
On the policy of understatement

Filed under: Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism — SnoopyTheGoon @ 10:30 am

My friends (especially some of them that are more into newspaper business than I am) always try to calm me down when I go on a rave about the titles some articles carry. It is not the authors, they tell me, it is the editors who perpetrate these small crimes (mainly crimes of stupidity, which is not considered a crime in most places and cases anyhow). Still, I do like some moderate raving from time to time – gets your old red cells moving.

The title that got me raving this time is Hamas fails to condemn Eilat bomb that killed three from Independent. I don’t know whether this title is invented by a bored/stupid editor or by the author (Donald Macintyre), but it could not be farther from reality.

Macintyre himself does confuse the issue even more:

Hamas, which controls the Palestinian Authority, notably refrained from condemning the bombing, with one of its Gaza spokesmen, Fawzi Barhoum, calling it a “natural response” to Israeli military policies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as its boycott of the authority. ” So long as there is occupation, resistance is legitimate,” he said.

So, the article offers a spectrum of options, from “fails to condemn” via “refrained from condemning” to “calling it a natural response”.

I am an admirer of the British knack of understatement. Its pinnacles like this one from Wiki rarely fail to fill me with joy:

Event: British Admiral David Beatty had just watched two of his battle-cruisers explode and disintegrate under German fire at the Battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916. Comment: “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today…”

But in the case of this Indy’s article I seriously doubt whether pegging an outright support of the homicidal act as a failure to condemn it is an understatement.

Or just too much eagerness to embellish the stark and ugly reality of Hamas and what it stands for.

Bloody Indy – and this is an understatement of the century.

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

Book reviews worth reading

Filed under: Books, Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 9:37 am

Christianity today reviews three books on Israel, including Jimmy Carter’s execrable “analysis.”

Carter is not an anti-Jewish ideologue. His views are not irrational, they are just unbalanced—driven by an unquenchable private need for vindication. He cannot let go of the fact that the only part of his Camp David Accords of 1978-1979 which has lasted (and that just barely) is the achievement of a Peace Treaty and exchange of diplomatic recognition between Israel and Egypt. He proclaimed at the time that the three parties (the United States, Egypt, and Israel) were committed under the Accords to persuade the Palestinians and all the Arab nations to resolve their quarrel with Israel along parallel lines. Because Israeli and American opinion can be affected by the disquisitions of former presidents and because Arab opinion cannot, Carter has been working out his frustration regarding the failure of the larger hopes for “Middle East peace” against the former ever since, seeking to shame us all into setting things straight.

But Carter’s Camp David formula was built on a fantasy: that the Arab world’s complaint against Israel has to do with geography. The creation of the State of Israel is an intolerable reversal of the judgment of the Prophet Muhammad that, for their refusal to heed his voice, “humiliation and wretchedness were stamped upon them [the Jews] and they were visited with wrath from Allah” (Sura II: 61; cf., Sura III: 112). It is for this unforgivable assault on the credibility of Islam that Israel cannot be permitted to stand.

This one, on Cross on the Star of David: The Christian World in Israel’s Foreign Policy, 1948-1967, is fascinating.

Among the themes which figured in early dealings between Israeli authorities and the churches were titles to property, missionary activities, the right to run schools and other facilities, and the right of representatives of the churches who are not citizens to travel in and out of Israel or to reside and to work in Israel. Of interest to historians of foreign policy are the connections that Israeli authorities made between settlement of these local issues and the behavior of parent church bodies in Europe as well as attitudes of nation-states which had among their citizens large numbers of members of certain churches which in the past had behaved as their protectors.

The recorded exchanges between the many parties to these negotiations make for colorful reading. Even more colorful are internal memoranda and diary entries which Bialer has located and quoted. We are shown a great deal that is not pretty. Here is Foreign Minister Sharett on his negotiations with Vatican principals (from the pope down) over the latter’s refusal to recognize the State and its determination to wreck Israel’s chances for survival by imposing “international status” upon Jerusalem: “[This is for them] a matter of retribution, the squaring of an account concerning something that happened here in Jerusalem, if I am not mistaken, 1,916 years ago when Jesus was crucified… . [They are saying] that the Jews need to know once and for all what they did to us and now there is an opportunity to let them feel it.” Here is Cardinal Tardini, the Vatican’s Secretary of State: “I have always been convinced that there was no real need to establish that state… . Its existence is a constant source of danger of war in the Middle East. Now that Israel exists, there is, of course, no possibility of destroying it, but every day we pay the price of this mistake.” As for diplomacy: “There is no possibility of contact or negotiations with the killers of God.” This is the kind of history that grownups like, because it requires us to make our own judgments about motives and meaning.

I think that one should go on my reading list.

Thrice failed

Filed under: AP Media Bias, Israel, Terrorism — SnoopyTheGoon @ 9:08 am

AP wasn’t my personal cup of tea, there are people who are much better in this specific subject.

But I have stumbled by accident on an article Palestinian bomber had lost his daughter by one Sarah El Deeb, AP writer. The title triggered a chain of guesses even before I started to read the text: uhu, probably these Zionists deliberately (as usual, of course), shot the bomber’s daughter to pieces, which act of murderous genocidal maniacs was the turning point in the life of the young idealistic Mohammed (this is the name of the bomber).

It appears that I was wrong:

The Palestinian who blew himself up in the Israeli resort of Eilat on Monday was unemployed, despondent over the death of his baby daughter and driven to avenge his best friend’s killing by Israeli troops, relatives said.

Dozens of neighbors celebrated outside 20-year-old Mohammed Siksik’s house after the fiery attack that killed him and three other people, waving his photo and praising him as a martyr. Inside, his mother greeted mourners with a smile.

“He told me: ‘Meeting God is better for me than this whole world,’” said Rowayda Siksik, wearing a white veil.

She said her son told her only that he was going to carry out an operation inside Israel. “He said, ‘Goodbye, I am going, mother. Forgive me.’ I told him, ‘God be with you.’”

Siksik never found steady work, getting by with occasional jobs with his father, installing tiles. “You can’t find work in this place,” his mother said. Her son lost his 7-month-old daughter to a nerve disease, she said.

