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Display Terminals at Stanford

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Display Terminals at Stanford

Published 1975

Description: Although there are many effective programs to use display terminals for special graphics applications, very few general purpose timesharing systems provide good support for using display terminals in normal text display applications. This film shows a session using the display system at the Stanford AI Lab, explaining how the display support features in the Stanford monitor enhance the user's control over his job and facilitate the writing of display-effective user programs.

Source: 1 Reel of 1: Film: 16mm

Collection: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science, films, 1968-1977

Call Number: F0110.15

Rights: Copyrighted. Rights are owned by Stanford University Libraries. All Rights Reserved. This includes all rights now in existence or which may hereafter come into existence in the Stanford University, Department of Computer Science, films, 1968-1977 Collection, including but not limited to print, audio, electronic, video, CD ROM, photographic, digital and film, and all revenues deriving from copyright exploitation. This work is protected by copyright law. No part of the materials may be derived, copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form, in whole or in part, without specific permission from the copyright holder. For permission requests, please contact the Public Services Librarian at Stanford University Libraries,

Digitized by the California Audiovisual Preservation Project (CAVPP).

Run time 00:12:22
Producer Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Audio/Visual Sound, Black and White
Language English
Contact Information Manuscripts Division and University Archives, Stanford University. Phone reference service is by appointment only. Please send an email to: to set up an appointment to speak with a staff member. Please send reference questions to:


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Pamela Vadakan
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