These people are genuinely dangerous, says Sageman, and they must be captured or killed. But they do not pose an existential threat to America, much less a "clash of civilizations."

From Ignatius's account at least, Sageman appears to ignore entirely the other active and violent jihad groups around the world, operating in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Kashmir, Chechnya, Nigeria, etc. etc.

He also seems to ignore the abundant evidence of the Muslim Brotherhood's -- in their own words -- "grand Jihad” aimed at “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” This statement comes from a 1992 Brotherhood memorandum, in which many prominent American Muslim groups, including the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim Students Association, are named as "friends."

If Sageman mentions any of this, Ignatius doesn't pick up on it.

It's the third wave of terrorism that is growing, but what is it? By Sageman's account, it's a leaderless hodgepodge of thousands of what he calls "terrorist wannabes." Unlike the first two waves, whose members were well educated and intensely religious, the new jihadists are a weird species of the Internet culture. Outraged by video images of Americans killing Muslims in Iraq, they gather in password-protected chat rooms and dare each other to take action. Like young people across time and religious boundaries, they are bored and looking for thrills.

"It's more about hero worship than about religion," Sageman said in a presentation of his research last week at the New America Foundation, a liberal think tank here. Many of this third wave don't speak Arabic or read the Koran. Very few (13 percent of Sageman's sample) have attended radical madrassas. Nearly all join the movement because they know or are related to someone who's already in it. Those detained on terrorism charges are getting younger: In Sageman's 2003 sample, the average age was 26; among those arrested after 2006, it was down to about 20. They are disaffected, homicidal kids -- closer to urban gang members than to motivated Muslim fanatics.

I have no doubt whatsoever that many people join jihadist groups because they're bored, or because all their friends are doing it, or because they're looking for thrills, or some such. But "disaffected, homicidal kids" may not be an entirely accurate formulation on the very day that the LA Times publishes a story about a jihadist cell in Morocco consisting of politicians, businessmen, bureaucrats, pharmacists, a police commander, and a TV journalist.

I don't know how Sageman knows that these bored youths don't read the Qur'an, but the fact remains that virtually every statement from Osama bin Laden, or al-Zawahri, or even Adam Gadahn, or from the British jihadists, or from Abu Bakar Bashir, or from virtually every other leader of this movement anywhere in the world, quotes copiously from the Qur'an, couches its appeal in terms of the religious obligations of Muslims, and presents the jihad movement as the embodiment of pure and true Islam. This is readily documentable -- here is one example, and here is another, and here is a third, and there are plenty more where those came from.

This focus on Islam is strange behavior for a movement that is not essentially religious, and forces us, if we accept Sageman's analysis, to believe that the vast majority of young men join jihadist groups while ignoring, being indifferent to, or outright rejecting the dominant ideology and goals of those groups. I wonder if he has any documentation of any jihadist who has ever stated such things. I rather doubt he does.

Sageman's harshest judgment is that the United States is making the terrorism problem worse by its actions in Iraq. "Since 2003, the war in Iraq has without question fueled the process of radicalization worldwide, including the U.S. The data are crystal clear," he writes. We have taken a fire that would otherwise burn itself out and poured gasoline on it.

Would it have burned itself out in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, etc. -- all those places I named above and others? Would it have ended the Brotherhood's subversive action inside the United States?

The third wave of terrorism is inherently self-limiting, Sageman continues. As soon as the amorphous groups gather and train, they make themselves vulnerable to arrest. "As the threat from al-Qaeda is self-limiting, so is its appeal, and global Islamist terrorism will probably disappear for internal reasons -- if the United States has the sense to allow it to continue on its course and fade away."

Sageman's policy advice is to "take the glory and thrill out of terrorism." Jettison the rhetoric about Muslim extremism -- these leaderless jihadists are barely Muslims. Stop holding news conferences to announce the latest triumphs in the "global war on terror," which only glamorize the struggle. And reduce the U.S. military footprint in Iraq, which fuels the Muslim world's sense of moral outrage....

Ultimately, more comforting hogwash, diverting us from the reality of the situation.

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This fact makes the LA Times scratch its venerable head in puzzlement. I mean, doesn't everybody know that poverty causes terrorism, and only the desperate, uneducated and easily led join jihadist groups?

Of course, we have documented here for years that the opposite is the case, and just yesterday Saudi pseudoacademic shill John Esposito admitted it himself: "The radicals are better educated, have better jobs, and are more hopeful with regard to the future than mainstream Muslims." But it never seems to get through to the clueless, indifferent, PC-addled mainstream media.

"Morocco's unlikely group of terrorism suspects," by Sebastian Rotella for the Los Angeles Times (thanks to Sr. Soph):

RABAT, MOROCCO -- They are politicians and businessmen, bureaucrats and pharmacists, a police commander and a TV journalist.

Police arrested them and seized an arsenal in nationwide raids this month, the biggest crackdown in Morocco since suicide bombings killed 45 people, including the 12 bombers, in Casablanca five years ago. [...]

The recently arrested alleged leader of the group was a well-off Moroccan immigrant in Belgium who is accused of financing his activity with multimillion-dollar hold-ups and committing assassinations in that European country dating back 20 years. Moroccan Interior Minister Chakib Benmoussa said in an interview that the group plotted to assassinate Cabinet ministers, military chiefs and Jewish leaders to destabilize this moderate Muslim nation. [...]

"The leaders of this network had the opportunity to train in Afghanistan, to meet leaders of Al Qaeda, and to go to Algeria to train in [rural outposts] in 2005," Benmoussa said.

Some aspects of the case against the suspects perplex analysts. The three politicians arrested belong to small parties that mix Islamist and leftist ideologies. Their defenders say they are moderates.

Their longtime ties to Shiite Muslim movements, including Hezbollah, may have been a factor in their arrests. Sunni Muslims are the majority here, but authorities worry about the danger of extremism among the small Shiite minority and sympathetic Sunni radicals.

Sunni and Western governments fear that the recent assassination of a Hezbollah military chief in Syria could foment Shiite-inspired violence around the world, says Abdellah Rami, an expert on Islam at the Moroccan Center for Social Studies.

But Rami sees contradictions in the official version alleging that the Moroccan group of suspects was influenced by both Sunni-led Al Qaeda and Shiite Hezbollah.

"I find it hard to believe that all these movements were mixed together in the same cell," said Rami, who knows the jailed politicians. [...]

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Sound strategy, or more British dhimmitude? It's hard to tell at this point. I am all for law enforcement officials becoming well-versed in the Qur'an and Sunnah: the more they understand the motives and goals of the jihadists, the better able they will be to combat them. But if this will be just another exercise in politically correct whitewashing and kowtowing to Islamic supremacism, as the Shadow Home Secretary seems to think, then it will be worse than worthless.

"Bobbies will be taught Sharia law and the Koran in secret plan to counter terror at local level," by James Slack for the Daily Mail (thanks to all who sent this in):

Police will be trained on the importance of Sharia law and the Koran to Muslim communities, under new plans to fight extremism.

The lessons in Islamic faith and culture will become part of the formal training of constables working in towns and cities across the country.

Chief constables say that - by understanding the community they are policing - officers will build better relationships.

These could prove crucial in rooting out extremism and preventing a terrorist attack, according to the Association of Chief Police Officers.

But critics have described the plan as 'politically correct thinking' .

Philip Davies, Conservative MP for Shipley, said: "Police officers are not there to implement Sharia law. They are there to implement British law.

"This idea is misguided. We will only get community cohesion when everybody signs up to being British and following British law."

Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis, said: "Of course it is sensible for the police to have an understanding of the Koran and Sharia law as long as we do not allow the situation to slip so that Sharia law is regarded on an equal basis with British law. British law is and always must be pre-eminent."

Under the Acpo plans, police will not have to learn the 'depth and complexity' of Sharia law, but would be expected to understand Islamic culture - which includes Sharia law and the Koran.

It is part of a wide-ranging strategy to prevent extremist ideas gaining hold in primary schools, colleges, the internet and prisons....

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Barry Rubin discusses some of the revelations of the funeral of Imad Mugniyah:

A funny thing happened at the funeral of Imad Mugniyah. Those who had for years been denying any connection with him and his international terrorist activities--Iran, Syria, and Hizballah--suddenly admitted that he was one of their favorite people.

At the same time, other critical points came out. Mugniyah's critical position as the link between those three allies, in their conduct of terrorism and subversion, stood out clearly. In addition, Mugniyah's career as an international terrorist, who often operated against Western targets, showed how Hizballah--along with its backers in Tehran and Damascus--were second only to al-Qaida in their global operations of violence.


When Iran, Syria, and Hizballah embrace such a person as a great hero and role model they are:

* Openly admitting their association with many past acts of terrorism.
* Making clear that they favor murderous attacks deliberately designed to kill civilians.
* Showing their past denials of involvement to be lies.
* Urging people to commit many more such attacks in future, include genocide against Israel and its people.

Now that Hizballah, Iran, and Syria have "taken credit" for Mugniyah's past killings and urged many more in the future, the world should confront the fact that these groups are engaged in a systematic terrorist policy and react accordingly.

Read it all.

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The refusal of Muslim medics to wash their arms in a way that would require them to be uncovered is spreading. Here again is a clear choice: will Britain enforce British law, or kowtow to Islamic law? An update on this story. "Muslim medics refuse to roll up their sleeves in hygiene crackdown - because it's against their religion," from the Daily Mail (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Health officials are having crisis talks with Muslim medical staff who have objected to hospital hygiene rules because of religious beliefs.

Medics in hospitals in at least three major English cities have refused to follow the regulations aimed at helping tackle superbugs because of their faith, it has been revealed.

Women medical students at Alder Hey children's hospital in Liverpool objected to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands and removing arm coverings in theatre, claiming it is regarded as immodest.

Similar concerns were raised at Leicester University -and Sheffield University reported a case of a Muslim medic refusing to "scrub" because it left her forearms exposed.

Some students have said that they would prefer to quit the course rather than expose their arms, but hygiene experts said no exceptions should be made on religious grounds.

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The film has been condemned in advance, sight unseen. Just for a moment of clarity, think back to the riots that greeted the work of the nineteenth-century European Biblical higher critics, or the Jesus Seminar, or the many skeptical/critical examinations of the Bible. What riots? Exactly.

And ask yourself: if someone reacts to something I say by going mad, breaking things, and targeting innocent people, is that my responsibility or his? When you are insulted, do you consider it a license to destroy things and hurt people, or do you consider it incumbent upon yourself to exercise some self-control?

"Dutch Islam film 'nearly ready,'" from the BBC (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders has said that this week he will finish a film about Islam which has already triggered Muslim outrage.

Mr Wilders said he was determined to release the film despite government warnings that this would damage Dutch political and economic interests.

Good for him. What they're saying here is, "People will react to this with violent irrationality. Therefore you must kowtow to them."

Mr Wilders says the film is about the Koran, without giving details.

In the past, he has called for the Koran to be banned and likened it to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.

The project has already been condemned by several Muslim countries, including Iran and Pakistan.

'Death threats'

"It is very good news. the film will definitely be finished this week, that is to say before 1 March," Mr Wilders told Reuters.

Well, that makes it today or tomorrow. Watch for updates.

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He would be tortured back home, see. "Ministers argued the right of the public to be protected against terrorism should be balanced against a suspect's rights not to be ill-treated," but to no avail.

"Court bans deportation of terror suspect," by Clare Dyer for the Guardian (thanks to Davida):

Government hopes of deporting dozens of terror suspects to their home countries suffered a serious setback today with the European court of human rights ruling against one such attempt.

The grand chamber of 17 judges at the Strasbourg court ruled unanimously that an attempt by Italy to send a man back to Tunisia violated the ban on torture or inhuman or degrading treatment in the European convention on human rights.

The case was brought by Nassim Saadi against Italy. The British government intervened in the hope the court would sanction the return of suspects regardless of their home country's human rights record.

Ministers argued the right of the public to be protected against terrorism should be balanced against a suspect's rights not to be ill-treated.

The court ruled that protection against torture is absolute and Saadi cannot be sent back, even though he has been convicted of terror-related offences in both Tunisia and Italy....

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February 27, 2008

And that, to some minds at least, proves that this problem has nothing to do with Islam. The idea that the jihad ideology could have been deemphasized for a long period and then reasserted, as in pamphlets such as "Jihad: The Forgotten Obligation," creating an energetic minority, a jihadist vanguard within the Islamic world, does not enter this scenario. We are supposed to feel great that only 91 million share radical views -- or at least only 91 million were dumb enough to tell a Gallup rep that they held such views.

"Major survey challenges Western perceptions of Islam," by Karin Zeitvogel for AFP (thanks to Ansik):

WASHINGTON (AFP) - A huge survey of the world's Muslims released Tuesday challenges Western notions that equate Islam with radicalism and violence.

The survey, conducted by the Gallup polling agency over six years and three continents, seeks to dispel the belief held by some in the West that Islam itself is the driving force of radicalism.

It shows that the overwhelming majority of Muslims condemned the attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001 and other subsequent terrorist attacks, the authors of the study said in Washington.

"Samuel Harris said in the Washington Times (in 2004): 'It is time we admitted that we are not at war with terrorism. We are at war with Islam'," Dalia Mogahed, co-author of the book "Who Speaks for Islam" which grew out of the study, told a news conference here.

"The argument Mr Harris makes is that religion in the primary driver" of radicalism and violence, she said.

"Religion is an important part of life for the overwhelming majority of Muslims, and if it were indeed the driver for radicalisation, this would be a serious issue."

But the study, which Gallup says surveyed a sample equivalent to 90 percent of the world's Muslims, showed that widespread religiosity "does not translate into widespread support for terrorism," said Mogahed, director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies.

About 93 percent of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are moderates and only seven percent are politically radical, according to the poll, based on more than 50,000 interviews.

In majority Muslim countries, overwhelming majorities said religion was a very important part of their lives -- 99 percent in Indonesia, 98 percent in Egypt, 95 percent in Pakistan.

But only seven percent of the billion Muslims surveyed -- the radicals -- condoned the attacks on the United States in 2001, the poll showed.

Moderate Muslims interviewed for the poll condemned the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington because innocent lives were lost and civilians killed.

"Some actually cited religious justifications for why they were against 9/11, going as far as to quote from the Koran -- for example, the verse that says taking one innocent life is like killing all humanity," she said.

Meanwhile, radical Muslims gave political, not religious, reasons for condoning the attacks, the poll showed.

The survey shows radicals to be neither more religious than their moderate counterparts, nor products of abject poverty or refugee camps.

"The radicals are better educated, have better jobs, and are more hopeful with regard to the future than mainstream Muslims," John Esposito, who co-authored "Who Speaks for Islam", said....

Better educated? But...aren't they ignorant of Islam?

Do you think John Esposito even noticed the chasm of cognitive dissonance widening at his feet?

The poll has given voice to Islam's silent majority, said Mogahed.

"A billion Muslims should be the ones that we look to, to understand what they believe, rather than a vocal minority," she told AFP.

Yes, we should look to them, and ask them why they aren't doing much of anything to challenge that 91 million.

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Looks like he got away with it, too

"There is good reason to believe Anwar Aulaqi has been involved in very serious terrorist activities since leaving the United States, including plotting attacks against America and our allies." But Aulaqi was American-born, indicating that the jihad problem, while it contains a very serious immigration component, is not solely an immigration matter.

"Imam From Va. Mosque Now Thought to Have Aided Al-Qaeda," by Susan Schmidt for the Washington Post (thanks to all who sent this in):

Even before the 2001 terrorist attacks, American-born imam Anwar al-Aulaqi drew the attention of federal authorities because of his possible connections to al-Qaeda. Their interest grew after 9/11, when it turned out that three of the hijackers had spent time at his mosques in California and Falls Church, but he was allowed to leave the country in 2002.

New information later surfaced about his contacts with extremists while in the United States. Now, U.S. officials are saying for the first time that they believe that Aulaqi worked with al-Qaeda networks in the Persian Gulf after leaving Northern Virginia. In mid-2006, Aulaqi was detained in Yemen at the request of the United States. To the dismay of U.S. authorities, Aulaqi was released in December.

"There is good reason to believe Anwar Aulaqi has been involved in very serious terrorist activities since leaving the United States, including plotting attacks against America and our allies," said a U.S. counterterrorism official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

U.S. authorities were limited in how far they could push Yemen to hold Aulaqi, officials said, because they have no pending legal case against him. The officials said ongoing intelligence-gathering efforts here and abroad prevented them from providing details about Aulaqi's suspected activities.

Aulaqi, 36, was the spiritual leader in 2001 and 2002 of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, one of the largest in the country. In a taped interview posted this New Year's Eve on a British Web site, Aulaqi said that while in prison in Yemen, he had undergone multiple interrogations by the FBI that included questions about his dealings with the Sept. 11 hijackers.

"I don't know if I was held because of that, or because of the other issues they presented," Aulaqi said without elaborating. He said he would like to travel outside Yemen but would not do so "until the U.S. drops whatever unknown charges it has against me." Aulaqi did not respond to requests for an interview.


After 9/11, Aulaqi publicly condemned the attacks. But in comments published in English on Sept. 17, 2001, on IslamOnline, Aulaqi suggested that Israelis may have been responsible for the 9/11 attacks and that the FBI "went into the roster of the airplanes and whoever has a Muslim or Arab name became the hijacker by default."

Weeks after leaving the United States in the spring of 2002, he posted an essay in Arabic titled "Why Muslims Love Death" on the Islam Today Web site, lauding the fervor of Palestinian suicide bombers. Months later he praised them in English at a lecture in a London mosque that was recorded on videotape.


Dar al-Hijrah's spokesman and others in leadership positions at the mosque did not respond to requests for interviews for this article.

Does anyone there agree with Aulaqi's point of view? Does anyone know? Does anyone care?

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Nasreen Suleaman...of the Beeb

"I don't think I needed to" contact police. Not even "I didn't think I needed to." Just "I don't think I needed to."

"BBC knew of link to failed 21/7 bombers," from the Telegraph (thanks to Mark):

A BBC producer failed to give police information that would have helped track down the July 21 bombers, the trial was told.

Don't Panic, I'm Islamic, which featured the group paintballing and an interview with Mohammed Hamid, was shown on BBC2 on June 12, 2005.

Nasreen Suleaman, the producer, told the court that Hamid said he would use his £300 fee to settle the fine he had been given by magistrates for racially abusing two policemen at his Oxford Street stall.

Called as a defence witness, Miss Suleaman admitted that she had spoken to Hamid in the days following the July 21 attacks and found out he knew the wanted men. [...]

Miss Suleaman claimed she told BBC managers of the situation but no one passed on the information to the authorities.

She looked visibly shaken when told that two of the July 21 bombers, had joined Hamid on another paintball trip two weeks before the bombings.

Miss Suleaman saw Hamid a few days after July 21, 2005 and he seemed "very shocked that the men he knew were accused of this".

Duncan Penny, prosecuting, said: "Did you tell him to go to the police?"

Ms Suleaman replied: "I don't think I needed to."

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Could this be what we have all been waiting for? Possibly. It will be interesting to see its content, and what reception it receives from Islamic authorities outside of Turkey. My guess would be that that reaction will be hostile, because to accept this would be to assume that Islam has gone drastically wrong almost from its inception -- militating against all the claims of Allah's careful protection of his umma. But we shall see.

By Robert Pigott for the BBC (thanks to all who sent this in):

Turkey is preparing to publish a document that represents a revolutionary reinterpretation of Islam - and a controversial and radical modernisation of the religion.

The country's powerful Department of Religious Affairs has commissioned a team of theologians at Ankara University to carry out a fundamental revision of the Hadith, the second most sacred text in Islam after the Koran.

The Hadith is a collection of thousands of sayings reputed to come from the Prophet Muhammad.

That is, the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The BBC, like Reuters, often forgets this.

As such, it is the principal guide for Muslims in interpreting the Koran and the source of the vast majority of Islamic law, or Sharia. But the Turkish state has come to see the Hadith as having an often negative influence on a society it is in a hurry to modernise, and believes it responsible for obscuring the original values of Islam.

It says that a significant number of the sayings were never uttered by Muhammad, and even some that were need now to be reinterpreted.

Certainly Muhammad never uttered a significant number even of the ahadith that are generally considered sahih, or reliable. Whether the Turks will be able to convince any significant number of Muslims of that is another matter.


Commentators say the very theology of Islam is being reinterpreted in order to effect a radical renewal of the religion.

Its supporters say the spirit of logic and reason inherent in Islam at its foundation 1,400 years ago are being rediscovered. Some believe it could represent the beginning of a reformation in the religion.

Turkish officials have been reticent about the revision of the Hadith until now, aware of the controversy it is likely to cause among traditionalist Muslims, but they have spoken to the BBC about the project, and their ambitious aims for it.

"Controversy" is understated.

The forensic examination of the Hadiths has taken place in Ankara University's School of Theology.

An adviser to the project, Felix Koerner, says some of the sayings - also known individually as "hadiths" - can be shown to have been invented hundreds of years after the Prophet Muhammad died, to serve the purposes of contemporary society.

"Unfortunately you can even justify through alleged hadiths, the Muslim - or pseudo-Muslim - practice of female genital mutilation," he says.

It is refreshing to see an Islamic authority admit and confront that. For pointing that out I have been called an "Islamophobe" and worse -- which name-calling, of course, does absolutely nothing to end the widespread Islamic approval of the practice.

"You can find messages which say 'that is what the Prophet ordered us to do'. But you can show historically how they came into being, as influences from other cultures, that were then projected onto Islamic tradition."

The argument is that Islamic tradition has been gradually hijacked by various - often conservative - cultures, seeking to use the religion for various forms of social control.

This is where it really starts to get silly. The Hadith is, for better or worse, the core of Islamic tradition. And since the ninth century, after Bukhari and Muslim and the rest made their efforts to winnow out the false from the true and published their collections, there has been a broad consensus (whether or not it was in fact correct) as to which ahadith were genuine and which weren't -- although there is serious disagreement about some. So to say that this whole process represented a "hijacking" of Islamic tradition is tantamount to saying that the whole thing was "hijacked" from the very start, before it even got off the ground.

Of course, that may be the only way of selling the idea that ahadith considered authentic should be junked.

Leaders of the Hadith project say successive generations have embellished the text, attributing their political aims to the Prophet Muhammad himself.


Turkey is intent on sweeping away that "cultural baggage" and returning to a form of Islam it claims accords with its original values and those of the Prophet.

But this is where the revolutionary nature of the work becomes apparent. Even some sayings accepted as being genuinely spoken by Muhammad have been altered and reinterpreted.

Prof Mehmet Gormez, a senior official in the Department of Religious Affairs and an expert on the Hadith, gives a telling example.

"There are some messages that ban women from travelling for three days or more without their husband's permission and they are genuine.

"But this isn't a religious ban. It came about because in the Prophet's time it simply wasn't safe for a woman to travel alone like that. But as time has passed, people have made permanent what was only supposed to be a temporary ban for safety reasons."

The project justifies such bold interference in the 1,400-year-old content of the Hadith by rigorous academic research.

Prof Gormez points out that in another speech, the Prophet said "he longed for the day when a woman might travel long distances alone".

So, he argues, it is clear what the Prophet's goal was.

Original spirit

Yet, until now, the ban has remained in the text, and helps to restrict the free movement of some Muslim women to this day.

As part of its aggressive programme of renewal, Turkey has given theological training to 450 women, and appointed them as senior imams called "vaizes".

They have been given the task of explaining the original spirit of Islam to remote communities in Turkey's vast interior.

One of the women, Hulya Koc, looked out over a sea of headscarves at a town meeting in central Turkey and told the women of the equality, justice and human rights guaranteed by an accurate interpretation of the Koran - one guided and confirmed by the revised Hadith.

She says that, at the moment, Islam is being widely used to justify the violent suppression of women.

"There are honour killings," she explains.

"We hear that some women are being killed when they marry the wrong person or run away with someone they love.

"There's also violence against women within families, including sexual harassment by uncles and others. This does not exist in Islam... we have to explain that to them."

'New Islam'

According to Fadi Hakura, an expert on Turkey from Chatham House in London, Turkey is doing nothing less than recreating Islam - changing it from a religion whose rules must be obeyed, to one designed to serve the needs of people in a modern secular democracy.

He says that to achieve it, the state is fashioning a new Islam.

"This is kind of akin to the Christian Reformation," he says.

"Not exactly the same, but if you think, it's changing the theological foundations of [the] religion. "

Fadi Hakura believes that until now secularist Turkey has been intent on creating a new politics for Islam.

Now, he says, "they are trying to fashion a new Islam."

Significantly, the "Ankara School" of theologians working on the new Hadith have been using Western critical techniques and philosophy.

They have also taken an even bolder step - rejecting a long-established rule of Muslim scholars that later (and often more conservative) texts override earlier ones.

Here again, it is refreshing to see a Muslim scholar acknowledge what I have been vilified and smeared for noting.

"You have to see them as a whole," says Fadi Hakura.

"You can't say, for example, that the verses of violence override the verses of peace. This is used a lot in the Middle East, this kind of ideology.

"I cannot impress enough how fundamental [this change] is."


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The perpetrator of this hostility was an actor. The victim was an actor. The whole incident was trumped-up, rendering the significance of the reactions suspect to say the least. ABC could not, you see, count on a veiled Muslim woman encountering hostility anywhere in this U.S. -- otherwise, they could have simply sent her into a few stores and filmed the uncanned reaction. So they had to create an "Islamophobic" store clerk as well, to guarantee the outcome they wanted.

Then they highlight the negative reactions with nary a hint that the Muslim community in the U.S. might have the power to change such boorish and hostile reactions -- by being more transparent, by being more honest, by being more specific and forthright in opposing the jihad ideology -- if it indeed does. Obnoxiousness is obnoxiousness, but when people turn on the news and see rage and threats of murder over cartoons, and terrorist act after terrorist act committed in the name of Islam, they aren't blind. They shouldn't react by verbally abusing some random Muslim woman in a store, but the idea that all this is some example of gratuitous racism is ridiculous.

Note also that the "skyrocketing" rate of hate crimes against Muslims is largely trumped-up. And of course while ABC's companion piece to this one relies heavily on "information" from CAIR, there is no mention of CAIR's unindicted co-conspirator status, or its connections to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, or the convictions of various of its officials on terror-related charges.

"Witness to Discrimination: What Would You Do? Bystanders Turn Away When Muslim Actor Hired By 'Primetime' Encounters Hostility," by Ann Sorkowitz and Julie N. Hays for ABC (thanks to Kemaste):

The Sept. 11 attacks, the Iraq war and suicide bombings worldwide have changed not only the way we live but the way we look at those around us, especially Muslims. "Islamophobia" has entered the American vernacular, and the anti-Muslim attitudes and prejudice it describes remain common.

But what if you witnessed "Islamophobia" in action and saw someone being victimized because of someone else's prejudices? What would you do?

ABC's production crew outfitted The Czech Stop, a bustling roadside bakery north of Waco, Texas, with hidden cameras and two actors. One played a female customer wearing a traditional Muslim head scarf, or hijab. The other acted as a sales clerk who refused to serve her and spouted common anti-Muslim and anti-Arab slurs.

The polarity of reactions was shocking, from support to seething disapproval. Never did we expect customers to be so passionate or candid.

Our actor, Sabina, walked into the bakery in search of apple strudel. When she reached the counter, an actor posing as a sales clerk was quick to greet her with hateful anti-Muslim language.

"Get back on the camel and go back to wherever you came from," he said. "You got that towel on your head. I don't know what's underneath your dress. Just please take your business and go elsewhere with it."

"Sir, I am an American, I was born and raised here," she said.

The other customers seemed to hear the exchange but they barely looked toward our actors. When no one came to her defense, Sabina made a direct appeal to one customer.

"Sir, would you mind ordering me an apple strudel? That's why I am here," Sabina said.

Though visibly shaken by the hateful words, the man gave Sabina the cold shoulder, completed his purchase, and walked out of the bakery. "I really think that a person who owns his own business should be able to say who they sell to," he said after we told him about the experiment. In fact, it is illegal for public establishments to deny service based on someone's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, according to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Regardless, this man was not the only customer to defend our sales clerk's "right" to discriminate.

A Narrowly Defined America

A little while later, Sabina again entered the bakery, and again our sales clerk refused to serve her. This time, one man spoke up, but not on behalf of the Muslim woman. He was adamant that our sales clerk did the right thing. "She wasn't dressed right," he said. "If I was running the place I'd do the same thing." Once again, our sales clerk garnered customer support. After Sabina left the bakery seemingly frustrated and empty-handed, one man thanked the sales clerk for his discriminatory behavior. He then gave our actor a thumbs-up, not once, but twice. Jack Dovidio, a social psychologist at Yale University, said these men seemed to define "American" based on the way people look. They connected with the sales clerk and considered our female actor an outsider. "When we as Americans feel threatened from the outside, we're going to define ourselves in very rigid fashions," Dovidio said. "Either you're with me, and if you're not really one of me, then you must be somebody else who's against me."

A Very Different America

The young woman in our experiment was an actor, but many of the hateful words she heard were based on the experiences of Chicago-born Nohayia Javed, who was watching our experiment from the control van. Javed said she has continually suffered verbal abuse and said she has even been physically attacked by fellow Americans just because she is Muslim. "They always start off with, 'you're a terrorist, Osama-lover, towel-head, camel jockey' on and on," Javed said. "If I tell them I'm American, they're like, 'No you're not. Just because you were born here doesn't make you American.' And I'm like, 'What makes you American?'"

Javed is not alone. The number of anti-Islamic hate crime incidents in the United States has more than quadrupled from 28 incidents in 2000 to 156 incidents in 2006, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's most recent figures....

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At Human Events this morning, I discuss the rights that jihadists now appear to have guaranteed:

Congress -- with its endless squabbling with the Bush Administration over FISA, the equally endless torture law debates, and the relentless handwringing over Gitmo -- has made its position clear: Pelosi and Co. are concerned, deeply concerned, with terrorists’ civil liberties. As Jed Babbin put it last September in his article “The Terrorist Bill of Rights,” “The Democrats’ national security agenda seems designed, point by point, to destroy the means by which we have been protected since 9-11.”

But try to see it from their point of view. After all, if we become like our enemy, all is lost! So with this longstanding solicitude of the Democrats and the Left in general for the jihadists confirmed yet again this week, it’s time to step back and codify the jihadists’ hard-won gains -- the fruit of the political correctness and misbegotten attempts to win hearts and minds that have guided current policy to an alarming degree. That’s right: it’s time for a Terrorist Bill of Rights.

So with the appeasers and the willfully self-deceived running the show, exactly what rights to the jihadists have?

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Cultural Collapse Update: First there were the Dutch Catholics who renamed Lent "Christian Ramadan," and now this. From the Brussels Journal:

Le Salon Beige, a French blog, received an email from a reader who took his children to visit the Basilica of Saint Denis, near Paris, where the kings of France are buried. The blog writes:
He was surprised by the brochure entitled "Tour of Discovery for the Young":

First, on page 8, he read: "Dagobert, the first king buried in Saint-Denis. [...] A contemporary of Mohammed, Dagobert was King of the Franks from 629 to 639."

Then, on page 9, [...] "In the Bible we find the story of the Angel Gabriel, the very one who would bring the Koran to Mohammed, who announces to Mary, a young girl engaged to Joseph, that she will soon give birth to a son named Jesus."

It seems that Christianity is being explained and taught only in relation to Islam. It is as if young people in France can only relate to Christianity through references to Islam.

Also, if this text is taking it for granted that the Gabriel who appeared to Mary is the same Gabriel who brought the Qur'an to Muhammad, it has essentially become a Muslim text already. Because what Gabriel told Mary in a Muslim context is radically different from what Gabriel told Mary in a Christian context.

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On February 5, we were informed that Stephen Coughlin, the sole expert on Islamic law in the Pentagon, was not going to be fired after all, after it looked as if he was going to be at the behest of Hesham Islam, an aide to Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England. And not long after that it looked as if Islam himself would be out, under a cloud of accusations of ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the forbear of Hamas and Al-Qaeda.

But now, in "The Coughlin Affair," Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. says that the bad news is all back on: Coughlin is out, Islam is in.

Imagine trying to fight a war without a clue as to what motivates your enemy or governs his strategy for your destruction. Actually, you don’t have to work too hard to get your head around such an insane idea; it is the current practice of the United States government.

This is not, of course, the way it is supposed to be. According, for example, to the Pentagon’s own guidelines as reflected in the Army’s Field Manual 34-130 dealing with Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB), one of the first tasks in any conflict is to “Evaluate the threat.” This job requires military personnel to “update or create threat models: convert threat doctrine or patterns of operation to graphics (doctrinal templates); describe in words the threat’s tactics and options; [and] identify high value targets.”

Such guidance is eminently sensible and needed, not only at the tactical or battlefield level, but also at the strategic level. In fact, most national security practitioners would find it, well, unimaginable to try to do otherwise.

Yet, Stephen Coughlin, one of the very few people working for the U.S. government who has rigorously studied the current “threat doctrine” – the wellspring in the traditions, practices and Shariah Law of today’s totalitarian ideology known as Islamofascism – is, as of this writing, still being cashiered at the end of next month.

Worse yet, the individual who seems to be most responsible for shutting down Mr. Coughlin’s essential doctrinal analysis and training by driving him out of the Pentagon – one Hesham Islam – seems to be staying in a sensitive position working for the Defense Department’s Deputy Secretary, Gordon England. This notwithstanding serious questions raised about Mr. Islam’s public biography, conduct in relation to Muslim outreach, the Coughlin affair and his top secret security clearance.

Read it all.

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Andrew Bostom reports at his blog:

An open letter calling for “dialogue” was introduced this Monday, February 25, 2008, by Tariq Ramadan, ballyhooed by its promoters in grandiose terms as the “World’s First Cross-Denominational Statement from Muslims to Jews.” A press release sent to me directly by one of the Muslim organizers of the initiative, Dr. Akbar Ahmed, touted two Jewish leaders, Rabbi David Rosen, “International President, Religions for Peace and Advisor on Interfaith Relations to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel,” and Rabbi Danny Rich, described as “Director of Liberal Judaism,” who had quickly endorsed the statement.

Rabbis Rosen and Rich should disavow their naïve endorsements because support for this initiative, as framed in the letter, is an egregious error.

Find out why at Andy's site. Here is just one part:

Salient examples of Jew hatred from these foundational Islamic sources, ignored, conveniently by the Muslim authors of the “Call to Peace, Dialogue, and Understanding”, include:

· How as a central anti-Jewish motif, the Koran decrees an eternal curse upon the Jews (Koran 2:61/ 3:112) for slaying the prophets and transgressing against the will of Allah. This motif is coupled to Koranic verses 5:60 and 5:78 which describe the Jews transformation into apes and swine (5:60), having been “…cursed by the tongue of David, and Jesus, Mary’s son” (5:78). The related verse, 5:64, accuses the Jews—as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas did in a January 2007 speech, citing Koran 5:64—of being “spreaders of war and corruption,” a sort of ancient Koranic antecedent of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Koranic curse (verses 2:61/3:112) upon the Jews for (primarily) rejecting, even slaying Allah’s prophets, including Isa/Jesus (or at least his “body double”), is updated with perfect archetypal logic in the canonical hadith: following the Muslims’ initial conquest of the Jewish farming oasis of Khaybar, one of the vanquished Jewesses reportedly served Muhammad poisoned mutton (or goat), which resulted, ultimately, in his protracted, agonizing death. And Ibn Saad’s sira account maintains that Muhammad’s poisoning resulted from a well-coordinated Jewish conspiracy

· How the Koran’s overall discussion of the Jews is marked by a litany of their sins and punishments, as if part of a divine indictment, conviction, and punishment process. Specifically—the Jews wronged themselves (16:118) by losing faith (7:168) and breaking their covenant (5:13). The Jews (echoing an ante-Nicaean, Marcionite polemic) are a nation that has passed away (2:134; repeated in 2:141). Twice Allah sent his instruments (the Assyrians/or Babylonians, and Romans) to punish this perverse people (17:4-5)—their dispersal over the earth is proof of Allah’s rejection (7:168). The Jews are further warned about both their arrogant claim that they remain Allah’s chosen people (62:6), and continued disobedience and “corruption” (5:32-33) Other sins, some repeated, are enumerated: abuse, even killing of prophets (4:155; 2:91), including Isa [Jesus] (3:55; 4:157), is a consistent theme. The Jews ridiculed Muhammad as Ra’ina (the evil one, in 2:104; 4:46), and they are also accused of lack of faith, taking words out of context, disobedience, and distortion (4:46). Precious few of them are believers (also 4:46). These “perverse” creatures also claim that Ezra is the messiah and they worship rabbis who defraud men of their possessions (9:30). Additional sins are described: the Jews are typified as an “envious” people (2:109), whose hearts are as hardened as rocks (2:74). They are further accused of confounding the truth (2:42), deliberately perverting scripture (2:75), and being liars (2:78). Ill-informed people of little faith (2:89), they pursue vague and wishful fancies (2:111). Other sins have contributed to their being stamped (see 2:61/ 3:112 above) with “wretchedness /abasement and humiliation,” including—usury (2:275), sorcery (2:102), hedonism (2:96), and idol worship (2:53). More (and repeat) sins, are described still: the Jews’ idol worship is again mentioned (4:51), then linked and followed by charges of other (often repeat) iniquities—the “tremendous calumny” against Mary (4:156), as well as usury and cheating (4:161). Most Jews are accused of being “evil-livers” /“transgressors” /“ungodly” (3:110), who, deceived by their own lies (3:24), try to turn Muslims from Islam (3:99). Jews are blind and deaf to the truth (5:71), and what they have not forgotten they have perverted—they mislead (3:69), confound the truth (3:71), twist tongues (3:79), and cheat Gentiles without remorse (3:75). Muslims are advised not to take the Jews as friends (5:51), and to beware of the inveterate hatred that Jews bear towards them (5:82).

· How the Jews’ ultimate sins and punishments are made clear in the Koran—they are the devil’s minions (4:60) cursed by Allah, their faces will be obliterated (4:47), and if they do not accept the true faith of Islam—the Jews who understand their faith become Muslims (3:113)—they will be made into apes (2:65/ 7:166), or apes and swine (5:60), and burn in the Hellfires (4:55, 5:29, 98:6, and 58:14-19).

Once again, read it all.

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February 26, 2008

"Osama bin London": "Bin" caught, "bin" convicted.

Loch Ness Jihadists Update. "7 convicted in Muslim terror camps in UK," by David Stringer for the Associated Press:

LONDON - Clad in mud-smeared combat fatigues, the young Muslims trained on picturesque British farmland, hurling imaginary grenades, wielding sticks as mock rifles and chopping watermelons in simulated beheadings.
A four-year inquiry, which came to a close Tuesday with guilty pleas from the last two of seven gang members, has exposed a network of alleged British terrorism training camps meant to prepare recruits for mass murder.
Security officials believe hundreds of men — including a gang that made a failed attempt to bomb London's transit network — passed through camps set up across the English countryside.
Investigators say it was a worrying discovery at the heart of Britain's homegrown terrorism: training camps once thought to be exclusive to northern Pakistan or Afghanistan are being held in sleepy rural England.
"The exposure to that ideology — that radicalism, that extremism, that 'them-and-us' mind set — starts here on our streets in Britain," a former extremist, Ed Husain, told Britain's first police counterterrorism conference in Brighton.
Husain said British officials had been too tolerant of Islamic radicalism taught in universities and mosques during the 1980s and '90s.
The two training camp ringleaders — one who claimed to be the "No. 1 al-Qaida in Europe" and the other who nicknamed himself "Osama bin London" — will be sentenced next month on charges of running the camps and inciting participants to murder. Five others were each sentenced Tuesday to at least 3 1/2 years in prison on charges of attending terrorism training.

And after those 3 1/2 years or so, then what? Deportation? Loss of citizenship? Something like control orders?

Their convictions — two Tuesday, one last year and the rest last week following a four-month trial — could be reported for the first time Tuesday after a judge lifted restrictions banning publication of details of the case.
Prosecutors told a court hearing that the men set up camps in idyllic spots across England to train in military skills.
National parks in the Lake District of northern England, the New Forest in the south and quiet corners of the southern counties of Berkshire, Kent and East Sussex were all used for training, including a former school.
"This was not innocent activity taking place on a camping weekend," said Peter Clarke, Britain's most senior conterterrorism detective.
Officials fear the case shows that British Muslims can be radicalized, trained and funded to carry out terror attacks — without ever leaving the country.
The British camps also offer a glimpse of the training centers that British-based Islamic extremists allegedly hoped to open in Oregon before authorities upended the plot.
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"Perhaps these women should not be choosing medicine as a career if they feel unable to abide by the guidelines that everyone else has to follow."

Indeed. Especially when lives and health are at risk. An update on this story. "Muslim medics in Alder Hey stand-off," by Caroline Innes for the Liverpool Echo (thanks to WriterMom):

HEALTH officials are having crisis talks with Muslim medical staff who have objected to hospital hygiene rules because of religious beliefs.
Women students at Liverpool’s Alder Hey children’s hospital have raised objections to removing their arm coverings in theatre and to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands because it is regarded as immodest.
Minutes of a clinical academics’ meeting at Liverpool University revealed that female Muslim students at Alder Hey children’s hospital had objected to rolling up their sleeves to wear gowns.
Similar concerns have been raised at Leicester University, and Sheffield University also reported a case of a Muslim medic who refused to “scrub” as this left her forearms exposed.
Some students have said that they would prefer to quit the course rather than expose their arms, but hygiene experts said no exceptions should be made on religious grounds.
A Royal Liverpool hospital spokesman said they had experienced issues of Muslim staff not sanitising their forearms with alcohol gel although this had now been addressed.
Dr Steve Ryan, medical director at Alder Hey said that while the “bare below the elbows” dress code is a matter of patient safety, the trust would work with Muslim students to find a solution.
He said: “We specify bare below elbows, no wrist watches, nail varnish or false nails in clinical areas."
“Good hand hygiene is one of the most important and simplest actions we can take to prevent healthcare associated infections.
“A number of female Muslim students had approached the University of Liverpool to ask if we would provide facilities for them to change their outerwear and Hijab for theatre scrubs.
“We were pleased to accommodate this request and these facilities have now been incorporated.”
Dr Charles Tannock, a Conservative MEP and former hospital consultant, said: “These students are being trained using taxpayers’ money and they have a duty of care to their patients not to put their health at risk.
“Perhaps these women should not be choosing medicine as a career if they feel unable to abide by the guidelines everyone else has to follow.”
But the Islamic Medical Association insisted that covering all the body in public, except the face and hands, was a basic tenet of Islam.
It said: “No practising Muslim woman – doctor, medical student, nurse or patient – should be forced to bare her arms below the elbow.”
New rules for doctors
NEW Department of Health guidance introduced this month stipulates all doctors must be “bare below the elbow”.
The measure is deemed necessary to stop the spread of infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile (C.difficile), which have claimed the lives of hundreds.
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I believe the children are the future

Want to see into Europe's future? In "Europe's Muslim Radicals: The Next Generation" at World Defense Review, Abigail Esman comments on this story.

"American kill," said the five-year-old boy. "Bush I kill." And as his proud father watched, beaming, he demonstrated how to cut the evil American's bare throat.

So it was in a Birmingham, England, home – as recorded secretly by British security services a few months ago while investigating the child's British-Pakistani father, Parvis Khan, then a suspect in a plot to kill a Muslim British soldier. This week, after his plan had been thwarted by MI5, Khan was sentenced to life in prison.

And what will become of the boy?

If he is lucky, he will learn from the example made of Dear Old Dad, and steer away from Islamic extremism completely. More likely, angered by the British infidels who took his father away from him, he will follow in Parvis' footsteps and endeavor to continue the work his father started.

And he will be, indeed, a formidable soldier for jihad: if he can slit a person's throat at five years old, just imagine what he can do at 20. (After all, Mozart, whose father Leopold was neither Muslim nor Pakistani but did serve as his teacher, began composing at the age of five. I leave it to readers to do with that parallel what they will.)

Read it all.

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Patrick Poole, in "What the Islamic Scholars Forgot to Tell the Pope" at Pajamas Media, has uncovered even more evidence that the much-celebrated "Common Word" document from last October was not a sincere effort at interfaith outreach, but was solely designed to fool the credulous.

Last October, the international media establishment was abuzz over a letter sent by 138 Islamic scholars representing the elite of the worldwide ulema to Pope Benedict, entitled “A Common Word between Us and You”, in response to his papal address at Regensburg in September 2006. The letter extols the common bonds between Muslims and Christians, and their common belief in the love towards neighbors. It further declares that “justice and freedom of religion are a crucial part of love of the neighbor.” Many Christian leaders have responded by welcoming this effort and affirming the Islamic scholars’ letter.

The letter was the product of the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought in Amman, Jordan, and its chief scholar, Sheikh Said Hijjawi, was one of the 138 signatories (#49). In fact, according to the introduction, the letter was presented by the Institute to the Islamic scholars gathered at a conference held at their facilities in September 2007.

There is one thing, however, amidst all the flowery overtures, theological discussion, and representations of religious pluralism that the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute and the 138 Islamic scholars forgot to mention: The Institute, which operates a website, AlTafsir.com, which it calls “the largest and greatest online collection of Qur’anic commentary, translation, recitation, and essential resources in the world,” includes in an “Ask the Mufti” section a number of fatwas on apostasy issued by the Institute’s chief scholar, Sheikh Hijjawi, that call for the death of Christian reverts (Christians converting to Islam and then returning to the Christian faith) and Muslim apostates. Further they state that if the Christian reverts and Muslim apostates are not killed, they should be deprived of all rights and accorded the status of non-persons.

Read it all, and follow the links at PJM.

"A Common Word Between Us and You" was, you may recall, received with great enthusiasm by the mainstream media at the time of its release. Noting the Muslim scholars’ declaration that “the future of the world depends on peace between Muslims and Christians,” the Telegraph‘s headline was typical of the coverage: “Muslim scholars’ olive branch to Christians.” Reuters burbled about an “Unprecedented Muslim call for peace with Christians.” But was it really?

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Rheil Ghraibeh, a spokesman for Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood, demanded an apology from Denmark. ‘Holocaust denial is targeted by laws in Europe. Why can’t we have laws that protect all religions and prophets?’ he asked." -- from this article

But the "Holocaust" (perhaps "Nazi murder of European Jews," a formulation less abstract and less easily alluded to in pro-forma fashion) is an event in history. The denial of it is participated in only by the most sinister, those who show an obvious lack of sympathy for the Jewish victims (impliedly "exaggerators") and plenty of sympathy for the perpetrators (impliedly wrongly accused). Holocaust-deniers are simply lying about history.

But cartoons about this or that figure in this or that system of belief (in this case exhibiting some of the features of what we are accustomed to call a "religion") do not deny history. Isn't it true that in the Qur'an Believers are told to "strike terror" into the hearts of Unbelievers? Isn't the Qur'an full of Jihad-verses, about using violence to subdue -- to kill -- non-Muslims? Do those who have engaged in what we have no trouble defining as "terrorism" merely engaged in combat, or qitaal, as mentioned 27 times in the Qur'an -- that is, directly participating in Jihad through violence rather than through other means? If someone in the West (say, a Danish cartoonist or ten) wishes to express what an Infidel thinks of this, is he not entitled to?

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An update on this story. "Pakistan lifts curbs on YouTube," from the Associated Press:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistan's telecoms regulator said Tuesday it has lifted restrictions on the YouTube Web site that led to the knocking out of access to the popular video-sharing site in many other countries for a few hours over the weekend.
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority ordered 70 domestic Internet service providers to restore access to the site after removal of what government officials had deemed a "blasphemous" video clip.
Pakistan ordered YouTube blocked on Friday over a clip featuring a Dutch lawmaker who has said he plans to release a movie portraying Islam as fascist and prone to inciting violence. As a result, most of the world's Internet users lost access to YouTube for several hours on Sunday.
An Internet expert said Sunday's problems came after a Pakistani telecommunications company complied with the block by directing requests for YouTube videos to a "black hole." So instead of serving up videos of skateboarding dogs, it sent the traffic into oblivion.
The problem was that the company also accidentally identified itself to Internet computers as the world's fastest route to YouTube, which is owned by Google Inc. That led requests from across the Internet to the black hole.

Accidentally? Really? The world may never know.

UPDATE: The AP article above says in the second paragraph that YouTube removed something the Pakistanis didn't like. However, this Fitna promo can still be found here.

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We sure do.

From a special preview in Commentary of Andrew C. McCarthy's forthcoming book, Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad, about the jihadist cell that bombed the World Trade Center 15 years ago today and related matters:

Would a successful interdiction of Kahane’s murderer, or swift and thorough investigation of Abdel Rahman’s circle in its aftermath, have prevented the monstrous deeds of subsequent years? That is of course unknowable. But an aggressive effort by United States authorities would have indicated a seriousness of purpose toward the threat of Islamic terrorism that itself might have changed the story of our times for the better. We still live, and will continue to live, with the consequences of our own blindness.

Read it all.

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"Costa Rica hoped to encourage peace talks on Feb. 5 when it recognized a Palestinian state - a key demand on the part of the Palestinians."

Sure. Just give them everything they want and maybe there will be peace. To recognize a "state" that has not renounced territorial claims on the rest of Israel, and cannot or simply will not control its militias or those of other groups is to start down a slippery slope, with no assurance, and no reasonable expectation given the track record, of a lasting peace. And while one Central American country's recognition may not amount to much by itself, it does set an undesirable precedent.

From the Associated Press:

Israel has postponed a planned meeting with Costa Rican officials over the Central American nation's decision to formally recognize a Palestinian state.
The meeting between President Oscar Arias and an Israeli diplomat, scheduled for Wednesday, "was postponed, but we are looking to reschedule," Costa Rican Foreign Minister Bruno Stagno said Monday.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Arye Mekel said Israel had summoned the Costa Rican charge d'affaires and instructed its ambassador to convey a message to San Jose.
"We would like to express our disappointment over this regretful decision of the government of Costa Rica to establish full diplomatic relations with the 'state of Palestine,' " Mekel said. "This act of Costa Rica totally contradicts the traditional friendship that characterized its relations with Israel since its establishment."
Stagno has said Costa Rica hoped to encourage peace talks on Feb. 5 when it recognized a Palestinian state - a key demand on the part of the Palestinians.
"We thought it was necessary to send a message to both sides about the need to sit down and negotiate on the key issues in the conflict," he said then.
In August 2006, Arias' administration announced that Costa Rica would move its embassy to Tel Aviv from the hotly disputed city of Jerusalem.
Israel claims all of Jerusalem as its capital, but most nations don't formally recognize that claim. Post-1982 Costa Rica and El Salvador had been the only two countries with embassies there until announcing in the same month that they would relocate.
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I'll hold the sign, you watch for "Christions."

Motoons Rage, stoked by the Muslim Brotherhood, in Modern, Moderate Jordan. "Jordanians burn Danish flags to protest cartoon," from Agence France-Presse:

AMMAN - Jordanian demonstrators on Monday torched Danish flags outside the Copenhagen embassy to protest the reprinting of a controversial cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in Denmark’s newspapers.
Carrying national flags and banners of the Islamic Action Front (IAF), the country’s main political party, around 300 protesters demanded the expulsion of Denmark’s ambassador as well as a boycott of Danish products.
‘There should be no Danish embassy on Jordanian territory,’ they shouted during a one-hour sit-in, calling on Muslim and Arab leaders to ‘defend Islam and revenge for blaspheming the Prophet.’
‘We came today to send a clear message to the entire world that we reject the repeated targeting of our prophet and religion,’ IAF Secretary General Zaki Bani Rsheid told AFP.
Rheil Ghraibeh, a spokesman for Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood, demanded an apology from Denmark.
‘Holocaust denial is targeted by laws in Europe. Why can’t we have laws that protect all religions and prophets?’ he asked.

One question for Ghraibeh: How exactly do cartoons harm religions and long-deceased prophets?

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That's nice. But two missing links render such condemnations of "terrorism" hollow: One is the matter of armed jihadist activity: The question of when and whether it is legitimate to use violence to further Islamic causes is left untouched. The other is the definition of innocents. We're expected to supply our own cultural definition of innocents and non-combatants, and assume that their definition does not differ.

"Terrorism is un-Islamic: Dar-ul-Uloom," from IBN:

New Delhi/Deoband: Hundreds of Islamic scholars gathered at the country's top Islamic seminary on Monday and passed an edict declaring all acts of terrorism as ''un-Islamic''.
"Rabta Madaris Islamiah Arabia (Islamic Madarasas Association) condemns all kinds of violence and terrorism in the strongest possible terms," said the edict passed at a conclave organised by the Darul Uloom seminary in Deoband, Uttar Pradesh.
''Islam has considered mischief, rioting and murder among the severest sins and crimes,'' said the declaration by Darul Uloom, which has often been accused of promoting obscurantism and intolerance.
The declaration asked Islamic scholars not to be influenced by anti-Islamic or anti-national forces. ''We don't have any link or association with terrorism, terrorists, whatsoever. We reject terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Terrorism completely negates the teachings of Islam, which is the faith of love and peace,'' Maulana Marghoob-ur Rahman, chief rector of Darul Uloom, told UNI.
Reciting verses from the Quran, Maulana Rahman said Islam preaches equality and compassion among all human beings. "Madarasas, which are the real flag bearers of the Islamic teachings, hereby declare without mincing words that they don't have any truck with terrorism.''
The declaration accused the government of being ''partial'' against madarasas while investigating terrorism cases. Anti-terror probes were preceded ''by a malicious campaign against these seminaries unleashed by communal forces''.
''Madarasas spread in every nook and cranny of the country teach humanity, peace, reconciliation and love,'' said Maulana Rahman. He requested the custodians of madarasas to usher in more transparency in their financial dealings and ensure a pure Islamic environment in their schools.
''Any terrorist activity which targets innocent people directly, contradicts Islam's concept of peace,'' said Maulana Abdul Khaliq Madrasi, vice-rector of Darul Uloom.
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Inherent in that statement is a challenge to prosecutors to examine the Qur'an, ahadith and Sira themselves and confront the passages that call for open-ended warfare to effect the conversion, subjugation, or death of unbelievers. It would be great if such an examination of Islamic texts and teachings were actually to take place, but Benbrika surely knows that officials are much more likely to be confounded by the politically correct article of faith that Islam is peaceful (or at least, that all religions are equally prone to violence), and the resulting inability to move beyond apologists' insistence that armed jihad and the imperative to establish sharia law only exist in the minds of misunderstanders and Islamophobes.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika Update. "Terror suspect admits to being evasive," from AAP:

The leader of an alleged Melbourne terror cell admitted to his supporters he had been "evasive" when asked for his views on jihad during a television interview, the Victorian Supreme Court has heard.
Abdul Nacer Benbrika, 48, a self-taught religious instructor, told an ABC television interviewer he did not encourage followers to take part in so-called holy wars (jihads) overseas or in Australia.
He said he merely passed on the teachings of the Koran.
"When I teach, I teach what Allah and his prophets said," Benbrika told the interviewer.
"I'm not telling people to go .... the student understands.
"I tell him what Allah said and he can then decide."
Prosecutor Richard Maidment, SC, said the statements Benbrika made in the interview were at odds with other evidence already presented to the jury.
"Benbrika is being as evasive and shifty as he can possibly be," Mr Maidment told the jury.
The interviewer also asked Benbrika if he had ever planned to carry out an attack in Australia.
Benbrika replied that it was against his religion to kill innocent people.
"I would have done it a long time ago," Benbrika said.
But Mr Maidment pointed out that in secretly-recorded conversations already in evidence, Benbrika told his followers in Melbourne that killing innocent Australians was acceptable.

But did he call them innocent himself? That's an important distinction for prosecutors to grasp.

"He is completely deceptive," Mr Maidment said.
After the ABC interview, according to the secretly-recorded conversations between Benbrika and his followers, the cleric admitted he had been misleading.
"I was being evasive," Benbrika said on the tape.
"I told him (the interviewer) this was what Allah said, this is what the Prophet said."
Benbrika and his 11 co-accused in Australia's largest terrorism trial have pleaded not guilty to charges including being members of a terrorist organisation.
The trial before Justice Bernard Bongiorno is continuing.
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Somalia Jihad Update. "Somali town overrun by Islamists," from the BBC:

Somalia, 02/25 - Somali Islamists seized control of a southern town on Sunday, killing nine government troops. The rebels, armed with rocket launchers and machine guns, voluntarily retreated after three hours, said a police officer in Dinsoor, Mohamed Ahmadey.
He said the town had been under "no-one's control" since the incident, in which eight soldiers were wounded.
For more than a year, government forces backed by Ethiopian troops have struggled to assert control in Somalia.
The capital, Mogadishu, has often been the focus of the fighting between the government forces and the Islamists they ousted from power.
But the incident on Sunday shows the Islamists are increasing their attacks outside Mogadishu, says the BBC`s Mohamed Olad Hassan in Somalia.
A spokesman for the Islamists' Shahab youth wing, Sheikh Muktar Ali Robow, told local radio that he was leading the rebel unit that seized the town.
"Our troops moved into the town to dismiss bandits under the cloak of Somalia`s honourable army. We defeated those, burned three of their military vehicles and seized two others,” he said.
“We spoke to the town's residents in public and told them that we were not in a position to harm any one and ordered them to maintain their ordinary activities, and later withdrew from the town,” he said.
Residents of the town confirmed the incident, but there has been no comment yet from any senior government official.
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February 25, 2008

And when you get both obesity and terrorism, watch out

Just put down those chips, and all manner of thing shall be well.

Let's-Focus-On-The-Real-Threat Update: "Obesity more dangerous than terrorism: experts," from AFP (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

World governments are focussing too much on fighting terrorism while obesity and other "lifestyle diseases" are killing millions more people, an international conference heard Monday.

Overcoming deadly factors such as poor diet, smoking and a lack of exercise should take top priority in the fight against a growing epidemic of chronic disease, legal and health experts said.

Global terrorism was a real threat but posed far less risk than obesity, type two diabetes and smoking-related illnesses, US law professor Lawrence Gostin said at the Oxford Health Alliance Summit here.

"Ever since September 11 we've been lurching from one crisis to the next which has really frightened the public," Gostin told AFP later.

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"We live together in one community, it only makes sense for everyone to compromise slightly in order for everyone to live happily." Sure. But the ideology you are accommodating is itself uncompromising, and supremacist.

"To accommodate Muslim students, Harvard tries women-only gym hours," by Abbie Ruzicka in the Daily Free Press (thanks to Writer Mom):

Harvard University has moved to make Muslim women more comfortable in the gym by instituting women-only access times six hours a week to accommodate religious customs that make it difficult for some students to work out in the presence of men.

Men have not been allowed to enter the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center during certain times since Jan. 28, after members of the Harvard Islamic Society and the Harvard Women's Center petitioned the university for a more comfortable environment for women.

Harvard Islamic Society's Islamic Knowledge Committee officer Ola Aljawhary, a junior, said the women-only hours are being tested on a trial basis. The special gym hours will be analyzed over Spring Break to determine if they will continue, she said.

Aljawhary said that she does not believe that the women-only gym hours discriminate against men.

"These hours are necessary because there is a segment of the Harvard female population that is not found in gyms not because they don't want to work out, but because for them working out in a co-ed gym is uncomfortable, awkward or problematic in some way," she said.

Though the policy was in part initiated by the school's Islamic group, Aljawhary said women-only hours are not a case of "minority rights trumping majority preference" and said women of different faiths have showed interest in the hours.

"We live together in one community, it only makes sense for everyone to compromise slightly in order for everyone to live happily," she said. "This matter is simple: Can't we just display basic decency and show tolerance and inclusion for people not a part of the mainstream majority?"

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In the mainstream media's never-ending quest to ignore or downplay the jihad imperative within Islam, and to attribute the present global jihad to some other factor or factors -- any factor, as long as it's external to Islam -- few farragos have been as ridiculous (or as successful in bamboozling those aching to be bamboozled) as Dinesh D'Souza's contention that they hate us because of the immorality of Western pop culture. A hint of how successful this idea has been is here, in John Stossel's uncritical repetition of it as if it is axiomatically true.

On the surface it sounds plausible. Jihadists do rail against American immorality, and proffer Islam as a moral alternative to the out-of-control libertinism, as they see it, of Western culture. The problems with this idea, however, are many. One is that the jihadists were fighting against non-Muslims long before the advent of the Vagina Monologues and Britney Spears. Another is the coercive nature of morality in the Islamic world, which becomes all too often a recipe for hypocrisy and externality -- rendering the jihadist moral critique hollow.

Here is another example of the latter phenomenon, from Indonesia: "2.5mn illegal abortions performed annually," from DPA (thanks to all who sent this in):

JAKARTA: At least 2.5mn abortions are performed annually in Indonesia, although the practice is illegal in the predominantly Muslim country, state-run media reported yesterday.

"The figure does not yet include abortions effected with non-medical assistance," Jurnalis Uddin, a professor at the Jakarta-based YARSI University was quoted as saying by Antara news agency.

Uddin claimed that research conducted at medical facilities had led to the conclusion practice of illegal abortions needs to be given serious attention by the government and society.

2.5 million abortions annually. That's more than twice the number of abortions performed annually in the U.S. And Indonesia's population is 234 million, with 300 million in America.

More than twice the number of abortions annually, and they hate us for our immorality? Tell me another, Dinesh.

Of course, jihadists in Indonesia (as well as D'Souza) might say that this is all because of Western influence, and that that is precisely why they are waging jihad against the West. But I think it is just common sense to realize that a coercive external conformity such as is fostered by Islamic culture will only lead to more of this kind of thing, not less.

And so we're right back where we started: maybe they hate us for their own reasons, within their own way of looking at the world.

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Our first Somali elder President

From Geeska Afrika Online (thanks to Andrew Bostom):

U.S. Senator Barack Obama, right, is dressed as a Somali Elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan, left, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya, near the borders with Somalia and Ethiopia. The area is at the epicenter of a severe drought that has hit the Horn of Africa region, after erratic and insufficient rains during the April-June season

Now don't get all excited. Is that really all that different from this?


Jammie Wearing Fool notes that this comes from the Clinton campaign. And I stand by my assessment of the "Obama-Is-Secretly-A-Muslim" rumors -- "That's a lot of hooey":


I do, however, think that the identification that he evidently feels with the Islamic world, and they with him, will lead to disastrous concessions that could seriously imperil U.S. security.


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Give me Bugs any day

They suggest that the Danish cartoonists drew the cartoons to mock the Muslims' weakness, but by Allah, they'll show them. They'll kill those cartoonists for love of Muhammad. More edifying children's fare from Hamas: "Hamas Bunny Assud Urges Boycott of Danish Goods and threatens to Kill Danes over Muhammad Cartoons," from MEMRITV (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Following are excerpts from a Hamas children's show, "The Pioneers of Tomorrow", which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on February 22, 2008:

Child host Saraa Barhoum: Amani, you've seen the kind of attack that the West launched against the Prophet Muhammad. What do you have to say on behalf of the Prophet Muhammad?

Amani, by phone: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate, I say to those cowardly infidels...

Assud the Bunny: Those criminals...

Amani: Yes, those criminals... You mock our Prophet Muhammad, but look, my beloved Prophet Muhammad, how Allah responded to them: "Allah shall pay them back for their mockery, and He leaves them alone in their excess, blindly wandering on." My beloved Messenger of Allah, they mocked you with their drawings, because they do not know the mercy in your heart. My beloved Muhammad, if they had known the mercy in your heart, they would not have done this to you. Allah knows that we love you, and that we will redeem you with our souls, our blood, and our hearts.


Assud: Do you boycott Israeli and Danish products?

Amani: Yes, Assud. I do.

Assud: You've stopped eating them altogether?

Amani: I have.

Assud: That's great. Keep it up.

Saraa: All of us will definitely boycott Danish products, and even before that, we will boycott Israeli products, Amani.

Amani: With your permission, I'd like to continue.

Assud and Saraa: Go ahead.

Amani: Finally, I'd like to apologize to the Messenger of Allah. May Allah curse these infidels, who have gone astray. We the soldiers of the pioneers of tomorrow, apologize to you, beloved Messenger of Allah. Denmark has spoken heresy, but you are a source of pride and mercy for Islam and the Muslims.

Assud: The [American] cowboys have spoken heresy as well.


Amani: Our brothers, the Americans, have affronted the Prophet Muhammad...

Assud: They are not our brothers, they are criminals.

Amani: What?

Assud: They are infidels, not our brothers.

Amani: They are enemies of Allah, and they have affronted the Prophet Muhammad.


Saraa: How did these Danes have the audacity to affront the Messenger of Allah? Do you have an answer to that, Assud?

Assud: No, I don't. Maybe because the Arabs and Muslims keep silent, [the Danes] humiliated them and did these things to them.

Saraa: That's one reason, but there is an even more important reason, Assud.

Assud: I have no idea.

Saraa: It's because the West has seen that we've moved away from the religion of Allah, and from the Sunna of our Prophet Muhammad. They have also seen that we have forsaken the religion of Allah, and therefore, they could affront the Prophet, because... We have done nothing to redeem the Prophet Muhammad. But I say to them: You haven't seen anything yet. Allah willing, the soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow will redeem the Prophet Muhammad with all that they possess, and even with their blood, Assud. They will not allow them to do this again.

Assud: If they do it again, Saraa, we will kill them, right?

Saraa: Allah willing.

Assud: I will bite them and eat them up.

Saraa: Yes.


Assud, we are not terrorists. All we want is to get our beloved homeland, Palestine, back. We want all of Palestine to be ours. We are not terrorists...

Assud: Because it was ours to begin with, right?

Saraa: Right. They say we are terrorists merely because we want this, but of course, we're not terrorists...

Assud: They are the terrorists.

Saraa: Yes, Assud. Allah willing, we will regain the cities under Zionist occupation, such as Jaffe, Haifa, Acre, Ashdod, the village of Hoj, and all the Palestinian cities.

Assud: Saraa, do you know what I'm hoping for? I want us to take Jaffe, Acre, Haifa, and all of Palestine, Allah willing, and then we'll go to Iraq. All the borders will be opened. Between Egypt and us, there will be no barriers, and the same goes for Jordan and Saudi Arabia. We'll come and go by car. I hope this comes true. Do you think this will come true?

Saraa: Allah willing, this will come true soon.

Assud: Allah willing, when I am martyred, a tiger will take my place... Allah willing, I will be the one to fix things, and there won't be any tiger. The "Pioneers of Tomorrow" and I will make this dream come true.


Who will host this show if you are martyred? Will 100,000 Saraas take your place?

Saraa: Allah willing, Assud.

Assud: We'll take them from among the Pioneers of Tomorrow, Allah willing.

Saraa: Allah willing, there are thousands of soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow.

Assud: Martyrdom for the sake of Allah is what we hope for, right?

Saraa: Right, Assud.


Saraa: What do you have to say to the cartoonist who started all this, and affronted the Prophet by drawing him?

Assud: He's a criminal...

Saraa: Yes, a criminal.

Tasnim, by phone: I say to him, and to all of them, that no matter how much they try to hide him, we will manage to kill him, to assassinate him.

Assud: Allah willing.

Saraa: I pray that Allah makes the earth swallow him up, so that he serves as a lesson to others like him, Tasnim.


Assud, it appears that our show is coming to an end. What do you have to say to this criminal, the cartoonist who affronted the Prophet by drawing him?

Assud: I say to him what you already said: You criminal, you lowlife, you scum of the earth – right, Saraa? Allah willing, the day will come when you will regret what you did.

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Muhammad’s famous Night Journey (Isra and Miraj) is the basis of the Islamic claim to Jerusalem as an Islamic holy city. The only thing the Qur’an has to say about it is this the first verse of sura 17, which says that Allah took Muhammad from “the Sacred Mosque” in Mecca “to the farthest [al-aqsa] Mosque.” There was no mosque in Jerusalem at this time, so the “farthest” mosque probably wasn’t really the one that now bears that name in Jerusalem, but Islamic tradition is firm that this mosque is in Jerusalem.

Muhammad’s vision of this journey was as dramatic as his initial encounter with Gabriel. According to Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad described the vision to one of the Muslims as beginning “while I was lying in Al-Hatim or Al-Hijr,” that is, an area in Mecca opposite the Ka’bah, identified by Islamic tradition as the burial place of Hagar and Ishmael, when “Gabriel came and stirred me with his foot.” Soon after that “someone came to me and cut my body open from here to here” – and he gestured from his throat to his pubic area. The one who had come to him, Muhammad continued, “then took out my heart. Then a golden tray full of Belief was brought to me and my heart was washed and was filled (with Belief) and then returned to its original place. Then a white animal which was smaller than a mule and bigger than a donkey was brought to me.” This was the Buraq, which Muhammad further described as “an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof a distance equal to the range of vision.” It was, he said, “half mule, half donkey, with wings on its sides with which it propelled its feet.”

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For over a year now I have been filming regular (or semiregular, when things really got busy) videoblogs for Hot Air, at the kind invitation of Michelle Malkin. You can find most or all of them here; I think there are 52 of them in all.

Hot Air also runs my weekly Blogging the Qur'an series. I am immensely grateful to Michelle for her support of my work at a time when most media figures, both liberal and conservative, shy away from examining and confronting the ideology of our enemies, and prefer to purvey comforting fantasies and half-truths.