A quick analysis of the above quote shows:

  • That the bomber’s daughter has succumbed to a disease – not to a hail of Israeli bullets
  • That the bomber was unemployed
  • That at some unspecified time IDF killed his friend, for unspecified reasons
  • That dozens of neighbors (also called “mourners” further) celebrated the occasion
  • That the “bereaved” mother is greeting the “mourners” with a smile
  • That the above mentioned mother gave her son a blessing, sending him to commit the murders

I was trying for a moment to imagine an Israeli, some unemployed Moshe (we have quite a lot of unemployed too, unfortunately) whose daughter was taken from this life by a disease and whose friend was killed by a Palestinian bullet or bomb or by a Hizballah’ rocket. I have tried to see Moshe building himself an explosive belt and going to Gaza or West Bank to blow himself up in a bakery or pizzeria or hotel.

I have failed.

But, assuming that our Moshe succeeds in this imaginary task, I have tried to imagine an AP (or CNN, or AFP, or Reuters) writer sitting down a day after the atrocity that has taken three innocent lives and writing an article that will be as full of understanding and sympathy to the plight of Moshe as the article we are talking about here is to the plight of Mohammad. I have tried to imagine an article that will not mention the perfidy of the insidious Zionists, the brainwashing that Moshe underwent in his synagogue (if our Moshe was religious, otherwise in his Zionist cell). I have tried to imagine that this article will not mention Moshe’s innocent Arab victims in more than one measly sentence…

I have failed again.

And of course, I have made a supreme effort to imagine the Jewish crowd celebrating our Moshe’s “martyrdom” near Moshe’s house and his mother smilingly receiving the celebrating “mourners”. And handing around video clips with Moshe bravely embracing that AK-47, with the Israeli flag on the background, berating the Palestinians and singing Hatikva just before embarking on his last murderous adventure.

I have failed again.

Oh, but I am reminded by the usual suspects – it is that occupation of Gaza…

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

Giant pink bunny guts

Filed under: Pop Culture — Meryl Yourish @ 5:00 am

The backstory: I called Sarah to tell her I’m going to change my name to Smith, because yet another person from my past found me via Google and the weblog. (Okay, so I dated this guy [censored] years ago, and he wasn’t a nutjob, but still, we barely dated, and it was a long, long time ago, and isn’t there a statute of limitations on remembering names that far back? Hell, I forgot his name, but he remembered mine and even remembered how to spell it!)

Anyway, while talking to Sarah, she told me about this extremely strange entry on Wikipedia (she got it from Scott of AMCGTLD. It’s a giant pink bunny in the mountains of Italy. So we’re looking at the picture (you can click on it to see an enlargement), and Sarah points out that there are people on it. And I say, “What’s that stuff between the arm and the leg? It looks like poop.” She says, “I think it’s guts.” So then she clicks on the Gelitin website and says, “Holy cow, it is guts, I was just kidding!” So then I start reading this:

The things one finds wandering in a landscape: familiar things and utterly unknown, like a flower one has never seen before, or, as Columbus discovered, an inexplicable continent; and then, behind a hill, as if knitted by giant grandmothers, lies this vast rabbit, to make you feel as small as a daisy.

The toilet-paper-pink creature lies on its back: a rabbit-mountain like Gulliver in Lilliput. Happy you feel as you climb up along its ears, almost falling into its cavernous mouth, to the belly-summit and look out over the pink woolen landscape of the rabbitÌs body, a country dropped from the sky; ears and limbs sneaking into the distance; from its side flowing heart, liver and intestines.

Happily in love you step down the decaying corpse, through the wound, now small like a maggot, over woolen kidney and bowel. Happy you leave like the larva that gets its wings from an innocent carcass at the roadside.

Such is the happiness which made this rabbit.

i love the rabbit the rabbit loves me.

Oh. My. God.

These people are seriously ill. Or, at the very least, they have some major potty-training issues.

Those really are its guts. And what is up with this:

ears and limbs sneaking into the distance; from its side flowing heart, liver and intestines.

So do you think the weirdness comes from being artists, or from being European, or from being European artists? Because any way you look at this, it’s effing lunacy.

On the other hand, it sure got me off the subject of guy I dated for a brief time [censored] years ago suddenly popping up in my email.


More on the poisoned Zionist balloons in Lebanon

Filed under: Humor, Israel Derangement Syndrome — Meryl Yourish @ 11:36 pm

Remember that post about the poisoned Zionist balloons I wrote yesterday? Just when you think it can’t get more ridiculous, it does. The AP released photos spreading the lies about the “poisoned balloons.”

Today’s collection of Poison Zionist Balloons links:

Naharnet: Israeli Balloons Contain No Dangerous Gases

The UN actually tested the suckers. Way to protect the world, UN!

Syrian media lies. Twice: Four Israeli poisoned balloons found in South Lebanon and Israeli warplanes continue throwing poisoned Balloons

And get a load of this editorial in the Gulf News (published in the United Arab Emirates, those lovely people who want to run our ports):

Lebanese civilians are hospitalised because of a gas attack by Israel in the past two days. The attack – in violation of UN resolution 1701 by the Hebrew state – is testimony to the fact that Israel is working against the international will of enforcing a truce with Lebanon.

The balloons were filled with poisonous gas and dropped on Tyre and surrounding areas in yet another blunt breach of the UN resolution passed by the Security Council in August last year to end the 33-day bloody war between Hezbollah and Israel.

Uh-huh. I guess the Gulf News didn’t get the memo from the UN that the balloons are filled with, um, helium.

The Lebanese Daily Star, a newspaper with an actual record of, well, researching facts, leads with this:

BEIRUT: Renewed panic spread among some Lebanese Monday, as a black balloon with a spider drawn on it landed in the heart of a Beirut neighborhood, a day after Israeli balloons landed in South Lebanon. “It is a terrorist act against our peace of mind,” Khaled Qamaryeh, owner of a store in the neighborhood of Salim Salaam, told The Daily Star.

Tell me again about how modern those folks in Lebanon are. Go ahead. Pull the other leg.

The panic over balloons began over the weekend, when several fluorescent green and orange balloons branded with the Hebrew word Ha’ir (The City) drifted into the South from Israel. Five civilians were allegedly hospitalized with nausea, breathing difficulties and dizziness after coming into contact with the balloons, but tests have thus far turned up no toxic sustances and an Israeli newspaper said they were part of an advertising campaign.

