Red Alerts

The Real North Korea

Posted in Far East, The Front by Rob Taylor on December 31st, 2006

Not the dreamy world of happy children armchair radicals sell to college students, but this is the real North Korea. Watch this video, and I dare you to say that we can negotiate with the leader, who believes he’s a living god.

h/t to the Baron

Chuck Norris vs. the A.C.L.U.!

Posted in Comintern, Un-American activities by Rob Taylor on December 30th, 2006

Light reading, but good solid points. Plus, I doubt the commies at theĀ  A.C.L.U. will actually start an argument with Chuck Norris.

The American Left Doesn’t Care About Black People

Posted in Islamic Expansionism, Un-American activities by Rob Taylor on December 29th, 2006

At least not when their Black Africans being slaughtered and enslaved by Muslims. That’s the clear message sent by liberal antipathy to the joint Ethiopian/Somalian victory over the brutal I.C.U and the Arab fighters they brought in to enforce their barbarism on the defenseless populace.

Hot Air points out how the left is missing the big picture and instead attempting to frame this as another “mistake” of the Bush administration ala Iraqi WMDs. The argument, articulated by what David Gartenstein-Ross calls “two prominent left-wing bloggers” seems to be that because American intelligence can’t really prove that the Islamic Court Union is either related to terrorism or a treat to America, we should not support Ethiopian intervention in Somalia.

One could have made the same argument in Bosnia, as Milosevic wasn’t tied to any terrorist groups on our hit list, and certainly was no threat to America, yet we did actively dismantle his genocidal regime. We did it not for our security, but because it was right.

Ethiopia has legitimate concerns about it’s security if a radical Islamic government takes over their neighbor. But more importantly, the I.C.U. sought to take the life liberty and dignity away from all Somalis, not just the Muslims. If this was a European country, people like Matthew Yglesias and Spencer Ackerman wouldn’t be asking for “more proof” that the murders, rapes and enslavement of non-Muslims was “our business”, they’d demand bombings for us in support of the Ethiopian advance.

Just as white liberals are happy to wag their fingers at the atrocities in the Sudan, never lifting that finger to try to stop the evil that’s being perpetrated there by Muslim Imperialism, they were happy to watch as Somalia became a Islamic theocracy where non-Muslims had no rights. It doesn’t bother them, because it’s not happening to anyone they care about. They don’t care, because the victims are Black Christians, or Animists, and aren’t interesting enough to care about. The victims aren’t Muslims, so speaking out for them isn’t hip, it doesn’t feed into their vision of themselves as counter cultural.

The victims are Blacks who can’t vote here in ‘08, and to the left that means they don’t matter.

Campus Conservatives Targeted for Harassment at BSU!

Posted in Un-American activities by Rob Taylor on December 29th, 2006

The college Republicans at Boise State University have withstood a campaign of harassment at the hands of several student groups who believe the conservative leaning students to be fair game because of their political differences. The harassment culminated recently with a member of the BGLAD, a supposed gay rights group, filing a false assault and battery report with the police.

Never mind that such despicable actions minimize the suffering of Gays who have been, and continue to be, attacked and victimized. What does it say about the quality of education in America that rather then cordial debate students would resort to trailer park ex-girlfriend style shenanigans to hurt their opponents? What does it say about the student that his little charade, if taken to its logical conclusion, would have resulted in an innocent person going to prison? How grandiose must this young man sense of entitlement be that his political views trump truth, civility and morality?

I was certainly no liberal in college, and disagreed with many of the liberal positions the Gay/Straight Alliance at my university took, but I was well liked and regarded by the LGBT community, and was even a member of the Gay/Straight Alliance. Why is this campus different? What forces are at work that make students of differing opinions bitter enemies? Old fashioned Libertarian that I am I usually point to the teachers as the culprit, but this story seems a little beyond the pale for mere college communist indoctrination.

There’s something wrong on our campuses.

h/t Tel-Chai Nation

Mexican Chaos Continues!

Posted in Southern theater, The Front by Rob Taylor on December 28th, 2006

The AP reported a few days ago that armed about 5,000 armed rebels will be joining the “protesters” in Oaxaca, who have turned the city into a virtual war zone for months. We’ve been watching the situation on and off for months, and this is a worrying development because until now Federal Police could at least contain the “revolutionaries” if not stop the violence all together. The addition of the Zapatistas will change the conflict from a police matter to a “low intensity conflict” and will do much to add to Mexico’s destabilization and the influx of illegal aliens will no doubt increase as people flee the carnage.

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