The Qur'an Blog will continue, but the video series is probably over with the departure of Bryan Preston from Hot Air -- so I thought this would be a good time to let you know that without Bryan it wouldn't have been possible in the first place, and it was he, and certainly not I, who was responsible for any quality that the videos may have had. It was Bryan who set up the studio and worked over the video and jumble of pictures I sent him into a coherent whole. (And sometimes he would find much better images on his own.) I am very grateful for his kindness and help in so many ways, and wish him great success in his new gig with Laura Ingraham.

I say the series is probably over because Michelle has asked for anyone with video editing skills (they're looking especially for someone with chroma key experience) who may be interested in helping me keep turning out the vids to contact them at tips@hotair.com. And if any of you care and would like to see the videos continue, please let us know. If someone does emerge, I will be happy to retrieve my nifty red diamonds tie (the one here) from its sealed, air-cooled vault (with walls six feet thick, of course) and tilt at some more windmills. Otherwise, it's keyboard-only tilting from here on out, and once again, mille grazie, Bryan, shukran jazeelan!

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Benbrika said they should be like Amrozi: unrepentant. Australian Jihad Plot Update: "Plan to 'blast' buildings," by Reko Rennie in The Age (thanks to JE):

The alleged leader of a terrorist organisation said he would "blast" buildings, a prosecutor told a Victorian court.

Prosecutor Richard Maidment, SC, told the jury in the Supreme Court trial of 12 men accused of being members of a terrorist group that Abdul Nacer Benbrika, 47, of Dallas, was recorded discussing an alleged terrorist attack.

"It's not something small," Benbrika allegedly said in a conversation intercepted by authorities.

"We will damage buildings, blast them.

"It has to be proper."

In another recorded conversation, Benbrika and one of his co-accused, Aimen Joud, 22, of Hoppers Crossing, discussed convicted Bali bomber Amrozi Nurhasyim.

Mr Maidment said Benbrika had told Joud to do what Amrozi did when he was caught by police.

'Do like Amrozi'

"Do like Amrozi," Benbrika allegedly said.

"Tell the judges off then," Joud is alleged to have replied.

"He said, 'If you kill me ... there will be others to come after me'," Benbrika allegedly said.

Benbrika and Joud — along with Fadal Sayadi, 27, of Coburg, Ahmed Raad, 24, of Fawkner, Abdullah Merhi, 22, of Fawkner, Amer Haddara, 27, of Yarraville, Shane Kent, 30, of Meadow Heights, Majed Raad, 23, of Coburg, Hany Taha, 32, of Hadfield, Shoue Hammoud, 27, of Hadfield, Bassam Raad, 25, of Brunswick and Ezzit Raad, 25, of Preston — are charged with various terrorism charges.

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February 24, 2008

Sharia Alert from the Islamic Republic. "WITNESS: "Hijab problem" sparks police standoff in Tehran," by Fredrik Dahl for Reuters (thanks to all who sent this in):

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Wearing a brightly colored headscarf and high-heeled boots, the woman refused to be bundled into the police van without a fight.

Protesting loudly and even trying to escape, her standoff with Iranian police cracking down on women violating the Islamic dress code lasted several minutes.

But the outcome of the drama shortly after dusk on a cold winter's day on Tehran's most famous boulevard was never in doubt.

Two female police officers in head-to-toe black chadors pushed her into the white vehicle which then drove off into the bustle of tree-lined Vali-ye Asr Avenue.

"Hijab problem," one male onlooker said, referring to the clothes women must wear in Iran to cover their hair and disguise the shape of their bodies to conform with Iran's Islamic laws.

Based in Tehran for the past year, I have often written about police detaining women who challenge the dress codes that have been more strictly enforced under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

But this was the first time I saw it happening.

To judge by the passers-by who stopped in the lamplight on the snowy pavement, or the people peeping out through the windows of the neighborhood grocery store where I was buying milk, my curiosity was shared.

The dark-haired woman, who appeared to be in her 30s, argued in a high-pitched voice with a burly, bearded male police officer towering over her in his green uniform.

When his female colleague put a hand on the woman's shoulder to lead her into the van, she angrily pushed it away and shouted. Then suddenly she turned and tried to run away.

She did not get far. The two female officers grabbed her and shoved her into the police vehicle. The door was slammed shut and the van disappeared into Tehran's evening rush hour....

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That Proper Interpretation of Islam which will allow for Muslims to coexist peacefully with non-Muslims as equals on an indefinite basis, without implementing any endeavor to impose Sharia, continues to be the great unicorn in which everyone believes but no one has actually seen.

It would be great for the Pakistani authorities to reform the madrassas. But what will be taught in the reformed madrassas? How will the reformed madrassas counter the jihadist claim to represent the pure, true teachings of Islam? If such a counter to that claim is readily available, why do the condemnations of terrorism by American Muslim advocacy groups continue to be so vague and hollow?

Everyone believes in this Proper Interpretation of Islam that is peaceful and tolerant -- why then is it so hard for Muslims actually to point to it and explain its contents in contradistinction to the Islamic arguments of the jihadists?

Perhaps in reply someone will trot out the soothing theories of some Western academic, the latest from Akbar Ahmed or Khaled Abou El Fadl or Reza Aslan or the moderate du jour. These are, however, in the final analysis, just that: theories. Where is the mainstream Islamic theological construct that abjures Islamic supremacism? The peaceful Muslims of the world, who exist in huge numbers, are the products of cultural and political factors, not of theological reform of Islam's jihad doctrines. Consequently the exponents of such doctrines can always portray themselves as the exponents of the full, and true, and pure practice of Islam. And they do.

By Hina Farooq and Adnan Lodhi in the Daily Times (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

LAHORE: Students from various educational institutions have concluded that misinterpretation of Islam is one of the major root causes of terrorism in Pakistan, which, according to them, has become a label for the country.

Talking to Daily Times, they said terrorism and extremism were being attributed to Pakistan across the world.

The students said that misinterpretation of Islam, poverty and unemployment had been the causes of terrorism in the country. Moreover, most of the students held external forces responsible for it, adding that violence had been nurtured during the Ziaul Haq regime. They said the madrassas (seminaries) that groomed students in the name of jihad (holy war) and ‘promoted’ extremism were also responsible for cultivating this scenario.

Memona Yousaf of the Lahore College for Women University said Pakistan’s image had been adversely affected by terrorism, which had given an open invitation to the United States to enter the country in the name of the fight against extremists. “The government is not taking positive steps to control the situation. The current strategies are leading us towards a civil war,” she said. “The government should control inflation, create internal peace boundaries, restore the judiciary, and maintain law and order in the country.”

Sanniya Khan of the Defence Degree College suggested that there were two schools of thought in the country; one was supporting liberalism and supporting the war against terrorism, and the other was promoting extremism, urging people to die in the name of jihad and fight for the spread of Islam. “The government is taking action to some extent, but only to show the western media that it is trying to resolve the issue,” she said. “ The government should facilitate and bring reforms in madrassas instead of attacking them, call back the Army from Waziristan and Swat, and negotiate with the militants in order to protect the lives of other Pakistanis.”

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"If you disagree, that must be met by counter-arguments, not by trying to silence people." I never have cared for tattoos, but there's a statement that I am tempted to go out and have emblazoned on my forehead.

An update on the UK Bishop who dared to note that some areas of Britain have turned into "no-go" areas for non-Muslims: "Bishop of Rochester reasserts 'no-go' claim," by Jonathan Wynne-Jones for the Telegraph (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, who received death threats for airing his views on Islamic issues, has vowed that he will continue to speak out.

His claim that Islamic extremism has turned some parts of Britain into "no-go" areas for non-Muslims led to fierce rows between political and religious leaders over the impact of multiculturalism on this country. [...]

The bishops' views in The Sunday Telegraph sparked a storm of criticism and raised questions over the role of the Church in society but, most seriously for Dr Nazir-Ali, led to threats that he and his family would be harmed.

Yet, in his first interview since the sinister calls were made to his home, the Bishop of Rochester remains steadfastly defiant. He will not be silenced. "I believe people should not be prevented from speaking out," he says. "The issue had to be raised. There are times when Christian leaders have to speak out."

He arrived in Britain in the 1980s and seems to have taken up the mantle for defending the country's values he fears are being threatened by a loss of its Christian heritage.

Dressed casually in a roll-neck jumper and sports jacket, he seems relaxed now as he walks around his study in Bishopscourt, but it has clearly been a stressful time.

Threats were made warning that he would not "live long" and would be "sorted out" if he continued to criticise Islam.

"If you disagree, that must be met by counter-arguments, not by trying to silence people. It was a threat not just to me, but to my family. I took it seriously, so did the police. It gave me sleepless nights."

However, it's not the first time that his life has been endangered.

Shortly after being made a bishop in Pakistan - at 35 he was the youngest in the Anglican Church - he was forced to flee to Britain to seek refuge from Muslims who wanted to kill him.

He says that he never expected to suffer the same treatment in Britain and expresses concerns over recent social developments.

"The real danger to Britain today is the spiritual and moral vacuum that has occurred for the last 40 or 50 years. When you have such a vacuum something will fill it.

"If people are not given a fresh way of understanding what it means to be a Christian and what it means to be a Christian-based society then something else may well take the place of all that we're used to and that could be Islam."

Indeed. Read it all.

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More stealthy advancement of Sharia under the guise of religious rights.

"Muslims want unis to fit prayer time," by Richard Kerbaj and Milanda Rout for The Australian (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

MUSLIM university students want lectures to be rescheduled to fit in with prayer timetables and separate male and female eating and recreational areas established on Australian campuses.

International Muslim students, predominantly from Saudi Arabia, have asked universities in Melbourne to change class times so they can attend congregational prayers. They also want a female-only area for Muslim students to eat and relax.

But at least one institution has rejected their demands, arguing that the university is secular and it does not want to set a precedent for requests granted in the name of religious beliefs....

Good for them.

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Sunni-Shi'ite Jihad Update. "Bombers, gunmen attack Shiite pilgrimage in Iraq," from CNN:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A suicide bomber killed at least 40 Shiite pilgrims and wounded 60 others Sunday as the pilgrims made their way to Karbala to commemorate one of the holiest days of the Shiite calendar, the Interior Ministry said.
Women and children were among the casualties, the official said. Most of those killed or wounded were pilgrims.
It marked the second deadly attack on pilgrims Sunday, the official said.
The bomber detonated an explosive vest in Iskandariya about 3 p.m. while the pilgrims were en route to Karbala for al-Arbaeen, the official said. The holiday falls on Wednesday.
Earlier Sunday, militants armed with guns and grenades attacked a group of pilgrims in southern Baghdad, killing three people and wounding more than 30 others, officials said.
The wounded included two police officers, the ministry said.
Iraqi officials had expected problems for pilgrims and issued a ban on carts in Baghdad on Friday.
A Defense Ministry official said the ban was ordered after a horse-drawn carriage blew up near a restaurant in the Karrada district, killing three civilians and wounding six others.
There was no indication when the ban would be lifted.
Every year, thousands of pilgrims amass in Karbala for al-Arbaeen, which commemorates the end of a 40-day mourning period for Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed.
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Ahmadinejad warns the West about its insolence. "U.S., allies should 'apologize' for sanctions on Iran: Ahmadinejad," from CBC News (thanks to Hot Air):

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on the U.S. and its allies Saturday to "apologize" to Iran for accusing it of seeking nuclear weapons, and said no amount of sanctions would deter his country from pursuing its uranium enrichment program.

"If they want to continue with that path of sanctions, we will not be harmed," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying Saturday during a television address. "They can issue resolutions for 100 years."

It comes a day after a report by the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency found Iran has increased transparency in its atomic program, but still has not shown enough evidence to demonstrate its goals are peaceful.

But Ahmadinejad said the report vindicated Iran and warned that his country would take unspecified "reciprocal measures" against any country that imposed additional sanctions against it.

The best way for the U.S. and its allies to "compensate for their mistakes" is to "apologize and pay compensation," he added....

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Back off or else. "Pakistan Taliban warn new government to keep clear," by Kamran Haider for Reuters:

ISLAMABAD, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Pakistan militants linked to al-Qaeda warned any incoming civilian government on Sunday that they would strike even more viciously if President Pervez Musharraf's war on terror was continued in tribal areas.

Following last week's inconclusive election, several political parties are in talks to form a coalition big enough for a ruling majority in the National Assembly. How they deal with the militants will be one of their most pressing challenges.

Maulvi Omar, a spokesman for the Pakistan Taliban, told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location that any new operation against militants in tribal areas would lead to violence. "Whoever makes the government, we want to make it clear to them we don't want fighting. We want peace, but if they impose war on us, we will not spare them," he said.

"We don't want political parties to repeat the mistake which Musharraf committed and follow a path dictated by the U.S."

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I am pleased to announce that my weekly Jihad Watch Blogging the Qur'an series is now being translated into Italian by Professor Paolo "Buraq" Mantellini. You can find the segments on the first three suras here, and more are coming. Molto grazie, Buraq!

You can also find it in German here, and in Czech here.

Oh, and it's also in English.

UPDATE: I was just informed that Blogging the Qur'an is also available in Danish.

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Roger Kimball at Pajamas Media makes a modest proposal for resisting the spread of Sharia in Britain.

[...] That’s the new mantra, you know: “for fear of offending Muslims.” We don’t give away piggy banks (to say nothing of other “pig related items”) “for fear of offending Muslims.” We don’t draw cartoons of Mohammad “for fear of offending Muslims.” We mustn’t publish articles pointing out the demographic disparity between the Muslims of Canada and Europe and other parts of the population “for fear of offending Muslims.” We mustn’t even publish books saying critical things about “Saudis and terrorists” “for fear of offending Muslims.”

It’s all part of the campaign of soft jihad. Traditional jihad is waged with scimitars and their contemporary equivalents, e.g., stolen Boeing 767s, which make handy instruments of mass homicide. Soft jihad is a quieter affair: it uses and abuses the language and the principles of democratic liberalism not to secure the institutions and attitudes that make freedom possible but, on the contrary, to undermine that freedom and pave the way for self-righteous, theocratic intolerance. Soft jihad is patient. It can add and multiply as well as Mark Steyn can (and here). It, too, sees the demographic writing on the wall and is content to wait a few years to occupy the West’s real estate—it’s so much easier, when you come right down to it, than blowing the stuff up and then finding yourself with a massive clean-up and rebuilding bill. Just sit tight and watch the infidels tie themselves into knots making excuses for you while, elsewhere in their lives, they embrace barrenness as an “environmentally friendly” alternative to Genesis 1:28.

Speaking as a right-wing, knuckle-dragging Eurocentric infidel, however, I feel it incumbent on me to point out that where traditional jihad is probably best dealt with by talented chaps like General Petraeus, soft jihad might often be more effectively countered by quieter crusades. Clever readers will doubtless have many fertile ideas to contribute to the fulfillment of what I hope will become the West’s new Quiet Crusade to make the World Safe for Christendom (remember that?). Here’s a modest proposal to get the ball rolling. It was suggested to me by another story from the London Times today. Under a headline shouting “Muslims shocked to learn that crisps contain alcohol” is the illuminating news that that Walkers snacks “contain traces of alcohol” and that eating them is therefore prohibited by Islam.

Shuja Shafi, who chairs the food standards committee of the Muslim Council of Britain, said that he intended to investigate. “Certainly we would find it very offensive to have eaten food with alcohol.”

Is that so? Well, here’s my modest proposal, which I offer to British Food and Beverage industry free and for nothing: start putting a bit of alcohol in everything edible or potable. There are, of course, other reasons for wishing to increase one’s usual consumption of alcohol, but here is a patriotic imperative to guide you: what if you went into Harrod’s food hall or your local grocery shop and every item had at least some trace amount of alcohol (or, alternatively, pork residue)? I understand that there might be certain logistical difficulties, but if the EU can effectively police the system of mensuration used in its jurisdiction, if it can prohibit certain types of bananas because they deviate too markedly from the perpendicular, then surely they can employ the vast apparatus of their bureaucracy to assure that a drop of alcohol or a dollop of bacon fat is added to any food stuff sold in Britain.

It’s only a start, I realize, but from a tiny acorn the might oak does grow.

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How ironic that a site that has richly earned the moniker DhimmiTube still can't please the Pakistanis.

"Pakistan blocks YouTube for 'blasphemous' content: officials," from AFP (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

ISLAMABAD (AFP) — Pakistan has ordered all Internet service providers to block the YouTube website for containing "blasphemous" content and material considered offensive to Islam, officials said Sunday.

An inter-ministerial committee has decided to block YouTube because it contained "blasphemous content, videos and documents," a government official told AFP.

"The site will remain blocked till further orders," he said.

Other officials said the site had been blocked because it contained controversial sketches of the Prophet Mohammed which were republished by Danish newspapers earlier this month.

One major service provider, Micronet, said in an email to subscribers that the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority had directed all ISPs to block access to YouTube "for containing blasphemous web content/movies."...

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Worth three years in the slammer?

Sanity in Belarus, yes, but note that Reuters continues the increasingly common practice of referring to the "Prophet Muhammad," as if his prophetic status is a universally accepted truth. Imagine the outcry if they published a story referring to "the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," with a similar lack of qualifiers.

An update on this story. "Belarus court frees Mohammad cartoon publisher," by Andrei Makhovsky for Reuters (thanks to Jammie Wearing Fool):

MINSK (Reuters) - Belarus's Supreme Court on Friday freed an editor jailed for reproducing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, one of three detainees whose release is seen by the West as key to improving ties with the ex-Soviet state.

Alexander Sdvizhkov, editor of the independent Zgoda (consensus) newspaper, was jailed for three years last month. He was freed after Belarus's Supreme Court reduced his sentence to three months.

"The Supreme Court backed the appeal and, based on health and humanitarian considerations, reduced the sentence to three months," said court spokeswoman Anastasia Tsimanovich. "Given the time spent in detention, he was released."

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By now you have all probably seen the latest: Muslims in Britain are outraged that some potato chips contain trace amounts of alcohol that was not listed on the packaging.

"Muslims shocked to learn that crisps contain alcohol," by Valerie Elliott for the Times (thanks to Jammie Wearing Fool):

Senior Muslim figures have said that they are shocked that a number of Walkers snacks contain traces of alcohol and eating them is therefore against their religion.

A tiny amount of alcohol is used in some products as a chemical agent to extract flavour.

The use of alcohol was discovered by Besharat Rehman, who owns a halal supermarket in Bradford, and reported in the Eastern Eye. Mr Rehman said: “Our suppliers were unaware of the alcohol. Walkers must make it clear on the packaging so customers can make an informed choice.”

Shuja Shafi, who chairs the food standards committee of the Muslim Council of Britain, said that he intended to investigate. “Certainly we would find it very offensive to have eaten food with alcohol.” [...]

However, a Walkers consumer care team representative was unapologetic. She said: “There is not enough room on the packaging to list things beyond allergy-causing ingredients that can make people ill. A minimal amount of alcohol is used to extract the flavour of some crisps.”

Snacks that are likely to be boycotted by Muslims are Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli, Doritos Chilli Heat Wave and Quavers Cheese.

I haven't put this up sooner because -- unless Potato Chip Riots break out -- this particular outrage is not unreasonable. I don't think it's an example of the cultural mau-mauing we see with increasing frequency from Muslims in Britain and the U.S., but since it is getting attention everywhere, I thought I should comment on it here. Anyone who fasts or abstains from certain foods, or avoids them for any reason, Muslim or non-Muslim, ought to be able to know what he's eating. The Muslims in this case have a legitimate grievance. What they will do in response may not be legitimate, but that doesn't change the fact that the potato chip manufacturer simply should do what it takes to list all the ingredients.

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An update, and clarification, on this story. "The law of the land: Adopting Shariah is no way to bridge cultures," from the Dallas Morning News (thanks to Joe):

...First, let's debunk the myth: Shariah is not now and should never be a part of the Texas legal code. We live in a secular society where the laws are designed specifically not to be influenced by religion or reflect a religious preference.

The question arose when an Arlington Muslim couple, Rola and Jamal Qaddura, filed for divorce in 1999. After prolonged court battles, they agreed to arbitration by a private Richardson-based group, the Texas Islamic Court. The arbitration agreement wound up in the 2nd Court of Appeals in Fort Worth, which upheld its validity in 2005.

Throughout the case, our courts never relinquished judicial control. And that's how it must always be. In the eyes of the law, the Texas Islamic Court has zero judicial authority and was brought in only as a private civil arbiter, a common practice.

The British and U.S. secular legal systems are rooted in the Magna Carta. The law of our land should never adapt to the ebb and flow of migrants from countries where other legal codes prevail – particularly not a religious code like Shariah, which authorizes harsh treatment of women and severing the hands of thieves....

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It isn't as if we haven't seen this coming. For years now I have pointed out the shallowness and flimsiness of condemnations of terror by American Islamic groups, and noted that American mosques and schools have no programs to teach against the jihad ideology and Islamic supremacism, as one might have expected them to institute after 9/11 if they really stood where they claimed they stood.

And in 1999, the Naqshbandi Sufi Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani testified before a State Department open forum that eighty percent of American mosques had extremist leadership. And then there was the January 2005 report from the Center for Religious Freedom, "Saudi publications on Hate Ideology Fill American Mosques" (pdf here).

"Study: 3 in 4 U.S. mosques preach anti-West extremism," from WorldNetDaily (thanks to TCS):

An undercover survey of more than 100 mosques and Islamic schools in America has exposed widespread radicalism, including the alarming finding that 3 in 4 Islamic centers are hotbeds of anti-Western extremism, WND has learned.

The Mapping Sharia in America Project, sponsored by the Washington-based Center for Security Policy, has trained former counterintelligence and counterterrorism agents from the FBI, CIA and U.S. military, who are skilled in Arabic and Urdu, to conduct undercover reconnaissance at some 2,300 mosques and Islamic centers and schools across the country.

"So far of 100 mapped, 75 should be on a watchlist," an official familiar with the project said.

Many of the Islamic centers are operating under the auspices of the Saudi Arabian government and U.S. front groups for the radical Muslim Brotherhood based in Egypt.

Frank Gaffney, a former Pentagon official who runs the Center for Security Policy, says the results of the survey have not yet been published. But he confirmed that "the vast majority" are inciting insurrection and jihad through sermons by Saudi-trained imams and anti-Western literature, videos and textbooks.

The project, headed by David Yerushalmi, a lawyer and expert on sharia law, has finished collecting data from the first cohort of 102 mosques and schools. Preliminary findings indicate that almost 80 percent of the group exhibit a high level of sharia-compliance and jihadi threat, including:

* Ultra-orthodox worship in which women are separated from men in the prayer hall and must enter the mosque from a separate, usually back, entrance; and are required to wear hijabs.

* Sermons that preach women are inferior to men and can be beaten for disobedience; that non-Muslims, particularly Jews, are infidels and inferior to Muslims; that jihad or support of jihad is not only a Muslim's duty but the noblest way, and suicide bombers and other so-called "martyrs" are worthy of the highest praise; and that an Islamic caliphate should one day encompass the U.S.

* Solicitation of financial support for jihad.

* Bookstores that sell books, CDs and DVDs promoting jihad and glorifying martyrdom.

Though not all mosques in America are radicalized, many have tended to serve as safe havens and meeting points for Islamic terrorist groups. Experts say there are at least 40 episodes of extremists and terrorists being connected to mosques in the past decade alone.

Some of the 9/11 hijackers, in fact, received aid and counsel from one of the largest mosques in the Washington, D.C., area. Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center is one of the mosques indentified by undercover investigators as a hive of terrorist activity and other extremism.

It was founded and is currently run by leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. Imams there preach what is called "jihad qital," which means physical jihad, and incite violence and hatred against the U.S.

Dar al-Hijrah's ultimate goal, investigators say, is to turn the U.S. into an Islamic state governed by sharia law.

Another D.C.-area mosque, the ADAMS Center, was founded and financed by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and has been one of the top distributors of Wahhabist anti-Semitic and anti-Christian dogma.

Even with such radical mosques operating in its backyard, the U.S. government has not undertaken its own systematic investigation of U.S. mosques....

Which is an ongoing scandal.

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February 23, 2008

"The newspaper report said the men who were arrested Thursday could be released if they could prove they did not flirt with any women. Otherwise, they will be transferred to court and stand trial."

Sharia Alert. "Saudi Men Busted for Flirting With Women in Public," from the Associated Press:

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia began interrogating 57 men Saturday who were arrested after allegedly flirting with women in front of a shopping mall in the holy city of Mecca, a local newspaper reported.
The country's religious police arrested the men Thursday night, alleging behavior that included dancing to pop music blaring from their cars and wearing improper clothing, according to the Okaz newspaper, which is deemed close to the government.
The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice runs the religious police, who are charged with enforcing Saudi Arabia's strict Islamic lifestyle.
Its members patrol public places to make sure women are covered and not wearing make up, the sexes don't mingle, shops close five times a day for Muslim prayers and men go to the mosque and worship.
The police — informally known as the muttawa, literally "enforcer" — don't wear uniforms. But they are recognizable by their long beards and their robes, shorter than the ones normally worn by Saudi men. They also shun the black cord that sits atop the headdress worn by most Saudi men.
Women in Saudi Arabia are required to wear a long, enveloping black cloak called an abaya and to cover their hair with a headscarf.
The newspaper report said the men who were arrested Thursday could be released if they could prove they did not flirt with any women. Otherwise, they will be transferred to court and stand trial, the paper added.
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It wasn't long ago that a Yemeni political analyst noted: "Yemen is like a bus station — we stop some terrorists, and we send others on to fight elsewhere ... We appease our partners in the West, but we are not really helping."

Friend and Ally Update. "American Among FBI Most Wanted Terrorists Appears in Yemen Court, Walks Free," from the Associated Press:

SAN`A, Yemen — A Yemeni-American, one of the FBI's 26 "most wanted" for terrorism, appeared at a session of his trial in a Yemeni court Saturday with bodyguards and then walked free, apparently not subject to any form of incarceration, eyewitnesses said.
The 41-year-old Jaber Elbaneh attended a session of the trial for him and 22 other Al Qaeda members charged for a series attacks on oil facilities, an eyewitness said speaking on condition of anonymity because of security concerns.
Footage of the suspect entering and leaving the court unimpeded also appeared on the Dubai-based pan-Arab satellite channel, al-Arabiya.
"He entered the courtroom surrounded by four bodyguards, introduced himself to the judge then he left," the eyewitness said about Elbaneh who is believed to be living with his family in the province of al-Dalai, some 220 kilometers south of San'a, despite being on trial.
According to the FBI Web site, the State Department is offering up to US$5 million for information leading to his arrest.
Elbaneh was convicted and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in November in a lower court on charges of masterminding two attacks in the eastern Marid and Hadramawt provinces in Sept. 2006.
He and 22 other Al Qaeda prisoners broke out of their Yemeni jail in February 2006 by digging a tunnel to a nearby mosque.
He surrendered in May to Yemen authorities but was then never sent back to jail despite the ongoing trial.
Security authorities have declined to comment about Elbaneh legal situation.
In May 2003, U.S. prosecutors charged Elbaneh in absentia with conspiring with a group, known as the "Lackawanna Six" after their New York state hometown, to provide material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization.
The U.S. then asked Yemen to hand over Elbaneh and while he was subsequently arrested by authorities in January 2004, he was never extradited.
Elbaneh is a former resident of Lackawanna, N.Y. He left the United States in spring 2001 as part of a larger group that traveled to Usama bin Laden's al-Farooq training camp in Afghanistan.
Al Qaeda has an active presence in Yemen despite government efforts to destroy the network. The group was blamed for the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole destroyer in Aden that killed 17 American sailors and the attack on a French oil tanker, the Limburg, that killed one person two years later.

Things like this certainly call into question the sincerity of those "government efforts to destroy the network."

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Muhammad Djabir has summed it up well: "Enough is enough. They have to stop insulting Islam." That's the position of the OIC, Qaradawi, and all the rest. Will the West acquiesce and place Islam beyond insult, unlike virtually anything or anyone else? The jury is still out.

"Indonesians Protest Muhammad Drawings," from AP (thanks to all who sent this in):

SURABAYA, Indonesia (AP) — Muslims protested in two Indonesian cities Saturday over drawings in Denmark portraying the Prophet Muhammad, with some calling for the artist to be put to death.

"Enough is enough. They have to stop insulting Islam," said Muhammad Djabir, one of about 1,000 protesters in the mostly Muslim country's second-largest city, Surabaya.

Others in the crowd outside the Danish consulate shouted "Death sentence for the cartoonist!" [...]

Protesters also gathered in Medan, Indonesia's third largest city.

"There is a big agenda among enemies of Islam to discredit the faith and we cannot just keep quiet," said protester Zainuddin, who goes by a single name....

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Knorbert the piglet: haram

European Cultural Collapse Update. "Piggy banks are given the chop as bank tries to attract young Muslims," by David Charter in the Times (thanks to all who sent this in):

Knorbert the piglet has been dropped as the mascot of Fortis Bank after it decided to stop giving piggy banks to children for fear of offending Muslims.

The decision has been viewed in the Netherlands as the ritual slaughter of a popular pig by political correctness. To some, it is the latest sign of uncertainty in Europe's most tolerant country about how far it should go to accommodate the sensitivities of minorities. It comes as the country is braced for a backlash against the plans of Geert Wilders, a right-wing politician, to release a critical film about the Koran.

Pigs are considered an unclean animal by Muslims and Jews, and Knorbert was culled after seven years as the Fortis mascot. A spokesman told the Dutch media that “Knorbert does not meet the requirements that the multicultural society imposes on us”. The bank added that there had been “a number of reactions to the pig” and that a new gift and character were being developed that would be “fun for children of any persuasion”. Children who had received a Knorbert piggy bank for opening a EuroKids account will be given a junior encyclopaedia instead....

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Which star is Denmark again?

Motoons Rage Update. "Pakistani cartoon protesters burn Danish, US flags," from Agence France Presse via the Khaleej Times (hence the "pbuh"):

KARACHI - Hundreds of angry Muslim youths rallied in major cities in Pakistan on Friday and torched Danish flags to protest against the recent republication of a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
Witnesses said about 150 supporters of fundamentalist party Jamaat-i-Islami gathered outside a mosque in the port city of Karachi, flying banners demanding Pakistan sever diplomatic ties with Denmark.
“We don’t need to have diplomatic relations with a country that hurts our religious sentiments,” the banners read, as demonstrators burned Danish and US flags and chanted: “Death to the cartoonist.”
In the capital Islamabad, cries of “Say no to Denmark” rang out as about 300 students from colleges and Islamic schools crowded outside the city’s biggest mosque, witnesses said.
They burned an effigy of the Danish cartoonist amid chants of ”Crush Denmark” and “We love our Prophet.”
Up to 200 religious studies students held similar rallies in the central city of Multan.
Protest leaders vowed to continue their demonstrations.
“We are observing this protest across the country today and we would not avoid sacrificing our lives for this sacred cause,” said Syed Riaz Hussain Shah, one of the demonstrators.
To Muslims, such drawings are blasphemous since Islam prohibits any images of the prophet.
Pakistan on Tuesday summoned the Danish envoy in Islamabad to lodge a “strong protest” over republication of the cartoons in Denmark.
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It is noteworthy that Egypt is monitoring this situation very closely, but we have never heard of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry monitoring, closely or otherwise, any of the acts of violence committed in the name of Islam, which have led to this film's being made in the first place. From AFP (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

CAIRO (AFP) — Egypt on Friday deplored what it called gratuitous attacks on Islam and said it was closely monitoring plans by a Dutch filmmaker to release an anti-Koran film.

"It is regrettable that European lawmakers and politicians use gratuitous methods to gain electoral votes by attacking the sacred values and religions of others," foreign ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki said in a statement.

Dutch far-right deputy Geert Wilders has said he will be airing on television in the Netherlands in March a controversial anti-Islam film called "Fitna" (Ordeal), which accuses the Koran of inciting people to murder.

Such politicians, Zaki said in reference to Wilders, "focus their hatred on Islam" and plan to broadcast a film undermining Islamic symbols.

These acts "feed hatred against Muslims and encourage extremism and confrontation instead of opting for dialogue based on mutual respect," Zaki said.

Egypt is monitoring the situation "very closely," he added, but also noted the "comprehension" of the Dutch authorities over Cairo's concerns....

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Livni says, "All indirect support for Hamas, even via discussions about opening the [border] crossings or about the humanitarian situation, only weakens those parties that are interested in reaching a [diplomatic] agreement." True. The only problem with her statement is that she likely believes, or is compelled to say publicly, that Fatah is one of those parties interested in a peaceful settlement that will allow Israel to continue to exist indefinitely. Fatah will happily sign an agreement, but that will not end the jihad against Israel even for its part.

"U.S. to announce new aid plan for West Bank, Gaza," by Barak Ravid for Haaretz (thanks to Sr. Soph):

The United States plans to announce tens of millions of dollars in new aid for the West Bank and Gaza next week to ease the humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian territories, U.S. officials said on Friday.

The funds will be channeled through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees, which handles U.S. and other assistance for food, health, education and other areas, said U.S. officials, who declined to provide the exact figure as the official announcement will be made during a trip to the region next week.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will meet with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice while both are in Japan next week. The meeting was requested by Rice. It is particularly surprising because Rice is due to come to Jerusalem for a working visit the following week....

Government officials predicted that the meeting would focus on the situation in the Gaza Strip, and said that Rice probably wanted to express her concern over the humanitarian situation there.

General William Fraser, the U.S. envoy responsible for monitoring implementation of the road map peace plan, visited Israel this week and met with officials in the Prime Minister's Office, the defense establishment and the Foreign Ministry. Fraser's job is to determine whether both sides are fulfilling their obligations under the road map's first stage, which includes evacuating illegal settlement outposts for Israel and fighting terror for the Palestinian Authority. [...]

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni responded to these sentiments at two different diplomatic meetings Thursday, one with the Romanian foreign minister and one with the EU envoy for the peace process, Marc Otte.

"Europe must understand that Hamas is not an organization that is interested in setting up a Palestinian state," she told her Romanian counterpart. "It is not seeking rights for the Palestinians; it wants to deprive others of their rights."

"All indirect support for Hamas, even via discussions about opening the [border] crossings or about the humanitarian situation, only weakens those parties that are interested in reaching a [diplomatic] agreement," she said. "The Palestinian people has no future with Hamas, and Israel will continue to fight the terror that Hamas perpetrates."

At her meeting with Otte, Livni was even blunter. "Israel wants to advance the diplomatic process, but we cannot allow ourselves to close our eyes to the difficult reality of terror in Gaza," she said. "The international community's desire to see a change on the ground sometimes leads it to ignore the reality and is liable to [lead it to] push for compromises that those who live here cannot permit themselves. Europe ought to understand that it is either Hamas or the moderates."

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February 22, 2008

It is divine law. "Hezbollah slams Israel vows to avenge Mughniah," from AFP (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah on Friday vowed to avenge the death of one of his group's top militants through the destruction of Israel, which he said was destined to disappear.

"The disappearance of Israel is inevitable, it is divine law," said Nasrallah at a ceremony to mourn the death of Hezbollah top commander Imad Mughniah and other militants killed in attacks blamed on Israel.

"The presence of Israel is but temporary and cannot go on in the region," Nasrallah added in comments transmitted via video link to thousands of Hezbollah supporters massed in southern Beirut. "Oh Hajj Imad, I swear by God that your blood will not have been spilled in vain."...

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You gotta use your head to understand these things

Dhimmi Saudi-funded academic John Esposito has praised Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi as a "reformist," and here he is reforming, saying that it is wrong to calls today's Jews apes and pigs. (Actually, there is nothing reformist about this -- it is a mainstream and venerable Islamic position, as I explain in this segment of my Blogging the Qur'an series.)

It would be wrong to call them names, you see, but not wrong to murder them.

"Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi, Recently Barred from the U.K., Reiterates His Position on Suicide Bombings and Declares: Jews Are Not the Offspring of Apes and Pigs," from MEMRTV (thanks to all who sent this in):

Following are excerpts from addresses by Islamic scholar Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi, which aired on Al-Hiwar TV on February 15, 2008 and on Al-Jazeera TV on February 18, 2008.

Al-Hiwar TV, February 15, 2008:

Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: I am known in the Islamic world as the preacher of the mainstream.


I sanctioned these operations to anybody who is forced to carry them out in defense of his homeland. In my opinion, our brothers in Palestine are forced to do so. In Iraq, they have a wide variety of weapons. They are able to use weapons against their enemies. But the weapons of the Palestinian brothers are no match for their enemies' weapons – they do not have even one percent or one permille of their weapons. That's why I sanctioned these operations for [the Palestinians], but not for [the Iraqis]. In addition, I did not approve using this kind of operation in New York and Washington, on September 11, 2001. I did not approve of these operations in the London and Madrid bombings. I sanctioned bombings and sacrifice operations for the Palestinians only – not because their enemies are Jews, but because they are occupiers, and the Palestinians cannot fight them. They kill Palestinians on a daily basis, destroy their homes, burn their fields, uproot their trees, and so on.

Al-Jazeera TV, February 18, 2008:

I denounced some contemporary religious preachers, who curse the Jews and the Christians, saying: "Allah, annihilate the Jews and the Christians." Where did this come from? There are Jews and Christians in our Muslim countries. There are Copts in Egypt, and Christians in Syria. So how can you curse them? Not only that, but they curse: "Allah, turn their children in orphans," "Allah, destroy their homes." Who sanctioned such prayers? The Koran does not call to turn children into orphans or to destroy homes. There are no such things in the prayers of the Prophet Muhammad.

I denounced some people who said that the Jews are the offspring of apes and pigs. That's not true. When God transformed some people into apes and pigs, they did not have any offspring, as is written in the Al-Muslim compilation. When God transforms people into something else, they do not have offspring. They die and are annihilated straight away. Besides, this is a curse, and Islam forbids cursing.

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Some might characterize this as a generous ecumenical gesture, but in any case it is one that will never in a million years be remotely reciprocated. "Church of England donates cash to aid Muslim prayer," by Ruth Gledhill for The Times :

A diocese of the Church of England is giving an unprecedented £250,000 towards a multi-faith building in which the largest amount of worship space will be reserved for Muslims.

The Guildford diocese is one of the wealthiest in the UK. The Bishop of Guildford, the Right Rev Christopher Hill, today handed over the £250,000 cheque to Surrey University for the first multi-faith building of its kind in Britain.

The £6.5 million building will contain separate worship spaces for the Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Sikh communities, along with a further shared space for Buddhists and Hindus.

All faiths will share the cafe in the basement, with a shared staircase down from the upper floors.

Converting each other will be strictly forbidden, an insider said, but it is hoped that the different faith members will form friendships, learn to respect each other and enhance each other’s understanding.

Muslim chaplain Dr Abdul Mateen Sansom, said: “As well as being a sorely needed practical solution to student needs, I believe the design and underpinning ethos of this project have potential for notable impact nationally and internationally.”

I expect it will at that.

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Again. From WorldNetDaily :

WASHINGTON – Two more Iraqis with false Bulgarian passports were detained by Mexican officials in Monterrey – bringing the total to four this month.

Wisam Gorgies, a 34-year-old man, and Rana Nazar Peyoz, a 26-year-old woman, reportedly flew from Madrid and landed in Monterrey, according to reports in two Mexican newspapers today.

Following questioning, the pair admitted they intended to reach the United States. They were taken to Saltillo in the state of Coahuila, for final determination of their status.

Mexican officials said the are investigating "a network that could be made up of Mexicans operating in Greece who are selling false Bulgarian passports for $10,000 to European and Middle Eastern citizens."

Earlier this month, El Universal, a daily in Mexico City, reported two other Iraqis, Markos Ramy, a 25-year-old man, and Sollem Pate, a 20-year-old woman, presented Bulgarian passports upon arrival at the Monterrey airport after a flight from Spain.

They told customs officials they came as tourists for a couple days. But because they spoke no Bulgarian, their passports were determined to be fraudulent. The Bulgarian consulate did not acknowledge them as citizens and their hotel reservations proved to be phony.

Only after their cover story was blown did the couple admit to being Iraqis. They claimed to be fleeing the war.

Last year, dozens of Iraqis were discovered attempting to enter Monterrey with phony ID – 17 of them in a single event.

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The employment of "filthy bacteria" by Iran's Ahmadinejad can be compared not only to the imagery, with murderous consequences, of the Nazis, but to the standard Arab metaphor for Israel. It is a "cancer." Now one does not merely shrink the size of a cancer,but allow it to remain. One excises it, removes it, altogether --sometimes by first shrinking it, and then removing what fails to disappear entirely, sometimes by simply cutting the whole thing out.

By their metaphors shall ye know them. And that "cancer" metaphor for Israel (like Ahmadinejad's Der-Stuermer-like "filthy bacteria") is telling. An Infidel nation-state interrupts the smooth flow of the Dar al-Islam. If Arab Muslims actually had the slightest bit of real "tolerance" in the Western sense, they would first come to understand that in the vast areas of the Middle East and North Africa, there are others besides themselves -- both non-Muslims such as the Jews now in-gathered into their historic homeland which they managed to rebuild with no natural resources and, until the last few decades, almost no aid save what co-religionists sent, but also Christians (the Copts who are the descendants of the original inhabitants of Egypt who managed to reject islamization), the Maronites in the Lebanon, the Chaldo-Assyrians, and smaller groups), and non-Arab Muslims (the Kurds, the Berbers). They have a chance to redeem themselves from the charge that Islam treats non-Muslims only as inferiors, allowed to avoid the other alternatives (death or conversion) only by submitting to the status of dhimmi, by accepting the Infidel nation-state of Israel. But in order to win this redemption they must do so not with treacherous intent, not trying merely to win its trust so as to inveigle it and its Western supporters to get it to be diminished even further in size, with no control over invasion routes, or aquifers, and then to renew the pressure until daily life in Israel becomes so intolerable, so perilous, that there will be an out-migration and a weakening within, and the Arabs can go in for the kill.

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1938 Alert. By Markus Becker in Spiegel Online (thanks to DFS):

New simulations carried out by European Union experts come to an alarming conclusion: Iran could have enough highly enriched uranium to build an atomic bomb by the end of this year.

Could Iran be building an atomic bomb? When the US released a new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) late last year, it seemed as though the danger of a mullah-bomb had passed. The report claimed to have information indicating that Tehran mothballed its nuclear weapons program as early as autumn 2003. The paper also said that it was "very unlikely" that Iran would have enough highly enriched uranium -- the primary ingredient in atomic bombs -- by 2009 to produce such a weapon. Rather, the NIE indicated "Iran probably would be technically capable of producing enough (highly enriched uranium) for a weapon sometime during the 2010-2015 timeframe."

It didn't take long for experts to question the report's conclusion that Tehran was no longer interested in building the bomb. And now, a new computer simulation undertaken by European Union experts indicates that the NIE's time estimates might be dangerously inaccurate as well -- and that Iran might have enough fuel for a bomb much earlier than was previously thought.

Read it all.

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"Damage their buildings with everything, damage their lives - just show them." Show them that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet, you see. Piety.

"Jihad call for maximum damage, trial told," by Katie Bice in the Herald Sun (thanks to JE):

THE alleged leader of a home-grown terror cell told two Sydney associates they should cause maximum damage in the name of jihad.

The Supreme Court heard Abdul Nacer Benbrika spoke with two men from interstate in February 2005 about a 1600-page document he had found on the internet.

The court heard he told them: "If we want to die with jihad we do maximum damage," he said.

"Damage their buildings with everything, damage their lives - just show them.

"You be careful (inaudible) trust no one."

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Not surprisingly, this article doesn't let on that Islam could have anything to do with that, what with wife beating sanctioned in Qur'an 4:34, and in the sayings and example of Muhammad. He himself struck his child bride, Aisha, for following him out of the house without permission; her father, Abu Bakr, is recorded hitting her even after her marriage to Muhammad. And on the subject of leaving the home, Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveler) instructs:

The husband may forbid his wife to leave the home because of the hadith related by Bayhaqi that the Prophet ... said: "It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to allow someone into her husband's house if he is opposed, or to go out if he is averse" (m10.4).

If women's rights activists and would-be Muslim reformers truly wish to make a difference in combating domestic violence, they must confront passages such as these.

"Muslims speak up about domestic violence," from Deutsche Presse-Agentur:

SYDNEY - Women and children are beaten by their menfolk in homes across Australia. Mostly the spur to domestic violence is alcohol but sometimes cultural mores are at work that allow men to excuse their behaviour.
“They view wives and daughters as an extension of their honour and when they deviate from what they would view as accepted ... they see it as an undermining of their own status,” said Sydney psychiatrist Tanveer Ahmed.
He was talking about violence in Muslim homes and commenting specifically on a call from the Muslim Women’s National Network Australia (MWNNA) to tackle those in the community who use religion to justify domestic violence.
“It’s a real problem,” MWNNA president Aziza Abdel-Halim told The Sydney Morning Herald. “There’s wife beating, there’s children beating. Some of them go to the extent of forbidding the woman to leave the home.”
Ahmed said Muslim victims of domestic violence were reluctant to go to the police. If they went to the imam of their mosque, he was likely to side with the perpetrator.
“Very rarely would you get the imam trying to punish the man,” he said. “They’ll see it more as, if not culturally appropriate, then culturally understandable.”
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February 21, 2008

That is, about the jihad. Ain't it the truth.

"US Military Commanders Bemoan Lack of Concern About Terror Threat," by Julie Stahl for CNSNews.com (thanks to all who sent this in):

Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) - While Islamic fundamentalist terrorists are seeking to destroy the Western way of life, Americans are more concerned about the life of movie stars and going out for a hamburger than issues crucial to their freedom, several senior retired American military officers said here.

"We know far more in the United States about what Britney Spears is doing than we know about the issues," said retired U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Norman Saunders.

Speaking to a small group of reporters on the sidelines of the fifth annual Jerusalem Conference, Saunders said that the U.S. faces a "very serious challenge from the fanatical Muslim population that would seek to do away with the way of life of the Western World as we know it."

"We listen to our presidential candidates - [in] what is probably a very critical election for our country if not the world - talk constantly about change without any definition of what that represents. What would they change? How would they confront the threats? Are there new ideas that they would bring forward?" Saunders asked.

Good questions. Here are some more.

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Jihad Watch Travelogue.

From our Agra office

What lengths will we here at JW not go to to get the truth for our readers? Braving jet lag and traveler's diarrhea (and blowing the travel budget through 2020), we can now confirm, absolutely, positively, that Islam has, in fact, from time to time, produced some really nifty buildings.

The great Taj was built by Shah Jahan, the fifth Mughal Emperor, in memory of his late wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It was completed in 1648 after 200,000 man-years of labor. Koranic verses adorn the four exactly symmetric entrances and appear to remain of constant size even as they recede from the observer. The minarets tilt slightly away from the main structure so as to fall outward in the event of earthquake. Pretty clever!

It seems that Shah Jahan had actually begun construction on a second Taj exactly opposite the first on the far bank of the Jamuna river. It was to be built entirely from black marble in order to compliment the first, made entirely of white. But his son managed to throw the old man into prison before he could truly break the bank. Still, that would have been something.

Interestingly, Shah Jahan was something of a religious syncretist, who incorporated Hindu, Jewish, Zoroastrian, and Christian themes into the otherwise distinctively Islamic edifice. According to our Muslim guide (I think I did detect a raised eyebrow when I produced my sign), he wanted to found a new religion based on the belief that all religions lead to God. Shocking as our readers will find it, his idea went exactly nowhere. Yet his magnificent accomplishment remains: another great achievement wrought -- as has so often been the case in the course of Islamic history -- by a heretic.

BTW, I will be on "Newshour" on the BBC Radio World Service tomorrow, Friday, February 22, to discuss my documentary, Islam: What the West Needs to Know, at 8pm GMT, 3pm EST. Apparently, there will be an interlocutor, yet to be determined, but an imam of some kind, I am told. Could prove interesting. We now have a full-length English version up at Google Video, here.

Have a look and post something supportive!

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Still more genocidal sabre-rattling. "Israel faces 'certain death': Iran leader adviser," from Agence France-Presse:

TEHRAN (AFP) — The assassination of a top commander of the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah has hastened the "certain death" of Israel, the top military adviser to Iran's supreme leader said on Thursday.
General Yahya Rahim Safavi, in the latest of a spate of anti-Israel verbal attacks by Iran, said the murder of Imad Mughnieh in a Damascus car bombing last week had enraged thousands of young members of Hezbollah.
"With this anger, the certain death of the Zionist regime had been brought forward," he said, according to the state-run IRNA news agency.
Safavi, who was for a decade top commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, again accused Israel of carrying out the attack that killed Mughnieh but also said that "security terrorists" from the United States and "one Arab nation" had cooperated.
He did not name the Arab country.
Iran has stepped up its rhetoric against Israel in the last days after the murder of Mughnieh, which it blamed on the Jewish state. Israel has denied any involvement.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday called Israel a "dirty microbe" and "savage animal".
The current head of the Revolutionary Guards, Iran's ideological army, Mohammad Ali Jafari, weighed in with a prediction that Hezbollah would destroy the Jewish state.
Israel said it had protested to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon after Ahmadinejad's latest tirade.
"I have told the secretary general of the United Nations that these are demented remarks that are reminiscent of Nazi propaganda," ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman told Israeli public radio.


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...you might have trouble keeping your story straight.

Here's an email I received from "james mitchell" on March 12, 2007:

i am a jew. please try to justify those verses from the bible.

There followed the usual litany of verses from the Hebrew Scriptures, trying to portray the Bible as just as violent as the Qur'an, and conveniently ignoring the fact that Jews and Christians are nowhere committing acts of violence that they are justifying them by reference to these verses, while Muslims are committing violence and justifying it by reference to the Qur'an all over the world.

Anyway, "james mitchell" kept writing to me now and again. And October 28, 2007, he wrote this:

yes the "truth" is hard to take. you constantly bash and demonize our religion. you say the reason terrorist do this is 100% because of islam. when in reality it has other factors. there are may people NON-MUSLIMS who know this. Ron paul, sagemen, pape, dennis kusinich and millions of others. every action has a reaction.

Our religion? But wait -- I thought "james" was Jewish, and here he was criticizing me for allegedly "bashing" his religion -- Islam!

And this afternoon I heard from him again:

listen i am a proud jewish man. i know that sounds absurd to you that a jewish man can stand up for muslims but i love everyone. what you say has been refuted. i can EASILY REFUTE everything you say. and zioism is not judaism. it is idiots like you who are ignorant, blind of world affairs and in a state of denial and not open to debate. people like you give jews like me a bad name. and i wrote the subject like that cause i know you would try to belittle a ignorant "subject". so i have got the measure of you. and post this up with the rest of your "hate"-mail

yours truly james mitchel ( a proud jew who is against zionism)

The subject he is referring to was "idiot you." But "james," "james," how can I get all worked up about how you've refuted me when you can't even remember if you're a Jew or a Muslim? Or is it that you keep converting from one to the other? If so, be careful none of your Muslim friends of the more fanatical variety get it into their heads that you're an apostate, or you might lose your own!

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"MP to Hizb ut-Tahrir: 'Go to hell,'" from The Copenhagen Post (thanks to all who sent this in):

In an uncharacteristic move, Villy Søvndal, leader of the Socialist People's Party, responded to the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir's demonstration last Friday, by severely criticising them in his blog.

He stated in his blog that the group was to 'seek other pastures' and that their 'undertakings had no perspective, nor future, in Denmark'.

In an interview with Jyllands-Posten newspaper, he continued to lash out at the extremist group whose demonstration had delivered a direct threat towards Danish society, telling them to 'go to hell'.

'If they want to live in a religious dictatorship so badly, they can go to those countries in the Middle East where such dictatorships exist,' he said.

They won't, however. They will keep on trying to set one up in Denmark. Will Søvndal join the Resistance?

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Come and get me

At least in Eurabia. Bruce Bawer, author of the essential While Europe Slept, reports (see February 13):

It is reported today that Imbera, a Norwegian firm that hosts the website of Human Rights Service, removed three items from that site without notice because two of them were illustrated with Kurt Westergaard's famous Muhammed cartoon from Jyllands-Posten and one was illustrated with a Muhammed drawing by Lars Vilks. Imbera claimed to be acting in accordance with the EU directive on electronic commerce, and law professor Jon Bing says that Imbera had not only a right but a legal obligation to do what it did. But Nils Øy of the Association of Norwegian Editors disagrees, while Per Edgar Kokkvold, head of the Norwegian Press Association, calls Imbera's action "unacceptable," noting that if Internet hosting services can do this to HRS they can do it to newspapers, too.

Read it all.

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He was "too much of a security risk." Unconscionable. This man should be a hero of every freedom-loving Dane. "Danish Caricaturist of Muhammad Fame Now Homeless," from Spiegel (thanks to all who sent this in):

Draw a picture offensive to Muslim extremists, and you might find yourself without a roof. Ask Kurt Westergaard, one of the twelve Danish cartoonists whose autumn 2005 Muhammad caricatures lead to violent protests throughout the Muslim world. He was booted from his police-protected hotel room on Feb. 15 for being "too much of a security risk." And now the 73-year-old cartoonist and his wife are without a place to live.

Westergaard was forced to leave his actual residence in November after the Danish security and intelligence agency, PET, informed him of a "concrete" plan to murder him, according to the paper that originally published the cartoons, Jyllands-Posten. Westergaard and his wife have been living under police protection since....

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More witless moral equivalence from the mainstream media, distracting attention from the reality of the global jihad. Seven murders of abortion doctors since 1973, and that's more of a threat than over 10,000 jihad terror attacks since 2001. Got it.

"AP Hints Pro-Lifers Bigger Terrorists Than Foreign Radicals," by Dave Pierre at Newsbusters (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Let me get this straight: On September 11, 2001, terrorists brutally exterminated nearly 3,000 Americans, obliterated the landscape of lower Manhattan, and pummeled the headquarters of the United States's national defense. And since that same date nearly six-and-a-half years ago, pro-lifers have committed a grand total of zero murders, attempted murders, and bombings directed at abortion workers and clinics across the United States and Canada.

So the Associated Press implies that the bigger threat of terrorism to this country comes from ... pro-lifers? Here's how the AP tells it:

When it comes to fears about a terrorist attack, people in the U.S. usually focus on Osama bin Laden and foreign-based radical groups. Yet researchers say domestic extremists who commit violence in the name of their cause — abortion or the environment, for example — account for most of the damage from such incidents in this country.
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"The network raised money by waging holdups, [and] selling stolen goods..."

Muhammad told the Jews at Bait ul-Midras: "If you embrace Islam, you will be safe. You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle, and I want to expel you from this land. So, if anyone amongst you owns some property, he is permitted to sell it, otherwise you should know that the Earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle" (Sahih Bukhari 4.53.392). Then, the lives and property of those who do not convert or leave are fair game, as seen in early Muslim battles (including those in which Muhammad participated), Barbary piracy, and so on, and once again in this case.

An update on this story. " Morocco: Terrorist network dismantled," by Angela Doland for the Associated Press:

PARIS - Morocco's government said it has dismantled a terrorist network that had plotted to assassinate Cabinet ministers and members of the North African kingdom's Jewish community.
Authorities believe the network has links to al-Qaida and local terror groups, the official MAP news agency reported Wednesday night. A total of 32 people were arrested in sweeps this week, Moroccan newspapers said.
Morocco also has banned an Islamist political party, Al Badil Al Hadari, because some members were linked to the network, MAP said, citing the interior minister.
The network raised money by waging holdups, selling stolen goods and taking contributions from its members, the report said. One suspected member of the group waged a heist of an armored truck in Luxembourg in 2000, netting the group $25.65 million, MAP said.
Gold jewelry stolen in Belgium was melted down by a goldsmith who belonged to the network and then sold, it said.
The group had plotted to assassinate Cabinet ministers, army officers and members of the Jewish community, Interior Minister Chakib Benoussa was quoted as saying. Only a few thousand Jews still live in the largely Muslim kingdom, as many have emigrated to Israel and elsewhere.
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Interior Spiritual Struggle, natch: “The convention calls upon the Muslims to take part in the peaceful jihad against such terrorist groups.” But of course, the problem is all the fault of "imperialist forces."

"Madrassa teachers call for jihad against terror groups," from Express News Service (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

KOZHIKODE: A convention of madrassa teachers against communalism and extremism, held here on Wednesday, has dismissed the allegations that madrassas across the country have turned ‘terrorist training centres’.

The convention, in a resolution, maintained that such allegations were false, and expressed anxiety over the large number of terrorist organisations sprouting in the name of Islam.

“The convention calls upon the Muslims to take part in the peaceful jihad against such terrorist groups,” it said. [...]

The imperialist forces and their supporting media have gone far ahead in propagating that Islam is a terrorist outfit, he added.

Not that Muslims have had anything to do with creating that impression!

Madrassas, he said, had played a vital role in maintaining peace in the state, where communal riots are a few. It is unfortunate that these learning centres are dubbed as the centres of terrorism activities, he added.

Thangal also called upon the madrassa teachers to shoulder the responsibility towards the betterment of religion and practices.

IUML leader M.K. Muneer, who is also the president of DaSHA, said terrorism was anti-Islamic and that steps should be taken to prevent fundamental forces from making their entry in various fields.

“Awareness programmes will be conducted in the coming days with the support of media and victims of terrorism," he added.

Great. Even granting that this is a sincere effort, which their blaming of the media casts into doubt, the question remains: why haven't we seen more direct action by peaceful Muslims against the jihad ideology over the past six years?

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Happy to do business with ya

Still, there is no concept within his frame of reference for a permanent peace under any government except one constituted according to Islamic law.

"Iraqi mosques to read al-Sadr statement," by Qassum Abdul-Zahra for Associated Press (thanks to Jihad Watch News Editor Marisol Seibold):

BAGHDAD - Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr will have a statement read in mosques at Friday prayer services addressing whether his Mahdi Army will extend a six-month cease-fire that's helped reduce violence throughout Iraq, a Shiite lawmaker said.

The Iraqi legislator, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to release the information, told The Associated Press on Thursday that "tomorrow there will be a statement from Sayed Muqtada to be read during Friday prayers."

"No one can predict what decision will be taken," he said. "Whether it will be an extension of the freeze or not."

Al-Sadr's decision to take his militia off the streets last August has been widely credited with slashing improving security throughout Iraq, along with a boost in American troop levels and Sunni fighters turning against their former allies from al-Qaida in Iraq.

Sheik Salah al-Obeidi, a spokesman for al-Sadr in the Shiite holy city of Najaf, said Wednesday that if the cleric failed to issue a statement by Saturday saying the cease-fire was extended, "then that means the freeze is over."

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I'll let the great moderate Ayatollah Sistani say it:

The following ten things are essentially najis [unclean]:

1. Urine
2. Faeces
3. Semen
4. Dead body
5. Blood
6. Dog
7. Pig
8. Kafir [unbeliever -- i.e., non-Muslims]
9. Alcoholic liquors
10. The sweat of an animal who persistently eats najasat [unclean things].

From FoxNews (thanks to all who sent this in):

A 70-year-old Iranian man was arrested and sentenced to four months in jail and 30 lashes for walking his dog, Adnkronos.com reported Tuesday. Police caught the man on the street with his dog in Shahr Rey, a suburb of Tehran.

Owners of domestic animals are forbidden from taking them on the streets of the city because Islam considers dogs to be impure. An Islamic judge later charged the man for "disturbing the public order,” Adnkronos.com reported.

Despite repeated warnings by the police, dog owners continue to defy authorities by taking their dogs outside their homes. Typical punishment for people caught with dogs outside is a fine or the "detention" of their animals in a pound, Adnkronos.com reported.

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Of course, the school didn't teach "race hate" at all, but rather religious hate: "Jews" and "Christians" are not racial groups any more than "Muslims" is. But the British legal system cannot conceptualize such a thing.

And even more importantly, the British cannot dare to conceive of the possibility that this problem is deeper than just a matter of a few textbooks. The source of the identification of Jews and Christians with apes and pigs is the Qur'an itself:

Say: "O people of the Book! Do ye disapprove of us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah, and the revelation that hath come to us and that which came before (us), and (perhaps) that most of you are rebellious and disobedient?" Say: "Shall I point out to you something much worse than this, (as judged) by the treatment it received from Allah? Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil; these are (many times) worse in rank, and far more astray from the even path!" (5:59-60)

The implication of this is that the People of the Book -- Jews and Christians -- by rejecting Muhammad, are risking the same kind of bestial transformation.

"Muslim school 'that taught pupils from race hate textbooks made photocopies after order to shred them,'" from the Daily Mail (thanks to all who sent this in):

A prestigious Islamic school in London was forced to shred 2,000 textbooks used to poison pupils' minds with lessons of hate, a former teacher claimed yesterday.

Colin Cook, who taught English at the King Fahad Academy for 18 years, told a tribunal how "incompetent" Ofsted inspectors reported that the school's teaching of Islamic studies was "mostly good".

But their report was wildly inaccurate, he said, because pupils as young as five were being taught by rote from Arabic textbooks describing Jews as "monkeys" and Christians as "pigs".

Mr Cook said that when he exposed the racist teaching, the school's head Dr Sumaya Alyusuf lied on television, insisting that hateful passages had never been taught.

Under public pressure the Academy eventually agreed to destroy 2,000 books but photocopied them first for future use, he told the tribunal.

The school, in Acton, West London, opened in 1985 for the children of Saudi diplomats and is funded and controlled by the Saudi government.

Its 1,250 pupils have included the five children of jailed claw-handed cleric Abu Hamza and those of Abu Qatada, who was said to be Osama Bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe....

Read it all.

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The Hate Mail is pouring in more copiously the last few days, but this one from this morning seems a bit, well, misdirected:

listen my brother,i wanna say some thing.i m hindu from london.my loyality is 2 uk.there should be shame on u.why dont u go back 2 pakistan,and preach from there.den i can see u made some sacerfice.u here on benfits,and same time curseing this country.tell me having 3 wives not haram?if ur wife have 3 husband,u will stone her 2 death.wat a brave muslim u r.
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And why shouldn't he be? A press release from Americans Against Hate:

(Coral Springs, FL) Yesterday, February 19, 2008, the Legislative Director from U.S. Representative Ron Klein’s Washington, D.C. office, Mira Kogen, informed Americans Against Hate (AAH) Chairman Joe Kaufman that Rep. Klein (D-Florida) will not be removing Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) from the recently created Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism (CTFAS). Klein co-chairs the task force with U.S. Congressman Mike Pence (R-Indiana). CTFAS was created by Holocaust survivor, Rep. Tom Lantos, who passed away earlier this month.

Last week, an AAH delegation met with Rep. Klein to ask him to remove Rep. Ellison. AAH spent over a half hour showing Klein documentation proving direct contact between Ellison and radical Muslim organizations, which included the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Both MAS and CAIR had recently been named by the U.S. government as being part of the Muslim Brotherhood, and CAIR had been linked by the FBI to Hamas.

According to Kogen, Rep. Klein approached Ellison to ask him about the information he (Klein) received from his meeting with AAH, and Ellison told him that he had “publicly denounced” and would continue to publicly denounce the anti-Semitism from the groups (MAS and CAIR). Kogen told Kaufman that Rep. Klein was satisfied with Rep. Ellison’s statements to him and that they were consistent with the principles of the anti-Semitism task force.

However, Americans Against Hate points out that, to its knowledge, never has Keith Ellison publicly denounced any of the organizations in question. He has never denounced the anti-Semitism from the groups nor any of the terrorist connections of the groups. To the contrary, Rep. Ellison has praised the groups and has spoken on a number of occasions at the groups’ conferences. Last May, Ellison was the keynote speaker at an event sponsored by the Minnesota chapter of MAS, at the same time the organization had on its website statements calling for the murder of Jews. The statements still remain.

AAH Chairman Joe Kaufman stated: “We are profoundly disappointed that Ron Klein has chosen not to remove Keith Ellison from the anti-Semitism task force. Ellison has never denounced MAS or CAIR, and if anybody has proof that he has, we would like to see it. He has only supported these organizations. As long as Keith Ellison sits of the anti-Semitism task force, the task force will have absolutely no meaning.”

Americans Against Hate calls on citizens to contact Representative Ron Klein’s offices to demand that he remove Keith Ellison from the Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism (CTFAS) immediately.

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In World Net Daily today I discuss a disquieting court case in Memphis:

With two young girls murdered in Texas, likely victims of an "honor killing" by their father just weeks ago, is it wise for American authorities to ignore death threats issued by a Muslim father to his non-Muslim children? That's just the latest disquieting question emerging from a contentious divorce case in Tennessee.

Rosine Ghawji has for years now contended that her ex-husband, Maher Ghawji, is a Wahhabi and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and that he has been involved in terrorist activities. Maher Ghawji has contested this, but new statements by their two sons give the allegations a new urgency and raise serious questions about how the judge assigned to the case has treated concerns for the boys' safety.

Rosine Ghawji has marshaled an impressive array of evidence to support her claims about Maher Ghawji's ties to the global jihad, but Judge Donna Fields of the Shelby County Circuit Court was unmoved. In her Final Decree of Absolute Divorce, she wrote: "Wife has seriously alienated the children from Husband with unproven and baseless accusations." She even decreed that Maher Ghawji would have the final say over the religious upbringing of the couple's two children, Louis, now 19, and KK, 16 – thus ensuring that they would be raised Muslim at least until they attained majority. Louis Ghawji notes that at Judge Fields' final ruling on the divorce case in February 2007, she declared: "Those children will have to follow the Muslim religion." She ordered them to accompany their father on the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca – which is only open to Muslims.

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James George Jatras, director of the American Council for Kosovo, explains in WorldNetDaily why Kosovar independence is so ill-advised:

Abraham Lincoln was fond of asking the rhetorical question: "If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have? Five? No, calling a tail a leg don't make it a leg."

That pretty much sums up the recent unilateral declaration of independence by Albanian Muslims in the Serbian province of Kosovo. Several countries, disgracefully led by the United States, have recognized Kosovo. Major media have hailed creation of the "world's newest country." But calling Kosovo a country doesn't make it one.

Serbia has denounced the move as the illegal creation of a "separatist entity" on its sovereign territory and has handed down criminal indictments against several of the top Albanian Muslim leaders. Now under way is a sharp global competition to see which governments will recognize Kosovo and which will not. Under heavy pressure from the U.S. State Department, most European countries will meekly comply. Some, like Cyprus with its Turkish-occupied north and Spain with its Basque separatist movement, will not.

In short, an action State Department bureaucrats touted as "settling Kosovo's status" has resulted in anything but. Outside of Europe, the picture is even fuzzier. Russia will reject Kosovo's independence, and expected to take the same line are China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil and many others. Russia will veto any effort to extend Kosovo membership in the United Nations.

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February 20, 2008

Some choice entries in the Jihad Watch Hate Mail Bag tonight. What happened -- did Abu Hamza or the Blind Sheikh denounce us or something?

First, from a fan of "Hilter":





Second, from a master of his thoughts:

Soldiers who occupy and facilitate the corporate plundering of other countries deserve to die, and who would not celebrate when such devils perish. America is the number one killer of civilians, its not just that Dajjal Bush, but throughout the past 100 years America have shitted on the world. America is a fascist state, and has no regards for others, eg Filipino, Koreans, Vietnamese, Africans, Latin Americans, and Arabs, have all been suffered at the hands of the USA. Your lies and manipulation disgrace the Bible, eg Fox News is really a neo con christians extremist propaganda machine. Your not even a real Christian. The Khlilafat will return. Ohhh yeah, America invited 9/11 and 9/11 is a direct result of US oppression in Mid East. The "they hate our life" BS is only believed by idiots, which comprises 90% of Americans. I think Osama is a more honorable man than Bush, and i pray victory is given to those who fight to remove foreign imperialism from their lands. We hate you and Israel because of what you do, not because of your religion or pathetic way of life. Take care,

Slave of Allah, Master of my thoughts.

And finally, the piece de resistance, from an "atheist":

I have no problem with most of the things said on your site. But one guy requesting some sort of Ban on Islam pissed me off. If we want to talk about banning a religion because of current crimes, lets ban christianity for crimes past. f**king pig little religion started crusades against the honorable muslims of the middle ages. and the spanish inquisition was more of the christian scum killing non-christians. How about we ban christianity, judaism, and islam all 3. and make it a death penalty crime. atleast 1/3 deaths will be no doubt deserved by the putrid little followers of christ.

P.S. I'm atheist.

P.S.(part 2) f**k your little site, I hope suicide bombers find your address's and give you what you need.

Yes, I put in the stars.

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So did they kill themselves willingly, in order to seize hold of Allah's promise of Paradise to those who "kill and are killed" for him (Qur'an 9:111)? No telling at this point.

An update on this story. "US: Bombers didn't have Down syndrome," by Bradley Brooks for Associated Press (thanks to all who sent this in):

BAGHDAD - The U.S. military said Wednesday that two women used as suicide bombers in attacks earlier this month had undergone psychiatric treatment but there is no indication they had Down syndrome as Iraqi and U.S. officials initially had claimed.

Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, a military spokesman, said the women used in the Feb. 1 pet market bombings had been identified as residents from the northeastern outskirts of Baghdad who were in their late 20s or early 30s.

The two attacks killed nearly 100 people, and Iraqi and U.S. officials said at the time the women appeared to be unwitting attackers.