“I didn’t go near it as I was worried it may be filled with poison,” Qamaryeh said of the balloon found in his neighborhood. “I don’t trust the Israelis.”

But wait! There are even more suspicious balloons!

Around 9:30 a.m. on Monday, a handful of residents discovered what they called “an unidentified balloon,” near one of the roasteries in the area and immediately called in the Internal Security Forces and the army to investigate its contents.

“The balloon in Salim Salaam did not contain poison or dangerous substance,” the head of Internal Security Forces, Ashraf Rifi, told The Daily Star.

Police and forensic experts were sent to the site and quarantined the area as they tested the balloon for dangerous gases or other substances.

“We don’t know where the balloon came from, but it is different in color and style from the earlier balloons discovered in the South,” said Rifi.

While there is no evidence of poison, Rifi said there is a question over the “timing.”

“Israeli balloons never used to drift over to Lebanon, so why now?” he asked. “I believe it is an intentional act by Israel to cause further panic in a country already on edge,” he added.

Yes indeed! Why now! Why would even more balloons be drifting into Beirut? Could it be a vicious Zionist plot? Or could there be a group of teenagers in Beirut laughing their asses off at the reception their little present is getting?

“There is a sort of panic now in the country from any balloons,” the army source told The Daily Star.

“Now every time a child has a birthday party and some balloons are released,” the source added, “we get a call or two of panic from nearby residents.”

A white balloon was found in the southern town of Jouwaiyya near Tyre, with the words “you are the first,” written in English.

Yep. More teenagers having their little bit of fun. But still, this is not enough for the paranoid Arab minds of Israel’s neighbors. No, they must keep investigating.

The source said more comprehensive tests on the Israeli balloons will continue for the next two days to check “for chemicals and minerals” that the balloons may be carrying or are made of.

And the Poisoned Zionist Balloons will doubtless go down in Arab history along with the Death Rays That Poisoned Arafat. Beware! We Zionists are a crafty lot!

Happy fluffy kitty post

Filed under: Cats — Meryl Yourish @ 10:56 pm


Watch at your own risk.

Israel who?

Filed under: Israeli Double Standard Time — Meryl Yourish @ 2:14 pm

Just for kicks and giggles, since I saw a headline about Human Rights Watch, I checked their front page. There’s a headline calling on the U.S. to stop selling cluster bombs to Israel. There’s a headline calling on the U.S. to close Guantanamo. There’s a headline saying that we should use restraint, not force, on Cuba.

There’s nothing about the suicide bombing in Eilat.

Of course not.

There never is.

Israelis don’t get human rights, apparently.

Why the checkpoints are crucial

Filed under: Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 11:30 am

Next time you read about the “humiliation” of checkpoints to the palestinians, remember this:

IDF soldiers found 800 grams of explosive materials and three combat vests inside of a Palestinian vehicle in the course of routine inspections at a checkpoint between Nablus and Tulkarm Monday night, the army said.

Four bottles that held the explosives were destroyed by sappers in a controlled detonation, the army said. The four Palestinians traveling in the vehicle were handed over to the Israel Security Services for questioning.

Hm. “Humiliation” vs. the free transport of arms and armor to murder Israelis. That’s a tough choice, but I think I can make it.

“Humiliate” the suckers. Every time.

A “condemnation” according to Reuters

Filed under: Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 10:28 am

Reuters says that Mahmoud Abbas condemned yesterday’s suicide bombing. Here is what they call a condemnation:

“My position regarding this operation is that I do not accept it and I reject and condemn it. There was no need at all, and it does not benefit us at all. I do not think that this operation in particular will impact the calm between us and the Israelis in the Gaza Strip,” Abbas said.

Oh, look. He used the word “condemn.” He did not use the words “bombing,” “murder,” “kill,” “civilians,” “attack,” or even “Israelis.”

I call bullshit on Reuters. I also call bullshit on Israel’s worse-than-useless Defense Minister.

Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz told parliament on Monday that Israel would protect its citizens while doing everything to maintain the ceasefire.

So, what has Peretz done?

The defense establishment will boost operations along the border with Egypt in order to prevent further terror attacks in the area, Defense Minister Amir Peretz said Tuesday.

During a tour in Eilat and a visit to the scene of Monday’s suicide bombing, Peretz said, “We will increase the activity along the fence, deal with the traffic routes, boost operations along the routes and reexamine all existing measures, in order to address the current threats and target the terror infrastructure.”

The defense minister pledged to act “decisively” against what he described as “a very serious action.”

Oooh, they must be shaking in their sandals, those terrorists.

So what’s that decisive action being taken?

Bombing a smuggling tunnel.

IAF aircraft bombed a tunnel leading from the Gaza Strip into Israel early Tuesday, in what appeared to be Israel’s first response to Monday’s suicide bombing in Eilat.

No casualties were reported.

That’ll show ‘em.

Omri writes that perhaps the IDF should stand back and let the palestinians kill each other. But I’m with the not-gonna-happen school of thought. Every time the chance for full-blown civil war, somehow, just when it’s about to become really interesting, the terrorists remember that their primary mission in life is to kill Jews. And none of the really big terrorist masterminds are being killed. It’s just the footsoldiers.

The IDF needs to go back to killing and capturing the big guns in Hamas. The only thing the terrorists understand is the strong arm.

Ban Ki-moon: An unequivocal condemnation of terror

Filed under: Israel, Terrorism — Meryl Yourish @ 9:47 am

The new Secretary General of the UN condemned yesterday’s suicide bombing in Israel with absolutely no caveats, no weasel words, no playing to the Arab League by also condemning Israel’s actions, and no warning of Israel to “show restraint.”

What a refreshing change: A man who has moral convictions.

The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s suicide bombing at a bakery in Eilat, Israel, which killed three people and wounded another. Such acts of terrorism are a violation of international humanitarian law and can never be justified. The Secretary-General sends his deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this attack.

The Secretary-General is also alarmed at announcements that further attacks against Israeli civilians are being planned. He calls for swift action by Palestinian security forces to bring to justice those responsible and prevent further attacks.

Imagine that. He not only condemned this attack, but mentioned the braggarts who always say that the floodgates of hell have been opened.

Good for you, Ban Ki-moon. Good for you.

