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  1. Administrative Notes May 31, 2006

    Posted in Admin.

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  2. Stupid Question: Wednesday #2 May 31, 2006

    Posted in stupid questions.

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  3. Stupid Question: Wednesday #1 May 31, 2006

    Posted in stupid questions.

  4. Morning Highlights May 31, 2006

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  5. Stupid Question: Malpractice and Batting Averages May 30, 2006

    Posted in stupid questions.

    1 comment
  6. Filthy Lucre May 30, 2006

    Posted in Christian Ethics.

    1 comment
  7. Stupid Question: Tuesday #1 May 30, 2006

    Posted in stupid questions.

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  8. Morning Highlights May 30, 2006

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  9. Race #1: The Snake May 27, 2006

    Posted in Crit, Cycling.

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  10. Morning Belated … gack … Afternoon Links May 26, 2006

    Posted in Links.

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  11. Prepping for Travel May 25, 2006

    Posted in Admin, Races.

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  12. Some More Links May 25, 2006

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  13. Sports Violence May 25, 2006

    Posted in Short Thoughts.

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  14. Morning Highlights May 25, 2006

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  15. Premises of Liberty May 24, 2006

    Posted in Policy.

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  16. Morning Highlights May 24, 2006

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  17. Konchalovski The DaVinci Code May 23, 2006

    Posted in Christian Dad's Movie Reviews.

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  18. Yet Another Stupid Question May 23, 2006

    Posted in Current Events.

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  19. Saving Money: A Cycling Advisory May 23, 2006

    Posted in Cycling.

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  20. Morning Highlights May 23, 2006

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  21. Light Blogging Alert May 22, 2006

    Posted in Admin.

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  22. Morning Highlights May 22, 2006

    Posted in Link Roundup.

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  23. Whacking the Straw Man May 21, 2006

    Posted in Christianity, science and math.

  24. Stupid Question: # n+1 May 19, 2006

    Posted in Current Events, Short Thoughts.

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  25. Morning Gander May 19, 2006

    Posted in Link Roundup.

    1 comment