Lt. Gen. Abboud Qanbar, the chief Iraqi military commander in Baghdad, said soon after the attacks that photos of the women's heads showed they had Down syndrome, but he did not offer any other proof.

A U.S. military spokesman for the Baghdad area, Lt. Col. Steve Stover, also said at the time that medical experts with his division had examined the photos and agreed the women probably suffered from the genetic disorder. "They were both females and they both looked like they had Down syndrome," Stover said on Feb. 2.

A cell phone image of one of the heads viewed by The Associated Press was inconclusive.

There was speculation that the heads could have been distorted by the blast, leading police initially to believe they had Down syndrome.

On Wednesday, Smith backed away from the claim about Down syndrome while responding to a question concerning the psychiatric histories of the two bombers.

"Both had recently received psychiatric treatment for depression and/or schizophrenia. From what we know now there's no indication that they had Down syndrome," Smith said, citing records obtained by the military.

Smith also said one of the women was married but that neither had criminal backgrounds. He said it was not clear how they were linked to al-Qaida in Iraq, which the military has said was behind the bombing....

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Come on, it's probably just a bookmark

"Officers found books in the backpack titled 'Muhammad in the Bible,' 'The Prophet's Prayer' and 'The Noble Qur'an.' He also had a copy of the Quran and the Bible...."

"TIA Passenger Had Box Cutter In Hollowed-Out Book," by Thomas W. Krause for The Tampa Tribune:

TAMPA -- A 21-year-old Clearwater man was arrested at Tampa International Airport this weekend after security personnel found a box cutter in a hollowed-out book, authorities said.

About 7:30 a.m. Sunday, airport security ran Benjamin Baines Jr.'s backpack through an X-ray machine and saw the image of a box cutter, according to a report from the Transportation Security Administration.

When searching the backpack, a security officer found a book titled "Fear Itself." The book was hollowed out, and the box cutter was inside.

After Baines was read his rights, he said his cousin had cut away the pages to make the hollow section in the book. Later, reports state, he said he had hollowed it out himself to hide money and marijuana from his roommates.

Baines told officers he was moving to Las Vegas and forgot the cutter was in the book.

Officers found books in the backpack titled "Muhammad in the Bible," "The Prophet's Prayer" and "The Noble Qur'an." He also had a copy of the Quran and the Bible....

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A sound basis for a truce!

"Hamas Warns Of Blasts Unless Israel Lifts Sanctions," from AFP (thanks to Sr. Soph):

GAZA CITY (AFP)--A senior advisor to the Hamas-run administration in Gaza on Wednesday warned of "explosions" unless the international community helps to lift the Israeli sanctions on the Palestinian territory.

"If the international community does not move in a serious way to end the siege and the attempt to topple Hamas, then the next explosions, God only knows how large, will take everyone by surprise," Ahmed Yussef said in a statement.

"Hamas has spoken about a truce more than once, but Israel wants to continue its heavy-handed policies of killings, assassinations and incursions," he said. "This condition calls for a response from the resistance."

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...from this thread, "USF Muslim students trying to get bomb evidence thrown out, say cop was racist."

I am accumulating evidence that such comments are planted here by provocateurs, so as to discredit this site. The most notorious example of this was a comment left here last summer that was up on this site for about an hour -- long enough for the Council on American Islamic Relations to snag it, so that Ibrahim Hooper could use it to sandbag Dennis Prager on the Paula Zahn show that night, acting as if I had written it and asking Prager to denounce me accordingly.

If you advocate the violent suppression of those with whom you disagree, you are not welcome here, and that is not what we are about. I ask all readers of good will (and of course I know that isn't all of you), and all people who want to defend human rights and human freedoms from jihad violence and Islamic supremacism, to alert me immediately at director@jihadwatch.org about comments that are genocidal, advocating vigilantism, racist, etc., if you see them here, and I will remove them.

The comment I just removed was up on the site for no longer than ten minutes. It will be exceedingly interesting to see if it pops up in a CAIR press release.

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They didn't waste any time in starting to exploit the situation in Kosovo, and the precedent that Western recognition of its independence has set. Some interesting questions remain, however: Would they unilaterally declare the "West Bank" an independent state? Then, what about Hamas-controlled Gaza? And, of course, an independent state has borders. Where would they draw those, and would they commit to them permanently, even on paper?

By Mohammed Daraghmeh for the Associated Press:

RAMALLAH, West Bank - The Palestinians should follow Kosovo's example and unilaterally declare independence if peace talks with Israel fail, a senior Palestinian official said Wednesday, but the Palestinian president said the proposal was premature and pledged to keep negotiating until the end of the year.
The mixed Palestinian messages came a day after the latest meeting between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
The two men formally relaunched peace talks at a U.S.-hosted summit in Annapolis, Md., last November. While the sides meet regularly, Palestinian officials have complained the talks are proceeding slowly and that President Bush's goal of brokering a peace treaty in 2008 is not realistic.
Yasser Abed Rabbo, a Palestinian negotiator and top aide to Abbas, said in an interview Wednesday that the peace efforts "are going nowhere."
He said the Palestinians' "first option" is success in the negotiations. "If this doesn't happen, we have another option," he said, noting Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia earlier this week.
"Kosovo is not better than Palestine," he added. "If the whole world, the United States, the European Union, the majority of its states, have embraced the independence of Kosovo, why shouldn't this happen with Palestine as well?"
Abed Rabbo said the Palestinian leadership is discussing the proposal. However, Abbas reacted coolly to the idea, saying in a statement that he remained committed to reaching a negotiated peace agreement this year.
"If we are unable to do that ... we will return to our Arab (brothers) to take the appropriate decision," he said.
The chief Palestinian negotiator, Ahmed Qureia, quickly quashed the idea of a unilateral decision and said such a proposal was never discussed by the Palestinian leadership.
"Decisions should be taken and then declared, and not be declared and then be taken," Qureia told The Associated Press, in apparent criticism of Abed Rabbo.
Qureia said the negotiations with Israel are serious and are touching on all major issues, but concurred with Abed Rabbo that no progress has been made so far.
Normally talkative Israeli and Palestinian officials have released few details on the status of their talks. Palestinian officials say the White House has urged the sides to maintain secrecy, fearing leaks could hurt progress.
Olmert also is wary of publicizing progress because a key coalition partner has threatened to pull out of the government if he makes any concessions on the issue of Jerusalem. If the ultra-Orthodox Shas party follows through on its threat, Olmert would lose his parliamentary majority.
The Palestinians have already declared independence before, in 1988, but the international community did not recognize the declaration. At that time, there was no territory under Palestinian control.
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Feel the love.

Thai Jihad Update: "Man burnt alive in Thailand," from AFP (thanks to Fanabba):

YALA (Thailand), Feb 19: A 46-year-old Buddhist man was shot and then set ablaze as he tried to escape an attack by suspected Islamic separatists on Tuesday in Thailand’s Muslim-majority south, police said.

Netr Noh-uma, a highway department official, was shot as he was riding a motorcycle with a colleague in Pattani, one of three provinces along the Malaysian border hit by four years of separatist unrest, police said.

A 34-year-old man was riding the motorcycle with him. He was also shot but managed to run away, police said.

Netr was too seriously wounded to escape. Police said that when he fell off the motorcycle, two militants doused him with petrol and set him on fire.

“They burned him alive after he was shot and fell from his motorbike.

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Islamic Tolerance Alert from modern, moderate Jordan. "Jordan arrests eight Evangelists," from the Media Line News Agency (thanks to Davida):

Eight people have been arrested in Jordan for propagating the Christian faith, according to a Saudi newspaper.

Jordanian security forces arrested eight people, mostly foreigners, after they were caught distributing missionary material to Bedouin families north and east of the Jordanian capital, Amman, the Saudi daily Al-Watan reported....

Sources said they were "enticing" impoverished youngsters by paying them money and calling on them to marry foreign girls....

Evangelism is a practice frowned upon in the Muslim world, and often associated with Western imperialism.

The Jordanian government prohibits conversion from Islam and the proselytizing of Muslims. The Shari'a courts have the authority to prosecute people trying to convert Muslims, according to the United States State Department's annual report on religious freedom.

Muslims in Jordan who convert to another religion face social and governmental discrimination, the report said.

Hmmm. Now, why is that?

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He didn't explain how exactly Israel was oppressing Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc.

"Ahmadinejad: Israel filthy bacteria," from the Jerusalem Post (thanks to Anne Crockett):

In yet another verbal attack against Israel, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the Jewish state a "filthy bacteria" whose sole purpose was to oppress the other nations of the region.

"The world powers established this filthy bacteria, the Zionist regime, which is lashing out at the nations in the region like a wild beast," the Iranian president told supporters at a rally in southern Iran.

"[Israel] won support [from the other nations] which created it as a scarecrow, so as to keep the people of this area under control," Ahmadinejad said.

Referring to the assassination of Hizbullah terror chief Imad Mughniyeh, the Iranian leader said that Israel "uses terror as a threat every day, and afterwards is happy and joyful."...

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No, fellas, I am standing up. Why?

More saber-rattling from the peaceful Islamic Republic. "Iran says nuclear will stronger than big powers," from Reuters (thanks to Sr. Soph):

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's determination to continue its disputed nuclear work has brought major powers "to their knees", the Iranian president said on Wednesday ahead a report this week by the U.N. nuclear watchdog.

In a typically defiant speech as the International Atomic Energy Agency prepares to issue its report, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would not heed calls by major powers to halt the sensitive nuclear work that has led to two rounds of U.N. sanctions.

"The Iranian nation will not allow any power to trample even on its smallest (national) right," he said in a televised address to a rally in the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas.

The IAEA report is expected to be released on Friday. IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei has said the agency has made "good progress" in resolving outstanding issues.

U.N. Security Council members are expected to scrutinise the details in his report before finalising any new sanctions text, which is now being considered.

"The Iranian nation's will to continue nuclear work has won over the will of big powers ... (and) brought them to their knees," the Iranian president said.

"Today the agency, which is legally in charge of this case, has prepared a report and announced that Iran's activities are legal and there is no diversion," he said.

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Poverty Causes Terrorism Update, from Reuters:

RABAT (Reuters) - Teachers, lecturers, a police officer and a journalist were among 32 people arrested by Morocco's security services in an operation to break up a suspected jihadist cell, the government said on Tuesday.
The suspects were rounded up in the capital Rabat, in Casablanca and other towns across the country in the past two days and security analysts have expressed surprise at the varied background and high profile of some of those held.
The best known are leading Islamist political figures Mustapha Moatassim, Mohammed Amine Ragala and Mohamed Merouani.
Others include company directors, government employees, a hotel manager in the popular tourist destination of Marrakesh and a correspondent for Hezbollah television channel Al Manar, according to a list published by state news agency MAP.
The cell's alleged leader, Abdelkader Belliraj, is a Moroccan living in Belgium. MAP said the group was "very dangerous" and had links with other organizations active in Morocco and abroad.
Since suicide bombings killed 45 people in Casablanca five years ago, the Moroccan authorities have rounded up thousands of Islamists suspected of planning to overthrow the north African country's secular-minded monarchy and imprisoned hundreds.
More bombings hit the normally peaceful country last March and April when seven men blew themselves up in Casablanca, killing themselves and a police officer.
The government made dozens of arrests in the months following the bombings, raised its national security alert to maximum and deployed extra security personnel. The alert was lowered after September elections passed off peacefully.
As with the 2003 attacks, many of last year's bombers were poor, jobless and impressionable young slum dwellers drawn to violence on the promise of eternity in paradise.

But someone has to indoctrinate and issue orders to the impoverished, impressionable youths -- and trusted authority figures such as teachers would have a virtually captive audience.

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It bears repeating that all of the Wahhabists' material comes from the Qur'an, ahadith and Sira -- anti-Semitic material which may be ignored, but has not been repudiated on a large scale by Muslims and Islamic institutions.

"Kosovo Jews uncertain about future," by Dana Spritzer for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

... There are some 50 Jews left in Kosovo. Belonging to three families, or clans, they all live in the city of Prizren, a rare gem of ancient architecture amid a landscape devastated by war, poverty and Communist-era concrete.
The United Nations took over the administration of Kosovo in 1999 after a brutal conflict between Kosovo Albanians seeking independence and Serbian troops controlled by strongman Slobodan Milosevic.
Ethnic Albanians account for 90 percent of Kosovo's population of 2.2 million. The Albanians are Muslim, but largely secular. [...]
Distressed by a war they watched from the sidelines and facing an uncertain future, the Jews of Prizren are gloomy. When the war started, the other Jews in Kosovo - the 50 living in the capital city of Pristina - fled to Serbia, where they spoke the language and felt a part of the culture. But those in Prizren, where Jews speak Albanian and Turkish - there is a large Turkish population there - stayed.
Now, with Kosovo having broken away from Serbia, those like Votim Demiri, Quono's father, who made a decent living under communism, find it hard to leave the homes they built, despite fears of growing tensions with their neighbors.
"There was not anti-Semitism in the past, but with the Saudi charities here now we are seeing a Wahabi influence for the first time," Demiri said, referring to the fundamentalist Islamic ideology Saudi Arabian clerics have tried to export, with little success, in the Balkans. "I think the newspapers these days are not portraying Jews in such a positive light."

"Little success" is debatable. Not that it wouldn't be great to see the Saudis' efforts fail miserably, but the extent to which they're failing or not relevant to Kosovo Muslims' hostilities toward Jews only underscores the fact that there is more to Islamic anti-Semitism than the current wave of Saudi influence.

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You can vote here for cities to be included in a new edition of Monopoly featuring cities of the world. But Carl in Jerusalem points out that while you used to be able to vote for "Jerusalem, Israel," now it's just "Jerusalem."

Looks as if the gentle voices of peace and tolerance have gotten to Hasbro, which now produces the Monopoly game.

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The American ambassador to the Philippines makes sure the MILF, a jihadist group, doesn't get nervous. "U.S. Assures Muslim Rebels on Philippine Exercises," from Reuters (thanks to PRCS):

MANILA (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to the Philippines met the leader of the country's largest Muslim rebel group on Tuesday in an effort to defuse tensions over U.S. soldiers entering Muslim areas in the south.

Earlier this week, thousands of people protested against the U.S. military's plans to hold humanitarian missions in areas controlled by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) as part of annual training exercises with Philippine troops.

"The U.S. ambassador assured us the U.S. soldiers would not be involved in any combat activities," Mohaqher Iqbal, head of the MILF peace panel with the government, told Reuters.

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Because that makes them not representations of the human form, which are forbidden in Islam. In the same spirit, Muslim conquerers scratched out the eyes of Christian icons in churches in Eastern Europe. Sharia Alert: "Sharjah shops told to 'behead' mannequins," by Mariam M. Al Serkal for Gulfnews (thanks to Mathew):

Sharjah: Mannequins in Sharjah shops should be headless and only model “decent” clothing, a Sharjah Municipality circular has stated.

The municipality has urged shopkeepers to abide by a ban that prohibits the display of mannequins with facial features, said a senior Sharjah Municipality official.

“The only clothes on display now should be decent and the mannequins should be headless,” said Khalid Al Jaberi, head of market control at Sharjah Municipality.

A circular was recently sent to all shops stating the heads of mannequins be removed and that they are forbidden to wear underwear, to uphold the traditional and religious values of the emirate....

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And guess who is involved

Video here from MyFoxTampaBay (thanks to Cumulus Nine).

Naive Kids Update: it seems that the arresting officer in South Carolina, who found pipe bomb materials in the trunk of the car being driven by Ahmed Mohamed and Youseff Megahed, said, "Damn terrorist. I think they're part of the **** Taliban....Maybe they're gonna practice the suicide bombing here."

He also evidently noted their race as "Islamic," which should endear him to the politically correct crowd that continues to insist that opposition to the global jihad constitutes racism, but in this case it has gotten him in hot water, because -- as the newscaster says, in probably the first time this has been acknowledged in the mainstream media -- "of course we all know that's not a race, that's a religion."

Question: If this cop is a vile Bull Connor-type racist, does that make the pipe bomb evidence vanish?

Meanwhile, Ahmed Bedier of the Council on American Islamic Relations is speaking out here. He is affiliated with an organization that was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding case, has had several of its officials convicted on terror-related charges, and was founded by members of an organization that was named by a Muslim Brotherhood operative as part of its "grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house."

Here, he is saying that the pipe bomb evidence should be thrown out because apparently the police officers found a Qur'an in the car and thought that suspicious, while they would not have thought a Bible in the car to be suspicious. Of course, Bedier would not want you to recall that Muslims all over the world are committing violence and justifying it by reference to the Qur'an, that suicide bombers pose with rifles and the Qur'an before they go to kill and be killed for Allah (cf. Qur'an 9:111), and that the Qur'an, unlike the Bible, contains open-ended commands for believers to wage war against and subjugate unbelievers (cf. Qur'an 9:29). Just forget all that, and chant "racism...racism...racism," and pretty soon you'll have come around to the illustrious Mr. Bedier's point of view.

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Photos and story come from Gateway Pundit (thanks to Doug).

What's wrong with a minaret with loudspeakers? As long as there is a mosque in St. Louis, why shouldn't there be a minaret with loudspeakers? Well, the Islamic call to prayer resounding all over the city will certainly change the ambiance of the place, and announce in a way that no one can ignore the Muslim presence there. But that in itself is not the problem.

Strictly speaking, the loudspeakers aren't necessary. They obviously aren't traditional, and in an age of automobile travel and air-conditoned offices they would have to be far more powerful than they can possibly be to reach the ears of everyone who might actually attend prayers at the mosque. So in Egypt, the loudspeakers have become a vehicle of Islamic supremacism: the call to prayer is blared into Coptic churches during the hours of Christian worship in a manifestly purposeful manner.

Will they become an expression of Islamic supremacism in St. Louis? Well, who is funding the mosque there? Is the mosque connected to any of the organizations that are forwarding the Muslim Brotherhood's "grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house"? Is anyone even trying to find the answer to that question?

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February 19, 2008

Who said that? Andrew Bostom? Matthias Kuntzel? Bernard Lewis? Robert Spencer? No, it was that Australian Misunderstander of Islam, David Hicks. Where did he get that idea? What are Muslim leaders in the West doing to ensure that other Muslims don't get that idea?

"Hicks kept 'jihad diary,'" from The Australian (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

DAVID Hicks's handwritten "jihad diary" gives new insight into the sophisticated terrorism training he underwent, exploding claims that he was an innocent abroad.

The confessed terrorism supporter used a school exercise book - complete with boy's-own images of fighter aircraft - to write up the detailed instruction he received in weapon use, explosives and military tactics from Islamic extremists in Pakistan.

After describing how "to kill a VIP", Hicks noted that guerilla war involved "sacrifice for Allah". He sketched the mechanism of the telescopic sight of a sniper's rifle and the circuitry of deadly rocket-launched warheads....

Hicks, now living in Adelaide, revealed in the book that he had been trained to carry out armed raids and ambushes, and to designate potential targets including police and railway stations.

At one point, he wrote: "To kill a vip (sic) we must penetrate 5 security circles then defend ourselves. The security is nearly the same all over the world."...

Hicks made extensive notes on the specifications of the Heckler & Koch submachine gun, the M-16 assault rifle, RPG-7 grenade launcher and anti-tank rockets. Another drawing detailed where an anti-tank missile was to be aimed at a tank.

The exercise book was filled out by Hicks while he was training with the Lashkar-e-Toiba terror group in northern Pakistan between March and June 2000.

The Adelaide man, now 32, went on to train with al-Qa'ida and the Taliban in Afghanistan, where he was captured and handed over to US forces.

He remained in US custody, mostly at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, before being repatriated to Australia last May to serve out a prison sentence imposed by a US military commission.

Hicks had pleaded guilty to a charge of providing material support to terrorists.

Hicks is believed to have sent his "jihad diary" home to Adelaide before it was seized, along with other documentation, in raids by ASIO and Australian Federal Police on the homes of his parents and other relatives.

The magistrate released a rambling letter to his mother, Susan King, sent soon after he arrived in Pakistan. Hicks said he wanted her to understand why he had taken up arms in an Islamic jihad.

Satan was aligned with Western society, which was "full of poison" introduced by Jews, he wrote. "Muslims fight against Jews and they kill them," he wrote, purporting to quote an Islamic text, the Book of Hadith....

Of course there is no "Book of Hadith." There are many books of Hadith. Probably this is what Hicks had in mind:

Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." (Bukhari 4.52.177)
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Whereas genocide – the murder, or plan to murder, an entire people – is a crime against all humanity;

Whereas genocide is a crime that has metastasized in the modern era, leading to the murders of millions of Armenians, Cambodians, Tutsis, Sudanese, Bosnian Muslims and others;

Whereas the largest and most devastating genocide on record is the Holocaust of European Jews;

Whereas a new genocide of the Jews is being called for by Islamic leaders in the Middle East;

Whereas global forces are being mobilized by the Iranian regime to eliminate the Jewish state;

Whereas the genocide of the Jews is called for in texts understood by some Muslims as authoritative and echoes through sermons in some mosques today, and is proclaimed by certain leaders of the Islamic religion;

Whereas Catholicism and other Christian denominations have condemned the Holocaust and repudiated anti-Jewish pronouncements that have stained their religious past;

We call on all Student Governments and campus Muslim groups to:

1. Condemn and repudiate the Hadith which reads: "The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!" Sahih Muslim book 41, no. 6985
2. Condemn and repudiate the Hamas Charter which says: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”
3. Condemn Ahmadinejad who has said “The accomplishment of a world without America and Israel is both possible and feasible."
4. Condemn Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah who has said:

"The Jews are a cancer which is liable to spread again at any moment."

"There is no solution to the conflict except with the disappearance of Israel."

“If they all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.”

5. Affirm:
* The right of all people to live in freedom and dignity
* The freedom of the individual conscience: to change religions or have no religion at all
* The equal dignity of women and men
* The right of all people to live free from violence, intimidation, and coercion

We call upon all campus political, cultural, ethnic and religious groups to stand with us in opposing all forms of religious supremacism, violence and intimidation.

Sign the Declaration here.

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Intimidation. "Iran MPs want action on Dutch, Danes over cartoon," from Reuters (thanks to all who sent this in):

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian lawmakers have urged the president to review ties with Denmark and the Netherlands over the reprinting of a satirical cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad in Danish and Dutch newspapers, Iranian media said on Monday.

Protests and rioting erupted in 2006 in Muslim countries around the world when the cartoons, one showing the Prophet with a turban resembling a bomb, first appeared in a Danish daily. At least 50 people were killed and three Danish embassies attacked.

Most Muslims consider depictions of the Prophet Mohammad offensive.

Danish newspapers reprinted one of the drawings last week in protest against what they said was a plot to murder the cartoonist who drew it. At least two Dutch newspapers published pictures of the Danish newspapers, with the cartoon visible.

In a letter to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, some 215 MPs in Iran's 290-seat assembly said Iran should review trade and political links with Denmark and the Netherlands to respond to "an anti-Islamic and Islamophobic current" in the two countries.

"We, representatives of the honorable Iranian nation, condemn this devil measure. We ask the president ... to seriously review Iran's political and trade ties with these countries," the lawmakers wrote in the letter, state radio said.

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DNA testing is being conducted. "Bali bomber believed killed in southern Philippines," from Agence France-Presse (thanks to JE):

THE terrorist who built the bombs used in the 2002 Bali atrocities is believed to have been killed in the Philippines, according to local military.

The body of a man thought to be Indonesian bomb expert Dulmatin, one of those behind the Bali bombings, was recovered from a shallow grave in the island of Tawi-tawi, said Major General Ben Dolorfino.

"As of now, we are conducting a DNA test to confirm if it is really his body,'' said Maj-Gen Dolorfino, adding that an informant had led them to the grave.

The US government has offered a $10 million bounty for Dulmatin, who has been hiding out in the southern Philippines with local militants for most of the past five years.

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There is a group -- call them the Guirardians -- that continues to believe that Americans can best defeat "terrorism" by reaching out to the "good Muslims," the "moderate Muslims," who must be constantly reassured of such things as that we know, we Americans know, that "Jihad," rightly understood, is a Good Thing. And therefore, whatever it is that Bin Laden and Mughniyeh and all those others are doing, all over the world, when they say they are conducting Jihad, or living a life of Jihad, or giving their life for Jihad, they surely must misunderstand the true, the good, the beautiful meaning of "Jihad."

Why must they "surely have misunderstood, etc."? Well, because we know now, we can no longer deny, that "Jihad" is a central duty for all Muslims. And so, in order not to have to consider that just possibly the meaning that Muslims endow that word "Jihad" with -- the "struggle" to remove all barriers to the spread, and then the dominance, of Islam -- is what the word really means, we play a game of Let's Pretend.

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Madness. But who will have the courage to stand up and call it that? From the Jerusalem Post (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Muslims worldwide should bomb Denmark's embassies and kill it diplomats following last week's republication of caricatures of Muslim prophet Muhammad, a spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees in the Gaza Strip said on Monday.

Israel Radio reported that the spokesman, speaking to demonstrators burning Danish flags, said anyone involved the drawing, printing, or publication of the caricatures should be "slaughtered."

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Among major world powers, both Russia and China are opposed to an independent Kosovo. Even within Europe there are nations that oppose this independence -- Spain -- and others where many are uneasy. It would have been politically possible for the American government to have thought a bit more about the implications, the consequences, of having another Muslim state -- the product of centuries of Ottoman rule -- within Europe, and to have thought a bit more about the historical treatment of the Serbs under that same Ottoman rule, and their understandable bitterness.

There is an independent Albania. Those Albanians who might wish to be in a state that politically embodies their desires could move. The notion that when Muslim populations exist, they must never be asked to endure minority status, and that only the non-Muslim populations are to be asked to do so, is wrong.

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Parviz Khan Update: a transcript of this Muslim in Britain asserting that for a Muslim to join the British Army is forbidden, and planning to kill to demonstrate the seriousness of this.

"'They'll say they killed one of our soldiers. These people will go crazy,'" by Vikram Dodd for The Guardian (thanks to all who sent this in):

MI5 has released a transcript of a bugged conversation between two men discussing a plot to kidnap and murder a British Muslim soldier. The transcript is from a recording made on November 6 2006, between Parviz Khan (PK), who pleaded guilty to hatching the plot, and Basiru Gassama (BG), who admitted failing to inform the authorities.

PK: You have to, you want to go to Islamic countries, with, fight with kuffar [non-believers] against Muslims? OK, I have some brothers there. Maybe you, maybe some other brothers speak Arabic. We give like a (Bis), we give the judgment, well then cut it out/off like you cut a pig, man

BG: Would you wear this, man?

PK: Like that, I think you cut it out/off like you cut a pig. Then you put it on a stick and we say, this is to all Muslimee, man, we likes to, we want to join the kuffar army, this is what will happen to you. Then we throw the body, burn it, send the video to the chacha, the chacha can release it there. These people gonna go crazy. Didn't say the chacha, he do this in the other country he release it there. Where is the chacha? He could be next door, he could be upstairs, he could be downstairs. These people will go crazy, man.

BG: So what happens? True man.

PK: These people will go mad. This is what they call you will terrorise them, they will go crazy. They will start searching. Are they London, Birmingham, Newcastle, where are these people? They killed one of our soldiers in country. They've gone into countries, they're in our countries. They'll go crazy, Achi.

BG: True man.

PK: Then all these other people who slowly joining the British army, these Pakistani, these Afghan, these Gambia. They gonna say, no man, I don't want that. Look like, chop him up, man! We don't to join this army. At least we can stop them from doing the haram. We, first, we give them da'wa. Don't join the army, it is haram. Wait til you go into kuffar. They're not listening. So now we have to use force. Obviously, if they were insa'an they would listen to our word and listen to the ...

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The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, congratulates Kosovo on behalf of the Islamic umma.

"Secretary General of the OIC declares support to the Kosovo Independence," from the OIC site (thanks to Sparta):

With regard to the declaration of independence by Kosovo yesterday, Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu made the following remark today (18 February 2008) in Dakar at the opening of the OIC Senior Officials Meeting preparatory to the forthcoming OIC Summit to be held there on 13-14 March 2008:

"…a very important event took place yesterday. Kosovo has finally declared its independence after a long and determined struggle by its people. As we rejoice this happy result, we declare our solidarity with and support to our brothers and sisters there. The Islamic Umma wishes them success in their new battle awaiting them which is the building of a strong and prosperous a state capable of satisfying of its people. There is no doubt that the independence of Kosovo will be an asset to the Muslim world and further enhance the joint Islamic action."

What joint Islamic action do you mean, Professor?

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"The choice of Khan to oversee a program dedicated to expanding dialogue between religious communities is beyond parody, as Khan himself has a record of thwarting dialogue, at least with Israeli veterans."

"Coddling Islamists," by Winfield Myers at FrontPage (links at FP):

The U.S. Department of State has awarded a grant worth $494,368 to University of Delaware political scientist, Brookings Institution fellow, and Pentagon consultant Muqtedar Khan, who last fall objected to serving on a panel with a veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces. According to a UD press release, the grant is to be used, “to initiate a dialogue on religion and politics between key members of religious and community organizations in the Middle East and the United States.”

The press release continued:

Under the grant, participants from Egypt and Saudi Arabia will be on campus this summer for a brief period before traveling to other locations, including New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Later a group of American scholars will travel to Egypt and Saudi Arabia to take part in similar activities in those countries. A documentary film is planned of the visit to the U.S.

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In Human Events today I discuss the porous border in terms of questions of national security.

Three Afghanis were arrested Wednesday at an international airport in India’s Kerala state for flying with forged Mexican passports. They had just arrived there from Kuwait, where officials examined the passports identifying them as “Antonio Lopez Juan,” “Javier Sanchez Alberto,” and “Atonio Lopez Ernesto,” and found that they didn’t understand any Spanish. Maybe they were also suspicious of these inept attempts to ape Spanish names.

“Antonio,” “Javier,” and “Atonio” insisted they were trying to get to France, but given their newly-minted Mexican identities, that seems about as likely as the possibility that Hillary Clinton will cede the Democratic nomination gracefully to Barack Obama. Now what could Afghan nationals who don’t speak Spanish want with Mexican passports? Maybe they were really tired of Afghan fare and were craving some enchiladas. Or maybe they were hoping to craft a new brand of Afghan/mariachi music.

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"Mr Maidment said Mr Benbrika agreed that he should give the group proof that the Koran supported taking money from the kuffur, or enemies of Islam." It would be interesting to know what proof Benbrika provided, and how Western spokesmen who claim that the Qur'an contains no such justification, such as Ibrahim Hooper and Salam Al-Marayati, would respond to the case he made.

"Cell debated killing Howard, court told," by Norrie Ross for AAP (thanks to JE):

A MEMBER of an alleged Melbourne terrorist cell asked if it was permissable to kill former PM John Howard in a revenge attack, a Supreme Court jury heard today.

According to the prosecution in a secretly bugged conversation Abdullah Merhi, 22, discusses with Abdul Nacer Benbrika, described as the leader of the group, how he can commit a terrorist act.

In the tape played to the court Mr Merhi says: "If John Howard kills innocents... Muslim families... do we have to kill him?".

Mr Benbrika says that he can only tell him what Allah says.

In the conversation, Mr Merhi says: "sheikh (Mr Benbrika) I'm not waiting 20 years or two years."

Prosecutor Richard Maidment SC said Mr Merhi was referring to his impatience to carry out a terrorist act and that Mr Benbrika tells him that Allah will provide an opportunity for him.

Mr Maidment said that Mr Merhi indicated to Mr Benbrika that he was prepared to travel overseas to commit a terrorist act and adds "I can't believe how hard it is".

Mr Merhi says:"The kuffur (unbelievers) have got control. They've got us like this. Bad"

Mr Benbrika tells him there are millions of "brothers" overseas and says to Mr Merhi "you can make jihad here", .

In a number of bugged conversations members of the group talk about "doing something" and Mr Maidment said it was the Crown case that this was code for a terrorist act.

Twelve members of what Mr Maidment described as a home grown terror group are on trial on a range of terrorist-related charges.

They have all pleaded not guilty. [...]

In another part of the conversation Mr Benbrika "you shouldn't do just one, two or three" and adds "like the station, like the train".

Mr Merhi asks: "like Spain?" and Mr Maidment said this was a reference to the Madrid train bombings in which 191 people were killed and 2000 injured. [...]

On trial are: Abdul Nacer Benbrika, 47, of Dallas, Shane Kent, 31, Meadow Heights, Majed Raad, 23, Coburg, Abdullah Merhi, 22, Fawkner, Aimen Joud, 23, Hoppers Crossing, Ahmed Raad, 24, Fawkner, Fadl Sayadi, 28, Coburg, Ezzit Raad, 26, Preston, Hany Taha, 33, Hadfield, Shoue Hammoud, 28, Hadfield Bassam Raad, 26, Brunswick and Amer Haddara, 28, Yarraville.

Mr Maidment said that in another conversation, secretly bugged, Mr Benbrika was urged to give members of the group more instruction on the religious basis for violent jihad.

Mr Maidment said Mr Benbrika agreed that he should give the group proof that the Koran supported taking money from the kuffur, or enemies of Islam.

Mr Joud, told Mr Benbrika he had to provide "the base of jihad".

Mr Maidment reminded the jury that in a previous bugged conversation another member of the group, Ezzit Raad, was concerned that stealing and cutting up cars to raise funds might not be legitimate in Islam.

Mr Joud told Mr Benbrika, who was known in the group as 'sheikh', that the raising of such doubts was "not good". [...]

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February 18, 2008

"Fiend or Ally?" Update. "U.S. partner's 'military wing' named for arch-terrorist," by Aaron Klein for World Net Daily:

JERUSALEM – The declared military wing of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization has formed a cell to attack Israel named after assassinated Hezbollah arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyah, WND has learned.
Mughniyah, one of the most-wanted terrorists in the world, was killed in a bomb blast last week. He was responsible for infamous deadly attacks against the U.S. and Israel, including involvement in the 1983 bombing of a U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon.
Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades took responsibility for a shooting attack yesterday against an Israeli bus in the northern West Bank. No one was injured in the shooting.
Brigades leaders told WND the attack was perpetuated by a new cell of their group calling itself the "Cells of the Martyr Mughniyah."
The new Mughniyah cell consists entirely of Fatah gunmen from the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, said the Brigades leaders.
"This cell will lead more attacks to commemorate this huge man Mughniyah and his contributions to the Palestinian revolution and fight against Israeli occupation. The Palestinian people owe him many operations and his huge support for the intifada," Abu Oudai, a senior Brigades leader in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, told WND.
Oudai threatened that Fatah's Mughniyah terror cells would carry out more attacks to avenge the Hezbollah leader's death, including suicide bombings inside Israel.
Senior Fatah Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades leaders confirmed to WND the formation of the new Mughniyah cells. They said it was officially sanctioned by the Brigades.
The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's official military wing, took responsibility for every suicide bombing in Israel in 2005 and 2006 and for scores of deadly shootings and rocket attacks.
As a gesture to Abbas, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in June granted amnesty to hundreds of Brigades members on condition they turn in their weapons and refrain from attacks. Most gunmen continued to carry out anti-Israel attacks and openly brandished their weapons.
U.S. policy considers Abbas moderate. Olmert is negotiating with Abbas, aiming to create a Palestinian state by the end of the year in line with last November's U.S.-backed Annapolis summit.
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With Allah on our side. "Iran says God protects nuclear program," by Nasser Karimi for Associated Press (thanks to all who sent this in):

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Sunday that God would punish Iranians if they do not support the country's disputed nuclear program, state radio reported.

"The Iranian people openly announce that they will defend their rights... God will reprimand them if they do not do so," state radio quoted Khamenei as saying.

The 68-year-old ayatollah, who has final say on all state matters, said Washington's claim that Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon is false. The Iranian government has long insisted its nuclear activities are only for peaceful generation of fuel.

"They know that Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapon, and they are just trying to block the Iranian nation from achieving advanced technology," Khamenei was quoted as saying in Tehran.

Yes, of course it isn't.

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Prime Minister of Zebibahstan

Several Jihad Watch readers commented on the prayer-bruise in the middle of terrorist Parviz Khan’s forehead. For pious Muslims, this replaces the pineal gland that the Cartesian French may flaunt. The name for this sign of zealotry is "zebibah."

Infidel officers, attempting to deal with Muslim rioters, might give the order "Don't fire until you see their zebibahs."

Of course, the notion that only those with telltale zebibahs need worry us is comforting, but because it offers false comfort, it is itself a source of worry. It is not only those who flaunt that bathetic bruise of piety who are deeply committed to the duty of Jihad, but hundreds of millions of Muslims who take that duty seriously, but need have no zebibah as an outward sign of an inward determination.

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They justify suicide bombing, also. Misunderstanders of Islam? Actually, this is a statement by 30 prominent Islamic scholars in Pakistan. "Statement by 30 Prominent Pakistani Islamic Scholars: "The Taliban Are Not Terrorists; Do Not Look Through American Eyes at [Those You Call] 'Terrorists,'" from MEMRI (thanks to Sr. Soph):

In late January 2008, 30 prominent Islamic scholars and principals of madrassas in Pakistan issued a joint statement, published in Pakistan's newspapers, discussing the state of affairs in the country and suggesting ways to deal with it. The signatories, who belonged to different schools of Islamic thought and who control a vast network of madrassas, affirmed: "We do not belong to any political group; neither do we have any political agenda."

The following are excerpts from the statement as it appeared in the London edition of the Urdu-language Pakistani newspaper Roznama Jang: [1] [...]

"Can a Suicide Attack be Carried Out to Cause Serious Harm to the Enemy During A Right And Justified War?"

In their statement, the scholars examined the justification of suicide attacks according to shari'a. A thin difference emerges between a suicide committed by an individual in despair and suicide bombings as a tactic of war. They discuss the conditions under which suicide bombings can be justified, stating:

"These are collectively the apparent situations which created irritation in the hearts of some individuals that is appearing in the form of suicide attacks. Insofar as the status of suicide attacks in shari'a is concerned, almost all Muslims know that [individual] suicide is forbidden in Islam, and in this regard the orders of the Koran and the hadith are absolutely clear.

"But can a suicide attack be carried out to cause serious harm to the enemy during a right and justified war? As per jurisprudence and shari'a, there can be two different opinions about this.

"Some scholars think that if a need is realized during a right and justified war, and if targets are not innocent people, then a suicide attack is right. This would be the type of suicide attack [carried out] at the Chavinda Front during the 1965 [India-Pakistan] War, when the soldiers of Pakistan's army tied bombs to their bodies and crashed into Indian tanks, and as a result of which the advance of the tanks was stopped - and tales of this are popular.

"Because this is an issue for ijtihad [reasoning by consensus as a source of legislation in Islam], and if an individual took such a step [i.e. suicide bombing] during a right and justified war, then there is hope that Allah will accept his sacrifice in consideration of the beauty of his intention." [...]

How refreshing! They have reopened the gate of ijtihad, closed for centuries, but not in order to create a framework for peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims as equals on an indefinite basis. Rather, they are only engaging in this new legal reasoning in order to justify suicide bombing.

Admit That the American Strategy has Failed; Military Operations Should Be Stopped; Turn Musharraf's Anti-U.S. Statements Into Policy

In their statement, the Islamic scholars list a series of measures for the consideration of Pakistani government and policy-makers. Some of these measures are:

1. "We [should] admit with open heart that the American strategy we have adopted blindly in the name of the 'War on Terror' has failed completely. This strategy has given us nothing, but has snatched much from us; it is the fundamental reason for our internal conflicts, and because of it, it appears that our dearest nation itself is at stake...."

2. "The military operations in the Northern and Tribal Areas [should] be stopped forthwith, and an effort must be made to understand the causes of the insurgency there. Talks should be held with the leaders of those areas with open heart, and importance should be given to their just demands, which they deserve."

3. "Realize this reality: The Taliban are not in fact terrorists, and neither do all of them have extremist sentiments. There are among them elements with whom talks can reasonably be held."...

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"I suspected that my daughter had a relationship with a man and I had to stone her to death as she had besmirched my honour. I had no other choice."

Of course!

From AKI (thanks to all who sent this in):

Tehran, 18 Feb. (AKI) - A man known as Sharif has reportedly stoned his fourteen-year-old daughter to death in southeastern Iran because for allegedly having a relationship with a man.

Sharif's wife reported him to police after he and a friend killed the girl in Zahedan, capital of Baluchistan province.

Sharif showed no sign of remorse, telling police who interrogated him: "I suspected that my daughter had a relationship with a man and I had to stone her to death as she had besmirched my honour."

"I had no other choice," he said, telling police how he had carried out the stoning....

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From "Kosovo Declares Independence From Serbia: Braces for a Bitter Showdown," by Nabi Qena and William J. Kole for the Associated Press:

In the capital, Pristina, the mood was jubilant. Thousands of ethnic Albanians braved subfreezing temperatures to ride on the roofs of their cars, singing patriotic songs and chanting: "KLA! KLA!" the acronym for the now-disbanded rebel Kosovo Liberation Army.

From "KLA rebels train in terrorist camps," by Jerry Seper for the Washington Times in 1999:

Some members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, which has financed its war effort through the sale of heroin, were trained in terrorist camps run by international fugitive Osama bin Laden...

Is this independence venture really something the U.S. should encourage?

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Proud papa

Feel the love. Parviz Khan Update: "Leader 'groomed children for terrorism,'" by Duncan Gardham in the Telegraph:

In one recorded conversation of May 2006 he was heard shouting at his five-year-old son when he made a mistake reading the Koran from heart.

He made him stand in front of him with his hands by his side and demanded: "Who do you love?"

The child answered: "I love Sheikh Osama bin Laden."

"And?" said Khan.

"Sheikh Abdel-Rahman" referring to the "Blind sheikh" in prison in the US.

"And?" asked Khan.

"Sheikh Abu Hamza" referring to the jailed imam at Finsbury Park Mosque in North London.

"Who do you kill?" asked Khan.

"America kill," said the boy.

"Who else you kill?" said Khan.

"Bush I kill," said the boy.

"And who else?" demanded Khan.

"Blair kill, both people kill."

"Who else you kill?" asked Khan.

"Saddam, Saddam," said the boy.

Then the pair began chanting at each other.

Khan said: "Kuffar [non-believers]" the boy said: "Kill."

Khan said: "Mushrik [polytheists]" and the boy said: "Kill."

Then it continued with: "Hindu?... Kill... Sheedi [blacks]?... Kill... Pathan [thieves]?...Kill...Sharab [alcohol]?...Kill...And who do you love?...Sheikh Osama bin Laden, I love."

On another occasion, he paraded his daughter, then three, in front of "Uncle Zahoor" Iqbal, saying: "Listen to this, when you go in the mountains what are you going to make for mujahid [holy fighters]? Say it louder. What else are you going to make them?"

She could be heard talking about food and Khan went on: "You know sometimes when she's sleeping, two o'clock in the morning, she always says to me. What are you going to cook in the mountains? Chapattis.

"Inshallah [god willing] she'll marry into them and give birth to them. Inshallah."...

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"The scheme would mark one of the most significant economic advances of sharia law in the non-Muslim world." Looks as if Rowan Williams was right.

"New sharia row over Chancellor's plans for 'Islamic bonds,'" by Simon Walters for the Daily Mail (thanks to James):

A new sharia law controversy erupted last night over Government plans to issue special "Islamic bonds" to pay for Gordon Brown's public-spending programme by raising money from the Middle East.

Britain is to become the first Western nation to issue bonds approved by Muslim clerics in line with sharia law, which bans conventional loans involving interest payments as "sinful".

The scheme would mark one of the most significant economic advances of sharia law in the non-Muslim world.

It will lead to the ownership of Government buildings and other assets currently belonging to British taxpayers being switched wholesale to wealthy Middle-Eastern businessmen and banks.

The Government sees sharia-compliant bonds as a way of tapping Middle-East money and building bridges with the Muslim community.

But critics say the scheme would waste money and could undermine Britain's financial and legal systems.

Yep. And that undermining could be fatal -- Sharia, after all, is an all-encompassing system.

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Jihadists targeting civilians. "Car bomb kills 35 Afghan civilians," from AP (thanks to JE):

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - A suicide car bomber targeting a Canadian military convoy killed 35 civilians at a busy market in southern Afghanistan, a police official said.

At least 28 people were wounded in the attack in Spin Boldak, a town in Kandahar province near the border with Pakistan, said Abdul Razeq, the Spin Boldak border police chief. Three Canadian soldiers were lightly wounded, he said.

The attack comes one day after Afghanistan's deadliest bombing since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. More than 100 people were killed by a suicide bomber outside Kandahar city on Sunday.

The back-to-back bombings could indicate a change in tactics by militants. Though attacks occasionally have killed dozens, insurgents in Afghanistan have generally sought to avoid targeting civilians.

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More genocidal threats. "Hezbollah will soon destroy Israel, says Iran Guards," from GulfNews (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Tehran: The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards said on Monday that Israel would soon be destroyed by the "hands of Hezbollah", the Fars News Agency reported.

"In the near future, we will witness the destruction of the cancerous existence of Israel by the powerful and competent hands of the Hezbollah combatants," said Mohammad Ali Jafari, head of the Revolutionary Guards said in a letter to Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

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Sura 16, “The Bee,” is another in the string of late Meccan suras that began with sura 10. Its title comes from v. 68, which tells us that Allah taught the bee to do what bees do.

Verses 1-19 emphasize that Allah has created all things, and provides for all of humanity’s needs, and that all created beings bear witness to him. Ibn Kathir says that the “ways that turn aside” from the Straight Path of Islam (v. 9) are “various opinions and whims, such as Judaism, Christianity and Zoroastrianism.” The Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs concurs, saying: “it is Allah Who guides to monotheism, and some of the religions are crooked and unjust such as Judaism, Christianity and Zoroastrianism. And if Allah had willed, He would have guided you all to His religion.” So once again, belief or unbelief is up to Allah, not to the individual.

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John Bolton says what we have been saying here all along.

"Free Kosovo a Door for Islamic Radicals," from Javno (thanks to larwyn):

Independent Kosovo will endanger the stability in the Balkans once again, estimated the American ambassador at the UN, John Bolton.

I think that there is a significant risk that the instability in the Balkans will continue in Bosnia and other areas where ethnic groups do not live in a country they refuse, said Bolton in an interview for Glas Amerike reported in Serbian language.

Kosovo will be a weak country submissive to Islamic radical forces which will spread its influence in the area with the support of singular Albanians and so potentially open the door to radicals in Europe, Bolton estimated.

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February 17, 2008

Great. So these guys dislike Al-Qaeda, but they still believe in the global jihad and Islamic supremacism. But that, apparently, is just fine. "Hardline imams sought to fight terror," by Richard Kerbaj for The Australian (thanks to PRCS):

HARDLINE Muslim spiritual leaders who preach the fundamentalist Salafi brand of Islam espoused by Osama bin Laden have become the latest recruits in combating global terrorism.

Australian security agencies have been urged by former Scotland Yard counter-terrorism expert Robert Lambert to enlist key Salafi leaders - who are widely perceived to be part of the radicalisation problem - to help prevent young Muslims from embracing al-Qa'ida's ideology.

Mr Lambert, co-founder of Scotland Yard's Muslim Contact Unit, said Salafi spiritual leaders, who follow a puritanical interpretation of the Koran and are often accused of being proponents of terrorism, had a vested interest in discrediting al-Qa'ida because the network had hijacked and distorted their true beliefs.

"As far as they're concerned, al-Qa'ida distorts the Salafi view of the world," Mr Lambert told The Australian during an interview in London. Australian Salafi leaders yesterday backed the idea of imams working with the authorities to prevent young Muslims from becoming radicalised, but they admitted it would be difficult for them to trust the counter-terrorism agencies.

Prominent Salafi cleric Toufic Mallah said counter-terrorism agencies should have been working closely with fundamentalist leaders to combat radicalisation from the beginning. He accused the authorities of discriminating against and singling out Salafis as extremists.

"These people (in authority) who are genuine I wouldn't mind working with," the Sydney-based imam told The Australian.

"But for those who want to use me to achieve what they want to achieve, then no, I don't want to work with them. But the thing is how do you pick out the genuine from the non-genuine?"

Good question!

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Not that the Taliban have any sudden affinity for animal rights: The apparent target was a police commander who stood up to the group in the '90s. "80 die in bombing at Afghan dog fight," by Allauddin Khan for the Associated Press:

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - A suicide bombing at an outdoor dog fighting competition killed 80 people and wounded scores on Sunday, an Afghan governor said. It appeared to be the deadliest terror attack in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.
A prominent militia commander who stood up against the Taliban was killed in the attack and officials said he may have been the target.
Several hundred people, including Afghan militia leaders, had gathered to watch the competition on the western edge of the southern city of Kandahar. Witnesses reported gunfire from bodyguards after the blast but it was not immediately clear how many of the casualties might have been caused by bullets.
Kandahar Gov. Asadullah Khalid said 80 people had been killed in the attack. Abdullah Fahim, a Health Ministry spokesman, said 70 were wounded.
Khalid blamed the attack on "the enemy of Afghanistan," which typically means the Taliban. The attack's apparent target, Abdul Hakim Jan, served as a commander of an auxiliary police force, a government-backed security force made of area tribesmen that is often shorthand for a local militia operating with government approval.
But a Taliban spokesman denied the militant group was behind the attack.
"That is not our work and I will not take responsibilty for it," Qari Yousef Ahmadi said.
The Taliban often claim responsibility immediately after major attacks against police and army forces — often naming the bombers — but shy away from claiming attacks with high civilian casualties.
Kandahar, the Taliban's former stronghold and Afghanistan's second largest city, is one of the country's largest opium poppy producing areas. The province has been the scene of fierce battles between NATO forces, primarily from Canada and the United States, and Taliban fighters over the last two years.
Unlike in the U.S., where star Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick was sentenced to 23 months in federal prison for his role in a dogfighting operation, dog fights are a popular form of entertainment in Afghanistan.
German shepherds, bully kuttas and Afghan mastiffs do not fight until death but rather until one dog pins another or one of the fighters runs away. The dogs have clipped ears and tails and carry the scars of battle.
The events can attract hundreds of spectators who cram into a tight circle around the spectacle. The sport was banned under Taliban rule.

Yes, dog fighting certainly is bad. But in their mindset, apparently suicide bombings and other acts of jihadist violence are nonetheless just fine.

The blast crumpled several Afghan police trucks and left bloodstains around the barren dirt field. Afghan soldiers donated blood at Kandahar's main hospital after the attack, said Dr. Durani, who goes by only one name.
"There are too many patients here," he said. "Some of them are in very serious condition."
Wali Karzai, brother of President Hamid Karzai and the president of Kandahar's provincial council, said the target of the attack was Jan.
Jan was the provincial police chief in Kandahar in the early 1990s and was the only commander in the province to stand up against the Taliban during its rule, said Khalid Pashtun, a parliamentarian who represents Kandahar.
"Hakim Jan is one of the important, prominent jihadi commanders in Kandahar," Pashtun said. "There were so many people gathered and of course the Taliban and al-Qaida usually target this kind of important people."

Still not an "interior spiritual struggler."

Jan was most recently appointed the commander of an auxiliary police force — a government-backed security force made of area tribesmen that is often shorthand for a local militia operating with government approval — to protect the Arghandab, a strategic area north of Kandahar.
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"The Prophet." Everyone knows who that is. No need to say "Muhammad." No need, above all, to say "the Islamic Prophet." Not over at the reliably dhimmi Observer, which is, after all, an arm of the Guardian.

Anyway, while I respect this "defiance," ordinarily talking about Wikipedia defying anything is silly. Wikipedia doesn't defy. For the most part it is a sandbox with no grownups. Anyone can come in with a can of spray paint and "vandalize" any topic he chooses. Just the other day I was alerted to the fact that on my ridiculous bio there, a poster had added "died 2008" after "born 1962." Classy! It's gone now, but it demonstrates anew how worthless Wikipedia really is, despite its good stand on this issue. It is too easy to sow disinformation (and, in my case, make threats) there.

Still, the refusal to kowtow is refreshing.

"Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of the Prophet," by Caroline Davies for The Observer (thanks to Davida):

Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, is refusing to remove medieval artistic depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, despite being flooded with complaints from Muslims demanding the images be deleted.

More than 180,000 worldwide have joined an online protest claiming the images, shown on European-language pages and taken from Persian and Ottoman miniatures dating from the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, are offensive to Islam, which prohibits any representation of Muhammad. But the defiant editors of the encyclopaedia insist they will not bow to pressure and say anyone objecting to the controversial images can simply adjust their computers so they do not have to look at them.

The images at the centre of the protest appear on most of the European versions of the web encyclopaedia, though not on Arabic sites. On two of the images, Muhammad's face is veiled, a practice followed in Islamic art since the 16th century. But on two others, one from 1315, which is the earliest surviving depiction of the prophet, and the other from the 15th century, his face is shown. Some protesters are claiming the pictures have been posted simply to 'bait' and 'insult' Muslims and argue the least Wikipedia can do is blur or blank out the faces.

Such has been the adverse reaction, Wikipedia has been forced to set up a separate page on its site explaining why it refuses to bow to pressure and has also had to set up measures to block people from 'editing' the pages themselves.

In a robust statement on the site, its editors state: 'Wikipedia recognises that there are cultural traditions among some Muslim groups that prohibit depictions of Muhammad and other prophets and that some Muslims are offended when those traditions are violated. However, the prohibitions are not universal among Muslim communities, particularly with the Shia who, while prohibiting the images, are less strict about it.

'Since Wikipedia is an encyclopedia with the goal of representing all topics from a neutral point of view, Wikipedia is not censored for the benefit of any particular group.

'So long as they are relevant to the article and do not violate any of Wikipedia's existing policies, nor the law of the US state of Florida where Wikipedia's servers are hosted, no content or images will be removed because people find them objectionable or offensive.'...

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It's a dhimmi church to begin with: it will not have crosses outside the building. And note well that the church is meant only to serve Christian foreigners who are working in Qatar, not native Qataris. But even that is too much for some hardliners.

Islamic Tolerance Alert. "Qataris Divided on First Church," from IslamOnline (thanks to PRCS):

DOHA — The construction of the first-ever church in Doha has sparked a hot debate in Qatar with a group pressing for granting the Christian minority this right and another viewing it as an imposition on the Islamic nature of the Gulf state.

Having "places of worship for various religions is a fundamental human right guaranteed by Islam," former dean of the Shari`ah Faculty at Qatar University Abdul Hamid al-Ansari told Agence France Presse (AFP) Saturday, February 16.

Ansari attributed the opposition to "a fanatic culture resulting from religious teaching (stipulating) hatred for the other and from social norms that denied non-Muslims their rights on the basis of old political and security considerations that have become obsolete."

Let's all welcome the presence of churches in Qatar... as a demonstration of Islamic tolerance and human brotherhood," he said.

The $7 million Roman Catholic St. Mary's church will be inaugurated on March 15 by Vatican envoy Cardinal Ivan Dias.

The complex will include conference facilities, temporary living accommodations, a library, and a cafe.

The land was given by Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani.

Catholics comprise the majority of Qatar's estimated 70,000 Christian expatriates.

Not Secular

The church construction, however, has drawn fire from some Qataris, who saw the building imposed on them.

"Qatar is a Muslim, not secular state, as per its constitution," Former justice minister Najib al-Nuaimi told AFP

He called for holding a referendum on church construction in Qatar.

"There should have been a referendum on the building of these churches in order to ensure they are socially accepted."

Rashed al-Subaie echoed a similar view.

"Christians should be allowed to practice their faith but should do so in line with public morals without being given licenses to set up places of worship."

St. Mary's parish priest, Father Tomasito Veneracion, a Filipino, said the church would be "merely a place for collective prayer."

He said it would not have crosses outside the building or serve as a platform for proselytizing.

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Unconscionable. "Victims of Palestinian terror ask US not to hinder their cases," by Hilary Leila Krieger for the Jerusalem Post (thanks to Gabrielle Goldwater):

Terror victims from across the US and Israel came here this week to urge the Bush administration not to interfere with their multi-million-dollar lawsuits against the Palestine Liberation Organization. They left feeling they'd been listened to, but not necessarily heard.

"I hope that they understand deeply now what we need from them, what we're going through, that we're seeking justice the way we're supposed to," said Shayna Elliot, one of more than 20 American victims of terror attacks and bereaved family members who met with officials at the State Department and Department of Justice on Wednesday and Thursday.

They made the trip after learning that the State Department might submit a "statement of interest" at the urging of the PLO, telling the court that the Palestinians shouldn't have to pay out on the judgments delivered against them....

Read it all.

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What "Western campaigns against Islam"? Why, the Motoons, of course. No word yet from these "Jordanian political and cultural organizations" on any plans to confront Osama bin Laden and others who have allegedly "hijacked" their peaceful religion.

"Jordanian political and cultural organizations call for Confronting Western Campaigns against Islam," from the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Amman : Political and cultural Jordanian organizations have denounced the western media campaigns against Islam and Muslims.

They condemned, in a statement released here today, re-publishing the drawings, which insult Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, by the Danish newspapers.

The organizations pointed out that these biased campaigns stand as a witness for the existing fanatic racial mobilization against the Muslims and their sanctities.

They called for boycotting Denmark at all economic, political and cultural domains in a gradual manner.

The organizations said the Danish government is fully aware of the fact that these campaigns against Islam and Muslims can never be justified by freedom of expression.

Why not?

The organizations underlined the importance of taking wise and practical measures for ending these campaigns against Islam.

Wise and practical. Hmmm. I expect that we shall see what they mean by that very soon.

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Yes, I can see their point. Mild weather always makes me want to burn cars and vandalize schools. "Suspected Danish cartoon rioters torch cars," from Reuters (thanks to JE):

GANGS of rioters set fire to cars and garbage trucks in northern Copenhagen after demonstrators evicted from a youth centre earlier in the year tried to occupy a new building.

Five youths were arrested in the capital after 28 cars and 35 garbage trucks were burned, Copenhagen police duty officer Jakob Kristensen said.

Danish media said arrests in other towns brought to 29 the number of people police were holding.

Scores of cars and several schools have been vandalised or burned in the past week.

Police could give no reason, but said that unusually mild weather and the closure of schools for a winter break might have contributed.

Police arrested two Tunisians and a Dane of Moroccan descent on Tuesday for planning to kill a cartoonist who drew one of the cartoons printed in a Danish newspaper two years ago that roused a storm of protest in Muslim countries.

Fifteen Danish newspapers reprinted his drawing on Wednesday in protest against the alleged murder plot.

Several hundred Muslims gathered in central Copenhagen yesterday to protest against publication of the cartoon.

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Well, there's always Cola Turka, eh, Chevy?

"Pepsi’s headscarf attitude sparks protests," from Zaman (thanks to Sr. Soph):

A condition in a photo contest run by Pepsi stating that photos with people wearing a headscarf will not be accepted has triggered numerous protests.

Calls to boycott the company's products are becoming widespread, despite the fact that Pepsi removed this condition following earlier complaints. After a similar move by the Consumers Association, the Craftsmen and Artisans Association (ESDER) has announced that they will boycott Pepsi products until the company issues a public apology. ESDER President Mahmut Çelikus emphasized that saying "those wearing headscarves cannot participate in the contest" is discrimination based on people's beliefs.

Çelikus noted that companies operating in Turkey, where 99 percent of the population is Muslim, have to respect the values of the public. Calling for Pepsi to apologize, Çelikus stated that should Pepsi refuse to do so, ESDER will begin a boycott in accordance with its members' demands. Pepsi had previously announced on the contest Web site -- www.duygularinigoster.com -- that contest photos with people wearing the headscarf would not be approved by moderators. The company then replaced "headscarf" with "religious, political [content] photos as well as those that may be misconceived," because of further criticism. Pepsi then made a third correction, announcing that photos violating laws and general ethics would not be published.

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"While retaliation in the U.S. homeland is unlikely, Hezbollah has demonstrated a capability to respond outside the Middle East to similar events in the past." And remember: there are already Hizballah cells in the U.S.

"FBI warns of possible Hezbollah revenge in U.S.," by Josh Meyer for the Los Angeles Times (thanks to Sr. Soph):

WASHINGTON -- The FBI and Department of Homeland Security sent a bulletin Friday to state and local law enforcement authorities advising them to watch for potential retaliatory strikes by Hezbollah, one day after the Lebanese militia group vowed to avenge the death of a top commander by attacking Israeli and Jewish targets around the world.

"While retaliation in the U.S. homeland is unlikely, Hezbollah has demonstrated a capability to respond outside the Middle East to similar events in the past," said the intelligence bulletin sent to about 18,000 state and local law enforcement officials late Friday afternoon.

The FBI also said it was intensifying its domestic intelligence-gathering efforts to identify any potential Hezbollah threats in the United States in the aftermath of Tuesday's car-bomb assassination of Imad Mughniyah in Syria.

On Wednesday, the FBI sent a confidential internal bulletin to its 101 Joint Terrorism Task Forces across the country warning of the possible domestic consequences of Mughniyah's killing. As part of that effort, FBI officials at headquarters told the bureau's field offices and multiagency task forces to increase monitoring and surveillance of suspected Hezbollah operatives and to conduct fresh interviews with sources and informants about the U.S.-designated terrorist group, according to two FBI officials.

U.S. authorities have long described Hezbollah as the "A-Team" of terrorism, with far more discipline than Al Qaeda, vast financing from the government of Iran, and a global network of sleeper operatives who could be called on to launch an attack at any time. Various federal investigations and prosecutions have uncovered dozens of Hezbollah fundraisers and supporters in the United States, but few people are believed to be actual "bomb throwers," according to a senior FBI counter-terrorism official who focuses on Hezbollah....

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Hate, of course, is the third rail of today's public discourse. By saying that he hates anything, Wilders has rendered himself anathema to the mainstream. But when Wilders says, "I have a problem with Islamic tradition, culture, ideology. Not with Muslim people," how is that different from saying that he has a problem with any other tradition, culture, ideology? Would his mainstream critics really reject such a statement aimed at Nazism? Did the likelihood that there were Nazi party members here and there who were nice guys foreclose any examination of the elements of the ideology that gave rise to murderous fanaticism?

Now, one doesn't have to think that Islam is remotely like Nazism to see my point here. Should any ideology, any system of beliefs, really be placed off-limits for criticism? Should criticism of any ideology really be classified as "racism"? After all, it was no lesser a luminary than CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper who said, "Islam is an ideology. It's not a race." So if it is an ideology, it can be liked or disliked, and subjected to critical scrutiny like any other, no?

By Ian Traynor for The Observer (thanks to all who sent this in):

A TV addict with bleached hair who adores Maggie Thatcher and prefers kebabs to hamburgers, Geert Wilders has got nothing against Muslims. He just hates Islam. Or so he says. 'Islam is not a religion, it's an ideology,' says Wilders, a lanky Roman Catholic right-winger, 'the ideology of a retarded culture.'

The Dutch politician, who sees himself as heir to a recent string of assassinated or hounded mavericks who have turned Holland upside down, has been doing a crash course in Koranic study. Likening the Islamic sacred text to Hitler's Mein Kampf, he wants the 'fascist Koran' outlawed in Holland, the constitution rewritten to make that possible, all immigration from Muslim countries halted, Muslim immigrants paid to leave and all Muslim 'criminals' stripped of Dutch citizenship and deported 'back where they came from'. But he has nothing against Muslims. 'I have a problem with Islamic tradition, culture, ideology. Not with Muslim people.'

Wilders has been immersing himself in the suras and verse of seventh-century Arabia. The outcome of his scholarship, a short film, has Holland in a panic. He is just putting the finishing touches to the 10-minute film, he says, and talking to four TV channels about screening it.

'It's like a walk through the Koran,' he explains in a sterile conference room in the Dutch parliament in The Hague, security chaps hovering outside. 'My intention is to show the real face of Islam. I see it as a threat. I'm trying to use images to show that what's written in the Koran is giving incentives to people all over the world. On a daily basis Moroccan youths are beating up homosexuals on the streets of Amsterdam.'


'My allies are not Le Pen or Haider,' he emphasises. 'We'll never join up with the fascists and Mussolinis of Italy. I'm very afraid of being linked with the wrong rightist fascist groups.' Dutch iconoclasm, Scandinavian insistence on free expression, the right to provoke are what drive him, he says.

Read it all.

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Syed Soharwardy has dropped his human rights complaint against Ezra Levant, but he has brought upon himself some unwelcome scrutiny. "Imam undercuts himself by twisting his own words," by Licia Corbella for The Calgary Herald (thanks to all who sent this in):

Earlier this week, Calgary Imam Syed Soharwardy spent nearly two hours with the Herald's editorial board before announcing he would withdraw his two-year-long Alberta human rights complaint against Ezra Levant, the publisher of the defunct Western Standard magazine.

Soharwardy lodged the complaint after Levant published Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that were central to murderous protests around the world by Muslims, including renewed violence in Denmark on Friday.

Soharwardy is trying to take back his complaint, but it's already too late. Levant's resolve is too strong and freedom of expression too fundamental a right to be so easily shrugged off after the microscope of world attention ended up being turned on Soharwardy.

The founder of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada (ISCC) asked for a meeting with the Herald's editorial board via an e-mail, arguing that Levant was "attempting to paint me as a hate-mongering, anti-Semitic, Wahabi radical who wants to see Canada governed under sharia law. Nothing could be further from the truth."

While preparing for the meeting, a quick search on Canwest's library system showed a Jan. 17, 2004, column written by the cleric.

In it, he wrote: "Sharia cannot be customized for specific countries. These universal, divine laws are for all people of all countries for all times."

In the same column he also boasts: "I am one of the founding members of the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice. The mandate of the institute is to resolve disputes within existing Canadian laws by using the principles of conflict resolution from Islamic Law, or sharia."

His column is clear. He wanted to bring sharia to Canada and even helped found the organization that spearheaded the drive to do so.

Indeed. Read it all.

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Just something for the learned analysts to consider as they continue to urge that Al-Sadr be "included in the political process." "Muqtada Al-Sadr Declares Three Days Of Mourning For Mughniya; Source: Mughniya Trained Mahdi Army, Assassination Squads," from MEMRI (thanks to Sr. Soph):

The Sadrist Shi'ites in Iraq, led by Muqtada Al-Sadr, have declared a three-day mourning period for Imad Mughniya.

An Iraqi security source said that Mughniya had entered Iraq via Iran, and had trained some 500 members of the Mahdi Army, which belongs to the Sadrists.

He added that he had also trained a number of squads in planning and carrying out assassinations within Iraq.

Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, February 15, 2008

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"The Algerian minister further hoped that the event would help open a new chapter in Tehran-Algiers bilateral ties." Iran solidifies its ties to a Sunni state. "Algerian minister lauds Iran's services to Islam," from IRNA (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Algerian Culture Minister Khalida Toumi said that the Iranians have rendered great services to the Islamic culture and civilization.

She made the remarks while addressing the inaugural ceremony of Iran's Cultural Week.

Such Iranian services are great honor for all Arab states and Muslim nations throughout the globe, she added.

She further praised Iranian culture and civilization particularly during the post-Islam era.

On Iran-Algeria bilateral cooperation, she said the two countries' leaders are seriously determined to further boost all-out ties, particularly in the area of culture.

Expansion of cultural relations between the two states would help boost bilateral ties in other fields, Ms Toumi added.

She said holding Iran's Cultural Week is a good opportunity for the Algerian people to become familiar with the Iranian culture and civilization.

The Algerian minister further hoped that the event would help open a new chapter in Tehran-Algiers bilateral ties.

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Anti-dhimmitude. "Danish lawmakers cancel trip to Iran," from AP (thanks to Sr. Soph):

A group of Danish lawmakers have canceled a trip to Iran because Tehran demanded they condemn the reprinting of Prophet Muhammad cartoons in newspapers, a spokeswoman said Saturday.

Mette Vestergaard, a committee official, confirmed the cancellation. "The Iranian ambassador asked the Foreign Policy Committee to condemn the drawings. They can't and they won't," she said without giving more details.

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February 16, 2008

"We must not allow the freedom of speech ... to be used as a cover for assaulting the sensibilities and exalted moral and religious values which are respected by all of humanity," said Justice Minister Gholamhossein Elham.

But he's got it wrong. This is what he should have said: "We must not allow a sense of offense that is exaggerated beyond all proportion ... to be used as a cover for assaulting innocent human beings, destroying the principles of free inquiry (on which rests the harmony of a society in which people of good faith differ in their religious and philosophical perspectives) and imposing the supremacism of one belief-system upon everyone."

"Iran urges Dutch not to air Koran film: report," from Reuters (thanks to Hot Air):

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has urged the Netherlands to prevent the screening of a film in which a right-wing populist lawmaker plans to lay out his view of the Koran, a news agency in the Islamic Republic said on Saturday.

Justice Minister Gholamhossein Elham expressed concern about what he called the making of an offensive film against the Koran in a letter to his Dutch counterpart Ernst Hirsch Ballin, the Fars News Agency said.

He called on Ballin to prevent this "provocative and satanic act on the basis of European Convention on Human Rights," the news agency report, picked up by the BBC in London, said.

"We must not allow the freedom of speech ... to be used as a cover for assaulting the sensibilities and exalted moral and religious values which are respected by all of humanity," Elham, who is also government spokesman, said in the letter.