The dehumanization of Israel continues

Filed under: Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism — Meryl Yourish @ 6:00 am

The Associated Press has lots of stories about the suicide bombing in Israel today. There’s a story about the bombing itself, last updated at 4:24 p.m. Eastern time. There’s a sob story about the poor, poor, pitiful bomber, and why he chose to blow himself up in the middle of an Israeli bakery. There’s a story about the groups behind yesterday’s suicide bombing. There’s a story about the number of suicide bombings in Israel since 2001, which lists less than 30 of the 130 suicide bombings that Israel has suffered since 2001. Let me repeat that: There have been 130 suicide bomb attacks in Israel since 2001.

Reuters has the story, too, and some of the samebox copy as AP.

And yet, there is something missing from every single one of the AP and Reuters pieces on the suicide bombing, and that is something that is always missing: The names, ages, and genders of the victims. The suicide bomber is always named, aged, has his town identified, and usually has quotes from grieving (yet happy) family members included.

You never read the names of the victims anywhere but in Israeli newspapers, blogs like mine, and Jewish newspapers. Never. The victims have no names, no faces, and are nothing to the AP and Reuters but statistics: Numbers in a bloody game where the side that is favored is not the side of the Jews.

These are the names of the victims of yesterday’s suicide bombings:

The two owners of the bakery, Amil Elimelech, 32, and Michael Ben Sa’adon, 27 were killed in the attack as well as one of their employees, Israel Samolia, 26.

Elimelech was married with two children while Ben Sa’adon was married with one child.

Samolia was an immigrant from Peru. His family, currently residing in Miami, was notified of his death by the Israeli consul.

Michael Ben Sa’adon’s son is eight months old. Amil Elimelech’s daughters are two and four.

These are the victims of the suicide bombings, and these are the names that the AP and Reuters will not print. Because to print the names of the bombings would put a human face on the victims of the palestinians, and that would engender sympathy towards Israel. You’ll never see that in Reuters or the AP.


AP-speak: Bombing and murder are not truce violations

Filed under: AP Media Bias, Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 10:31 pm

So what, exactly, does it take to violate a truce, according to the AP?

The agreement between the Palestinian factions came as a two-month truce between the Palestinians and Israel in Gaza was jeopardized by a Palestinian suicide bombing, the first since April, 2006.

Of course, we know the answer. Any “retaliation” by Israel for the suicide bombing will be declared either a violation of, or an end to, the truce.

AP – moral relativism and body count

Filed under: AP Media Bias, Israel, Terrorism — SnoopyTheGoon @ 12:34 pm

This is not a good day to squabble about politics or to nitpick. But this headline by AP got up my nose:

Suicide bombing kills 4 in Israel

I thought that another Israeli died since the bombing and looked closer at the text:

A Palestinian suicide bomber attacked a bakery Monday, killing himself and three people, police said. It was the first suicide bombing in Israel in nine months and the first ever to hit Eilat, Israel’s southernmost city.

No, the number of murdered Jews is still three. Of course, technically speaking, there was another dead body. But it is a technicality, with all due care about humanity and life. The youngster sent by his Islamic Jihad operators was dead after the last round of brainwashing and after his parents prayed for the “success” of his homicidal mission.

But in the smelly moral relativism of AP there is no much difference between the murderers and the victims.

And another detail: the stringer that sent this piece in is obviously an Israeli, one Revital Levy-Stein. Shame on you .

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

IDS in action: Jews and poisoned balloons

Filed under: Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon, Media Bias — Meryl Yourish @ 12:02 pm

The Lebanese “official” newspaper published an insane article about the IDF dropping poisoned balloons on Lebanon.

Beirut- Eight people were hospitalized Saturday after inhaling toxic gases from poisonous balloons dropped by Israeli warplanes over Upper Nabatiyeh in southern Lebanon, the National News Agency reported.

NNA said among those who were rushed to hospital suffering from nausea and fatigue were a Lebanese staff sergeant, a recruit and An Nahar reporter Rana Jouni.

The agency said Israeli warplanes dropped at least 10 poisonous balloons with Hebrew markings over Upper Nabatiyeh at about 9 am Saturday.

NNA said contacts have been made between the Lebanese army command and the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon, which has instructed an Italian peacekeeping unit to take samples from the balloons for examination. The agency said the results are likely to come out on Sunday.

NNA had earlier said that the Lebanese army’s engineering unit headed to the area and destroyed the balloons by explosives.

The army, in a communiqué issued Friday, warned civilians against messing with the balloons and urged them to report finding them to the closest army unit.

The picture of Lebanese Army engineers destroying balloons with explosives is one that deserves to live in my mind forever. You simply can’t make this stuff up. But behind the immediate humor of that image is a very troubling anti-Semitic slur that echoes the lies of Jews poisoning wells during the Black Plague.

So, what were the balloons? A promotional campaign.

The green and orange balloons – branded with the Hebrew word Ha’ir (The City), the name of a Tel Aviv newspaper – appeared on Saturday in the southern Lebanese cities of Nabatiyeh and Tyre.

[...] An Israeli military spokesperson in Jerusalem said the balloons had been filled with helium for distribution at “a kind of party” thrown by the Ha’ir newspaper.

“It was a public relations thing,” she said. “They gave out balloons with helium in them and the balloons flew away and into Lebanon.”

However, the lie has already taken on a life of its own.

Israel planes dump ’suspicious green balloons’ on Lebanon
Israel Planes Dump “suspicious Green Balloons” On Southern Lebanon
Strange Balloons Arrive In Southern Lebanon
Israel dumps suspicious green balloons on Lebanon
8 Hospitalized after Inhaling Toxic Gases from Israeli Balloons
Israel planes dump ’suspicious green balloons’ on Lebanon
Israel planes dump “suspicious green balloons” on southern Lebanon
Israel planes dump ’suspicious green balloons’ on Lebanon

The thing that is not funny is that several of the above links are legitimate news outlets with fairly large readerships, such as “Monsters and” in the UK. They pass on uncritically the lie that the IDF dropped poisoned balloons on Lebanon. Indian newspapers are telling this lie to their readers, and a service that claims to be a leading of news for web content published an article that takes seriously the Lebanese claims of poisoning.

Lebanese media and Israeli media disagree over the context the balloons end up in southern Lebanon. According to Haaretz newspaper, an Israeli daily, the balloons were part of a promotional campaign for Ha’ir, a Schocken group newspaper. Lebanese media, oppositely, said that the balloons were dropped by Israeli planes and were poisonous.

