• It's a perfect way to prepare for the day ahead. I love the format and all the sections. I love the tone. It feels like a very clever, caring friend is helping me navigate and process an increasingly crazy world.
    Reader in London
  • Spot on! These are the [briefings] that I read regularly. They are brief, carefully curated, always informative, and allow me to expand on anything that I need to read about in greater depth.
  • Short, sharp and quite entertaining. I am a time-poor person, who enjoys keeping up to date with world news.
    Reader in Melbourne
  • [I read the briefings] to be aware of major news where my loved ones live; to understand the world more broadly; wanting more context to understand America on the stage of the world.
    Reader in Baltimore
  • Merci … for all the information, culture, curiosity and intellectual energy you share with us throughout the year.
    Reader in London
  • The briefings provide a compelling summary of current international news. Plus, they are very well written and find a good balance between seriousness and a mild touch of irony here and there.
    Reader in Germany
