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Longing to heal
Haitians must be allowed to rebuild their own futures on their own terms, argues Scott Weinstein, a nurse from Montreal who went to the island after the earthquake to help treat the injured.

China’s neo-colonialism
Beijing is trumpeting a new free trade deal with its neighbours, but Walden Bello argues that the benefits are all likely to flow in one direction.

A rural revolution
Brazil is one of the most unequal societies in the world. But, as Alex Kawakami tells Rowenna Davis, there is a movement for change – and it’s getting bigger.

How (not) to survive the apocalypse
Anna Chen emerges from winter and wonders what happened to her backbone.

The vultures have landed
Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Haiti. Felicity Arbuthnot argues that the US’s so-called humanitarian intervention on the devastated Caribbean island is anything but.

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Naked Emperors
It’s time to ask some very basic questions, like: What are banks for? What are houses for? What’s credit for? What’s the economy for? Or, for that matter, what’s the environment for? Vanessa Baird suggests a 10-point economic detox programme.

A brief history of Afghanistan
The fighting, the pain and the hunger for change

Plastic plants
As oil supplies dwindle, the plastic industry is pinning its hopes on biomass. Not a great idea, reasons Jim Thomas.

Too late for Martha
Denied treatment while pregnant, she died in agony after her child was born. Jens Erik Gould tells a tragic story that changed the law on abortion in Colombia.

The banks are made of marble
The true owners of the silver in the vaults.

The fourth generation
Iran is young, vibrant and diverse, despite the repression, as Nasrin Alavi explains.

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