All Headline News doesn’t make itself look too good in its concluding paragraph to this story, either.

Despite Israel continually violating the August 14 United Nations-brokered ceasefire agreement that ended last summer’s month-long war, the balloons appear to have been part of the promotional campaign by Ha’ir newspaper and floated in the winds into southern Lebanon.

And so, another Big Lie will take on a life of its own, to be passed along by Israel-haters as the truth. The blood libels continue, updated for the modern age. Instead of poisoning wells, now Jews are sending poisoned balloons over the border, apparently because, well, none of the articles give a reason. None is needed, when spreading lies about Jews. The fact that they are Jews, apparently, is enough.

Hillary sings the national anthem

Filed under: Juvenile Scorn, Politics — Meryl Yourish @ 11:32 am

Someone caught Hillary Clinton singing the Star Spangled Banner on YouTube. Her voice is nothing to write home about, but what struck me as particularly amusing—in a petty sort of way—is that she got the lyrics wrong. Okay, it’s a minor thing, but one would expect the woman who would be president to know the exact wording of the national anthem.

In the video, she sings

O say, does our star-spangled banner yet wave

when it should be

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave

Again, I know it’s petty. But attention to detail is what wins you elections.

World anti-Semitism up again

Filed under: Anti-Semitism — Meryl Yourish @ 11:00 am

Gee, that’s funny. I thought worldwide anti-Semitism was going down.

Actually, no, I didn’t. It’s other people who seem to believe that attacks on Jews—for being Jews—are lessening. In fact, it is the opposite: They are up sharply in many countries.

Last year saw a substantial rise in the number of anti-Semitic incidents in Germany, Austria and the Scandinavian countries, according to the Global Forum Against Anti-Semitism.

In an annual press conference, the forum explained that 2006 was characterized by escalation in the number and violent nature of attacks on Jews, proliferation of Holocaust denial and increased comparison of Israel to the Nazi regime.

The Global Forum – a joint effort of the Jewish Agency, the Foreign Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Office – counted 360 anti-Semitic incidents in France in 2006, compared to 300 in 2005. In the United Kingdom, the report listed a yearly decrease from 321 incidents in 2005 to 312 incidents in 2006. Russia recorded 300 incidents in 2006 compared to 250 the preceding year, and Austria saw a jump from 50 incidents to 83 last year. The Scandinavian countries saw 53 incidents in 2006, substantially more than the previous year’s 35. The report cited a 60-percent rise in incidents in the Berlin area, although it did not include figures for all of Germany.

And here are some interesting facts:

A British parliamentary commission determined that Islamists and the radical left were responsible for increased anti-Semitism in the country. Research published in Germany indicated widespread use of anti-Semitic expressions in schools, primarily by Muslim students. Research in the Ukraine found that about a third of the country’s citizens had negative opinions of Jews.

Yeah, we’ve been calling that one here for years .

Despicable sub-humans strike again, killing Jews

Filed under: Israel, Terrorism — Meryl Yourish @ 10:20 am

The sub-human death cult murdered three more Israelis today, this time in the seaside town of Eilat, known best for its beaches and resorts.

The bombing was claimed by PIJ, which is supported by Iran, and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which is Fatah’s group of murderers under another name so that the media can pretend it isn’t part of Fatah.

Here’s the most despicable quote in the AP story:

Both groups said the bombing was meant to help bring an end to weeks of Palestinian infighting that has killed more than 60 people in the Gaza Strip since December.

[...] “The operation has a clear message to the Palestinian rivals. It is necessary to end the infighting and point the guns toward the occupation that has hurt the Palestinian people,” a posting on the Islamic Jihad Web site said.

In other words, the terrorists want to rally around “national unity” by murdering Jews.

The Reuters stories make no mention whatsoever of this quote, although Reuters did take the time to blame Israel for the bombing.

Islamic Jihad and the Aqsa brigades said the bombing was a response to Israeli “attempts to defile al-Aqsa mosque” in Jerusalem, a reference to recent archaeological excavations. Israeli officials said the work had not damaged the shrine.

Two people are in critical condition. Critical condition in a bomb blast generally means their bodies are filled with shrapnel and ball bearings. If they make it through, they will never fully recover. Imagine hundreds of pieces of metal imbedded in your body. That’s what “critical condition” means for these two—something that, as always, the mainstream media never reports.

Hamas, the legitimately-elected government of Israel, called the bombing perfectly legitimate. Of course.

Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, called Monday’s attack a “natural response” to Israeli military policies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as its ongoing boycott of the Hamas-led Palestinian government. “So long as there is occupation, resistance is legitimate,” he said.

This is the government that the world would have Israel treat with. This is the government that Jimmy Carter blames Israel for not negotiating with. This is the government that the palestinians chose.

Let them eat nail bombs.

Israel needs to show a tough response, but I suspect she will not. Amir Peretz is an incompetent buffoon, and Olmert doesn’t seem to have the stones. Gilad Shalit has been languishing in Hamas hands for most of a year. Olmert backed off on the hunt for Shalit when the world came down on Israel. Don’t hold your breath waiting for a proper response for this.

Although, come to think of it, a proper response would be to drop a bomb on the Mad Mullahs. They’re financing this war.

Update: The bomber entered via Egypt. Because Egypt cares so much about protecting its border with Israel, that it looks the other way at weapons smuggling and now, terrorists.

A senior Israel Defense Forces officer told Haaretz that the bomber, 21-year-old Mohammed al-Saqsaq, entered Eilat through the border with Egypt, several dozen kilometers northwest of Eilat. Based on the examination of the body, it appears he entered Israel several days ago, and made his way to Eilat on foot.

His mother and father prayed for him to succeed…

Filed under: Israel, Terrorism — SnoopyTheGoon @ 10:03 am

You would place a sentence like this quite naturally in some article about a sports event. Or about a career in arts, crafts, science.

But in this case mom and dad prayed for their son, one Mohammed Faisal al-Saqsaq from Gaza City, to succeed in blowing up himself with as many Jews as possible in a bakery in Eilat.

There must be something seriously wrong with this parental pair. And with the religion that encourages this kind of prayer.

