Scotland Yard warns: "Mumbai is coming to London"

Chatter is increasing among the Misunderstanders of Islam. "Police expect Mumbai-style terror attack on City of London," by David Leppard for The Sunday Times, December 20 (thanks to Alan of England):

Scotland Yard has warned businesses in London to expect a Mumbai-style attack on the capital.

In a briefing in the City of London 12 days ago, a senior detective from SO15, the Metropolitan police counter-terrorism command, said: "Mumbai is coming to London."

The detective said companies should anticipate a shooting and hostage-taking raid "involving a small number of gunmen with handguns and improvised explosive devices"....

"Before, there has been speculation. Now we are getting what appears to be a definite plot to carry out a firearms attack on London," he said....

Security sources said concerns had been raised by "chatter" on a prominent jihadist website two weeks ago.

One contributor suggested fighters could use automatic weapons to strike places such as nightclubs, sporting venues and Jewish centres.

In an online discussion hosted on December 2, another contributor invited suggestions for carrying out "guerrilla warfare" and proposed "a group of mujaheddin raid police stations and fire at them".

Another said: "Make sure that all those at the location are of age, that there are no children and so on. Insist on the locations and times where no Muslims or children are to be expected.

"If machine guns are available, and explosive and expertise for [explosives] are not available, this is a good way ... The [Mumbai] operation is the ideal scenario for operations you are talking about."

A third contributor said targets should be "chosen in a studied manner".

He added: "In general, targeting economic joints and intelligence centres if possible has priority over police stations."...

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It certainly will not be Mohammedans, more likely those islamophobes. Or those misunderstanders of Islam, and who pays the price the unfortunate non Muslims going about their lives. The carnage and human sacrifice for the blood thirsty murderous Allah and his pedophile side kick the prophet Mohammad.

Too bad Britain doesn't have a Second Amendment. The more guns in the hands of good people, the better. Of course, modern liberals will remain ever clueless about this, just as they cannot comprehend that the bigger the government, the smaller the people. Bigger government also invariably means stupider and more inefficient government. For confirmation of this just look at the British health care system or the government's educational initiatives to make Islam appear with a warm and happy face. And then, of course, there is the BBC.

Thomas Jefferson was correct when he observed that government is best which ordinarily governs least. And the British govenrment's greatest sin? Why, Muslim immigration en masse, which is destroying Britain from within. Here in America, we have a President so determined to learn nothing from history that he would love to duplicate the modern British approach to most everything. Ditto for the idiotic Congress America has right now. Stupid world. Were I Muslim, I would be encouraged.

Time for real people to run the West. You know, Winston Churchill and Harry Truman types. But where are they? Meanwhile, Mumbais aplenty are coming to London and other Western cities. It will get darker before the light appears. Count on it.

Now could this possibly be?!!!I mean like...didn't Britain ban ALL guns? There shouldn't be any guns around for islamic terrorists to use in an attack like this. No? I mean gun control is really effective, isn't it?? Like LOndon is a really safe city because there are no guns, right?? Are you telling me that thugs and aspiring murderers can actually get a gun in gun free Britain? Wow...bummer. (Please turn sarcasm meter to ON position before reading) And don't get too excited about OUR second ammendment. Some states and cities have robbed citizens of the right of self protection. New York City is one of those places. The odds af anyone but maybe a cop having a gun at say the Waldorf are very slim.

Too bad Britain doesn't have a Second Amendment.

Aye, Wellington!
We here in Canada do not have a Second amendment, either.

Prime Minister Steven Harper has removed the gun registry for rifles, that was imposed by the previous Liberals, but we still cannot carry a registered handgun in Canada.
For our own protection I wish he would remove this block.

The criminal elements in Toronto, Montreal, and the other large metro areas all seem to have unregistered guns of every shape and size, automatic even, but the taxpaying citizens aren't allowed to protect ourselves against them. Only the police and security forces can carry them.

LOL, on a Jihadist website. Don't make me laugh. Anyone who has spent any time at all on any one of a hundred different youtube comment channels can hear that stuff all day long.

Would England, The United States, Canada or Australia have allowed tnes of thousands of self-declared members of the Nazi Party and the S.S. to immigrate from Germany in 1942?

I think not.

This warning from New Scotland yard again raises the question in my mind as to why we in the West are allowing a continuing immigratory invasion of the followers of Islam.

What good can come of it? Assimilation into our cultures? I think not.

We are inviting disaster by jihad in allowing the army of Muslim soldiers to continue arriving in the West by the tens of thousands.

England, we hardly knew ye.

Scotland Yard is warning of killer commandos attacking London, and the army will probably be too late because their barracks are outside the city.

"The Met is understood to be struggling to draw up effective plans to deal with the challenge of mass shootings"

How did they go from sensitivity training to body bags. These cops need to get their shit together.

