Bangladesh: Leader of Islamic Law Implementation Committee threatens to "paralyze" country if women's rights measures are approved

Those measures could lead to outrageous, horrible, unthinkable, and obscene things like equal property rights.

An update on this story. "Amini threatens to paralyse nation if women policy executed," from The Daily Star (Bangladesh), May 5:

Leaders of Islamic Law Implementation Committee (ILIC) yesterday threatened to paralyse the country if the government does not scrap what they termed as 'anti Islamic provisions' in the National Women Development Policy (NWDP) 2008.
Led by Islami Oikya Jote's Fazlul Huq Amini, ILIC leaders declared a three-point programme including a rally at city's Paltan maidan on July 18 to press for their demand.
"The caretaker government won't survive if they implement this anti-Islamic law," Fazlul Huq Amini told the ILLC representatives from across the country who attented the conference at the Engineers Institute in the city.
He called on the armed forces to withdraw its support from the government, saying that the present government couldn't last if the armed forces withdraw their support.
The radical leader at one stage of his speech termed those who support NGO's as non-Muslims (kafer). He sought pledges from his followers to be ready to sacrifice their lives to 'save' the holy Quran.
Others termed the advisers non-Muslims for having formulated NWDP.
Muhiuddin Khan, senior vice-president of a faction of Islami Oikkya Jote, said that his faction was ready to sacrifice anything to press for their demands.
ILIC will hold seminars and meetings at district headquarters to mobilise public support against the NWDP.
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Sick people. They just cannot stand for the idea of equality as it would destroy the mulsims laws.

A country to match his brain.


Islam: cutting women in half since 622 AD.

Robert, I really feel that you need to be able to pool these women/girls-related stories together. There is a large resource bank here at JW/DW and whilst it is searchable, you are not maximising its effectiveness. It could be incredibly powerful to be able to present all of the misogynist material here in a seamless web, ordered by theme or country for example. This would allow us - and researchers - to see for themselves the real impact of Islam on women's rights and track developments much more easily. I honestly feel that the one-minute shelf life of most of these postings really does an injustice to what is here. I won't even go there with Frontpage Mag - not your editorial I know but what a badly designed site with so much useful content hidden away, inaccessible and poorly organised!

This my first ever comment on either JW or DW. I've been visiting the two sites for a while now and they've really opened my eyes to the threat posed to the West. If only they were mandatory reading for our wilfully blind, deaf and dumb politicians.
Here in Scotland we've been largely spared the excesses of Islam... Glasgow airport
notwithstanding. However, I know that more and more people here are becoming aware of the potential threat posed to us and experienced by our neighbours south of the border.

I'd like to back up 'dip' above in his suggestion that similar subjects be categorized for ease of reference. I appreciate this might be a large undertaking.

Keep up the good work.

Paralyze...what an interesting word choice. Perfectly describes muslim countries, muslim mindsets, muslim inventions, muslim science, and especially the paralyzed feeling so many underage girls must feel on their wedding night to a 50 year-old man.

Bangladesh: Leader of Islamic Law Implementation Committee threatens to "paralyze" country if women's rights measures are approved

Where is the N O W? WHERE? Why do they remain silent when this kind of stuff goes on?

Why is it that liberal groups like the N O W protest loudly when our friends aren't 100% on women's rights issues; yet when our enemy scores a 0% on women's rights issues, they are very strangely silent.

This silence speaks volumes about these people.

The radical leader at one stage of his speech termed those who support NGO's as non-Muslims (kafer). He sought pledges from his followers to be ready to sacrifice their lives to 'save' the holy Quran.

So tell me again, what is so holy about the Koran?

I must have slept through that class.

And exactly how would this be different from the country's current condition?

Sounds like the ILIC doesn't realize that the country is already half paralyzed, because approximately half of its citizens (women) are held in personal, social, and financial bondage.

So afraid of women...too bad...