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  1. Staking my Claim: On Gitmo May 31, 2005

    Posted in Policy.

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  2. Cycling: A Twofer May 31, 2005

    Posted in Cycling.

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  3. A Few Good Men Links May 31, 2005

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  4. Cycling: Big US Weekend Upcoming May 31, 2005

    Posted in Cycling.

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  5. What’s News May 31, 2005

    Posted in Christianity.

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  6. Morning Links 5/31 May 31, 2005

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  7. Cycling: Cage Match May 30, 2005

    Posted in Cycling.

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  8. Link Roundup 5/30 May 30, 2005

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  9. An Insight into the Great Divide May 29, 2005

    Posted in Policy.

  10. Cycling: Getting Stuffed or the Effects of Impure Thoughts May 29, 2005

    Posted in Cycling.

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  11. Cycling: Snakes in the Twilight Zone May 28, 2005

    Posted in Crit, Cycling, Races.

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  12. Weekend Update May 27, 2005

    Posted in Admin.

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  13. Morning Links 5/27 May 27, 2005

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  14. Some Additional comments on Heresy May 26, 2005

    Posted in Christianity.

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  15. Musing (yet again) re Iraq May 26, 2005

    Posted in Current Events.

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  16. Giro Update May 26, 2005

    Posted in Cycling.

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  17. Morning Links 5/26 May 26, 2005

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  18. Lame Excuses May 25, 2005

    Posted in Admin.

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  19. Christian Carnival is up May 25, 2005

    Posted in Christianity.

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  20. Giro Update May 25, 2005

    Posted in Cycling.

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  21. Quick Hit May 25, 2005

    Posted in Link Roundup.

  22. Morning Links 5/25 May 25, 2005

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  23. Cycling: SCW Training Race May 24, 2005

    Posted in Crit.

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  24. On Celebrating (Rank?) Heresy May 24, 2005

    Posted in Christianity.

  25. Morning Links 5/24 May 24, 2005

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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