Written By Pope Ron Paul on June 30th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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Come ye, my followers and hear the sermon for today.

The internet is not a place. It is not a location, nor is it an idea. The internet is something that we all sit with and work with. The internet inspires and tempts. The internet is full of all that we need use, and all that keeps us down. It is a beautiful yet wicked thing. The internet lives in all of us, and passes through all our lives.

In short, The internet is God.

But like the life and world of God, the internet comes with it’s pitfalls of equality and pornography. These are the temptations of evil. The internet is the epic struggle of good against bad in it’s most bruttish and brutal terms. Will you spend your time online for the betterment of man, or will you do nothing but read the slow drool of the retarded devil and his distractions.

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Age Demographics of US Casualties in Iraq

Written By government_employee on June 30th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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Age Demographics of total US Military Casualties in Iraq

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The Arabs Made Me Do It (or Race Relations 103)

Written By travel editor on June 29th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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I’m the travel editor here, well because I get around. And I like sex tourism, a volatile combo in anyone’s book. I’m currently en route from home, somewhere in New England, to my summer estate in the Rocky Mountains, and last night hunkered down in friendly Columbus, Ohio.

I know a little bit about Columbus from Ohio State’s massive amount of airtime during final athletic events showing off cheesy college commercials depicting black men in lab coats instead of football trousers or basketball shorts. Did anyone really figure they wore anything OTHER than lab coats and three piece suits?

Actually the good citizens of Columbus are well informed on this issue, and others surrounding the delicate matters of Race Relations in their fair town. Last night we rolled into the hotel, and were in bed watching Conan when we heard a loud crash from outside in the parking lot and our car alarm went nuts. After figuring out that the noise had come from our car, and inspecting the scene, I ascertained that there had been an attempted break-in on my vehicle, most likely to get grab the large quantity of Apple branded merch in the back. No iPhone.. yet, but a Cinema Display and a Powerbook were in abundance. (Note to self: Bring crap inside or at least put under a blanket.

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Bear is driving. How can that be?

Written By Video of the Day on June 29th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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Written By Administrator on June 29th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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We’ve had a hectic month at PBH with lots of visitors from far and wide. We want to encourage everyone to subscribe and interact with PBH, which you can do either by email or by subscribing to our RSS feed. Got a question, comment, or general feedback about the site? Leave a comment or send an email to PBH.

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It’s Friday and I Love Blogs

Written By Blog Roundup on June 29th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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Over at Publius Pundit, they ask the question Is TV Political Analysis Biased? After a lengthy introduction on how the Sunday morning news options are controlled by Democratic operatives, you get to select whether the left or the right control THE MEDIA with the poll results being pretty obvious. Personally, I’m kind of peeved Jew Zionist Zombies Propagandists weren’t included in the choices, but that’s what you get from a ‘biased’ website.

Over at C&L, they have a video created by Blue Gal and a few others deriding how terrible Glenn Beck is. Trust me, I know, but it’s worth reiterating: Glenn Beck is an ignorant asshole.

Others worth checking out:

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Jihad on James Joyce

Written By Fatwa Friday on June 29th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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I was reading a thread at Marginal Revolution on the most overrated novel which devolved into the typical Joyce discussion of his unreadability versus his brilliance. I will not claim to be the forefront of Joyce detractors, but I have become tired of every debate constructed by Joyce supporters who mistake inaccessibility as intellectuality and complexity. For every overeducated Joyce defender, for every literary conversation ruined by the zealotry of Joycians, and for the orthodoxy of rigid literary aesthetics I say, Jihad on James Joyce! May his various prose remain unread while the seagulls flock to Dan Brown island!

James Joyce is God
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Ship o’ Ghrouls

Written By Article of the Day on June 29th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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The Article: One of the better articles I’ve read in a while, Johann Hari describes taking the National Review Cruise in Titanic at the New Republic (and via Liberal Avenger).

The Text: I am standing waist-deep in the Pacific Ocean, indulging in the polite chit-chat beloved by vacationing Americans. A sweet elderly lady from Los Angeles is sitting on the rocks nearby, telling me dreamily about her son. “Is he your only child?” I ask. “Yes,” she answers. “Do you have a child back in England?” she asks me. No, I say. Her face darkens. “You’d better start,” she says. “The Muslims are breeding. Soon, they’ll have the whole of Europe.”

I am getting used to such moments, when holiday geniality bleeds into–well, I’m not sure exactly what. I am traveling on a bright-white cruise ship with two restaurants, five bars, and 500 readers of National Review. Here, the Iraq war has been “an amazing success.” Global warming is not happening. Europe is becoming a new Caliphate. And I have nowhere to run.

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What University?

Written By Quote of the Day on June 28th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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“I am very, very impressed with Regent University, when I consider that it was founded just a short while ago. The number of graduates that you have and the amount of influence that you have is really, really terrific.”

Rudy Giuliani to Pat Robertson at Robertson’s barely accredited, non-competitive, tier 4, “college”.

Via Bill in Exile.


Oh noz!!!

Written By News to Make You Blue on June 28th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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Sad Statz and PBH’s New Internet Celebrity

Written By Blog Roundup on June 28th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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TinyRevolution says it best:

Here’s Mark Twain:

Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.

And here’s George Orwell:

Whether the British ruling class are wicked or merely stupid is one of the most difficult questions of our time.

Some stats that should make you throw up in your mouth:

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Hanging by a moment here with you

Written By Piercing Glares, Enticing Stares on June 28th, 2007 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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