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"No to double standards"! Exactly! The Archdhimmi of Canterbury, in calling for Islamic law in Britain, was calling for double standards -- Islamic laws for Muslims, secular laws for everyone else. Those who opposed him were standing up for equal citizenship and equal rights -- exactly what these groups profess to want. And keeping out Qaradawi? I would hope that if the Mayor of London wanted to bring in a Presbyterian proponent of suicide terror, that he would be kept out also -- equal rights for all!

And what about the bugging of Sadiq Khan? His "jailed constituent" is accused of running a website that raised funds of the Taliban and Chechen jihadists. I'd be fine with any member of Parliament, Muslim or non-Muslim, being bugged when he visits constituents who are plotting the mass murder of innocent people and their subjugation under a draconian legal system that would deny them equality of rights. How would that be? Equal rights for all!

"Muslim groups prepare for Downing Street protest," from Independent Television News :

Muslim groups are preparing to stage a demonstration outside Downing Street after what they describe as a week of "bias, prejudice, xenophobia and even borderline racism".

It has been organised by the British Muslim Initiative (BMI) and supported by 20 other Muslim groups including the Muslim Council of Britain and British Muslim Forum.

They are calling for equal rights under the slogan: Yes to equal citizenship, No to double standards.

The BMI have said the demonstration is a response to the past week's events including the controversy provoked by the Archbishop of Canterbury's comments that adoption of some aspects of Islamic sharia law in the UK seem "unavoidable".

It is also protesting over the Home Office's rejection of Egyptian-born, controversial scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi's visa application to enter the UK.

The revelation that counter-terrorism officers had secretly recorded discussions between MP Sadiq Khan and a jailed constituent has also led to angry reactions from Muslims.

A BMI statement said the three events "provide further evidence of bias, prejudice, xenophobia and even borderline racism rampant in wide corners of the media as well as in the corridors of government."

BMI spokesman Anas Altikriti said: "It all gives out a message that Muslims can never be trusted and any discourse must be banned and no-one, not even the esteemed Archbishop of Canterbury, can say anything about Muslims.

"This vigil is about all Muslims coming together and asking to be treated as equal citizen with rights. And at the same time we are calling for issues to do with Muslims to be dealt with fairness and balance."

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What's with the Saudi millions, Dr. Esposito? Are the Saudis buying influence at Georgetown? Are they influencing your curriculum, and/or what you say about Islam and jihad? Darth Emerson wants to know, and I'm sure Darth Pipes is interested in the answers also, as am I, Darth Spencer.

"Wolf to Georgetown: Detail Use of Saudi Millions," by the intrepid Steven Emerson for IPT News (thanks to all who sent this in):

A U.S. congressman is asking Georgetown University about its academic scrutiny of Saudi Arabia and its use of $20 million donated by a Saudi prince in 2005.

U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) wrote to Georgetown President John DeGioia Thursday, saying he was concerned about how the money was being spent at the university's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. Of particular concern, Wolf said, was the university's role in training current and prospective U.S. foreign service personnel.

"The Saudi government continues to permit textbooks to contain inflammatory language about other religions," Wolf wrote. "Restrictions on civil society and political activists continue to be pervasive. No changes have been made to the underlying legal authority relating to non-Muslim worship that the Saudis have relied on to enforce these rules. The Saudis have cleansed their own country of religious liberties by severely restricting public religious expression to their interpretation and enforcement of wahhabism."

Wolf's letter seeks assurances the Georgetown center "maintains the impartiality and integrity of scholarship that befits so distinguished a university as Georgetown."

Uh, Congressman Wolf, I can answer that one for you right now.

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Michael Lucas is described at the end of this piece in this way: "Gay pornographic actor and activist Michael Lucas is the CEO and founder of Lucas Entertainment, a New York-based gay adult film company." Unlike most gay activists, he seems to have realized that there is a big difference between Osama bin Laden and Pat Robertson -- and has accordingly been charged with being "racist" and "intolerant" by the thoroughly propagandized students at Stanford University. Here is his defense:

"Op-Ed: Racism and intolerance: disappointing at a liberal university," by Mike Lucas in the Stanford Daily (thanks to Paul):

Let me first address the “racism” remarks and the accusation of me being “racist” [“Adult film star’s remarks spark debate,” Feb. 14]. I was disappointed (but not very surprised) by the reaction that I got from some of the students at Stanford (as I’ve been wrongly accused of racism before).

Speaking of racism in relation to religion, not to a race, is a big disservice to language and to intelligence. I never in my life said or wrote a bad word about Arabs — go read any of my articles. My criticism was always addressed towards the religion and ideology of Islam. So I would like to ask Stanford students not to exploit the word ‘racism’ at their own convenience. It’s shocking to me that some students do not know what that term means but handle it with such wanton impudence. Maybe such a hole in the education should be brought to the attention of the teaching faculty of your university.

In fact, some of my role models are Arabs for whom I have tremendous admiration. I’m talking about the likes of Wafa Sultan, who has confronted and condemned Islam on many occasions and for whose lectures I will travel across the country, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, whose book “Infidel” also helped me to shape my opinions. Both of these women secularized, as Islam in their opinion is the ideology of backwardness and hate. They rightly point out that Islam hasn’t changed, or evolved, for 1,400 years; it has always suppressed every progressive thought. Needless to say, these women were forced to live in exile in the United States and live with hired security 24 hours a day. As I hope you know, Islam does not forgive. It forbids any criticism. Think Salman Rushdie. Think Theo Van Gogh, for his portrayal of the misery of women in Muslim countries. Think of the Danish cartoonists who are hiding in safe houses. The list is long.

What fostered my distain for Islam? The contempt that Muslim men vomit on women, treating them with less respect than camels. That includes the infibulation — female circumcision — of young girls; the imposition of chadors and burqas; the decapitation of adulterous wives (but never adulterous husbands); the fact that, in most Muslim countries, women cannot go to school, see a doctor or even leave their own houses without a male escort; the approval of polygamy; the arranged marriages that involve girls as young as 9; the barring of women from taking part in public life or in any receptions, even those of their own weddings; the death penalty for drinkers of alcohol; the mutilation penalty for thieves; the public killings of homosexuals. Doesn’t all of this originate from the Koran? Have you ever thought that, instead of protesting me, you should protest against those atrocities, maybe organizing some short demonstration in front of Muslim embassies? Why instead are you unleashing your hate against one who speaks against those crimes? Why are you denying my right to compare the Koran, the text in which these facts originate, to Hitler’s “Mein Kampf?” The Koran, that for 1,400 years has tormented humanity more than the Bible, the Gospels and the Torah combined? Do not suppress or boycott someone who has a different opinion, even if you disagree with this opinion. Debate it. Argue it. In a civilized manner. Otherwise, what is the difference between you and Islam?

I do very well realize where this reaction is coming from. Stanford is a liberal university, and I very much hope that the good word “liberalism” is not degraded in your institution as it has been degraded by the likes of Michael Moore, Rosie O’Donnell, Ward Churchill, Noam Chomsky and many others. I hope the word “liberal” in the mind of Stanford students still means “progressive” and “broad-minded.” The left symbolizes progress. At least, it has done so in the past. It has always stood for women’s rights, for gay rights, for the rights of African-Americans. The reaction which I see today at Stanford demonstrates to me that there are changes in the left and that these changes are for the worst. What I read today in The Stanford Daily is nothing more than intellectual terrorism. A dogmatism that I can only compare to one of religion. (If-you-don’t-think-what-I-think,-you-are-an-idiot-and-a-delinquent.) It’s difficult for me to understand how the progressive left can defend the most backwards and reactionary ideology on earth, the ideology of Islam.

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Presumably the member-states of O.I.C. were consulted on this attempt to suppress freedom of speech, as it is commonly understood, all over the advanced Western world, and to substitute for it a non-freedom freedom-of-speech, that is the one recognized in Islam, which is a very different thing. Therefore, one wishes to know, before another trillion dollars goes down the drain, if the governments of Iraq and Afghanistan, which owe their existence, as well as uncountable (save possibly by those locals who have decamped with so much of the loot) billions of dollars lavished on them and their permanently ungrateful (they are Muslims, we are Infidels) peoples, also subscribe to this attempt by the O.I.C. to suppress not only freedom of speech in Denmark and all over Western Europe, but in the United States as well.

As for Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, he was chosen to be the head of the O.I.C. because he was a "moderate" Turkish Muslim and a presumably-respectable "historian of science." But he turns out to be not that but rather an historian, and defender, of "Islamic" science, who attempts to tortuously explain away the absence of science in the Islamic world since its brief flourishing thanks to Christians, Jews, and those who, while they were called Muslims, were only a generation or two away from being something else, in a milieu still heavily influenced by non-Muslim elements -- which, when greatly reduced, also reduced the atmosphere in which science could be conducted.

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In his address, Al-Ghazzawi (whose name means "from Gaza") urges the Palestinians to participate in the war against "the unbelievers, headed by the U.S., Europe and Iran" who are attacking Islam. He stresses that they must begin by fighting the Jews, who are their nearest enemies."…

"We say to our sheikh, Shaker [Al-'Absi], as well as to Osama [bin Laden], Ayman [Al-Zawahiri] and Abu Omar [Al-Baghdadi]: 'Set forth with Allah's blessing and fight – and we shall fight at your side. Oh Muslims [worldwide] and people of Gaza... you are our support, and through you we shall receive help from Allah... Borders should not come between us... Our God is one, our religion is one, and our enemy is one..." -- from this MEMRI translation

It is precisely this truth -- the real nature of the war on Israel, which is simply a Lesser Jihad -- that the Arabs have tried to conceal from the Western world, even as they have never made much of a secret about it among themselves.

After the Six-Day War, the local Arabs -- not those within Israel as defined by the 1949 Armistice Lines (who continued to simply be called "Arabs") -- but those Arabs who were in the territories won by Israel in a war of self-defense, in Gaza, and in Judea and Samaria (which had been carefully renamed by Jordanian Arabs, in the late 1940s, as "the West Bank" [of the Jordan River] -- a most peculiar designation for such an ear-shaped area), carefully renamed themselves as the "Palestinian people." And the Arabs collectively repackaged their refusal to contemplate the existence of the State of Israel as a “nationalist struggle.” But what has always been behind it is the fact that Islam inculcates the need to retake any inch or dunam of land that has ever been under Muslim control, no matter how tiny that land area may be, or how inoffensive its current Infidel possessors.

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More Sharia encroachment -- as well as a brazen flouting of immigration laws, which are weak enough in the first place. "Dial-a-marriage, eh! Islamic law allows telephone nuptials, which enables Muslims to sponsor loved ones to Canada," by Tom Godfrey for the Toronto Sun (thanks to Morgaan Sinclair):

Long-distance telephone marriages can be dialled up under sharia law and then used to sponsor loved ones into Canada, Muslim leaders say.

Two Muslim leaders have told the Toronto Sun telephone marriages are permissible under Islamic law and require two witnesses and imams here and abroad to conduct the vows, which may have the bride in Pakistan and the groom in Toronto.

Once completed, a marriage certificate is obtained abroad legitimately in Muslim countries and can be used by the groom for sponsoring his new wife to Canada, one Mississauga imam said.

Mumtaz Ali, of the Canadian Association of Muslims, said he conducted a telephone marriage between a student in Toronto and his about-to-be wife in India.

"He was a university student and couldn't leave," Ali said. "It is a civil contract and the vows were conducted over the phone."

A marriage certificate was obtained and the student was able to sponsor his wife to Canada, he said.

The vow takes less than five minutes and a dowry is exchanged to seal the ceremony, Ali said....

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What happens when violent jihadists are confronted with democracy in action? This.

"Pakistan suicide blast kills 27: interior minister," from AFP (thanks to JE):

A suicide bomber has killed at least 27 people at an election rally in the northwestern town of Parachinar that borders Afghanistan, interior minister Hamid Nawaz told AFP on Saturday.

"It was a suicide attack, there were people outside the candidate's house and they were waiting for food when this man attacked. I have been told 27 people died and the number of injured is quite high," Nawaz said.

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For Pete's sake. This is politics today?

Obama's fainters.

And Bill's and Hillary's.

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More on this story from WorldNetDaily (thanks to all who sent this in):

An organization that reaches out to persecuted Christians worldwide, International Christian Concern, says a new Egyptian court ruling allowing 12 Christians who converted to Islam to return to Christianity actually isn't religious freedom, and will place them in grave danger.

The Washington-based human rights group said the recent ruling followed another in which the judge concluded that no one – ever – is allowed to leave Islam.

The difference between the two cases is that the single man seeking to have his national identity card in Egypt reflect that he is a Christian was born a Muslim, while the more recent case, affecting 12 people, involved individuals who were Christian, turned to Islam, and then sought permission to return to Christianity.

On its surface, the ICC said, the ruling appears generous and beneficent. "The ruling enables the Christian identity of the 12 converts to be indicated on their government-issued identity cards," the organization noted. They had been "fighting for their re-conversion to be recognized by the Egyptian government" and now it has.

"Egypt's highest civil court has broken from Islamic tradition and official permitted someone to convert to some other religion than Islam," ICC noted.

However, the "victory" is only partial, and, in fact, "may indeed end up harming more than it helps," the organization said.

"The reason the court recognized these 12 conversions is because they had been Christians before they were Muslims. This does not help Muslim-born Egyptians who convert to Christianity," ICC said.

The group noted the only Muslim-born convert to Christianity to seek Egyption permission to be listed with his Christian identity, Mohammed Hegazy, has been rejected by Egyptian courts.

In that recent decision, Judge Muhammad Husseini said it violates the law for a Muslim to leave Islam.

The report said Husseini cited Article II of the Egyptian constitution, making Islamic religious law the "source" of Egyptian secular law, as the basis for his conclusion.

Since Islam is the "final" and "most complete" religion, Muslims already have full freedom of religion and are not allowed to return to the "less complete" Christianity or Judaism, the ruling said.

"Freedom of religion doesn't mean getting in and out of Islam to another religion, but only means that each person is free to practice his own religious rites, and not playing games with Islam or contradicting sharia law," the website said the judge concluded.

International Christian Concern noted that Hegazy now lives in hiding because of the many death threats from Muslims who consider him apostate, which under Islamic law results in the death penalty.

"Most Muslim-background Christians face such intense persecution that they do not even ask for official recognition of their Christianity for fear of discrimination and persecution from the government and from Muslims," the ICC said.

In the cases involving the 12 actually given permission to be listed, again, as Christian, the danger is just beginning, according to Magdi Khalil, director of the Middle East Freedom Forum.

Since the judge also ordered those Christians to display their "previous Muslim identity" on their national ID cards, the decision creates a high level of danger, Khalil said.

When extremists see their IDs, the Christians could be subject to discrimination or even killed, since they are considered apostates, Khalil explained....

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Their radicals

"By reprinting these cartoons we are heading toward a bigger conflict and that shows that both sides will be hostages of their radicals." Our radicals print cartoons. Theirs burn stuff and kill people. And watch it, now: if our radicals keep printing those cartoons, their radicals will be at it again soon.

This is just organized thuggery. The OIC, by issuing this threat, shows itself to be an organization of thugs. Now is the time for Western authorities to stand up strongly and reaffirm the principle of free speech, and explain violent reprisals in the face of a perceived offense are irrational, immature, unacceptable, and will be dealt with in the strongest possible terms. Anyone up for that? Mr. Bush? Mr. Brown? Anyone? Anyone?

"Reprinting of Prophet cartoons sparks outrage," from Lebanon's Daily Star (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) denounced on Friday the reprinting of a Danish cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad, warning it could lead to confrontations between Muslims and Christians. "By reprinting these cartoons we are heading toward a bigger conflict and that shows that both sides will be hostages of their radicals," OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, a Turk, said in Istanbul. The Jeddah-based OIC is the world's largest pan-Islamic body, with 57 members.

"It is not a way of improving your rights and exercising your freedoms when you use these rights for insulting the most sacred values and symbols of others and inciting hatred," he said. "This is a very wrong, provocative path - unacceptable."

No, Mr. Ihsanoglu, you are the one inciting hatred, by suggesting that violence in response to a cartoon is morally acceptable. Insulting the sacred values and symbols of others may be obnoxious, but what should be done about it? If you make it a crime to insult those symbols, you are in effect affirming their sacredness as a universal value: those who do not accept the sacredness of those symbols must behave as if they do, so their sacredness becomes a fundamental assumption of the culture at large.

If you make it a crime punishable by law in the West, which I know you want to do and which your coreligionists are already trying to do under the guise of "hate speech" laws, you will have forced Western societies to accept the sacredness of those symbols. And thus the openness to question this status will be removed, and free inquiry about these symbols will be foreclosed. Thus the West will have begun to accept the priority and superiority of Islamic values, which in the context of the total societal model that Sharia represents, means that it will have taken one large step toward its own Islamization.

I am sorry the cartoons offend you, Mr. Ihsanoglu, but I must stand and defend the right of the cartoonists to draw them, and -- in the face of the violent intimidation coming from the Islamic world -- defend also what has become the moral duty of publications to publish them. We live in a world where people in good faith come to differing views of religious truth and virtually everything else also. In a free society, those people live together in peace, being willing to accept the possibility of being offended as the price of being able to have their say also, even if what they have to say might give offense to others. The alternative is to demand that all people, whatever their own perspective, acknowledge and pay obeisance to the superiority and primacy of one value-system and belief-system over all others. And that, of course, is the goal of the Islamic supremacist imperative in the first place.

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February 15, 2008

At first glance this appears to be in clear violation of Islamic law, for punishment by burning is "Allah's punishment," and should not be used by humans -- as indicated by this hadith:

Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "

However, the Al-Qaeda op in this video says that he is punishing his victims with "the same fire which they committed their crime with" -- although we do not learn what fire these people are supposedly guilty of setting. In any case, that kind of retaliation is allowed by the Qur'an (5:45):

We ordained therein for them: "Life for life, eye for eye, nose or nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal." But if any one remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself. And if any fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) wrong-doers.

So if the jihadists believe these men harmed the Muslims by way of fire, they can lawfully burn them to death.

From FoxNews (thanks to CR):

Al Qaeda's latest display of terror has made its way onto the Internet, showing horrifying images of what appear to be prisoners in Iraq being doused with an inflammatory liquid and then burned alive.

The video, which appears to have been posted first on Google last December in an alleged anti-Al Qaeda Web film, shows five insurgents standing behind three blindfolded prisoners kneeling at the edge of a burning pit.

"And now that we have captured these scums who committed this dreadful crime, we will burn them with this fire," the Al Qaeda leader says in Arabic. "The same fire which they committed their crime with.

"And I swear by God almighty that, I swear by God almighty that we will have no mercy on them," he continues. "Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar."

As he speaks, two of the insurgents pour liquid on the blindfolded prisoners. Then they push the bound men into the pit, where they are engulfed in flames.

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You may recall that before the illustrious Dinesh D'Souza was a would-be C.S. Lewis, he was a would-be Bernard Lewis -- and in his disastrous book The Enemy At Home, surely a candidate to be named The Most Wrongheaded Book of the Twenty-First Century, he declared: "If they want Sharia, let them have it."

And he repeated this grand Let-The-People-Rule sentiment just weeks ago, at which time I first noted the analogy between D'Souza and Stephen A. Douglas, who didn't care whether slavery were voted up or down as long as it was voted on -- and I expressed a preference not for a new Stephen A. Douglas, but a new Lincoln.

But now D'Souza is singing a decidedly different tune, excoriating the Archdhimmi of Canterbury for saying that accommodation of Sharia law was "inevitable" in Britain, saying that the Archdhimmi's modest proposal was "absurd," and "a little dangerous to boot."

Now, Dinesh D'Souza knows absurd -- he is, after all, the man who claimed that I want to see Islamic societies replace the Qur'an with the Torah. But this volte-face of his is peculiar. I mean, what if a majority of Britons voted for Sharia? Would he still think it "absurd" and "a little dangerous" to give it to them? What about the almighty popular will?

Or could Dinesh D'Souza actually be waking up to the fact that the things he objects to in his latest post, "chopping off limbs and...honor killings" and all that, might not be so easy to separate from the rest of Sharia? Perhaps this is an encouraging sign: you can't ignore or deny the truth forever. Reality is breaking out all over!

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He calls on Sunni Muslims to wage war against the unbelievers. Unbelievers. You mean, he thinks this struggle has something to do with religion? What are you, Al-Ghazzawi, some kind of Islamophobe?

It's-Just-A-Nationalist-Struggle-For-Land Update: "Commander of Fath Al-Islam in Palestine: Palestinians' War with the Jews is Part of Global Jihad," from MEMRI (thanks to Sr. Soph):

An audio recording posted February 12, 2008 on the Islamist website Al-Hesba (hosted by NOC4Hosts Inc. in Florida, USA) featured a 21-minute address by Abu 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Ghazzawi, who, according to the accompanying message, is the commander of Fath Al-Islam in Palestine.

In his address, Al-Ghazzawi (whose name means "from Gaza") urges the Palestinians to participate in the war against "the unbelievers, headed by the U.S., Europe and Iran" who are attacking Islam. He stresses that they must begin by fighting the Jews, who are their nearest enemies.

It should be noted that Al-Ghazzawi refers to the commander of Fath Al-Islam in Lebanon, Shaker Al-'Absi, as "our sheikh," which suggests that the organization in Gaza is connected to Fath Al-Islam in Lebanon.

The following are excerpts from the address:

"We do not follow [the dictates] of the Shi'ite state [i.e. Iran] or the 'Alawi state [i.e. Syria]. We reject tyrants... like those who adhere to democracy, socialism and secularism. Hence, we will begin our battle in Palestine, [with the help of both] the muhajirun [foreign fighters] and the ansar [the local fighters]... uniting our ranks and our opinions... in a war of faith... against the Jews. The war against the nearest enemy [i.e. the Jews] is the most urgent [one]...

"We say to our sheikh, Shaker [Al-'Absi], as well as to Osama [bin Laden], Ayman [Al-Zawahiri] and Abu Omar [Al-Baghdadi]: 'Set forth with Allah's blessing and fight – and we shall fight at your side. Oh Muslims [worldwide] and people of Gaza... you are our support, and through you we shall receive help from Allah... Borders should not come between us... Our God is one, our religion is one, and our enemy is one..."

Stop the Presses!

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Palestinians? "'Syria arrests suspects in Mughniyeh assassination,'" from the Jerusalem Post (thanks to Louis):

Syrian security forces have arrested several Palestinians suspects in connection with the assassination of Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh, a Lebanese security source told Reuters on Friday.

The source added that Hizbullah had appointed a successor to Mughniyeh within hours of his death in a car bomb blast in the Syrian capital.

Earlier Friday, Iran's state news agency reported that Syria and Iran agreed to conduct a joint investigation into the assassination of Mughniyeh,

An Iranian television station aired what it said was mobile phone video footage of the car bomb blast that killed Hezbollah commander Imad Mughniyeh in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

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A Tiny Minority of Extremists™ in Gaza rages against free speech and free inquiry.

From AP:

Palestinian Hamas supporters march during a demonstration against the re-publication of drawings of the Prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers, in Jebaliya, northern Gaza Strip, Friday, Feb. 15, 2008. Danish newspapers reprinted cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a gesture of solidarity Wednesday after police revealed a plot to kill the creator of the caricature that sparked deadly riots in the Muslim world. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
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It's Friday, the Friday sermons have been delivered, and you know what that means...

It's Rage Time!

From AP:

Pakistani men burn a Danish flag during a protest rally, Friday, Feb. 15, 2008, in Karachi, Pakistan. Angered over the reproduction of Prophet Muhammad cartoons in Denmark, some hundreds of people rallied Friday in various parts of Pakistan, setting fire to Danish flags and demanding the ambassador's expulsion. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)
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Burning thousands of books. But who needs them, if they disagree with the Qur'an? "Militants bomb Gaza YMCA library," from the BBC (thanks to all who sent this in):

Gunmen have attacked the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Gaza City and blown up its library, burning thousands of books, its director says.

Eissa Saba said 14 men overpowered the centre's two security guards before placing bombs in the library and main office. The latter did not explode.

The YMCA in Gaza City is open to Palestinians from all communities.

Gaza, which is controlled by the Islamist group Hamas, is home to 3,500 Christians, mostly Greek Orthodox.

Some have spoken of intimidation, but correspondents say Hamas itself has not shown hostility towards Christians since it ousted its Fatah party rivals from the territory in June.

Of course not.

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Islam forbids stoning, say the disingenuous apologists in the West. But they do not say it to those who need to hear it, such as those who operate the Sharia Courts in Nigeria. Sharia Alert from Reuters (thanks to James):

LAGOS (Reuters) - Six people convicted by Islamic sharia courts in a northern Nigerian state are awaiting death by stoning, while 46 others are waiting for amputation, the official News Agency of Nigeria reported on Friday.

The men on death row in Bauchi state include a 52-year-old sentenced in 2004 for getting his teenage step-daughter pregnant and another who was sentenced in 2002 for having sex 13 times with his friend's wife, the agency said.

The report did not say how many people were facing such penalties in 11 other northern Nigerian states that have criminal courts using sharia law. Such data is not collated centrally.

The Bauchi convicts awaiting the amputation of their hands include a 46-year-old trader, Husseini Maidoya, who was convicted in 2002 for hacking off the leg of his wife after accusing her of unfaithfulness.

A sharia court had then ruled that Maidoya be amputated without the application of anaesthesia.

The sentences have not been executed because the state government is yet to ratify them, the news agency said, quoting the acting secretary of the Bauchi state Sharia Consultative Council, Ishiaku Tijjani.

Bauchi is one of 12 states in Nigeria's mainly Islamic north that adopted a harsh sharia-based criminal code eight years ago. The move alienated large Christian minorities and sparked bouts of sectarian violence that killed thousands....

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The world-famous professional protestor is back, aided and abetted by a complicit media, and he's raging lustily at the kuffar in the latest round of Muhammad Cartoon Rage.

Once again, Brian C. Ledbetter at Snapped Shot is on the case.

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That's part of a limerick Pamela wrote for her introduction of Mark Steyn at CPAC. Read the rest here.

Yes, I'm a bit late with this, but I just saw it, thanks to Michelle Malkin.

And here's a column I wrote awhile back, "Stand By Steyn."

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A Stop-The-Presses! Alert from Dhimmi Britannia. From the Daily Mail (thanks to all who sent this in):

Britain has become a soft touch for terrorists, leading defence experts warn today.

The world-renowned Royal United Services Institute has delivered an unprecedented attack on the Government's security policy.

It warns that a failure to "lay down the line" to immigrant populations is undermining the fight against domestic extremism.

It condemns the country's "fragmented" national identity and obsession with multiculturalism.

And it accuses ministers of a "piecemeal and erratic response" to urgent threats to the nation and of starving the armed forces of cash to the point of "chronic disrepair".

The security think tank, which has unrivalled contact with senior political and military figures, urges ministers to abandon "flabby and bogus strategic thinking" and to make the defence of the realm the "first duty of Government".

The bleak assessment comes as top security officials warn that planned job cuts could undermine the UK's intelligence performance.

Read it all.

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What's that? It wasn't Islamophobes who did this? It was Muslim-on-Muslim jihad violence? What are you, some kind of Islamophobe?

"Twin suicide attacks at Iraq mosque kill four," from AFP (thanks to Sr. Soph):

MOSUL, Iraq - A double attack on Friday by two suicide bombers outside a crowded Shia mosque in the northwestern Iraqi town of Tal Afar killed at least four people and wounded 17, police said.

Tal Afar police chief Brigadier General Ibrahim Al Juburi said security forces shot both bombers but that the men still managed to detonate their suicide vests.

The attacks came during Friday prayers when the Shaikh Jawad Al Sadiq mosque was crowded with worshippers.

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Previously secret files describe how investigators were told they faced "another 7/7" and the loss of "British lives on British streets" if they pressed on with their inquiries and the Saudis carried out their threat to cut off intelligence.

Prince Bandar, the head of the Saudi national security council, and son of the crown prince, was alleged in court to be the man behind the threats to hold back information about suicide bombers and terrorists. He faces accusations that he himself took more than £1bn in secret payments from the arms company BAE.

He was accused in yesterday's high court hearings of flying to London in December 2006 and uttering threats which made the prime minister, Tony Blair, force an end to the Serious Fraud Office investigation into bribery allegations involving Bandar and his family." -- from the British report quoted here

This is Prince Bandar, smiling Prince Bandar. The one with the estate in Virginia. The one with the vast chalet in Aspen, where he had the top of an entire mountain removed so as to improve his view. The one who has that Plantagenet hunting-lodge outside London. The one who became the longest-serving diplomat in Washington, who entertained so lavishly all of his many good and great friends of both parties. The one who defended the massive thievery of the Al-Saud with his usual actor's routine, as he served the port and distributed the box of cigars, that "after all, all governments are corrupt and it is only a matter of degree" -- and how, after all, could the Americans present, all of them recognizing the corruption in their own government, and of which some of them were no doubt more than observers, disagree?

Prince Bandar, the Smiler With the Knyf Under the Cloke, the one who was allowed in, or rather allowed himself in, to secret policy-planning sessions just before the war in Iraq. Prince Bandar, the one who was a regular tennis partner of Colin Powell, to whose wife he gave a jaguar, the very same one she had once possessed, and had let drop in conversation how much she missed it. Prince Bandar –whom did he not touch? Was there a President, or a Secretary of State, or a National Security Advisor, or members of key Congressional committees, or generals preparing arms sales of all kind, from AWACS back in 1980 to the most advanced weaponry now, or people in the Energy Department who never managed to come up with even the semblance of an intelligent energy policy, who never met Prince Bandar?

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This ought to be front-page headline news all over the world. Why isn't it?

And is the State Department looking into the implications of this? Or will Bush return hat-in-hand to Saudi Arabia, in the spirit of his recent (rejected) request for a lowering of oil prices, and ask, Please, Sir, will you ease up on the global jihad?

Can there really be any further doubt about which side the Saudis are on?

Friend and Ally Update: "BAE: secret papers reveal threats from Saudi prince," by David Leigh and Rob Evans in The Guardian (thanks to Davida):

Saudi Arabia's rulers threatened to make it easier for terrorists to attack London unless corruption investigations into their arms deals were halted, according to court documents revealed yesterday.

Previously secret files describe how investigators were told they faced "another 7/7" and the loss of "British lives on British streets" if they pressed on with their inquiries and the Saudis carried out their threat to cut off intelligence.

Prince Bandar, the head of the Saudi national security council, and son of the crown prince, was alleged in court to be the man behind the threats to hold back information about suicide bombers and terrorists. He faces accusations that he himself took more than £1bn in secret payments from the arms company BAE.

He was accused in yesterday's high court hearings of flying to London in December 2006 and uttering threats which made the prime minister, Tony Blair, force an end to the Serious Fraud Office investigation into bribery allegations involving Bandar and his family.

The threats halted the fraud inquiry, but triggered an international outcry, with allegations that Britain had broken international anti-bribery treaties.

Lord Justice Moses, hearing the civil case with Mr Justice Sullivan, said the government appeared to have "rolled over" after the threats. He said one possible view was that it was "just as if a gun had been held to the head" of the government.

Read it all.

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Of course, helping the KLA was all the rage at one time, with the usual short-sightedness and Fantasy-Based Analysis that generally prevails in Washington. We can only hope that if McCain is elected (and I still rather suspect that the Clinton Machine will prevail over all obstacles and win the big prize, although I'd be just fine with being proven wrong), this is one of those things he wouldn't do again.

Why? D Martyr explains at Al Salibiyyah: "The KLA - The Kosovo Liberation Army - is an Islamic terrorist group responsible for beheadings, torture, rape, burning down churches filled with Christians, and other atrocities. To this day, the KLA insurgency continues the systematic persecution and genocidal cleansing of Serbian civilians residing in Albania. The former leaders, enjoying life as high paid politicians in the Albania Government, are unapologetic for the crimes committed."

From Svet (thanks to D Martyr):

"He did everything that we asked of him, including arming the KLA", said Albanian lobbyist Joe DioGuardi. The Albanians collected one million dollars for the presidential campaign of this senator.

Americans of Albanian heritage collected a million dollars in one evening for the presidential campaign of Republican Senator John McCain, said the Albanian American Civic League yesterday, the lobby group headed by former Congressman Joe DioGuardi. A reception for McCain was held January 22 at the Saint Regis Hotel in Manhatten, and the senator, who is now leading in the runoff for the Republican party candidacy in the November elections, cut his campaign in Florida by one day to attend this gathering.

"Even in 1998 when we had problems with Milosevic, McCain did everything that we asked of him to the benefit of the Albanian people, including arming the KLA", announced DioGuardi. "We are American Albanians and we need a leader who will strengthen this country... We must support John McCain because he did everything we asked of him for Kosovo, from supporting the Kosovo Liberation Army to supporting the independence of Kosovo. Two years ago he spoke in Brussels and said that independence is the only solution", concluded this former congressman who has been fighting for the independence of Kosovo and Metohija for more than twenty years.

He explained that the first thing McCain said to him when he entered the hotel in Manhatten on January 22: "Joe, I saw your people in Michigan, and in South Carolina and in New Hampshire", from which this lobbyist deduced that all Americans of Albanian background will be voting for the senator from Arizona....

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But I'm just an "Islamophobe."

What's the matter, John, didn't you get the memo?


The above image was posted in 2005 by the Islamic Thinkers Society, the outfit that trampled on the flag on video and then wished painful torment from Allah on me when I posted the video -- which is tantamount to asking that someone fulfill Allah's will in this regard.

Anyway, seriously, Cinnamon Stillwell has a terrific piece at FrontPage on the Saudi-funded pseudo-academic John Esposito speaking at Stanford, tracing Esposito's continued peddling of the most absurd excuses and apologetics for the global jihad.

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Burning cars makes it all better. Not better yet? Better burn more cars.

Cartoon Rage Update. As usual, the demographics of the "youths" aren't even hinted at, beyond their being from a "predominantly immigrant area," until the issue of the Muhammad cartoons is raised. So... are we to suppose bored, non-Muslim "youths" were rioting over Muhammad cartoons? "Copenhagen police arrest six in fifth night of riots," from Agence France-Presse:

COPENHAGEN (AFP) - Six youths were arrested in Copenhagen for setting cars and dumpsters ablaze and throwing stones at police in a fifth night of riots in a predominantly immigrant area of the Danish capital, police said Friday.
"We've had six arrests so far. They've been charged with throwing stones at police and setting fires to cars and waste containers," Chief Inspector Henrik Olesen of the Copenhagen police told AFP.
At least 11 cars were torched in various neighbourhoods of Copenhagen, and 10 others in the nearby town of Kokkedal.
On Thursday, 17 youths were arrested for rioting the previous night.
"We don't know why they're rioting. I think it's because they're bored. Some people say it's because of the cartoons but that's not my opinion," Olesen said.
He was referring to the reprinting of a controversial cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed in 17 Danish newspapers on Wednesday.
The drawing, published in Denmark for the first time in 2005, sparked several months of angry protests in the Muslim world in 2006. It depicted the prophet with a turban resembling a bomb with a lit fuse.
Protests have flared up again in several Muslim countries including Kuwait and Pakistan following the reprinting. The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas also condemned the publication.
The caricature was reprinted this week after Danish police uncovered a plot to kill the cartoonist.
Three people were arrested for planning the murder, including two Tunisians who have lived in Denmark for more than seven years and whom Denmark has decided to expel without a trial.
That decision has been heavily criticised by human rights associations and some politicians and legal experts in Denmark.
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That's nothing. Toto almost got neutered.

Witchcraft! Sure, that's the most plausible explanation. More on this story. "Rights group urges Saudi king to spare woman convicted of 'witchcraft," from Agence France-Presse:

DUBAI (AFP) — Human Rights Watch appealed to Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah on Thursday to spare the life of a woman who was condemned to death for "witchcraft".
"King Abdullah should halt the execution of Fawza Falih and void her conviction for 'witchcraft,'" the New York-based HRW, adding it had delivered the appeal in a letter to the Saudi king.
"The religious police who arrested and interrogated Fawza Falih and the judges who tried her in the northern town of Quraiyat never gave her the opportunity to prove her innocence against absurd charges," it said.
"The fact that Saudi judges still conduct trials for unprovable crimes like witchcraft' underscores their inability to carry out objective criminal investigations," said Joe Stork, the Middle East director at HRW.
It charged that the judges relied on Falih's "coerced confession and on the statements of witnesses who said she had 'bewitched' them to convict her" in April 2006, following her arrest in May 2005.
Falih had "retracted her confession in court, claiming it was extracted under duress, and that as an illiterate woman she did not understand the document she was forced to fingerprint", said HRW.
"At one point, she had to be hospitalised as a result of beatings" at the hands of the religious police, called the "mutaween" in the ultra-conservative Sunni Muslim kingdom, it said.
HRW said: "The judges never investigated whether her confession was voluntary or reliable, or investigated her allegations of torture.
"They never even made an inquiry as to whether she could have been responsible for allegedly supernatural occurrences, such as the sudden impotence of a man she is said to have 'bewitched'."
HRW said that an appeals court had ruled Falih could not be sentenced to death for "witchcraft" as a crime against God because she had retracted her confession.
She had been condemned to death in April 2006 for "witchcraft, recourse to jinn (supernatural beings), and slaughter" of animals, it said.
But lower court judges then sentenced her to death "on a 'discretionary' basis, for the benefit of 'public interest' and to 'protect the creed, souls and property of this country'", it said.
HRW did not specify Falih's nationality but referred in its letter to the king to her relatives in Jordan.
In November, Egyptian pharmacist Mustapha Ibrahim, who worked in the northern city of Arar, was beheaded by the sword for "sorcery" under Saudi Arabia's strict Islamic laws for allegedly trying to separate a married couple.
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February 14, 2008

"What do you mean, no virgins for a planned attack?"

He was planning with Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and others. "Mughniyeh Was in Midst of Planning Mass Terror Attack," by Hillel Fendel for Israel National News (thanks to Sr. Soph):

(IsraelNN.com) A Kuwaiti newspaper reports that Hizbullah terrorist chief Imad Mughniyeh, who was killed in a car-bomb attack in Damascus on Tuesday, was in the midst of planning major terrorist attacks in moderate Arab countries when he was killed.

Al-Watan reports that American intelligence had learned that Mughniyeh arrived in Damascus three days earlier with instructions from, and in coordination with, the Iranians. His objective was to meet with Hizbullah leaders and coordinate a mass attack, for which he was to receive help from Syrian intelligence.

The American involvement in the killing is explained as being in retaliation for a recent car bomb attack that targeted a U.S. Embassy vehicle...

Another Kuwaiti newspaper, Al-Siasa, reports that Mughniyeh took part, shortly before he was killed, in a secret meeting in the Iranian School in Damascus. Also participating in the meeting were Syrian Intelligence Chief Gen. Aisaf Shwackath, Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal, and an Islamic Jihad representative. On the agenda: planned attacks in Arab countries that refuse to take part in the coming Arab League summit in Damascus. The newspaper entertains the possibility that the meeting was merely a camouflage for Syrian involvement in Mughniyeh's killing.

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There's more to this story than one bombing, and one hospital administrator. "U.S. military: Al Qaeda in Iraq seeks female patients as bombers," by Arwa Damon and Jomana Karadsheh for CNN:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Al Qaeda in Iraq is recruiting female patients at Baghdad's two psychiatric hospitals for suicide missions -- with the help of hospital staff -- according to the U.S. military.
The U.S. military believes al Qaeda in Iraq has operatives within the hospitals' staffs who are passing on patients' files and contact information to the militant group, a senior U.S. military official said, requesting anonymity.
The apparent recruiting effort came to light this month when Iraqi officials said that two female bombers in deadly pet market attacks in Baghdad that left nearly 100 dead were mentally challenged.
One of the female bombers had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression at Baghdad's Ibn Rushd psychiatric hospital, where she received electric shock treatments, the hospital's director said in an exclusive interview.
As part of the investigation into the February 1 attack, U.S. and Iraqi forces detained the acting director of Baghdad's main psychiatric facility, Rashad Hospital, on Sunday.
He faces questions about whether he provided patient files and contact information to al Qaeda in Iraq, a U.S. military spokesman, Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, said Wednesday.
The U.S. military is looking into whether there is a direct link between the two hospitals, which are treating an overabundance of Iraqis suffering from psychiatric disorders brought on by the war.
A U.S. military official said information from a source led them to Rashad Hospital's acting director. The U.S. military also said it believes that al Qaeda in Iraq is trying to use other women released from Rashad Hospital to carry out future suicide bombings.
The detained hospital chief took over the position after Rashad's director was fatally gunned down in December reportedly for refusing to cooperate with al Qaeda in Iraq.
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Nicholas Sarkozy delivered a speech recently that, by contemporary standards, was not entirely deplorable. But not everything in Sarkozy's speech was good. There were two deplorable parts:

"Evoquant les négociations actuelles entre Israéliens et Palestiniens, il a jugé qu'un accord ‘d'ici la fin de l'année est possible’, plaidant pour la création d'un ‘choc de confiance’ à même de susciter une adhésion populaire au processus né de la conférence d'Annapolis, cet automne."

This shows the limits of Sarkozy's understanding of Islam, and therefore of the Lesser Jihad against Israel, and of how impossible, and also damaging, the mere holding of such negotiations, leading to one more version, of so many, of the Treaty of al-Hudaibiyyah, in which Israel will exchange its solemn commitments, faithfully to be obseerved, for false promises by the Slow Jihadists of Fatah, not one of which will be honored.

Still worse was this:

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The WND subhead calls this an "astonishing claim," but there isn't really anything astonishing about it. Qur'an 3:67 says that Abraham was a Muslim, and deny they'll help restore burned tomb, and 12:38 has Joseph himself saying, "Never could we attribute any partners whatever to Allah" -- a hallmark of Islamic belief. 12:101 has Joseph praying, "Make me die a Muslim (مسلما)."

What few people realize is that Islam does not consider itself to be the third "Abrahamic faith," contrary to the fond imaginings of Jimmy Carter and George Bush and Karen Hughes and all the rest. It considers itself to be the only Abrahamic faith, the true faith of all the patriarchs and prophets, including Joseph and Abraham, and of which Judaism and Christianity are but falsifications and perversions.

By Aaron Klein for WorldNetDaily (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

In the wake of an attempt by Palestinians to burn down Joseph's Tomb – Judaism's third holiest site – Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction issued a statement denying it will help restore the shrine, referring to both the shrine and the biblical patriarch as "Muslim."

"Pay no attention to the rumors that we will work with Israel to restore the burial site of the holy Muslim Joseph," said the statement, issued from Nablus, the biblical city of Shechem. "We are going to guard this holy Muslim site."

Joseph's Tomb is the believed burial place of the son of Jacob who was sold by his brothers into slavery and later became viceroy of Egypt.

Palestinian security officials in Nablus said Monday they were called to the tomb to find 16 burning tires inside the sacred structure. A Palestinian police official who inspected the site told WND there was some fire damage to the tomb.

He said the Palestinian Authority, fearing embarrassment, immediately formed a joint committee from the PA's Force 17, Preventative Security Services and Palestinian intelligence, to find out who was behind the fire.

The move comes after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced last week he would ask Israel's Defense Ministry to work with the PA to reconstruct and restore the tomb, parts of which were destroyed in 2000 by Palestinians, including known PA security officers....

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Via Snapped Shot, where Brian C. Ledbetter has more.

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Poisoning food with feces is detailed as a tactic in the Al-Qaeda manual found a few years ago by British intelligence.

"It was not our fault but I don't want to talk about it," said Hasmi. Whose fault was it?

"Shop-owners sold chocolate cake sprinkled with human faeces," from the Daily Mail (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Two shop-owners were today fined for selling chocolate cake - which had been sprinkled with human faeces.

A horrified customer ate the foul-smelling gateaux but noticed that it didn't taste or smell "quite right" and handed the cake to public health scientists.

The analysts soon established that the sweet treat was covered in faeces and legal proceedings against the shop owners were started.

Shop owners Saeed Hasmi, 25, and Jan Yadgari, 23, were fined £1,500 for selling food unfit for human consumption.

The pair - who ran the Italiano Pizzeria in Roath, Cardiff - admitted the charge but did not say how the chocolate cake was contaminated.

The takeaway is a favourite with late-night revellers and students living around the takeaway close to Cardiff University. [...]

Hasmi and Yadgari at first denied the charge but pleaded guilty at Cardiff magistrates court before the trial.

Hasmi, of Roath, Cardiff, and Yadgari, of Adamsdown, Cardiff, were each fined £1,500 and ordered to pay £200 costs.

After the case Hasmi said: "It was not our fault but I don't want to talk about it.

"I'm not working in the food industry anymore. I want to do something else.

"We are sorry for the people who ate it," he said.

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"The statements of the [mayor] show that the city of Amsterdam is creating a parallel systems for Muslims, by Muslims and based on Muslim values."

Klein Verzet (thanks to the Constantantinopolitan Irredentist) has the report:

...The mayor told this after questions, in the city council, of local Christian politician Maurice Limmen. In the ensuing debate he said it did not matter if government workers discriminated against woman or homosexuals. As long as they did their work, he did not see any problem. He was explicitly referring to street coaches and social security personnel. The street coaches are a kind of light police force, who work in the predominately Muslim neighborhoods. The statements of the major show that the city of Amsterdam is creating a parallel systems for Muslims, by Muslims and based on Muslim values.
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But of course, this has nothing to do with Islam. Everyone knows that.

"It is all designed to incite would-be pursuers of jihad to pursue violent jihad and to stir themselves to get on and do it." Of course, British authorities would disagree.

"Libary designed to stir up jihad, says prosecutor," by Katie Bice for the Herald Sun (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

AN ARTICLE praising the September 11 hijackers and videos of Muslim extremists beheading hostages were found in raids on a home-grown terror cell, a court heard yesterday.

A "common library" of terror manuals and videos was shared by group members and was designed to stir them up to commit violent jihad, prosecutor Richard Maidment, SC, said.

He said Abdullah Merhi was found with a book entitled The 19 Lions, which heaped praise on those involved in the attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon in 2001 that killed almost 3000 people.

"It glorifies the 19 aircraft hijackers responsible . . . and hails them as martyrs, suggesting they will go down in history for perpetrating one of the greatest victories that has ever been perpetrated in the name of Islam," he said.

"It is all designed to incite would-be pursuers of jihad to pursue violent jihad and to stir themselves to get on and do it."

The Victorian Supreme Court jury was told the book says the 19 were "martyrs" who made a glorious and noble oath to carry out the terror attack, and it terrified non-believers "to their very core".

Another document held by seven alleged group members, entitled Clarification of what occurred in America, said that the atrocity was justified in Islam.

But of course, this has nothing to do with Islam. Everyone knows that.

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I know, I know, what else is new? But after Mughniyeh has gone to his virgins, the saber-rattling is increasing.

"Al-Qaida in Iraq threatens Israel," by Maamoun Youssef for Associated Press

CAIRO, Egypt - The purported leader of al-Qaida's affiliate in Iraq called in a new posting on a militant Web site on Thursday for attacks on Israel and proposed that Iraq's territory be a "launching pad" to seize Jerusalem.

In the 30-minute audiotape, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, said to head the Islamic State of Iraq, lashed out at Arab and Palestinian groups — especially the Palestinian Hamas — for failing to liberate the Palestinians. [...]

In the latest audiotape, al-Baghdadi also threatened moderate Palestinians, saying that jihad makes "no distinctions between the infidel Jews and the renegade Palestinians ... between (Israeli Prime Minister Ehud) Olmert and his criminals and (Palestinian President Mahmoud) Abbas and his gang."

He called the state of Israel a "wicked germ sown in the (Palestinian) nation's body which should be uprooted, even if the traitors signed thousands of surrender treaties."

Much of the audiotape was devoted to threats against Hamas political leaders "who betrayed the nation and turned against the blood of the martyrs," al-Baghdadi said, also saying that Hamas has been pressuring its military wing not to stage rocket attacks on Israel but to accept a truce.

Al-Baghdadi called for "opening new fronts to ease the American and Jewish pressure off the Palestinians while bolstering the fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan." He urged every "working Muslim to spare 2 dollars a month, half of it would go to our Palestinian brothers and the other half to finance other fronts."

As for attacks on Israel, al-Baghdadi said the "Islamic state in Iraq will be the cornerstone for the return of Al-Quds" and added the group was trying to use Iraq's western province of al-Anbar as a launching pad for missiles against Israel — the same way the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein fired 31 missiles against the Jewish state in the Gulf War.

"The Jews and the Americans have realized this and tried by all means to prevent us from achieving this target including the fierce campaign on al-Anbar, knowing that it is easy to fire missiles on Israel from some parts there," al-Baghdadi said.

"Hezbollah chief threatens Israel," by Sam F. Ghattas for Associated Press:

BEIRUT, Lebanon - The chief of Hezbollah threatened Thursday to retaliate against Israeli targets after accusing the Jewish state of killing the militant Imad Mughniyeh in Syria.

Hassan Nasrallah addressed supporters of the Lebanese Islamic militant group in a videotaped eulogy broadcast on a giant screen at the Beirut funeral for Mughniyeh, who was accused of masterminding dramatic attacks that killed hundreds of Americans in Lebanon in the 1980s.

"You have killed Hajj Imad outside the natural battlefield," Nasrallah said in remarks directed at Israel. Hezbollah has long contended it only fights Israel within Lebanon and along their common border.

"You have crossed the borders," Nasrallah said. "With this murder, its timing, location and method — Zionists, if you want this kind of open war, let the whole world listen: Let this war be open."

Sure, pal. Like it wasn't already.

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From Amazon.com: The "Robert Spencer Loves Me" T-Shirt!

And I do. Every last one of you.

Seriously, I have no idea who is making these t-shirts, or why, although I'm sure they have nothing to do with me. There is a Broadway actor who has the misfortune of sharing a name with me, and I suspect that both the shirt above and the "I love Robert Spencer" t-shirt are referring to him. Nevertheless, this is a day for "fun," which is highly un-Islamic according to the irascible and fantastic old Khomeini, and so in celebration and defense of the Civilization of Joy and Fun, I offer you the greetings of the day.

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Hmmm. What would masked men in Pakistan, near the Afghan border, want with nuclear experts? Perhaps they want to discuss how nuclear bombs violate the peaceful teachings of Islam. Yeah, that must be it. "Nuclear experts kidnapped in Pakistan," from Agence France-Presse (thanks to Dav):

TWO Pakistani nuclear energy officials have been abducted by masked men from a troubled northwestern area near the Afghan border, police said today.

The kidnappers bundled the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) workers and their driver into a vehicle in Sheikh Badin, a town in militancy-hit Dera Ismail Khan district, local police chief Akbar Nasir said.

"They were technicians from the PAEC, they were whisked away early Monday morning," Mr Nasir said.

The officials were on a routine visit to conduct a geological survey for mineral exploration in the mountainous area, which adjoins Pakistan's lawless tribal regions, the police chief said.

"We don't know if the abductors were militants or members of some criminal gang," he said, adding that they were believed to be from the tribal belt bordering Afghanistan.

"A search is underway, we are contacting local people ... We are all trying but so far we have no clues."...

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I got better.

Sharia Alert from the Kingdom of the Two Holy Places: "Saudis to execute a woman for witchcraft," by Donna Abu-Nasr for Associated Press (thanks to Louis):

BEIRUT, Lebanon - A leading human rights group appealed to Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah on Thursday to stop the execution of a woman accused of witchcraft and performing supernatural acts.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch said in a statement that the kingdom's religious police who arrested and interrogated Fawza Falih, and the judges who tried her in the northern town of Quraiyat never gave her the opportunity to prove her innocence in the face of "absurd charges that have no basis in law."

Falih's case underscores shortcomings in Saudi Arabia's Islamic legal system in which rules of evidence are shaky, lawyers are not always present and sentences often depend on the whim of judges.

The most frequent victims are women, who already suffer severe restrictions on daily life in Saudi Arabia: They cannot drive, appear before a judge without a male representative, or travel abroad without a male guardian's permission.

Witchcraft is considered an offense against Islam in the conservative kingdom.

And of course it is that very thing!

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Leftist/Jihadist Connection Update. "Cindy Sheehan in Egypt for Islamists," by Maggie Michael for Associated Press (thanks to all who sent this in):

CAIRO, Egypt - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan joined a protest Wednesday seeking the support of Egypt's first lady in ending a military trial of members of the country's largest Islamic organization.

Under the watchful eyes of dozens of black-clad and helmeted anti-riot police, some 50 heavily veiled wives and children of 40 senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood detained for the past year, gathered in front of the headquarters of first lady Suzanne Mubarak's National Council Women carrying banners calling for their release.

"I am here to protest the trial of civilians in front of a military tribunal as this is a violation to international law," said Sheehan, who gained fame in the U.S. for her sit-in outside President Bush's Texas ranch following the death of her son in Iraq.

"As a mother of a son who was killed in the war, I presented a letter to Ms. Suzanne Mubarak to realize how those women and children are suffering."...

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Hmmm. Now what could Afghan nationals who don't speak Spanish want with Mexican passports? It boggles the mind! Maybe they were hoping to make their way to Mexico City for conferences with Mexican leaders on improving Afghan/Mexican relations. Or maybe they were hoping to craft a new brand of Afghan/mariachi world music. Or maybe...

"Three Afghan nationals held at Nedumbaserry Airport," from United News of India (thanks to the Jawa Report):

Kochi, Feb 13 (UNI) Three Afghan nationals were arrested at the Nedumbaserry International Airport, near here, today for travelling on fake Mexican passports, Immigration officials said.

The three were earlier in the day deported from Kuwait after authorities there doubted their claim to be Mexican nationals.

Immigration and other security officials interrogated the three for several hours and finally arrested them on charges of travelling on forged passports.

According to Immgiration officials, they were Afghan nationals trying to go to France. However, their real names have not been disclosed so far.

The Mexican passports which they were carrying identified them as Antonio Lopez Juan (42), Javier Sanchez Alberto (20) and Atonio Lopez Ernesto (16). They had left from Nedumbaserry Airport on February 11 for Kuwait en route to France.

However, the emigration officials at Kuwait had found them to be suspects as they reportedly could not understand any Spanish. They also suspected the passports to be forged. The three were then deported to Nedumbaserry today....

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In FrontPage today I discuss the almost universally un-noticed genocidal aspect of today’s global Islamic jihad:

The genocidal aspect of today’s global Islamic jihad has received scant attention from the media or from human rights activists. Yet it is unmistakable. The jihadists aim to eradicate or subjugate all non-Muslim peoples, and to destroy and efface not only all non-Muslim governments, but all societies and cultures that are not Islamic.

The most prominent non-Muslim society in the jihadists’ sights is, of course, Israel. Islamic leaders have repeatedly reaffirmed their desire that the Jewish State cease to exist – an outcome that could only become reality in a genocidal context. Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, the President of Iran, has expressed this on many occasions, saying flatly that “the annihilation of the Zionist regime will come.” He has affirmed that “the Islamic umma (community) will not allow its historic enemy [Israel] to live in its heartland.” Israel’s end is near: “There is no doubt that the new wave [of attacks] in Palestine will soon wipe off this disgraceful blot [Israel] from the face of the Islamic world.” America’s, too: “The accomplishment of a world without America and Israel is both possible and feasible.”

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In this Jihad Watch video at Hot Air, I discuss the "shameful" practice of some presidential candidates: they dare to (gasp!) "link Islam with terrorism"!

The noted academic Juan Cole figures in this one. Care to debate this question, Dr. Cole? If so, I can be reached at director@jihadwatch.org.

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In the featured article at Human Events today I discuss the joyless reaction to Valentine's Day in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Good grief. No Valentines for you, Charlie Brown. At least not in Kuwait. And no roses or cards with red hearts for you, Lucy. Not in Saudi Arabia. The ever-tolerant Muslim world is now condemning Valentine’s Day.

Jamaan al-Harbash, a member of the Kuwaiti parliament, has called for Valentine’s Day celebrations to be banned. “We call on the commerce minister,” he declared in a fine froth of moral indignation, “to perform his duties by banning celebrations of Valentine’s Day which is alien to our society -- and contradicts our religion’s values and teachings.” Another Kuwaiti MP, Waleed al-Tabtabai, chief of a committee in parliament that monitors “alien practices,” said his committee will undertake a study this week on how to stop Valentine’s Day from initiating the “moral corruption” of Kuwaiti youth.

Over in Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, the notorious religious police who go by the name of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice have banned red roses. The Virtue Cops have even ordered florists and gift shops in Riyadh to take any red item off the shelf, lest Saudi lovebirds associate red with hearts and start a-spooning. Nothing new in that: in 2004, the Saudi fatwa committee forbade Saudis from celebrating the day: “It is a pagan Christian holiday and Muslims who believe in God and Judgment Day should not celebrate or acknowledge it or congratulate (people on it). It is a duty to shun it to avoid God’s anger and punishment.”

This is not just an Arabian Peninsula thing, either. Last year in Malaysia, a government official, Muhammad Ramli Nuh, declared, according to the Bernama News Agency, that “celebrating the Day could be regarded as recognizing the enemies of Islam because Valentine or Valentinus took part in planning and attacking Cordoba, once a well-known centre of Islam in Spain, causing its downfall.” Actually, St. Valentine was a third-century Christian martyr in the Roman Empire, but give Muhammad Ramli Nuh points for imagination.

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In FrontPage yesterday I reviewed Ibn Warraq's superb new book, Defending the West:

With jihad terrorists around the world making recruits and justifying their actions by reference to Islamic teachings, academic study of Islam is needed more urgently than ever. Yet in today’s universities, political correctness almost completely forecloses any honest examination of the elements of Islamic culture or belief. Much of this is the result of the work of the late Edward Said, a hugely influential professor and author of the book Orientalism, which has set the tone for Middle East Studies in the United States ever since its first appearance in the 1970s. Said contended that Western academic study of Islam and the Middle East was deformed by notions of cultural superiority, and was a racist handmaiden of Western colonialism and imperialism.

Said’s word has become law. On most campuses today any examination of matters Islamic that is even remotely critical is shouted down and labeled bigotry and “hate speech.” Pre-1960 works by Western scholars on Islamic and Middle Eastern studies are disparaged or ignored. Said’s influence has for three decades now had the baneful effect of inhibiting academic and public debate about crucial issues such as how Islam must be reformed and whether or not this reform can be accomplished, and how Muslims and non-Muslims can develop a framework for peaceful coexistence as equals on an indefinite basis.

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For a very worthwhile two hours, I encourage you to tune into The Schnitt Show, hosted by Todd Schnitt of Tampa, Florida, today from 1:00-3:00PM PST, 4-6 EST, on AM 970 WFLA Tampa. The show can be streamed live at www.970wfla.com. It is also broadcast nationally on XM Channel 152.

The guest on the show role-plays an Islamic jihadist, interviewed in character by Schnitt and taking live calls. I have seen him do this in person; he does an outstanding job, with an encyclopedic knowledge of the jihad ideology and a comprehensive understanding of the jihadist mindset. He is so authentic that some native speakers of Arabic in the audience were sure he also was a native speaker.

This presentation pulls no punches and is, to say the least, eye-opening. Invite your Paulian and Obamaist friends and sit back and watch the fun!

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February 13, 2008

If this "makes" you riot, you have a bigger problem than being offended.

Anti-dhimmitude. By Jan M. Olsen for the Associated Press:

COPENHAGEN, Denmark – Denmark's leading newspapers reprinted a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad today that triggered rioting in Muslim countries two years ago.
The newspapers said they republished the cartoon to show their firm commitment to freedom of speech after the arrest Tuesday of three people accused of plotting to kill the man who drew the cartoon depicting the prophet wearing a turban shaped like a bomb with a lit fuse.
The drawing by Kurt Westergaard and 11 other cartoons depicting Muhammad enraged Muslims when they appeared in a range of Western newspapers in early 2006.
Islamic law generally opposes any depiction of the prophet, even a favorable one, for fear it could lead to idolatry.
The Jyllands-Posten newspaper, which first published the drawings on Sept. 30, 2005, reprinted Westergaard's cartoon in its paper edition Wednesday. Several other major dailies, including Politiken and Berlingske Tidende, also reprinted the drawing.
"We are doing this to document what is at stake in this case, and to unambiguously back and support the freedom of speech that we as a newspaper will always defend," said the Copenhagen-based Berlingske Tidende.
Tabloid Ekstra Bladet reprinted all 12 drawings.
At least three European newspapers – in Sweden, the Netherlands and Spain – also reprinted the cartoon as part of their coverage of the Danish arrests.
Intelligence police arrested two Tunisians and a Danish citizen of Moroccan origin in western Denmark on Tuesday for allegedly plotting to kill Westergaard.
The Danish suspect was released Tuesday after questioning, his lawyer Henning Lyngsbo said.
"He has no knowledge about the case," Lyngsbo told The Associated Press. "It doesn't seem that the evidence is very strong.''
Intelligence service chief Jakob Scharf had indicated the man would be released, but could still face charges of violating a Danish terror law. The two Tunisians would be expelled from Denmark because they were considered threats to national security, Scharf said.
Danish Muslim leaders condemned the alleged murder plot, but also said reprinting Westergaard's cartoon was the wrong way to protest.
"There could have been other ways to do it without the drawing, which I personally do not like," Abdul Wahid Petersen, a moderate imam, told The Associated Press.
Imam Mostafa Chendid, the leader of the Islamic Faith Community, said his group was considering staging a rally in front of Parliament. The Copenhagen-based group spearheaded protests against the cartoons in 2006.
"We are so unhappy about the cartoon being reprinted," Chendid told the AP. "No blood was ever shed in Denmark because of this, and no blood will be shed. We are trying to calm down people, but let's see what happens. Let's open a dialogue.''
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What remains to be seen -- and it's a longshot -- is whether the U.N. will put any substantive pressure on the Saudis to change their ways, or accept lip service to the notion of human rights, the usual claims that Islamic law is perfectly compatible with women's rights, and assurances that change will come if we're all just patient a little longer.

More on this story, which included a claim from Riyadh that "generally there was 'no discrimination against women in the laws of the kingdom'." "Saudi women complain of discrimination, abuse," from Agence France-Presse:

RIYADH - A UN expert on women’s rights said on Wednesday she had heard accounts of serious discrimination against women and abuses by religious police during a visit to ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia.
There also appears to be no timeframe for lifting a ban on women’s driving, Yakin Erturk, the United Nations special rapporteur on violence against women, told reporters at the end of a 10-day visit to the Muslim kingdom.

Fear not: There's always the Cadillac with rear-seat controls. Really empowering, isn't it?

Erturk said that while some Saudi women she met during her visit at the government’s invitation expressed satisfaction with their lives, ‘others have raised concerns of serious levels of discriminatory practices against women that compromise their rights and dignity as full human beings.’
Others related ‘the domestic abuse they systematically encounter with little prospect of redress.’
Erturk said that progress had been made in women’s access to education, but there has been no comparable increase in their participation in the labour force, mainly due to sex segregation in the workplace, and they are ‘particularly excluded from decision-making positions.’
She said many of her interlocutors complained about the behaviour of the religious police, or Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice who are commonly known as Muttawa and enforce a strict Islamic moral code.
‘The Muttawa are said to be responsible for serious human rights abuses in harassing, threatening and arresting women who ‘deviate from accepted norms’,’ the UN official said, citing an incident reported during her visit in which they arrested a businesswoman for sitting in a coffee shop with a male colleague in Riyadh.
Erturk said she had not met any officials from the religious police during her visit, which followed a report by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women which stated that women in the kingdom were the victims of systematic and pervasive discrimination across all aspects of social life.
Women in Saudi Arabia, which applies a rigorous doctrine of Islam known as Wahhabism, face a host of constraints, including the driving ban. They are forced to cover from head to toe in public, and cannot mix with men other than relatives or travel without written permission from their male guardian.
Erturk, who met officials and human rights groups, said she had raised the driving ban during her talks but did not feel there was a specific timeframe for solving the issue.
What matters in enabling women to drive is that this would give them freedom to move and work, she said.
Erturk, who will report to the UN Human Rights Council, said recently adopted judicial reforms which foresee the establishment of family courts, together with a draft law on domestic violence, were ‘promising initiatives,’ but more needed to be done to combat violence against women.
This includes adoption of a legal framework based on international human rights standards that would cover violence and family matters, establishment of a ‘national machinery for women’ to intervene in cases of violence, and ‘positive action policies and plans’ to empower women.

As long as officials deny any connection between such institutionalized abuse of women with Islam, which Erturk does here, there certainly will be no "specific timeframe" for resolving any of those issues.

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Sure. More murder is just the thing to refute the point of a cartoon like this.

The Jawa Report has this update on the latest from Samir Khan (the North Carolina resident behind the website "Inshallah Shaheed") :

If this isn't an incitement to murder, I don't know what is. Samir Khan, the Charlotte, NC al Qaeda supporter & blogger on Kurt Westergaard and other cartoonists who defied Islamist demands drawing pictures of Mohammed should be illegal, as required by Islamic law. He first shows an image of Westergaard, and then warns:
Keep fearing for your life you white trash....
Anyone who wages war against Allah and His Messenger defiantly and arrogantly, will inevitably face the banner of Laa Ilaaha Illallaah: they will face those who will show them no mercy. “Humble with the believers, harsh against the Disbelievers.”

See Qur'an 5:54.

We wish we were able to express our extreme anger… and Walahi, our blood is boiling and our veins are shaking and our muscles are tightening…
All we can say to the cartoonists is: you fools seem to forget the end of Theo Van Gogh (may Allah’s curse be upon him) and forget to realize that even many of the Danish citizens who are Muslims will not tolerate it because they know the story of Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf and what the Companions of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wassallam) did to him and they know that their Religion allows such a thing.

For more on Ka'b bin al-Ashraf, see Bukhari 5.59.369. But remember that if you speak Arabic (because we're always told the English version loses something and thus allegedly disallows a critical reading of it), Ka'b actually gets a cookie bouquet at the end of the story.

The more these cartoonists act in defiance of Allah and His Messenger, the more they attract a culture of Mujaahideen. Bush didn’t seem to learn from that nor do these low-life cartoonists. So keep showing your chest O Enemies of Allah! You are helping the process of waking up our nation as violent lions who tear apart their enemies with their bare hands.
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International pressure gets results, in an update on this story. "Saudi Arabia to reunite divorced couple: UN," from Reuters:

RIYADH - Saudi Arabia has promised to allow a couple who were forced to divorce by a religious court to live together again, a UN official said on Wednesday, ending a case that has embarrassed the Islamic state abroad.
Fatima Azzaz and Mansour Al Timani were forced to separate in 2006 after her brothers persuaded judges that her husband was not of sufficiently prestigious tribal stock.
It is one of a series of cases that have drawn international criticism of human rights in Saudi Arabia, a key US ally which is also the world’s top oil exporter.
‘I met Fatima and Mansour and they are both in a terrible state, they are both suffering,’ Yakin Erturk, UN Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur on violence against women said.
‘I have been assured by the authorities this issue will be dealt with and, God willing, they will reunite,’ she told reporters after a 10-day fact-finding trip to the country of 24 million.
Fatima Azzaz is being held in a government home for orphans with a young son. She refuses to return to her family home as required by a court order divorcing her from her husband, who has custody of their daughter.
‘It has no basis in Islam, that’s for sure, because in Islam everybody is equal,’ said Erturk, a Muslim from Turkey.

Some are just more equal than others, in little matters such as domestic violence, testimony in court, inheritance, or, on the other hand, Muhammad's survey of the demographics of hell.

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Maybe they wanted it for a rousing game of Cops and Robbers. "Five students win terror appeal," from the BBC (thanks to all who sent this in):

The convictions of five young Muslim men jailed over extremist literature have been quashed by the Appeal Court.

Freeing the men, the Lord Chief Justice said there was no proof of terrorist intent. The lawyer for one said they had been jailed for a "thought crime".

A jury convicted the students in 2007 after hearing the men, of Bradford and Ilford, east London, became obsessed with jihadi websites and literature.

The Home Office said it would study the judgement carefully.

'Serious threat'

It said it understood the Crown Prosecution Service was considering whether to appeal against the ruling, which it must do within seven days.

It added that the threat of terrorism remained serious and real and the government was committed to ensuring it had the strongest possible anti-terrorism legal framework.

Irfan Raja, Awaab Iqbal, Aitzaz Zafar, Usman Malik and Akbar Butt were jailed for between two and three years each by the Old Bailey for downloading and sharing extremist terrorism-related material, in what was one of the first cases of its kind.

But at the Court of Appeal, Lord Phillips said that while the men had downloaded such material, he doubted if there was evidence this was in relation to planning terrorist acts.

He said the prosecution had attempted to use the law for a purpose for which it was not intended.

'Huge implications'

Lawyers for the men say the decision to restrict how the law on extremist literature works has huge implications for counter terrorism prosecutions.

Critics inside the Muslim community and civil liberty campaigners say section 57 of the 2000 Terrorism Act has been used as a blunt instrument to prosecute young Muslim men where there is no proof of genuine links to terrorism.

The BBC understands there have been three other convictions under this legislation - more cases are expected before the courts this year.

Imran Khan, solicitor for Mr Zafar, said the five had been prosecuted for "thought crime" and that the ruling would have an significant impact.

