August 31 2009 show notes

As many of you will already know, I am now producing the free Thom Hartmann Program Newsletter each day which includes a list of the guests and topics and all the major links to articles etc. I send it out shortly after the show. You can see today’s here and the archive here. I will [...]

Thom talks to Mad as Hell Doctor Dr. Paul Hochfeld & Adam Klugman, 13 August 2009

Now’s the time to finally realize
we the people must make some choices!
If we want single payer health care,
now’s the time to raise our voices
’til they hear US in the halls of congress
& behind the white House door.
That we’re sick & tired of gettin’ sold out
and won’t take it anymore!!!
Now’s the [...]

Friday – September 4th 2009 – Highlights

Hour One: “Brunch With Bernie” Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions
Hour Two: “News Under The Radar” Christy Harvey of the Center for American Progress stops by

Thursday – September 3 2009 – Highlights

Quote: I am neither bitter no cynical but I do wish there was less immaturity in political thinking –Franklin D. Roosevelt
Hour One: Instead of a “Team of Rivals” Obama needs to take names and kick ass! Got that?
Hour Two: “Can Libertarians and Liberals hug over healthcare reform?” Thom confronts Libertarian Wayne Allyn Root
Hour Three: Should [...]

Wednesday September 2 2009

Hour One: When are we going to figure out how to win friends and influence people?
Hour Two: “Deja Vu – the banks are loading up on toxic assets again…time for more regulation?” Thom mixes it up with Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute
Hour Three: “Everything You Know is Wrong…about Mayan prophecy?” Thom interviews author William Gladstone [...]

Tuesday September 1 2009 – Highlights

Hour One: “Why do conservatives want to keep quality health care out of reach for Americans?” Thom challenges Heather Higgins of the Independent Women’s Forum
Hour Two – Cash for Geezers? Thom debates economist John Lott
Hour Three: “Have we seen the ‘Death of Conservatism’?” Thom talks with Sam Tanenhaus of the New York Times about [...]

Monday – August 31 2009 – Highlights

Hour One: “Does the healthcare debate show how corporate power has nearly completely destroyed Democracy!” Thom debates Dr. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute
Hour Two: How long will Dick Cheney be able to stay out of jail?
Hour Three: Have the trans-national CEOs taken over America?
“Labor Segment – Hoffa threatens blue dog [...]

Transcript: Thom talks to James Bamford about the NSA, 16 October 2008

Thom Hartmann: Welcome back to our second hour. James Bamford is with us, or is back with us. The internationally best selling, New York Times best selling author, expert on national security issues, new book out “The Shadow Factory,” his most recent book, “Body of Secrets” was just mind-boggling. This the [...]

Thom asks Wayne Root why distribute risk with military, police & fire departments but not for health? 25 August 2009

Thom asks Wayne Root why distribute risk with military, police & fire departments but not for health? 25 August 2009
Thom Hartmann: I want to start off the programme today with a discussion of health care, and this on-going debate. Wayne Root is with us. Wayne Allyn Root is an American entrepreneur, television [...]

Transcript: Thom Hartmann discusses torture, prosecution and interrogators with Marjorie Cohn, 24 August 2009

Thom Hartmann: ABC News is reporting a profanity-laced screaming match at the White House, between CIA Director Leon Panetta, and “a senior Administration official”, a “senior White House staff member”. Actually calling him a staff member, I wondering if that might be Rahm Emmanuel, particularly since it was profanity-laced. Apparently Panetta [...]

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