The real tragedy will come after the massacre when officials fall over themselves explaining how it had nothing to do with Islam.

I read that the UK police are trying to keep thousands of suspected radical islamists under surveillance. We are long since past the point where radical islamists, correctly identified, should be allowed entry to the west. If they are already here, and not yet citizens, then deport. And take them into custody pending their deportation hearing.

Mumbai comes to London for one reason: London welcomes it. The only reason they can "fight us over here" is because we let them in.

It didn't even matter that we were at war in 1942. Our borders had long been closed. Not even Jews fleeing Hitler could come here. Of course that was pre "reform" put over on us by the Great Society Democrats in 1965. Today it's easier for a Pakistani to get here than it is for an Englishman or a German. We are on a path to ruin and we have no one but ourselves to blame. See what happens next year, when many of the same people who will vote for the monstrosity currently being considered in the Senate will face no penalty from voters. We have the government we deserve.

al-Kidya says, "The criminal elements in Toronto, Montreal, and the other large metro areas all seem to have unregistered guns of every shape and size, automatic even, but the taxpaying citizens aren't allowed to protect ourselves against them. Only the police and security forces can carry them."

And the criminal elements have more effective weapons than the cops!

I may be wrong, but I think that many in the government DO realize the threat from Islam but for political reasons they choose to pubicly ignore/discount it. I don't for a second think they are as unaware as they seem to be, but they know if they start talking about it in the open like they do behind closed doors, all hell will break loose. And the "it had nothing to do with Islam" statements only serve the same political purpose- their own personal "gotta cover my political ass" purpose. Don't want to lose the muslim vote, ya know. The fallout from that position is the muddying of the waters and the general public gets just another confusing instance of official denial of what is, to us, so clearly obvious. Despite these selfish tactics, the public-at-large is slowly becoming more and more aware of the realities we face.

Infidelatlarge, I see your point,

But in a worldwide context the real problem seems to be demographics, don't you agree? If we simply compare the demographic growth of the Muslims with those of the Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, other-category-followers than the Muslims in this era seem to grow much faster than the rest. They HAVE the most ANGRY YOUNG MEN. Who are still "stupid" but full of hormones. And the rest of mankind is still overwhelmingly blissfully ignorant of this. And so very much as divided as ever.

Demography-experts tell us that mankind moves into cities in great numbers and percentages and this will put a stop to big families, even those of Muslims, and world-population will stabilize at perhaps 10 billion around 2050. So Muslims will gradually lose the demographic advantage they now have.

If Muslims would not have this demographic advantage then they could migrate whereever they wanted and then still they wouldn't expand much in opposition to the other faith-believers. They would even lose big-time then, I think.

But how are we going to counter this demographic advantage of the Muslims over us Democrats now? When our majority refuses to acknowledge it and unite in the face of it?

I would like to add that when Muslims truly lose their demographic advantage over the followers of other life-convictions and especially the democrats among humans, then even the difference in government in democratic countries and dictatorial countries could be circumvented, because with absolutely equal procreation of Muslims and Democrats and divers people, migration from Islamic dictatorial countries to democratic ones would increase the percentage of Muslims living under democratic rule.

And this in turn may well give democracy an increasing chance of defeating theocracy and mysogeny among Muslims. In the long term I mean, allowing mankind to at least move in the right direction.

Now it's not so sure IF we are moving in a right direction in the 21st century?!

So, the source of this rumour is jihadi website? Wouldn’t be YouTube or the Guardian (folks here should really take a peek at their “comments is free” section – in anti-Semitism it puts Stormfront to shame, it does!) by any chance would it? Come on, give me a break! Is this the best source for our multi-million pound funded security service? Give me my money back!

Our boys and girls are dying in Afghanistan so that we are spared these murderers here, well that’s the excuse trotted out by our coward politicians and corrupt media. So what’s the point of being there at the cost billions that our bankrupt country cannot afford?

Let’s stop the charade.

This is nothing but scare tactics used by MI5 or whichever security agency (an oxymoron in itself) in collusion with our politicians trotted out regularly like clockwork in order to keep us all under surveillance.

If they really wanted to stop terrorism they’d ban quaran and stop funding Islamic schools and community centres, oh, and stop dishing out knighthoods and peerages to muslims for no other merit but for being muslims.

It’s not rocket science.

So, the source of this rumour is jihadi website? Wouldn’t be YouTube or the Guardian (folks here should really take a peek at their “comments is free” section – in anti-Semitism it puts Stormfront to shame, it does!) by any chance would it? Come on, give me a break! Is this the best source for our multi-million pound funded security service? Give me my money back!

Our boys and girls are dying in Afghanistan so that we are spared these murderers here, well that’s the excuse trotted out by our coward politicians and corrupt media. So what’s the point of being there at the cost billions that our bankrupt country cannot afford?