He told BBC News: "Young Muslim men before this judgement could have been prosecuted simply for simply looking at any material on the basis that it might be connected in some way to terrorist purposes."

He said section 57 of the 2000 Terrorism Act had been written in such wide terms that "effectively, anybody could have been caught in it" but prosecutors would now have to prove such material was intended for terrorist purposes....

Why else would they want it?

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Journalist Jihad Update. "Sadrists say CBS journalists to be freed," by Hamid Ahmed for Associated Press :

BAGHDAD - A deal has been reached with kidnappers for the release of two CBS News journalists, radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's office in Basra said Wednesday.

Harith al-Ethari, a director of al-Sadr's office in the southern Iraqi city, said negotiations had persuaded the kidnappers to release the British journalist and his Iraqi interpreter later Wednesday.

"We reached an agreement with kidnappers to hand over the Iraqi interpreter to the police command in Basra and the British journalist will be handed over to al-Sadr's office in Basra this afternoon," al-Ethari told The Associated Press. He did not give a specific time.

Iraqi police and witnesses said the two were seized Sunday from a hotel in Basra, 340 miles southeast of Baghdad. [...]

Kidnappings of Westerners and Iraqis — for political motives or ransom — were common in the past but have become infrequent recently with a decline in violence.

Since 2004, three journalists — Fakher Haider of The New York Times, as well as James Brandon of Britain and New York freelancer Steven Vincent — have been abducted in Basra, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Brandon was released, but Vincent and Haider were murdered, it said.

According to CPJ, at least 51 journalists have been abducted in Iraq since 2004. The New York-based group said the majority was released, but 12 were killed.

CPJ, which has recorded at least 126 journalists killed since the U.S.-led war started in March 2003, also condemned the murder of a 27-year-old Iraqi journalist this week in Baghdad.

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I met Mohamed Elibiary at the America's Truth Forum Symposium in Dallas a few weeks ago. Elibiary is the President and CEO of the Freedom and Justice Foundation, which he cofounded in 2002 to "promote a Centrist Public Policy environment in Texas by coordinating the state level government and interfaith community relations for the organized Texas Muslim community." He has commented at Jihad Watch now and again under the name of "enlightener" -- primarily in connection with the 2004 Dallas conference lauding the "Great Islamic Visionary" Ayatollah Khomeini, at which he spoke, and his subsequent acrimonious discussions with Dallas Morning News columnist Rod Dreher, to whom he issued what looked to many, including me, like a threat.

Anyway, Elibiary and I had an impromptu exchange at the end of the America's Truth Forum Symposium, about which he wrote here, in a post in which his contempt for the proceedings apparently outweighed his concern for accuracy. His account of our exchange is fanciful but entertaining, and overall I thought he was an interesting individual to talk with, so I was glad when he dropped in here again, on this thread.

That was a post about a Hamas spokesman saying, "A Muslim is permitted to say things that oppose his beliefs in order to prevent damages or to be saved from death." Elibiary, as you'll see from his first comment here, objected to my posting it, and to my pointing to Qur'an 3:28 and 16:106 as justifying religious deception. So I accordingly asked him to produce some evidence that what I wrote was inaccurate -- some indication that what the Hamas guy said was wrong, and that religious deception was not permitted in Islam. Elibiary did not ever do so, but we had a long exchange that I've decided to post here on its own because it is illuminating in many ways. I've just reproduced here the posts by him and me; others intervened, and you can read the whole thing on the original thread. In one of his responses below I removed a portion in which he was answering someone else, so that all you see here is what went back and forth between Elibiary and me.

Anyway, here is yet another example of a Muslim critic telling me that what I'm saying is inaccurate, and then, amid forests of obfuscation, never coming up with any actual evidence of the inaccuracy. Awhile ago I wrote a post entitled "Why Can't Muslims Debate?," and here is yet another example: where is the Muslim spokesman who is willing to discuss jihad-related issues on the level of evidence, without diversions, detours, deception, and/or personal attacks? I'm still looking.

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In "Defeating terrorism" by Bilal Shahid in The Post of Lahore, we learn the latest antics of the premier non-Muslim jihad apologist, Karen Armstrong. She is "doing a jihad to educate western companions about the misperceptions of Islam."

Recently, I got a chance to hear a lecture on ‘Tolerance in Islam’ by a renowned scholar of world religions, Miss Karen Armstrong. I was amazed to see that the Convention Centre where she was to discuss this issue was jam-packed. There were academicians, intellectuals, scholars, journalists, senior civil and army officers, and a large number of male and female students. This showed the quest for seeking knowledge and also brought to light the popularity of Miss Karen who has written a number of books, including the biography of Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH). I was delighted to see this magnificent gathering of educated people who came from every nook and corner of the country to hear about Islam’s historic perspective.

Karen Armstrong focused her talk towards intolerance, which springs fanaticism and terrorism. The contents of her speech were so powerful and philosophical that there was a pin-drop silence during an hour long lecture. The point that forced me to pen down a few lines was the use of the word ‘jihad’. Ms Armstrong said, “I am doing a jihad to educate western companions about the misperceptions of Islam.”...

Well, as a "western companion" myself, I think that's just swell, but I wonder: what is Ms. Armstrong doing, or what is Bilal Shahid doing, or what is anyone doing, to educate Muslims about their misperceptions of Islam? After all, almost every day we feature stories here about Muslims committing violence in the name of Islam. If these people are all misunderstanding their own religion, wouldn't it be far more important to educate them about the true, peaceful Islam, than to educate Western non-Muslims who aren't killing people on the basis of their "misperceptions" of Islam?

So what about it, Ms. Armstrong? What efforts are you expending in that direction?

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"I'm a policy guy and excuse the directness but when folks in Jihadwatch's world make Islam the problem they are indirectly helping the violent extremists out there." -- from a Muslim apologist, doing his sly damnedest in the comments field here

No, Jihadwatch does not "make Islam the problem." Islam itself -- what is in the Qur'an, the Hadith, the Sira -- is what makes Islam the problem. That, and the tenets that naturally arise from those texts, and that, over 1350 years, in many different lands, with many different sets of non-Muslims, have been acted on, by Muslim conquerors determined to kill, or convert, or permanently reduce to that subjugated status of "dhimmi" all those conquered non-Muslims.

If we ignore history, and ignore the texts of Islam, then we can all play the game of "Let's Pretend." But playing the game of "Let's Pretend" is what has gotten the countries of Western Europe in the fix they are in. Playing "Let's Pretend" simply allows non-Muslims to continue to ignore reality, continue to turn their heads away, as people in the last century, and more than once, turned their heads away until the reality could not be denied.

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He supplied the mentally handicapped women for the recent Baghdad jihad/martyrdom bombings. And so yet again someone who was no doubt thought of by many as a "moderate" proves to be otherwise.

From AP (thanks to all who sent this in):

BAGHDAD - The acting administrator of a psychiatric hospital in Baghdad has been detained on suspicion that he played a role in supplying patient information to al-Qaida in Iraq, the U.S. military said Wednesday.

Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, a military spokesman, said U.S. and Iraqi forces arrested the man in his office Sunday and conducted a "thorough search" of the al-Rashad psychiatric hospital in Baghdad.

"Coalition forces detained a hospital administrator in connection with the possible exploitation of mentally impaired women to al-Qaida," Smith said.

"The administrator remains in coalition force detention and is being questioned to determine what role if any in supplying al-Qaida with information regarding patients at the al-Rashad psychiatric hospital or from other medical facilities in Baghdad," he added.

He said the man, whom he did not identify, was detained as part of the investigation into the Feb. 1 bombings of two crowded pet markets in Baghdad. He said he could not provide more details, citing the ongoing investigation.

U.S. and Iraqi officials blamed al-Qaida for the bombings and said the bombers were two mentally disabled women strapped with remote-control explosives and apparently did not know they were being used. Iraqi officials put the death toll at 99 in both attacks....

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In other words, you must not educate yourselves about the context of these men's actions. To do so would be prejudiced. Of course, Justice Bernard Bongiorno is himself pre-judging that no such material would be relevant or illuminating in this case, and assuming that Islam has nothing to do with it on a priori grounds and almost certainly in defiance of the defendants' own sentiments. But that's not prejudice.

"No place for prejudice in terror case, judge tells potential jurors," by Karen Kissane for The Age (thanks to Wallhacker):

POTENTIAL jurors in a terror trial due to open next week have been warned by a Supreme Court judge that they should excuse themselves from jury duty if they were prejudiced against Muslims.

Justice Bernard Bongiorno is presiding over the trial of Abdul Nacer Benbrika and 11 other Melbourne men accused of terrorist activities. The men were arraigned yesterday before a jury of 10 women and five men. All the defendants pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The trial is tipped to be one of Victoria's longest and most complex, with an extra-large jury of 15 empanelled to sit for between six and nine months.

Nearly 1200 Victorians were called as potential jurors in the case over four days last week, as it was expected that many would need to be excused because of the length of the trial.

Justice Bongiorno told them the Crown alleged the defendants were members of a terrorist organisation.

He said: "All the accused in this case are Muslims … There are people in our community who hold and sometimes express attitudes which might be regarded as hostile to or discriminatory towards Muslims simply because they are Muslims.

"Let me say this to you very clearly: there is no place for such a person on a jury in this case. No place whatsoever."

Justice Bongiorno told them if they could not be impartial, they should ask to be excused from jury duty.

"For a juror to judge an accused person not by reference solely to the evidence against him, but because of who he is, would be wicked indeed," he warned. [...]

Justice Bongiorno warned them strongly against being influenced by media reports or trying to do their own research on topics linked to the trial. "You must not start reading about Islam or Muslims or terrorism or anything of that nature. You must not go to the internet and seek any information. The information that you have to decide this case will be given to you in this courtroom. I can't emphasise this more strongly."...

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A huge blow to Hizballah. "Hezbollah's most wanted commander killed in Syria bomb," by Laila Bassam and Nadim Ladki for Reuters:

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Hezbollah leader Imad Moughniyah, on the United States' most wanted list for attacks on Israeli and Western targets, has been killed by a bomb attack in Damascus, the Lebanese group said on Wednesday.

Hezbollah accused Israel of assassinating Moughniyah, who was head of the Hezbollah security network during Lebanon's 1975-90 civil war, by planting a bomb in his car. In Gaza, Hamas Islamists called for the Arab world to unite against Israel.

Israel denied any involvement in the killing, seen as a major setback to Syrian and Iranian-backed Hezbollah that fought a 34-day war with Israel in 2006.

Moughniyah, 45, was killed late on Tuesday. He had long been on a list of foreigners Israel wanted to kill or apprehend and the United States had offered a $5 reward for his capture.

"His killing is a huge blow to Hezbollah. It is very indicative," Magnus Ranstrop, terrorism expert at the Swedish National Defence College, told Reuters.

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I wish I had a nickel for all the times I've said, "Where are the feminists?," but here's one. "Deborah Orr: It's all very well to be sensitive to Islam, but we cannot ignore the suffering of women," from The Independent (thanks to all who sent this in):

[...] There may no longer be much in the way of ideological enthusiasm for what can be described as multiculturalism. But in practice it gathers pace anyway, and there remains an unwillingness to take even a normative stance against it. Tony Blair may have declared that he considered the veil to be "a sign of separation". But there is little sign of any appetite for issuing any formal guidance that might suggest that such dress is not in keeping with the values and aspirations of modern British life. Anyway, as it was learned then, the venting of any disgruntlement over strict Islamic practice in Britain tends to give courage to those who prefer to vent their disapproval personally, and with little regard themselves for that beloved "rule of law".

In a report for the now-defunct Equal Opportunities Commission in 2005, into some pilot projects investigating the practicalities of enforcing the public sector gender duty, it was noted that the rights of Muslim women might "be termed a high-awareness, low-action area". Never a more true word was said. The Independent on Sunday reported this weekend that the police estimate that there may be as many as 17,000 acts of violence perpetrated in the name of "honour" against Muslim women each year. Yet, for all its supposed commitment to the rights of women, the Government shied away from framing legislation designed to tackle so-called "honour" violence, even though the mainstream of Muslim opinion seeks to distance itself from such barbarism.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is headed by Trevor Phillips, who has sagely warned that if Britain does not get a grip on issues like these, we will continue "sleepwalking towards separation". But this week, when I requested information from the commission about the work it is doing or has done on the interplay between gender inequality and adherence to Islam in Britain, all that was available was an old report by the Commission for Equal Opportunities into the level of discrimination that Muslim women faced in the workplace. I was advised by a press officer that "we probably don't have enough of an evidence base to talk about this" and was referred to a global organisation called Women Living Under Muslim Law. Quite a different matter.

Meanwhile, a group called Empowering Muslim Women, under the auspices of the University of Oxford, was awarded a £3.75m grant by the Government in 2006 to run a five-year research project into systematic and sanctioned discrimination against women by political Islam. There is nothing to disagree with in this project, save to note that it is concerned only with Muslim women abroad "in indigenous contexts". It is clear that the same theological and cultural trap applies to women living here "under the rule of law" as well....


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Hamas Kid TV Update: first there was Farfur, or Mickey the Jihadist Rat. Then Nahoul the Bee, who is "martyred" here because the wicked Zionists are denying the Palestinians medical care (hey, what happened to all those EU and US millions that have been pouring into the Palestinian Authority?). And now comes Assud the Rabbit, who vows to "eat" the Jews. Fun for the whole family!

"Hamas Bunny, Assud, Replaces His 'Martyred' Brother Nahoul the Bee and Vows to Liberate Al-Aqsa and 'Eat' Jews," from MEMRI (thanks to all who sent this in):

Following are excerpts from the Hamas TV children's show, "Pioneers of Tomorrow", which aired on Al-Aqsa TV February 2-9, 2008.

Nahoul: I can't stand it, Mom, I can't...

Mother: What can I do? You've been sick for a whole month. We went to Al-Arish, but we couldn't get you to Egypt to have an operation.


Nahoul: All the children of Palestine are dying without treatment. I can't die, I don't want to die... Father...

Attempts to perform CPR on Nahoul fail

Father: Nahoul! Nahoul!


Child host Saraa Barhoum: Dear children, let me welcome on your behalf our new friend, Assud. Allah be praised, our friend Assud has returned safe and sound to his land, to Palestine, after he emigrated to a different Arab country – a country which is not this noble homeland, dear children.


Assud: Mom, I want to ask you something.

Mother: Go ahead.

Assud: Where is Nahoul? I haven't seen him for such a long time.

Mother: He went for a walk, and he'll soon be back, Allah willing.

Assud: Where did he go? Who goes out at night?

Mother: What do you want me to do... He'll be back soon, Allah willing.

Assud: Father, where is Nahoul?

Father [whispering to the mother]: How long can we keep what happened to Nahoul from him?

Father [to Farfour]: You are a believer, and our God...

Assud: What happened to Nahoul, father?

Father: Allah be praised, you are a believing Muslim, and you know that we place our trust in Allah... Your brother Nahoul got sick...

Assud: What hospital is he in, father?

Father: He's not in any hospital. He died a martyr's death, Allah have mercy upon him.

Assud: No, father!

Assud weeps


Assud: Just like Nahoul took Farfour's place when he was martyred, I will replace Nahoul, Allah willing. I will bring smiles and joy back to the children of Palestine, and the children of the whole world - the Arab and Islamic world, Allah willing.


Assud: I come from the diaspora, carrying the Key of Return. This is the Key of Return. Do you see it? Allah willing, we will use this key to liberate our Al-Aqsa Mosque. Here is a picture of the noble Al-Aqsa Mosque. Here it is, can you see it? Allah willing, we are the soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow.

Saraa Barhoum: Yes, Assud, we will continue in the path of Nahoul and Farfour, Allah willing. We will not let them down, Assud.

Assud: We are all martyrdom-seekers, are we not, Saraa?

Saraa Barhoum: Of course we are. We are all ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our homeland. We will sacrifice our souls and everything we own for the homeland.

Assud: Saraa, I'd like to ask you something.

Saraa Barhoum: What is it?

Assud: How many soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow are there?

Saraa Barhoum: There are many, many soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow.

Assud: Allah be praised.

Saraa Barhoum: By Allah's grace, they will help us liberate our homeland Palestine.

Assud: Saraa, you and I will be the first, right?

Saraa Barhoum: Yes, by Allah's grace, Assud.

Assud: And will we take Al-Aqsa?

Saraa Barhoum: Of course, Assud. We will liberate Al-Aqsa from the filth of those Zionists.


Saraa Barhoum [to girl in the audience]: Is there anything you want to share with us?

Girl: Arnoub ["Rabbit"]?

Saraa Barhoum His name is Assud ["Lion"].

Girl: How come you are called Assud, even though you look like a rabbit?

Assud: Because a rabbit is not good. He's a coward. But I, Assud, will get rid of the Jews, Allah willing, and I will eat them up, Allah willing, right?

Saraa Barhoum: Allah willing.


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February 12, 2008

Sometimes a giant snowball is just a giant snowball. Sometimes it isn't. Canadian Jihad and War Is Deceit Updates: "Innocuous video hid terror plot," by Stewart Bell and Graeme Hamilton for the National Post (thanks to Sr. Soph):

When counter-terrorism police first screened the video found in Said Namouh's house last September, it looked like an innocuous home movie of little relevance to their investigation.

A jerky camera films Mr. Namouh rolling a giant snowball, then cuts away to a set of animal tracks leading into the woods in Quebec's Mauricie region, northeast of Montreal. A 4X4 roars in the background.

But a different story emerged when the soundtrack was translated from Arabic. Mr. Namouh's monologue was about hiding explosives inside the snowball to blow up a passing vehicle, Quebec Court was told during a bail hearing that concluded on Friday.

And it wasn't a snowman's face he was carving into the snowball but the letters " CVC," the initials of the Caliphate Voice Channel, a branch of one of al-Qaeda's most pervasive propaganda groups, the Global Islamic Media Front ( GIMF logo pictured here).

RCMP Corporal Michael Hanigan testified that Mr. Namouh spent long hours at his computer in Trois-Rivieres, editing GIMF videos that threatened Western countries like Germany and Austria and sought to inspire terrorists around the world.

" Oh, German government," says one video that Mr. Namouh is alleged to have helped produce. " This is our advice to you: Remove your soldiers from the Muslim lands. … Because otherwise you will one day regret it."...

Read it all.

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Do you think the prevailing relativist multiculturalism helped or hindered this effort? "Revealed: Islamist extremists have penetrated the heart of Britain," from the Evening Standard (thanks to all who sent this in):

Islamist extremists have infiltrated Government and key public utilities to pass sensitive information to terrorists, the security services have warned.

Counter-terrorism officials say "insiders" or their associates are almost certainly working "undetected" in sensitive posts and are actively supporting the activities of extremists.

In some cases, lifelong relationships between friends or relatives are being exploited to obtain crucial information from those in sensitive posts.

The development is detailed in intelligence reports circulated to the Home Office, police and Whitehall officials.

The London Underground, Gatwick airport and BT are cited as examples of organisations which have been targeted by individuals linked to terrorists.

Officials say the idea of "penetrating the enemy is pervasive" for Islamist extremists.

It is understood a number of suspected jihadists working in Government departments and the public services are being monitored by the security services.

Read it all.

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"According to Dr. Ahmad Al-Rab'i, former Kuwaiti minister of education, ‘The beginnings of all of the religious terrorism that we are witnessing today were in the Muslim Brotherhood's ideology of takfir [accusing other Muslims of apostasy]. Sayyid Qutb's book Milestones was the inspiration and the guide for all of the takfir movements that came afterwards. The founders of the violent groups were raised on the Muslim Brotherhood, and those who worked with Bin Laden and Al-Qa'ida went out under the mantle of the Muslim Brotherhood.’" -- from this article

It is important that readers of this paragraph understand that one hand giveth and the other hand taketh away. It is useful to quote Ahmad Al-Rab'i on the ideological connection of Hassan Al-Banna's Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 in Egypt, with today’s Jihad. It is not surprising that the Muslim Brotherhood was founded when it was founded. For 1928 was six years after Lord Cromer's administration came to an end, an administration that brought a semblance of efficiency and good government to the Egyptian Civil Service. It was during the seeming high-water mark of British (Infidel) influence, in what might be called the "Age of the Yacoubian Building," when Copts were decently treated, and Jews could go to the Alliance Israelite, and Italians and Greeks and others known as "Levantines" were not yet subject to the fury of an unleashed Egyptian Muslim hostility toward non-Muslims living in Egypt, which expressed itself in the early 1950s, as the ancien regime tottered and fell.

The re-egyptianization of the state came after World War II from the true-blue Muslims who resented not only the English, but the equal treatment of the Copts, the Jews, the assorted "crusader" or "frangi" Infidels, the Italians, Greeks, Armenians et al. Most of them had all of their property seized. They themselves were left penniless and then expelled, under that hideous man -- who was nonetheless regarded as an enemy, despite his under-the-"secularism"-there-was-Islam ways, Gamal Abdel Nasser. This has always been described, misleadingly, as merely Egyptian "nationalism." But below the surface was the essential substratum of hatred of Infidels, perceivable if not always properly perceived.

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"LONDON (Reuters Life!) - A battle of faiths is being waged in the ancient English city of Oxford, where some people are bitterly opposed to Muslim plans to broadcast the call to prayer over the fabled dreaming spires." -- from this news article

The noisy call to prayer is an act of dominance and aggression. The louder it is, the better. Mosques were always supposed to be built in high ground, or in the most imposing spot, towering over churches and synagogues, in the lands first conquered by Islam. Those aggressive skyward thrusting minarets were symbols of power, of dominance. And the same thing continued wherever Islam went.

Some fail to understand that the placement of mosques, the size of mosques, the significance of minarets, and those calls or cries, now electronically amplified, are all part of a single system. That system is one by which the mosque is not merely or mainly a place of worship, but a place of community gathering. It is a political and social center. It is even -- in the Muslim lands -- a place for shows of support or defiance against the government (the naming of the rulers in the khutba being a sign of loyalty, and the omission of those names a sign of disaffection), of plots and schemes. It is even -- as we see even here and there in Europe -- a place to store weapons, explosives, false papers in false ceilings -- and a place from which to fire on Infidels (see Iraq, see all of Iraq).

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(IsraelNN.com) Hamas leaders spoke to the Arabic language Ash-Sharq il-Awsat newspaper recently and explained that as Muslims, they are allowed to lie. In an interview printed on Thursday, senior Hamas terrorists explained, “A Muslim is permitted to say things that oppose his beliefs in order to prevent damages or to be saved from death.”

This approach, known in Arabic as “taqiyya,” was behind several Hamas leaders’ recent public expression of support for Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, they explained. Senior Hamas terrorists in Samaria, who were recently released from jail, publicly expressed disapproval with the Hamas takeover of Gaza and said they supported the PA forces. The sources quoted in Ash-Sharq il-Awsat explained that the Samarian terrorists’ announcement was not a sign of dissent within Hamas ranks, but rather a permitted use of “taqiyya” to deceive Abbas and avoid prison sentences. – from this news article

Of course taqiyya has its roots in Shi'a Islam. Shi’a who felt the need to lie about their own faith because they were fearful of Sunni Muslims elaborated upon such religiously sanctioned dissimulation. But by now it has its counterpart, with Qur'anic sources, in Sunni Islam. This is important to understand, the next time Tariq Ramadan or someone else indignantly exclaims that "taqiyya" is "a Shi'a doctrine." Its sources are in Shi'ism; deception, including lying about the faith, is part of Sunni Islam as well.

Since we all know that Muslims may lie, may they also tell the truth? Of course they may, and the more forthright they are about it, the happier we should be.

Here's a three-question quiz designed to illustrate how the followers of Muhammad's statement "War is Deception" operate -- sometimes telling what they believe to be the truth, sometimes mingling what they believe to be the truth with falsehood.

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“Muslim writer and feminist Irshad Manji, Amel Boubekeur, leader of the Islam and Europe programme, Robert Spencer, director of jihadwatch.org and Abed Ayoub, legal advisor for American-Arab Anti-discrimination Committee, joined FRANCE 24’s Andrea Sanke to debate Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Islam and its taboos.” -- from this article

Irshad Manji has certainly created her own private Islam. She is the child of Asian refugees from Uganda. She has never lived in a Muslim society. She has always enjoyed the freedoms of the West. But she feels, out of filial piety, and perhaps for other reasons, that she will do best if she continues to identify as a Muslim and if, furthermore, she keeps claiming that Islam itself is or can be made into something perfectly acceptable to people such as herself. She's wrong. And any apostate, who had been born into and grown up in a society suffused with Islam, would be able to set her right.

There are those who, recognizing this about her, nonetheless find her useful. Here and there, as here, she well may be. But her representation of Islam, and her bland indifference to the texts of Islam, and the texture of lives in Muslim societies, where everything refers, everything relates, everything is connected, to Islam, continues to mislead. And for that reason, one must be vigilant, and careful not to be misled by her.

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An unusual warning. "DHS, FBI Warn of Possibility of Female Homicide Bombers," from FoxNews (thanks to all who sent this in):

The growing use by terrorist groups of women — some disguised as expectant moms — to deliver deadly homicide bombs has prompted the Department of Homeland Security and FBI to issue a rare warning that such attacks could take place on American soil.

The joint security assessment cited recent female homicide bomber attacks in Baghdad — in which two women who appeared to have Down syndrome delivered a deadly explosion that killed 99 — as well as in Sri Lanka, Chechnya, India, Pakistan and the Palestinian territories as reason for the warning.

"Female suicide bombers may have an advantage over their male counterparts in accessing targets," the analysis cautioned. "The means to conduct a suicide attack vary widely, but a key element in maximizing the lethality of a suicide bombing is the bomber's ability to get close to the target."

The assessment also strongly warned that potential female homicide bombers could use "prosthetic devices that mimic the look of a pregnant woman."

"Regardless of delivery by a man or a woman," the warning reads, "improvised explosive devices may contain fragmentation or shrapnel, such as nails, bolts, glass fragments, marbles, ball bearings, or other small metal pieces."

The assessment, which emphasizes that DHS and FBI have no solid evidence indicating imminent homicide bombing attacks on U.S. soil, also reminds law enforcement officials that "facilities such as public places" are the most vulnerable to homicide bombing attacks and that "the terrorist's latitude in determining and adjusting the target and timing of an attack up to the point of detonation" make it difficult to prepare countermeasures....

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Worth killing for

One more time: a cartoon of Muhammad does not harm Muhammad. It does not harm Islam. It may even reflect more poorly on the cartoonist than on the object of the cartoon. Yet all too many Muslims around the world continue to fail to grasp this, and to commit cold-blooded murder in their static rage, unaware of or indifferent to the fact that their murderous anger is impotent to eradicate the fact of the cartoon itself, and reflects more poorly on their religion than any cartoon ever could.

"Danes nab suspects in cartoonist plot," by Jan M. Olsen for Associated Press (thanks to all who sent this in):

COPENHAGEN, Denmark - Danish police said Tuesday they have arrested three people suspected of plotting to kill one of the 12 cartoonists behind the Prophet Muhammad drawings that sparked a deadly uproar in the Muslim world two years ago.

Two Tunisians and a Dane of Moroccan origin were arrested in pre-dawn raids in western Denmark, the police intelligence agency said.

The Dane was suspected of violating Danish terror laws but likely would be released after questioning as the investigation continues, said Jakob Scharf, the head of the PET intelligence service. The two Tunisians would be expelled from Denmark, he said.

The agency did it mention which cartoonist was targeted. However, according to Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that first published the drawings on Sept. 30, 2005, the suspects were planning to kill its cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.

"There were very concrete murder plans against Kurt Westergaard," said Carsten Juste, the paper's editor-in-chief.

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Cultural Collapse Alert: "Lent fast re-branded as 'Christian Ramadan,'" by Bruno Waterfield in the Telegraph (thanks to all who sent this in):

Dutch Catholics have re-branded the Lent fast as the "Christian Ramadan" in an attempt to appeal to young people who are more likely to know about Islam than Christianity.

Now, why are young people in the Netherlands more likely to know about Islam than Christianity? Think about that for a moment. And then ponder also the fact that Christians who lived under Islamic rule for century after century never, ever succumbed to any temptation to recast their own traditions as pale imitations of Islamic ones. Lent was always and only Lent. Great Lent. The Great Fast. Never "Christian Ramadan."

Ramadan is not a word for "fast." It is a month on the Islamic calendar, which Christians do not use, during which Muslims abstain from food and drink during daylight hours -- a style of fasting unknown to all Christian traditions in any case. Byzantine Christians, both Orthodox and Catholic, traditionally -- and today, among the observant -- abstain during the Great Fast from meat and dairy products, fish with backbones, olive oil, and alcohol, day and night, from the beginning of Lent after Forgiveness Vespers on Cheese Fare Sunday until Pascha, Easter, the Resurrection of Christ. And they do not eat at all until noon, or in some cases sundown.

Roman Catholics traditionally followed a much less strict fast, with no meat or alcohol, and even that since Vatican II has fallen by the wayside. But in any case, these fasts are nothing like the Islamic fast of Ramadan, and there is nothing comparable to them in Islamic tradition. To rename Lent after Muslim practice is not only to demonstrate abject cultural capitulation, but to sow confusion by suggesting that Christian fasting has to do with not eating or drinking from sunup to sundown, which has never been the practice among any Christian sect or group. If that is not the suggestion, since these Dutch Roman Catholics aren't fasting in any case, then their youth will be given the impression that the Muslims are the really observant ones, and the Christians are by comparison lax and indifferent -- an impression that is certain, particularly among youth, to lead to conversions to Islam.

The Catholic charity Vastenaktie, which collects for the Third World across the Netherlands during the Lent period, is concerned that the Christian festival has become less important for the Dutch over the last generation.

"The image of the Catholic Lent must be polished. The fact that we use a Muslim term is related to the fact that Ramadan is a better-known concept among young people than Lent," said Vastenaktie Director, Martin Van der Kuil.

Three decades ago the Catholic Church was as strict as many Muslims are about Ramadan with a total ban on meat and alcohol during the 40-day Lenten period between Ash Wednesday and Easter.

Most Dutch Catholics now focus on charitable work after the Vatican loosened fasting strictures for all but the first and last days of Lent back in 1967.

Four million Dutch describe themselves as Roman Catholics and 400,000 people attend Mass every week but only a few tens of thousands still mark Lent by fasting, said Mr Van der Kuil

Vastenaktie organisers hope that by linking the festival to Ramadan they can remind Christians who may be less observant than Muslims of the "spirituality and sobriety" of Lent.

They could accomplish this more effectively by recovering and encouraging their own Lenten traditions, which they have utterly discarded.

"The agreements are more striking than the differences. Both for Muslims and Catholic faithful the values of frugality and spirituality play a central role in this tradition," said Mr Van der Kuil.

That may be true, but it is still no warrant for giving the impression that one's older and quite different religious traditions are simply imitations of a quite different (and younger) tradition -- and what's more, one that denies the legitimacy of Christian tradition in any case.

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Why are Jeje Nehamiah Baki's Muslim in-laws so hostile? Could it have something to do with the traditional Islamic prohibition -- indeed, a death sentence -- on those who leave Islam, a prohibition rooted in the words of Muhammad? Western Muslim spokesmen have frequently assured us that no such prohibition exists. Yet stories like this one are not hard to find.

Islamic Tolerance Alert: "Chad: Convert Loses Family Members For His Faith: Muslim in-laws seize his wife, kill his young son," from Compass Direct (thanks to all who sent this in):

ZALANGA, Nigeria, February 7 (Compass Direct News) – A little over a year after becoming a Christian in Ngudungudu, Chad in December 1995, Jeje Nehamiah Baki left the town to meet up with his nomadic family in the wilderness.

His wife had already returned to her parents and their nomadic lifestyle, and Baki, a former Muslim and nomadic Fulani of the Bororo dialect in Chad, was looking forward to reuniting with her and their two children. But he said his father-in-law, having learned of his conversion, seized his wife and would allow her to go back with him only if Baki renounced his Christian faith.

“When I returned to take my wife and children away, my father-in-law told me point blank that he would not allow his daughter to stay with me, an infidel,” Baki told Compass. “In spite of all entreaties, my father-in-law refused to allow me to take my wife and children.”

For one year, Baki faced threats from family members to renounce his Christian faith. He refused, moving with them in their lives as nomadic cattle people. For about 30 minutes daily, he said, he would sit under a tree reading the Bible and praying as the cows grazed.

Threatened by his in-laws’ hostilities, Baki eventually left without his family. A few years later, he returned to try to convince his father-in-law to allow him to retrieve his wife and children. In the course of this confrontation, his father-in-law killed Baki’s young son on August 18, 2002.

“At the end of it all, he murdered my first son, Joshua, by poisoning him,” Baki said. “Having lost my first child, and with threats to my life, I had to leave without my wife, but [returning later] only succeeded in taking away our second son.”...

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Nukes, yes. Spell-check, no.

Are you inclined to accept the Thug-In-Chief's protestations that Iran wants nuclear power solely for peaceful purposes? If so, can you kindly explain why the "Down Wiht Israel" balloon pictured above features a nuclear symbol?

"Iran sends defiant message to West on revolution day," by Hossein Jaseb for Reuters :

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran aims to send a satellite into space next summer and will not retreat in a nuclear row with the West, its president said on Monday, in a defiant speech on the anniversary of the country's 1979 Islamic revolution.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed a major rally in Tehran a week after Iran sparked international concern by test-launching a rocket designed to carry its first domestically made research satellite into orbit.

"God willing, next summer the first 100 percent Iranian-made satellite will be positioned in orbit," he said.

The West fears Tehran is covertly trying to obtain nuclear bombs. Iran, the world's fourth-largest oil exporter, says it needs nuclear energy to meet booming electricity demand.

The technology used to put satellites into space could also be used for launching weapons, analysts say, and both the United States and Russia have expressed concern about the rocket test. [...]

Ahmadinejad also said Iran would not back down in the nuclear dispute with the West, despite the threat of a third round of U.N. sanctions on the Islamic Republic over its refusal to halt sensitive atomic work.

"They should know that the Iranian nation will not retreat one iota from its nuclear rights," he told the crowd which had gathered in the capital for the 29th anniversary of the revolution that toppled the U.S.-backed shah.

Iranian officials had called on people to turn out in large numbers to show their unity in the face of Western pressure. State television broadcast footage of rallies held across Iran.

The official IRNA news agency said Ahmadinejad was addressing a "million-strong gathering" but it was not immediately possible to confirm this figure.

"America should understand and believe that the Iranian nation will not back down from its rights," demonstrator Leila Jafari told Reuters.

Others at the rally burnt effigies representing Uncle Sam....

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Islamization of Britain, and resistance to it. "We are very angry that they are presuming to inflict this on a non-Muslim community."

By Georgina Cooper for Reuters (thanks to all who sent this in):

LONDON (Reuters Life!) - A battle of faiths is being waged in the ancient English city of Oxford, where some people are bitterly opposed to Muslim plans to broadcast the call to prayer over the fabled dreaming spires.

Local residents, clergy and now the head of the Church of England have been drawn into a debate over a proposal from the Central Oxford Mosque to broadcast a recording of the call to prayer, or Adhan, from its minaret over loud speakers.

Residents who live near the mosque claim the call will annoy their mainly non-Muslim community and won't even be heard by the majority of Oxford Muslims, who live more than half a mile away.

"We are very angry that they are presuming to inflict this on a non-Muslim community," Allan Chapman, a historian at the university and a local resident who described himself as a practicing Christian told Reuters.

"We see this as an attempt to impose Islam on a Christian-culture community," he said.

The rector of one of Oxford's largest Anglican churches, Charlie Cleverly of St. Aldate's, has also attacked the plans.

He told the Oxford Mail that it was "un-English" and could create a Muslim ghetto in the neighborhood around the mosque.

"When such an area is subject to such a call to prayer, it may force people to move out and encourage Muslim families to move in," he told the newspaper.

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An attempt to accommodate grievances "not only convinces the Middle East side that the West is weak, scared, and surrendering but is also taken as acknowledging the West's guilt and the rightness of their own cause. Grievance and outrage, in this context, are bottomless pits. Playing this game establishes a terrible relationship along the lines of--probably the worst thing Shimon Peres ever said--our task is to give, their job is to take. This pattern never gets broken."


Another insightful piece from Barry Rubin on the Middle East "peace process":

Step right up! Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen! It's easy, fun, and everybody's a winner! Just guess which shell the nut is under.

After studying and living with the Middle East for a few decades one sees certain patterns endlessly repeated, though always with a new set of details. Understandably, naïve newcomers fall for the carnival con-man's traps. They should learn after one disaster. Veterans have no excuse.

A con-game is one in which a malefactor gains the mark's confidence in order to rob him. Conventional examples include selling swampland as vacation homes or the Internet scam of pretending to be a distressed African official who promises rich rewards in return for a loan.

The victim is fooled by the promise of big gains if he only trusts his partner and gives up his own assets. Contrary to folklore, the best way to cheat someone is not to offer them something for nothing--that's too obvious--but to pledge something dreamy tomorrow in exchange for getting something very real right now.

The pattern is this:

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Revisionist dhimmi history from Google Earth, via the "Nakhba - Palestinian Catastrophe information hub," i.e., propaganda center.

From The Associated Press (thanks to JS):

The northern town of Kiryat Yam is suing Internet giant Google for slander, a local official said Monday, because a feature of its worldwide map service shows the town was built on the ruins of an Arab village.

The dispute brings together two controversies, one old and one new. Officials from the town deny they displaced Arabs during the War of Independence, and Google is defending the practice of allowing any surfer to change information in its files.

Kiryat Yam is a town of 40,000 on the Mediterranean coast just north of the port of Haifa. An entry on Google Earth, a feature that allows users to zero in on locations around the world, alleges that the town was built on the ruins of Ghawarina, an Arab village.

Hundreds of thousands of Arabs fled or were expelled during the 1948-49 war. Pushing back invading Arab armies, the forces from the new Jewish state also overran Arab villages, destroying dozens.

Kiryat Yam was pulled into the dispute when a Google Earth user, Thameen Darby, inserted a note on the map saying it was built on the location of Ghawarina. Darby has inserted at least 10 such notes over Google's map of Israel.

"Kiryat Yam filed a slander complaint with Israel's police," said town official Naty Keyzilberman. "This obviously cannot be true, because Kiryat Yam was founded in 1945, he said, explaining the police complaint."

Darby, 30, a Palestinian doctor raised in the northern West Bank town of Jenin, said his mother was a refugee from to the village Balad al-Sheikh near Kiryat Yam. He said his contributions to Google Earth are part of the Nakhba - Palestinian Catastrophe information hub aimed to help displaced Palestinians understand their heritage or find the villages of their parents or grandparents.

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He's backtracking a bit, however. "Williams tries to defuse row over sharia law but refuses to apologise," by Jonathan Brown for the Independent (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

The Archbishop of Canterbury has sought to defuse the bitter row over what he appeared to claim was the unavoidable adoption of sharia law in the UK by conceding that his controversial comments may have been unclear and "clumsily deployed".

Whilst taking full responsibility for his part in the highly damaging episode, which resulted in calls for him to resign and sparked a disagreement with Downing Street, Dr Rowan Williams fell short of offering a full-blown apology and refused to back down.

Instead he insisted that the Church of England had a "considerable" responsibility to other faith groups and asserted that it was not "inappropriate" to raise issues surrounding Islam or other religions – comments that were immediately welcomed by Muslim leaders.

Departing from his intended remarks at the opening of the General Synod in London yesterday, Dr Williams said: "I must of course take responsibility for any unclarity either in that text or in the radio interview and for any misleading use of words that has helped to cause distress or misunderstanding among the public at large or especially my fellow Christians."

Dr Williams said some of what had been reported was a "very long way indeed" from what had been said in his lecture at the Royal Courts of Justice last week and in a BBC radio interview. He thanked bishops for their "support and challenges" and restated points which he said had been "distorted" in media reporting.

He said: "I believe quite strongly that it is not inappropriate for a pastor of the Church of England to address issues around the perceived concerns of other religious communities and to try and bring them into better public focus."

The Archbishop added: "We are not talking about parallel jurisdictions – and I tried to make clear that there could be no 'blank cheques' in this regard, in particular as regards to some of the sensitive questions about the status and liberties of women."

Good. Although how such lines could be drawn once any element of Sharia were introduced remains unclear.

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The discussion, which took place yesterday, is called "Islam and its taboos." It features, according to the France 24 site, "Muslim writer and feminist Irshad Manji, Amel Boubekeur, leader of the Islam and Europe programme, Richard Spencer, director of jihadwatch.org and Abed Ayoub, legal advisor for American-Arab Anti-discrimination Committee."

"Richard Spencer" couldn't make it at the last minute, however, so I, Robert Spencer, filled in. Anyway, you can see the video here, although the best and liveliest discussion was during the 12-minute break at the bottom of the hour.

UPDATE at 2PM Paris time: I just checked and saw that "Richard Spencer" has disappeared from the France 24 site, which is now claiming that some bozo named "Robert Spencer" participated in this debate.

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An important overview of Muslim Brotherhood activity in the West from the European essayist Fjordman:

I do not have the time right now to include hyperlinks to every single piece of information stated here, but almost all of this information should be available online with a quick web search. Robert Spencer has dealt with the Muslim Brotherhood in a number of books, for instance in Onward Muslim Soldiers. I would also strongly recommend the recent book "Global Jihad: The Future in the Face of Militant Islam," by former Muslim Patrick Sookhdeo. Sookhdeo does excellent research, particularly regarding the systematic Islamization of Britain, but the same blueprints are used in other countries, too.

The Muslim Brotherhood, today widely regarded as the largest Islamic movement in the world, was founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928. Its member groups are dedicated to the motto: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."

Research analyst Lorenzo Vidino writes about The Muslim Brotherhood's Conquest of Europe: "Since the early 1960s, Muslim Brotherhood members and sympathizers have moved to Europe and slowly but steadily established a wide and well-organized network of mosques, charities, and Islamic organizations." Their ultimate goal "may not be simply 'to help Muslims be the best citizens they can be,' but rather to extend Islamic law throughout Europe and the United States. With moderate rhetoric and well-spoken German, Dutch, and French, they have gained acceptance among European governments and media alike. Politicians across the political spectrum rush to engage them whenever an issue involving Muslims arises or, more parochially, when they seek the vote of the burgeoning Muslim community. But, speaking Arabic or Turkish before their fellows Muslims, they drop their facade and embrace radicalism."

Moreover, "While the Muslim Brotherhood and their Saudi financiers have worked to cement Islamist influence over Germany's Muslim community, they have not limited their infiltration to Germany. Thanks to generous foreign funding, meticulous organization, and the naïveté of European elites, Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations have gained prominent positions throughout Europe. In France, the extremist Union des Organisations Islamiques de France (Union of Islamic Organizations of France) has become the predominant organization in the government's Islamic Council. In Italy, the extremist Unione delle Comunita' ed Organizzazioni Islamiche in Italia (Union of the Islamic Communities and Organizations in Italy) is the government's prime partner in dialogue regarding Italian Islamic issues."

The irony, according to Vidino, is that "Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna dreamed of spreading Islamism throughout Egypt and the Muslim world. He would never have dreamed that his vision might also become a reality in Europe."

Al-Banna may not have believed that to be possible in the short run, but he did dream of conquering areas formerly under Islamic rule. German historian Egon Flaig quotes Banna as saying: "We want the flag of Islam to fly over those lands again who were lucky enough to be ruled by Islam for a time, and hear the call of the muezzin praise God. Then the light of Islam died out and they returned to disbelief. Andalusia, Sicily, the Balkans, Southern Italy and the Greek islands are all Islamic colonies which have to return to Islam's embrace. The Mediterranean and the Red Sea have to become internal seas of Islam, as they used to be."

One of the Brotherhood's first pioneers in Europe was Sa'id Ramadan. According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Sa'id Ramadan, who was al-Banna's son-in-law, joined the Muslim Brotherhood in his youth. At the age of 20, Hassan al-Banna chose Sa'id to be his personal secretary and sent him to Palestine to establish a branch of the movement there. After World War II, when Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini returned to Palestine, Sa'id Ramadan helped him to form military groups for the struggle against the Jews. Al-Husseini was an active accomplice in the Holocaust and visited leading Nazis repeatedly. Terrorist organization Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the MB today.

After Hassan al-Banna's assassination in 1949, Sa'id Ramadan returned to Egypt and became a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. In 1954 he went to Jerusalem with another leading Brotherhood member, Sayyid Qutb, in order to participate in the World Islamic Conference, and was elected conference secretary-general.

In the late 1950s, Sa'id Ramadan managed to persuade Saudi Prince Faisal to help him establish Islamic centers in Europe's main capitals. In 1958, he settled in Geneva and there founded the Islamic Center, which became the headquarters of Muslim Brotherhood members expelled from Egypt. In 1964, he opened Islamic centers in London and Munich, and became the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood abroad.

The oil-rich kingdom of Saudi Arabia has for years granted an influx of money to the powerful Islamic Center of Geneva, Switzerland, now run by Sa'id's son Hani Ramadan. He was made infamous by a 2002 article in the French daily Le Monde defending the stoning of adulterers to death. His brother Tariq Ramadan, a career "moderate Muslim," later called for a "moratorium" on stoning. In 2008 it was announced that Hani Ramadan would receive SFr255,000, the equivalent of two years' salary, in damages from the canton of Geneva. He was sacked in 2004 after defending the stoning of persons guilty of adultery. An appeal commission of the education department sided with Ramadan, annulling the termination. The government also agreed to pay Ramadan's legal fees.

It was the Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a follower of Hassan al-Banna in his youth, who directed the prayer at Sa'id Ramadan's funeral in 1995, as Tariq Ramadan proudly reports. Sa'id Ramadan had close contacts with Brotherhood member Sayyid Qutb, whose writings have inspired countless Jihadists around the world, for instance terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. According to writer Paul Berman, Ramadan "not only knew Qutb; he was, at the crucial moment, Qutb's most important supporter in the world of the Egyptian intellectuals. Said Ramadan was the editor who got Qutb started on what became his most important work."

According to Dr. Ahmad Al-Rab'i, former Kuwaiti minister of education, "The beginnings of all of the religious terrorism that we are witnessing today were in the Muslim Brotherhood's ideology of takfir [accusing other Muslims of apostasy]. Sayyid Qutb's book Milestones was the inspiration and the guide for all of the takfir movements that came afterwards. The founders of the violent groups were raised on the Muslim Brotherhood, and those who worked with Bin Laden and Al-Qa'ida went out under the mantle of the Muslim Brotherhood."

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February 11, 2008

Islamic law allows a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman, but forbids a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man. Know your place, dhimmi!

"Pakistan Christian 'Kidnapped' For Trying To Marry Muslim," by Jawad Mazhar for BosNewsLife (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

LAHORE, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- The father of a Pakistani Christian continued to search Sunday, February 10, for his son who was allegedly kidnapped two weeks ago by suspected religious extremists, after attempting to marry a Muslim woman.

Asghar Fabian told BosNewsLife that his 29-year-old son Ceramic Anneal, a Catholic, dissapeared January 27 from Gulburg, a residential and commercial area of Lahore, Pakistan's second largest city. Fabian said he was abducted by people opposing his planned wedding with his Muslim girlfriend Iffat Shaheen, 33, who also lives in Gulberg.

"They had an interfaith love affair which in Pakistani Islamic culture is very rare and a daring thing," he told BosNewsLife and investigators of advocacy group Rays of Development (ROD), with Website www.raysofdevelopment.org. Local police have been reluctant to search for Ceramic Anneal, apparently because no group has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping.

ROD said however it takes the disappearance seriously because the young man had apparently received threats from suspected Muslim hardliners. "Is police help meant for Muslims only? Minority Christians are also legal citizens of Pakistan," Fabian said.

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Good news in this Hesham Islam Update. "Embattled Muslim aide to leave Pentagon job: Hesham Islam's 'resume didn't add up,' official says," from WorldNetDaily (thanks to all who sent this in):

In a stunning turn of events, a high-level Muslim military aide blamed for costing an intelligence contractor his job will step down from his own Pentagon post, WND has learned.

Meanwhile, his rival, Maj. Stephen Coughlin, a leading authority on Islamic war doctrine, may stay in the Pentagon, moving from the office of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the office of the secretary of defense. However, sources say a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey is trying to block his new contract.

The top Pentagon aide, Egyptian-born Hesham H. Islam, came under a cloud of suspicion after reports raised doubt about his resume and contacts he had made with radical Muslims. He is expected to leave the government next month, officials say.

Islam and Coughlin recently quarreled over intelligence briefings Coughlin presented showing a close connection between the religion of Islam and terrorism. Coughlin's contract with the Joint Chiefs, which ends in March, was not renewed.

But as a result of the ensuing firestorm that played out in the conservative press – led by Washington Times Pentagon reporter Bill Gertz – Islam was put under a microscope, and questions were raised regarding his background.

For example, Claudia Rosett of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies wrote a column challenging key claims in Islam's official biography. Within days, a Defense Department profile of Islam was removed from the department's website.

A Pentagon spokesman said it was "taken down in an attempt to reduce the rhetoric and the emotion surrounding this issue while we try to determine the facts."

A senior U.S. official says the life story Islam presented now appears sketchy.

"His resume didn't add up, and he knows it," the official said. "He's voluntarily leaving the government in March."

At the same time, a report by terror expert Steven Emerson revealed that Islam, as special assistant to the deputy secretary of defense, has scheduled at least two meetings in the Pentagon with Syrian-tied radicals – including a leading member of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood – in direct violation of U.S. policy.

As WND previously reported, FBI officials believe Islam is involved with the U.S. branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and is helping its front groups run "influence operations" against the U.S. government.

"He's a Muslim brother," an FBI official told WND. "He's a bad actor, and he's made other unreported nefarious contacts."

Islam has worked closely in the Pentagon with Muslim chaplain Abuhena M. Saifulislam, who as WND also previously reported, received his training at a radical Islamic school in Northern Virginia that was raided by federal authorities after 9/11.

Islam, whose son is active in the military, obtained one of the highest security clearances for classified information. Sources confirm he has sat in on Pentagon meetings in which intelligence clearance was restricted at the Top Secret/SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) level.

The Pentagon had no comment. And Islam, who has not been accused of any crimes, has refused interviews.

Emerson says Islam prescribed a steady diet of Muslim Brotherhood-connected outreach for his unwitting boss, deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England....

Pentagon insiders say Eric S. Edelman, undersecretary of defense for policy, has sought to stop the awarding of a new contract to Coughlin. Edelman served as ambassador to Turkey from 2003 to 2005.

Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., who co-chairs the House Anti-Terrorism Caucus, has been fighting to keep Coughlin in the Pentagon, where she says his blunt analysis of the Islamic enemy is sorely needed....

"I know that some people will refuse to admit there is a subversive movement going on here, but let me remind you that we have underestimated the will and capability of our enemy for more than 30 years," she added. "They are patient and determined to achieve their radical agenda."


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The next time riots break out among Muslims in Europe, and the learned experts on television and in the Times and the Post start handwringing about the failure of European states to assimilate their Muslim minorities, remember this statement, and who made it, and how it was received.

"Erdogan cheered by 16,000 Turks in Cologne," from Expatica (thanks to all who sent this in):

Cologne, Germany -- A crowd of 16,000 expatriate Turks cheered Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a vast indoor auditorium in Germany on Sunday as he told them to resist assimilation into the West.

The political rally by Germany's biggest ethnic minority upset German politicians, who objected to a major public event on German soil being advertised on posters in Turkish only.

Erdogan indirectly addressed those concerns, saying it was right for Turkish immigrants to learn German and other languages so they could integrate, but wrong to abandon their Turkish heritage and assimilate.

"Assimilation is a crime against humanity," he told the crowd. Many Turks had travelled from France, Belgium and the Netherlands to hear his hour-long address in the shiny venue, the Koelnarena.

"I can well understand that you are against assimilation," he said. "It is important to learn German, but your Turkish language should not be neglected."

He said ethnic Turks abroad should be more confident in standing up for their interests, and should win election as mayors and members of European national parliaments....

Erdogan was lionized by other speakers at the event, organized by the Union of European Turkish Democrats, a group that supports his moderate Islamist AKP party.


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Britain exporting jihad. "RAF find 'Taliban with British accents,'" from Metro.co.uk :

AFGHANISTAN: An Islamic group expressed surprise today at reports that RAF spy planes in south Afghanistan have detected Taliban fighters speaking in British accents.

Nimrod surveillance aircraft flying over Helmand province recently picked up voices lapsing from local languages into English with Midlands and Yorkshire accents, according to reports.

Inayat Bunglawala, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said he was aware that some British Muslims travelled to Afghanistan to fight when hostilities began in 2001.

He had heard of no cases since then, but accepted it was "not beyond the bounds of possibility", given that the conflict had "dragged on with still no end in sight".

...and given that neither Bunglawala nor other Muslim leaders in Britain have lifted a finger to disabuse their coreligionists in that country of the jihad ideology.

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I'm scheduled to appear on France 24 television today at 7PM Paris time (10AM PST, 1PM EST) to discuss Ayaan Hirsi Ali's request for French citizenship. I will be debating someone, but I know not whom.

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Where are the peaceful Muslims rising up and arguing within Muslim communities against the religious foundation of this appeal?

"Turkish Islamist Website: Each Muslim Must Kill An Infidel For Allah's Grace," from the MEMRI Blog (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

"Hey America, We Have An Account To Settle With You!"

"If you want Allah to grant you victory, every one of you must kill an infidel!"

"The virtueous Sheikh Khaled er-Rashid - May Allah Save Him From Captivity"

Source: Turkish Islamist website Takva.com

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Is this worth killing for?

A cartoon of Muhammad does not harm Muhammad. It does not harm Islam. It may even reflect more poorly on the cartoonist than on the object of the cartoon. Yet all too many Muslims around the world continue to fail to grasp this, and to commit cold-blooded murder in their static rage, unaware of or indifferent to the fact that their murderous anger is impotent to eradicate the fact of the cartoon itself, and reflects more poorly on their religion than any cartoon ever could.

"Three killed in riots over Mohammed's caricature: police," from AFP (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Three persons including a police officer were killed after Muslim students rioted over a caricature of Prophet Mohammed by their Christian colleagues, police and teachers said Friday.

Students of Government Secondary School Sumaila, some 76 kilometres (47 miles) south of the northern city of Kano, went on the rampage late Thursday, after a Christian student suspended for two weeks returned to the school.

He had been suspended for having drawn a caricature of the Prophet and posted it on a wall inside the school.

"Two people and a police inspector have been killed in the violence while the divisional police station and everything inside including ammunition have been burnt by the rioters", Kano police chief Aminu Yesufu told reporters outside the burnt police station.

He said about 20 others were badly wounded, including the divisional police officer, who suffered a deep machete cut to the head.

Police had arrested 25 people and opened an investigation, he added.

"The students began chanting Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest) when the Christian student returned and pursued him to lynch him", Sadiq Haruna, a teacher at the school, told an AFP reporter who visited the town on Friday.

"The Christian escaped in taking refuge in the local police station but hundreds of angry Muslim students attacked and set on fire the premises after the police refused to hand him over," Haruna said.

The whereabouts of the christian student were still not known.

This is the second time in a week in the mainly Muslim northern Nigeria that an allegation of blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammed has sparked violent protests and an attack on the police.

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Not an "isolated incident," but part of a global jihad. "Sudan holds Muslim 'fundamentalists' over US killing," by Andrew Heavens for Reuters (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan has arrested two Muslim "fundamentalists" in connection with the killings of a U.S. aid official and his driver in the capital Khartoum, security sources said on Sunday.

The two men, aged 25 and 30, were members of a group that was also behind a plot to bomb Western embassies in Khartoum that was uncovered in August, the security source told Reuters.

It was the first official confirmation that a militant group may have been behind the double shooting. Some official sources in Sudan originally claimed that the killing was an "isolated incident".

The suspects opened fire when they were cornered on Saturday in a suburb of Omdurman, a city adjacent to the Sudanese capital, the SUNA state news agency reported. Security officers returned the fire.

Two policemen, a passing woman and the two suspects were wounded, none seriously, said the security source.

"They are from the same group who tried to do the explosions ... they are fundamentalists," the source added, referring to the reported August bomb plot....

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Mullah Dadullah was seen congratulating the suicide bomber teams in a video last summer. "Top Taliban chief arrested," by Maaz Khan for Agence France-Presse (thanks to all who sent this in):

PAKISTANI security forces wounded and captured a top Taliban commander in a shootout, police said, days after Islamabad denied the presence of senior militants on its soil.

Mullah Mansoor Dadullah, the brother of the Islamist movement's slain military commander in Afghanistan, and seven other rebels were seized in Pakistan's southwestern Baluchistan province, they said.

Dadullah had been in charge of operations against Western troops in the southern Afghan province of Helmand, but there were recent reports that he had been sacked by Taliban supremo Mullah Mohammed Omar.

"He has been wounded and arrested early this morning. He resisted when our men launched an operation" in the village of Gowal Ismail Zai, said Baluchistan police chief Saud Gohar....

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Religious Ed class was explosive in Helmand today! An Islamic cleric kills five, including himself, while engaging in religious instruction of the youth -- and doesn't take out a single infidel. And Islamic martyrdom theology is mum about whether virgins are awarded in teaching accidents.

"Mullah accidently blows up self, sons," from Agence France-Presse (thanks to all who sent this in):

A LANDMINE blew up in the home of a religious cleric in southern Afghanistan, killing the mullah, two of his sons and two other men who had been preparing an attack, police said today.

The cleric's wife was critically wounded in the blast in their compound in the southern province of Helmand late yesterday, and a daughter was hurt, provincial police chief General Mohammad Hussein Andiwal said.

The bodies of the mullah and his two sons, both under 15 years old, remained at the site of the blast, he said.

Other people in the compound said two other men were killed but their bodies had been removed before police arrived, he said.

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No Joy In Islam Update: "Religious police ban red roses," from Reuters (thanks to JE):

SAUDI Arabia's religious police have banned red roses ahead of Valentine's Day, forcing couples in the conservative Muslim nation to think of new ways to show their love.

The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has ordered florists and gift shop owners in the capital Riyadh to remove any items coloured scarlet, which is widely seen as symbolising love, newspapers said.

"They visited us last night," the Saudi Gazette quoted an unidentified florist as saying.

It is not unusual for the Saudi vice squad to clamp down ahead of Valentine's Day, which it sees as encouraging relations between men and women outside of wedlock, the newspaper said....

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No Valentine cards for you again this year, Charlie Brown. Rats.

"Kuwaiti MPs seek to ban Valentine's Day celebrations," from Agence France Presse (thanks to DFS):

KUWAIT CITY: Two Islamist MPs on Sunday called on the Kuwaiti government to ban Valentine's Day celebrations, saying they flout Islamic values and promote immorality. "We call on the commerce minister to perform his duties by banning celebrations of Valentine's Day which is alien to our society ... and contradicts our religion's values and teachings," MP Jamaan al-Harbash told reporters. He said that Valentine's Day, marked on February 14, spreads "immorality" in society and warned concerned authorities that he will take action against them if they do not ban it. MP Waleed al-Tabtabai, who heads a parliamentary committee for monitoring alien practices, said the panel will on Wednesday meet with officials from the ministries of information, interior and commerce to study measures required to curb the celebrations. He said they will review restrictions needed to prevent such celebrations from spreading "moral corruption" among youth in Kuwait.
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Archdhimmi of Canterbury Update: he's getting it from all sides. "Sharia law row: Archbishop is in shock as he faces demands to quit and criticism from Lord Carey" by Steve Doughty and Michael Seamark for the Daily Mail (thanks to all who sent this in):

The Archbishop of Canterbury was facing demands to quit last night as the row over sharia law intensified.

Lord George Carey, Dr Williams' predecessor, criticised his comments on sharia law and said that accepting the Islamic code would be a disaster for Britain.

Other leading bishops publicly contradicted Dr Rowan Williams's call for Islamic law to be brought into the British legal system.

With the Church of England plunged into crisis, senior figures were said to be discussing the archbishop's future.

One member of the church's "Cabinet", the Archbishop's Council, was reported as saying: "There have been a lot of calls for him to resign. I don't suppose he will take any notice, but, yes, he should resign."

Officials at Lambeth Palace told the BBC Dr Williams was in a "state of shock" and "completely overwhelmed" by the scale of the row.

It was said that he could not believe the fury of the reaction. The most damaging attack came from the Pakistan-born Bishop of Rochester, the Right Reverend Michael Nazir-Ali.

He said it would be "simply impossible" to bring sharia law into British law "without fundamentally affecting its integrity".

Sharia "would be in tension with the English legal tradition on questions like monogamy, provisions for divorce, the rights of women, custody of children, laws of inheritance and of evidence.

"This is not to mention the relation of freedom of belief and of expression to provisions for blasphemy and apostasy."

The church's second most senior leader, Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu, refused to discuss the matter. But he has said sharia law "would never happen" in Britain.

Politicians joined the chorus of condemnation, with Downing Street saying British law should be based on British values. Tory and LibDem leaders also voiced strong criticism.

Even prominent Muslims were rounding on Dr Williams. Shahid Malik, Labour MP for Dewsbury, said: "I haven't experienced any clamour or fervent desire for sharia law in this country.

"If there are people who prefer sharia law there are always countries where they could go and live."...


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Sura 15 is entitled Al-Hijr, which is translated variously as “The Valley of Stone,” “Stoneland,” “Rock City,” “Rocky Tract,” etc. Many translations do not render it in English at all, since it is a place name, referred to in v. 80 – Al-Hijr was yet another place that rejected the messengers of Allah and was destroyed. This is another late Meccan sura, revealed at a time of great tension between the Muslims and the pagan Quraysh of Mecca – and at a time when Muhammad himself was apparently feeling a bit discouraged, so that Allah makes some effort to cheer him up.

Verses 1-15 excoriate the perversity of the unbelievers. The Qur’an “makes things clear” (v. 1), and those who reject Islam will one day wish they had become Muslims (v. 2). According to Ibn ‘Abbas and Anas bin Malik, as well as Abu Musa, this verse responds to the taunts of the unbelievers to the sinful Muslims in hell. When the idolaters tell the Muslims that “what you used to worship on earth has not helped you,” Allah will be angry, and will remove the sinful Muslims from hell – and then the unbelievers, left in hell, will wish they had accepted Islam. But meanwhile, Muhammad should let the unbelievers enjoy life (v. 3), knowing that no one can escape the doom decreed by Allah (vv. 4-5). This sura seems to envision that doom as coming on the Day of Judgment, but later in Muhammad’s prophetic career, as we have seen in sura 9 and elsewhere, he began to see himself and the Muslims and instruments of Allah’s wrath for the unbelievers, including Jews and Christians.

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February 10, 2008

“In my opinion, the jihadi threat from Pakistan is the biggest emerging threat we are facing in Europe. Pakistan is an ideological and training hotbed for jihadists, and they are being exported here.”

"Terror Threat From Pakistan Said to Expand," by Elaine Sciolino for the New York Times (thanks to Davida):

BARCELONA, Spain — As the terrorism suspects congregated in the largely Pakistani neighborhood here over the past few months, they were joined by a young man who called himself Asim. He had come from the Pakistani borderlands where the leadership of Al Qaeda is said to have regrouped.

The suspects, he later told Spanish investigators, envisioned a wave of spectacular attacks: Coordinated suicide bombings would start in this city’s vast subway system and then sweep through Portugal, Germany, France and Britain if certain demands were not met.

Asim had been sent to Spain to be a suicide bomber, but he also was an informant for French intelligence working in the no man’s land of Waziristan in Pakistan. After he got word to his handlers of an impending attack, Spain’s military police swooped into the neighborhood of Raval in the early hours of Jan. 19 and arrested 14 men. Now the officials unraveling the case say it demonstrates the growing threat of terrorist activities migrating to Continental Europe from Pakistan.

The largely Pakistani cell formed quickly in Barcelona with support, and perhaps direction, from the tribal areas of Pakistan, the authorities said. According to the arrest warrant in the case, three suicide bombing suspects arrived in Spain within the last four months and the bomb making suspect had recently spent five months in Pakistan. [...]

“That these people were ready to go into action as terrorists in Spain — that came as a surprise,” said Judge Baltasar Garzón, Spain’s highest antiterrorism magistrate. “In my opinion, the jihadi threat from Pakistan is the biggest emerging threat we are facing in Europe. Pakistan is an ideological and training hotbed for jihadists, and they are being exported here.”

That threat has been felt elsewhere. Two of four suicide bombers who attacked London’s transit system in July 2005 had trained at a camp in Pakistan. Four of the five British men convicted last April in a plot to blow up targets in London using fertilizer bombs were of Pakistani origin and some had trained at a makeshift terrorist camp there.

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"The progress of this boy through school should be closely monitored." Uh huh.

"Suicide Bomber, 12, at UK School," by James Murray for the Sunday Express (thanks to Kemaste):

FURY erupted last night after it emerged that a boy of 12 who trained to be a suicide bomber is being allowed to attend school in Britain.

Parents of his classmates are unaware of the Afghan child’s terrifying past. MP Philip Davies said the youngster should be removed from school immediately so a proper investigation can take place into any potential danger he poses.

The Tory MP for Shipley, West Yorks, said: “This boy has had a tragic upbringing through no fault of his own. But there should be a detailed and thorough look at his past and the threat he could pose in the future. I am sure that the parents in the school would be concerned if they were told about it.”

Extremists recruited the boy shortly after his father, a Taliban fighter, was shot dead by British soldiers in a gun battle. One elder told him: “You must avenge his death by becoming a martyr.” During intensive mountain training the youngster learned how to handle explosives and sophisticated detonators. He even went on dummy missions with bags taped to his body.

Taliban fanatics instructed him to wander towards British patrols, pretending to be a tearful lost child, and once surrounded by soldiers – or taken to an Army base – he would blow himself up.

But after weeks of secret training the boy blurted out to his mother what he was doing. She could not bear the thought of losing a son as well as her husband, so worried family members pulled all their resources together and paid for him to be spirited out of Afghanistan to escape the clutches of evil Taliban leaders.

After a traumatic journey across several countries, the boy was smuggled into Britain, probably hidden on the back of a lorry. Later he was questioned by immigration officials in Croydon, Surrey.

They were stunned when full details of the boy’s shocking story emerged. One source said: “There was so much detail that was little doubt he was telling the truth. You could see the terror in his eyes.

“He was being brainwashed to be a suicide bomber and was on the verge of carrying out an attack which would have claimed many British lives. Yet, to save him from death, his family sent him to the very country which sent the soldier who killed his father. The child has gone through a terrible experience and needs a strong, stable environment to unwind from all the pressure he has been put under. In Britain he is being offered that environment, which will hopefully convince him how evil his Taliban masters had been.” [...]

The security services have been alerted to the situation and are concerned about the risk of him falling into the hands of Al Qaeda supporters in Britain, who may attempt to force him to become a suicide bomber here.

Patrick Mercer, a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said: “The progress of this boy through school should be closely monitored. But the real emphasis should be on tracking down those people in this country who support the Taliban and who are involved in the trafficking of young people.”

Terror expert George Kassimeris, who lectures at Wolverhampton University, added: “There are large numbers of children trafficked to Britain who have been radicalised to support the cause of the Islamic Jihadists.

“They have been brainwashed to carry out attacks, to become martyrs. The authorities will have to create deradicalisation programmes to make them change their ways, otherwise there is a potential that they will become terrorists in this country.”

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Or does it? Twelve Egyptian converts to Christianity have had their conversions officially recognized by an Egyptian court -- but only because they were Christians originally and then converted to Islam. This looks like a positive step, and it is certainly better than telling these people that they're locked into Islam forever, but what about Muslims who were not Christians originally, who then convert to Christianity? And more importantly, what about those Muslims who might consider these people apostates from Islam and thus, according to the dictates of Islamic law, lawfully to be killed?

"Egypt recognizes Christian converts," from the Jerusalem Post (thanks to Morgaan Sinclair):

Twelve Egyptian converts to Christianity have had their conversions officially recognized by an Egyptian court.

The 12 who were born Copts, converted to Islam and then converted back to their original faith.

The recognition of their new faith by the highest civil court in Egypt overturns an April 2007 ruling by a lower court forbidding them to convert to Christianity on the grounds that it would be apostasy.

The ruling is seen as a small victory for human rights advocates in Egypt.

"This is a very good step towards freedom of religion in Egypt," Ramsis Raouf El-Naggar, a lawyer representing most of the defendants, told The Media Line.

Many Muslims see abandoning Islam as an act of apostasy, which is punishable by death.

Under the new ruling, the Egyptian Ministry of Interior will update the religious status on their identity cards and register them as Christians. The ID cards will say they adopted Islam for a brief period.

Valid ID cards are essential in Egypt for such routine matters as children's schooling, job applications, and marriage....

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A Muslim woman replies to the Archdhimmi of Canterbury. "Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: What he wishes on us is an abomination," from the Independent (thanks to all who sent this in):

What Rowan Williams wishes upon us is an abomination and I write here as a modern Muslim woman. He lectures the nation on the benefits of sharia law – made by bearded men, for men – and wants the alternative legal system to be accommodated within our democracy in the spirit of inclusion and cohesion.

Pray tell me sir, how do separate and impenetrable courts and schools and extreme female segregation promote commonalities and deep bonds between citizens of these small isles?

