Al-Qaeda second banana: Muslims will defeat Obama


"God willing, your end will be at the hands of the Muslim nation, so that the world and history will be free of your crimes and lies."

"Terrorism: Muslims will defeat Obama vows Al-Qaeda no. 2," from AKI, September 23 (thanks to James):

Rome, 23 Sept. (AKI) - Al-Qaeda's second in command Ayman al-Zawahiri has issued a new video threat to US president Barack Obama. "Your end will be at the hands of the Muslim nation," al-Zawahiri said in the video, which was posted on militant websites.

"After Bush, thanks to Allah, after all these years that America failed, it has presented a new, hypocritical face. Smiling at us, but stabbing us with the same dagger that Bush used," said al-Zawahiri, referring to former US president George W. Bush

"God willing, your end will be at the hands of the Muslim nation, so that the world and history will be free of your crimes and lies."

Al-Zawahiri renewed Al-Qaeda's earlier calls for Muslims to join a 'holy war' or Jihad, urging them not to wait for their 'traitor' governments or spiritual leaders to take action.

"Who has not waged Jihad as a youngster will certainly not do so when they are old," he said....

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"God willing, your end will be at the hands of the Muslim nation, so that the world and history will be free of your crimes and lies."

Says a representative of the most criminal and deceptive element in human history.

When you read the sheer insanity above, it makes you realize the kind of rabies-infected wild animals we are dealing with.

You can also see the rabid insanity displayed in the sheer ugliness of the Mohammedan's face above.

Upon closer inspection of the above photo of a certifiable lunatic, you see 3 of RS's books in the bookcase!

How'd that happen???!!!

... so that the world and history will be free of your crimes and lies.

While I agree that Prez Obama is a liar and a crook, let's get it right all his crookery has been to the favor of Moslem activists everywhere, including al-Zawahiri.

Now that I think about it, Prez Obama should grow a beard. But would Oprah approve?

*** 33:22 ***

Who has not waged Jihad as a youngster will certainly not do so when they are old.

He's calling for a youth program here. Prez Obama, once his beard is filled in, should announce a global Midnight Basketball program for Moslem youth.

Maybe Obama is finding it a bit tougher than he thought to talk to anyone "without pre-conditions."

After reading the above, Hussein will clue us all in again about how Islam "has a proud tradition of tolerance."

Oh, excuse me, the above utter and complete lie I just quoted from Hussein comes from the Cairo speech.

Y'know, you really do have to hand it to Mo for being the consummate con man.

He wants to be a Prophet, so he starts a belief system that OK's murder in the name of the pagan moon deity that is his prop, and not only that - the Murderers will be called "Martyrs" and go straight to the Islamic heaven filled with constantly-recycled virgins, little boys, and rivers of wine, after "slaying and being slain." And people fell for it.

That is the Con of all time, I'm sure everyone here will agree.

Making those tapes in the cave must be a real bitch what with the echoing and feedback!

His forehead marks the spot!

Hey, al-Zawahiri! I fatwa you!

It is I! Abdullah Bhullah, the wacky mullah!

How care you insult the Obamahdi! He is coming to turn the world into one big, socialist government! He is DA MAN!

Obviously, al-Zawahiri, you have been living in your cave too long and banging your head on the cold, stone floor!

I picture Obama receiving the daily briefing, furrowing his brow, and actually feeling a little miffed that this idiot Zawahiri doesn't see what a friend he is to the Muslim people.

I'll bet he's personally offended. I'd stake money on it.

"After Bush, thanks to Allah, after all these years that America failed, it has presented a new, hypocritical face. Smiling at us, but stabbing us with the same dagger that Bush used," said al-Zawahiri, referring to former US president George W. Bush.

Stabbing them? Bush and Hussein Osama? Bush sure did a hell of a lot of sandal-licking for the Saudis, but Barack Arafat Saddam Hussein Osama has taken that sandal-licking to a whole new level of appeasement and surrender, and the zebibah-displaying inbred bedouin savage has the nerve to say that it (not he) and his fellow mahoundians have been stabbed by the current and the former US presidents? Come on...

Only if Tom Tancredo were president, and the black Rubik's cube worshipped by mahoundians had been blown to smithereens (preferably along with the minaret-ornamented corral fence surrounding it), there would be any substance to these claims. Otherwise, that thing with the bull's eye on its forehead is just whining for no reason.

