University of California, Berkeley: Muslim "activist" thug assaults Jewish girl in pro-Israel group

Story here (thanks to Joseph).

Surely by tomorrow morning Honest Ibe Hooper of CAIR will pulled himself away from his bees long enough to draft an unequivocal condemnation of Husam Zakharia of the Students for Justice in Palestine. Right? Right, Ibe?

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I am tempted to write Krauthammer, and say, Charles, you are mincing words down to the zygote level when you draw a distinction between Islam and Islamist.

So which Islamic asshole, or Islamist asshole did this on our own soil?


No wait ... problem solved!


Husam Zakharia, leader of the Students for Justice in Palestine.

Don't worry, Ibe to the rescue! To the Ibe Mobile!

Yet again another example of Muslim thuggery. Muslims don't understand fair play, equality and freedom of speech. Husam is a pig and I hope he cops it big time.

Muslim males are very courageous when it comes to attacking women and children. She'd better watch out or next time it will be acid.

As a New Yorker who witnessed the fall of Tower2 on 9/11, and as I read Mc Carthy's Willful Blindness, I become more convinced, as incidents like this one become more common in America, that Islam, in its purest form is not a religion, but a political movement that instills Theocracies.
Our form of government, our constitution, and our Bill of Rights are being manipulated to facilitate Muslim Fundamentalists gaining a foothold in our country.
Our government, well meaning, and not so well meaning Americans remind us everytime there is an incident involving muslims, that "mainstream" people of islamic faith distain violence. Bullshit!
This so called religion has been hijacked by the radicals and has intimidated others of this faith into submission, because submission is a cornerstone of Islam. Whether to god or to the radicals that control it.

My apologies, I have missed out on the bee references.

Presumably Ibe Hooper is seeking to follow the Qur'an 16.68-69?

The Sunna also refers to Muhammad eating honey.

So, a win-win situation for Ibe. Two ticks in his Good Muslim report card.

Allah knows best.

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again… Mahoundians would never have the guts to do that to a single male infidel unless they were in a gang of half a dozen or more (make it a dozen for an infidel like Raymond Ibrahim.) Their “courage” for one-on-one confrontations is reserved solely for when they can face one woman or one child, period. This mahound-worshipping coward (sorry about the redundant use of “mahoundian” and “coward” to describe the same dune-dwelling dirtbag) has proven this timeless truth about its (not his) ilk once again.

Your Parole Officer,

I agree with the thrust of your argument, but you fell into a George Bushian misstatement with "This so called religion has been hijacked by the radicals ..."

With all due respect, nobody is hijacking anything. This is one of the central themes of Robert and his merry men + Marisol.

Implicit in the Koran, and all the other "inspired writings" like the Hadith, and Had I not' eth, etc. ... IS ... SUBMISSION.

Islam is submission, nobody took this religion away from the historically peaceful muslim nations (gagh!) and hijacked it over to that little violent wing of Islam.

i just can't stand the idea that you can see this kind of activity and it is not in main-stream news. yet, if this were a couple of jewish kids standing on a palestian flag, this would be everywhere and CAIR would be part of a lawsuit sueing the school for allowng hate speech.

Maybe I shouldn't wear my new "Mossad" sweatshirt to campus tomorrow?

more screaming anti isreal types disturbing a pro isreal demo. and these anti isrealis bring their little kids in the front to get maximum exposure to the hate.

Felber was holding a sign that read “Israel Wants Peace” when Zakharia intentionally slammed her from behind with a shopping cart filled with toys donated for the welfare of Arab children in the Hamas-controlled Gaza region.

The perversity of assaulting someone with a cart *full of toys for children* is just breathtaking.

Ugh. This is my Alma Mater. The picture that accompanies the article shows two Muslims stamping on a flag of Israel—as though Berkeley was Tehran. I used to have an office in the building at the very back of the picture, Eshleman Hall.

Perhaps not unless you're versed in Krav Maga, or Judo, or Wing Chun kung fu, or any other form of unarmed combat.

This would stop with a conceal and carry law. No scumbag wants an armed victim, even as attractive as beating small women and marrying children might be to this big, important Sadistic male.

We should be collecting women and getting them gun permits to defend against these street killers. Even 6 of them can be dispatched quickly.

Especially we should teach these killers never bring acid to a gun fight. The court would never convict a woman of shooting an acid armed assailant.

Or spray him with pork water, or let the rottweiler loose to help him learn to enjoy dogs. Let him spray that dog with acid and see how that works!

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