The Republican Plan For 2008 Begins Today

It’s difficult to watch Democrats play checkers while Republicans play
Chess with Iraq. It’s particularly difficult on Memorial Day as more
Americans and Iraqis die. But the Republican Party has been playing
politics with Iraq since the day after the Supreme Court installed
George W. Bush in office in 2001, and they have no intention of
stopping now. They may [...]

Transcript: Iraq funding rant, May 24 2007

The problem is the fact that we've got a House and Senate full of Republicans where we can't even peel off 20, 30% of them to vote with the Democrats to create a veto-proof majority to say to George Bush, "Sorry George, your sick war is over. The occupation of Iraq, it's done".

Transcript: David Korten. The World Bank, May 07 2007

David Korten worked for the U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID, and has been a consultant to the World Bank. He and Thom spent a week together with the Dalai Lama. He's the author of  "When Corporations Rule the World" and his most recent, "The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community".