Oh, but of course, this is the Zionist occupation of Gaza that causes all this…

Cross-posted on SimplyJews


Carnival Of The Cats #149

Filed under: Israel — Laurence Simon @ 8:42 pm

Carnival of the Cats #149 is over at the place most people think of first when catblogging: Mind Of Mog! Mog is going through some tough times and doctor-enforced downtime, so you might want to take a moment to hit her PayPal tipjar.

Oh, and let’s not forget the Catmodel of the Week…

It’s Willie, who can be found at Sleeping Mommy.

Folks who want a shot at being a Catmodel of the Week need to be a part of the banner at Carnival of the Cats. Just send me a 4 by 3 photo of your cat and your weblog link and I’ll add your cat to the banner.

Who knows… you may just see them here as a Catmodel of the Week!

Too many Jews…

Filed under: Israel, Satire — SnoopyTheGoon @ 3:04 pm

Ynet is telling about a newly discovered Jimboism:

Former US President Jimmy Carter once complained there were “too many Jews” on the government’s Holocaust Memorial Council, Monroe Freedman, the council’s former executive director, told WND in an exclusive interview.

Former US president also rejected Christian historian because name sounds ‘too Jewish’…

Which immediately reminded me a joke told during the same period (1980 or a bit earlier) about Carter’s kissing buddy – Leonid Brezhnev of the late USSR.

Some time before the 1980 Olympic games Brezhnev (B) calls one of his flunkies (F).

B: Listen, F – these forinners will swarm our capital soon, and we have to show them that our minorities are being well taken care of.

F: Minorities? We don’t have no minorities in Moscow, comrade Brezhnev! Only good loyal Soviet citizens.

B: Oh, come on, you know whom I mean, these troublemakers…

F: Oh, you mean Jooz?

B: Right, F. Quick thinking.

F: So, comrade Brezhnev, should I remove them… for a while, that is?

B: No, you dummy, just the opposite. I want you to create 20, no, make it 30, synagogues, with all that Jooish stuff and attending worshippers. All that is needed to show the tourists that Jooz are free to pray to their hearts’ content. You have a month to report back to me.

In a month:

F: Comrade Brezhnev, I have a report to make. Your order was implemented, but there was a snag…

B: What, didn’ t you locate enough buildings?

F: No, buildings are fine, some closed churches were reopened and cleaned up a bit.

B: So what – a problem with the congregation?

F: No, that was easy – all highly trained and loyal KGB people, not a hitch on this front…

B: Now come on, what is the deal, man?

F: It is the rabbis, sir…

B: Wazzat – aren’t they Soviet people? Aren’t they loyal? Aren’t they communists, for Lenin’s sake?

F: Well, comrade Brezhnev, they are all Soviet citizens, loyal to the hilt and, of course, communists…


Cross-posted on SimplyJews

Shire Network News is up

Filed under: Podcasts — Meryl Yourish @ 2:27 pm

This week’s podcast features me talking about the most important part of the State of the Union Address: Nancy Pelosi’s boobs.

Yes, really.

There’s also part two of the Mark Steyn interview, Damian Penny on the portrayal of Muslims in movies, Brian of London as the MC with Blog News, and, um, I think I just covered it all.


Music/audio question

Filed under: Life — Meryl Yourish @ 6:08 pm

My niece is applying to a music camp that requires audition tapes/CDs. The audition was recorded onto a computer via a microphone of so-so quality, using Audacity.

Is there anyone out there who is a good hand at cleaning up noise from audio files? There’s a huge background noise I’d like to get rid of.

The media spin on the war in Gaza

Filed under: Gaza, Media Bias, palestinian politics — Meryl Yourish @ 10:35 am

Things are heating up in Gaza. And the media spin is getting more noticeable. The AP simply downplays the killing:

Hamas, Fatah Exchange Fire in Gaza
Gunmen exchanged fire near Gaza City’s Islamic University on Saturday, killing two men on the third straight day of Hamas-Fatah factional fighting.

The deaths brought to 19 the number of Palestinians killed since late Thursday, and a least 66 people were wounded. The rival Hamas and Fatah movements traded angry accusations, and each held several supporters of the other side hostage.

By the way, one of those 19 dead was a two-year-old boy.

In one incident, a 2-year-old boy was fatally shot while traveling in a car in the southern town of Khan Younis, hospital officials said. Hamas and Fatah officials accused each other of firing the deadly shot.

Funny how that kind of statistic stays in the lede of every story when it’s the result of IDF fire, but disappears almost immediately when the child is murdered by terrorists fighting each other. Also not used, the phrase “most of them civilians” after the number of wounded.

Reuters manages to win the biased headline of the week award with this one, and then the jaw-dropper of the week by a story that is utterly slanted towards Hamas:

Gaza factions battle near Islamic university

You’ve got to hand it to Reuters for their brazen apologism. Two terrorist groups are called “factions.” In fact, the pro-Hamas bias in this article is astonishing.

Rival Palestinian forces clashed in the Gaza Strip on Saturday near the pro-Hamas Islamic University, injuring three in some of the fiercest infighting since Hamas’s election victory a year ago.

A member of the Hamas-led police force died of his wounds overnight, hospital officials said, bringing the death toll from Friday’s factional fighting to 16, the highest in a single day.

Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha vowed that the group would avenge those killed in the fighting, including local Hamas leader Zuhair al-Mansi, and accused Fatah of mounting a plot, with U.S. backing, to overthrow the Hamas-led government.

He said unity government talks between President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction and Hamas were on hold.

“As long as the leaders of the coup within Fatah are continuing the killings, there can be no dialogue,” Taha said.

Fatah blamed Hamas for starting the latest round of fighting.

Three paragraphs of quotes from Hamas blaming Fatah, and only one line, without a named spokesman, defending Fatah. That’s exactly what they do with Israel. But wait: It gets worse.

At least 46 Palestinians have been killed in fighting between Hamas and Fatah since Abbas called last month for new presidential and parliamentary elections, Palestinian hospital officials said.

[...] Overnight, Hamas mounted a raid on the Gaza headquarters of the so-called Preventive Security service, a force dominated by Fatah members. Hamas pounded the compound with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades but no injuries were reported.

Note the cause of the fighting: Abbas calling for new elections. Note also the use of “so-called” to describe a Fatah-dominated police force. The words used to describe the Hamas police force? “Hamas-led police force.”