Let’s stop the charade.

This is nothing but scare tactics used by MI5 or whichever security agency (an oxymoron in itself) in collusion with our politicians trotted out regularly like clockwork in order to keep us all under surveillance.

If they really wanted to stop terrorism they’d ban quaran and stop funding Islamic schools and community centres, oh, and stop dishing out knighthoods and peerages to muslims for no other merit but for being muslims.

It’s not rocket science.

A short while ago a terror plot was interupted, 10 pak "students" were arrested after a senior anti terror police displayed a operational briefing to the press by accident/incompetance while getting out of a car.
The students were not charged, 8 went back to pak, 2 are fighting deportation.
In pak there was outrage that these "students" were expelled.
The problem is we do not have a leader or politician that is willing to stand up and state publicly, pakistan & pakistani's are a threat to the security of the UK, they are not permitted entry, ban flights from/to pak, expell all pak citizens, revoke visas.

Unfortunatly an attack will happen sooner or later. LeT & others are very active in the UK. Hizb ut Tarir has alot of support, neither party will ban them or take action, the cost in lost votes does not bear thinking about.

In the mean time we have the left/liberal media trying to convince us that the terror threat is not islamic.
Last Wedmesday @ 9PM we had the PC/lefty/liberal "spy drama" Spooks, with a group of "Hindu/Indian" terrorists planning a "Beslan" style attack on a moslem girls school.
It was ludicrous.

Unfortunatly it is going to take much spilt infidel blood, a probable far right backlash during which non moslem Sikhs/Hindus will suffer, before anyone in power starts to join the dots.
The worst is yet to come.

If the police/ govt. know who these people are with their plans on the internet , why not just get them and shoot them ?
A sane society would do that

If the police/ govt. know who these people are with their plans on the internet , why not just get them and shoot them ?
A sane society would do that

If it weren't sickening, it would be funny - the British National Party, self-declared bastion of all that might help protect us, or at least mount a few reprisal raids, has decided that the Jews are organising it all, so it's time to deface a few cemeteries for Christmas.

And then there are the heroes of the IRA, tutors to Islamic terrorists and drug cartels everywhere, purveyors of narcotic pills and powders to the world in the name of Irish 'freedom' (with seed capital from the US, would you believe?). In Belfast the Catholics fly the PLO flag, the Protestants the Israeli, and if you think they're joking, check the murder rates and kneecapping figures. It's not just the Brits who are blind - it's dumb Yanks who keep feeding money into that reservoir of Irish expertise that teaches the dimwit jihadi's the technical bits. I lived through the last IRA campaign against London and will hopefully survive the next wave of criminals in religious disguise. The only difference is that I like the Irish and understand the original grievance. The opposite holds true for the Q'reepi Q'raulis. Quite a lot of the arms intended for the IRA walked in transit, not all of them into the hands of crimials - although of course we will be just that the minute we lay hands on them, self- and society-defence or not. I just hope the swine try it somewhere near a bunch of Uzi- and H&K-wielding yardies.....

I pray to God that this attack never happens anywhere, but even if it did, I expect DhimmiUK to sit on its hands, set up truth finding and root cause commissions, increase financial aid to prevent a backlash, reduce misunderstanding of Islam and promote community cohesion. As though all of these failed policies have prevented new terrorist attacks.

It's sick and getting sicker out their.

"But in a worldwide context the real problem seems to be demographics, don't you agree?"


The problems are two-fold:

1) Muslim doctrine and law

2) The blind refusal of Western Civilization's leaders, political and military, to educate themselves in Muslim doctrine and law as they are written and practiced, historically and in present day circumstances.

This trance-like state of hyper-denial is going to be our undoing and demise.

Large sections of the British populus are fully aware of the threat of Jihad but in the understated British way do not talk about it as it would be racist or islamophobic. I know this for a fact having talked with people whom you would think were right-on. In fact a lot of them are downright suspicious of Muslims and are very disturbed by the inaction of the the government. Most of them take very little prodding to point out the racist, sexist and anti-western points that Islam makes. A lot of them think its only a matter of time before a huge terrorist attack takes place in one of our major cities. A lot of them think we would be better off with our troops protecting our borders not being blown up in Afghanistan or Iraq.In fact the more clued up ones know that the politicians are protecting thier muslim votes at the expense of the general populus. There is a seething anger at all levels of british society about the situation, witness the million votes for the BNP, the election of councillors, county countycouncillors, MEPs and the rest. When the hammer of terrorism falls again (and it will) be prepared to witness this terrible anger manifest itself.

