a2ru Emerging Creatives Student Conference Feedback

  • February 5, 2014
  • By a2ru     

Dylan Portelance

Enthusiastic feedback from a2ru Emerging Creatives Student Conference attendees arrives daily. This message was sent by Dylan Portelance of Tufts University (an a2ru partner). Portelance worked with the Projects for Social Justice Group at the conference. This is what he had to say:

I just wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic conference this weekend. I learned a ton and met some incredible people that I hope to stay in touch with. There were times where I felt like I found my “tribe”–people who didn’t even blink when I listed computer science, music and developmental psychology as my fields of study. Thank you for all the hard work you put in and I hope that we cross paths again soon!

Participating in creative problem making for the purpose of prototyping solutions offers more than the potential for discovery; it can be incredibly self-authenticating for team members and facilitators. The effect is exponential when students are interdisciplinary.

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