I never thought I’d see the day when Reuters is giving Fatah the same treatment they give Israel. But there you have it: Reuters, by slanting this article so incredibly towards Hamas, is promoting the view of Hamas terrorists.

And you thought the mainstream media couldn’t get any worse.


Even Ha’aretz recognizes the Iranian threat

Filed under: Iran — Meryl Yourish @ 11:00 am

When even Ha’aretz, the most liberal newspaper in Israel, recognizes the Iranian threat, one must declare Iran a threat.

The international community failed embarrassingly in its handling of the slaughter in Rwanda, and it is now having trouble dealing with the mass murder in Sudan’s Darfur province as well. And for all the denunciations and the shock, it seems that the international community is also standing by helplessly, doing nothing, in the face of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who denies the Jewish Holocaust and threatens the very existence of the State of Israel.

His open threats of destruction are backed by Iran’s efforts to arm itself with weapons of mass destruction that would be capable of carrying out this threat. Yet the international community is not excited. It has not gone into overdrive in order to at least deny Iran nuclear weapons.

License to kill Iranians in Iraq

Filed under: Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 10:30 am

The Bush Administration has authorized our troops to kill or capture Iranians in Iraq.

The Bush administration has authorized the U.S. military to kill or capture Iranian operatives inside Iraq as part of an aggressive new strategy to weaken Tehran’s influence across the Middle East and compel it to give up its nuclear program, according to government and counterterrorism officials with direct knowledge of the effort.

For more than a year, U.S. forces in Iraq have secretly detained dozens of suspected Iranian agents, holding them for three to four days at a time. The “catch and release” policy was designed to avoid escalating tensions with Iran and yet intimidate its emissaries. U.S. forces collected DNA samples from some of the Iranians without their knowledge, subjected others to retina scans, and fingerprinted and photographed all of them before letting them go.

Last summer, however, senior administration officials decided that a more confrontational approach was necessary, as Iran’s regional influence grew and U.S. efforts to isolate Tehran appeared to be failing. The country’s nuclear work was advancing, U.S. allies were resisting robust sanctions against the Tehran government, and Iran was aggravating sectarian violence in Iraq.

“There were no costs for the Iranians,” said one senior administration official. “They are hurting our mission in Iraq, and we were bending over backwards not to fight back.”

Now there is.

And, of course, the caveats:

The wide-ranging plan has several influential skeptics in the intelligence community, at the State Department and at the Defense Department who said that they worry it could push the growing conflict between Tehran and Washington into the center of a chaotic Iraq war.

[...] Two officials said that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, though a supporter of the strategy, is concerned about the potential for errors, as well as the ramifications of a military confrontation between U.S. and Iranian troops on the Iraqi battlefield.

Once again, if the Iranians are advising our enemy on more and better ways to kill our soldiers, they are already at war with us. It boggles the mind that the world cannot recognize the proxy armies of Iran spread throughout the Middle East: Iraq, Lebanon, and Israel. Iran pays the salaries of Hamas, Hezbullah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Iran is responsible for the death of thousands, including hundreds of American soldiers in Lebanon (and thank you, George Bush, for finally stating that in your State of the Union speech on Tuesday).

How is it that America has lost the ability to identify her enemies? Even when Iran holds conferences calling for the end of America, we still have pundits claiming that’s just rhetoric.

I think not. Take a look at the posts I’ve written about Iran today, and read the articles linked, and you will see a disturbing pattern. Iran has been at war with Israel for decades, and is now expanding that war to include the United States. Let’s stop pretending it doesn’t exist.

Iran’s influence on Iraq

Filed under: Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 10:00 am

Suddenly, the news media are discovering that Iran is meddling in Iraq. Who knew? (Well, we did, but then, our opinions don’t count because we believe the war in Iraq was necessary.)

When Fadhil Abbas determined that his mother’s astigmatism required surgery, they did not consider treatment in his home town of Najaf, in southern Iraq. Instead they joined a four-taxi convoy of ailing Iraqis headed to Iran.

For more than two weeks last fall, Abbas, his sister and his mother were treated to free hotels, trips to the zoo and religious shrines, and his mother’s $1,300 eye surgery at a hospital in Tehran, all courtesy of the offices of Moqtada al-Sadr, Iraq’s ascendant Shiite Muslim cleric. Abbas returned to Najaf glowing over the technical prowess of Iran.

[...] Iran has dispatched 56 diplomats to staff its embassy in Baghdad and consulates in Basra and Karbala. It maintains informal liaison offices in the Kurdish cities of Sulaymaniyah and Irbil, the latter of which was raided Jan. 11 by U.S. troops, who arrested five Iranians. Each day, Iran provides 1,000 tons of cooking gas, about 20 percent of the Iraqi demand, and 2 million liters of kerosene. Iran exports electricity through Iraq’s Diyala province and plans to quadruple the amount with new projects, Iraqi officials say.

Iran has also extended a $1 billion line of credit to Iraq to help fund reconstruction and rebuilding. When Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and his delegation of ministers visited Iran in November, he asked for more help and said Iraq “would like to expand our relations in every field with the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

“The economic power between the two countries, it’s enormous,” said Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Iran’s ambassador to Iraq. “We can help them in technical issues and engineering. We have a lot of experience in building roads and airports.”

Iran is looking to become a superpower in the Middle East. Iran is also working on expanding its influence in Latin America. The Monroe Doctrine may need to be reinstated here.

I’m starting to see echoes of the Soviet Union, but on a much, much smaller scale. However, a nuclear-armed Iran would tip the scales in its favor. As to that, North Korea is apparently helping Iran perfect its nukes.

Everywhere you turn, it seems, Iran is there, stirring up trouble. I have a bad feeling about this.

