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Julian E. Barnes
Intel/NatSec reporter for . Wickr: JEBarnesNYT Stories:
Media & News CompanyWashington, DCnytimes.comJoined June 2009

Julian E. Barnes’s Tweets

There are many books on writing in general. But I want to give a little shout out to a truly useful book that talks about how to write a persuasive Slack message or email and much more. ’s Writing on the Job should be on your shelf.
Great new article about 's new book about the Ukrainian famine, The Lost Year. "The story is about all the ways people can change," Marsh said. "It’s never too late to confront the past and to do so with grace."
The majority of reporters in the Washington Bureau know that the focus by the Guild's Bargaining Committee is on the core economic issues and the deeply flawed evaluation system. Anne is correct. I have confidence in the BC.
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NYT union has insisted thru 20 mos of talks that wages & economic issues are by far our top priority. 1-day walkout by 80% of our @nyguild, incl most of DC buro, specifically over bread-and-butter economics, so this story’s emphasis is puzzling.…
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Today, I'm joining nearly 1200 of my colleagues in walking off the job. It is one of the saddest days of my years working at this wonderful place. But in 20 *months* of contract bargaining, our friends in management simply refuse to get serious about wages.
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Today we were ready to work for as long as it took to reach a fair deal, but management walked away from the table with five hours to go. It’s official: @NYTimesGuild members are walking out for 24 hours on Thursday. We know what we’re worth.
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There are other issues that the guild is fighting for that are important to me: preserving the retirement plan at current funding levels, resisting cuts to health care, overhauling an employee evaluation system that the Guild has shown has racially disparate impacts.
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By journalist standards, I am a well-paid reporter. I also appreciate that. But the lowest paid NYT employees--comment moderators, news clerksβ€”make only $55K. The Times has improved its offer, but these employees. deserve the full $65K the Guild is asking for.
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The company has begun to move in meaningful ways in recent days. I appreciate that. But the wage offer is far below inflation. The union is not asking for crazy amounts of money. The guild demand would give us a pay raise that is higher, but likely still below inflation.
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I am proud to work at The New York Times. I am participating in the one-day strike organized by The News Guild to help get a better deal for Times employees and, long term, make a stronger paper.
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ICYMI: Diana Toebbe tried to secretly send letters to her husband urging him to plead guilty. Judge said that was obstruction and added 10 years to the sentence. The result: Diana gets longer term than her husband, who stole the secrets.
The likelihood that Putin will use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine remains exceedingly low. But the prospect of even a small nuclear device going off is so terrible that officials in the U.S. and elsewhere are concerned. w/,
NEW: That top Russian military leaders were even having discussions about using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine alarmed top Biden aides because it revealed how frustrated Russian generals were about their battlefield failures w/,
New: Senior Russian leaders discussed the scenarios in which they might use a nuclear weapon. Intelligence about the conversations, along with the Kremlin’s public statements, helped lead to rising concerns in Washington.
Russia is losing but has not lost the war and Ukraine has a window of opportunity to capitalize on that weakness. Some American officials see Kherson and critical eastern supply routes being retaken soon.