This is what I wrote last time this monkey f**ker let the verbal diaria fly. I thought it was good enough to repeat.

"OK, I think... That this guy may possably be a genetic mutation due to the interbreeding of an imam, and monkey.

what looks like short lady in the burka, is actualy his wife and an orangutan.

Preemptive apologies to the nature croud, that know that orangutans are actualy intelligent, peaceful, creatures.

To the Islamic crowd... Sod off."

This is what I wrote last time this monkey f**ker let the verbal diaria fly. I thought it was good enough to repeat.

"OK, I think... That this guy may possably be a genetic mutation due to the interbreeding of an imam, and monkey.

what looks like short lady in the burka, is actualy his wife and an orangutan.

Preemptive apologies to the nature croud, that know that orangutans are actualy intelligent, peaceful, creatures.

To the Islamic crowd... Sod off."


Now, I'm not a fan of Obama. However, as a Canadian, most of what he does is of little or no concern to me.

In a free society, we are free to air our criticisms in no uncertain terms, even if in a crude way.

But ...

This to me looks like either a clear personal threat against the President of the United States' life, or a call to assassinate said president, a duly elected national leader.

And I find it disturbing (not surprising, maybe, but disturbing).

It could also be a reference to the idea they think he's an apostate, and so should be killed, and/or a way of drawing Obama's Inner Muslim out.

And this is also very disturbing.

I hope the US security services are paying attention.

I think Robert photo-shopped that in, Darcy.

the teacher advocates the lesser Jihad for the youngsters. astounding. why doesn't State pickup on this diplomat of chaos.

perhaps Allah has informed him to urge the brothers to no longer be peaceful (as if either he or Allah had that power). that might disturb all of the brothers who've put on a different face.

the teacher advocates the lesser Jihad for the youngsters. astounding. why doesn't State pickup on this diplomat of chaos?

perhaps Allah has informed him (through the writings, of course) to urge the brothers to no longer be peaceful (do either he or Allah have that power?). that might disturb all of the brothers who've put on a different face...rubbing out all that "good intent pancake" can be so painful.

""After Bush, thanks to Allah, after all these years that America failed, it has presented a new, hypocritical face. Smiling at us, but stabbing us with the same dagger that Bush used," said al-Zawahiri... -- from the article.

"I picture Obama receiving the daily briefing, furrowing his brow, and actually feeling a little miffed that this idiot Zawahiri doesn't see what a friend he is to the Muslim people...I'll bet he's personally offended. I'd stake money on it." -- winoceros

Indeed, wino, but it will probably not be the kind of offense felt by someone who been insulted, but rather the kind felt by a child who has been scolded by a parent, on account of his sympathies for all things Islamic. In the latter case it's likely that he will then bend over backwards to please and to avoid further "offense" in the future. It is this potential for appeasement that scares the hell out of everyone.

It's a staged photo.

Look at the books on the shelf...oh, sure, Zawhiri reeads up on RS....

JW has about as much integrity as FPM...well, that might be misconstrued as a compliment by some.

: )


So you extrapolate a lack of integrity with the use of a comedic photo?

Oh, that's right! There is no fun in islam, just mind-numbing rules and regulations for all those drones that can't be trusted with their own genitals.

"Look at the books on the shelf...oh, sure, Zawhiri (sic) reeads (sic) up on RS...." Slave-to-a-pagan-moon-god, Ab Mik

The Mohammedan should. He'd learn something about his Barbaric ideology.

He should get some plastic surgery to cover the location of the frontal lobotomy he had but DogWithoutSlippers makes a good provides a good target.

That up there (photo) - is a perfect example of what's called a: Barbarian.

Dear Mr. Obama,

The Muslim world thinks you're a wimp and a fool. They don't and never will want to be friendly with the U.S. You can besmerch your own country and bend over for the grand high muckety muck of Saudi Arabia, but they still won't like the U.S.

Al Qaeda has one thing right: we do have a new hypocritical face at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This face is pouring more money and troops into Afghanistan, extending the war in Iraq (just where are all those liberal anti-war supporters right now?) and will spell the end of America for over 300,000,000 people.

Be very careful who you vote for: you may just get him/her.

That is one ugly man lol. And I agree the mark on his forehead makes for a perfect bulleye!!

Spirit Wolf - good points, and straight to the point.