What he did on Thursday was to convince other Britons, white, black and brown, that Muslims want not equality but exceptionalism and their own domains. Enlightened British Muslims quail. Friends like this churchman do us more harm than our many enemies. He passes round what he believes to be the benign libation of tolerance. It is laced with arsenic.

He would not want his own girls and women, I am sure, to "choose" to be governed by these laws he breezily endorses. And he is naive to the point of folly if he imagines it is possible to pick and choose the bits that are relatively nice to the girls or ones that seem to dictate honourable financial transactions.

Look around the Islamic world where sharia rules and, in every single country, these ordinances reduce our human value to less than half that is accorded a male; homosexuals are imprisoned or killed, children have no free voice or autonomy, authoritarianism rules and infantilises populations.

What's more, different Muslim nations claim to have their own allegedly god-given sharia. In Saudi Arabia, women cannot drive (What in Allah's name could the Koran have warned about cars?). In Bangladesh and Pakistan, they have no such bar to driving, although increasingly Saudi Wahabi Islam is taking over and we see Saudi sharia taking hold.

It is growing in influence here, too. Ten years ago, the only fully shrouded Muslim women around were from the Arab fiefdoms, the many wives of sheikhs often drawn by cartoonists to convey the absurdity and inhumanity of such cloaks. Now all of Europe has these girls and women rendering themselves invisible in public spaces. It is their elected sharia, so they claim without credibility. There is no agreed body of sharia, it is all drafted by males and the most cruel is now claiming absolute authority.

In Pakistan, on the statutes are strictures on adultery introduced by the military dictator Zia ul-Haq. Women activists in that country have given their lives protesting against the injustice of those laws where women suspected of adultery, or rape victims, are punished in hideous ways and the man goes free.

The Iranian theocracy changes its regulations from year to year, capriciously playing with the lives of females. The morality police hound women and girls, beat them up, imprison them for showing an ankle, walking too provocatively or singing in the streets. They fight back but are ground down eventually.

Two Iranian friends chose to die rather than live under the demeaning religious orders. Go to Afghanistan if you fancy a 12-year-old bride – a practice approved by the mullahs. That's sharia for you. Many women, gay men and dissidents came to Britain to escape Islamic tyrants and their laws. Dr Williams supports those laws and, by default, makes the refugees victims again.

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"Fitna" is more than just "ordeal." It is great disturbance, upheaval, persecution.

I wonder if Wilders is aware that Qur'an 8:39 says, "And fight them until there is no more fitna [variously translated as tumult or oppression or persecution], and religion is all for Allah..." I'm sure that in this case many Muslims will be ready to fight until there is no more Fitna.

"Dutch MP says anti-Islamic film set for broadcast in March," from AFP (thanks to Michelle Malkin):

THE HAGUE (AFP) — Dutch far-right deputy Geert Wilders said in an interview published Saturday that his controversial anti-Islam film will be called "Fitna" , arabic for ordeal, and will be aired in March.

The leader of the Freedom party (PVV), which has nine of 150 seats in parliament, said in November that he planned to make a short film showing that Islam's holy book, the Koran, is "a fascist book" that "incites people to murder".

According to the interview with Dutch GPD news agency, Wilders' 15-minute film is almost done, and he hopes it will be shown on Dutch television in March. He had initially said it would air at the end of January.

Wilders said he has called the film Fitna, an arabic word that in Islam is used to describe all things that can test the faith and is sometimes synonymous to evil.

"I use the term in an inverse sense because for me Islam ... is fitna," he said.

Wilders also gave some more details about what would be shown in the film, which for months has been causing concern in the Netherlands.

It would lead viewers through the Koran, Islam's holy book, he said, and show texts illustrated by documentary video images to show the Koran is not a symbolic text "but that Islam can take away our freedom unless we act against it".

In the end the film returns to the situation in the Netherlands and finishes with a picture of the prophet Mohammed, he explained. Muslims consider images of their religion's founder to be blasphemous.

"Something will happen to that picture but I won't say what," Wilders said.

There has been media speculation in the Netherlands that Wilders will tear up or burn the Koran in his film.

Will international violence ensue, coupled with kowtowing and handwringing from the Western media? Or will someone, somewhere, stand up for the freedom of speech?

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Welcome to the New Britain! "A question of honour: Police say 17,000 women are victims every year," by Brian Brady in The Independent (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Up to 17,000 women in Britain are being subjected to "honour" related violence, including murder, every year, according to police chiefs.

And official figures on forced marriages are the tip of the iceberg, says the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO).

It warns that the number of girls falling victim to forced marriages, kidnappings, sexual assaults, beatings and even murder by relatives intent on upholding the "honour" of their family is up to 35 times higher than official figures suggest.

The crisis, with children as young as 11 having been sent abroad to be married, has prompted the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to call on British consular staff in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan to take more action to identify and help British citizens believed to be the victims of forced marriages in recent years.

The Home Office is drawing up an action plan to tackle honour-based violence which "aims to improve the response of police and other agencies" and "ensure that victims are encouraged to come forward with the knowledge that they will receive the help and support they need". And a Civil Protection Bill coming into effect later this year will give courts greater guidance on dealing with forced marriages.

Commander Steve Allen, head of ACPO's honour-based violence unit, says the true toll of people falling victim to brutal ancient customs is "massively unreported" and far worse than is traditionally accepted. "We work on a figure which suggests it is about 500 cases shared between us and the Forced Marriage Unit per year," he said: "If the generally accepted statistic is that a victim will suffer 35 experiences of domestic violence before they report, then I suspect if you multiplied our reporting by 35 times you may be somewhere near where people's experience is at." His disturbing assessment, made to a committee of MPs last week, comes amid a series of gruesome murders and attacks on British women at the hands of their relatives.

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Charles Moore talks sense to the Archdhimmi (and Sarkozy) in the Telegraph (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

[...] At which point, enter Islam. President Sarkozy criticises the French state for maintaining Muslim congregations "under a form of tutelage" and refusing to recognise their cultural and social value. He boasts of how he has set up the French Council of the Muslim Religion, how he wants more mosques.

Archbishop Williams looks, in a similar spirit, at the realm of law. He sees law as deriving ultimately from religious, not rationalist, principles. He notes how orthodox Judaism has its own Beth Din courts which do not quarrel with the secular law. His own Church of England, too, has its courts, he pointed out. Because we have an Established Church, their decisions have the force of secular law. They settle things like the rights of parochial church councils. Few people see them as instruments of clerical oppression.

So, says the archbishop, we in Britain clearly do not have "a monopolistic understanding of jurisdiction". Why not extend this plurality to Muslims? Why not allow sharia in some areas, such as marriage disputes?

Many people, surely, would want to follow the broad arguments of president and archbishop, but then stop before they do. Most people with any understanding of European culture will disagree with the militant secularists such as Richard Dawkins, who want any trace of Christianity expunged from our institutions and public life.

In the British context, many non-believers would recognise that, for instance, the state funding of Church schools has done much more good than harm. It would be crazy to cut the schools off now, in the abstract interests of neutrality.

And yes, most of us, believers or not, surely agree that one must permit Muslims to worship freely, and encourage all their genuine charitable and educational activities.

Yet there is a dreadful sense of unreality about the assertion, made both by Mr Sarkozy and by Dr Williams, that whatever applies to Christianity and to Judaism in the West can be applied, just like that, to Islam.

As a post-Vatican II Catholic myself, I share the ecumenical beliefs of most modern Christians. One of these is that Islam, being one of the three "Abrahamic" religions, has a great deal in common with Christianity, and that these common roots should be cultivated. It contains truth, and wisdom, and has built civilisations.

But it is also blindingly obvious that the current state of Islam is quite different from that of Christianity. Western societies are hosts to large numbers of Muslims, who quarrel fiercely among themselves and include extreme, sometimes violent minorities. Goodness knows, the history of Christianity is scarred with such things, but at the moment, in the West, Christian violence is not a big problem. Muslim violence is. If we incorporated sharia in our legal system, whom would we accept as its authentic interpreters?

In his lecture, Archbishop Williams tiptoes round the question, in sharia, of apostasy. He says it is unacceptable that people are punished for leaving the Muslim faith. But he cannot bring himself to say, which he knows to be true, that all the Muslim schools of law agree that the punishment for abandoning the Muslim religion is death. Some people, even in this country, live in hiding because they fear this.

"Sharia," says Dr Williams, "is not intrinsically to do with any demand for Muslim domination over non-Muslims." Actually, under sharia, Jews and Christians have only what is called "dhimmi" status, a sort of protected, but second-class citizenship.

But in a way, he is right. Sharia does not "demand" domination; it assumes it. The law of Islam is radically different from the law of Judaism, which is the law of a minority that accepts the authority of the majority, non-Jewish state. Islam, like Christianity, is a religion of conversion. Its sharia, unlike the teachings of Christianity, is a programme of law to be turned into a political reality, if possible everywhere.

Poor, dear Dr Williams mutters into his beard about a "market element" of taking a bit of sharia, and a bit of this and a bit of that, as if these things were herbs to spice our multicultural soup. People who want sharia do not see it like that. For them, it must be the only dish on the table.

And if I were French, even though I would agree with President Sarkozy's rejection of doctrinaire secularism, I would not accept that building lots more mosques is the same as building more churches. More than these leaders wish to admit, this is a zero-sum game....

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This never works the other way, of course. Islamic Tolerance Alert from Balkanalysis.com (thanks to Insubria):

When government officials in Macedonia recently proposed rebuilding a church that once stood on the city’s central square, they received an abrupt warning: for the Islamic Community (IVZ), the recreation of Sveti Konstanin & Elena, destroyed in the 1963 earthquake, should guarantee them their own right to build a mosque in the prominent downtown area.

According to a report from A1 Television, among its other ambitions the IVZ is most keen on rebuilding the Burmali Mosque, destroyed in 1925, a year after the official dissolution of the Ottoman Empire but 12 years after the Ottomans were finally expelled, following a long period of bloody crackdowns on the Christian populations of Macedonia. A Royalist Yugoslav army house was built over it. Today the area is near a pedestrianized street where modern cafés cater to locals and international guests, considered to be one of the nicest modernization efforts in the city in recent years. Resurrecting a mosque in the area would certainly change the ambience.

Interestingly, it appears that the whole building frenzy is part of the larger issue of creating an “urban plan” for Skopje. The government has announced it will put forward an international tender for coming up with a “solution” to this issue, which it says will involve architects, planners and officials from the Ministry of Culture. However, the religious dimensions of the urban upgrade means that the authorities are playing with fire. While building an Orthodox Church is largely an exercise in decoration in a country where few attend church regularly, building a mosque, frequented five times a day by groups of Muslims likely to be “commuting” across the bridge from the “other” side of the river, is not. Considering current demographic and social trends, such religious one-upsmanship cannot lead to a long-term victory, to put it mildly, for Christendom in Macedonia.

Read it all.

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It's good to see an American official making any mention of jihadist activity in Europe, and I'm all for defeating the Taliban, but I don't see how doing so will "deflate" the Islamic supremacist ideology. Gates doesn't seem to have explained, either. "US says global Islamic extremism would thrive on Afghan failure," by Jonathan Fowler for AFP (thanks to Sr. Soph):

MUNICH, Germany (AFP) - US Defense Secretary Robert Gates Sunday warned that failing to stamp out Afghanistan's resurgent Taliban would boost Islamic extremism worldwide and urged Europeans to wake up to the risks.

"Instability and conflict abroad have the potential to spread and strike directly at the hearts of our nations," Gates said in a speech to the annual Munich Conference on Security Policy, which for four decades has been a traditional venue for Washington to flag its concerns to European allies.

"But I am concerned that many people on this continent may not comprehend the magnitude of the direct threat to European security," he said.

"For the United States, September 11 was a galvanizing event -- one that opened the American public's eyes to dangers from distant lands." [...]

Gates warned that success for the resurgent Taliban would be a huge boost for Islamic extremism worldwide, and urged a reticent European public to realize the need to stem their revival.

"The threat posed by violent Islamic extremism is real -- and it is not going away.

"You know all too well about the attacks in Madrid and London. But there have also been multiple smaller attacks in Istanbul, Amsterdam, Paris and Glasgow, among others. Numerous cells and plots have been disrupted in recent years as well -- many of them seeking large-scale death and destruction."

Gates said that the loosely organised international Islamic movement is "built on the illusion of success".

"After all, about the only thing they have accomplished recently is the death of thousands of innocent Muslims while trying to create discord across the Middle East. So far they have failed. But they have twisted this reality into an aura of success in many parts of the world.

"It raises the question: What would happen if the false success they proclaim became real success? If they triumphed in Iraq or Afghanistan, or managed to topple the government of Pakistan? Or a major Middle Eastern government?"

Gates went on to say that success in one place "would beget success on many other fronts as the cancer metastasized further and more rapidly than it already has."

Gates said the task confronting the US and Europe is to fracture and destroy Islamic extremism "in its infancy" and deflate its ideology, and that the best opportunity to do that is in Afghanistan.

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February 9, 2008

In other words, the field of human rights should take into account the fact that human rights can be kind of inconvenient, especially when the penalty of amputation for theft comes from Qur'an 5:38: "As for the thief, both male and female, cut off their hands. It is the reward of their own deeds, an exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is Mighty, Wise." (Or, it's 5:38... Do you know where your limbs are?)

Anyway, the culturally sensitive thing to do would be to look the other way. Nothing to see here, just another Sharia Alert. "Iran envoy defends amputation," by Fiona Govan for the Daily Telegraph:

Iran's ambassador to Spain has compared chopping off the hands of thieves to a "surgeon amputating a limb to prevent the spread of gangrene".
In a defence of Iran's tough implementation of Islamic law, Seyed Davoud Salehi called for "the traditions, religion and economic development" of Iran to be taken into account by those monitoring human rights in the country. He also argued that the death penalty was necessary "to preserve the health of society as a whole".
Mr Salehi said during a speech in Madrid that the highest court in Iran had decided to limit public executions to prevent images of hangings and stonings in public squares being broadcast around the world and used as propaganda against the regime.
"Our laws allow for the amputation of the hand that steals. This is not accepted by the West, but the field of human rights should take into account the customs, traditions, religion and economic development," he said in comments reported by the newspaper El Mundo.
"Some laws are needed to preserve the health of society, if not, it would be in danger."
Iran has the second highest number of recorded executions in the world after China, according to Amnesty International.
More than 300 people were condemned to death last year, an increase of more than 70 per cent on 2006.
So far this year 20 public executions have taken place and the hands or feet of at least five offenders have been amputated.
The ambassador criticised claims that Iran had a poor record in human rights and attributed it to "the arrogance of the West", which used the argument to harm the image of the country.
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"We are surprised it should be confiscated and distributed in a manner based on political considerations...this only penalises those who really deserve this aid." You're surprised? Really?

"Jordan says Hamas seizes aid covoy sent to Gaza," by Suleiman al-Khalidi for Reuters (thanks to Sr. Soph):

AMMAN, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Jordan said on Saturday the Islamist Palestinian group Hamas has confiscated a convoy of humanitarian aid sent to people living under an Israeli blockade in the Gaza Strip.

Minister of State for Information Affairs Nasser Joudeh told the state news agency Petra that Hamas members on Thursday seized 16 trucks carrying emergency supplies into Gaza and diverted the cargo to a warehouse run by the Islamist group.

Hamas has ruled the Gaza Strip since June when it routed secular Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who has revived peace talks with Israel.

"We are surprised it should be confiscated and distributed in a manner based on political considerations...this only penalises those who really deserve this aid," Joudeh said.

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He is under investigation, which is good. But what will they find? If he believes in Islam, and in Islam's death penalty for apostates, what will they do then?

"Muslim Student Threatens Former Terrorist's Life at Air Force Academy Even," from Mass Media Distribution Newswire (thanks to Hot Air):

Former terrorists Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani addressed cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, during their annual political forum. They shared their experiences as terrorists and helped cadets understand the Islamic fundamentalist mind set.

During the event a Jordanian college student, identified as Omar Khalifa of Metro International, approached Kamal Saleem and spoke to him in Arabic, "you are an enemy of Islam and you must die." The incident was reported to Military Police, who investigated Khalifa's threat.

"The men receive threats of this nature all of time and we take each one very seriously," said Keith Davies, Executive Director of the Shoebat Foundation. "That is why each of the men live in seclusion."

Numerous media outlets (New York Times, the Associated Press, The Colorado Springs Gazette, the Rocky Mountain News) did not report on the former terrorists' message, but instead focused on the [inaccurate] media statements distributed by CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations), in an all-out campaign to discredit the speakers credentials and background.

"We have all been told that Islam has been hijacked by extremists,” said Walid Shoebat. "Yet CAIR, who professes to be ‘Moderate Muslims’ are the Three Ex Terrorists biggest critics, and pull out all stops to try and keep out voices from being heard. I beg to ask the question; if CAIR is indeed moderate as they claim, then WHY are they not supporting our campaign against 'extremists? If they are sincerely against the Fundamentalist Muslim agenda why do they appose us?"

According to the Air Force Academy's public affairs office CAIR spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, contacted them numerous times criticizing the scheduling of the three men, and requesting an opportunity to have a CAIR representative share with cadets information about the Islamic faith. The Academy informed Hooper that the event was not about religion, but about terrorism, and he denied CAIR's request.

Score one for the Air Force Academy.

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The Archbishop of Canterbury is unrepentant. He thinks that the Shari'a, or at least the family law part of Shari'a, or at least some part of the family law part of Shari'a, would not contradict the laws and mores of Great Britain. He is quite wrong. And someone who relies on Tariq Ramadan for his understanding of Islam, and of the intentions of Muslims in Western Europe, has no business being Archbishop of Canterbury or being much of anything else.

As for that touchingly transparent attempt to liken the recognition of the imposition of parts of the Shari'a as "unavoidable" to the existence of Beth Din courts, for a handful of Jews, in a handful of matters, where not a single element contradicts, in spirit or letter, the prevailing English law -- practically on the level, in this particular discussion, of Rowan Williams telling us that "some of my friends are Jews" or "I really enjoyed 'Fiddler on the Roof,’” that won't wash. It won't justify his original endorsement -- not a mere discussion, as he now attempts to reinterpret his own words -- of parts of the Shari'a being recognized as a parallel system, in the interests of "social cohesion."

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It is idiotic to accuse Barack Obama of being a Muslim or a secret Muslim. He is not. It is not idiotic, however, to attack the miscomprehension of Islam that surely explains such a remark, one he might wish to reconsider, that he would "meet with Muslim leaders" in order to thrash out the things that divide us. What divides America, and India, and Thailand, and the black Africans in the southern Sudan and southern Nigeria from the world of Islam is Islam itself. Islam is a real thing, not a figment of the Western imagination. If anything, the Western world has been running away from coming to grips with that real thing.

Barack Obama, as a child, attended school in Indonesia. At the time, Indonesia was still much more easygoing in its acceptance of syncretism. It had not yet been subject to the changes that came as the years passed and those who had grown up under the Dutch disappeared, and as Arab influence -- with the real, full-throated Islam -- was brought to bear. Now one sees not only the hatred for the Hindus on Bali (a subject about which nothing is written, but visitors to Indonesia know all about it), but for Christians, who have been subject to endless attacks, with thousands of churches destroyed, and only a handful of the physical attacks -- such as the decapitation of those little Christian schoolgirls -- ever making it to the Western press.

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Hillary Clinton has not uttered a word to distance herself from her husband's insensate courtship of Yasir Arafat, or his unshakeable determination to misunderstand the Islamic basis of Arab opposition to Israel -- a misunderstanding that explains not only his failure at "peacemaking" but all the failures before his tenure, including that at Camp David, which resulted not so much a "peace treaty" as a gang-up on Israel, with Carter and Brzezinski outdoing even Sadat (that's Saint Sadat), in making demands on a hapless, hopeless, sentimental, uncomprehending Begin.

There is the matter of the huge Saudi contributions to Bill Clinton, of his offer to defend the Dubai deal, of his fantastic payments for lectures either in the Gulf (as in Qatar), or in Arab-funded lecture series (the Fares Lectures at the Fletcher School). There is the matter of that Saudi girl who has in the last month or two disappeared from view. There is the matter of the Turkish financier who paid for the movie "Valley of the Wolves" -- a movie depicting American soldiers in Iraq as Nazis, and with a piquant "Jewish doctor" who, Mengele-like, cuts out the organs of dead Iraqis to sell them in New York and Tel Aviv. That movie is equivalent to "Jud Suss." Would we support a candidate who had as one of his delegates to some convention in the 1930s someone akin to Joseph Goebbels? No? Then why do we pass by, without a word, such a Clinton delegate as the Turkish(-American?) movie-financier in question?

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In an unprecedented reversal, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour has backed off from her earlier endorsement of an Arab text calling for the “elimination” of Zionism, in response to a UN Watch protest. News of the controversy was covered internationally, sparking a series of Canadian newspaper editorials critical of Ms. Arbour’s initial statement and her overall handling of the affair. Following is a timeline of the events as they unfolded around the globe.

Jan. 24, 2008, Geneva: High Commissioner Arbour issues an official statement: “I welcome the 7th ratification required to bring the Arab Charter on Human Rights into force... the Arab Charter on Human Rights is an important step forward [to] help strengthen the enjoyment of human rights.” At U.N. headquarters in New York, Marie Okabe, spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, highlights Arbour’s statement. When asked, she does not have the text of the charter...

Jan. 30, 2008, Geneva & New York: Arbour changes course. Now she asserts that various Arab Charter provisions are “incompatible” with international norms. The UN headquarters in New York issues a new release, entitled “Arab rights charter deviates from international standard.”

Arbour’s new statement:

“Throughout the development of the Arab Charter, my office shared concerns with the drafters about the incompatibility of some of its provisions with international norms and standards. These concerns included the approach to death penalty for children and the rights of women and non-citizens.”

“Moreover, to the extent that it equates Zionism with racism, we reiterated that the Arab Charter is not in conformity with General Assembly Resolution 46/86, which rejects that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination. OHCHR [the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights] does not endorse these inconsistencies.” -- from this news article

Louise Arbour is not, I assume, an idiot. She is therefore quite capable of taking the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and the "Muslim" version that was crafted so that Muslims could pretend to be signing simply a slightly-different version -- hoping that no one would bother too much about those little differences -- that is, the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights, and going through them, comparing them, provision by provision.

And once she has done that, she might wish to read a bit about Islam. She might wish to read, and re-read, the Qur'an, and hundreds of the Hadith collected in al-Bukhari and Muslim and judged to be the most "authentic." And then she might wish to read the biographies of Muhammad, the man who is the Model of Conduct, uswa hasana, the Perfect Man, al-insan al-kamil.

After all, last I looked, and last Louise Arbour looked, Islam was in the news. And I suspect it will continue to be in the news, for some time, for all time, to come.

Doesn't Louise Arbour have a responsibility to properly inform herself? And might she not wish to glance, just glance at, such books as The Dhimmi and Islam and Dhimmitude (both by Bat Ye'or), and The Myth of Islamic Tolerance (ed. Robert Spencer) and another half-dozen books?

No time? Too busy?

Is there anything that could conceivably be more important to the future of the West, to its art and science and human freedoms, and to the continued existence of solicitude for individual rights -- the very thing that Louise Arbour is supposed to care most about -- than learning, and not from apologists, about Islam?

She should consider such self-education part of her job -- now the most indispensable part of her job.

And while she is at it, she just might find time to meet with, inter alios, Ibn Warraq and Wafa Sultan and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Ali Sina, and a dozen or several dozen others. She should meet with them quietly, without publicity, in order to find out what they, who were born into and raised within Islam, might possibly have to explain to her, or inform her about. And she, in turn, can then make of what they tell her.

She owes this to those who wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to those who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man, to those who wrote the American Bill of Rights.

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That headline is the entirety of a message I received in the Hate Mail Bag yesterday. Ironically enough, it came from a jihad apologist who has recently sent me 62 email messages claiming that the global jihad is a reaction to U.S. foreign policy (tell that to its victims in Thailand, Indonesia, Nigeria, etc.), and pointing out various alleged Biblical contradictions in contrast to the alleged perfection of the Qur'an. What's more, he has posted at Jihad Watch posing as a Jew ("jewwho") and as a bigot whose hateful messages could be used against this site ("Islamohater"). Get a life, indeed.

Nor has this fellow been the only plant in the comments field of late. Yesterday I removed a genocidal comment posted from a Hotmail address by someone who had never commented here before. These are all signs of someone trying to discredit the site by posting a comment here that the likes of Ibrahim Hooper could use against us, as he did on the Paula Zahn show last year with a comment that was up on the site for only about an hour -- only long enough, say, for someone who knew it was coming and was watching for it to get it and make hay with it.

Likewise, the provocateur "Osgood Bombay," about whom I wrote here, recently tried to post hateful and genocidal comments under four different names, coming back again after he was banned each time. Here, clearly, is a man with a mission. I have now banned a whole section of IP addresses to keep him out, but even that is not foolproof.

The bottom line: if you see such comments, please alert me to them at director@jihadwatch.org, and I will remove them immediately. This is not a hate site, this is a site devoted to the defense of the West all non-Sharia civilizations, and of human rights, against Sharia encroachment. We do not claim that all Muslims believe in or are acting upon Islamic supremacism, and we abhor genocide. Yet those who, whether out of ignorance or malice, oppose efforts to resist the jihad, or want to see the Islamic supremacist agenda advance in the United States and elsewhere, have gone and will continue to go to great lengths to portray us simply as "haters," as "bigots" who for some reason simply dislike Muslims and Islam -- and thereby they compel and will continue to compel many people of good will to turn away and not even consider the truth of what we are presenting.

These jihad enablers have not hesitated even to plant comments here so as to allow others to tar us with them -- despite the fact that comments continue to be unmoderated. Any reasonable or fair-minded person would note the disclaimer at the top of every comments field and not assume that everything written in a comment is the position of Jihad Watch. But our opponents have demonstrated again and again that they are not reasonable or fair-minded people. I ask your help to stop them, by alerting me to such comments when they appear.

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Here's the latest from the noted European essayist Fjordman:

Hugh Fitzgerald of Jihad Watch recently suggested a number of things Europeans can do to halt Islamization. The proposals were good, but I think we should focus on the most important obstacle: the European Union. I've suggested in the past that the EU is the principal motor behind the Islamization of Europe, and that the entire organization needs to be dismantled as soon as possible, otherwise nothing substantial can ever be done about the Muslim invasion. At the Gates of Vienna blog, I am writing a text called "Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union," which can be translated into other languages and be republished when it is completed.

As Bat Ye'or demonstrates in her book Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis, senior EU leaders have actively been working for years to merge Europe with the Arab world. They are now feeling confident enough to say this openly. The British Foreign Minister David Miliband in November 2007 stated that the European Union should work towards including Middle Eastern and North African countries, as this would "extend stability." He also said that the EU must "keep our promises to Turkey" regarding EU membership.

The EU involves the free movement of people across borders. If it expands to the Middle East, hundreds of millions of Muslims will have free access to Germany, Italy, France, Britain, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Austria. If Turkey becomes a member, it means that Greeks, Bulgarians and others who have fought against oppression by Ottoman Turks for centuries will now be flooded with Muslims from a rapidly re-Islamizing Turkey. The same goes for Poles, Hungarians, Romanians and others who fought against Muslims for centuries.

The EU's Justice and Security Commissioner Franco Frattini states that Europe must relax its immigration controls and open the door to an extra 20 million "Africans and Asians" during the next two decades. Most of these "Africans and Asians" come from the predominantly Muslim countries of North Africa and the Greater Middle East. The EU thus decided to flood Europe with tens of millions of Muslims at the same time as peaceful Europeans demonstrating against the Islamization of Europe were brutally harassed by the police in the EU capital of Brussels. Frattini has also banned the use of the phrase Islamic terrorism: "People who commit suicide attacks or criminal activities on behalf of religion, Islamic religion or other religion, they abuse the name of this religion." He thinks we shouldn't use the word "immigration," either, we should talk about "mobility."

While Dutch politicians, in what was until recently a peaceful country, have been killed for being too critical of Islam, while Islamic terror attacks have murdered people in London and Madrid, while more terror attacks are planned every single day from Italy via Paris to Denmark, and while people from Sweden to Germany are subject to Muslim street violence and harassment, EU leaders want to increase Europe's Muslim population by tens of millions in a few years. This is criminal and evil, pure and simple.

In Cologne, Germany, a Muslim teenager who wanted to mug a 20-year-old German man was killed in an act of self-defense, according to witnesses. This led to angry protests from Muslims. Apparently, non-Muslims are not supposed to defend themselves from attacks. This violence is usually labelled "crime," but I believe it should more accurately be called Jihad.

Those who know Islamic history, as described in books such as The Truth About Muhammad by Robert Spencer or The Legacy of Jihad by Dr. Andrew G. Bostom, know that looting and stealing the property of non-Muslims has been part and parcel of Jihad from the very beginning. In fact, so much of the behavior of Muhammad and early Muslims could be deemed criminal that it is difficult to know where crime ends and Jihad begins. In the city of Oslo, it is documented that some of the criminal gangs also have close ties to Jihadist groups at home and abroad. As Dutch Arabist Hans Jansen points out, the Koran is seen by some Muslims as a God-given "hunting licence," granting them the right to assault and even murder non-Muslims. It is hardly accidental that while Muslims make up a minority of the population in France, they make up an estimated seventy percent of French prison inmates.

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Recent news amply demonstrates that all metropolitan areas of Western Europe are in jihadists' crosshairs, but Germany is certainly high on the list of targets, with one imminent attack thwarted in September. Once again, however, authorities appear to view the potential of native German converts to Islam or other Muslims in Germany to become "radicalized" as dependent on the propaganda of al-Qaeda and its allies, as if that movement invented Islamic teachings on jihad, or distorted a "just war" concept that would be considered benign by Western standards. And, ignoring the broader ideological context and refusing to address its basis in Islamic texts and teachings leaves authorities open to being blindsided by an attack that may occur with little or no apparent link to the al-Qaeda brand name. And it will also leave them baffled with respect to public sympathy for al-Qaeda in the Muslim world, and Muslims who passively or actively enable the group's operations, whether in Berlin or Quetta.

"Al-Qaeda has moved Germany up on hit list," from Agence France Presse:

BERLIN - GERMANY has become a prime target for Al-Qaeda, whose commanders in Afghanistan and Pakistan have ordered terror attacks on the country, senior government officials said.
'Germany is at the centre of Al-Qaeda's attention and in their line of fire. The facts have changed since last year,' interior ministry spokesman Stefan Paris told reporters on Friday, confirming a press report.
A state secretary in the interior ministry, Mr August Hanning, told Die Welt newspaper that Al-Qaeda leaders based in the border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan had 'decided to carry out attacks in Germany'.
'We are worried that we will not be able to foil every plot,' he added.
Die Welt said Germany's domestic intelligence agency and police had established that Germany's six-year-old military mission in Afghanistan had prompted Al-Qaeda to move the country 'much higher' on its list of targets.
Mr Hanning linked the 'high risk' to the volatile situation in southern Afghanistan, saying Al-Qaeda's 'operational capacity' in the region had recovered.
In September, two German converts to Islam and a Turkish man were arrested in the western Sauerland region on suspicion of planning to blow up United States installations in Germany, including the south-western US military airbase at Ramstein.
The men had stockpiled some 700 kilogrammes of chemicals to use in 'massive' attacks to coincide with the anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001 suicide hijackings in the United States, the security services said.
The plotters are believed to belong to the Islamic Jihad Union, a group with links to Al-Qaeda.
The deputy chief of the federal police, Mr Bernhard Falk, told Die Welt there were clear indications that Al-Qaeda had ordered other attacks and that its cadres were preparing to strike.
'There is a high probability that besides the Sauerland plot, several other operations have been planned,' he said.
Germans in Afghanistan, often young men of Turkish origin or German converts to Islam, were recruited to become 'holy warriors' and sent back to Germany to carry out attacks, he said.
Al-Qaeda was increasingly and successfully recruiting Germans via the Internet, he added. The group posted propaganda in German and had set up 'virtual terror training camps' for supporters.
Die Welt quoted officials as saying that the security services are investigating charges against 184 suspected Islamist extremists in Germany and that 70 were deemed so dangerous that they were under constant surveillance.
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Algeria Jihad Update. "Algeria rebels ambush and kill 8 soldiers," from Reuters:

ALGIERS (Reuters) - Suspected Islamist rebels killed eight paramilitary gendarmes when they ambushed their convoy in eastern Algeria, a security source said on Friday.
The ambush on Thursday night was the deadliest attack in Algeria since December 11 when 37 people, including 17 United Nations staff, were killed in a double suicide bombing in the capital Algiers, according to the government.
The attack on the gendarmes occurred at Draa Argayen hamlet in the desert province of El Oued, some 500 km (300 miles) southeast of Algiers, the source said.
"Seven gendarmes were killed on the ambush spot while another gendarme succumbed to his wounds later on," the source said, without giving more details.
Authorities were not immediately available for comment on the ambush and no group has claimed responsibility for it.
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Too peaceful, apparently. Or not "peaceful" enough. Somalia Jihad Update. "Islamist Insurgents Claim Somalia Attacks That Killed 20," from Agence France-Presse:

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AFP)--Islamist insurgents in Somalia have claimed responsibility for twin attacks in the northeast port city of Bossaso that left 20 dead, mostly Ethiopians.
In a Web site message posted Wednesday, the Shabab said the explosions targeted "Ethiopian forces who fought in Mogadishu and who were assisting Puntland forces" in the city.
Ethiopian troops are currently in Somalia, propping up the weak interim government that has been fighting the remnants of the Islamist militia which briefly controlled large parts of the country in 2006. The Shabab said on their official Web site the attacks late Tuesday were "in order to prevent Puntland from serving as a safe haven for the Ethiopian invading forces and not have a rest place where they bring their wives."
The Islamic Courts Union was defeated by Ethiopian troops last year. The political leadership fled to neighboring countries but its Shabab youth organization - effectively the movement's armed wing - regrouped and waged a deadly guerrilla-style war against Ethiopian and governments targets.
The statement marked the first time Islamist insurgents - who had concentrated their operations on Mogadishu and its immediate surroundings - claimed an attack in Puntland since Ethiopian troops moved into Somalia.
In a recent report, the African Union warned the insurgents were attempting to further destabilize the struggling interim government by broadening their area of operations.
Puntland, which declared semiautonomous status in 1998, has been relatively peaceful compared to Somalia, which has been wracked by violence since former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991.
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"Militants had visited Goa thrice just to survey the coastal areas and crowded places," and reportedly sought to target tourist attractions.

"Terror alert in serene Goa," from the Press Trust of India:

PANAJI — An alert has been sounded in Goa and police have intensified checking to track possible terror plots in the tourist hot spot, Chief Minister Digamber Kamat said yesterday.
The move follows the arrest of a suspected militant in Karnataka who had allegedly confessed about his plans to strike in Karnataka and Goa. The militant had reportedly said that he could not translate his terror plans into action as he failed to receive a consignment of 50 kgs of RDX explosive from Pakistan.
"We have sounded an alert all over the state and security has been strengthened," the Chief Minister said. He said that the police department is carrying out checks to trace the possible terror links.
Kamat said that he has held a meeting with the top police brass along with Home Minister Ravi Naik and added that "at no cost the security of the people would be compromised".
"According to our information, militants had visited Goa thrice just to survey the coastal areas and crowded places," Naik said. The State Government has sought complete details of the case and further comments could be made only after obtaining them, Naik said.
However, highly placed police sources said that the militants had the famous North Goa's Calangute-Baga beach belt in their hit list. The sources also said that a famous discotheque in the sea belt was a target.
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Muhammad Hegazy Update. "Egypt Rules Christian Convert Must Remain Legally Muslim," by Ethan Cole for the Christian Post:

An Egyptian judge ruled this week in an unprecedented case that a Muslim who converted to Christianity cannot legally change his religious status, although he may believe what he wants in his heart.
Muhammad Hegazy, 25, lost his case on Tuesday when Judge Muhammad Husseini of a court in Cairo said according to sharia, or Islamic law, Islam is the final and most complete religion and therefore Muslims already practice full freedom of religion and cannot convert to an older belief (Christianity or Judaism), according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

No compulsion in religion.

“He (Hegazy) can believe whatever he wants in his heart, but on paper he can’t convert,” Husseini told the administrative court, according to a member of Hegazy’s legal team to Compass Direct.
Judge Husseini based his decision on Article II of the Egyptian constitution, which makes sharia the source of Egyptian law.
Hegazy has denounced the ruling as a “violation” of his basic rights.
“What does the state have to do with the religion I embrace?” Hegazy questioned, according to the United States Copts Association following the ruling.
The convert’s defense team was also disappointed with the verdict.
“The judge didn’t listen to our defense, and we didn’t even have a chance to talk before the court,” said Gamel Eid, head of the Arab Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) to U.S. Copts Association.
Last August, Hegazy filed a historic case to seek official recognition for his conversion from Islam to Christianity. Because of persecution, converts to Christianity usually hide their new religious beliefs and only practice their faith secretly.
But Hegazy was the first convert to sue Egypt for rejecting his application to officially change his religion on his identification papers. He explained that his wife, who is also a Muslim convert to Christianity, was expecting a baby and wanted his daughter to be raised in an openly Christian environment.
In Egypt, a child’s registered religion is based on the father’s official faith. Therefore, since Hegazy is officially Muslim, his daughter would not be able to enroll in Christian religious classes at school, wed in a church, or attend church services openly without harassment under Egyptian law.
Hegazy and his wife, Zeinab, have gone into hiding since filing the case because of the numerous death threats they received, including one from Hegazy’s father if he does not return to Islam. While in hiding, Zeinab gave birth to their daughter on Jan. 10, according to CSW.
“We are dismayed at the decision of the judge to deny Muhammad Hegazy the right to change his religion,” said CSW’s chief executive Mervyn Thomas. “The Egyptian Constitution seemingly allows for religious freedom, and Egypt has ratified international human rights treaties which grant the individual the right to adopt a religion of their choice.”
“Yet this ruling highlights just how different the reality is for converts like Muhammad Hegazy. We urge the international community to call upon Egypt to uphold the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion,” he added.
An ANHRI representative said Hegazy still plans to appeal the ruling or possibly open a new case. Zeinab plans to also file a petition for her right to change her religion to Christianity.
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Islamic Tolerance Alert. "Iran: Death Penalty Proposed for 'Apostates'," from Compass Direct:

ISTANBUL, February 8 (Compass Direct News) – The Iranian parliament may mandate the death penalty for citizens who leave Islam, a human rights group announced this week.
For the first time in Iranian history, a proposed penal code demands the death penalty for “apostates,” according to a February 5 statement by the Institute on Religion and Public Policy (IRPP).
“Apostasy was always illegal, but the court could hand down a jail term, hard labor or the death penalty,” said IRPP President Joseph Grieboski. “Now apostasy [would only] get the death penalty.”
Iran has used the “apostasy” law to target Muslim converts to Christianity, liberal thinkers and members of Iran’s Baha’i religious minority.
“This is not something new, they just want to be more harsh towards those who are leaving Islam,” an Iranian pastor told Compass.
No converts to Christianity have been convicted of “apostasy” since international pressure forced officials to drop the death sentence of Christian convert Mehdi Dibaj in 1994. But in the years following the convert’s release, Dibaj and four other Protestant pastors, both converts and those working with converts, have been brutally murdered.
The murderers of the Christians have never been brought to justice. Local believers suspect the government played a role in the killings.
“They began assassinating pastors and Christian workers,” said the Iranian pastor, who requested anonymity. “Legally, they did not take them to court, but they just killed them and said that they hanged themselves and gave some other excuses.”
‘Hardship’ for Women
The penal code proposal, already approved by the Iranian cabinet a month ago, appears to have the necessary parliamentary backing to be passed, an Iranian Christian told Compass.
Article 225 of the draft, posted on the IRPP website, stipulates two kinds of “apostasy,” “innate and parental,” both of which warrant the death penalty.
Innate “apostates” are those who grow up with at least one Muslim parent, are Muslims at the age of maturity and then later leave the faith, the article states.
“Punishment for an Innate Apostate is death,” section seven of the article stipulates.
Known as “parental apostates,” citizens who grow up in non-Muslim homes, convert to Islam as adults and then later decide to leave are to be given a chance to repent before their execution, the draft states.
“… After the final sentencing for three days, he/she would be guided to the right path and encouraged to recant his/her belief,” the article stipulates. “… If he/she refused, the death penalty would be carried out.”
Though sections of the draft appear to indicate that both men and women can be executed for apostasy, others limit execution to males who leave Islam. Section 225-10 states that convicted female “apostates” will be imprisoned for life.
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February 8, 2008

And what do government officials plan to do about that? Anything? Your loonies -- I mean, tax dollars -- at work. "Harems pay off for Muslims," by Tom Godfrey for Sun Media (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Hundreds of GTA Muslim men in polygamous marriages -- some with a harem of wives -- are receiving welfare and social benefits for each of their spouses, thanks to the city and province, Muslim leaders say.
Mumtaz Ali, president of the Canadian Society of Muslims, said wives in polygamous marriages are recognized as spouses under the Ontario Family Law Act, providing they were legally married under Muslim laws abroad.
"Polygamy is a regular part of life for many Muslims," Ali said yesterday. "Ontario recognizes religious marriages for Muslims and others."
He estimates "several hundred" GTA husbands in polygamous marriages are receiving benefits. Under Islamic law, a Muslim man is permitted to have up to four spouses.
However, city and provincial officials said legally a welfare applicant can claim only one spouse. Other adults living in the same household can apply for welfare independently.
The average recipient with a child can receive about $1,500 monthly, city officials said. [...]
In addressing the issue of polygamous marriages, the preamble to the Ontario Family Law Act states: "In the definition of 'spouse,' a reference to marriage includes a marriage that is actually or potentially polygamous, if it was celebrated in a jurisdiction whose system of law recognizes it as valid. R.S.O. 1990, c. F.3, s. 1 (2)."
"There are many people in the community who are taking advantage of this," Ali said. "This is a law and there's nothing wrong with it."
Immigration officials said yesterday that polygamous marriages aren't allowed in Canada, but that contradicts the provincial law.
"Canada is a very liberal-minded country," Ali said. "Canada is way ahead of Britain in this respect."
He said Britain recently began permitting husbands to collect benefits for each of their wives.


The British government recently admitted that nearly a thousand men are living legally with multiple wives in Britain. Although the families are entitled to claim social security for each wife, the department for work and pensions said it has not counted how many are on benefits.
In Canada, Ali said, the man and his main wife and children enter Canada as landed immigrants. The other spouses are sponsored or arrive as visitors to join their husband to share one home.

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Fiend, er, Friend and Ally Update. By Tabassum Zakaria for Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mullah Omar and other Taliban leaders are directing insurgency operations in Afghanistan from the Pakistani city of Quetta, while al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is operating from Pakistan's tribal areas, a senior U.S. administration official said on Friday.
Bin Laden, his deputy Ayman al-Zawahri and others are operating out of Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) bordering Afghanistan, the official told reporters on condition of anonymity.
"Just as Mullah Omar is giving strategic direction for the Taliban from Quetta, al Qaeda senior leadership is in the FATA doing its planning," the official said, without giving the source of the intelligence.
"The iconic leaders of al Qaeda -- Zawahri, bin Laden and people like (Abu Laith) al-Libi are in the tribal areas of Pakistan," the official added.
Libi was killed in January in a suspected U.S. missile strike in Pakistan's North Waziristan border area.
Bin Laden, the suspected mastermind of the September 11 attacks, and Mullah Omar are believed to have fled Afghanistan soon after the U.S.-led invasion that overthrew the Taliban government in late 2001.
Despite the presence of al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan, the official said the administration still saw Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf as a worthy ally.
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Sharia Alert. "Violations of 'Islamic teachings' take deadly toll on Iraqi women," by Arwa Damon for CNN:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The images in the Basra police file are nauseating: Page after page of women killed in brutal fashion -- some strangled to death, their faces disfigured; others beheaded. All bear signs of torture.
The women are killed, police say, because they failed to wear a headscarf or because they ignored other "rules" that secretive fundamentalist groups want to enforce.
"Fear, fear is always there," says 30-year-old Safana, an artist and university professor. "We don't know who to be afraid of. Maybe it's a friend or a student you teach. There is no break, no security. I don't know who to be afraid of."
Her fear is justified. Iraq's second-largest city, Basra, is a stronghold of conservative Shia groups. As many as 133 women were killed in Basra last year -- 79 for violation of "Islamic teachings" and 47 for so-called honor killings, according to IRIN, the news branch of the U.N.'s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
One glance through the police file is enough to understand the consequences. Basra's police chief, Gen. Abdul Jalil Khalaf, flips through the file, pointing to one unsolved case after another.
"I think so far, we have been unable to tackle this problem properly," he says. "There are many motives for these crimes and parties involved in killing women, by strangling, beheading, chopping off their hands, legs, heads."
"When I came to Basra a year ago," he says, "two women were killed in front of their kids. Their blood was flowing in front of their kids, they were crying. Another woman was killed in front of her 6-year-old son, another in front of her 11-year-old child, and yet another who was pregnant."
The killers enforcing their own version of Islamic justice are rarely caught, while women live in fear.
Boldly splattered in red paint just outside the main downtown market, a chilling sign reads: "We warn against not wearing a headscarf and wearing makeup. Those who do not abide by this will be punished. God is our witness, we have notified you."
The attacks on the women of Basra have intensified since British forces withdrew to their base at the airport back in September, police say. Iraqi security forces took over after British troops pulled back, but are heavily infiltrated by militias.
And tracking the perpetrators of these crimes is nearly impossible, Khalaf says, adding that he doesn't have control of the thousands of policemen and officers.
"We're trying to trace crimes carried out by an anonymous enemy," he says.
Amnesty International has raised concern about the increasing violence toward women in Iraq, saying abductions, rapes and "honor killings" are on the rise.
"Politically active women, those who did not follow a strict dress code, and women [who are] human rights defenders were increasingly at risk of abuses, including by armed groups and religious extremists," Amnesty said in a 2007 report.
Sometimes, it's just the color of a woman's headscarf that can draw unwanted attention.
"One time, one of my female colleagues commented on the color of my headscarf," Safana says. "She said it would draw attention ... [and I should] avoid it and stick to colors like gray, brown and black."

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Yes, Texas.

The parties will ask the courts to refer the cases for arbitration to Texas Islamic court within "Seven Days" from the establishment of the Texas Islamic Court panel of Arbitrators. The assignment must include ALL cases, including those filed against or on behalf of other family members related to the parties. Each party will notify the other party, Texas Islamic Court, and their respective attorneys, in writing of the assignment of all the above Cause Numbers from the above appropriate District Court to Texas Islamic Court.

The Jawa Report (thanks to Sr. Soph) has the details.

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Uh, I think they made that choice a long, long time ago. Or rather, they have never had to make it, because Israel has made sure that the electricity has kept on humming along no matter what. Of course, if the Israelis had not done this, the international pressure would have been outrageous. "Two Sderot houses hit in fresh Qassam barrage," from Haaretz (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Gaza militants fired a fresh barrage of Qassam rockets at the western Negev town of Sderot on Friday evening, two of which hit houses in the town and left three people suffering from shock.[...]

The eight rockets fired in the barrage, three of which hit Sderot, brought the total number of Qassams launched at Israeli communities Friday to 30.

In earlier attacks, four Sderot residents were treated for shock and a warehouse was damaged.

Palestinians in Gaza also fired a mortar into southern Israel.

In the early afternoon, five rockets were reported to have struck near the coast south of Ashkelon, one of which struck the grounds of Kibbutz Zikim.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility for the Qassam fire. On Thursday Palestinians fired a dozen rockets and eight mortar shells.

Late Thursday, Israel cut back around one percent of the power it supplies to Gaza, Defense Ministry spokesman Shlomo Dror said. Israel will continue gradually scaling back electricity until the territory's Hamas rulers end the rocket fire, he said Friday.

"It's their choice. They need to choose if they want to keep investing in
rockets and in attacking Israel or if they want electricity from Israel," Dror said.

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At least some Anglican bishops don't agree with the Archdhimmi of Canterbury. "Bishops' backlash as Archbishop of Canterbury defends calls for sharia law," from the Evening Standard (thanks to all who sent this in):

The Archbishop of Canterbury today launched a desperate backtrack over his endorsement of sharia law as his own bishops lined up to attack him.

Claiming he never called for the introduction of the Muslim system, Dr Rowan Williams claimed he wanted to "tease out some of the broader issues around the rights of religious groups within a secular state".

In a statement on his website based on his controversial lecture in London last night, he added he had only used sharia as an example.

Dr Williams' comments, however, are likely to do little to stem the rising tide of anger from senior clergy.

As public condemnation of his speech grew, some of his own bishops were calling for his resignation.

In an astonishing attack, one senior Church of England clergyman demanded he stepped down immediately and branded him "gullible".

Meanwhile, the Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, claimed it would be "simply impossible" to introduce sharia law in Britain.

The clergyman was put under police protection last month after receiving death threats following his claims that parts of Britain are 'no-go areas' for non-Muslims.

Today he claimed that sharia would be "in tension" with current laws, including the rights of women.

Dr Nazir-Ali, who holds dual British and Pakistani citizenship, also added that Muslim women's groups had blocked an attempt to introduce sharia in marriage dispute cases in Canada.

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More on the Bush/Rice Fantasy-Based Policymaking: "PA Sees Dimona Terrorists as Holy Martyrs," by Hillel Fendel for Israel National News (thanks to Rachel):

(IsraelNN.com) Newspapers of the Palestinian Authority, controlled by Mahmoud Abbas, say the Dimona murderers were "holy martyrs."

A 73-year-old new immigrant from the former Soviet Union, Lyubov Razdolskaya, was murdered in the Dimona suicide attack this Monday, and her husband was critically wounded and is still fighting for his life. The two of them were theoretical physicists who made a significant contribution to particle physics in Ben Gurion University. Over 40 other people were also wounded in the attack.

The descriptions by the PA's official newspapers starkly contrast with official statements by PA leaders that condemned the Dimona attack. Hours after the Monday afternoon attack, Abbas condemned it and added that he also condemns IDF counter-terrorism actions.

However, Palestinian Media Watch reports on a number of quotes in official PA organs showing that in actuality, the terrorists are glorified in PA culture and government. The official news report in Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda read, "The executors of the operation died as martyrs... An Israeli was killed and 11 were wounded in the operation in the Dimona commercial center."

The headline in another PA newspaper Al-Ayam read, "Dimona: An Israeli Woman was Killed in a Bomb Operation in the Commercial Center; the Two Perpetrators Died as Martyrs." Similarly, the PA newspaper Al-Quds ran the story as, "Two Martyrs and a Killed Israeli Woman in a Bomb Operation in Dimona."

PMW notes that the term "martyr" places the terrorists on the highest level in Islam - a far cry from the formal criticism expressed by Abbas. A "martyr" is also looked upon as a hero and a model to imitate, especially among the youth. [...]

PMW concludes, "It is true that terrorists have always been called martyrs, but the significance of the latest reports is that in the midst of the renewal of a peace process, the terrorists continue to receive the supreme badge of honor by the Palestinian Authority itself."

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1938 Alert by George Jahn for Associated Press (thanks to Sr. Soph):

VIENNA, Austria - Iran's nuclear project has developed its own version of an advanced centrifuge to churn out enriched uranium much faster than its previous machines, diplomats and experts said Thursday.

They said that few of the IR-2 centrifuges were operating and that testing appeared to be in an early phase, with the new machines rotating without processing any uranium gas.

More significant, the officials said, is the fact that Iran appears to have used know-how and equipment bought on the nuclear black market in combination with domestic ingenuity to overcome daunting technical difficulties and create highly advanced centrifuges.

Iran's uranium enrichment work has raised concerns in Washington and other Western capitals because it can produce the radioactive material needed for nuclear bombs. Tehran says it is only pursuing lower-level enrichment to make fuel for atomic reactors that will generate electricity.

Iran is under two sets of U.N. Security Council sanctions for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment, which it started developing during nearly two decades of covert nuclear activity built on illicit purchases and revealed only five years ago.

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In the featured article at FrontPage I discuss a new DHFC initiative:

The David Horowitz Freedom Center has launched a new initiative: an invitation to campus groups around the country to stand against genocide, endorsing a new Declaration Against Genocide.

The Declaration notes in its preamble that the Sudanese and other Africans have been victims of a slow-motion genocide, and that Islamo-fascists in the Middle East are preparing a new genocide against the Jews.

The genocidal aspect of today's global Islamic jihad has received scant attention from the media or from human rights activists. Yet it is unmistakable. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad has declared that "the Islamic umma (community) will not allow its historic enemy [Israel] to live in its heartland." Israel's end is near: "There is no doubt that the new wave [of attacks] in Palestine will soon wipe off this disgraceful blot [Israel] from the face of the Islamic world."

Khalid Mashal, one of the principal leaders of Hamas, openly celebrates what he sees as Israel's inevitable destruction: "You [Jews] will be defeated with God's help. Victory's day is approaching with God's help. Before Israel dies, it will not escape humiliation and surrender." Mahmoud Zahar, the Hamas Foreign Minister, has said: "I dream," he has said, "of hanging a huge map of the world on the wall at my Gaza home which does not show Israel on it."

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A FrontPage Symposium conducted by Jamie Glazov:

As the David Horowitz Freedom Center unveils its Declaration Against Genocide in Washington on February 9, we are inviting campus groups of all types to join us in condemning the genocidal impulse within Islamo-Fascism.

This Symposium discussion of the term “Islamo-Fascism” takes on a new urgency in light of that Declaration and of the upcoming second Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, which will hit campuses nationwide the week of April 7.

The usefulness and accuracy of this term, and the general necessity of naming the enemy properly as a prerequisite for defeating it, became a subject of national debate during the first Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, and that debate is certain to continue this April. This Symposium is dedicated to many of the issues involved.

Our guests are:

Christopher Hitchens, a contributing editor to Vanity Fair, the author of the new book god Is Not Great. How Religion Poisons Everything and the editor of the new anthology, The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever.

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, the vice president of research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the author of My Year Inside Radical Islam , which documents his time working for the extremist Al Haramain Islamic Foundation.

Bruce Tefft, the Director of CRA's Threat Assessment Center. He retired from the CIA as a case officer in 1995 after 21 years, 17 working in Stations abroad. He was a founding member of the CIA's Counter-Terrorism Center in 1985 and has been involved with terrorism issues since then. After his retirement, he continued studying Islamic terrorist techniques and training more than 16,000 first responders, law enforcement, military and intelligence officials in terrorism awareness and prevention. For a two year period following 9/11, he was the Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence advisor to the New York Police Department.

Khalim Massoud, president of Muslims Against Sharia, an Islamic reform movement.

Robert Spencer, a scholar of Islamic history, theology, and law and the director of Jihad Watch. He is the author of seven books, eight monographs, and hundreds of articles about jihad and Islamic terrorism, including the New York Times Bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Religion of Peace?.

Donna Hughes, Professor and Carlson Endowed Chairperson of the University of Rhode Island Women's Studies Program.


Thomas Haidon, the Chief Legal and Policy Advisor of the Free Muslim Coalition and a member of its Board of Advisors. A commentator on legal issues surrounding counter-terrorism measures and Islamic affairs, he currently serves as an advisor to the New Zealand government and has provided guidance to parliamentary committees on counter-terrorism issues. His works have been published in legal periodicals, newspapers and other media.

FP: Christopher Hitchens, Robert Spencer, Bruce Teft, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Donna Hughes and Thomas Haidon, welcome to Frontpage Symposium.

Christopher Hitchens, let’s begin with you.

Is the term “Islamo-Fascism” legitimate in terms of defining the enemy we face in the terror war?

Hitchens: The attempt by David Horowitz and his allies to launch “Islamofascism Awareness Week” on American campuses has been met with a variety of responses. One of these is a challenge to the validity of the term itself. It’s quite the done thing, in liberal academic circles, to sneer at any comparison between fascist and jihadist ideology.

People like Tony Judt write to me to say in effect that it’s ahistorical and simplistic to do so. And in some media circles another kind of reluctance applies: Alan Colmes thinks that one shouldn’t use the word “Islamic” even to designate jihad, because to do is to risk incriminating an entire religion. He and others don’t want to tag Islam even in its most extreme form with a word as hideous as fascism. Finally, I have seen and heard it argued that the term is unfair or prejudiced, because it isn’t applied to any other religion. This was most recently argued by Patrick J. Buchanan, who asked us how we would have felt if Franklin Roosevelt had described Mussolini, say, as “Christo-fascist”.

Buchanan in his own autobiography describes being raised in a home where the true heroes were Father Coughlin the Jew-baiting priest, General Franco the foe of the Reds and freemasons, and Joseph McCarthy the drink-sodden bigmouth and bigot. That’s why the term “Catholic fascist” or “clerical fascist” used to be so current on the left.

This was to recognize the undeniable fact that, from Spain to Croatia to Slovakia, there was a very direct link between fascism and the Roman Catholic Church. More recently, Yehoshua Leibowitz, editor of the Encyclopaedia Hebraica, coined the term “Judaeo-Nazi” to describe the messianic settlers who moved onto the occupied West Bank after 1967. So there need be no self-pity among Muslims about being “singled out” on this point.

The actual term “Islamofascism” was first used in 1990 in the London Independent by the Anglo-Irish writer Malise Ruthven, who was writing about the way in which traditional Arab dictatorships used religious appeals in order to stay in power. The expression has some respectable antecedents. In his book, The Politics of Social Change in the Middle East and North Africa, published by Princeton in 1965, the German scholar Manfred Halpern (himself a refugee from the Third Reich) employed the term “Islamic totalitarian” to characterize the mingled worship of a heroic past with the mobilization of “passion and violence”. Perhaps you suspect Halpern of undue sympathy with Judaism or Zionism? Very well, then, consider Professor Maxime Rodinson, one of the most intransigent critics of the state of Israel. In an exchange with Michel Foucault in the late 1970s, on the subject of the nascent Shi’a theocracy in Iran, Rodinson writing in Le Monde alluded to “a certain type of archaic fascism” taking the form of “an authoritarian and totalitarian state whose political police would brutally enforce the moral and social order.” I didn’t know about all of these for-runners when I employed the term “fascism with an Islamic face” to describe the assault on civil society on 11 September 2001, and to ridicule those who presented the attack as some kind of liberation theology in action. “Fascism with an Islamic face” is meant to summon a dual echo of both Alexander Dubcek and Susan Sontag (if I do say so myself), and in any case it can’t be used for everyday polemical purposes, so the question remains: does bin-Ladinism or Salafism or whatever we agree to call it have anything in common with fascism?

I think yes. The most obvious points of comparison would be these. Both movements are based on a cult of murderous violence that exalts death and destruction and despises the life of the mind (“Death to the intellect! Long live death!” as Franco’s accomplice General Mola so pithily phrased it in a debate with Miguel de Unamuno). Both are hostile to modernity (except when it comes to the pursuit of weapons) and both are bitterly nostalgic for past empires and lost glories. Both are obsessed with real and imagined “humiliations”, and thirsty for revenge. Both are chronically infected with the toxin of anti-Jewish paranoia (interestingly, also, with its milder cousin, anti-Freemason paranoia). Both are inclined to leader-worship and to the exclusive stress on the power of one great book. Both have a strong commitment to sexual repression, especially to the repression of any sexual “deviance”, and to its counterparts: the subordination of the female and contempt for the feminine. Both despise art and literature as symptoms of degeneracy and decadence, and burn books and destroy museums and treasures.

Fascism (and Nazism) also attempted to counterfeit the then-success of the socialist movement by issuing pseudo-socialist and populist appeals. It has been very interesting to observe lately, especially in its most recent statement on the last anniversary of 11 September, the manner in which Al Quaeda has been striving to counterfeit and recycle the propaganda of the anti-globalist and “Green” movements.

There isn’t a perfect congruence. Historically, fascism laid great emphasis on glorifying the nation state and the corporate structure. There isn’t much of a corporate structure in the Muslim world, where the conditions often approximate more nearly to feudalism than capitalism, but bin-Laden’s own business conglomerate is, among other things, a rogue multi-national corporation with some links to finance-capital. As to the nation state, Al Quaida’s demand is that countries like Iraq and Saudi Arabia be dissolved into one great revived Caliphate but doesn’t this have points of resemblance with the mad scheme of a “Greater Germany” or with Mussolini’s fantasy of a revived Roman empire?

Technically, no form of Islam preaches racial superiority or proposes a master-race. But in practice, Islamic fanatics operate a fascistic concept of the “pure” and the “exclusive” over the unclean and the kufar or profane. In the propaganda against Hinduism and India, for example, there can be seen something very like bigotry. In the attitude to Jews, it is clear that an inferior or unclean race is being talked about (which is why many Muslim extremists like the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem gravitated to Hitler’s side). In the attempted destruction of the Hazara people of Afghanistan, who are ethnically Persian as well as religiously Shi’ite, there was also a strong suggestion of “cleansing”. And of course bin-Laden has threatened force against UN peacekeepers who might dare interrupt the race-murder campaign against African Muslims that is being carried out by his pious Sudanese friends.

Essentially, though, the point of convergence occurs at the word “totalitarian”. Study any serious proclamation about shari’a and you will be struck by the way in which Islam proposes itself as a “total” solution, covering every area of life and effectively abolishing the distinction between the public and the private. All “faith” does this, in my opinion, just as all “faiths” do it, but one cannot fail to be struck by the confidence with which Islamism legislates for absolutism in every department of existence.

This makes it permissible, it seems to me, to mention the two phenomena in the same breath and to suggest that they constitute comparable threats to civilization and civilized values. There is one final point of comparison: one that is in some ways encouraging. Both of these totalitarian systems of thought evidently suffer from a death-wish. It is surely not an accident that both of them stress suicidal tactics and sacrificial ends, just as both of them would obviously rather see the destruction of their own societies than any compromise with infidels or any dilution of the joys of absolute doctrinal orthodoxy. Thus, while we have a duty to oppose and destroy these and any similar totalitarian movements, we can also be fairly sure that they will play an unconscious part in arranging for their own destruction, as well. Meanwhile, however our critics may wail about the way in which we generalize or deal in “stereotypes”, there is hardly one of them who has protested when the American flag is paraded bedecked with a swastika (a swastika!) or a cartoon of the President is carried across campus wearing a Hitler moustache. Who exactly is it who is looking for fascism in all the wrong places?

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See? The Gazans have been working hard, not just living off the international dole!

"IDF finds Kassam silos in Gaza," by Yaakov Katz for the Jerusalem Post :

In a clear sign that Hamas is adopting Hizbullah tactics, IDF troops uncovered underground Kassam launch silos inside the Gaza Strip during an early-morning foray there on Thursday. During the operation, the troops killed seven Palestinian gunmen affiliated with Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Pictures released by the IDF Spokesperson's Office showed two underground Kassam rocket silos, a meter in diameter and two meters deep. The launchers, the army said, were big enough to hold a Kassam or Grad-model Katyusha rocket that could be launched by remote control.

The IDF estimates that there are additional underground rocket silos throughout the Gaza Strip. The silos were discovered by the Golani Brigade's elite Egoz Unit and defense officials said that their discovery proved the need for continued ground operations inside the Gaza Strip.

Some 20 Kassam rockets hit the western Negev on Thursday. One of the rockets hit a garage adjacent to a house in Sderot, causing a fire and sending three people into shock.

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Sorry, Rowan. Archdhimmi of Canterbury Update.

Many have pointed out that Orthodox Jews have private arbitration courts for marriage and family issues, and that's all that Williams was saying Muslims should have in Britain. But there are key differences: Islamic law is a program for the governance of the state, and there is no easy sundering of that program from family and marriage law, so it is certain that if Islamic law is instituted even in part in the UK, some Muslims will press for the rest to follow, including the institutionalized subjugation of non-Muslims.

From AP (thanks to all who sent this in):

LONDON, England (AP) -- The archbishop of Canterbury has called for a limited application of Islamic law in Britain. Muslims praised the proposal but the government rejected it.

Rowan Williams, the UK's highest ranking Christian leader, is noted for addressing controversial issues.

The unusual suggestion from Britain's highest ranking Christian leader Thursday would, if adopted, allow British Muslims to choose to resolve marital and financial disputes under Islamic law, known as Shariah, rather than through British courts.

Archbishop Rowan Williams said in a radio interview with the BBC that incorporating Islamic law could help improve Britain's flagging social cohesion.

"Certain provisions of Shariah are already recognized in our society and under our law, so it's not as if we're bringing in an alien and rival system," said Williams, who gave a speech on the topic Thursday night.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown's spokesman immediately rejected Williams' proposal.

"The prime minister believes British law should apply in this country, based on British values," said Michael Ellam.

The idea was also rejected by Sayeed Warsi, an opposition spokeswoman for social affairs. She said all British citizens had to be subject to the same laws developed by Parliament.

Williams said he was not advocating that Britain allow extreme aspects of Shariah, which has been associated with harsh punishments meted out by Islamic courts in Saudi Arabia and some other countries and has been used to undermine the rights of women.

"Nobody in their right mind" would want to see that, he said. He called for "a clear eye" when discussing Islamic law.

Mohammed Shafiq, director of the Ramadhan Foundation, said the use of Shariah would help lower tensions in British society.

"It would make Muslims more proud of being British," he said. "It would give Muslims the sense that the British respect our faith."

I can see the second point, but I don't see the first. How would it make Muslims in Britain feel anything but contempt for the kafir British laws from which they are exempt?

Shafiq said it was important that non-Muslims in Britain understand that Williams is not suggesting Shariah be adopted for resolving criminal charges, but only civil disputes.

Shafiq and Williams noted that Britain already allows Orthodox Jews to resolve disputes under traditional Jewish law. [...]

But there are dangers involved in letting one community apply one type of justice while another uses a different system, said Fawaz Gerges, a professor of Middle East studies at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York, who has written extensively about militant Islam.

"It's a minefield," he said. "Britain is a nation of laws, once you say to a community that they can apply their own laws, you are establishing a dangerous precedent."


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February 7, 2008

A Let Them Into the EU Alert: "Greek Orthodox Patriarchate wants seized churches back," from Today's Zaman (thanks to Tim):

Based in what is now İstanbul since A.D. 356, the Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchate has long been asking the Turkish government to return four churches confiscated by the self-declared "Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate" run by the Erenerol family.

The recent investigations into the Ergenekon gang have suggested that there may be links between the deep state gang and this fake "patriarchate."

"They came to İstanbul from Kayseri and declared a so-called 'Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate.' They always tried to undermine the status of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. In 1924, they occupied our church -- the Panayia Kafatiani Church-- in Galata and beat-up our clergymen. Later, in 1926, they occupied another church, the Hristos Church. We have documents proving that these churches belong to us," said Bishop Meliton from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate on Monday in a special interview with Today's Zaman.

As it turns out, the "Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate" hasn't had a congregation for years but was created by the Turkish state together with a small number of Greek Orthodox members in the 1920s when parts of Anatolia were under Greek control.

In an operation named "Ergenekon" a couple of weeks ago, several people with links to Turkey's "deep state" were arrested. Among them was Sevgi Erenerol, the "media and public relations officer of the independent patriarchate." She is the granddaughter of Father Eftim, founder of the so-called patriarchate.

Father Eftim was a village priest from the Turkish-speaking Karamanlı Greek community of Cappadocia in Anatolia who supported the Turks during the War of Independence.

"Eftim became the leader of the 'patriarchate' in Kayseri in 1922 under the name of the 'Independent Patriarchate of the Turkish Orthodox,'" said Elçin Macar, the author of "İstanbul Rum Patrikhanesi" (İstanbul Greek Patriarchate, 2003) and a professor at the Yıldız Technical University's department of political science and international relations.

Eftim and his family were exempted from the population exchange between Greece and Turkey, but his small congregation moved out of the country. Without any congregation, Eftim moved to İstanbul in 1924, together with the "patriarchate," Macar explained. Eftim had some followers in Galata, an area with a large Greek population.

"Eftim and his sons call themselves 'patriarchs.' Who elected them? When? Eftim's son Turgut succeeded his father and called himself Patriarch Eftim II. Then came Turgut's brother, and then they brought Paşa [Sevgi Erenerol's brother] from the United States to assume the role of the 'Patriarch.' They have all been excommunicated by the Orthodox Church," Bishop Meliton said. [...]

In addition to property lost to the bogus patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate has also had many churches taken away by the Turkish Foundations General Directorate. The Patriarchate once had 90 churches in İstanbul and on the islands of Gökçeada (Imbros) and Bozcaada (Tenedos), the deeds of which belong to the foundation of each church. The Turkish Foundations General Directorate arbitrarily assumed the management of 24 of these foundations, together with their property, calling them "mazbut." "The Foundations General Directorate claims to have the right to rent or transfer these properties -- churches, schools, etc. -- to third parties," Bishop Meliton said, explaining the implications of the "mazbut" status.

"Look what happened to the Greek church and school in Edirnekapı. They are in shambles. In addition, the Foundations General Directorate rented the school in the courtyard of the church to somebody who established a billiard saloon there," he said, showing pictures of the inside of the decaying church and the school building.

He added that the Patriarchate had to go to the European Court of Human Rights for the first time to stand up for its ownership rights over the orphanage building on the island of Büyükada.