Nobel prize winner Israel Aumann on Zionism

Filed under: Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 9:31 am

Nobel Prize Laureate Israel Aumann, the game theorist, spoke at the Herzliya conference. Here’s the part of his speech that speaks directly to Zionism, and the threat of “post-Zionism”:

… and now a few words about a third threat, which is perhaps the greatest of all. It does not come from Iran, nor from terrorist groups, nor from any external source. It comes from within us. “We have met the enemy, and it is us.” Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, your humble servant makes his living from game theory—among other things, very serious games: games of life and death and of existence and annihilation. The name of the game in game theory is motivation, incentives. Earlier, we discussed the motivations of those standing on the opposite side. Motivating ourselves is the most important thing, and the thing we are losing the most. Without motivation, we will not endure. What are we doing here? Why are we here? What are we aspiring to here? We are here because we are Jewish, we are Zionist, because of our ancient bond to this land; we aspire to realize our 2000-year-old hope of becoming a free nation in our land, the Land of Zion and Jerusalem. Without this profound understanding, we will not endure. We will simply no longer be here; Post-Zionism will finish us off. About half a year ago in Petra, Jordan, the prime minister said that we are tired. He was right. He was elected by the nation, and he expresses the sentiments of the nation. We are like a mountain-climber that gets caught in a snowstorm; the night falls, he is cold and tired, and he wants to sleep. If he falls asleep, he will freeze to death. We are in terminal danger because we are tired. I will allow myself to say a few unpopular, unfashionable words: our panicked lunging for peace is working against us. It brings us farther away from peace, and endangers our very existence. I think it was Churchill who said, “If you want peace, prepare for war.” The preparation includes material preparation, a fantastic army, effective tools of war, but above all, we are talking about spiritual preparation, about spiritual readiness to go to war.

Roadmaps, capitulation, gestures, disengagements, convergences, deportations, and so forth do not bring peace. On the contrary, they bring war, just as we saw last summer. These things send a clear signal to our “cousins” that we are tired, that we no longer have spiritual strength, that we have no time, that we are calling for a time-out. They only whet their appetites. It only encourages them to pressure us more, to demand more, and not to give up on anything. These things stem from simple theoretical considerations and also from straight thinking. But it’s not just theory: it has been proven and re-proven in the field over thousands of years. I returned today from a trip to India, where we heard about historical stories that illustrate the same. Capitulations bring about war; determination and readiness bring about peace. Ladies and gentlemen, we must tell our cousins that we are staying here. We are not moving. We have time; we have patience; we have stamina. Understand this and internalize it. And we must not simply say it to our cousins but feel it within ourselves. This and only this will bring peace. We can really live in peace and unity and cooperation with our cousins. But only after they understand and internalize that the Zionist state will be here forever.

Iranians supplying IEDs to Iraq

Filed under: Iran — Meryl Yourish @ 9:15 am

Today, we start out in Iran’s proxy war against America, via IEDs in Iraq. The story has the usual caveats that the Bush Administration may be “exaggerating” the Iranian influence.

Why is the Bush administration escalating its accusations that Iran is backing Shiite extremists inside Iraq? One reason: mounting intelligence indicating Tehran has been supplying insurgents with electronic sensors that trigger roadside bombs used against U.S. troops.
The devices in question—which cost as little as $1 a piece—are called “passive infrared” sensors or detectors. They are commonly used to turn on lights or burglar alarms when someone or something passes in front of them. Over the past year, U.S. forces in Iraq have repeatedly fallen victim to sophisticated homemade bombs—known as IEDs, or improvised explosive devices—which are often rigged with passive infrared sensors.

Recent reports from U.S. intelligence agencies show that Iranian agents or brokers have ordered the devices in bulk from manufacturers in the Far East, said one U.S. counterterrorism official, who asked not to be identified discussing sensitive matters. Bruce Riedel, a senior intelligence official who retired from the CIA only two months ago, told NEWSWEEK he too was aware of reports that serial numbers of sensors retrieved from IEDs in Iraq have been traced to orders from Iran placed with infrared-sensor manufacturers in Taiwan and Japan.

The infrared devices are particularly deadly as triggers for homemade bombs. Unlike cell phones, radio-control systems or garage-door openers—some of the other devices that have been used by Iraqi insurgents to trigger IEDs—the infrared devices do not emit a signal that can be detected before they go off. As a result, it is particularly difficult for U.S. forces to locate and defuse IEDs rigged with such triggers.

And here’s the “objective” part of the article, trying to downplay the Iranian influence in Iraq. I suppose they think al-Sadr’s many trips to Iran for instructions, and the number of Iranian Revolutionary Guards instructing the “insurgents,” are just a “small percentage” of the killers of Americans.

One senior U.S. intelligence official, speaking recently to a group of reporters on condition of anonymity, acknowledged that only a “small percentage”” of IEDs found in Iraq show signs of possible Iranian origin, though the official indicated that because of their more sophisticated design, the Iranian-linked IEDs tend to be more deadly than Sunni homemade bombs.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t an act of war an act of war, whether it is only one instance, or ten thousand? If Iran is supplying deadly ingredients and the know-how to create IEDs to kill American soldiers, then it really doesn’t matter that it’s only a “small percentage” of the bombs. Especially because the kill rate in those bombs has risen—due, no doubt, to the “small percentage” of Iranian-built IEDs.


Site changes

Filed under: Site news — Meryl Yourish @ 8:00 pm

Thanks to Jay the genius, who troubleshot my attempts at changing the Loop (it’s the be-all and end-all of any WordPress blog) you can see a next/previous/main link at the bottom of every post, after the comments.

It must be a day for learning new things. I talked Heidi through learning how to record files on her computer so she can make an audition CD for Sorena. And she did it without Sorena’s help. Now that’s huge.

I am still feeling better, but no way am I taking that pseudophedrine mix tonight. I want to sleep, thankyouverymuch. And maybe tomorrow, Miss Gracie won’t be sounding her Imperious Mew at seven a.m., demanding that I get up and feed her.

I did not.

She’s waiting for food now. Quietly.

Flying pig moment

Filed under: Holocaust — Meryl Yourish @ 6:39 pm

It looks like the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Holocaust denial may pass.

The United Nations General Assembly is expected to condemn Holocaust denial on Friday. Eighty-two countries have signed as co-sponsors. Additional countries are expected to sign in the next 24 hours, including Arab countries who have announced that they would vote in favor of the resolution.

[...] The Israeli mission is hoping that a majority of at least 104 countries will support the resolution, as in the historical vote of November 1, 2005, designating January 27 as the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The second International Holocaust Day will be commemorated next Monday.

The vote was initiated in reaction to remarks made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, calling the Holocaust a “myth” and expressing skepticism regarding its historic facts, and to the “scientific conference” about the Holocaust that took place in Tehran several weeks ago.

More to follow tomorrow, after the vote.

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