You are probably mistaken in believing that more people recognize the threat from Islam but just pretend otherwise for political reasons. Even among people who call themselves conservative most of them would rather die, they would rather have their heart ripped out of their chest while they are still alive, than admit that there is anything wrong with Islam. It is a belief brainwashed into them by multiculturalism and liberal teaching and it is stronger for most of them then their belief in whatever religion they claim to be a member of. It is because of this, the replacement of traditional belief in God and religion of the Bible, with belief in multiculturalism and "tolerance" as the Supreme Value of the World, that the West is destined to fail as a civilization. Only an actual miracle, that is, God acting in the affairs of Man, can change this at this point. The modern liberal West has failed, it is just in the process of winding down at this point.

That doesn't come as a surprise. British and French Mohammedans are very agrressive and prone to terrorism. It started all in Bradford, North England in 1988 with a rally against Salman Rushidie's book "The Satanic Verses" which the Mohoundians burnt, like the Nazis who burnt books of Jewish authors. Islam equals Nazism.

"British and French Mohammedans..."

It may be more correct to say "Mohammedans in Britain and France" to clarify that Mohammedans are Muslims first, they are not really "British" or "French" in the sense that nationality has always been recognized in the West. All Western nations should establish in their constitutions that Islam, being incompatible with democracy and freedom, is not an accepted religion for citizens. Citizenship oaths should contain specific renunciations of key Islamic doctrines.

Threats, threats, and more threats to cause trouble and kill people. Y'know, if you think about it, the moslems got a lot of brass threatening the majority population, in our own lands. If they realized the natives could come down like stink on shit on these terrorists(without government mandate) they'd be packing for Mecca, where they could cause the Saudi royal family grief. It's time to get real, western governments are in cahoots with the terrorists and will back their "rights" over the indiginous citizenry. So, my friends, remember, we can make threats and cause trouble, too. It's time to bust some heads, because that's all they understand; viz., whenever they get their clocks cleaned as in the recent IDF vs. Hamas trouble they pick up their Humus and cry all the way home. Maybe, the western world, whom they hate, will ironically feel sorry for them and forgive them for 'misbehaving'.

I totally agree with you, ThinkThrice. I also think that Mahoundians can never really be British, French or any other European citizens. But unfortunately Mahoundians get European nationalities We're diggimg our own graves.


The 2nd Amendment didn't help at Ft. Hood, did it?

"The 2nd Amendment didn't help at Ft. Hood..."

Or at any college campus that has outlawed guns.

We don't have a second ammendment and we don't want one thank you. Compare the gun deaths per thousand in the U.K with those in the U.S. If we get a Mumbai style attack we will invite the perpetrators for tea and muffins and point out to them that they are being naughty

Why is the West allowing these people to immigrate?

The answer for the UK is because the Labour government took a deliberate decision to create a society with a large number of non-British members. Read this for details:

This story alone should cost Labour the next election. In an earlier and more realistic age such treasonous activity would have cost Blair and his co-conspirators their freedom, and probably their lives. But the death penalty for treason has now been abolished... by the current Labour government. I wonder why?

Yes Infidelatlarge, I fully agree with your 2 points.

I just submit that without any demographic advantage whatsoever the Muslims would have to rely on power or persuasion to expand their influence, their flock. That they are incapable of. Studies have shown, at least that was concluded by some, that when people have lot's of young men, and many of these have scant perspectives, that is when the danger of war/ conflict looms highest.

If the Muslims now migrate to Western countries then in the Islamic countries the deficit is quickly compensated and still the population in this era grows very fast, meaning a high proportion of angry young men without much perspective.

But after increased medical healthcare a much lower percentage of the Western populations died young, and after a while the number of births dropped accordingly. This has recently also happened to countries like Thailand, Brazil and doubtless many more.

The problem also seems to me that Western civilization cannot quickly enough attract large percentages of the young Muslim minds to defect from Islam to Democracy. And Westerners, as pointed out above, are incapable of appreciating the danger enough, of uniting, of performing better so as to attract these Islamic young minds in large numbers.

Maybe that is why in the 21st century Western civilization goes extinct. The minority in it not withstanding, the majority, in their lazy ignorance and childish naivete, criminal cooperation, seems to deserve it too!

Sometimes I wish for new lands to be discovered and the true democratic people should then migrate and start new really democratic, well protected countries. Or just threathen to do it.

We in the US have more not-so-sudden jihadists doing more recon on more targets than does England. The only reason it's not reported openly here is that it will make DHS/FBI etc look bad.

This is the Direct Result of Anglo-American Islamic Conspiracy of 1979 in my country Iran, anyone remember How Shah of Iran Warned The Greedy West about Not Betraying him and his Nation? anyone listened?

This is the Direct Result of 1979 Anglo-American Islamic Revolution in my country Iran,Anyone remember how The Shah of Iran Warned The Greedy West about it?

This is the Direct Result of 1979 Anglo-American Islamic Revolution in my country Iran,Anyone remember how The Shah of Iran Warned The Greedy West about it?

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