"We don't want to go to the court again. We want to solve all our problems in a spirit of good faith and cooperation with the Turkish government. We are tax-paying voters. We serve in the Turkish army. We are loyal Turkish citizens. We don't have political ambitions at all. We have no ties with any sort of gangs. We don't want to be like the Vatican either. We just want to preserve our churches and our faith."

The Turkish Parliament has been debating a bill on minority foundations that was previously vetoed by former President Ahmet Necdet Sezer on the grounds that "it may serve to strengthen minority foundations." State Minister Hayati Yazıcı said last month that these concerns were not shared by Parliament's Justice Commission.

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Obama scores Romney for his "poorly thought out comment" about not letting the Democrats "surrender to terror."

Obama, of course, is the candidate who has said, "Once I'm elected, I want to organize a summit in the Muslim world, with all the heads of state, to have an honest discussion about ways to bridge the gap that grows every day between Muslims and the West." Given the Democrats' positions on the issues, what Obama has said in other contexts, and the zeitgeist around the world today, such a summit would only result in demands from the Muslim countries for more money, an abandonment of resistance to the global jihad, and the betrayal of Israel. But it's Romney who is making "poorly thought out comments." Got it.

You want poorly thought out comments? What would you think of a candidate who offers a Give-Away-The-Store Summit with Muslim leaders, such as Obama has, after previously declaring that he would bomb Pakistan?

What a choice we have in 2008.

"Obama On Romney: An 'Ineffective Candidate,'" from The Hotline:

OMAHA, NE -- Barack Obama called Mitt Romney's candidacy "ineffective" on the day that the former MA governor dropped his bid for the presidency.

Romney, who dropped out of the race for president today in Washington, said in his exit speech that the GOP must unify and not allow Democrats to allow the country to "surrender to terror."

"Well my reaction to Mitt Romney's comment that's the kind of poorly thought out comment that lead him to drop out," Obama said during a press avail on his campaign plane. "It's a classic attempt to appeal to people's fears that will not work in this campaign. I think that's part of the reason he was such an ineffective candidate."

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There is a bomb squad at the scene. "Police identify woman who attacked pilots on flight," by Jarrod Booker and Edward Gay for the New Zealand Herald (thanks to Thomas Haidon):

Police have released details of a woman who attacked two pilots on a flight from Blenheim to Christchurch this morning.

The woman, who also made bomb threats, is a 33-year-old Blenheim resident.

Both pilots, who suffered knife wounds, are now in hospital and Police and Transport Minister Annette King has called for an urgent report on the incident.

The woman, who police said was originally from Somalia, made bomb threats claiming there were two bombs on board the plane. [...]

Both pilots have been taken to hospital with knife wounds and one had severe cuts to his hands. [...]

The army bomb squad is still checking the plane and passenger luggage for any signs of explosives. Police in Blenheim are doing background checks on the woman in her home town.

Mr Cliff said police have found two knives, one on the woman they are speaking to and one on the tarmac.

The other passengers on board - four New Zealanders, one Australian and an Indian - are being spoken to by police.

One witness described the scene as "like something from a Bruce Willis movie". Andrew Sare said the woman was hauled off the plane by armed police, handcuffed and forced to the ground.

Police issued a statement saying that a Mayday call was received from the plane - an Air National Flight operated by Eagle Air travelling from Blenheim to Christchurch - at around 7.40am.

The call, routed to police from the NZ Rescue Co-ordination centre in Wellington, said a female passenger had attacked the pilots before she was bundled out of the cockpit.

They were reportedly stabbed and the pilots told police they had suffered minor injuries.

According to police, the passenger also claimed she had a bomb on board. [...]

A source at Christchurch Airport said the woman has been taken away in an ambulance, possibly suffering dog-bites.

It was earlier thought the incident may have been a hijacking attempt, though no further details were yet available on this.

There are reports that an electronic device was found on board the plane.

The bomb squad is at the scene....

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Poverty Causes Terrorism Update: "Algeria Says It Killed Rebel Leader and Seized 6 in His Gang," from Reuters:

ALGIERS (Reuters) — Algerian security forces have killed a rebel leader and arrested six of his associates who are suspected of involvement in a twin bombing of a court building and United Nations offices in Algiers and an attack on foreign oil workers, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, a militant group that has sworn allegiance to Al Qaeda, has said it was behind the double suicide bombing on Dec. 11 that killed 41 people, including 17 United Nations staff members. [...]

It gave no details as to the date of the arrest of Mr. Bouzegza’s associates but said the six were handed over to Algerian officials on Wednesday. It said three of them were building contractors, one a computer scientist at Brown & Root — Condor, one an employee at a real estate company and one a deliveryman.

It said the six were pushed to get involved in the attacks through manipulation and financial incentives....

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“A Muslim is permitted to say things that oppose his beliefs in order to prevent damages or to be saved from death.”

When I point that out, I get called an "Islamophobe." I'm told this is a Shi'ite idea that Sunnis shun -- although those who claim this never seem to be aware of the Qur'anic sanction it is given (3:28 and 16:106).

What are you, Hamas, some kind of Islamophobes?

I wonder if the people who have claimed I am "Islamophobic" for pointing out things like this will be ready to denounce Hamas now.

"Hamas: We’re Allowed to Lie," from Israel National News (thanks to Sr. Soph):

(IsraelNN.com) Hamas leaders spoke to the Arabic language Ash-Sharq il-Awsat newspaper recently and explained that as Muslims, they are allowed to lie. In an interview printed on Thursday, senior Hamas terrorists explained, “A Muslim is permitted to say things that oppose his beliefs in order to prevent damages or to be saved from death.”

This approach, known in Arabic as “taqiyya,” was behind several Hamas leaders’ recent public expression of support for Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, they explained. Senior Hamas terrorists in Samaria, who were recently released from jail, publicly expressed disapproval with the Hamas takeover of Gaza and said they supported the PA forces. The sources quoted in Ash-Sharq il-Awsat explained that the Samarian terrorists’ announcement was not a sign of dissent within Hamas ranks, but rather a permitted use of “taqiyya” to deceive Abbas and avoid prison sentences.

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An update on this story from JBlog Central (thanks to Morgaan Sinclair):

In an unprecedented reversal, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour has backed off from her earlier endorsement of an Arab text calling for the “elimination” of Zionism, in response to a UN Watch protest. News of the controversy was covered internationally, sparking a series of Canadian newspaper editorials critical of Ms. Arbour’s initial statement and her overall handling of the affair. Following is a timeline of the events as they unfolded around the globe.

Jan. 24, 2008, Geneva: High Commissioner Arbour issues an official statement: “I welcome the 7th ratification required to bring the Arab Charter on Human Rights into force... the Arab Charter on Human Rights is an important step forward [to] help strengthen the enjoyment of human rights.” At U.N. headquarters in New York, Marie Okabe, spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, highlights Arbour’s statement. When asked, she does not have the text of the charter.


Jan. 29, 2008, World: UN Watch’s exposé of the Arab Charter is published around the world, including in Canada’s National Post, Switzerland’s Le Temps, the Jerusalem Post, the Montreal Gazette, and Argentina's Agencia de Noticias Judia.

Jan. 30, 2008, Geneva & New York: Arbour changes course. Now she asserts that various Arab Charter provisions are “incompatible” with international norms. The UN headquarters in New York issues a new release, entitled “Arab rights charter deviates from international standard.”

Arbour’s new statement:

“Throughout the development of the Arab Charter, my office shared concerns with the drafters about the incompatibility of some of its provisions with international norms and standards. These concerns included the approach to death penalty for children and the rights of women and non-citizens.”

“Moreover, to the extent that it equates Zionism with racism, we reiterated that the Arab Charter is not in conformity with General Assembly Resolution 46/86, which rejects that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination. OHCHR [the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights] does not endorse these inconsistencies.”

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If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere

Fresh from a star turn in British prison, during which he bought a £220,000 house and passed up a court date with the excuse that his toenails were too long, jihadist Abu "Killing a Kafir For Any Reason Is OK" Hamza is ready for the big stage and the fantastic lights.

"Abu Hamza faces extradition to US," from the BBC (thanks to all who sent this in):

Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri faces extradition to the United States on terror charges.

The Egyptian-born preacher is currently serving a seven-year jail term in the UK for inciting murder and race hate.

The 49-year-old from west London is wanted by the American authorities on 11 charges. [...]

The US government wants to put Abu Hamza on trial over allegations that he funded terrorism, organised a "terrorist training camp" in Oregon between 1998 and 2000, and conspired to take 12 Westerners hostage in Yemen in 1998.

The American charges carry a potential jail sentence of 100 years. Abu Hamza's lawyers claim US evidence has been gained through torture....

Al-Qaeda, don't forget, advises its ops always to claim torture.

He became well known as the imam of Finsbury Park mosque in north London but was dismissed from his position in 2003 after making speeches supporting al-Qaeda and criticising the invasion of Iraq.

What a weaselly last sentence. He wasn't removed for criticizing the invasion of Iraq. Britain isn't a police state. He was removed for advocating open warfare against and subjugation of the kuffar. That, for some reason, goes unmentioned.

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So said Egypt's Foreign Minister, in a nice display of brotherly love. And he also criticized Hamas, leading a Hamas op, Fawzi Barhum, to retort: "Rather than criticise the resistance one should provide aid to the resistance and to the Palestinian people, because it defends the entire Islamic nation." The entire Islamic nation? You mean, this "Palestinian" struggle has something to do with Islam, and isn't just a quarrel over land and nationalism? What are you, Barhum, some kind of Islamophobe?

"Egypt threatens to break the legs of Gaza infiltrators," from AFP (thanks to Anne Crockett):

CAIRO (AFP) — Egypt said on Thursday it would no longer tolerate Palestinians infiltrating the country from the Gaza Strip, and threatened to break the legs of anyone crossing the Rafah border illegally.

"Anyone who breaches the border will have their legs broken," Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit was quoted as saying by the official MENA news agency on public television overnight.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in the impoverished Gaza Strip, subjected to a punishing Israeli blockade, crossed freely into Egypt after Islamist militants from Hamas blew apart border barriers late last month.

Abul Gheit said Egypt had allowed the Palestinians to flood across the border for humanitarian reasons only.

He blamed Israel for the situation in Gaza, accusing the Jewish state of imposing collective punishment on the territory, home to 1.5 million Palestinians, in response to rocket attacks by militants.

Abul Gheit also reproached Hamas for firing rockets into Israel, describing the standoff as a "laughable caricature."

The minister said some rockets misfire and hit the Gaza Strip itself, wounding Palestinians and merely providing Israel with a pretext to attack.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum, responding to the remarks, said that "rather than criticise the resistance one should provide aid to the resistance and to the Palestinian people, because it defends the entire Islamic nation."

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For pete's sake. Why forge them, when American officials are so eager to shower the real thing on the "Palestinians"?

"1 million forged US dollars from Gaza reportedly seized in Egypt," from Maan News Agency (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Bethlehem – Ma'an – Egyptian authorities have seized more than a million dollars in forged US currency allegedly produced in the Gaza Strip since the Gaza-Egypt border was toppled by Palestinian fighters two weeks ago, Egyptian sources told Ma'an on Thursday.

The sources expect more counterfeit banknotes to be discovered, as hundreds of dollars are being found every day. Egyptian merchants in towns bordering Gaza, such as Al-Arish, Rafah and Sheikh Zwaid have helped investigators by saving counterfeit bills. [...]

However, Egyptian reiterated on Thursday that the border with the Gaza Strip will not again be violated again.

Not again again? Really?

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Happy naive kids

"Allen also contends that Megahed didn't know anything about the contents of the trunk or the video that investigators found stored on a laptop computer in the car." Yes, of course. The guy he's driving with has jihadist video about "how to use a remote-controlled toy to detonate a bomb," but he doesn't know anything about it. He's just a naive kid.

Naive Kids Update: "Prosecutor: Students Had Explosives," by Mitch Stacy for AP (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — A federal prosecutor disputes defense claims that two Egyptian college students arrested near a South Carolina Navy weapons station were carrying harmless fireworks and not dangerous explosives.

An attorney for Youssef Samir Megahed filed a motion last week asking a judge to reconsider granting bail. He cited an FBI report that characterized the items found in the trunk of the car as a pyrotechnic mixture that burned but didn't explode when tested.

But federal prosecutor Jay Hoffer, in a motion filed Monday opposing bond for Megahed, said defense attorney Adam Allen "mischaracterized" the FBI report in describing the items in the trunk as harmless.

Hoffer said the items — including PVC pipe containing a mixture of sugar and potassium nitrate and capped with cat litter — meet the federal legal definition of explosives. FBI analysts determined that the mixture could explode if it was packed more tightly in the pipe and capped, Hoffer wrote.

"Experts from the FBI Laboratory describe these items as dangerous; the degree of their dangerousness is, according to them, dependent both upon their use and their surroundings," the motion said.

Allen said the mixture wouldn't have been packed in the pipes and capped off because Megahed's co-defendant, Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed, has said he was building "sugar rockets," which are supposed to lift off the ground but not explode.

"It is indisputable that the FBI testing of replicas of these PVC mixture pipes clearly illustrated that when ignited, they either burned, smoked or did nothing at all, which I think is completely relevant to my client's detention," Allen said Tuesday.

Megahed, 21, and Mohamed, 26, have been in jail since sheriff's deputies found what they called bomb-making materials in the trunk of their car during an Aug. 4 traffic stop near Charleston, S.C. They are charged with illegally transporting explosives.

Mohamed also faces a terrorism-related charge for allegedly making a video demonstrating how to convert a remote-control toy into a detonator for a bomb.

Allen said the two University of South Florida engineering students were on an innocent road trip to see beaches when they were stopped for speeding. Allen also contends that Megahed didn't know anything about the contents of the trunk or the video that investigators found stored on a laptop computer in the car.

Prosecutors have never presented any evidence that the students planned any wrongdoing, and Allen called the suggestion "absurd." Allen said the GPS unit in the car showed they were driving away from the Charleston Naval Weapons Station, which was about eight miles away from where they were stopped.

Hoffer said in his filing that the GPS data sheds no light on the defendants' intentions. He also said that early on the morning of their arrest, Megahed and Mohamed had attempted to buy "high-powered rifles" at a Wal-Mart.

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Sharia Alert. A "venti" Sharia Alert, with an extra shot of tyranny, and hold the joy, freedom of movement, and free association. From Fox News:

A 37-year-old American businesswoman and married mother of three is seeking justice after she was thrown in jail by Saudi Arabia's religious police for sitting with a male colleague at a Starbucks coffee shop in Riyadh, according to a report in The Times of London on Thursday.
Yara, who does not want her last name published for fear of retribution, was bruised and crying when she was freed from a day in prison after she was strip-searched, threatened and forced to sign false confessions by the Kingdom's “Mutaween” police, The Times reported.
“Some men came up to us with very long beards and white dresses. They asked ‘Why are you here together?'. I explained about the power being out in our office. They got very angry and told me what I was doing was a great sin,” recalled Yara, who wears an abaya and headscarf, like most Saudi women.
The men were from Saudi Arabia's Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a police force of several thousand men charged with enforcing dress codes, sex segregation and the observance of prayers.
Yara says she was interrogated, strip-searched and forced to sign and fingerprint a series of confessions pleading guilty to her “crime,” the Times reported.
Yara was visited yesterday by officials from the American Embassy, who promised they would file a report.
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The joy of dhimmitude

"An approach to law which simply said - there's one law for everybody - I think that's a bit of a danger," says Rowan Williams. Rowan Williams has utterly forgotten, if he ever knew, that the idea of "one law for everybody" was one of the great achievements of Judeo-Christian civilization, and is rooted in the idea of the dignity of all human beings as created in the image of God. Once you discard the principle of "one law for everybody," you create protected classes, privileged classes, and end up inevitably with a tyranny in which some groups are denied basic rights. And so we have in this case: I wonder if Rowan Williams is aware that if Muslims ever came to power in Britain, they themselves would enforce one law for everybody -- a law that would reduce him to dhimmitude. Of course, by that time he may have converted.

"Sharia law in UK is 'unavoidable,'" from the BBC (thanks to all who sent this in):

The Archbishop of Canterbury says the adoption of Islamic Sharia law in the UK seems "unavoidable".

Dr Rowan Williams told Radio 4's World at One that the UK has to "face up to the fact" that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system.

Dr Williams argues that adopting some aspects of Sharia law would help maintain social cohesion.

For example, Muslims could choose to have marital disputes or financial matters dealt with in a Sharia court.

He says Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty".

In an exclusive interview with BBC correspondent Christopher Landau, ahead of a lecture to lawyers in London later on Monday, Dr Williams argues this relies on Sharia law being better understood. At the moment, he says "sensational reporting of opinion polls" clouds the issue.

He stresses that "nobody in their right mind would want to see in this country the kind of inhumanity that's sometimes been associated with the practice of the law in some Islamic states; states; the extreme punishments, the attitudes to women as well".

But Dr Williams says the argument that "there's one law for everybody... I think that's a bit of a danger".

"There's a place for finding what would be a constructive accommodation with some aspects of Muslim law, as we already do with some other aspects of religious law."

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“We have lost a good young man”

Yesterday afternoon I posted this story because it raised questions: a Muslim is involved in a fatal post-midnight explosion in a gas station, and the FBI is investigating -- I wrote that it was "one to watch." And now the plot thickens: CAIR's Ahmed Bedier is on the case, and there may even be a connection to the jihadists whom he notoriously dismissed as "naive kids." Perhaps in the same spirit, Bedier here says of Farid Karaka: “We have lost a good young man.”

"FBI now involved in gas station explosion," from Tampabays10.com:

Tampa, Florida – Many questions are left surrounding the death of a young Palestinian man. And, the FBI wants answers.

22-year-old Farid Karaka was burned alive after a gas station explosion early Wednesday morning on Busch Boulevard.

How did it happen?

Why was Karaka at a local Citgo mechanic’s garage at almost midnight. The garage was closed. He had just left friends at a local coffee shop and was en route to meet them at another location.

The FBI is asking all of these questions. But, they are tight-lipped on telling the media anything. They even refused comment on any connection of Karaka to 2 USF students who were recently arrested.

The question again is why. Have they established a connection? Are they looking into this as a matter of precaution? It would seem odd that a federal agency is involved in a matter left up to local fire investigators.

A local Muslim advocate group, CAIR, is welcoming any questions. And, wanting answers.

“Obviously when any crime happens or any accident happens, we welcome authorities and agencies getting to the bottom of things,” Ahmed Bedier told Tampa Bay’s 10 News at the scene of the fire. “We have lost a good young man.”

In keeping with Muslim tradition, the family wants the victim buried as soon as possible, which will most likely happen in Tampa. Karaka’s close family is located in Palestine. He was working in the United States to send money back home. Relatives in Brandon now have the somber task of burying their loved one, just 2 months before he was to marry a fiancé in New York.

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Stunning and unexpected good news, a sign of some sanity in Britain (and that has been hard to come by lately; just scroll down this page, or go through the Dhimmi Watch archives for February and January, and see how many times some outlandish accommodation is being made in Britain). And of course, the predictable outrage is ensuing on behalf of this man who has validated suicide terror attacks -- and of course, it's the fault of...the Jews.

From the Times (thanks to all who sent this in):

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a controversial Muslim cleric who defends suicide attacks, has been refused a visa to enter to the UK after a campaign by David Cameron.

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said that it deplored the decision and accused the government of caving in to “unreasonable demands spearheaded by the Tory leader”.

Muhammad Abdul Bari, the secretary-general of the MCB, said that Dr al-Qaradawi enjoyed respect as a scholar throughout the Muslim world.

“I am afraid this decision will send the wrong message to Muslims everywhere about the state of British society and culture,” he said.

“Britain has had a long and established tradition of free speech, debate and intellectual pursuit. These principles are worth defending, especially if we would like to see them spread throughout the world.”

If you're so concerned about free speech, debate and intellectual pursuit, why not spread them in the Islamic world?

The British Muslim Initiative (BMI) described the decision to bar al-Qaradawi, an “eminent scholar”, as “an unwarranted insult to British Muslims”.

Muhammad Sawalha, the BMI president, said: “We would have to go as far back as the medieval age when scholars were hounded and vilified in order to find a similar retrograde decision.”

No we don't, Muhammad. Here are a couple of worse examples. How about Suliman Bashear, who according to the New York Times “argued that Islam developed as a religion gradually rather than emerging fully formed from the mouth of the Prophet.” For this his Muslim students in the University of Nablus in the West Bank threw him out of a second-story window. How about scholar Christoph Luxenberg, who wrote a scholarly book suggesting that the Qur’an has been mistranslated and misinterpreted by Muslims themselves? The Times notes that “Christoph Luxenberg is a pseudonym, and his scholarly tome ‘The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran’ had trouble finding a publisher, although it is considered a major new work by several leading scholars in the field.” Why must Luxenberg use a pseudonym, and why do publishers hesitate to take his work?

The 81-year-old Egyptian-born preacher is now based in Qatar and makes regular appearances on al-Jazeera television, clad in white robes, where he denounces anti-Muslim sentiment in the European media.

Sources close to Dr al- Qaradawi said that his visa application had had support within the Home and Foreign Offices. "But the Zionist lobby placed huge pressures to block the visa application and Prime Minister Gordon Brown eventually backed that position," they added. [...]

In a fax from the British embassy in Doha, his application was refused, reportedly citing Article 41 of the United Nations charter, which relates to threats to peace and security.

The cleric last visited the UK in 2004, where he was welcomed by Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, and chaired the annual meeting of the European Council of Fatwa and Research at London's City Hall.

His visit prompted protests from Jewish groups and gay people, who regard him as anti-Semitic and homophobic. He has called for the death penalty for homosexuality and the destruction of the state of Israel.

In the same year, the cleric defended suicide attacks on Israelis during a BBC interview, saying: “It’s not suicide, it is martyrdom in the name of God." He added that it did not matter if women and children were the victims of such attacks.

The cleric is also said to preach that husbands should beat disobedient wives....

Those Zionists. How dare they stand against a man of such noble character?

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David Horowitz, Janet Levy and I write in FrontPage:

Two sisters – identified only as Zohreh and Azar – have been convicted of adultery in Iran.

They have now been sentenced to be stoned to death.

Adultery is a crime punishable by death in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in accordance with the canons of Islamic Sharia law. The Iranian Supreme Court has upheld the stoning sentence.

Zohreh and Azar have already received 99 lashes for "illegal relations." Yet they were tried again for the same crime, and convicted of adultery on the evidence of videotape that showed them in the presence of other men while their husbands were absent. The video does not show either of them engaging in any sexual activity at all.

Their crime is non-existent, their trials a miscarriage of justice, and their sentencing a barbarity.

All those who believe in human rights and human dignity should protest against this sentence.

We call upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to drop all prosecution of Zohreh and Azar, and to end punishment by stoning.

We call upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to end the Sharia-inspired and institutionalized discrimination against women that results in their being treated as chattels of men.

We call upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to affirm the equality of dignity of women with men and the equality of rights of all people, women with men, non-Muslims with Muslims, and to implement these principles in their laws.

We call upon the United Nations and human rights organizations to redouble their pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran until it ends its war on the rights of women and human rights in general.

We call upon feminists, including the signers of the statement drafted by The Nation's Katha Pollitt, to join us in protesting this outrage. We continue to be stunned but not surprised by the silence of these feminists who have questioned the authenticity of our concern for Muslim women oppressed by the laws of Islam. The feminists who recently complained that the media has falsely represented them as indifferent to the plight of Muslim women have so far been conspicuously indifferent to the plight of Zohreh and Azar. We call upon these feminists in particular to join us in protesting the violence already done to Zohreh and Azar and the death penalty they face. The Islamic Republic of Iran is an oppressor of women. So far American feminists have failed to support their Muslim sisters. We call on them to join us in doing so now.

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February 6, 2008

No, I am not saying this was jihad-related. So why am I posting it? The facts are these: a 22-year-old mechanic with a name that may indicate he is a Muslim, an employee of the gas station, returns for a reason no one knows to the gas station after midnight. There is then a huge explosion there, in which he is killed, and the FBI is investigating. This one is, as they say, one to watch.

"Gas station fire kills one in Tampa," from MyFoxTampaBay (thanks to Cumulus Nine):

TAMPA – Tampa Fire Rescue crews say one person was killed in a fire at a gas station early Wednesday morning.

Crews say witnesses reported hearing an explosion and then seeing flames as high as the treetops coming from the Citgo Gas Station on West Busch Boulevard just after midnight. Two men who worked across the street from the gas station saw what was happening, and ran to help. They say they found a man lying inside the garage area of Jacob's Lube Repair Shop, which is attached to the gas station. They say they ran inside, but the flames were just too intense. [...]

When firefighters pulled the man from the burning building, they say he was already dead. He was later identified as Farid IA Karakra, a 22-year-old mechanic who worked there. Coworkers told investigators he left work around 7:30 p.m., but they're not sure why he would have returned. [...]

Investigators are still working to determine the cause of the fire. On Wednesday morning, agents from ATF, FBI and the Tampa Bomb Squad were also at the scene, possibly looking into the cause of the explosion.

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No worries. "This is not a terrorism case. This could happen to any immigrant." Of course. Any immigrant could inadvertently get a job handling classified military documents, and mistakenly take some home with him, and -- who knows? -- perhaps without intending to let a few drop into the sight of Iraqi jihadists. But keep your shirt on! This could happen to anyone!

"Mystery Deepens Over WMD Documents," by Joseph Goldstein for the New York Sun (thanks to all who sent this in):

How the classified military documents from Iraq, which named the coordinates of where the Army suspected weapons of mass destruction to be hidden, ended up in an Arabic translator's apartment on Hoyt Street in Brooklyn, is clear.

Not likely to be known anytime soon is what, if anything, the army contractor did with the documents.

The U.S. attorney's office in Brooklyn, which is prosecuting the case, appears to have little direct evidence that Noureddine Malki passed information on to the insurgency, either during his time in Iraq in 2003 and 2004, or upon his return to America in 2005. But it has raised the possibility that he may have done so. The government has said Malki regularly called phone numbers connected to insurgents and took bribes of at least $11,500 from Sunni tribal leaders.

The government, prosecutors wrote in one court filing, could "establish that the defendant had an opportunity to provide stolen classified information to anti-coalition forces."

Yesterday, at a hearing in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn, an Army officer with the 82nd Airborne Division described some of the reports that Malki had obtained. "The information is so critical that you do not want the information to get into the hands of anyone without the need to know," Lieutenant Colonel Michele Bredenkamp said, referring to a mission analysis report for the 82nd Airborne, to which Malki was attached. The document, among other things, described convoy routes and named known terrorists the Army was targeting. Between 60 and 70 individuals had authorization to view the document, which could be accessed through a secure computer, Colonel Bredenkamp testified.

"Would this be the type of thing for a soldier to take for a keepsake?" a prosecutor, John Buretta, asked.

"That's absurd," Colonel Bredenkamp said.

Malki has pleaded guilty to charges of unauthorized possession of national defense information. He is likely to be sentenced this spring. Prosecutors are seeking a 10-year sentence. Malki's lawyer, Mildred Whalen, is calling for him to be released on time served.

In court papers, Ms. Whalen has claimed that documents Malki "had in his possession were obtained or kept unknowingly."

In a short phone interview from prison last year, Malki told The New York Sun: "I never had bad intentions whatsoever."

"I loved this country more than them," he added, though it was not entirely clear to whom he referred. "I served this country in Iraq and they didn't."

Malki, a native of Morocco, immigrated to Brooklyn in 1989, his sister, Sonia Malki, said in an interview. While two of his siblings earlier moved to France, Malki decided to set out for America, after living in Paris for three months in 1989.

"This is not a terrorism case," Ms. Malki said. "This could happen to any immigrant."...

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A 14th-century Persian depiction of Muhammad: Islamophobic?

People have been sending me stories about this for the last few days, and I have held off posting them, mainly because I have no respect for Wikipedia, and don't think it's a serious resource. My own entry there, at least the last time I saw it, was full of half-truths, distortions, misrepresentations, and unsubstantiated criticism of my work -- and this is true of the entries of many anti-jihadists. It almost seems as if jihad apologists are standing by, ready to make sure their spin goes into and remains within any article pertaining to jihad and Islamic supremacism. This renders Wikipedia utterly worthless, and its influence annoying. Once several years ago, when I addressed a conference in the Netherlands, I was dismayed to hear myself being introduced with outright falsehoods taken from my Wikipedia bio.

That said, however, Wikipedia is somewhat useful on non-controversial issues, although users should always approach it with extreme reserve, and never assume anything written in it is true or accurate.

Nonetheless, if Wikipedia brass are refusing to kowtow to Islamic attempts to censor the Muhammad article and deny their freedom of expression in posting pictures of Muhammad, I've got to stand with Wikipedia on that.

Here is the report from FoxNews (thanks to Mark) on the controversy:

Online encyclopedia Wikipedia has again stirred up controversy — this time over a biographical entry on the prophet Muhammad.

Nearly 100,000 people worldwide have signed a Web-based petition asking Wikipedia to remove all depictions of the Prophet from its English-language entry, viewable here.

"I request all brothers and sisters to sign this petitions so we can tell Wikipedia to respect the religion and remove the illustrations," the creator of the petition at The Petition Site asks. [...]

"Islamic teaching has traditionally discouraged representation of humans, particularly Muhammad, but that doesn't mean it's nonexistent," Notre Dame history professor Paul M. Cobb told the New York Times. "Some of the most beautiful images in Islamic art are manuscript images of Muhammad."

All four images on the English-language Wikipedia page are rather lovely Persian and Ottoman miniatures from the 14th through 16th centuries. The two later ones depict Muhammad's face as covered by a white veil, but the earlier pair show his full face.

"Please take off those pictures or leave only the digitally blanked out faces please," writes one anonymous petitioner from Belgium several times on the petition site. "Thanks for respecting Muslims beliefs. Peace and Light."...

How about respecting Western mores, and having a healthy awareness of one's own cultural history?

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This declaration by al-Yazid manifests once again the common jihadist tendency to portray every act of defense against the jihad as an unprovoked attack. Of course, a po-faced insistence on this stance among the Palestinians has led to immense propaganda victories.

"We will be revenged - al-Qaeda," from Reuters (thanks to Rosie):

AL-QAEDA'S leader in Afghanistan vowed revenge today for the killing of a key field commander in a suspected US attack in January.

Mustafa Abu al-Yazid said in a recording posted on an Islamist Web site that al-Qaeda militants would retaliate against the "enemies of God" for the killing in Pakistan of Abu Laith al-Libi.

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Sayed Pervez Kambaksh downloaded an article about women's rights from the Internet. For that he faces execution for blasphemy in Brave New Democratic Afghanistan. But international pressure may once again save a life. "Afghan government official says that student will not be executed," by Jerome Starkey and Kim Sengupta in The Independent (thanks to Block Ness):

The condemned student journalist Sayed Pervez Kambaksh will not face execution, a senior government official in Afghanistan indicated yesterday.

A ministerial aide, Najib Manalai, insisted: "I am not worried for his life. I'm sure Afghanistan's justice system will find the best way to avoid this sentence."

It was the clearest indication yet that the 23-year-old will have his death penalty revoked amid mounting international pressure on the Afghan authorities.

Mr Kambaksh was condemned to die by an Islamic court for insulting Islam. He was found guilty under sharia law after he distributed articles from the internet on women's rights at Balkh university in northern Afghanistan, an act he claims was aimed at provoking debate. His family say he was not allowed a defence lawyer and the trial was in secret.

The verdict, briefly endorsed by the Afghan senate before it retracted its opinion, caused international protests. More than 63,000 people have signed an Independent petition urging the Foreign Office to put all possible pressure on the Afghan government to prevent the execution. The United Nations' senior human rights advocate, Louise Arbour, has written to the President and his top officials, "reminding them of their responsibilities" under the country's constitution, which enshrines freedom of speech. President Hamid Karzai's staff said he had been inundated by appeals from pressure groups across the globe to pardon the student journalist.


Mr Manalai is the senior adviser in Afghanistan's Culture Ministry, which is in charge of arbitrating free speech disputes in the media. He condemned the student writer but maintained it was very unlikely he would face the gallows.

He said: "He cannot be defended in any way for what he has done. He was provoking trouble. He was insulting Islam's prophet. This is one of the biggest offences you can make. In Afghan law it is a capital offence. Islamic law allows the death penalty.

"But there's a saying of the Prophet, that you had better avoid applying a penalty because it is better to have someone guilty who has not been punished, than have someone not guilty who has been punished. One court has condemned him, but this is only the first step. We have three stages of justice. I am not worried for his life."


How you can save Pervez

The Independent campaign to save Sayed Pervez Kambaksh has now attracted more than 63,000 signatures – and the pressure appears to be working.

But the fate of the student whose only crime was to download an article on women's rights remains in doubt. So add your voice to the campaign by urging the Foreign Office to put all possible pressure on the Afghan government to spare his life.

Sign our e-petition at www.independent.co.uk/petition

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"A sit-in against the demolition and occupation of Lahore’s Christ Church."

"Protest Over Demolition of Christian Church in Lahore," from the MEMRI Blog (thanks to Sr. Soph):

In the image above, members of the minority Christian community are holding a sit-in against the demolition and occupation of Lahore’s Christ Church by a group of people. The protest was organized by the Human Liberation Commission of Pakistan. Activists of civil society groups joined the protests. Speaking on the occasion, Pastor Anwar Kamal said that a week after the city’s top police officers assured to arrest the culprits, no action has been taken.

The text in black background on left reads: Who will deliver justice to Christians in Pakistan?

Source: Roznama Express, Pakistan, February 6, 2008

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After they were rebuffed by the Vatican. Will UNESCO give the Muslims in Spain what they want? They're more likely to do so than the Vatican. In any case, there are innumerable churches all over the Islamic world that have been turned into mosques, and we never hear about them. No one is agitating in Constantinople for the Hagia Sophia to be opened again for public Christian prayer, or in Damascus for the Umayyad Mosque, built atop a demolished church dedicated to St. John the Baptist, to be opened to Christians. Now, why is that?

"Islam: Appeal To UNESCO For Shared Use Of Cordoba Mosque," from ANSAmed (thanks to Insubria):

(ANSAmed) - MADRID, FEBRUARY 6 - The Islamic council does not give up its claim to use the cathedral mosque of Cordoba for Muslim prayer and appeals to UNESCO to pronounce on the use of the temple which is part of the heritage of humanity. The president of the Islamic council, Mansur Escudero, in statements published by the media called for intervention on the part of the UN organisation. "Since the cathedral is part of the heritage of humanity, UNESCO should pronounce or present a report, the way it has done with other monuments," Escudero said. According to the Islamic council leader, the shared use of the cathedral in Cordoba for Catholic and Muslim rite "will play an important role in the alliance of civilisations" because "temples should be open to all believers, Muslim, Catholic and all other religions". For more than 20 years the Islamic council has claimed the shared use of the mosque-cathedral and, in 2004, it filed a formal proposal with the Holy See. The archbishop of Cordoba has always refused to open the doors of the temple to Muslim prayer.(ANSAmed).

"Temples should be open to all believers..." Fine. Let's see the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom celebrated in the Hagia Sophia.

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Hesham Islam is the aide to Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England who rocketed to fame in the recent Stephen Coughlin imbroglio. "Pentagon Aide's Invitations Contradicted U.S. Policy," by Steven Emerson for IPT News (thanks to Kemaste):

At the urging of a subordinate, Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England scheduled at least two meetings with foreign emissaries in direct contradiction of U.S. policy at the time. The meetings date back to 2005. They involved a Lebanese ambassador considered a proxy for the Syrian government and a leading member of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood.

U.S. policy at the time was not to engage in talks with either man, because they represent groups with whom the United States was not to communicate. The meetings were organized by England's special assistant for international affairs, Hesham Islam.

An invitation to Muslim Brotherhood official Husam al-Dairi was canceled in late 2005 after a senior State Department official heard about it and insisted it not take place. That official, J. Scott Carpenter, told IPT News he was shocked that such an invitation was issued, let alone that it was done without anyone consulting the State Department.

Carpenter was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs at the time and knew the meeting went against U.S. policy toward the Muslim Brotherhood.

"I said, ‘what are you talking about?'" he remembered in an interview last week. "It was a bad idea."

Without due deliberation, it is easy to send the wrong message "broad and near," Carpenter said. "If something like that were to come up and be blindsided … it's not just a procedural foul up. It could unwittingly create bigger problems for the United States government."

"When you have somebody who has a controversial background," Carpenter added, "you don't want to give the impression that the United States government is standing behind them."

Two discussions should have taken place, he said. One would debate whether the meeting should take place at all. If it was agreed it should, the next question should determine the level of government appropriate to meet someone from the Brotherhood. Deputy Defense Secretary is far too high, Carpenter said.

After Carpenter relayed his concerns to England's office, a staff member called back. She told him it would be "a huge hassle to postpone it" and if that happened, England's office would make it clear this was the result of the State Department "putting its foot down and [saying] the meeting should not take place."

Carpenter said that was fine by him. The episode, including the serendipitous way he learned about it, made him wonder whether other meetings like that took place without State Department consultation, he said.

"When the United States is meeting with dissidents, it is important to know who those dissidents are and what message we send by meeting with them. It is incredibly important that the wrong signal not be sent," Carpenter said.

Indeed. Read it all.

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Here's some good news, at least to some degree. Freedom of speech staggers on for another day. "Analysis: U.S. cuts critique of Islam film," by Shaun Waterman for UPI (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 (UPI) -- The U.S. military in Afghanistan has removed from its Web site an article criticizing a Dutch lawmaker's controversial plan to make a film condemning the Koran, saying the piece was being misinterpreted as an attack on free speech.

The article, titled "Stirring the Hate," said Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom were "blaming an entire religion for the actions of extremists." It accused them of having benefited politically from previous controversies, like that over the 2005 publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. It put the phrase "exercise in free speech" in derisive or distancing quotation marks.

"The headlines that resulted from the violence (that followed the cartoons' publication), the fear generated in communities around the world, an increase in 'suicide bomber recruiting,' all further the terrorist's goals," reads the article. "While the Party for Freedom preaches hate and fear to its followers, the terrorists preach hate and vengeance to their own."

Wilders' 10-minute film, which he now plans to release in March, will show how the Muslim holy book "is an inspiration for intolerance, murder and terror," he said recently.

Other reports have quoted him as comparing the book to Hitler's "Mein Kampf."

The U.S. military article was authored by a member of the public affairs team for Coalition Joint Task Force-82, which commands the U.S. troops in the country as part of NATO's International Security Assistance Force.

It was posted on Jan. 21 and taken down on Jan. 30, the author, Master Sgt. Allen Ness, told United Press International. A copy was kept by journalist and blogger Bill Roggio, who shared it with UPI.

"It was being viewed not as a criticism of his position on Islam, but as criticism of his right to free speech," Ness said. "I never had any disagreement with his right to free speech. … What I disagreed with was his blanket condemnation of Islam."

He said he was motivated to write it by his concerns about "what could happen when the fundamentalist supporters of terror get hold of his film" if it was deeply insulting to Islam like the Mohammed cartoons.

"Our most important allies here are the Afghans: the police, the military, the population as a whole -- they are all Muslims," said Ness, pointing out that the country was called the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

He said the riots in Afghanistan over the Mohammed cartoons -- which Wilders' party republished on its Web site -- had "caused great damage and loss of life," but just as importantly had "damaged the trust that we had built up with the Afghans."

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Children as young as six. "Al Qaeda Trains Young Boys as Terrorists, Tapes Show," by Jennifer Griffin for FoxNews (thanks to Arturo):

WASHINGTON — Al Qaeda propaganda tapes released by the Pentagon reveal a possible new trend in the group's terror strategy in Iraq.

The tapes, obtained by FOXNews and later released to the media, are training videos showing black-masked Iraqi children between 6 and 14 being taught how to hold AK-47s, how to stop a car and carry out a kidnapping, how to break into a house and how to break into a courtyard and terrorize the individuals living there.

Footage aired for reporters showed an apparent training operation in which the boys are shown storming a house and holding guns to the heads of mock residents. Another tape showed a young boy wearing a suicide vest and posing with automatic weapons.

They also are seen being taught to use rocket-propelled grenade launchers.

"These were young boys all masked and hooded, all outfitted with weapons; adults were doing the training," said Rear Adm. Greg Smith, a spokesman for Multinational Forces Iraq.

"Al Qaeda is clearly using children to exploit other children to get the interest of Jihad spread among teenagers far and wide. They use this footage on the Internet to encourage other young boys to join the jihad movement."...

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In this superb piece at the Gloria Center, Barry Rubin reminds us of just how bizarre the situation regarding Israel really is:

The Arab-Israeli conflict definitely holds the record for the most bizarrely treated issue in modern history. It is easy to forget just how strange this situation is and the extent to which it is understood and handled so totally different from other, more rationally, perceived problems. [...]

To summarize: Fatah acts as a terrorist group; the PA facilitates terrorism and includes people leading terrorist groups; Fatah views itself as an ally of a group that attacks it and murders its own members; the West aids Fatah and the PA with no attempt to discourage their behavior; Israeli Arab politicians side with terrorism; and Israelis, at the risk of their lives, try to save Arab lives, and would like to have a two-state solution if the other side is every able to make and implement such a deal.

Oh, yes, and guess who much of the world blames for the conflict. As I said, uniquely bizarre.

Don't fail to read it all.

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From the Jundullah, or Army of Allah. And most of the 600 are former students of the Red Mosque, which was involved in a bloody confrontation with Pakistani forces last summer. But of course, this has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam. There is no reason for self-professed moderate Muslim spokesmen in the West to do anything to counter the ideology that fuels this sort of thing. Nothing to see here at all. Move along, now.

"600 suicide bombers present in Karachi: report," from DPA (thanks to Sr. Soph):

ISLAMABAD - Six hundred would-be suicide bombers have been deployed to Pakistan’s southern port city of Karachi to target security forces, a media report said on Monday.

Two top militants from Jundullah (Army of God), a Pakistani Sunni Muslim organization that has close links with the al-Qaeda terrorist network, who were arrested last week after a shootout with police in Karachi told investigators that most of the suicide bombers were former students of Islamabad’s radical Red Mosque, the Daily Times said.

In July 2007, Army commandos stormed the mosque and its adjoining Islamic seminary to end a siege by hundreds of armed militants entrenched there for a week. More than 110 people died in the raid while hundreds of rebels managed to flee.

“The 600 militants are mentally prepared and trained to carry out suicide attacks,” arrested Jundullah members Qasim Tori and Danish alias Talha told the police, the report said.

The militants also reportedly confessed to robbing foreign banks to generate funds for the operations....

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But young Muslims in Norway interviewed for this article say, What? Jihad recruitment in Norway? Piffle! And even if there were, none of us would go for it! Go back to sleep!

This parallels statements by Muslim spokesmen in America. Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR said a few years back that in 20 years he'd never heard anything untoward in mosques in America: "I've never heard violence preached; I've never heard anti-Semitism or anti-Americanism preached." Yet the Center for Religious Freedom report paints quite a different picture of mosques in America.

"Extremists target local youth," from Aftenposten (thanks to all who sent this in):

The head of Norway's intelligence and security agency believes young, Norwegian muslims are being targeted by militant extremists to carry out terrorist attacks and holy war overseas.

Jørn Holme, Norway's boss for spies and bodyguards, is convinced Muslim extremists are trying to recruit youth in Norway for terrorist operations overseas.

Jørn Holme, chief of The Norwegian Police Security Service (Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste PST), confirmed for the first time on Monday that active recruiting efforts are being carried out by older, militant extremists in Norway. [...]

"We've had reports about older, manipulative Islamic extremists here in the country, who have tried to motivate youth to take part in jihad (holy war) attacks abroad," he told Aftenposten. He said PST is taking the reports seriously. [...]

That surprised several muslim youth leaders interviewed by Aftenposten. They claimed they weren't aware of any terrorist recruiting efforts, and doubted they would succeed in Norway.

Fears downplayed

"Jørn Holme must be talking about another world than the one I'm in," said Kim Abdul Karim at an Islamic association's locale in Oslo. "I've been active in muslim circles both in Oslo and other Norwegian cities, and I've never heard about this."

Suleman Ijaz said he was also surprised. "Muslims know well that terror isn't in accordance with the religion," he said.

Mariam Javed, leader of the Muslim Students' Association in Norway, said Norwegian youth are too well-informed to fall for recruiting efforts, and he thinks they'd report any to PST.

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In "The Down Syndrome Bombers: Terrorism Sinks to a New Low" at Pajamas Media, Aaron Hanscom notes that the jihadists' use of mentally disabled women in Baghdad for two jihad-martyrdom attacks last week was nothing new:

Last week’s horrific bombings at two pet bazaars in Baghdad reacquainted us with the most disturbing type of suicide bomber: the unwitting martyr.

Had the perpetrators of the attacks that killed at least 99 people been young men who believed self-immolation was their one-way ticket to paradise, the story would have never made headlines. While voluntary martyrdom operations in Western countries still occur infrequently enough to shock the public into recognizing (however belatedly or temporarily) the brutality of radical Islamists, they have become old news in Iraq. One can’t help but wonder if there will come a time when the headline “Mentally Retarded Women Used in Bombings” no longer appalls us.

Because that moment has fortunately not yet arrived, Friday’s terrorist attacks were effective reminders of the utter depravity of jihadists. According to U.S. and Iraqi officials, pictures of the two female bombers showed they had Down syndrome. Their remote detonated bombs went off in locations thronged with families and children. “It appears the suicide bombers were not willing martyrs, they were used by al-Qaeda for these horrific attacks,” Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond, the top U.S. commander in Baghdad, told the AP.


In fact, this was only the latest – not the first – instance of mentally disabled individuals being used unwittingly as human bombs. Last year, Brian Glyn Williams noted that the employment of suicide bombers who are mentally unsound has become a disturbing trend in Afghanistan. “Coalition troops who have spoken of seeing bombers blow themselves up far from their convoys have characterized it as the act of drugged or mentally unstable bombers,” he wrote on the website of The Jamestown Foundation. Williams told Time magazine that the Taliban regularly recruits young men who are “deranged, retarded, mentally unstable or on drugs.” A 2007 NPR report also found that a substantial amount of suicide bombers in Afghanistan suffer from mental illnesses.

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Nothing new in this, of course. Arafat was a master at it. But no matter how long the Palestinians continue to play this game, Western politicians and diplomats seem incapable of catching on to it -- or unwilling to do so.

By Leah Morse for Israel National News (thanks to all who sent this in):

(IsraelNN.com) The Palestinian Authority (PA) is delivering two very different messages to the Western and Arab world. The message to the West, declared in English in front of media microphones and cameras, glorifies an independent Palestinian state coexisting peacefully beside Israel.

But according to documented videos of PA TV programs monitored by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), the PA is telling its Arab audience that there will be no Israel at all, rather one large Arab Palestine will rule the entirety of Israel.

[...] PMW Director Itamar Marcus explains that translated speeches and interviews of Palestinian leaders reveal their true intentions. Even "moderate" PA leaders have no intention of actually making peace with Israel or even recognizing its right to exist. Marcus says that hate-filled messages are rampant in PA culture and even in children's textbooks, which tell young minds that Islam demands the destruction of Israel.

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Yet again, CAIR has been outed by federal prosecutors as a Hamas-supporting Muslim Brotherhood front -- while Reuters and the rest keep pretending it is a neutral civil rights advocacy organization. "For the Record: Government Reminds Court of CAIR/MAS Ties to Terrorists," from IPT News (thanks to all who sent this in):

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is demanding that the Air Force Academy alter a panel of speakers slated for a terrorist symposium this week, saying it's an unbalanced presentation dominated by anti-Muslim speakers. But recently, and for at least the third time, federal prosecutors have called out CAIR as part of a covert Muslim Brotherhood effort in the United States. First, CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas-support trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF). CAIR was listed among "entities who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee." Then, when the group petitioned to remove its name from that list, prosecutors said such relief "will not prevent its conspiratorial involvement with HLF, and others affiliated with Hamas, from becoming a matter of public record."

Now, in a federal court filing from December, federal prosecutors have described CAIR as "having conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists." The government also stated that "proof that the conspirators used deception to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists was introduced" in the Dallas Holy Land Foundation trial last year and the Chicago trial of the Hamas men in 2006.

The government also stated that another organization, the Muslim American Society (MAS) was "founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States." This appears to be the first time the US government has officially described the true origins and ulterior agenda of the Muslim American Society. (For a backgrounder on the Muslim American Society by the Investigative Project, go to our dossier.)...

Read it all.

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Here is yet another fruit of the culture that offers divine sanction for the beating of disobedient women (Qur'an 4:34) -- yet nothing is more certain than the denials of any connection with Islam that will come from Islamic spokesmen. They could acknowledge that Islam inspires cultural attitudes that lead to this sort of thing, and start working to eradicate them. But they won't.

"Jail for the in-laws who turned a blind eye to arranged bride's murder," from the Evening Standard (thanks to all who sent this in):

A family who stood by as a husband systematically battered to death his young bride through an arranged marriage have been found guilty of failing to help her in the weeks before she died.

Sabia Rani, 19, suffered horrendous injuries at the hands of new husband Shazad Khan, 25, but her plight was ignored by his other relatives who shared their home in Leeds.

Khan was convicted for the teenager's murder a year ago after she was discovered with bruising to 90 per cent of her body and up to 15 broken ribs.

Khan's mother Phullan Bibi, 52, his two sisters Uzma Khan, 23, and 28-year-old Nazia Naureen, and Naureen's husband Majid Hussain, also 28, lived with the couple in Oakwood Grange, Roundhay.

Leeds Crown Court was told during their three-week trial for allowing the death of a vulnerable adult that they had tried to blame her injuries on evil spirits and curses.

It took the jury nine hours of deliberation to come back with four unanimous guilty verdicts.

As they were read out in court, the group screamed and thumped the dock. Khan's sisters started wailing and hugging each other before screaming: "Not guilty, not guilty."

His mother stood up and started crying and had to be restrained by officers after repeatedly banging both hands down on the dock.

Ms Rani only arrived in England five months before her death. She had been brought up in rural Pakistan and did not speak English.

The jury was told she had not been allowed out of the house she shared with her husband and his family without a chaperone.

They also heard that the teenager would have been in severe pain and very ill in the weeks up to her death in May 2006.

After her death, pathologist Christopher Milroy described her injuries as being similar to those suffered by someone in a serious road accident.

Prosecutor Simon Myerson QC said the defendants tried to blame them on evil spirits and curses.

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I apologize for posting a month-old piece, but it was only brought to my attention yesterday by Bryan Preston's boffo quiz at HotAir. On January 6 in the "The Clash" in the New York Times, Fouad Ajami wrote that, after years of discounting Samuel Huntington's contention that a confrontation was brewing between the Islamic world and the West, he had come to see that Huntington had been right all along:

Shortly after the appearance of the article that seeded the book, Foreign Affairs magazine called upon a group of writers to respond to Huntington’s thesis. I was assigned the lead critique. I wrote my response with appreciation, but I wagered on modernization, on the system the West had put in place. “The things and ways that the West took to ‘the rest,’” I wrote, “have become the ways of the world. The secular idea, the state system and the balance of power, pop culture jumping tariff walls and barriers, the state as an instrument of welfare, all these have been internalized in the remotest places. We have stirred up the very storms into which we now ride.” I had questioned Huntington’s suggestion that civilizations could be found “whole and intact, watertight under an eternal sky.” Furrows, I observed, run across civilizations, and the modernist consensus would hold in places like India, Egypt and Turkey.

Huntington had written that the Turks — rejecting Mecca, and rejected by Brussels — would head toward Tashkent, choosing a pan-Turkic world. My faith was invested in the official Westernizing creed of Kemalism that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk had bequeathed his country. “What, however, if Turkey redefined itself?” Huntington asked. “At some point, Turkey could be ready to give up its frustrating and humiliating role as a beggar pleading for membership in the West and to resume its much more impressive and elevated historical role as the principal Islamic interlocutor and antagonist of the West.”

Nearly 15 years on, Huntington’s thesis about a civilizational clash seems more compelling to me than the critique I provided at that time. In recent years, for example, the edifice of Kemalism has come under assault, and Turkey has now elected an Islamist to the presidency in open defiance of the military-bureaucratic elite. There has come that “redefinition” that Huntington prophesied. To be sure, the verdict may not be quite as straightforward as he foresaw. The Islamists have prevailed, but their desired destination, or so they tell us, is still Brussels: in that European shelter, the Islamists shrewdly hope they can find protection against the power of the military.


More ominously perhaps, there ran through Huntington’s pages an anxiety about the will and the coherence of the West — openly stated at times, made by allusions throughout. The ramparts of the West are not carefully monitored and defended, Huntington feared. Islam will remain Islam, he worried, but it is “dubious” whether the West will remain true to itself and its mission. Clearly, commerce has not delivered us out of history’s passions, the World Wide Web has not cast aside blood and kin and faith. It is no fault of Samuel Huntington’s that we have not heeded his darker, and possibly truer, vision.

Some of us have.

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15,000-16,000 cases of polygamy in Italy. And Souad Sbai, president of the Association of Moroccan Women in Italy, says: "We call upon all people of good will...to start bringing out the names of these people" -- that is, the polygamists -- "who often pretend to be moderate and claim in public what in fact is not true." What's that? Some Muslims claim to be moderate but really aren't? War is deceit? What are you, Sbai, some kind of Islamophobe?

In any case, I hereby issue the same invitation to American Muslim advocacy groups. After all, CAIR's inimitable Ibrahim Hooper said some time ago, according to AP, that "a minority of Muslims take second wives, and that Islamic scholars would differ on whether one could do so while living in the United States." But he didn't offer to report such cases when they came to his attention. So I'm asking you to do so now, Ibrahim. After all, polygamy is against American law, and you being a law-abiding citizen and all, I'm sure you would want to impress upon Muslims in America the necessity of abiding by the law -- wouldn't you? Not to mention that polygamy reduces women to the status of commodities, and I'm sure you'd be the first to tell us all that Islam respects women and men as equals, as per, say, Qur'an 49:13 -- wouldn't you? So let's have it. Out the polygamists. You'll feel better, we'll feel better, everyone will benefit.

"Islam: Moderate Muslims To Report Polygamy In Italy, Sbai," from ANSAmed (thanks to Insubria):

(ANSAmed) - ROME, FEBRUARY 4 - "We call on all representatives of the moderate Islam in Italy to help us in the battle against polygamy reporting all persons who practice it in our country," Souad Sbai, president of the Association of Moroccan Women in Italy (Acmid-Donna) appealed after an interview with Mario Scialoja published today on the 'Corriere della Sera'. In the interview Scialoja says he knows "some Italian Muslims who are in fact polygamous: the first marriage is legal for Italy, while the second one is celebrated only in front of an imam". "We call upon all people of good will like him to start bringing out the names of these people, who often pretend to be moderate and claim in public what in fact is not true," Sbai said. "Unfortunately the numerous Italian associations that deal with human rights hardly realise in what kind of hell a woman in polygamous marriage lives in Italy due to the complete solitude she is in." "Polygamy in Italy is a phenomenon that is growing due to the imams who have no respect for the dictates of the Italian constitution and the principle of equality between man and woman. They celebrate this type of marriage inside mosques and garages, almost always in secret". Recalling that Acmid assists women victims of violence, caused by polygamy too, Sbai calls upon the institutions and the moderate Islam to play their role. She is supported by the New Italian Immigrants' Party, which speaks of 15,000-16,000 cases of polygamy in Italy. (ANSAmed).
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The headline on this Reuters story by Ed Stoddard is "Some non-Christians feel left out of election." Guess which non-Christians. A Hindu is quoted in this article, but only to say that he doesn't believe that the presidential candidates are excluding non-Christians from consideration on purpose. No Buddhists are quoted. No Jews are quoted. The featured whiner in the story is Ahmed Rehab of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is of course presented as a neutral civil rights advocacy organization, with no hint of the supremacist statements, the arrests, the unindicted co-conspirator status.

DALLAS (Reuters) - In a U.S. election campaign where presidential candidates from both major parties have talked openly about their Christian faith, some non-Christians feel shut out or turned off.

Despite the constitutional separation of church and state, religion plays a big and sometimes decisive role in politics in America, where levels of belief and regular worship are far higher than those in Europe.

Actually, it's a Constitutional stipulation that Congress shall not establish a religion, but there is nothing preventing Christians or any other religious groups to work in the political arena in the United States.

"Non-Christians are concerned that they will be excluded from the process," said Ahmed Rehab, a spokesman with the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

"I welcome faith values if they inspire candidates to do good things. But I worry if it is used as a litmus test to include someone in political participation." [...]

I worry too, Mr. Rehab. I worry that groups like CAIR will be excluded from the process. I want CAIR to be included in the process. The more scrutiny CAIR receives, the more its origins, and financing, and overall goals are made known, the better. But in the meantime, perhaps you might consider that there is an upside for you to being ignored.

In any case, this whole claim is bogus. The whole premise of this article is bogus. Consider the pandering by the Democratic candidates and Ron Paul at the Arab American Institute convention last fall. Yes, yes, Arabs are mostly non-Muslim in the U.S., and most Muslims today worldwide are not Arabs, but the candidates' unanimous message that the Arab community was suffering from profiling and discrimination in anti-terror efforts, and the Democrats would end all that, had a clear resonance for Muslims. Left out? Hardly. They're being catered to.

That faith, and that of the Republican candidates, is Christian, although candidates have also spoken about the need for religious tolerance.

A false rumor that has circulated on the Internet about Democratic candidate Barack Obama, whose father was Kenyan, is that he is Muslim who has lied about his religion. The rumor appears to illustrate the importance some voters attach to a candidate being Christian.

No it doesn't. The rumor, although it offers no basis on which to discount Obama's open professions of Christianity, does not in the least "illustrate the importance some voters attach to a candidate being Christian." It illustrates the importance some voters attach to not being led by a believer in the ideology that inspired the 9/11 attacks, and thousands of other terror attacks around the world since then. Although it looks to be a false rumor, its propagation shows that despite six years of politically correct propaganda, many Americans are still wary of the jihad ideology, and they know exactly where it comes from.

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Cinnamon Stillwell has an excellent overview at FrontPage.

Public school children in grades K-12 are being assigned textbooks that misrepresent and, in some cases, glorify Islamic beliefs and history – often at the expense of other religions and cultures. The apologetics and indoctrination common in university Middle East studies programs is being carried into public schools by contentious, ahistorical, and inaccurate textbooks written by those same Middle East studies professors.

Read it all.

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February 5, 2008

"Beware the jihadist in the red shirt. He's always expendable."

Just like the nuclear program is only-- only -- for electricity, this is only about launching a satellite. A cover for ballistic missile development? Nah.

In this, of course, the Iranians would be taking a page from North Korea, with whose government they have cooperated closely on missile technology in the past. They are also reportedly receiving assistance from North Korea on preparing their own underground nuclear test.

In addition, one might recall that in 1998, North Korea claimed to launch a satellite, the Kwang Myong Song 1, aboard a Taepodong rocket. The problem is, no one else has ever located it. This bit of surreal, Orwellian history may be repeating itself in Iran.

"Iran's satellite program is 'troubling development,' U.S. says," by Paul Tighe and Robin Stringer for Bloomberg:

Feb. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Iran's new space center built to send a research satellite into orbit is a "troubling development" because it employs the same technology used for producing long- range ballistic missiles, the U.S. State Department said.
The United Nations Security Council and "other members of the international system have expressed their deep concern about Iran's continuing development of medium- and long-range ballistic missiles," spokesman Sean McCormack said at a briefing in Washington yesterday.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hours earlier inaugurated the country's first space center, which will be used to launch the Omid satellite, the first such probe designed and built by Iranian scientists, the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency reported.
Iran in November said it built a missile capable of traveling 2,000 kilometers (1,243 miles), a range that takes in Israel's main cities and U.S. bases in the Middle East. Iran is developing two "critical elements" needed for nuclear arms -- electronic systems for ballistic missiles and uranium enrichment, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in December.
Iran's "continued search to perfect enrichment of uranium" remains the concern of the international community, McCormack said, according to a transcript. "They are clearly marching ahead on the development of a long-range missile."
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Many times, as I travel around the country and give talks about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, I encounter people who tell me that what I am characterizing as jihad struggles around the world are actually simple nationalist struggles for self-determination. And that is, indeed, the conventional wisdom -- witness the mainstream media's consistent designation of jihadists in Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Kashmir and elsewhere as "insurgents," "militants," and the like. Never "jihadists." The conventional wisdom is that Islam has nothing to do with any of those conflicts. This story is a tough one for that conventional wisdom, for it frames the Kashmir nationalist struggle within the context of jihad, thus indicating that these Pakistani generals do not believe that the two are the same thing, and don't think that their audience confuses the two, either.

"Former Pakistani Generals: Kashmir's War of independence Cannot Be Won Without Jihad," from the MEMRI Blog (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

The Urdu-language website of Pakistan’s independent television network GEO TV quoted a group of former Pakistani generals as saying that "the war for the independence of Kashmir cannot be won without jihad."

'According to the report, the Ex-Servicemen Society, comprising "the former military leadership" said that the entire Pakistani nation must unite for a resolution of the Kashmir issue.

The ex-officers were addressing a seminar on Kashmir Solidarity Day in the city of Rawalpindi, organized by the Ex-Servicemen Society. Addressing the seminar were former chief of army staff Gen. (R) Aslam Beg, Lt.-Gen. (R) Faiz Ali Chishti, former president of Pakistan-administered Kashmir Maj.-Gen. (R) Sardar Anwar Khan, Lt .-Gen. (R) Abdul Qayyum, and others.

Source: Geo Television Network, www.geo.tv/urdu.asp, Pakistan, February 5, 2008

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So says Congresswoman Sue Myrick in a statement:

I decided to vet this matter personally. I met with Members of the House and Senate, Pentagon officials, and even Major Coughlin himself. Major Coughlin told me that he has had a great working relationship with the Joint Staff and that he did not believe there was any conspiracy to remove him from his position. In fact, he was already planning to leave the Joint Staff at the end of his contract. Lest the rumors persist, Major Coughlin will be associated with another office program within the Office of the Secretary of Defense where he will continue to spread his message.

Coughlin, of course, is the Islamic law expert who had apparently been fired at the insistence of Hesham Islam, an assistant to Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England.

Andrew Bostom has details.

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Witless Realpolitik Alert: the British once again demonstrate their utter incomprehension of and disregard of the jihad ideology. Sure, the Taliban will accept their training -- and continue to pursue jihad.

"Revealed: British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan," by Jerome Starkey in the Independent (thanks to Blue):

Britain planned to build a Taliban training camp for 2,000 fighters in southern Afghanistan, as part of a top-secret deal to make them swap sides, intelligence sources in Kabul have revealed. The plans were discovered on a memory stick seized by Afghan secret police in December.

The Afghan government claims they prove British agents were talking to the Taliban without permission from the Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, despite Gordon Brown's pledge that Britain will not negotiate. The Prime Minister told Parliament on 12 December: "Our objective is to defeat the insurgency by isolating and eliminating their leaders. We will not enter into any negotiations with these people."

The British insist President Karzai's office knew what was going on. But Mr Karzai has expelled two top diplomats amid accusations they were part of a plot to buy-off the insurgents.

The row was the first in a series of spectacular diplomatic spats which has seen Anglo-Afghan relations sink to a new low. Since December, President Karzai has blocked the appointment of Paddy Ashdown to the top UN job in Kabul and he has blamed British troops for losing control of Helmand.

It has also soured relations between Kabul and Washington, where State Department officials were instrumental in pushing Lord Ashdown for the UN role.

President Karzai's political mentor, Sibghatullah Mojaddedi, endorsed a death sentence for blasphemy on the student journalist Sayed Pervez Kambaksh last week, and two British contractors have been arrested in Kabul on, it is claimed, trumped up weapons charges. The developments are seen as a deliberate defiance of the British.

An Afghan government source said the training camp was part of a British plan to use bands of reconciled Taliban, called Community Defence Volunteers, to fight the remaining insurgents. "The camp would provide military training for 1,800 ordinary Taliban fighters and 200 low-level commanders," he said.

The computer memory stick at the centre of the row was impounded by officers from Afghanistan's KGB-trained National Directorate of Security after they moved against a party of international diplomats who were visiting Helmand.

Read it all.

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Who will train the trainers? "Swedish state to train imams," from The Local (thanks to Fjordman):

The Swedish government is to set up an inquiry to look into the possibility of using state funds to provide training programmes for imams.

Muslim religious representatives should be able to benefit from Swedish tax kronor in the same way as Christian priests and ministers, according to Minster for Higher Education and Research Lars Leijonborg.

The former Liberal Party leader also believes that the move will help stem the development of radical Islam in Sweden.

"It has been suggested that radical Muslims from Saudi Arabia are offering to provide imams for free, and a lack of money means that moderate Muslims who want to set up a mosque don't have any alternatives," Leijonborg told Svenska Dagbladet.

Concrete proposals regarding the structure and composition of a training course for imams would only be put forward following close consultation with Muslims in Sweden, he said. The minister added that the government had already begun discussions with the newly formed Ibn Rushd study foundation.

"My opinion is that we should help Muslims by providing a Swedish training course for imams, or at least supplementary studies in Swedish language and society."

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Islamic Tolerance Alert. As Muhammad said, "If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him." No one came to help put out the fire.

"Elderly Burned Convert Dies In Bangladesh," from BosNewsLife (thanks to Religion of Peace):

DHAKA, BANGLADESH (BosNewsLife)-- Christian villagers in a Muslim-majority area of Bangladesh on Tuesday, February 5, mourned the death of a 70-year-old woman who died from burns she suffered when a mob reportedly set her home ablaze as a punishment for converting from Islam to Christianity.

Rahima Beoa, who was planning to be baptized on February 13 in Cinatuly village in Rangpur district, 248 kilometers (154 miles) northwest of the capital Dhaka, suffered burns on at least 70 percent of her body, local villagers said. Suspected Muslim extremists set their home, made from bamboo and wood, ablaze on January 7, while she and her 9-year-old grand child were sleeping, reported Compass Direct News, a Christian news agency.

The pastor of the local evangelical Isha-e-Jamat (Jesus’ Church) Bangladesh denomination, Abdul Mabud Chowdhury, reportedly said that the mob was also upset that Beoa’s daughter and son-in-law, 40-year-old Ashraful Islam, converted to Christianity and about their involvement in evangelistic efforts.

A lack of access to adequate medical care was believed to have contributed to Beoa's death on Friday, February 1. No relatives or neighbors allegedly came to put out the fire and the family reportedly also lost two head of cattle in one corner of the structure.

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"Religion of terrorism"? Oh Trevor, you Islamophobe

Let it be remembered exactly how Trevor Brooks, aka Omar Brooks, aka Abu Izzadeen actually "heckled" the Home Secretary. He said, "John Reid should not come to a Muslim area, we do not want to see him." One wonders if he would even accept the proposition that John Reid and the government he represented had any authority over that "Muslim area."

"Islamic preacher 'recruited terrorists for Iraq,'" by Duncan Gardham in the Telegraph (thanks to PRCS):

A radical preacher who heckled the Home Secretary tried to recruit Muslims to fight British soldiers in Iraq and raise money for terrorists, a court has been told.

Trevor Brooks, who uses the names Omar Brooks and Abu Izzadeen, and six co-defendants, claim their arrest in 2007 was "politically motivated" because Brooks once interrupted a speech made by John Reid when he was home secretary, the court heard.

In a video played to the jury, one of the accused, Abdul Rehman Saleem, praised Osama bin Laden and said Islam was a "religion of terrorism".

He said: "Terrorism against the kuffar [non-believers], terrorism against those that terrorise us, terrorism against those that terrorise our women and children. Yes we have terrorised them so when they call you terrorist, be proud to have that title."

I trust Salam Al-Marayati of MPAC and Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR are on their way to Britain now to explain to Brooks how he is misunderstanding Islam.

As the audience at Regents Park Mosque in central London, joined in, he chanted: "Oh Allah support Sheikh Osama, Oh Allah destroy America.

"Destroy the kafir wherever they are. Let their blood run in the mountains of Afghanistan, let their women become widows, may their children become orphans, let them be bombed. Let death come to them by the hands of the mujahideen [holy fighters]."

"Destroy the kafir wherever they are" is, of course, a quote of the Qur'an's notorious Verse of the Sword, sura 9:5, usually rendered in English as "slay the unbelievers wherever you find them."

Kingston Crown Court, in south-west London, was told that the speakers referred to the September 11 hijackers as the "magnificent 19" and the audience clapped those who had "chosen to answer the call by becoming martyrs".

When police arrived, after being called by mosque security staff, they were forced from the building by the angry crowd....

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Venomous Islamophobes who link Islam with violence

In Human Events today I discuss more obfuscation from Islamic apologists and their allies about the connection between Islam and terrorism.

Last week, a reporter of the Kuwait News Agency accused Sen. John McCain and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee of “linking Islam with terrorism as a tool to scare up support among US voters, an election style experts describe as ‘shameful.” But in her story, Heather Yamour invokes only one “expert” -- a Far-Left professor.

Shameful style? Yes, if measured by Islamic standards and not those of American politics and free speech. Last Monday it was reported that the British government has drawn up a new handbook for government officials that forbids them to use phrases like “Islamist extremism” or “jihadi-fundamentalist” -- instead, police and others must refer to “violent extremism” and “criminal murderers or thugs,” so as to avoid giving the impression that anything Islamic is involved in, er, Islamic terrorism.

But over on this side of the pond, some of the presidential candidates haven’t gotten the message. They somehow still think their First Amendment rights exist.

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"In 2006, Tufts' Hillel received part of a $1.6-million Department of Homeland Security (DHS) grant to promote 'inter-faith and intercultural dialogue.'" -- from this depressing article

Inter-faith Healers: it's the latest racket. Elmer-Gantries galore. Or worse. All Elmer Gantry wanted was money and women. But Muslims, wherever they conquered in the early centuries of conquest, certainly seized women and loot (just like their Model of Conduct, their Perfect Man), while nowadays they don't want just that. They want to remove all obstacles to the spread of Islam. And that means everything that makes the West the West, beginning with such things as individualism and the guarantees of freedom of thought and speech, and equal treatment, legal equality for women and non-Muslims, and freedom of artistic expression, and the free and skeptical inquiry which is punished in Islam, and encouraged in the post-Enlightenment West, and without which the enterprise of science cannot continue.

No doubt the Hillel rabbi referred to in that article was quite proud of himself for his "broad-mindedness." Yes, moral preening. But that word can cover a wide variety of things.

Right now I fondly recall a scene from the first version -- the one with James Mason -- of "Lolita." There he was, living at the house of Charlotte Haze, and attending the school prom, and Jean Farlow is dancing with him. And she explains, endowing the phrase with a meaning that her partner, world-weary Humbert, chooses to ignore, that once he gets to know Jean and her husband, he will find, Humbert, that "we are extremely broad-minded."

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No worries. The guy on the far right could be free in 33 months.

They aided the 7/21 would-be jihad-martyrdom bombers. And that once again raises questions about what the Muslim community in Britain is doing, and what Muslim communities all over the West are doing, to teach against the jihad ideology and Islamic supremacism, such that there will be few, if any, "moderate" Muslim jihad sympathizers who will help jihadists in this way. And the answer, of course, is not only that they aren't doing a thing, but also that British authorities aren't asking them to lift a finger to act in any way against this so-called "anti-Islamic" behavior.

By Duncan Gardham for the Telegraph (thanks to Sr. Soph):

A judge denounced the "woefully inadequate" sentencing powers in terrorism cases as he jailed the five men who helped the July 21 would-be suicide bombers for a total of 56 years.

Judge Paul Worsley QC said the sentences of between seven and 17 years, dictated by strict guidelines, did not "reflect the enormity" of what the guilty men had done in keeping the plot secret and helping the men who attempted to bomb the London transport system evade justice when their plan went wrong.

He also blamed the men for the death of Jean Charles de Menezes, saying that he would not have been mistaken for one of the bombers and shot by police if the defendants had given up the real bombers instead of hiding them.

Wahbi Mohammed, 25, Abdul Sherif, 30, Siraj Ali, 33, Muhedin Ali, 29, and Ismail Abdurahman, 25, were convicted of a total of 22 charges of failing to disclose information about terrorism and assisting an offender following a four-month trial at Kingston Crown Court in South London.

Mohammed and Siraj Ali were also convicted of having prior knowledge of the plot.

Because prisoners are released after serving half of their sentence, and because they have already served jail time on remand, one of the men, Muhedin Ali, will be eligible for release in just 33 months. [...]

In Ali’s flat police found a notepad on which Ibrahim had set out his plans for "Martyrdom in the Path of God".

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My article "Slavery, Christianity, and Islam" is up now at First Things.

It has become a feature of today’s atheist chic to shy bricks at Christianity for its record on slavery. This is part of a larger assault on Western history and society, which, by accident or design, plays into the hands of those who are today mounting on a global scale a sweeping and explicit cultural challenge to Judeo-Christian as well as post-Christian values. The fundamentally most misunderstood and overlooked aspect of today’s defense against the global jihad is this challenge that Jihadists make to Western values, which are in large part Judeo-Christian. Combine this with a historical critique that relentlessly portrays the West as the aggressors against the rest of the world, and as uniquely responsible for its evils, and Westerners’ will to defend something as rotten as Western civilization begins to ebb away.

This is the concern of my book Religion of Peace? Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t—which I wrote in order to counter these tendencies and answer the Islamic cultural critique. For in fact, taken at face value, the Bible condones slavery. The Apostle Paul says flatly: “Slaves, be obedient to those who are your earthly masters, with fear and trembling, in singleness of heart, as to Christ” (Eph. 6:5). He wasn’t saying anything remotely controversial (and of course has been criticized for apparently accepting the cultural status quo instead of challenging it). No culture on earth, Christian or otherwise, ever questioned the morality of slavery until relatively recent times.

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A tragic choice is coming down the pike, and I expect the uniform code of political correctness is in the offing.

From "Speaking of Islam: Liberty and grievance in Canada" by Lee Harris in The Weekly Standard (thanks to all who sent this in):

After all, if enough Muslims continue to react with violence to criticism of their religion and culture, all the other nations of the West will eventually be forced to make a tragic choice between two of our highest values. Either we must clamp down on critics of Islam, mandating a uniform code of political correctness, or else we must let the critics say what they wish, regardless of the consequences, and in full knowledge that these consequences may include the death of innocents. This is not a choice that the West has had to face since the end of our own furor theologicus several centuries ago, but, like it or not, it is the choice that we are facing again today.
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In "My family, my killers" in the Sydney Morning Herald (thanks to JE), James Button provides a generally good overview of the phenomenon of honor killings, although he adds generous coats of PC whitewash:

[...] The issue is acutely sensitive among British Muslims, already feeling embattled since the September 11, 2001, and July 7, 2005, terrorist attacks. Reported levels of domestic violence in British Asian communities are lower than the national average, according to The Guardian. But for a small minority of families, the British judge Marilyn Mornington has said: "Honour rests with the chastity and obedience of women in the community. If that is transgressed then the woman must be punished, ultimately unto death."

Britain is not alone: 47 Muslim women were killed in Germany between 2000 and 2006. The UN estimates that 5000 women and girls are victims of honour killings each year. But the British example illustrates how a culturally relativist form of multiculturalism can clash with women's rights and how honour crimes, far from disappearing as migrants settle over generations into new countries, may even be on the rise.

In 2006 one in 10 of 500 young British Asians told the BBC that honour killings could be justified. Nazir Afzal of the Crown Prosecution Service and a leading prosecutor of honour crimes says that when he began work on such cases, "I thought it was an imported practice that would die out when the elder generation [of a migrant community] died. But many of the young people tell me shocking things."

For example, a young Sikh man told Afzal: "A man is a piece of gold and a woman is a piece of silk. If you drop a piece of gold into the mud you can polish it clean. If you drop a piece of silk into mud it is stained forever." [...]

A Kurdish asylum seeker from north-west Iran, Nammi came to Britain 10 years ago. At a school for her young daughter in north London, she met Sobhia Nader, a Kurdish interpreter who Nammi remembers as bright and kind and eager to help. But Nader failed to turn up for their third appointment. Nammi heard she had gone back to her home in Iraq.

What Nammi found later, she says, was that Nader's husband had taken her back to Iraq because he suspected his wife of flirting at work. In Kurdistan Nader was shot on two separate occasions, the second time fatally. The two men who stopped her car before killing her did not harm her husband, and Nammi believes they were his relatives. No one has been prosecuted in Britain or Iraq.

At that time attitudes to forced marriages and honour killings were more negligent than they are today. Only one in five homicide cases led to a conviction for murder; the rest for manslaughter. But in 2000, a spate of high-profile forced marriage cases led the Blair government minister Mike O'Brien to say "multicultural sensitivity is no excuse for moral blindness". Then came the murder of Heshu Yones.

She was a 16-year old Kurdish girl in London, whose father hated her Western dress and Lebanese Christian boyfriend. For 15 minutes, Abdullah Yones chased his daughter from room to room with a kitchen knife, stabbing her repeatedly and finally slitting her throat over the bath.

But a dhimmi judge chose multiculturalism:

The judge sentenced Yones to a minimum 14 years but appeared to mitigate the crime's savagery by calling it "a tragic story arising out of irreconcilable cultural differences between traditional Kurdish values and the values of Western society". It was arguable, he added, that "Heshu's conduct provoked her father".

Sitting in court, Nammi felt angry. "So-called cultural sensitivity is a way of letting women down," she says. "Why should any woman not have the same rights as a British woman? Murder is murder."

Yep. One would think everyone knew that. Apparently, not any more.

Afzal also cites the judge's comments and the fact that Yones was jailed for only 14 years, as evidence that reforms were needed. Now, judges are imposing terms of 25 to 27 years, he says. "In the past six years there has been a sea change in the way all of us - judges, prosecutors and investigators - approach the crime."

Nammi agrees the law has improved, but says police must change more. Banaz Mahmoud approached them several times and even provided an accurate list of who would murder her. Police offered her access to a refuge but made the mistake, Nammi says, of visiting her in her home, where she could not speak.

Nammi says the women she represents "are very brave. They make a huge decision to stand against their community. They know they have brought shame on their family, but they still stand up for their rights. They have fallen in love".

A Muslim by birth but an atheist since she was young, Nammi says the rise of extremist and fundamentalist Islam has been dire for women. She points to the revival of stoning of alleged female adulterers in Iran. Another malign effect of the Iraq war, she says, is that violence against women has increased there.

Both in Muslim countries and diasporas, as communities feel under pressure and want to protect their identities in the face of modernisation, traditional views of women are revived.

But Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, of the Muslim Parliament of Britain, says the issue is "not about Islam but about a tribal, rural mindset that says women belong to men and men must at all costs be obeyed".

Yes, that has nothing to do with Islam. Everyone knows that. What's that? "Good women are obedient" and those that aren't should be beaten, according to Qur'an 4:34? What are you, some kind of Islamophobe?

Afzal, a practising Muslim from a Pakistani family, agrees, saying nothing in the Koran supports honour crimes: "It's the exact opposite". But he says some families will use Islam to justify their authority, telling a daughter that having a boyfriend is un-Islamic.

Well, if he is a non-Muslim, then it is certainly un-Islamic, according to all traditional Islamic jurisprudence. And while nothing in the Qur'an supports honor crimes, Jordan's Parliament a few years ago rejected an attempt to stiffen penalties for honor murders -- on Islamic grounds. So evidently there are quite a few Muslims who believe the practice is thoroughly Islamic.

Britain's response to honour crimes may be evidence of a maturing multiculturalism, in which no cultural practice is tolerated or swept aside simply because it comes from a disadvantaged ethnic group. Afzal says more people are reporting crimes, extraditions of suspected perpetrators who flee the country are being pursued, some community leaders have become "champions" of change.

Yet the killings go on. Just last month a coroner ruled that 17-year-old Shafilea Ahmed of Cheshire had been murdered after she had defied her parents. They wanted her to marry a man in Pakistan; she wanted to study law. Just three days ago, Nammi received a text message that said: "I am an Iranian woman who needs confidential information. Please help me."

Afzal says communities must respond to such calls. "I have heard people say to me, 'Don't talk about this stuff because we are under attack. Don't wash our dirty linen in public.' But I have talked to loads of Muslim women and I can tell you that the greatest fear they have is not Islamophobia or being attacked by racists or being arrested on suspicion of terrorism. It is from within their own family."

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How many other websites is Al-Qaeda operating from web hosts in the United States? An update on this story. "Al-Qaida Web Site's Phoenix Hosts Follow Actions Taken In Tampa," by Howard Altman for the Tampa Tribune:

For the second time this week, a Web site described as key to al-Qaida communications has been taken down by a hosting company after a call from a reporter.

On Wednesday, the site was removed by a company in Phoenix after a call from the Arizona Republic newspaper. On Monday, a Web hosting company in Tampa removed a related site after a call from The Tampa Tribune.

The site hosted in Phoenix - www.ek-ls.org - was one of six related al-Qaida sites previously hosted in Tampa, said Paul Henry, an Internet security specialist.

The Tampa host company, Noc4Hosts, "is not in cahoots with al-Qaida," said Steve Eschweiler, the company's general manager.

The site, Eschweiler said, was one of several hundred thousand the company hosts. Web hosting companies keep banks of computer servers where individual Web sites are based.

"If there is anything anti-American, we will take them down," he said Wednesday. "We work closely with authorities any time something like this comes up."...

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Islamic Sharia law should not trump a treaty the Saudis signed. Or at least if they think it does, they should stop lying about it. "U.N. body calls for Saudis to end male guardianship," by Stephanie Nebehay for Reuters (thanks to D. C. Watson):

GENEVA (Reuters) - A United Nations human rights body called on Saudi Arabia on Friday to immediately end its system of male guardianship which it said severely limits the basic freedoms of women in the kingdom.

The U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, in its first scrutiny of Saudi Arabia's gender equality record, said Islamic Sharia law should not trump an international women's rights treaty that Riyadh signed in 2000.

The committee's 23 independent experts urged Saudi Arabia to "amend its legislation to confirm that international treaties have precedence over domestic laws," and "enact a comprehensive gender equality law."

They also said that Riyadh should "take immediate steps to end the practice of male guardianship over women" and work to eliminate "negative cultural practices and stereotypes" which discriminate against women. [...]

But the Saudis, in full-bore "War Is Deceit" mode, say there's no problem:

A report submitted by Riyadh on its compliance with the treaty said that generally there was "no discrimination against women in the laws of the kingdom."

A Saudi delegation led by Zeid Bin Abdul Mushin Al Hussein, vice president of the Saudi Human Rights Commission, told the committee during a recent debate: "Human rights in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are based on Sharia law." [...]

The U.N. committee urged Riyadh to withdraw its proviso that Islamic law take precedence over the women's rights treaty, particularly as Saudi authorities have given assurances that there is "no contradiction in substance" between the two.

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February 4, 2008

Sharia Alert from modern, moderate Malaysia. From AP (thanks to Lori):

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysian customs officials seized 32 Bibles from a traveler, a church federation said Monday, adding its voice to a raft of complaints that the Muslim-majority country is becoming less tolerant of other religions.

Gee, ya think?

The Royal Malaysian Customs department, however, said it was only trying to determine if the Bibles were imported for commercial purposes.

Custom officials at an airport in Kuala Lumpur took the Bibles from a Malaysian woman Jan. 28 on her return from the Philippines, according to the Rev. Hermen Shastri, general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia. She was carrying the Bibles for a study group, he said.

The woman was told that all religious materials had to be sent to the Internal Security Ministry's publications control unit for clearance, Shastri said, adding that he had never before heard of anyone being told to do this when bringing English-language Bibles into the country.

"It's getting from bad to worse," Shastri told The Associated Press. "This either points to a concerted effort to undermine the current practice of religious tolerance, or the religious enforcement authorities have been given a free hand and they are having a field day."...

Indeed they are.

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This is Rabiah Hutchinson. Take it on faith.

How could Rabiah Hutchinson have gotten the idea that Osama was right about Islam? What is she, some kind of Islamophobe?

"Muslim convert slurs Bali victims," by Tom Allard for the Sydney Morning Herald (thanks to all who sent this in):

RABIAH HUTCHINSON, the Mudgee-born grandmother accused of being the "grand dame" of extremist jihadis in Australia, says she has limited sympathy for the victims of the Bali bombings because those holidaying on the Indonesian island engaged in pedophilia and drug taking.

And her close friend, Raisah bint Alan Douglas, another Australian convert to radical Islam who also married a suspected terrorist supporter, has praised Osama bin Laden, saying he followed a "correct" version of Islam.

The women are featured in a documentary to be aired on ABC television tonight, Jihad Sheilas.

Ms Hutchinson is a former hippie who converted to Islam in Indonesia in 1973. Ms Douglas also hails from country NSW, Dubbo, and has been married five times to Muslim men, including her current husband Omar Abdi Mohamed, a suspected terrorist financier who was deported from the US.

Ms Hutchinson was schooled by the leaders of Jemaah Islamiah, Abdullar Sungkar and Abu Bakar Bashir, at one time marrying the head of JI's Australian wing in the 1990s.

"I have the greatest respect for them," she said of the two men, adding she believed Abu Bakar Bashir was not involved in the Bali attacks which killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.

"Do I feel for the people who died? Not as much as for those 200 Afghani people that gave me and my children shelter," she said. "Why? Because they were holidaying in someone's country, sometimes engaging in child pornography or pedophilia or drug taking."

The 200 Afghans Ms Hutchinson referred to were villagers who she said were massacred by US-led forces following the September 11, 2001, attacks because they refused to give her up to the authorities.

Ms Hutchinson had taken her six children to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to experience a pure Islamic state.

While Ms Hutchinson wants to leave the country but cannot, Ms Douglas retains her passport and normally lives in Kenya with her fifth husband.

Ms Douglas spoke openly of her admiration for bin Laden. He followed the "correct" and "undiluted" version of Islam, she said. "It's not a bad thing for Islam, what Osama bin Laden has said. I believe that he has woken a lot of Muslims up to the oppression they were under but didn't realise it."...

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Sharia Alert from the Islamic Republic: "Iranian sisters face stoning for adultery: report," from AFP (thanks to all who sent this in):

Two Iranian sisters convicted of adultery face being stoned to death after the supreme court upheld the death sentences against them, the Etemad newspaper Monday quoted their lawyer as saying.

The two were found guilty of adultery -- a capital crime in Islamic Iran -- after the husband of one sister presented video evidence showing them in the company of other men while he was away.

"Branch 23 of the supreme court has confirmed the stoning sentence," said their lawyer, Jabbar Solati.

The penal court of Tehran province had already sentenced the sisters identified only as Zohreh, 27, and Azar (no age given) to stoning, the daily said.

Solati explained that the two sisters had initially been tried for "illegal relations" and received 99 lashes. However in a second trial they were convicted of "adultery."

The pair admitted they were in the video presented by the husband but argued that there was no adultery as none of the footage showed them engaged in a sexual act with other men.

"There is no legal evidence whereby the judge could have the knowledge for issuing a stoning sentence," Solati said, adding that he had appealed to the state prosecutor.

"The two sisters have been tried twice for one crime," Solati protested.

Under Iran's Islamic law adultery is theoretically punishable by stoning, although in late 2002 judiciary head Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi issued a writ suspending such executions.

However in July 2007, Jafar Kiani was stoned to death for adultery in a village in the northwestern province of Qazvin in a rare execution by stoning that provoked a wave of international outrage. [...]

Zohreh's husband -- who accused his wife and her sister in January 2007 of having extra-marital affairs -- had planted a camera in his house in a bid to catch them in the act.

"She did not treat me well and her actions made me feel she did not want to live with me any more," said the husband, who was not named.

"To make sure I planted a camera in the house... When I watched the tape two days after, I found out that she and her sister brought over men after I left and had relationships with them," he said.

Zohreh said she had an edgy relationship with her husband because of the strict limits he imposed on her life.

"I was a teacher and loved my job but my husband did not let me work... he was always suspicious of me and thought our differences were because I had an affair," she was quoted as saying by the daily.

"I do not approve the confessions that I made in the investigation phase and I deny what I said," she said....

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Celebrating death. And a group affiliated with peace-loving Fatah, on which Bush and Rice have placed such hope, has claimed responsibility. Abbas denounced the attack, but this is yet another indication that he cannot control his people and cannot enforce any peace agreement.

"First suicide bombing in Israel in year," by Yaniv Zohar for Associated Press (thanks to all who sent this in):

DIMONA, Israel - A suicide bomber blew himself up Monday in the southern town that houses Israel's secretive nuclear reactor, killing an Israeli woman and wounding seven other people, Israeli officials said. Police said they killed a second attacker before he had a chance to detonate his explosives belt.

It was the first suicide attack in Israel in a year, and officials were investigating whether the attackers came in through Egypt after Palestinian militants breached the Gaza-Egypt border last month.

An offshoot of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement claimed responsibility, complicating recently renewed peace efforts. The attackers, they said, came from the West Bank, though the claim could not immediately be verified.

"Gazans hear of attack, hand out sweets," by Ali Waked for Ynet News (thanks to Sr. Soph):

As word of the suicide bombing in Dimona spread Monday, Gaza residents were treated to celebratory wreaths of flowers as well as sweets that were handed to drivers and passers-by.

Gaza motorists receiving the treats and sweets also honked their horns in triumph and celebration.

The "party" was somewhat marred when word spread that Abu Sa'ad, a senior member and spokesman for the Salah al-Din Brigades, the Popular Resistance Committees' military wing, was killed in an IDF attack in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya.

A Hamas member told Ynet that the joy in Gaza is heightened by the fact that these attacks were carried out in spite of the siege on Gaza and the stringent security measures imposed by Israel. “The Palestinian organizations can strike back against Israel in spite of the war waged against them,” he said....

Ynet also has video.

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And thus deny themselves use of the one conceptual tool that would help them understand the motives and goals of those who are trying to destroy them. "Whitehall draws up new rules on language of terror: Phrasebook designed to avoid blaming Muslims for extremism," by Alan Travis for The Guardian (thanks to Davida):

A new counter-terrorism phrasebook has been drawn up within Whitehall to advise civil servants on how to talk to Muslim communities about the nature of the terror threat without implying they are specifically to blame.

Reflecting the government's decision to abandon the "aggressive rhetoric" of the so-called war on terror, the guide tells civil servants not to use terms such as Islamist extremism or jihadi-fundamentalist but instead to refer to violent extremism and criminal murderers or thugs to avoid any implication that there is an explicit link between Islam and terrorism.

It warns those engaged in counter-terrorist work that talk of a struggle for values or a battle of ideas is often heard as a "confrontation/clash between civilisations/cultures". Instead it suggests that talking about the idea of shared values works much more effectively.

The guide, which has been passed to the Guardian, is produced by a Home Office research, information and communications unit which was set up last summer to counter al-Qaida propaganda and win hearts and minds.

It shows that the government is adopting a new sophistication in its approach to counter-terrorism, based on the realisation that it must "avoid implying that specific communities are to blame" if it is to enable communities to challenge the ideas of violent extremists robustly. The new lexicon of terror surfaced briefly last month when the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, made a speech on counter-terrorism declaring violent extremism to be "anti-Islamic".

But the internal Home Office guide shows just how far a new official language, to use when talking about terrorism, is being developed. "This is not intended as a definitive list of what not to say but rather to highlight terms which risk being misunderstood and therefore prevent the effective reception of the message," says the Home Office paper. "This is not about political correctness, but effectiveness - evidence shows that people stop listening if they think you are attacking them."

While the leaked Whitehall papers show a new sophistication in the government's approach to talking about terrorism they reveal that their profiling of those most likely to prove vulnerable to violent extremism remains very vague....

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“This intelligence shows the breadth and span of international terrorism and anybody who thinks that the threat has either gone or is in abeyance is in cloud-cuckoo-land.”

"Suicide bomb suspects held at Gatwick after tip-off," by David Leppard for the Times (thanks to Watling):

SCOTLAND YARD is braced for a fresh wave of possible terrorist attacks against public transport after a group of suspected Islamist suicide bombers were arrested in a secret security operation at Gatwick airport.

Six Pakistani men were held under anti-terrorism laws 10 days ago after they flew in from Barcelona. The arrests were prompted by a tip-off from the Spanish intelligence services after the discovery of a suspected Al-Qaeda terror cell in the city. The cell is alleged to have planned to detonate suicide bombs on the Barcelona Metro. The Spanish warned a similar attack was being planned here. [...]

Soon after the arrests MI5’s Centre for the Protection of National Infra-structure warned of a possible terrorist attack on bridges, tunnels and the Channel tunnel. [...]

According to El Pais, the Spanish newspaper, a member of the Barcelona cell told the Spanish civil police that it was planning attacks not just on Barcelona’s underground system but also against public transport in Britain and other European countries.

The informant is said to have told police that pairs of suicide bombers planned to strap explosives to their bodies and blow themselves up on the rail and bus networks in Britain, France, Germany and Portugal.

Referring to the arrests of the Pakistanis at Gatwick, a senior British official said: “The intelligence from Spain was that there was to be another wave of attacks on the way to us after the attempted attacks in Barcelona. When it was followed up it led to this lot.”

Patrick Mercer, the Tory MP who last year helped to prepare a report on terror threats to crowded places, said: “This intelligence shows the breadth and span of international terrorism and anybody who thinks that the threat has either gone or is in abeyance is in cloud-cuckoo-land.”

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The uproar, of course, is over the police bugging the Member of Parliament, not over the fact that a Member of Parliament is making repeated visits to a jailed jihadist. Jihad Watch reader Martin, who sent me this story, notes that a friend of the MP, Sadiq Khan, asks: "If he was not a Muslim MP would they be doing this? If it had been some ordinary white middle-class MP, would they have been bugged?" Martin notes that "one can naturally re-phrase the question: 'If he was not a Muslim MP -- and also not a personal friend of the man wanted extradited by the US for setting up a US-registered website to encourage Muslims to raise funds for Taliban murderers, would that MP have even visited Ahmed in jail?"

Good question.

"Police bugged Muslim MP Sadiq Khan," by Michael Gillard and Jonathan Calvert in the Times (thanks to Martin):

SCOTLAND YARD’S antiterrorist squad secretly bugged a high-profile Labour Muslim MP during private meetings with one of his constituents.

Sadiq Khan, now a government whip, was recorded by an electronic listening device hidden in a table during visits to the constituent in prison.

The bugging of MPs is a breach of a government edict that has barred law agencies from eavesdropping on politicians since the bugging scandal of Harold Wilson’s government. There was no suspicion of criminal conduct by Khan to justify the operation.

A document seen by The Sunday Times shows there was internal concern about the propriety of bugging an MP, who was also a lawyer, but the operation nevertheless went ahead.

The disclosure will put further pressure on Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan police commissioner, who will be asked to explain why his officers apparently breached government rules – and if he authorised it.

Khan discussed sensitive personal and legal matters during the recorded meeting. The MP was said to be “outraged” yesterday. “From what you have told me, this is an infringement of a citizen’s right to have a private meeting with his MP,” he said. [...]

Andrew Mackinlay, a Labour colleague, said: “The bugging of Sadiq Khan is very dangerous indeed. It is totally unacceptable that MPs’ conversations with constituents are bugged by the security services or the police.

“It is an affront to democracy and has all the hallmarks of a totalitarian regime. No one is suggesting that MPs should be above the law, but when behaving as MPs and dealing with people’s liberty that must be sacrosanct as it is with lawyers.” Khan, 37, is a rising star in the Labour party and is seen as a key figure in Gordon Brown’s drive to win the hearts and minds of Britain’s Muslims. He is a former chairman of Liberty, the human rights group, and used to be a legal adviser to the Muslim Council of Britain. As a lawyer he was a thorn in the side of the Metropolitan police, taking a series of controversial malpractice cases against them.

The bugging operation recorded conversations with his constituent, Babar Ahmad, who is facing deportation to the United States under new extradition laws. Khan has been a friend of Ahmad since childhood and has been a prominent campaigner against his extradition. He met the home secretary to discuss the case and handed over a petition of 18,000 signatures calling for Ahmad’s release.

The US government has accused Ahmad of running a website that raised funds for Taliban and Chechen terrorists in the late 1990s. He faces no charges in Britain but is wanted in the United States because his website was registered there.

Khan made two visits to Ahmad in 2005 and 2006 while he was on remand at Woodhill prison in Milton Keynes. Both meetings were secretly recorded. Ahmad’s family say he arranged the meetings because he was no longer free to go Khan’s constituency office in Tooting, south London, and wanted to see his MP.

Knowing that Khan was coming, the antiterrorist squad requested the bugging. Senior officers had already granted authorisation to bug Ahmad’s guests before Khan first visited. The officers had previously recorded family members who were leading the campaign to free him. [...]

The second meeting between Khan and Ahmad took place on the Saturday morning of June 24, 2006, during a crucial period for his campaign and legal case. Khan bought cups of tea and chocolate bars and joined Ahmad who had already been seated at one of the “talking tables”.

Every word was transmitted to a receiver in the domed ceiling above them and then routed to a nearby office. The digital recording was picked up by an antiterrorist branch officer the next Monday morning.

During the conversation the two men discussed the latest developments in the campaign against extradition. Khan updated Ahmad on a meeting in the House of Commons against the 2003 Extradition Act.

The Commons gathering had drawn support from politicians of all parties who had objected to changes in the law that allowed the United States to extradite suspects without first testing the case in a British court.

The antiterrorist officers would have heard Khan and Ahmad discussing tactics for his appeal, which was due to start shortly. The two men also talked about the civil case he was taking against the police, alleging that he was physically assaulted by officers when he was first arrested in December 2003 and released without charge. [...]

The Sunday Times told him about the bugging operation last week. A friend said the disclosure might further undermine the government’s attempt to “reengage” the Muslim community. He said: “If he was not a Muslim MP would they be doing this? If it had been some ordinary white middle-class MP, would they have been bugged?” He added that this was a violation of an MP’s relationship with his constituent: “If you have not got the confidence to see your MP and know it is privileged, then that raises serious questions. It is f****** outrageous.” [...]

He added that the operation may have breached Ahmad’s legal privilege: “The officers in charge would have known that because Khan is an MP and a lawyer there was a grave danger that the legal professional privilege would be breached.”...

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This is yet another late Meccan sura. Its name comes from v. 35, where Abraham appears and prays, but following the convention of the naming of Qur’an chapters, this name has little to do with the content of this sura; more is said about Abraham elsewhere in the Qur’an.

Verses 1-4 celebrate the “Book which We have revealed unto thee” (v. 1) — which is, of course, the Qur’an that was delivered to Muhammad. In the words of Ibn Kathir, it is “the most honored Book, that Allah sent down from heaven to the most honored Messenger of Allah sent to all the people of the earth, Arabs and non-Arabs alike.”

With this Book, Muhammad can “lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light” (v. 1) – the light of Allah – but of course for the unbelievers there is a terrible penalty in store (v. 2): “woe to them on the Day of Judgment because they defied you, O Muhammad, and rejected you,” says Ibn Kathir. For they dared to prefer this world to the next and to keep people from the path of Allah, and they “seek therein something crooked” (v. 3) – that is, they are, in the words of Maulana Bulandshahri, “ever vigilant to expose any defect that they hope to find in the religion (D’in) of Islam.” Yet Allah has sent messengers to people speaking in their own language so they can understand the message clearly (v. 4), but after that, says the Tafsir al-Jalalayn, “God then sends astray whomever He will and He guides whomever He will.”

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February 3, 2008

This sort of behavior is the end result of a culture that treats women and girls as possessions. Moreover, "the marriage was reportedly not recognized by the British Home Office, but was considered valid under sharia — or Islamic — law." That underscores two problems: the countless injustices inherent in sharia law, and the failure of British society (though they are by no means alone there) to demand that immigrants leave those "values," or lack thereof, at home.

"Report: Muslim Teen's Family Invited Men to Rape Her," from Fox News:

A 15-year-old girl from Pakistan was forced into prostitution in the U.K. by her mother-in-law, The Sunday Times of London reported.
The teen, whose name was not disclosed, arrived in the U.K. expecting to be married to a handsome and successful older man, the paper reported. Instead, she was married to a 40-year-old, unemployed, disabled man with the mental age of a 5-year-old.
The marriage was reportedly not recognized by the British Home Office, but was considered valid under sharia — or Islamic — law.
As if that weren't bad enough, the girl's mother-in-law then decided to take advantage of the teen's youth and good looks by offered her to men looking for sex, The Sunday Times reported.
According to the paper, the family "invited" men to rape her.
The girl eventually escaped her husband's family's home and is now living in a shelter.
Her story is just one of hundreds of cases of abuse highlighted in a recent government report by the U.K.'s Center for Social Cohesion which looks at the growing trend within the Islamic and Asian communities in the U.K.
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"Asian," of course, is British PC-speak for Muslim.

"Asian PCs 'blocking crackdown on honour killings,'" by Miles Goslett and Daniel Boffey for the Daily Mail (thanks to Jerusalem Posts):

Some Asians in the police and in Government jobs have been accused of blocking the crackdown against so-called honour killings.

It is alleged they are not only failing to help desperate women trying to flee abuse and arranged marriages but are actively encouraging punishment for those they believe are breaking traditional taboos.

Terrified victims who seek official help are even being tracked down by a network of Asian men working in Government departments and social services, according to a study written by the think-tank Social Cohesion.

One woman was found by her family after she signed on at a Jobcentre where a member of the Asian community was working.

The report also claims some Asian police officers actually return women to their abusive families or refuse to act against men enforcing 'traditional' roles.

Meanwhile, non-Asian officials and police officers are scared of acting against families who abuse their relatives for fear of being branded as racist, the report says.

Read it all.

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The AP headline here styles them simply as "2 Britons," thoughly clearly they would wish to see the downfall of the British state and its replacement by a Sharia regime.

"2 Britons are charged with distributing materials that encouraged acts of terrorism," from The Associated Press (thanks to Sr. Soph):

LONDON: Two people have been charged in Britain with distributing a publication that encourages acts of terrorism, police said Sunday.

Amjad Mahmood, 29, and Shella Roma, 27, both of Manchester, northern England, were arrested on Thursday and released on bail. They will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London on Feb. 12.

Mahmood and Roma were charged under Britain's Terrorism Act with distributing or circulating a terrorist publication that directly or indirectly encourages acts of terrorism.

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Yet another Eurabia update from the New Britain. "Perhaps these women should not be choosing medicine as a career if they feel unable to abide by the guidelines that everyone else has to follow." Precisely.

"Female Muslim medics 'disobey hygiene rules,'" by Julie Henry and Laura Donnelly for the Telegraph (thanks to Martin):

Muslim medical students are refusing to obey hygiene rules brought in to stop the spread of deadly superbugs, because they say it is against their religion.

Women training in several hospitals in England have raised objections to removing their arm coverings in theatre and to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands, because it is regarded as immodest in Islam.

Universities and NHS trusts fear many more will refuse to co-operate with new Department of Health guidance, introduced this month, which stipulates that all doctors must be "bare below the elbow".

The measure is deemed necessary to stop the spread of infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile, which have killed hundreds.

Minutes of a clinical academics' meeting at Liverpool University revealed that female Muslim students at Alder Hey children's hospital had objected to rolling up their sleeves to wear gowns.

Similar concerns have been raised at Leicester University. Minutes from a medical school committee said that "a number of Muslim females had difficulty in complying with the procedures to roll up sleeves to the elbow for appropriate handwashing".

Sheffield University also reported a case of a Muslim medic who refused to "scrub" as this left her forearms exposed....

Dr Charles Tannock, a Conservative MEP and former hospital consultant, said: "These students are being trained using taxpayers' money and they have a duty of care to their patients not to put their health at risk.

"Perhaps these women should not be choosing medicine as a career if they feel unable to abide by the guidelines that everyone else has to follow."

But the Islamic Medical Association insisted that covering all the body in public, except the face and hands, was a basic tenet of Islam.

"No practising Muslim woman - doctor, medical student, nurse or patient - should be forced to bare her arms below the elbow," it said.

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They could have said, As long as you are in Britain, you will conform to our culture. Instead, they are feeding into Islamic supremacism by capitulating to Islamic cultural norms. And welfare benefits? The Eurodhimmis seem to have completely lost sight of the fact that they opened the floodgates of Muslim immigration in the first place in order to provide for themselves a source of cheap labor. And now we have arrived at the specter of polygamists receiving extra welfare benefits -- which, as Bruce Bawer has documented, many simply regard as jizya, as their due from the infidels.

"Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits," by Jonathan Wynne-Jones for the Telegraph (thanks to all who sent this in):

Husbands with multiple wives have been given the go-ahead to claim extra welfare benefits following a year-long Government review, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

Even though bigamy is a crime in Britain, the decision by ministers means that polygamous marriages can now be recognised formally by the state, so long as the weddings took place in countries where the arrangement is legal.

The outcome will chiefly benefit Muslim men with more than one wife, as is permitted under Islamic law. Ministers estimate that up to a thousand polygamous partnerships exist in Britain, although they admit there is no exact record.

The decision has been condemned by the Tories, who accused the Government of offering preferential treatment to a particular group, and of setting a precedent that would lead to demands for further changes in British law.

Oh, it will indeed.

New guidelines on income support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) state: "Where there is a valid polygamous marriage the claimant and one spouse will be paid the couple rate ... The amount payable for each additional spouse is presently £33.65."

Income support for all of the wives may be paid directly into the husband's bank account, if the family so choose. Under the deal agreed by ministers, a husband with multiple wives may also be eligible for additional housing benefit and council tax benefit to reflect the larger property needed for his family.

The ruling could cost taxpayers millions of pounds. Ministers launched a review of the benefit rules for polygamous marriages in November 2006, after it emerged that some families had benefited financially....

Chris Grayling, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said that the decision was "completely unjustifiable".

"You are not allowed to have multiple marriages in the UK, so to have a situation where the benefits system is treating people in different ways is totally unacceptable and will serve to undermine confidence in the system.

"This sets a precedent that will lead to more demands for the culture of other countries to be reflected in UK law and the benefits system."

Mr Grayling also accused the Government of trying to keep the ruling quiet because the topic is so controversial.


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This article includes one point that we at Jihad Watch have been making for years: Addressing ideology is more effective in neutralizing the threat we face than taking out a few high-value targets who can be replaced.

But the devil is in the details: This study appears to single out al-Qaeda; while al-Qaeda poses a threat of tremendous magnitude, it is important to take into account the fact that al-Qaeda is not the inventor of the ideology that drives its members. And while al-Qaeda is involved to some extent in many areas of jihad activity from Algeria to the Philippines, those movements have local roots (for example, the former Salafist Group for Call and Combat), and existed in the first place to implement locally the imperative in Islamic teachings to establish the global hegemony of Islamic law.

The article mentions how it is necessary to avoid, as one analyst calls it, the temptation to "mix up Al-Qaeda members or just hired hands with people who have only the vaguest of connections, people who have none at all and finally even pure civilians," thus aiding al-Qaeda propaganda by inflating perceptions of their reach and success rate.

But what of those other people who are waging jihad? Even if we put al-Qaeda as an organization out of business tomorrow, we would not have dealt with the ideology that would encourage new groups to appear in its place.

Indeed, the fact that "al-Qaeda" has become the genericized trademark (like "Q-tip" for "cotton swab" or "Band-Aid" for "elastic bandage") for the Sunni variety of jihad terrorism attributes not only too much success to al-Qaeda, but too much ideological originality. And it provides convenient insulation from having to touch the "third rail" of addressing the nature of jihad itself. But one may hold out hope that, in trying to learn what really makes al-Qaeda tick, analysts and public officials will connect the dots and realize those ideological underpinnings are much older, and much more widespread.

"US Qaeda strategy fatally flawed: analysts," by Michel Moutot for Agence France-Presse:

That is the fixed view of leading analysts, who conclude that through ignorance of the enemy it faces, ignorance of its nature, its goals, its strengths and its weaknesses, the United States is condemned to failure.
"The attention of the US military and intelligence community is directed almost uniformly towards hunting down militant leaders or protecting US forces, (and) not towards understanding the enemy we now face," said Bruce Hoffman, a professor at Georgetown University, Washington DC.
"This is a monumental failing not only because decapitation strategies have rarely worked in countering mass-mobilisation terrorist or insurgent campaigns, but also because Al-Qaeda's ability to continue this struggle is based absolutely on its capacity to attract new recruits and replenish its resources.
"Without knowing our enemy, we cannot fulfill the most basic requirements of an effective counter-terrorist strategy: pre-empting and preventing terrorist operations and deterring their attacks," Hoffman added.
But in using the "Al-Qaeda" label when talking about suspects arrested or armed fighters killed -- indiscriminately and sometimes wrongly, whether in Afghanistan, Iraq or elsewhere -- American or Western forces create and feed a confusion which ultimately makes victims of themselves, experts say.
"(Using) body-counts as a criterion to measure effectiveness is a bit like Guantanamo: you produce a tally, you mix up Al-Qaeda members or just hired hands with people who have only the vaguest of connections, people who have none at all and finally even pure civilians," added French academic Jean-Pierre Filiu, author of "Les Frontieres du Jihad" ('The Limits of Jihad').
"When you reach that point, air-strikes and the elimination of 'wanted' individuals not only prove fruitless, but actually become counter-productive.
"These actions only intensify (Al-Qaeda) recruitment, instead of weakening the organisation.
"The problem is this innate tendency within all administrations or bodies to stack up figures, pull out statistics, use them to show how they are winning, how they are liquidating their enemies, etc," Filiu added.
The 'body-count' syndrome is actually a "trap" laid by Al-Qaeda into which the Americans have "fallen" blindly, added Lebanese-American researcher Fawaz Gerges, an international relations specialist at Sarah Lawrence College, New York.
"You cannot win this war on the battlefield, because there is none," said Gerges. "You're facing an unconventional war. The more you rely on military might, the more you lose the war of ideas against Al-Qaeda and the militants.
"In Iraq, we fell into their trap, we gave them more ideological ammunition.
"So many Muslims all over the world are now convinced, and this feeling is so entrenched, that the war in Iraq is not against Al-Qaeda, but against Islam."

So, Muslims whom we're to believe are inherently peaceful and minding their own business on their personal interior spiritual struggles will turn 180 degrees on a hair-trigger and behave like al-Qaeda, whose ideals are supposedly antithetical to theirs?

Gerges detects a growing appreciation of this phenomenon "even at the heart of the American administration," expressing his belief that a "new understanding" exists which casts the outgoing George W. Bush's war against Al-Qaeda as "counter-productive".
The echoes of Sun Tzu's writings, produced at least 2,500 years ago, are everywhere, viz:
"If you know others and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles; if you do not know others but know yourself, you win one and lose one; if you do not know others and do not know yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle".


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More on Mohammed Ghouse: "Bangalore terror suspect wanted to target US," from the Times of India:

DAVANAGERE: Suspected terrorist Riyazuddin Nasir alias Mohammed Ghouse wanted to visit the United States and spread terror there, he has told interrogators.
Since it was difficult to gain entry into the US, Ghouse had twice pleaded with terrorist leaders to at least send him to Iraq to work as a fidayeen — an extremist who equips himself with arms and ammunition and strikes a target, causing mass destruction.
However, the terrorist leaders persuaded him to drop the idea as they thought "there is so much to do in India".

Think globally; wage jihad locally.

Ghouse, who was well informed about post-9/11 incidents, grudged the American invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Investigations have revealed that Ghouse visited Mecca thrice for umrah (a pilgrimage undertaken during the non-Haj season), on a family passport that had a validity of 10 years up to December 2006.
He first visited Mecca as a child in 1996. In 2005, during his second trip, he met Abdul Samad, brother of South India's most wanted terrorist, Shahid Bilal, and reportedly expressed his willingness to go to Iraq as a fidayee to fight American forces.
However, his plan did not materialize. In 2006, Samad got Ghouse a fake passport and sent him to Pakistan. While undergoing training there, Ghouse again expressed his keenness to go to Iraq. But Bilal stopped him.
After Ghouse completed his training in Pakistan — from May 2006 to January 2007 — he was sent to India through the Nepal border with a mission: indulge in subversion and disturb peace.
Besides use of arms and explosives, Ghouse was trained in operating computers, reading and drawing maps, sketching and horse riding. "He has a graphic memory and is very quick in drawing maps," a police officer says.
Ghouse had planned to blast the Andhra Pradesh police headquarters in Hyderabad. The arrest of his father and brother, and the case booked against him by the Hyderabad police, made a teenage Ghouse drop out of college and take the path of jihad.
A senior IPS officer narrates an argument he had with Ghouse on jihad. When the officer pointed out that Islam shuns violence, Ghouse is supposed to have said: "Jihad is a holy struggle in the name of Allah." The officer says: "After half an hour, I gave up because I realized it would be impossible to convince him."
Ghouse and his associate Asadullah Abubaker, who were arrested in Davanagere district on charges of terrorism, are in police custody.
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"Sources said this could well be the first time that a terrorist camp used by self-proclaimed Islamist fundamentalists has been detected in southern India..."

"Terror camps, Pak flags in Karnataka jungles," from the Times of India:

KALGHATGI (DHARWAD): Terrorist training camps may be closer to home than the distant mountains in Pakistan.

This chilling evidence came to light during the interrogation of three Islamist radicals arrested recently - Riyazuddin Nasir alias Mohammed Ghouse, Asadullah Abu Bakar and Mohammed Asif.

The investigators have unearthed a thick forest area bordering Dharwad and Uttara Kannada districts of Karnataka, which was used to train terrorists in the use of firearms. The three youths arrested by anti-terror police in Hubli and Davanagere a fortnight ago allegedly received weapons training in these woods which are surrounded by religious shrines.

Sources said this could well be the first time that a terrorist camp used by self-proclaimed Islamist fundamentalists has been detected in southern India, where a spate of terror attacks in the last few years, such as the ones in Hyderabad's Mecca mosque and the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, have sensitized police to Islamist terrorism. It exposes a serious chink in the country's intelligence armour but also opens the door to getting answers on why and how Bangalore engineer Kafeel Ahmed transformed into the Glasgow bomber and his brother, Dr Sabeel Ahmed, joined in the UK terror plot.

Investigations led by DSP S V D'Souza revealed that the radicals were taking camping trips to the woods for "initial training as terrorists". During a raid, the officials noticed Pakistani flags flying and had them removed.

The details of the camp have been passed on to Central intelligence agencies. "The existence of the camp and the fact that the likes of prime suspect Mohammed Ghouse allegedly worked for a terror organization in Pakistan through intermediaries is of vital importance for intelligence agencies," an investigating official said.

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Kyrgyzstan Jihad Update. "Islamic terror leader seized in Kyrgyzstan," from UPI:

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 (UPI) -- The arrest in Kyrgyzstan of a suspected Central Asian Islamic terror leader has highlighted his movement's close relationships with the Taliban and al-Qaida.
Abdulkhai Yuldashev was detained in the Osh region of southern Kyrgyzstan, according to a statement from the Kyrgyz Interior Ministry in the capital Bishkek reported by the Interfax news agency.
Yuldashev was a leader within the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, or IMU, and is accused of involvement in attacks on Kyrgyz and Tajik border posts in May 2006, which killed several police and customs officials, the agency said.
Local media said Yuldashev was also known as Artyk, Interfax reported.
The IMU was formed in 1998 to create an Islamic state in Uzbekistan, but in the years since its formation, and under the ideological influence of al-Qaida, it has broadened its field of combat to include the entire Central Asian region militants refer to as Turkestan: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and the Xinxiang province of China.
Some members of the group have begun to refer to themselves as the Islamic Party or Movement of Turkistan, according to the Terrorism Knowledge Base maintained by the Oklahoma City Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism.
Last year, IMU fighters holed up in the Pakistani tribal area on the Afghan border clashed with local tribal militias.
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Indeed, not only are there physical "no-go" areas, but so many areas of thought and discourse which are made hazardous territory by similar threats of violence. An update on this story. "British bishop says he faces threats after comments on Islamic extremism," from the Associated Press (thanks to all who sent this in):

LONDON - An Anglican bishop who said Islamic extremism is creating "no-go areas" for non-Muslims in Britain says he has received death threats, and a British news agency reported Saturday that he is being given police protection.
Rt. Rev. Michael Nazir-Ali, the bishop of Rochester, raised hackles among many within Britain's 1.6 million-strong Muslim community when he wrote in an editorial last month that extremism was making some Islamic areas inhospitable to their non-Muslims residents.
In a statement posted on his website Friday, the bishop said that "since my article appeared, threats have been made against the safety of my family and myself, and have had to be reported to the police."
Britain's Press Association news agency said the bishop was under police protection, without citing sources. Police said Saturday that they are aware of the situation, but have a policy that prevents them from commenting on matters of personal security.
In January, Nazir-Ali warned that Islamic extremism was turning "already separate communities into 'no-go' areas where adherence to this ideology has become a mark of acceptability."
"Those of a different faith or race may find it difficult to live or work there because of hostility to them," he wrote in his editorial in the Sunday Telegraph. "In many ways this is but the other side of the coin to far-right intimidation. Attempts have been made to impose an 'Islamic' character on certain areas," he said, including the use of loudspeakers on mosques for the call to prayer.
Although the editorial was warmly received by Britain's opposition Conservatives, the Muslim Council of Britain called his comments "alarming" and said he was playing into the hands of the country's far-right.
Nazir-Ali said on his website Friday that the comments were not meant as a reference to the so-called "no-go areas" of Northern Ireland, where police once feared to tread because of the strength of militant sentiment, but rather as a general point about segregation and the difficulty Christian workers faced in predominantly Muslim areas.
Nazir-Ali, a dual Pakistani-British citizen, has both a Christian and Muslim family background.
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February 2, 2008

Not surprisingly, more of this. "Egypt searches for Palestinian terror cell," from the Associated Press:

Egyptian security forces were looking for four Palestinians on Friday who slipped into the country from the Gaza Strip and were suspected of planning suicide attacks against resorts in the Sinai Peninsula, a local security official said.
The search follows the arrests of 15 Palestinians over the past few days who were caught carrying weapons and explosives in the town of el-Arish, located some 35 kilometers (22 miles) from the border, and other remote parts of the Sinai desert.
Twelve of those arrested were members of Hamas, the militant Palestinian group that seized control of Gaza last June, said a senior intelligence officer in northern Sinai, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.
The group consisted of two cells arrested separately as they attempted to sneak out of el-Arish carrying explosives, electric circuits, machine guns and ammunition, the official added.
Egyptian officials have expressed concern that gunmen could attempt to sneak into the country ever since Hamas blew open the border wall with Gaza on January 23....
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Ain't multiculturalism grand?

It's Malik Mujahid, who, according to Miss Kelly, "published a book, Commanders of the Muslim Army, about historical Muslim military leaders 'who loved death more than life' and who 'led the armies of Islam against the Kuffars and nonbelievers.'"

She has more, too, as does LGF.

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Hesham Islam is responsible, according to earlier reports, for the firing of Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon's only expert on Islamic law. But now the questions about Islam himself, and what his intentions really are, are increasing.

"Islam probed," by Bill Gertz in the Washington Times (thanks to Mackie):

The Pentagon is looking into conflicting statements about the background of Hesham Islam, a special assistant to Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England who was the focus of a dispute with a Joint Staff counterterrorism analyst.

Mr. Islam faced tough questions about his background posed by veteran journalist Claudia Rosett, a former Wall Street Journal reporter who covered the United Nations oil-for-food scandal with Iraq. Last week, Miss Rosett took the Pentagon to task by uncovering serious discrepancies about the Egyptian-born Islam that no one at the Pentagon seems willing to answer.

Writing in National Review Online, Miss Rosett revealed that certain claims about Mr. Islam's background don't fit.

Shortly after she wrote about the discrepancies contained in a Pentagon-written article on Mr. Islam's background, the Pentagon removed the biography from its Web site, DefenseLink.mil.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said "that piece was taken down in an attempt to reduce the rhetoric and the emotion surrounding this issue while we try to determine the facts."

The Pentagon does not comment on such personnel matters, he noted. "That said, we are looking into the matter and trying to reconcile conflicting statements."

Mr. Morrell called later to clarify that the conflicting statements being probed relate to whether or not Mr. Islam used the term "Christian zealot with a pen" in describing Mr. Coughlin, and not about discrepancies in Mr. Islam's background.

Mr. Islam has come under fire from supporters of Stephen Coughlin, the Joint Staff analyst on counterterrorism whose contract was not renewed. The action followed a meeting between Mr. Coughlin and Mr. Islam several weeks ago when the two clashed over Mr. Coughlin's views on the Islamic law roots of terrorism.

After refusing comment to Inside the Ring, Kevin Wensing, a spokesman for Mr. Islam, now says that reports in this space that Mr. Islam called Mr. Coughlin a "Christian zealot with a pen" did not take place during the meeting.

Queries to other Pentagon officials familiar with the issue said the phrase was used by Mr. Islam after the meeting, not during it.

No action was taken against Mr. Islam, a Muslim adviser and confidant of Mr. England, for the anti-Christian comments.

Mr. Islam could not be reached for comment.

Miss Rosett tried — and failed — to get straight answers from Mr. Wensing about why Mr. Islam claimed that when he was 7 his family was bombed by Israeli jets at his home in Cairo, when there is no evidence the Israelis bombed the Egyptian capital during the 1967 war.

Also, Mr. Wensing could not explain why Mr. Islam said in his biography that he was on a freighter sunk by an Iranian torpedo in the Persian Gulf when there is no record of the ship being sunk.

According to his 1992 master's thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School, Mr. Islam is highly critical of Israel and the influence of American Jews on U.S. politics, noting that U.S. ties to Israel have harmed relations to other states in the Middle East.

One Pentagon official suggested that any security concerns about Mr. Islam are misguided, noting that someone in his position would have to face a background check.

Yes, and it appears to have been very thorough.

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Obviously, a Sharia Alert. "Tension Mounts in Kano as Govt Enforces Sharia," by Ibrahim Shuaibu for ThisDay:

Tension was rife in Kano following moves by the state's sharia police against brothel, hotels and cafes situated in non-Muslim sections of the Sabon Gari area of the metropolis.
The sharia police numbering about two hundred were seen at night patrolling in seven open vehicles that carried dangerous weapons including bows, arrows, sticks and cutlass. They attacked a civil service club at Magajin Rumfa Road, and all the hotels that are located in Sabon Gari, an area where most of its inhabitants are Christians.
The Sharia Police, otherwise called, Hisbah Police, earlier turned down summons by the Kano State Police Command, which had cautioned them about their unconstitutional activities. "We're operating our duties based on law of the state, and shariah must be complied with by anyone residing in Kano" a top official of the Hisbah said following the police summons.
When THISDAY visited the office of the Hisbah Police yesterday, about 70 females were found in cells, put there over allegations of prostitution, while one lady was in chains for declining to render relevant information.
Following the series of attacks on the Ibrahim Shekarau-led administration over alleged non-implementation of Islamic law in the state, the state Hisba Board tactically adopted means of enforcing the law in some part of the state.
Efforts to reach the state's Hisba commander-general, Sheikh Ibrahim M. Maibushra at the time of this report failed as he was said to be in a meeting.
But a source in the board, who pleaded for anonymity, described the reports of arrests as untrue, adding that it was unnecessarily exaggerated.
The source, who was reacting to a publication in one of the national newspaper (not THISDAY), said the Hisba Board had its hands tied since they it was taken to court. he, however noted that the board has managed to reduce the inflow of alcoholic drinks to the state by intercepting them on the highways.
Admitting that alcohol is still sold in some parts of the state, said all efforts are being made by the board to bring the sale to it minimum, but quickly added that they have no intention to have any confrontation with the state police command or any other security operatives in the state.
The source confessed that the board has been under pressure to practically enforce the Islamic law in every parts of the state as declared by the state government, but lamented that the board does not have the power to really implement the law to the later, as the police still have upper hand than them.
"Hisba is handicap, even though we have been empowered by the state assembly to carry out our function, which is enforcement of Sharia law. We have a lot of limitations which why Hisba has not been able to impose the law in some parts of the state", the source added.
The source also denied the speculations that the board is plotting on how to invade Sabon gari area in Fagge local government, which is sole dominated by over 90 percent of non indigenes resident in Kano state, said the board is concern about the nefarious activities in the areas, but they cannot take law into their hand.
However, THISDAY gathered that last Thursday Hisba members fasted and prayed against what they described as plots against their activities by enemies who wants to cause disharmony between them and state security operatives.
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February 1, 2008

An update on this story. "Female suicide bombers kill dozens in Baghdad markets," from CNN:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Female suicide bombers blew themselves up Friday at two markets in Baghdad, killing at least 64 people and wounding more than 100, authorities said.
In both bombings, the attackers were wearing suicide vests, according to Qasim Atta, a spokesman for the Baghdad security plan.
Atta told state TV that both women were mentally disabled and their explosives were remotely detonated.
The Al Ghazil pet market struck in the first attack is a popular destination where people buy and sell cats, dogs, monkeys and other animals. Attackers have struck the market on Fridays -- its busiest day -- several times in the last year or so.
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The motivation for a female jihad-martyrdom bomber is murkier than for a male one. The libidinous aspect is not there, but there have been reports that at least some of these female bombers, if not the ones involved in these Baghdad attacks, are women who have come to be considered as having sullied the family's purity, and as such, their surest path to Paradise is to take hold of Allah's guarantee of it to those who "kill and are killed" for him (Qur'an 9:111). And that promise, of course, may be attractive also to those who do not otherwise face immediate death.

"At least 64 dead in Baghdad market bombs," by Hamid Ahmed for Associated Press (thanks to Dav):

BAGHDAD - A female suicide bomber blew herself up at the main pet market in central Baghdad, killing at least 46 people and wounding dozens in the deadliest bombing to strike the capital since 30,000 more American troops began flooding into central Iraq last spring, police said.

About 20 minutes later, a second female suicide bomber struck another bird market in a predominantly Shiite area in southeastern Baghdad. That blast killed at least 18 people and wounded 25, police said.

The attacks shortly before the weekly Islamic call to prayer resounded across the capital were the latest in a series of violent incidents that have been chipping away at Iraqi confidence in the permanence of recent security gains.

The first blast occurred about 10:20 a.m. when the woman detonated explosives hidden under her traditional black robe at the central al-Ghazl market. The pet bazaar had recently re-emerged as a popular shopping venue as Baghdad security improved and a Friday ban on driving was lifted.

Firefighters scooped up debris scattered among pools of blood, clothing and pigeon carcasses.

Police initially said the bomb was hidden in a box of birds but later determined it was a suicide attack after finding the woman's head, an officer said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to release the information.

Female suicide bombing is widely believed to be a tool increasingly used by al-Qaida in Iraq.

Many teenage boys were among the 46 people killed and 82 wounded in al-Ghazl, according to police and hospital officials. It was the deadliest explosion in the capital since an April 18 car bombing killed 116 and wounded 145 in central Baghdad....

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They were screaming "Allahu akbar." Doesn't that make them...Islamic jihadists? Well, yes, but what about the Crusades?

"Report: Gunmen open fire at Israeli embassy in Mauritania," from AP (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist):

Six gunmen opened fire on the Israeli Embassy early Friday morning, trading fire with guards before fleeing screaming "Allah Akbar," witnesses said.

The six men arrived by car and regrouped in front of a discotheque that is just beside the embassy, said Hamza Ould Bilal, a taxi driver who was parked outside the club, called the VIP. He saw them pull out their automatic weapons and scream "God is Great!" in Arabic, before assailing the embassy, he said.

Yes, but no doubt they were Automatic Weapons of Peace.

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The speech took place at Bushehr, where a nuclear plant is under construction, and mostly concerned the nuclear issue. But when you're the Thug-in-Chief, there's always room for some hateful vaporings against Israel.

More information on this story. "Ahmadinejad sees nuclear energy in Iran by 2009," by Nazila Fathi for the New York Times:

TEHRAN — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran said Wednesday that his country would produce nuclear energy by next year and condemned Israel as a “filthy entity” that would soon collapse.
He spoke as the United Nations Security Council considered imposing new sanctions on Iran because of its refusal to halt uranium enrichment activities.
“We have been promised that we will have nuclear power this time next year in our power grid,” the ISNA news agency quoted him as saying in a speech in Bushehr, the southern city where Iran is building its first nuclear power plant.
Some Western countries and Israel have accused Iran of having a clandestine nuclear weapons program under the guise of a civilian nuclear program. Iran contends that its program is for peaceful purposes and will produce fuel for its nuclear plants.
In his speech, Mr. Ahmadinejad renewed his attack on Israel and warned Western nations to stop supporting it. “I warn you to abandon the filthy Zionist entity, which has reached the end of the line,” he said.
“It has lost its reason to be and will sooner or later fall,” he said. “The ones who still support the criminal Zionists should know that the occupiers’ days are numbered,” he said, adding that the countries that support Israel share responsibility in crimes against Palestinians.
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Hardly a partnership, then, is it? More on this story. "Yemen’s Deals With Jihadists Unsettle the U.S.," by Robert F. Worth for the New York Times:

SANA, Yemen — When the Yemeni authorities released a convicted terrorist of Al Qaeda named Jamal al-Badawi from prison last October, American officials were furious. Mr. Badawi helped plan the attack on the American destroyer Cole in 2000, in which 17 American sailors were killed.
But the Yemenis saw things differently. Mr. Badawi had agreed to help track down five other members of Al Qaeda who had escaped from prison, and was more useful to the government on the street than off, said a high-level Yemeni government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Mr. Badawi had also pledged his loyalty to Yemen’s president before being released, the official said.
The dispute over Mr. Badawi — whom the Yemenis quickly returned to prison after being threatened with a loss of aid — underscored a much broader disagreement over how to fight terrorism in Yemen, a particularly valuable recruiting ground and refuge for Islamist militants in the past two decades.
Yemeni officials say they have had considerable success co-opting jihadists like Mr. Badawi, often by releasing them from prison and helping them with money, schooling or jobs. They are required to sign a pledge not to carry out any attacks on Yemeni soil, often backed by guarantees from their tribe or family members. Many have taken part in an Islamic re-education effort led by religious scholars, now being copied on a wider scale in Saudi Arabia.
A number of these former jihadists have become government informants, helping to capture a new generation of younger, more dangerous Qaeda militants — some of them veterans of the war in Iraq — who refuse to recognize the Yemeni government. Others have become mediators, helping persuade escaped prisoners to surrender.
But American counterterrorism officials and even some Yemenis say the Yemeni government, more than others in the region, is in effect striking a deal that helps stop attacks here while leaving jihadists largely free to plan them elsewhere. They also say the Yemeni government caters too much to radical Islamist figures to improve its political standing, nourishing a culture that could ultimately breed more violence.


“Yemen is like a bus station — we stop some terrorists, and we send others on to fight elsewhere,” said Murad Abdul Wahed Zafir, a political analyst at the National Democratic Institute in Sana. “We appease our partners in the West, but we are not really helping.”
That same year, Mr. Saleh hit on an idea that he hoped would satisfy both his American and Islamist partners: “al hiwar al fikri,” or intellectual dialogue. This was an effort to inculcate the idea that Islam, properly understood, does not condone terrorism. Sessions began with hundreds of former jihadists who remained in prison without charges.

That old chestnut. Terrorism, perhaps. But what about jihad?

Some critics have dismissed the dialogue program, which lapsed in 2005 after terror attacks dropped off, as a sham in which inmates feigned conversion to get out of prison. But Nasser al-Bahri, a former driver for Mr. bin Laden who spent four years with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, said it was more like a raw bargain: exempt Yemen from your jihad and you will be left alone.
“It changed their behavior, not their thoughts,” said Mr. Bahri, a cheerful, talkative 33-year-old who once went by the nom de guerre Abu Jandal. “Judge Hetar cannot cancel jihad. It is in the roots of our religion.”

Read it all.

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Experts contend that Tablighi Jamaat does not act "willingly as a global jihadist recruiting arm," but with the track record of its members as detailed below, it must be held to account even as a supposedly passive enabler of jihadists. Every Australian should demand to know why the group has operated unchallenged and gained enough strength in the country to be poised to take over a Sydney mosque.

"Mosque group 'in a line to jihad'," by Natalie O'Brien for The Australian:

THE Islamic group accused of trying to seize control of Sydney's Sefton mosque is part of a movement described as a recruiting ground for al-Qa'ida in a new terrorism intelligence report.
The group attempting the takeover has members who follow the Tablighi Jamaat stream of Islam, described this week bythe private US intelligence group Stratfor as an "indirect line to terrorism".
Members of the Tablighi movement have recently been linked to a terrorist cell in Spain that was planning a bomb attack in Barcelona.
During a series of raids last week, Spanish police seized bomb-making materials and arrested 14 men who were said to be members of the Tablighi.
The Stratfor report says that on the surface, the Tablighi is a peaceful, egalitarian and devotional movement stressing faith and personal development, but it has links to the world of jihadism.
"The TJ organisation also serves as a de facto conduit for Islamist extremists and for groups such as al-Qa'ida to recruit new members," the report says.
It is used by jihadis as a cover for both recruiting activities and for travel. "Significantly, the Tablighi recruits do intersect with the world of radical Islamism when they travel to Pakistan to receive their initial training," it says.
Western intelligence agencies, including Britain's MI5 and the FBI in the US, have been monitoring the activities of the group.
However, the Stratfor report points out that the organisation "unintentionally" serves as a front for or conduit to militant organisations.
"There is no evidence that the Tablighis act willingly as a global jihadist recruiting arm."
Members of the Tablighi in Sydney have been accused of attempting to oust the imam at the Sefton mosque, in Sydney's southwest, so they can take control and bring in their own Tablighi sheik.
Attempts by the The Australian to contact Talbighi for a response were last night unsuccessful.
Trouble at the mosque began last year and spilled over into legal action, resulting in the Bankstown Magistrates Court being told that the power struggle was about the Tablighi members staging a takeover.
Lawyer Richard Mitry successfully overturned an apprehended violence order against the Sefton imam, Abdul Karim Quasimi, telling the court the order forcing him to stay away from his home and the mosque had nothing to with fears for personal safety and was all about a takeover by an extremist group.
The Stratfor report says there is information that once the recruits are in Pakistan, radical groups including the Taliban and al-Qa'ida actively woo them and offer them military training.
John Walker Lindh, the American jailed for 20 years for fighting with the Taliban, had initially travelled to Pakistan with the Tablighi.
The sect has also been linked to two of the July 7 London bombers, the failed shoe bomber Richard Reid, the so-called dirty bomber Jose Padilla, who was planning an attack in the US, and Lyman Harris, who was planning an attack on the Brooklyn bridge.
Members of the Lackawanna Six terror cell in the US travelled to Pakistan on the pretence of studying Islam and culture at the Tablighi training centre.
However, they travelled through Pakistan to Afghanistan and trained at al-Qa'ida's infamous al-Farooq camp.
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Instead of having to choose between "of the three Monotheistic religions recognised by the state," (i.e., Judaism, Christianity, or Islam) they can opt for a hyphen, or the word "without." They still can't call themselves Bahá’ís on official identification cards.

Islamic Tolerance Alert, and an update on this story. "A Question of Faith," by Gamal Nkrumah for Al-Ahram Weekly:

Bahaai community in Egypt, local and international human rights organisations warmly welcomed an Administrative Court ruling this Tuesday (29 January), which reversed the official state policy of denying essential identity documents to Egyptians who do not wish to be identified in official documents as adherents of the three Monotheistic religions recognised by the state.
Bahaai Egyptians, leading a legal battle over the past few years to be certified as Bahaais on official documents, won a first step court ruling to that effect in April 2006. The 2006 court ruling, however, was overturned later by the Supreme Administrative Court.
This week's new sentence seems to meet the Bahaais' demand half way, since while rejecting the demand that the Bahaai faith is a religion, it allowed those who do not wish to be identified as followers of Islam, Christianity or Judaism to have official documents in which the religion category would either be filled by a "hyphen" or the word "without".
"This is not just a victory for the Bahaai community of Egypt, but it is also a victory for all those Egyptians who do not adhere to the three monotheistic religions," Hossam Bahgat, director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) told Al-Ahram Weekly. "For the first time in contemporary Egyptian history, an individual who professes Hinduism or Buddhism, or even those wishing to call themselves non-believers, could enjoy full citizenship rights. That in itself is a great advance of human rights and will tremendously enhance the country's human rights record," Bahgat explains.
Basma Moussa, a leader and spokeswoman of the Bahaai community of Egypt, concurs. She was ecstatic. "This ruling is what we have been struggling to achieve for years. At last our prayers have been answered. We are extremely grateful that justice has been served and that finally we can lead normal lives as Egyptian citizens," Moussa says.
Labib Iskandar, a leading Egyptian Bahaai, and a professor of engineering at Cairo University laments that, "we used to move about without personal identification cards. That is a criminal offence in Egypt. We could be stopped by police at any moment, anywhere and asked for our ID."
"Inability to produce an ID card entails a five-year prison sentence," Moussa, a dentist and an assistant lecturer at Cairo University says. "The civil status law makes it obligatory for every Egyptian citizen to carry on his or her personal ID card".
"These documents are essential to obtain education and employment, register births, immunise children, and conduct basic transactions such as opening a bank account, obtaining a driver's licence, or collecting a pension," Bahgat extrapolates.
"A previous ruling by the Supreme Administrative Court in December 2006 had upheld the state policy of refusing to recognise the religious affiliation of Bahaais in official documents, arguing that such recognition would violate public order and Sharia [Islamic law] requirements," Bahgat explains.

That ruling also described them as "pro-Israeli apostates."

The December 2006 ruling prompted Bahaai Egyptians to file two other lawsuits -- the subject of Tuesday's ruling -- requesting documents that do not list any religious affiliation. "The new cases, filed by EIPR lawyers, argued that forcing Bahaais to identify falsely as Muslim or Christian violated their rights to freedom of conviction, privacy, equality and full citizenship rights," Bahgat notes.
Bahaais began to experience grave difficulties beginning in 1995, when the authorities insisted that all Egyptians had to acquire or replace personal documents with computerised ones from the central Civil Registry Office in the Ministry of Interior.
It is hoped that this week's ruling would finally allow Bahaai Egyptians to obtain birth certificates and computerised identity cards leaving the religious category void.
Bahgat, Iskandar and Moussa hope that the state would implement the ruling as soon as possible. "We urge the government to implement the decision without delay, and not to appeal this clear verdict of the court," Bahgat says.
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